m Pâ€" Just 0110 llore , Wonlllll Rises .__- TO TELL HER SISTERS TIIEY CAN FIND RELIEF IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. _â€" I'Mrs. John Cabot, After Six Years’ Suffering, Tried Dodd’s Kidney Pills and Found New Life and Energy. V White Head Perce, Que., Feb. 23. _-â€"(Special).â€"One more woman has risen to tell her suffering sisters they can ï¬nd relief in Dodd’s Kidâ€" ney Pills. That woman is Mrs. John Cabot, well known and highly respected here, and she, expresses ,, her enthusiasm in these words: “I " certainly recommend Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills. There is nothing bet- ter.†Asked to give -her experience, Mrs. Cabot continued: “My trou- ble started in a cold, and I suffered lut as well as yoursâ€"wellâ€"I won’t gronnse not to prance l†'X‘.__.â€"â€"-â€". Sure to Return. One morning a merchant whose goods did not very strongly sub- stantiate his advertising claims put out a new sign. He was pleased to co that a great many people stop- pw to read it. But directly he was puzzled and'angered to notice that they all went on, laughing. There was nothing funny abOut the sign- It merely read: “If You Buy Here Once You Will Come Again.†The merchant went outside in .a casual sort of way, and glanced at his sign to "see what was the matter. Some one, no doubt a former cus- tomer, had added another line; it now read : .. “If You Buy Here Once ~You Will Come Again . ,, .- To Bring It Back†May Become lart. .1. Bear this in mind, ye courting lads, What the Leaders Were Called. When ’00 the ladies“er ye 13-1}; They were discussing the North The 8:11.} you can 3’ Candy k“ _ American Indian the other day in may later prove a’ lemon dw†a. rural school, when the teacher Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have noequol. ..._. for six years. Rheumatism neur- algia, stiffness of the joints, ,cralmps OGkEd if anyone 00‘11d ten him What . 1" cu? “‘ c°m m 0’" mayâ€, Nu m the muscles and heart flutterâ€" occasional use of Cuti_ the leaders were called. ggtfetsPAifï¬Ã©YS’is Eilfll‘domï¬gy 111 it “C-hief,â€-answered a‘bright little falls to cure. E. \V. GROVE’S signa- ture is on each box. 25c. “logs were among my symptoms, and ï¬nally Bright’s Disease developed. It. was then I started to-‘use Dodd’s K1dney Pills, and they helped me almost from the start. After takâ€" l-ng four boxes, I feel like a. new wo- man.†" Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure the kid- neys. Healthy kidneys strain all the impurities and poisonsâ€"all the seeds of diseaseâ€"out of the blood. Dodd’s Kidney Pills 'not only cure the disease but by ensuring good blood-give new life and energy to gory part of the body. *â€" BRITAIN’S NEW BATTLE SHIPS. 'Will Burn Coal and Carry Oil As cura Ointment. No other emollients do so much to prevent pore-clogging, pim- ples, blackheads, red, rough hands, dandruff, itching scalps and falling hair. Cutlcurli Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. Allbersl sample of each, with 32-an0 Skin Book, sent poet-free. Address Potter Drums: Chem. Corp.. Dept. 4K. Boston. U. S. A. W girl at the head of the class. “Correct,†answered the teacher. “Now, can any of you tell me what ADPI'CCia'ted- the women were called?†Lady: “This is the third time _;. There was silence for a minute or I’ve given you something to eat." , two, then a Small boy’s hand was 5 Tramp: “Ye-s, mafaln, thank you, seen waving aloft, eager to reply; and if you are'ever looking ‘for’n; ‘ “Well, 4 Tommy '2†asked the place as cook I' shalltbe pleased‘td teach-er.' ' . give you a recommendation.†i “Mischief,†he proudly an- nounced. Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Diphtheria. W I'ARMI FOR BALI. __â€"‘-â€"â€"'â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"'_‘â€"-‘_â€"â€"â€"‘ - H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Golhorno Strut. Toronto. ________________._.â€"..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" IF YOU. WANT To BUY OB. BELL A Fruit. Stock. Grain, or Dairy Farm. write H. W. Dawson. Brampton. or Colborne St. Toronto. H. w. DAWSON, Colborno St" Toronto . e An Old Offender Caught For years he has caused endless trouble, but when Putnam's Corn Extractor was applied, he came out roots and all. Any corn or wart cured in twenty-four hours by "Putnam's Extractor," 25c. at all - you can’t, you’ll ï¬nd there’s lots of ' - A ,- fun in madeâ€"overs; and there -s no Des‘gned by Hellman Paus' ' fun in Price & Cutting, whatever Model of grey oblffon 0V6? same else there is. Besides, nothing colored satin melre ribbon, used that’s all professional can be your for belt and trimming on tunic. own particular triumph. Let me ‘ Auxiliar Fuel. I dealers. ' ' l y - "' 'x‘fl help You With the ‘brown (111%)“ ' 5‘ NASKA’I‘GEEWAN IMPROVED FARM. With the recent laying down of - n - Lt, was a beauty, and it can’t be bad- Why NO†x Mil-st sen, Small. payment. Good. “the battleships Royal Sovereign QUiCk‘ly sure 7 1y wo-rn,â€"â€"a-nd by the time we’ve re- zoology Teacher: “Edgar, What »g:?eghmm;igl{inégioglbalï¬zrkggug§;e61:13:32: is the highest form of animal life 7â€; ‘Soh'ool on farm. Write owner, 625 Wilton modelled the front, and changed 80 UV the collar, and added a touch of col- or, you’ll understand what I mean. “It will be virtually new, and you’ll have done it yourself! Price and Royal Oak at Portsmouth and Devonport, a new departure was made by the British Admiralty. These two ships, with three others to. be land down at private yards this year, W111 ‘be conSidembly “When I was working around the &.Cu~ttiug may make you superior, smaller and slower than their 1m- farm last winter, I had an attack of in- but did they ever make you want to mediate predecessors, and they will flammation.†writes Mr. ESP. Dav/kins, Sing and whoop, and skip, and also be coal burners, carrying 0.11 013 Port Richmond. “1 was weak for a danger, Nor; I [thollght not. "But a on] 8,5 mixfliar uel. ‘ long time, but well enough to work . . . ...., . 1 ‘ I t y b ttl h. .Y f Tia-15 ‘means until spring. But something went thing like this of mine, evolved out .a’ny 3’ es lps now “n 8’ Gon‘ wrong with my bowels for I had to use Of turned breadths’ and forgotten ‘Stl'lmtl'on and Opel‘al‘lliona bl“? it is salts or physio all the time. My pieces, and old furrwith the moth- behaved um}? Phe‘ Adm11‘-§'}'by 1D mak- stomach kept sour, and always after eaten parts out outâ€"you’ve still to mg the decismn was gu1ded more eating there was pain and fuln‘ess, and learn What that means, and it’s -bythe'op1nlon that battle-ships have all thesymptpms of intestinal indi- worth While, ' , grown beyond the most practicable {51:303- goggï¬gnkegfld mIe' Em? g “Bring on your 'brown dud,’ and Size $118le they were by economYâ€" r' a O s 8' ns ea 0 behold how it becomes transformed . . . hurtin , like other ills, the acted . . . It is believed that the new shlps very ngmdly, and segue, to If... the presently into ‘a charming and orig- W111 have 3’ (11313131091116an 0f about bowels. I did not require large doses inal confection in the latest mode, 26,000 tons, thus being smaller than to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, done in shades of bronze and. cop- ‘any battleshlps under under con- and feel SO glad that I have found a per.’ I prophesy that when you Ebr'UCtiOD, except $11036 in France, mud yet certain remedy' To'day I am wear it for the first time, I’ll have which are about the same size. It Wenâ€"no Rah†no sour stomach! a '. would seem fit-haIt France and Em“ good appetite, able to digest anything. to hang on 011’: arm al’d .Kl’l’t’y an ‘ a This is a whole lot of good for one the Other *0 09p you Wlh 11“ t 3 land had an understandingdn the medicine to do, and 1 can say Dr, bounds of decorum. Your feet will matter, as all other countries are Hamilton’s Pills are the best pills, and just ache to prance and tiptoe all building ships of 30,000 tons .and my letter, I am sure, proves it. the way 1†V ' ' upwards. - Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- “You’re an utterly ridiculous . l . - ‘ ' ’ P'll r M d l .- . . Th3 nefaw 613118.11 vessels Will have'a égi‘dsm’yglï¬m biggie: EggndAï¬ugg‘z‘lgg' glrl l†declared Delphine. tossmg “pee 0 21 not’s’ and they W111 or The Catarrhozone 00., Kingston: one Style hock across to Betty’ and mount eight, if not ten, 15-inch Ont. eagerly opening another. “But if Avenue, Toronto. Canada. _____.___._._â€"â€"â€" WANTED. GENTS WE WANT «YOU. WRTIITE -Dominion,,Shade. Adjuster 00., Wind- sor. Ontario. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE." G 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWNJN York County. Stationery and Book Business, in .'connecti0n. Price only $4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company, 73 ‘Vest Adelaide Street, Toronto†' V “3 x _' Edgar : ‘ ‘The giraffe.†.1 Piles Cured 1n 8 to 14 Days_ Druggists refund money it PAZO. OINTMENT fails to cure Itching,_Bllnd, or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 60c. Relieves Fullness After Meals. .__...â€"_â€"u. I Aniold bachelor may not believe that life is full of contradictions, but a married man always does. Mlnlard's Llnlment Cures Distemper. The Frost. . Flora: “I gave Jack therthl‘irty- second degree last night.’ ’ . Dora: “Are you a. mason 2†Flora: “No; but that’s the freez: ing point, isn’t it?†;:"NURSEHY STOCK. ~ / : wrniw‘snnmns. nasrnnnkms. FIFTY . Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell & Son. Grovescnd. Ontario. .- Ml'scsLL/l'maous. ARE YOUR WILL WITHOUT LAW- yer's “fees. Your family insured against expensive lawsuits. Code Will Form postpaid 25c. Grifï¬ths, Browne Bldg., - Montreal. . ____________.___..____â€"â€"-â€" ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPH. ETO... internal and external. cured with. out. paln'by our home treatment. Wriu n before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Colllngwond. 0m..- - PARTNERS WAilTEï¬ We are opening branch ofï¬ces through- out Canada and the States and want man- agere to handle our branches, who can invest $1.000 to $5,000. Salary $160 and up- wards monthly, and your share of the Try Murine Eye Remedy I! you have Rod, Weak, Watery E'yal or Granulated E elids. Doesn’t Smart â€"-Soothes E o sin. Druggists Sell Murine Eye emedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Kyotonlo and tar All (you me Nood Caro “urine Eve Remedy Om. Chicano “Well,†said Mary, who prided gli'ï¬s' 'Iih: secopdiry armmï¬imé’ , -â€"--â€"â€"‘I‘----â€" you can help me make my suit) “Wm herself on her singing and range of 3 0 ï¬t _ b . p Shogonms of 6â€"1nc guns be in A HOMEMADE TRIUMPIL voice, «do you think my voiï¬m Wm proï¬'t’s‘hdll‘lesg’erpggiltbélï¬lgé 33:; 0,313. zg'ankbfl. . ' ________.1. â€"â€" ï¬ll that large room to-mght 2†Station "B," Montreal. “No,†said her cruel brother. “On , _ . _ " v canadlan Hair-Restorer Makes One Want to Sing, and Whoop, and Ship and Dance. “Well ‘2†challenged Bettina, pir- ouettlng breezin before Delphine, who pushed back a pile of fashion . g ‘ magazines with a discouraged sigh. “Pronounce judgment, Del.†“I haven’t seen a prettier suit this season, you lucky girl,†declar- ed Delphine. “I envy you. I sup- the wife said, “Bring home a package of ' - ' the ' contrary.’ ’ Mlnard's Llnlmem Cures Colds. Etc. Could Not Be. Be: “I thought- of giving you a p . ring with Opals and diamonds. But ' V ""“r' perhaps you vco-nsiderw-opals un- Befm‘e “"5 After Usmg- Rcstores Grey Hair to original color. Two might 7, luCky? use from same bottle. hair of one becomes black; She: “N013 With diamonds.†the other blond or other color as they were in youth. Stops Falling Hair. Dandruff. Itching. "'""â€"â€"" "' ' "' "' â€"" Cures all Scalp Diseases, Produces New Growth. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Price 75 cents or two for One Dollar (postage paid.) _ - Not sold in stores, address Canadian Hair Restorer (20., wmoson, om, .. Fairville, Sept. 30, 1902. _________..__._â€"â€"-â€"--â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-‘ -_._. Minard’s Linimcllt ‘00.. Limited. 'flmm Man is the‘architect of his own misfortune. l: pose I’ve got to wear that old brown , dud of mine another yearâ€"things cost so much, and I promised father I’d economize. But I hate to begin PO wearing made-overs. Even when they look well enough, they don’t feel like new thingsâ€"they can’t D . S, __w M h to inform you . yield the same serene satisfaction thatemwefsllonsitéel’ Syour MINARD’S Let “5 help you 1° get mora . . ' , LINIMEIVT a very superior article, and mongv _ . .,___‘___‘ you have 1“ brand‘new Clo'thego I m ' E r‘ need mother 8a we use it as a sure relief for sore throat . ..~J.‘ always conscious of a distinct spirit- xpe 1e 8 y land ciltlï¬st.t Elï¬n; telliyou I would dncit out of v I " . . c o r v .. . .._Sure 1†Mil bracingâ€"up when P-rlce & C‘ut- Zam-Buk 18 best for cllll- 1.5.2 bo‘i‘im, IYtneailei ft. :6 “as one 0 £0“; . ting’s label is inside my collar and v - - - - W†I“. Y- ' “3 T 5 1e re wonderful] ., . ‘ drens in lines and skin cells. E. TILTON. 03‘ t S a y the-11 latest model IS on my back. 1 The quest,†,8: Are you making g00d at any meal: and Don’t you feel that way. Betty 2†troubles, because: ' ood enough syrup? Are you mak- ng all you can? Are you losing any somehow seem to match “I mimht. if 1 con“ ever agff rd , , the appetite of both home Price (boCuittingX’ adinitted Hefty, ' .It ’Slheri’a’. Ono Pmsonous ' E’é’il'miigigii-iin ryeé’lirnéf'ég7carï¬iiicilrléi . W ' ' ‘ ' folks and guests. ’ With a laugh. “But I don’t scorn mmera CO on“ ' 3V3§hï¬Ã©gs°£gï¬Â§ baggy$65,235:“: madeâ€"overs, I assure you. This is It is antiseptiCâ€"-â€"prevents ’ Precaution- ‘ let. k’d n d th. A . concoc‘ed out of a long wrap of wrong way. head. ’ 58 in ngton " on "a ' que' COD 9 9 r0 8 ~. m an Aunt Euphemia’s and the remains It is soothin _ends ain “Then be careful 100Ԡyou ï¬re toasted to a ilch golden 10f Nellyls three_years_ago plaid ' M g P him.» _..... b 1' 0 W n "â€" that 5 . POSt suit, and mother’s old mink set; and qu’c 3" . ~ ' F0? ii" (POPS Mlnard's Linlmont Cures Garget In Com. On ï¬ll Soils Toastles. I it is pretty, new isn’t it, Del? Tell It heals every time. i ‘ -, me so again!†ood for r0 - ‘ ‘ .Flesh, tender and crlsp, “It certainly is,†agreed DBL Just as g g W“ Always That Chance. isorasn is an Indispensable PLANT FOOD. No soil will raise 9. Maximum Crop that does fertilizer dealers and seedsmen. Buyers of “ready-mixed" fertil- ready-to-eat direct from . u , . ups; “A d . t b - d h , A, U LE _ -_ , plnne. I d never have guessed 1t , n 30“ We 0 ‘3 mrne t e n“ “Midi?†‘A “AB 8“? uni, DaCkageid Wifth. Cleém was a production of. home talent.†so“; at an Stores and su‘r‘th of next’month l.†g‘eghslsufgggghgr Qï¬h‘imEQ" ,3; an a sprm e o sugm- ‘ Betty recognized the faint touch M9918“ Yes- 18“ “lemony?†323 bf‘ét‘iï¬tï¬mfmfi’d‘iï¬ â€œAwfully. I suppose you are “The Memory Lingers†~ : of condescension in the compliment. ' . busy havmg your wedding cloth-es . *lujihati‘s nice of you, for vou know 'zprs should insist on bl and ‘ . v . . ‘ s of ToaStleS 501d by 810031? . what’s what, even though some- made '1†HIGH ro'rasx CONTENT. . “TRITE for our FREE, educative “Oh, no. If I had the-m made now they’d probably be out of style Ibefone I got a chance to wear them." . bulletins on the important subject of FERTILIZING. GERMAN POTASE SYNDICATE, 1010 Temple 3142., TORONTO. *‘everyWheIe- times you are almost too superior to live,†she remarked cheerfully. _, “I wish you could go to Price & ‘ " ' ___ " " Cut-ting as usual. But really, since El), 7. ISSUE 9â€"14. T Canadian Postnm Cereal-00.. Ltd. . Windsor. Ontario. I u . -------A‘A‘A