. “n, I,» M» . ' ’5'. 1 <‘: . '-; 7 †' ‘. , l ' . «g; ' J. ' a -. .r . . ».‘ . 4‘ l '1" I' . Ariaâ€"u). M.w...~.um2ow-rkw my at “u. a L n. ma mark». amatn~~ ' Ci merry Qhristmes And a Happy New Year To You All. Now is your opportunity to buy I l was PRESENT lam tiiBiSTMAS Or a New Year’s Gift. We have a good line of Bracelets, Necklets, Lock- ets, Chains, \Vatclles, Brooches, and plenty of other goods suitable for the holiday time. less starts Issuer ‘of Marriage Licenses. Fella-ion Fails. Protests i0 21le Cards A #5... LEGAL MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON & STIN SON. P ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ) ics. Money to loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch oilice at Fellelon Falls, at the L. H. & Power Comulissionors' oliice. Open every Tucs- day. Lindsay oiiice over Dominion Bunk. R. J MCLAUGHLIN, K. C. A. M. FULTON, B. A. JAS. A. PEEL. T. H. Srmson. r- ma. -,\‘.‘_â€"; ._. ..â€".v- - Christmas groceries lVe, have tried harder this year, we believe, than we ever did to make the biggest showing of the choicest, daintiest things for Christmas that we have ever asked you to select from. Our display was never as complete or tempt- ing. We don’t believe there is a single thing missing. We would like you to notice the prices of what we are offering, always remem- bering that they are the very highest grades of goods that it is possible to buy. " Our Boot and Shoe Department is well stocked with all the leading styles of Shoes for men, women and children for the Christmas trade. We have slippers, moccasins, hockey boots, in fact nearly anything you could ask for in the line of boots, at prices that are sure to please you. LS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1913. i ESTABLISHED 1‘817 ANiMAiS HAVE SOME van HUMAN iii/ills Men Share Many Characteristics and instincts With the Brute r Creatién ' One of the most noticeable things in studying animal life is the large portion of nature akin to human with which the brutes are endowed. The instinctive and emotional na~ tures of men and animals are identical in many respects. Sensation, percep- tion, the power of association, curl- osity, jealousy, joy, anger, love, the home instinct, fear, chivalryâ€"all these are present in the animal nature. Many of these traits, especially the homing instinct, are much keener than in man, and many of the senses, sight and smell particularly, are much more developed than in the human animal. One of the strongest of the animal instincts is that of blind anger, the venting of spite on inanimate things. For example, animals caught in traps will punish the sticks and stones that lie conveniently near. It is the same impulse that causes the child to smite the stool it has fallen over ,or that causes the grown person to kick the door against which he has rammed his head. But there are many inâ€" stances where we can learn lessons of patience and forbearance from the animal world. The wind may blow Paid up Capital :51 6,000,000.00. ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. SzLVING‘rS BANII DEPARTI‘IENT Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. 'Fenelon Falls Branc T OF PARLIAMENT Reserve Fund $16,000,000“). Mm or me nesrt, weakness and mgnr. Thp mob element is present among animals. Any danger, real or fancied,- will cause an instant stampede away from the disturbances. Emotion in one. animal of a crowd will beget it in another. The dog exhibits more human char acteristics than any other animal, presumably due to his close associap tilon with man. He shares many of the emotions of man. In fact, it seems sometimes as if dogs wer, shrewder than their masters. 1 seems as if dogs can even show con tempt, especially in their treatment oil smaller dogs. The lordly dignity with which the large canine stalks througl. a crowd of yapping, jumping uppies and his superior indifference 0 their frisking and frolicking, certainly shows a feeling pretty close to com tempt. ‘ Co-operation is almost universal in the animal world. Wolves often hunt in relays or in couples. When at, tacked cattle and horses form a circle; Beavers always work in companies when building their dams. ; . allows (3AM? won flow the Foreigners Doing Frontier ' Work Are Being Assimiiazed The Reading Camp Association does a splendid work by sending its ill- structors, who are usually ccllrge men, into the lumber wraps, con- : . , , p I ’ c, M†, “.IN Home WEEKS & HOPKINS- 23.12.2333,:tidift’éï¬i‘éniii‘lcfp‘l M W °‘ ;: ‘- ARRIS'FERS’ .SOLICITORS’ AND parently never loses its temper, but In the evening V3059 mSiWCi-Oi'g Notarlcs. Sollc1tors for the Bank of patiently builds another home spend their time teaching their com_ '1: 1.9, Montreal. Money to loan at terms to Conceit is a human trait ve'ry com_ puma“ how to read and write and e; :3.- suit the borrower. Ofliccs No. 6 William mon to animals Trained animals spell and speak the English language, r‘, Stilsogtht,‘ hindsay, Out. and at Wootl- are noticeably affected by the am. and generally giving them an educa‘ w e’ n all“? . ' tude of the audience before which they “on. They PTOVide *1 tent Where the 3" l. H. Hornms, K. 0., C. E. WEEKs, . , men may 8 end their spare time m y ._ F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B_ A are performing. They will give a . D .’ ,x - ("T “V M (\1 much better exhibition before one readlng newspapers or books, or in i. ,f MOOREngAUKSON that applauds heartily than before writing 1101110. Next day the)“ age . , . ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ one which is cold and unresponsive. (1,0an the mine (A 011th! the W00 5 ., (,4 BARRISTERS’ bomumorib’ &c' Of * r ‘ ' Bears seem espeCiallyaiflicted with 388111 BWinging DiCk 01‘ axe like an? -' 1‘: _ “cei\Vi“inm “Teellhmdsal’i this conceit and pride; and their at. other laborers. Experience has taught {I F. D. Moons. A. Jacusos tempts to “show off be'fofe'cbmpany" the instructors that it is the workman 1} , 5 . it i gemme WWO mm are often ve ridiculous- . Who .Share“; th9-.r°“gh “’11 0f camp V ,‘ & 006-3 The sociai‘yinstjnct among animals or mule“ rather , than the clerk 01‘ ARRISTERS,NOTARIES, arc. MONEY 18 gtrdhg;.jafthe,_1nst1nct to Stand to. storekeepcr who makes the best ‘ 1', ~. toloau utlowesi current rates. Terms . . .geth-er, 't'hé ideas of the cum 0,- the teacher; He is upon a. footing with ’71" f to suit borrowers. Ofï¬ce on corner of Kent A Stat ‘ h a .. To . _ ., , . union and of fellowship are universal. his pupils that only hardship shared "a, ' and York streets, Lindsay. - 1 c An animal is lonesome away from its or common danger ‘can establish. .171 . Srswur. L. V. O’Conxoa, B. A. friends; hermits are very rare in the 'tllgerefci‘: iby t1choice 1thet instrluctors «,3. l ‘ --â€"--â€" 0 animal world. ' ' all? Par 11 d9 r0113 es W01†L "It. i , - ,._-; - ' j i t m We hardly realize that the Canâ€" i LEIGH 3- KNIGHE- s . . d -. '- t- l .1 . A are: tassel than ..2 has r» I ARRIs'rER, somcrroa, noraRY 1“ 95 111119: an a 5111 111 “116 i(mils you 4 Ways young when ,n tumble, Hog, and ed, and that even the French-Canadian. , ‘ Public: _Successor to MoDmrmrdSr we†dressed. It pays to be a little forehanded in cattle are among the most dangerous navvy is scarce, but such 13 the case. V, Weeks. VlSlts made toFenelon Fallsby _ . _ of domestic animals Wï¬en aroused; The rough frontier work of Gang-{Ia ‘ ' ,gpgotfntlfienh Mgnell’dto gign 3E9 3;}? orderlng a new outï¬t of clothes, for various reasons. the surest my to amuse them 1,, to is done almost altogether by rororgn- ‘n ' 5 3 0 011g 3‘“ 5° ‘ ce en - - - sâ€"R ss' l ‘, lt..1i n , Bul~- “211:. a . Lindsay, Telephone 41. ~ ’ §.. Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit, Lnjcugï¬ 513:1; eygugid ï¬liaitgntlhgtï¬; geeks“ aégjbothern isusropoarquL who, “""“““““â€â€' “""";"'“““â€""“"†Up-to-date gdods, style and workmanship. Our around will be ï¬lled with feathered come to this counirb’ unacquï¬imédi 5 DENIAL. , ‘ . . . . ,, champions of the victim. The meter. With the lunglish language. It ls; >1, ’ . motto 1s ' Fashionable Ta110rlng at Popular Prices. nal insane, 1,, so intense that am- plain that it is of the utmost impar-i .5 . _ _ ‘ mals will oftentimes mother the young tame t0 the country that these me“ 0’ Dr s J Sims, Dir-"ST, of their enemies or their prey. Cases 311011†be taught English as speedily .. Feno on Fa 5' . have been recorded where squirrels, a5 POSSIble. and 01118 be prepared for ._: Graduate of Toronto University and ' . chickens and even mice have been assimilation into the English-speaking v _Royal College ofDeutnlSurgeons. ‘ adopted and tenderly cared for by population. Without such service as ' .ALLBRANCHES or DENTISTRY . . cats. the readng camp gives these men : performedngcording to the latestimpmved FII’IE Tailorlng Fenelon Falls Fem- m human beings is distinctly would never learn the. English lan- methodslat moderate prices. of animal origin. The fear in basalts tgllllaiiebw'l‘hï¬t’uzwlgld lilgdahtilgégtgwgogg ._ v . _- g g is almost identical with that in t s e n C 0“ - ogiFgg'Eeit over Burgoynes “016,001 ‘ WWWMWWW small child, Md sometimes the man. as they had saved enough money . The effect 13 8,150 the gameâ€"the would return to their homes to spend '~ IGAL trgmpugg 91mg, limbs, mmdflpï¬ung the. remainder of their days. I MED O '. DRS. GRAHAM ti; GRAHAM. g ' g E K '2 Dr. H. s. Graham. M. D. C. M., M. R. c. . . S. Eng. ' M. C. P. & S. Ont. ' F. T. M. S. t W h 2;." -? '~ ‘ l)r. G.’C. Graham, éraduzite Toronto S ‘_ ,- , I University ; M. C. P. & 8.. Ontario. , , . Physicians, Surgeonsnnd Accouchcurs. so heavily on some people that they 'r 1 Chloe Francis St., Fenelon Falls. Qrget the everyday ail‘airs of life. .. .. , . ’ i ow we have thin s for Oh ‘ t . - . ' ' " ~ ‘ ' l i lots of them __ gaming, Cilia“;ng 77 Years in Busmess. Capital and Surplus Over $7,600.000. .‘ [i DR" H' B' JOHNSTONE’ Canned Oranges and Lemon Peel, - « * ASSOCIATE cosoxsn cousrr or VICTORIA. Nuts Fancy Crackers and a. hundred T - . ,3me TO UK A athei- things. But, while these things I - he complete'and valuable Stir ; ‘ S ‘ 1mm are good and very good, we don’t A Vice rendered by the Bank Of Brlt‘ 7 RnDUATE or TOROhTO UNIVERâ€" want you to forget the other things. ish North America. ins secured and †arty. Physrclan, Surgeon and Ac- Good Groceries are our specialty, - i ‘ ' ' cloucliigiig omce,Coiborne street, Fen- and we devote Our best energies to - retained the accounts as well as e on . getting them for you. That's wh B M the - “m: everything you get from. here i); ~ cgnï¬dence, Of a gammy pr9por AUCTIONEER. always good and never dear. ‘ “on 0 canada' 8 promulth husmess 2% » A - t men. The same service awaits THOMAS CASHORE. D I E D 0 you, whether your account be large L 400110me - mums FALLS. o 0 O r , c I or small Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst class manner. Secure dates before. lad-l Fenelon F3113 Br 3:13.011 MW. Rei‘ve, Manager. it}. , .