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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Mar 1914, p. 3

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3i. :Quick Cure For His. Rheumatism ' POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A poor reputation may be better than none at all. After a. selfâ€"made man finishes a job he closes the factory. A man’s wife always agrees with him when he doesn’t want her‘to. The wise man does his duty and lets the other fellow do the explain- ing. After a girl gets married she helps her 'girl friends to the same sort of trouble. A friend may be a chap who hopes that he can use you before you can use 'him. No man can appreciate the best ROBERT J. PYVLE FOUND IT IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. _â€" _ 1110 Suffered for a Year, but His Return to Health was Quick and IIisCure Complete. Bourg Louis, Que, March 13.â€" ’(Special). â€"'- How quickly Dodd’s gKidney Pills will cure rheumatism and other forms of Kidney Disease Lwhen taken in the early stages is hhown in the case of Mr. Robt.’ J. . yle, a well-known farmer living of it until after he has got the worst pear here. ' of it a. few times. . In an inte‘r‘dew Mr- Pyle says: * A bore isaman who, when he‘has “VVOI‘king In (301d, Weitt Wealther Was a)“ ho.ur to. Spare, goes and Spends the cause of my trouble, and for it with same one who hasn’t. 111301113 8/ year I had OC‘GE'Pional A man never questions a. woman’s tramps in the muscles and: stiffness sanity as long 8,3"5116 doesn’t inter- in the lOiDtS- I Was Often Fuzzy 3nd fere with any of his crazy projects. Bolt depressed and low spirited. I Even if a, man has no other bad Was nervous and my skin itched and habit he is am, to, send souvenir burned at night postcards to. his friends every time “When Rheumatism Was finally he has occasion to visit another added to my ills I decided to try town. Dodd’s Kidney Pills. One box cured me completely, and I have had no return of my trouble.’ ’ Dodd’s Kidney Pill-s cured Mr. Pylxes Rheumatism because it was caused by sick . Kidneys. Dcdd’s Kidney Pills always cure sick Kid.â€" eys. - If you 'have any two of Mr. li‘yle’s symptoms, you have sick Kidney-s and you need Dodd’s Kid- n'ey Pills. M Reassuring. Nervous Lady (in whose street there had been several burglaries): “How often do you policemen. come down this road? I’m constantly about, but I neversee you.’ " Policeman: “Ah, very likely, I sees you when you don’t see me, mum. It’s a policemanls business to secrete ’isself.” ' ‘ ‘ __â€"â€"â€"â€"-'I‘ rile. Cured in 8 to 14 Day! Druggists refund mono it PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure tching. Blind. or Protrudlng Piles. First application gives relief. 500. , .z.____. CANAL'S AND AUTOS. Few things can more strikingly illustrate the changes brought about by the progress of recent years than the proposition to con- yert the vast number of canals in - England into trunk motor highways ' for the exclusive use of auto traffic. {The suggestion is madevby no less practicala' personage than Danson punni-n'gham, one of the most promâ€" inent members of the Liverpool fhamber of'Commerce and the Mer- ' 'ey Docks and Harbor Board. It is much less than a century since England was especially proud'of her system of canals ,connecting all imâ€" portant points of the country and supplying the then cheapest known form of transportation. They are ‘ still used to seine extent, but the railways have taken away the larger part of their business, and it is now found, by experiment and in actual practice by large business houses of all classes that goods can be moved - more cheaply by motor trucks than ’by rail for limited” distances, be- cause-the cost of switching and loading and unloading on freight cars is saved, while deliveries are made with greater promptness‘ and breakage is reached "in proportion to the lessened number of times the ' goodsare handled. _ It is thought that the proposi: lion to convert the canals into road- ways for motor traffic will meet with opposition, since the English are not yet ready to abandon their ' panels altogether, and that the reâ€" sult of the agitation of the subject ' will'be the building of-special mo~ lor rOads connecting all the great manufacturing centres of the north- ern part of the kingdom with one mother and with the principal sear " ports. ' ‘ How Personally Conducted. He: “Have you seen our new al- A?” She: “Lead me to it.” Minard'e Irinlment 00.. Limited. Have used MINARD'S LINIMENT for Group; found nothing equal to it; sure cure. . CHAS. E. SHARP. Hawkcliaw, N.B., Sept. 151/, 1905. W Heard in a Bake Shop. Baker: “No five-cent loaves of large ones.” . , Custo’mher: “Very well, give me a loaf of pumperdime.” Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast Via. Chicago do North Western Ry., March 15th to April 15th from points in Canada. to Salt. Lake Oit , Ogden, Los Angeles, Sap Francisco, Portland Tacoma, Beattle, Victoria. Vancouver. l.Kootenay District and Canadian Northwest points. Thu-011g Tourist sleepers. and .free rc- climng 0 air cars from Chicago. Variable mitten/Liberal stopovers. For full in- formation as to rates, routes and litera. General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. In two weeks of the month. of February. Winnipeg’s building perâ€" mits totalled a million dollars. Minard's Linimcnt_ Cures Burns, Etc. RELIEVED HIS MIND.,. Questiouer Much CencernediAbout 74 . . . 5 a Few Million Icars. An eminent English man of science recently delivered a. lecture during which an amusing incident Does Your Head ‘Achc occurred. In the course of his re~ "â€" ‘ marks he said something to this of- HAVE YOU SORE NO‘STRILS WA; , , u - y - . - - TERY EYES, Mucous DR6P_ feet. It is a. u ell established fact PINGS IN THE STOMACH. . heat, and that 1n the course of seventy million years its heat-ing CATARRHOZONE WILL CURE YOU. . . _ . I ' power Will be so diminished that all pumper nickel left, sir; only the _ ture, write 'or call. on B. H. Bennett," that the sun is gradually losing its For the first time in the history of medicine, a treatment for the ’cure of Catarrh endorsed by the medical pro- fession has been given to the public. Hundreds of patent medicines have been advertised, but never before has the legitimate physician in good stand- ing recommended the free use of a. Ca- .tarrhal remedy. The merit of catarrhozone is so un- iquestloned, its cures so numerous, as to entitle it to rank as the one remedy 'by which Catarral disease in the head. nose and throat can be reached and cured. The cures of Catarrhozone ;are permanent. Even those blinding headaches, tifat stuffed-up feeling in the nose and forehead, are relieved in five minutes. Chest pains and dis- gharge ofuauseatiug matter is stop- ed. And just think of thisâ€"you stop 1awklngâ€"ycu no longer snuffle or ga .ebecause Catarrhozone heals an soothes away all irritation and con- gestlon. Why delay? By using Catarrhozone "to-day you start on the way to health. latarrhozone will make and keep you free from every trace of cold, throat, chest, or catarrhal trouble; has done it for thousands. Why not for you? ‘Large size lasts two months, costs $1.00; small size, 500. All dealers or by mail from the Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. benefieent effects will be lost, and no life can exist on the earth.” * As soon as this sentence was ut- tered, a sturdy. Briton in the rear of the hall rose and signified his deâ€" sire to ask a question. “Pardon me,” he said, “but how long did you say it Would be before this terâ€" rible calamity would occur 2” “Why, about seventy million years,” repeated the scientist, with a smile. The questioner fell back into his seat wit-h a. deep sigh of relief. “Thank heavens!” he muttered. “I thought I understood him to say seven million.” ' ' ’1‘ . Sales Logic. Bachelor: “Why should I get a cookâ€"book? I have no- wife.” Agent: “But I have and need your commission Have a heart!” Women workers in Chili receive an average of 38 cents a day. All ready baked to a nicety ; whole, nicely and full flavored. Heating only is necessary. 10 . ' NEWLY DESIGNED BIPLANE. .__.â€". Manchester Inventor Has Machine Which Should Break Records. - A cable from London says: A highly ingenious device, which un- doubtedly will prevent many future accidents is about to be embodied in a. new British aerOplanenow near- ing completion. , A difficult problem, which has al~ way confronted aeroplane designers and has become more urgent than ever with the great increase in speed, has been that of enabling machines to land at a reasonably slow speed, and yet fly as fast as possible. The necessity of this proâ€"' vision may be gauged from the fact that the modern aeroplane, with its full load, weighs the better part of a ton, and that the usual flying speeds range from 60 to 80 miles an hour. ‘ ' v A. V. Roe, the Manchester designâ€" er, has adopted the expedient of providing his latest biplane, a very small machine, with “Swept-back” wings, and is expected to beat all existing records with what are terméd “air brakes.” a. ' Read the Papers. Teacher: “What is a pedes- trian ‘2” Country Pu ii: “A . feller what gets run over y an automobile." ! , , His “Flesh Horribly Burnt His druggist sold him a cheap acid corn cure; what he should have bought was Putnam's Corn Extractor; it's purely vegetable and acts iu.24 hours. Insiston only "Putnam’s Extractor,” 25c. at all dealers. I ......._â€">I« l’ardoned. Him. “He has some sins,” St. Peter said; “but cover them with chalk ;' He’s often listened for two hours to other people talk.” - A ~ Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Minister (who. has surprised Mc- Dougal writing a betting slip): "‘McDougal, I am verra sunprised at ye. Ye, ken it’s awfu’ sinful tae gamble, don’t ye?” McDougal: “Weel, meenister, I must either last summer?” askedthe (motorist, gamble or drink. Ye know the pro~ verb says, _‘O‘f two evils choose the least- , It “’admL be carryin’ it out tape measure,” replied Mike, “an’ to choose neither.” *ng One thorough z». applicationofzam. _, 2);; Buk at n! ht will sci [bring ease y mom. s}: ing. ZamsBuk stops the smut-ting, heals the cracks and makes the hands smooth; - Mrs. A. F. Philli s o! A 's 0111!, Que, £345»- ‘1 suffered terribly from chapped hands. Sometimes I almost cried With the pain and smarting. Zorn-Bu]: was recommended and it gave 9 glee almost 1213.9 8331! “applia. ow m an are smooth?y - quite .5110 use Yam-But (or all skin ‘ mptionl, Moor-,1;th onto burnout! all skin in ma. no.5“ aunt-u ' and Mun? m ,2. “I don’t suppose you have a fiver ' i you want to lend me '2” “Your inâ€" sight does you credit. How did you guess '2’ ’ ’_ “Her. Royal Shynue'SS,”,.from the , Useful and Ornamental.” ROYAL NICKNAMES. Princess Royal Used to Be Called “Her Royal Shyness.” - The Royal Family are no more above nicknames than other people. The Prince of Wales has lways been known in the fam' y‘ as “Davie,”’ because when he was called “Eddie” it reminded Queen Alexandra of her lost son. The Princess Royal used to be called ageny of nervbusn‘ess she went through if strangers were present; and Princess Alexander of leek is often affectionately called “The It is al- so whispered that certain Royalties, a very beautiful daughter with a very plain mother, have been nick- named by a mischievous youn. prin- case “The Daydream andthe ightâ€" mere.” 1 ' Magical llellli Neuralgla . Thrilling billion Quickly A YEAR’S SUFFERER CURED BY “NERVlLlNE.” No person reading this need ever again suffer long from Neural la. Nerviline will quickly on e the worst Neuralgia, and Mrs. ‘G. Evans, in her strong letter written from Rus- sel post oillce, sayszâ€"“One long year, the longest of my life, was almost en- tirely given up to treating dreadful attacks of Neuralgia. “The agony' "I experienced during some of the bad attacks was simply unmentionable. To use remedies by the .score Lwithout * permanent relief was mighty discour- aging. At last I put my faith in Ner- viline; I read of the wonderf 1 pain- subduing power it possessed and made up my mind to prove it variable or useless. Nerviline at once eelsed the pain and cured the headache. Con~ tinuous treatment with this; magic- working remedy cured me entirely, and I have ever since stayed well.” Mrs. Evan’s case is but, oneof hun- dreds-- that might be quoted. Nervi- line is a. specific for all nerve, muscu- lar or joint pain. It quickly cures neuralgia, sciatica, lumbagd, lame back, neuritis and rheumatism. Forty years in use, and today the most widely .used ‘llniment in the Domin- ion.. Don’t take anything but “Ner- viline,” which any dealer anywhere can supply in large 500. family size bottles, or in a small 250. trial size. â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-’]Vl No Lie. 1 First Wanderer: “I pay my rent by the quarter now, Bill.” Second Ditto: “G’wanl What are you giving us '1” _ First : ‘ ‘That’ s straight-fitwenty- five cents a nigh -.” Clumsy, Treatment: On retiring, soak the hands in hot water and Cutlmlra Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticural Ointment, and wear soft bandages? or old loose gloves during the night}: , We» and Ointment are sold tin-comm: them. A liberal sample 0! each,wich 32m.- bcokiat on the care and treatment or the skin m; loalp. sent. penance. Address Potter Drug 6: Chen. Com, Dept. 131:, Boston. U. s. A. ‘ W FARM. FOB IALI. _â€"______________â€"â€"â€"â€"’ .__... SASK. IMPROVED FARM. 640 ACRES. ' under cro , fully equipped. Waite ve, Betlaw, Alberta. owner, Percy H. w. DAWSON. Nlnety ~(:omorm Strut. Toronto. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OB. SELL A Fruit, Stock. Grain, or Dairy Fatal. write H. -W. Dawson. Col'borne St... Toronto. H. w. DAWSON, colborm 81.. Toronto‘- Brampton. or 9| WANTED. GENTS, we WANT YOU. warns Dominion Shade Adjuster Co. Wind- sor. Ontario. We will pay you $120.00 to distribute religious literature in your community. Sim. days' work. Experience 5 not required. I en or women.- Oppor- tunity for promotion. Snare time may be used. International Bible Press Company. 182 Spadiua, Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. OOD 'Vl’EEKLY INLIVE TOXVN IN York .County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only $4,000. Terms liberal, W'ilson Publish- ing Company, 73 \Vest Adelaide Street, Toronto. Only one “nacmo corms" To at the genuine, call for rhll name, LA ATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 250. NURSERY STOCK. _____________________ ' ‘TRAWBERRIES. RASPBERRIES, FIFTY b Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell 6a Son. Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. C ANGER. TUMORS. LU MPS, ETO.. internal and external. cured With.- ont pain by our home treatment. Writ. usbefore too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. Women mix mortar and carry the ho‘d for:'bu-ilding operations in Munâ€" ich, Germany. Minard’s Llnlment for sale everywhere. I Mike me. Back. 1» “Where’s that bulldog 011 had as her-drove into the yard. “Oh, the poor baste swallered a Don't lake too mnuy chances Mill 5 Mi _,._: splint, curb, rlngbonc, bony growths, swelling; . - ' and of lameness. Uao thooldm’iublzremedyâ€" liENliAll’S Sparta Cure It has been used by horsemen, vetenn nations and farms . ers ior 35 years-- . and it has proved its worth in hundreds of thousands of cases. ' Bickerdike,A1ta., Jan. 29, 1913. “I have been using Kendall's Spavin Cure fora good many rears with good results In. fact, '1 am never without it." . he. died, sorr.” . ‘ “Indeed!” exclaimed the man. “He’died by inches, _I suppose,” he continued waggishly. - ‘ - “Oh, no son,” said Mike; “he went around th’ back of th’ house, sorr,‘ an’ died by th’ yard.” ~ Industry. Prisoner: “Your Honor; I stole to buy tools, so’s I could go to work." ' ‘ If. Nl-ZIDORF. Judge: (“Vila/b tools did- you $1 a bottlcâ€"G for $5, at druggistsâ€"or write for need 2:; ‘ , - copy or our book “Treatise on the Horse" fret. Pyigoner: “Why, a breed and bit, Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY a, Jimmy, a diamond drill. Dem Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 79' ting-s cost money.” 1:“: v; . at 1:“ . --â€" - “Kidd looks very sheepish lately. He seems to have been thoroughly cowed» by something.” “Didn’t you hear? He foolishly took a steer from a bull on a bear market.” Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, \Natery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn’t Smart -â€"Soothos Eye Pain. Dru glsts Soil Murine E e Remedy, Liqul , 25c, 500. Murine ye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 250, 500. Eye Books Free by Mail. lyo we coed tor All eye. that Hood can An Mm. 310 Round: Cod. China" ‘ “Mummy: “Can I have that pear that was on the dining-room side: , -- board . this morning? ’Cos~â€"â€"â€"â€" Got a Surprise Himself. “Because what?” “"005 Iv’e , , , ' H) Cholly: “And was ,my present a. eaten 1t" surprise to your sister?” . Willie: “You bet! Sis said she Regularity of the bowels is an absolute neces- sity for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at lease once a da. , it decays and poisons the whole y, causln bilicuenesc,in i- geation and sick eadaches. Sat; and other harsh mineral purgatlve’. irritate the delicate lining of the Wells. Dre.l Morse'abindzan Raw ' Iâ€"rmir, vegeta eâ€"regu the bowelse ectlvely without m: wing, sickening or gr‘lping. Use Dr. Mot-eels " Indian Root'Pilla ED. 7. ISSUE 12â€"’14. never thought you’d send her any- thing so cheap.” ' ' A Sensitive Protest. “You’ve gone to a great deal of trouble and expense to give your boy on education." “I wouldn’t mind that” replied Farmer Corntossel, “if Josh would- n’t come home and expect to learn ~ meas much in two-or three weeks as he found out during the whole term?" 1” " ' ' - ~.â€"â€"â€" Mlnard's Llnlment Relieves Neuralgia. ,. x, V'hy’v'y‘i'.’ ' .V \gfil,“.w\4â€"‘q , ewe-M 'ig’ .“~P~'i' ‘ is. ,« J .AQL'; (3‘, F. . 9,4. acorn/firm?“ u if? “V.” 1» .¢ ' «.u h

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