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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Dec 1913, p. 4

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m~ oUR eEST wisnes are extended to all our patrons and friends for a happy and prosperous A New Year. A. a o. MGFARLAND. eunisrivms oirrs You will give Presents this Christmas, of course \Ve should be very glad of an early opportunity to show you our stock. It is well chosen, and represents fresh ideas in pleas- i-ig, serviceable and appropriate gifts that meet the requirements of everybody, B m itton Brass The lines we handle: WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ' FINE CHINA, FINE LEATHER GOODS, CUT GLAss, ART POTTERY, ETC. FOOT OF KENT ST., LINDSAY... SEE THE‘ tiEilf PALE. fillLLlNERY .AT. CAMPBELL’S Happy New Year. To Everybody. BUILDING CdllTRAC‘fS W. J. HEARD. ME We are prepared to take contracts f ‘ It- will Doors anl sash and mer cottages, etc. mates. pay you to get our esti stock. Planing and matching done to order. FEEéEttitE MLLS 'PLAiiitiG til”. .. 'E‘EIRS, PfioPRIETOP. WWW Erase for Sale or Rent. Good frame house, on Fidler’s hill, 1 e uh large 1.. n..~, :lmzc cellar, womb. lui, slubie (hut Braden. lt.,.’xi’l-l} to L. C. \TLLCJ ut Terrill; store For terms, Court Fenelon Falls No. 626 GAMBIA?! ORDER OF FORESTERS Meets last Wednesday of each month outing brethren always made \xelcome A. \‘.‘.L_‘L'ii;;ZLL, ‘ w. 1:.fcuamzlas. R. S. C. R. irTEs or houses, sum- interior finish always in Twelfth Month ~ EH IEHD IEEE Q!!! ESE! EEEE BEBE Dfi 23 2 25 26 27 @ElBElEDE] Effie Jenefon Gates Eugene. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1913. The Law's Delays. From the Toronto Globe One of the heart-breaking experi- ences in litigation is the length of time during which the litigants are kept in a state of uncertainty about the outcome. This is the case in all civilized countries, and it is due partly to the appeals allowed and partly to mere dilatory procedure. \Vith the ob- ject of abating this evil in England a Royal Commission has been for some time at work, and it has recommended some radical changes, among them the abolition of the Grand Jury, the short- ening of the “long” vacation, longer hours for the Judges, “speedy trial lists ” when there are cases in which there is no defence, and them- casional employment of “supernume- rary ” Judges who have retired from active work. The Commission gives as one cause of undue delay the growing tendency to adjourn cases for the conâ€" venience of “fashionable” lawyers, who “like to spread themselves over a trial for weeks.” One often hears in the United States regrets that so much time is wasted in the progress of cases in that country, coupled with appreciation of ,Britisbi justice. Perhaps the contrast 'has been in the main justified, but it will be more noticeable than ever if these reform recommendations are act- ed on. The tendency in those Prov- inces of Canada in which the common law is the rule of decision to follow the course of British law reform has Elong been influential in Ontario, and probably the legal lights of this Prov- ince will soon be found adapting to our conditions such of those suggested improvements as would be found work- able under our system. \lerulam Council. Yerulam. council met in the town hall, Bobcaygeon, on Monday, accord- in gto statute; the reeve, J. J, Devitt, in the chair, and all councillors pres- ent. A batch of correspondence was tabled. Messrs. Mossom Boyd and G. Cust Boyd addressed counctl with respect to the registration of plan of Esturion park lots 13 and 14, con. 9, on which were certain parts they wished to- con- vey to the township. as streets, and parts as recreation and amusement grounds. “Khan the plan was aegisv tered they would convey themback tor the township. Moved by Mitchell, sec’d by. Lewis, .that this council consent tothe-regis- tration of Esturion park, being part lots 13 and 14, con. 9, on the convey- ance,back to Verulam, by Mossom .Boyd tit 00.. of Lakeshore park, Bal- sam park, Cedar park, Oak park,,J.u- nipcr park and Pine park on said. places, to be used for public thorough- fares, highways, roads and streets for the use and pleasure of all the public and people without discrimination, and [also as play grounds, recreation and ‘lamusement grounds for the pleasure of all the people without discrimina- tion forevcr.â€",â€"Carried~. Mr. Henry Thurston, owner.» of lot 10, con. 2, addressed council respect- ing the registration of plan of Thurs- tonia, aforesaid lot, requesting council to pass a by-law consenting to the reg- istration plan, wit-h the streets on said plan having a less width than 66 feet, After some discussion Mr. Thurston said he would have the plan altered to meet wishes of council, and presented tocouncil the first meeting in 1914. Moved by Lewis, sec’d by, Green, that the matter of timber on Thurston street, on Greenhurst plan of lot 9, con, 2, be referred to the goinmission- ore for that divisionâ€"Carried. Mrs. E. B. Gai'lick addressed coun- cil relative to a grant for the new fountain erected in Bobcaygeon. There had been spent $237 already, all of which was raised by subscription, with a debt of about 5520. Mrs. Gurlick asked for a grant of about $50. No action taken. Thos. German, Thos. Fairliairn and [Noble Bock filed aflilavits for one, bun-aw win-'- three and three sheep respectively kil'- ed by dogs, and valued at $5, $26 and $25 respectively, claiming compensa- tion. Moved by Green, sec’d by Mitchell, that compensation be granted these parties as follows : Thos. German, 833; Thos. Fairbairn, $17.33 ; Noble Beck, $16.66.â€"-Carricd. Mr. German also had six sheep kill-~ ed by dogs and seventeen wounded. As the dogs had been shot and their owners found, he could not make the regular aflidavit. No action had been taken to compensate him further. Mr. Irvine Martin presented an or- der from Mr. Geo. Smith, engineer, for $200 on account of contract let to him by engineer of the Graham ditch. Moved by Mitchell, sec’d by Lewis, that Mr. Martin’s order for $200 be paidâ€"Carried. Moved by Mitchell, sec’d by Green, that the matter of the culvert between lots 20 and 21 on con, 2 be referred to the commissitner of that diiision, for repairingâ€"Carried. A byâ€"law appointing deputy returnâ€" ing officers etc., was pasSsed. The reeve reported the action of the county council committee after in- specting Proscott’s bridge. A few small rebates were made for statute labor performed, etc. Moved by Lewis, sec’d by Mitchell, that this council relieve the collector of the taxes of William H. Graham charged on the collector’s roll for his portion of engineer’s award re Gra- ham’s ditch, and that the same be en- tered for suit at the next sitting of the Division Court to be. held in Bob- caygeon.â€"Carried. Mr. Flett, collector,. presented a statement of taxes as follows : Taxes on roll - - $15,746 14 Interest on taxes not paid ' on or before Dec. 14 - 12 73 On motion of Mitchell and Lewis, John Mitchell was appointed path- master in place of A. Mitchell. On motion of Mitchell and Green, the following accounts Were passed :â€" D. Hetherington, stone on culvert $1 ; McLennan 00., iron railing, $12» 65; J. Brandon, cement, $18 38: Wesley Dunn, laboron Britton’s b’ge, $12 65; M. Harren, do. do., $3 50; J. Kelly, .gravel, $1 35; J. Flett, gravel, Tiers’ bridge, $7 75; Geo. Smith, 10 leads, $5 3 McLaughlin, legal advice, $11 35; Rent of town hall, $30; Dr. Boyd, M. H. 0., balance of salary, $25 ; A. Dunseath, select’g jurors, $4; J. Dev- itt. sessional allowance etc., $72; Wm, Hetheriugton, do. do., 3366 30 : John Mitchell, do. do., $61 46;I. Lewis, do. do., $63 62; \V. Green, do. do., $70 9-1; J. Flett, collector’s salary, less T. Junkin’s taxes, $16 63 ; Clerk, salary, selecting, inrors, postage, etc., $143 39'. On motion of Mitchell and Green, : the collector’s roll was received and bonds were released. On motion of Hetherington and Mitchell, Mr. Green was authorised to spend $15 for stone at the west end of Tiers’ bridge. Council then adjourned. 0-0 Personal. Mrs. Cameron of Bobcaygconspent Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Albert English. Miss Dorothy French 01’ St. Hilda’s College, Toronto, is home for the heli- days. Miss Gladys French returned to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, aftera three weeks visit to her-parents u at the Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Edward English are spending Xmas with Toronto relatives. Mrs. Johnstone is visiting her son, Dr. J ohnstono. Mr. John Carr of 'Pcterborough is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Keast. Among Christmas visitors. are: Mr. and Mrs. W. A Bishop. Midland; Mr. Art Nevison, Vancouver ; Mr. Harold \Vilson and Mr. E. C. Calder, To- ronto; Mr. L. Deyman. Peter-borough ; Miss Pearl Austin, Baltimore, Md. ; Mrs, A. Smith, Orangeville; Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Bobcaygeon ; Miss Bessie Nie, Orillia; Miss Alice Nie, New Lis- keard ; Mr. Thos. Bell, Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. E. G. Hand, Cobalt; ' M r. .105. Eng- lish, Hastings; Mr. L. Pearce, Camrosc; Mr. John Stewart. . ~-~~¢ LOYAL ORANGE MEETING. The regular meeting,r of L. 0. I . N . 996 was held in the lodge room on Dec. 9th. The auditors’ report was brought in and showed a good balance in hand, and all debts paid. The lodge, is in a prosper- ous condition, and their hall has latclv been artistically painted and iltted up in a very creditable manner. After the usual routine of business had been gone through, the annual electi-u of olliccrs was proceeded with and re- sultod as follows: W. .\I., b'ro. L. Doy- man ; I). M., Bro. Wm. Cassidy, rc-oloct- cd; Chaplain, Br . 'l‘hos. Johnston; io- cording Secretary, Bro. 11. Nelson. rc- elcctod; Financial Secretary, BrofiCor- bett, re-olectcd; ’l‘roasnror. Bro. II. M. Mason, ro-clectod ; Lecturer, Bro. J. ’1‘. Thompson, Jr., ro-clcctod; Director of Ceremonies, Wm. Golden, Sr. ; Sr. (loot, Geo. Jackett; Jr. Conn, Bros. John Loo, gt. Willock, E. Wilkinsoon and J. H. Fos- er. o-.__. ELECTION OF C. O. O. F. OFFICERS. The annual election of oilicors of the Trent Valley Lodge 0. O. 0. 1%. was held in the lodge room at Fenolon Falls on Monday night, Dec. 15th. The following brethren were elected: Noble Grand, Bro. F. Metcalfe; Vice Grand, Bro. A. \V'. McGee; Secretary, Bro. T. Lodge: Treasurer, Bro. L. 1)eyman;. Lccturo Master, Bro. J. '1‘. Palmer ; \Vardon, Bro. E. Sharpe; Chaplain, Bro. B. Curtis; In- side Guard, Bro. A. Simper: Outside Guard, Bro. A. W. Fountain ; Right Sup- porter N. G.. Bro. A. E. Minthorno; Loft I Supporter N. G., Bro. E. Ellis; Right Supporter V. G., Bro. S. Sharpe, Loft Supporter V. G., Bro. II. Sowcll; Con- ductor, Bro. John Copp. After the cloc- tion the brethren repaired to the auto- room, where a substantial supper was served. When they had done ample jus- ticc to this. the newly elected olliccrs gave short addresses. The meeting was brought to an end by singing the nation- al anthem, “ God Save the King.” w.-. Toronto, Dec. 20â€" Before Judge Morgan and a jury in the County Court, Harry Armstrong, 01' Haliburton, is sucing the Toronto Railway Company for $1,000 damages as the result of injuries received when he was thrown from the wagon he was driving on King street east, November 12th, 1912. The defence is that he turned onto the tracks in front of the car before. the brakes could be applied. .~*_. - .____‘. _._._ It is understood that Mr. Sydney.- Cluxton has disposed of his Sund‘y Point: ' property at a satisfactory figure to- Hon. Mr. Kemp of Toronto, a wealthy manufacturer. Kempt intends to erect a handsome and expensive stone residence, with boat house, ice house, and. all the require-- ments of a comfortable summer homo. A large wharf is to be built, and Sandy- Point promises to be. one of the show- places on. the-lakes.â€"Iudepondont. A m-“ _ EDWARDS-LUFF --â€"- At the Method“ is!) parsonage, Minden, on \Veduesdav- ‘ December 17, 1913, by the Rev. J. .112. “'hyte, Mr. Claude Edwards. of Donald, to Miss Charlotte Armiua Luif,ol Donald” daughter of Mr. Samuel Luff, Coboconk., A RKE'I‘S F‘ENELON FALLS 7M Fenelon Falls Friday, Dec. 26, 1913‘. Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 800. to 82.:. Wheat, fall, 80 t082 Wheat, spring, 75 to 80 Barley, per bushel, 50 to 60.. Oats, per bushel, 84 to 36 Peace, per bushel, 75 to 1.00- Buckwheat, 500. to 55 Potatoes, bush. Go to 65. butter, per pound, 27 to 28 Eggs, per dozen, 28 to 30* Hay, per ton, $15 to $18 Hides, if; 10. to $12 Hogs, live, $6.75 to $8 25: Beef, $ 8.00 to $9 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 15 to 23 Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 Flour, Winnipeg $2.70 to $2.90. Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 to$2.70' Flour,Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $3.60“ Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $ Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.15-to $ Shorts, do., $1.25 to $1.35 Mixed Chop, do., $1.50 to $1.00 . Corn Chop, do., $1.65 to $1.70 We, the undersigned hereby agree to; [sell a package of five standard size 5 cont boxes of Silver Tip Silent Matches for twenty cents. Quality guaranteed. A. & C. MCFARLANI) FOR SALE. One Organ, one Ciokstovc, One Single- saskatoon; Alisa Bed, Springs and Mattress, Ono Doublen Marjorie Ans-tin, sr. Hilda‘s College, 1 Mattress. Apply at the residence of; Toronto;. Misses M. and F. Bollingham. MIS- JOS- MiHOI‘C- Toronto; Mr. L. Kelly, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. 1V. Crosswcll, Orillia; Mr. Bert. and Arthur Robson, Lindsay. .Ov Asad drowning accident occurred on Dec. 18th at White's Bay in Big Mud Turtle Lake above Coboconk, when the two sons of Mr. J. B. White, fourteen and eleven years old, broke through the ice and were drowned. There was nobody with the two boys. When they were missed by their father he went to search for them, and scan found where they had gone through the ice. Ho secured help and the bodies were recovered. The family have the. sympathy of thol entire community in their and bereave- nicnt. WiiiT'ER TERM. 095% Mia. 67 P E T E R 0 RG3 BUSlNESS COLLEGE LlMlTEn' Mgiintainsa high standard and gjvos a thorough. trainin,’ in all conunercial‘ subjects. Enter any time. Better now, Home-study courses. Write for partic. ulars. E. ,E. LOGAN, Principal“ Report states that iliIr:._ (,1, Vi. A‘AAALALA‘ LA<5:;ZT.Rx£-trm$‘ 'cm‘Wd-W "~"-~”'*~'”“ ‘ “ ,r ;-,;r__ «s«vg.<~.;r '- ' I . ~.,:r.~..»,‘9»ro-,;¢'wdm we . .a .«. c; .-; ..........._-: , s 54901;? r s. -â€" «. .7.-Wn.mr;.~e T». w‘s . ~ â€"~,,~..-....w~â€" ...T.- -.. . v t. mien-0. (w... l

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