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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 27 Feb 1914, p. 1

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BANK OF MENTB EA L, HEAD OFFICE ‘ - MONTREAL. ESTABLISHED. 1817 INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Paid up Capital $16,QO0,000.00. Reserve Fund $16,000,000.00. ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. ? SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits taken of $1 and, upwards, which can be “ withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Fall: Branch , {roman Buy your, ’ High Grades I ; Watches, _ - , Clocks and - f I ' , " r i z "- â€"â€"â€"â€" ------ â€"â€"- _. i .' - 4 Jewelry » At Fa” Pr 1063 AlfoA PROVERBS - CANADflMmm Blr WIllllam Otter Points Out its We’aka- ‘ From I ~ ' , ' By Charles M. Carroll "m and 8mm“ a Rémedy ' ' Alfalfa enriches the ground. Alfalfa is a drouth resister. Alfalfa is the best soil doctdr. ‘Sir William Otter in the course at an address on the "Efllciency of the Canadian Militia," said in part: “The Alfalfa increases the milk flow. situation is briefly.thisâ€"Canada, rich: is high in feeding value. ' 'r . . ~ . . Is the best business proposition that a Alfalfa and pmsperousI m I IIIIIIIIIII IIIII ‘ ' ' Alfalfa balances the corn ration. tending fr'om the Atlantic to Ime ' , k W Grow ’9‘" proteinflon't buy it Pacific, and from the 49th parallel to merchant could possrbly ma he you. e Amara sod grows larger com crops. we Nam Pole, vulnerable on 3,... Alfalfa is the greatest of all sub- . - . sides requires by expert computation. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. BouemI ’ . » make it. , Superior Groceries. Superior ' Alfalfa keeps stock in good con- ‘ mm“ mm mm“ °m°e“-“‘° am men, with their attendant reserve... on. arms, equipment and transport to in-- Alfalfa should be grown on every ' . I . ' , I sure her safety from aggression under Footwear. Your money Wt" buy all the farm' ‘ - _ probable circumstances, whiLe against! _ ' . . t . _ , " An alfalfa field is a 1103's idea or these obligations. for her safety her value it can buy if you spend 1t here. . heaven ‘ only presentas‘setis gamma force Fox tail is the greatest enemy of of undel; 50x50 .I I“ Fenelon Falls. 2â€"... . P n-otessio :r-tl 04 ml ‘3 "51-;- . . LEGAL _ _ alfalfa ’ d b 1 "r-{I'pracdca'uy ,umrameu'.‘ I ._.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" I ° . an arey equyppped; \I MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON <5; I v Growing alfalfa is good business "The mmtmg fol-(Fe itself has gem .~ STINSON. , , ' farming- - lngly' but littlcconcept’ion‘, of its weak- ARRISTERS SOLICITORS, NOT AR- _ ' I ' ' Alfalfa means more money and bet‘ ness, 'or.:is‘1ulled inteifagblind belief l ies. Money to loan. Special atten- . ' ter homes. in Its emcle'ncy by thé- 0: “III :‘:t§.‘.s:.t°..~iisrras.Basins I 7 Ram: what feed and seed what .. . ‘ " ' ' you re, se. ‘ Commissioners'oifice. Open every Tues- Chumh Parade? Yet a greater'evn 8!" ' day. Lindsay oifice over Dominion Bunk. Alfalfa does things and never 10313 pears in, that the public. busily- en- . R.J.MOLAUGHLIN,K.C. A.M.FULT0N, B. A. ’ ‘ I011 the 1011- gaged in privateuaffairs, remains to-’ I - ‘ JAIS. A.Pssh. T. H. Srmsos. . . O y I , Alfalfa with a fail-chance always tally 'uncongequ’g Iand. obnvmfi5:,tQ I 1:12" _. ‘ -1 'makes good. « ‘ the «adj-153323; 7 z 1- ' 4 , '5 I ‘ EEKS dz HOPKINS. _ . 8' , Its.9 erpr_§,g.II. E’R‘SV SOLIC-ITéORS AND I I Algilfa £1115 the 113? mow and Days is creating“. ln offering a'remedy for Notaries. Sblicitors for the’Bank of _ ‘ for t 6 Dr V lege' ' the ’conditions WhICh be outlined: “18 Montreal. Money to loan at terms to veteran expressed the belief that “the Quit the borrower. Ollices No.6Wil,liam “ . . v arm“ 'mm'g'an’“ most economical and effective mode EpiIzogifikaggidsny, Ont. and at \lood- L I Mr. W. Smithers, chairman of of meeting deficiencies 'of personnel) .HOPKINAI KI OI, CI EI WEEKSI I \ the board or (111'991501‘5 0‘ the Grand training and discipline is by the, RI HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A . .- Trunk Railway, Stated in a recent 13' adoption of the Australian system, moons &JAUKSON . I. ‘ . TEE“ofiaieiihgtffanew“? ihat 18’ compmsory military training STERS SOLlUl’l‘ORS Oi‘ ’ I ' f tth ini (1 th 1:8 8' Ea: 111 schools and universities; because AfiEEIWIIIIam, SIIIeeIILIIIdSIIny - - 0 3 0m 01.1 an 9. mpire 3- from these sources We can secure both , . large. When they come to YOU: he officers and men pcssessed'of a fair WW Wmmm ng “said, they are ready‘made Citizen-S? knowledge 'or the rudiments of drill They hfive been brought up to 0011' . and discipline, thus forming a solid serVe the laws under which you live.‘ F. D. Moon. .I A. JACKSON STEWART & O’CONNOR, r ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, &o. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Oflicc on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay; ‘ . Srnwam. L. V. O’Cosson, B. A I, ‘ foundation 'upon which ‘to prosecute St.t . T. I They have sentiments identical with further advancement" , A 1 m Your OWII- T1197 are merely enlargf) The speaker also urged the imporâ€" I I 138- theh‘ horizon 9' bit- That 13 “Li tance of keeping rolls .of ‘the male And under the Old flag they are ready i population liable for military service at any moment to render necessary. - . . ' . . I I I to provide, a. reserve, and the need. Saves nine, and a suit 1n time keeps you always service to the Empire in the moment 210,. more extensiveand suitable many well dressed. It pays to be a httle forehanded in ~01 need' M°re°ver’ they Wm leave“: I I mmumty the th I t ing areas. In regard to the latter he . - , 11 any 0° I 0 er-e emen 5' I suggested that the several Provlnc ordermg a new outfit of clothes, for varlous reasons. and produce in time a wholesome 9“ I I . I might be asked to assist in providing Call In and let us take 3 our measure for anew suit. citizenship. Therefore, concluded Mr. training areas. «The prominent weak- LEIGH R. KNIGHT. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public. Successor-to McDiarmid & Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real Estate bought and sold. Oilice Kent St, Lindsay Telephone 41. I I I L” m . Up-toâ€"date goods, style and workmanship. Our ngfeihoengftfifghtge 113235: Em“ nesses in the discipline of the can- ‘ . . ‘ . . . ga, , eee ng-"- .,, I DENlAL' motto 18 "Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.” land, is not lost to the Emma “hm mmha' said General Otter: I “are not apparent on the‘outside, nor Dr. s- J. SIMS, DENTIST, . I I I To remove grease spots from 3 km do they coIns1st in the commission of Fenelon Falls. Chen floor wrinkle soda on the Spot IseII‘IlouI; crimes or exhibitions of .in. Graduate of Toronto University and - then put on boiling water and scrub Bu or “at I011, hilt rather in the eva~ slon of duties and responsibilities, the 30!“ Gonege 0f Dental Surgeons- well with a scrubbing brush. . ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY Fine Tailoring ' Fenelon Falls - performance of which cannot be I avoided without disjointing the whole performed according to the latestimproved structure of military efficiency. The ‘methods at moderate prices. g ' II .. .- . _. - he roosts in the poultry- - ' v - WWW wwmmg Have . , 0FFICE.â€"â€"Over Bulge.) uc’s store, 001 «6 house removable and “my kerosene prmcipal cause of this deflCIency can on the under and upper sides once -a' be traced to ignorance of the danger orne street W [and the laxness of youthful training.” MEDICAL. _ ' ‘ - Week. I d “’"i M 1836 T5 BANK F‘ 1914 E", _ WMWM You Good Man’s , Breakfast As well as your own, should include E Dns. GRAHAM a GRAHAM. Dr. H. H. Graham. M. D. C. M., M.R. C. 8., Eng. ; M. C. P. & 8., Out; F. T. M. S. Dr. G. C. Graham, Graduate Toronto University ; M. C. P. & 8., Ontario. Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucheurs. Oilioe Francis St., Fenelon Falls. -t' 1}. ‘i 78 Years in Business. Capital and Surplus $7,786,666. Bank by Mail and Save aTrip to Town . DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, ASSOCIATE CORONER COUNTY OF VICTORIA. successor. 'ro DR. A. WILSON, RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- oodoheur. Oilice, Colborne street, Fen- elon Fails. I , , . I AUCTIONEER. ~ 11 good cereal? We have breakfast foods in a most infinite variety. No matter what particular prnin or com- ' bination you prefer we have it here. You can have the cooked, the half . cooked or the uncooked; the predi- ‘ gested, the hall digested, or just the plain cereal. It is for you to select, us to supply. i I I For the benefit of those who live out of" town, 1 ' we have arranged a plan by which you can do your I! ' bankino by mail quite as satisfactorily us if: you stood 'D. L. .here :itDour counters. Come in and let us eXplain the planâ€"or write for the Iinibrmation. mwmmmmg ' Fenelon Bra..th M.W. Reive, Manager. . THOMAS OASHORE. nuoirroxsna - mums FALLS. v . Sales of all kinds conducted in a first class gmanner. Secure dates before ad- vertising. .

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