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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Jan 1914, p. 4

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vi v ' __.--q .-‘-' TYVY*‘VY V 'V' YVWVWVVVYVVV‘V‘vvw‘ww-y“ «. ‘ sTocK T‘HRIFTY .. 4...":- v as. -. nu: ._,. w. >f‘~â€"anfl ~ '.5\<_.»\ ; an..,n.-..ug;..m;.m;v.a_n~1 we 'z:'.mn.wmmmxvcu .-:a:~r.~.4w:ww.wgng..~ ,‘yvczr gpxmflyw) gum](vfic,>ncfm,aw,hfi';wrl;‘,y;,.yMP;.WJWWmXVQVWnM2:J’-.â€"¢;‘,.qlfi‘uuucliyAaoxaK-“an 4... . "saws... W. .. .10.. r... a: ..._..........._._...- ....~..-_ ....-. , .... . . . "with JANUARY 1914 Fenelon Falls Council. Curling. \_ 1 2 3 mmmnmnm unmummn Emmmmmm mmmmmmm SEEP YOUR LIVE By uSing Dr. Hess’ Stock Fo‘ods. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30. 1914.. W. Fully Guaranteed. Referendum Would Settle It “Then the naval question was first introduced in the House of Commons a motion to submit it to a~ referendum of the people was almost unanimously defeated. Both of the political parties felt sure of their ground, the Conserv- atives anticipating general approval of their policy, and the winning of future elections on their record in the mat- ter ; the Liberals hoping to successful- ly block the proposed measure and to regain power. When the bill came be- fore the Senate, that body refusedto ' pass it, stating that the people should be allmved to express an opinion upon it. Now comes no less a person- age than Mr. Z. A. Lash, K. C., advo- cating a. referendum. In a recent ad- dress before the Canadian Club of T. -. ronto, Mr. Lash declared-that the gav- ernment should, before putting any naval :polgiey‘linto effect, submit that policy to ‘a‘ vote, for the approval or disapproval of the people. A, refer- endum would unquestionably be the s. a c. MGFARLAND. YOUR EYES May be Warning you every day of their inability to work without help. Just What help. they need can ONLY be determined by scientific examination._ ' . . most satisfactory method of settling . ’ . V, I. ': the matter, besides being the easiest . " and safest way for Mr. Borden to ex- ‘ ' . . ‘ - {He , .he tricate himself from his dilemma, as h‘fielpliire a pan of perfectly fitting lenses and 1e. ve t My. Lash probably perceives. The Ob_ . . . jection raised by the Toronto News Timely attentron may avert future misery. that “so many sectional and political considerations would” incititably enter into a. naval- refe'fren'du-m that the re- sult probably would have doubtful :value ”' is entirely baseless, but would ' have a great deal of truth in it if it ’were said of a general election. The - 2results of the bye-elections in Chatea- guay, South Bruce and South Lanai-k cannot be taken as indications of the feeling of the Voters of those constitu- encies on the Borden naval policy, be- cause other influenceslikwere at work. At the next generafeléction reciproci- ty, or some form of tariff tinkering to -meet the new United States arrange- . ment, is certain to be the issue, and a voter who wants the naval policy of 'one. party and the trade policy of the other will be in a quandary when he goes to mark his ballot, and in a worse .quandary when the 'election is over. But the naval policy is not the only question that should be submitted to a referendum. Not another cent: of Emoney or acre of land should be given 3to Mackenzie'and Mann or any other corporation without first securing the consent of the people. A little village E. ' OPT [CIANS FOOT QF‘ K‘IEHI‘ 81's, LINDSAY}, .2-.. MILLINERY law without first taking a vote of the ratepayers, but a Dominion of Provin- cial government can give away milâ€" lions of dollars in money or land with- out the slghtest pretence of consulting the owners, and then complacently mote themselves a larger salary for ltheir senvicea. ’ ‘ All WM. CAMPBELL’S \. BUILDING CONTRACTS a-” ._......._. -........_../ ..- Public’Lihrary Meeting. The annual meeting. of the Public Library was held on' Monday evening, 2Viceâ€"Pres” in the chair. The minutes of the last annual re- port were read and: adopted. The treasurer-’3 report showed the library’s affairs to be somewhat better financially than they were the previ- ous year, which was principally owing We are preparedfiol take contracts for houses, sum. mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our. esti“ mates. Doors and sash and interior- finishalyvays in, stock. Planing and matching done to order}. ' ‘ in aid of the institutioru The score tary’s report showanl' :1 gy-:d$ying in crease in membership, with, active cir culation of books. A The following oliipers~ were elected :' .President, Mr Robertson; Vice fPresident, Mr. E: \V.'Wiu-i'en ; Treasâ€" FENELBN’ FALLS PLANIANG: MILL fl. TEIHS, PBOPBIET’OH: Mrs. ’M. E; Calder. In the Director ate a change. was made, the suggestion of the Secretary that ladies beelected to office being-warmly "welcomed. The Board of Directors elected, was as fol- lows: Mrs. R. E. \Vagarflmiss Kate Dickson, Miss M. Ellis, Rev. C. S. €Lord, Dr. Gould and Messrs. John T. Palmer, J. R. Hand, Thos. Cashore and HR Townley. Court Fenelon Falls No. 626- Cllll'kD-l-fi'l 0.89.58. QE EGBESTEBS Meets last Wednesday of- each month Visitingbrethren alwfiys made welcome :1.W.QUIBELL,. mechanic ins, House for Sale or Rent. Good frame house, on Fidler’s hill, even large rooms, stone cellar, wood- lied. stable and garden. For terms, to” apply to I}. C‘._WELOE at Terrills' store C. RI_ 1;,_s-,_ Jfie Glendon Gates Eugene. ’ i C be a committee to inteiwiew Mr. Two- ,council cannot pass a little money by- ' Jan’y 26th, with Mr. F. W. Warren, . to a. smaller outlay fer books, and tho .receipts from an entertainment given 1 ‘urer, Mr. G; F. Vicars ; Sec-Librarian, . ‘ views. filtering will be taken in the interest of Council met on January 12th pur- suant to statute. The following gen- tlemen subscribed to the necessary de- claration of ofiice and took their seats : Alfred Tiers, Reeve; Thos. John- ston, Thos. Poulsom, F. C. Taylor, J. T. Thompson, J r., Councillors. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. the different committees: Mr.-John- ston, Street and Bridge; Mr. Thomp- son, Finance; Mr. Taylor, Charity; Mr. Poulsom, Property. Moved by MryTaylor, seconded by Mr. Foulsom: That the reeve and councdlors Johnston and Thompson mey re hall. Carried. Thompsonâ€"Taylor; That the fol- lnving accounts he paid: Gazette, for printing, $22.35 ; Bell Telephone 00., 55c. ; Thos. West, acc’t, $4.50 ; Elec- tion expenses, $22; Charles Keast, cleaning chimney, $1.25; Felix Norâ€" they, attendance on E. Kelly, $2 ; Pe- terboro’ Times Printing Co., $1.70; E. Fitzgerald, postage 'etc., $1.57 ; Municipal World, $32.36; Thos.-Rob? son, wire screen, 80c. ; J. Jones, sala- r y, 3547 3 E. Fitzgerald, salary account, $8; Thos. Scott, snow-ploughing- and work on streets, $3.60. Carried. _ J ohnstonâ€"Ponlsom : That this coun- cil co-operate with the Board of Trade in regard to a new post-office building in this village. Carried. Johnston=Thompson : That this council purchase a heater for the pump house. Carried. _ By-laws to‘ appoint to regulate the election of a school trustee, and to'appoint a member of the board of health, were read three times and passed. Mr. Twomey’s ofier of his hall for $25 per year was accepted. Applications for the position of as- sessor will be received up’to noon on Monday, February 9th. The clerk was instructed to pur- chase a letter book for the use of the council. . A grant of $35.00- was made to the Sick Children 3 Hospital, Toronto. Council then adjourned. Fenelon Falls Schools, the Best. . __.._. Mr. Hogg,‘ Inspector of Continuation Schools, was at the Falls on Monday and a Tuesday of this week, and. reports that of all the. schools inspected by him he has found none better than. those of -. Fenelon Falls, and, onlylone or two as ' good. Elficient work is being done all through the curriculum, the buildings are in good repair, and sanitary and other conditions are well looked after. 0-0 New Member of School Board. At the nominations for school trustee held on the let ' inst. Mr. Wm. Webster was. elected by acclamation to the .1 vacant position. will therefore be . Messrs. M. H, McCal lum, Dr. Johnstone, Dr. Mason, M. W. Brandon and Wm. Webster. _._.‘. A. J. Varcoe is Wagdc‘n. Mr. A. J. Varcoe, Reeve of Mariposa, was elected Warden of the County Coun- cil at Tuesday’s meeting at Lindsay. a- Personal. Miss Kate Abbott returned on Tues- .day from a visit to Peterborough rela- Ftives, accompanied. by herrnephew, Mr. _ Albert Oliver. Mayor Baal. of Lindsay was at the Falls on Monday on business. 3.5,... e. '2. U. lVIEETmG., The regular meeting of the W. C. T.U. will be“ held on Monday evening, Feb. :2nd, at the home of Miss. Jordan, Oak “Street. A large attendance is requested. 9.. PUBLIC LIBRARY SALE. The annual sale of magazines and 1 papers will be held in the reading room ,on Monday evening, Feb. 2nd. sale is open, to all, and afiords a. good {opportunity to secure the best litera- gture at a low price. Mr. Onshore will This he the auctioneer._ ST. ANDREW’S, CHURCH. On Sunday evening a. discourse oi very ,Special interest on Western lite and :conditions will. be. delivered by a. dele-z ‘, gate from Knox‘College. The discourse will be splendidly illustrth d by electric All are cordially invited. An home mission work. The pastor will preach inthe morning.“ usual. The following i gentlemen were appointed chairmen of l auditors, I ’ The Board for 191/: = ..., .....-... "l. W .. . . ...,.... M. The first round of the Bobcaygdon- Stanton games was played on Iggfiday last, two rinks from here goingfifiob- caygeon and two from Bobcaygéo’n com- ' ing totha Falls; Skip W. Davis and M. W. Rieve tied at Bobcaygeon, while T. Cashor’e defeated E. J. Broad 15 to 11, making the Falls four 111) at Bobcaygeon. At the rink hero Moore of Bobcaygeon defeated Stanton by seven shots, and Hetherington of Bobcaygeon had fifteen of a. margin over his opponent, Graham. This leaves the Falls eighteen down, and the prospects of winning the trophy are not quite as rosy as they were a. couple of weeks ago. â€"--._ lury Brings Verdict of Negligence in Coboconk Case. The inquest into the death of they Weatherby ch ldren was held at Cobo- conk on Mondav before Coroner John- stone of Fenelon Falls. The jury, after hearing the evidence, brought in the verdict that “the elder girl, Caroline, came to her death by sulfocation and burning, through the gross negligence of the two adults in the house.”- Mrs. Weatherby and Mr. Allan F011an tain told practically the same story. Fountuin occupied one of the two up- stairs roOms in- the front of the house and the children slept in the other, while Mrs. Weatherby’s room was in the rear of the house, Fountain stated that in his eneiteme'nt he crawled across the beds of the sleeping children to get out of the window of their room. Mrs. \Veatherby said she was awakened by the fire and was very much frightened, and escaped the best way she could, The evidence was forwarded to County Crown Attorney Devlin, Lindsay. o4â€" Grahamâ€"â€"Rulher§crd On Wednesday evening, Jan. 21st, the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Graham, Baddow, was the scene of a. quiet and very pretty wedding when their eldest, daughter, Mary Adelaide, was united in, marriage to Mr. George Andrew Ruthera 'ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ruther- ford, of Fenelon, by the Rev. A. Cooke, paefor of the Baptist Church, Fenelon «a s. - dress of creamserge with trimmings of' ‘satin and shadow lace, as she entered; the parlor leaning on "the arm of her. father, to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march, played‘by Miss Bertha Rutherford, sister of the groom. Miss. Laura Rutherford, sister of the groom, was bridesm_aid,and was attired in cream, voile, while Mr. John Graham, brother. of the bride,‘,-supported the groom, ._ After'the ceremony. which \vas per- evergreens and roses, the guests all: repaired to the dining room,.an,d sat, down to a sumptuous dejeuner. elling suit of: navy blue serge and, large black picture hat trimmed with, plumes, the happy young couple de- parted for their future home, amid showers of confetti and rice, carrying; with them the good wishes of the en; tire community. 0?. Hockey. Lindsay 4, Fenelon Falls 3, was the result of a hard-fought game of hockey; at the rink here on Saturdaynight he's, tween a Lindsay team and a local seven. :The game was a see-saw all the way, :with the locals having a little the best of it at the finish. Moffat got a bad: jab with a stick and was unconscious, for a minute ontwo, but soon recovered; and resumed play. The line-up : Lindsayâ€" Goal Connors, point O’Leary, cover McPhee, rover Callaghan, centre, Elliott, left wing Scott, right wing In-. gram. . , = ' . 4 ' Falls -â€"Goal Northey, point Fountain, cover Moffat, rover Wilkinson, centre. Pearce. wings J -. Oulette and J. Northey._. - . .. ,._.... ..-.....‘ ~ Peculiar Way to Cool Water In central Nicaragua the native wo-. men cool water in. one of: the most: peculiar ways imaginable. They take. an; earthen jar, fill it perhaps three- quarters full-of~ water and when any- body wishes a. cool drink they grasp, the jar by two leather handles and, swing it through the air an 11'“. were. sin enormous dumbbell. Then oen-. mam: tom 0! action prevents on! we.th from flying out 8114 yet it in all-tho time rapidly within the. 19:. In' a few momenm the wide is loompamtiVely cool and is hitched by; the thirsty passerby._ ,. . 1305?;- dnq Hone Bad Ngighhoy-z V No to‘wl is sale that uu'wim ham“. 130 one can tell what moment a. 2101'. ’my dance to have chicken {or .1' 139mm. The more choice a.‘ tow! the, m6 rick. W. BORN. ' SMITH. -â€" At Fairbairn, on Monday“ Jan. 26th, 1913, the wife of Mr. Welling; torifimitbla son... ‘ . “s- ‘ The bride looked very charming in a, . formed in the parlor under an arch of: A After the bride had donned her travâ€" I wanna“«mama-mum-m.:.::m.- w r . . l i z i 3 . . S 2 i l l l i l 4 32er . I ' < ‘4 . mm , 'umszxi .131)“va 4 ) ,3. ,. .â€"â€"â€"â€"v"

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