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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Apr 1914, p. 3

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‘ i I ' nor MUCH or A swunrnmr. ' NEW STRENGTH _ ._ lllll ‘_ tUSlllllS nilii our k A Line of Goods That Wasn‘t Meant __ , g V: ( â€" ‘ ‘ v for the Table” . NEW mm is Pannier-iii) ron ’ MY BEST FREE?! Nature Needs-lid in Making New rm se‘m‘l summer's’ “we I “5 TURKISH WOMEN- g. i ‘ e:- ‘- w 1. A... . 3mm; cm! Ti ‘ini‘ir 'hw .» .II. .I..._.._.....-__..-_....._....-..4...w, ~. -..... .... paws"... ; E‘:m’l.mmi~_-v_~â€"n~w~ _,._ ._...._.~_.,._ A. , stabbing pains of neuralgia. Often . ammmxâ€"msimwmnries menisci ‘ that I could hardly drag myself Health Giving Blood In the spring the system 'needs a tonic. To be healthy you must have new blood just as the trees must Out this new blood you will feel :wefdk and languid. , You may have 'l'W‘mgeS of rheumatism or the sharp, there are disfiguring .pimples or 'crup-tions on the skin. In other The man said, “Oh, 3'05, I have - 1,. .1 . 1 1. 1 . -,‘ _ . ‘ r ._ been .1 Okin f ‘ y . _ ‘ hop v, “18:05le me an opportun- BE CAREFUL TO EMAGILLETT co. LTD. tfifii’n21fre 115 meld? bl? feehneitgf 0 g 01 3011 But befme I it)’, perhaps neyer hitherto accordâ€" SPEC’jngST TORONTO. . or am 3: Varla 6 M313 "J- ed to any English woman, of vciwâ€" : CAKES mm" MQNTREAL' '-Any of those are signs that the blood is out of orderâ€"that the in- door lifc of winter has lessened your vitality. Whatyou need in spring is a tonic medicine to put you right: and in all the» world of medicine there is no tonic can equal 'l)r. ilVil-lia‘ms’ Pink Pills. These Pills actually make new, rich, red blood -â€"your greatest need in spl‘illg- This new blood drives out the seals of disease and makes easily-tired men, women and children bright-.- in high school and college, says a. contributor to one of the Sunday magazines, I was employed by a Wholesale grocery concern. Besides selling the usual line of groceries, this firm manufactured flavoring ex- lmve new sap to renew their Vital, tracts and toilet preparations. . _ _. ll “Cy. Nature demands ill, and “Flt-ht- S'Omeylme's I travelled as Subgt1- Grace Ellison, the “'0”: tute for one of the regular sales- men while he took his vacation; On one such trip I’entered a little coun- try grocery, and announced my business to the proprietor. . back some stuff your house puts up that I bought from Mr. A. It’s no good.” I told him we were always “111‘ buy anything I want you to takc‘ ing to stand behind anything we sold, and asked to see the unsatisâ€" factory article. He brought out a case of petroleum jelly similar to veseliiie), packed in eight-ounce glass tumblers. “There!” he said; “That’s the first thing I ever bought from your house that wasn’t up to the mark. .____.. lniancipntion i‘nvored By Men of l the Better Class Throughout Country. known writer on Turkish ‘women, has just returned to England from a second visit of several months spent in the household of Kiamil Pasha-’9. daughter at Constantiâ€" m BUYING YEAST CAKES ing a- Turkish woman’s life from SE 95551115503571]?!ny i the inner side. She shared the daily "' lflf'e Ofl‘her £1'1€n(lsat100k'l}‘al'tlil “I?” first time entered the French and infill?) Clgt??l”.an}{ gut ‘2““35’ ‘85” the English Embassies. i e 1e l u airs iai‘cin uring' ie H r . , . .-. ,. ' .' a. feast of Bairain met the most 'idâ€" - LVen um “cm the) (11d dunna ' ~r' U 3 _ ~ ' the war does not seem to have “WWII “Omen 1" the (Tummy: al‘fl brought them into close touch with studied the one Turkish women‘s European women though in .m_ n u n v v . V - -n v .; - , a ‘A pipe}, .1 weekly lllll'otlfllctl, which other WM. it has greatly profited} publishes feminist articles and is them, for they pmved t0 the men widely read by the middle class-cs. how great wag .the “crvicc they l ' v ‘ v a: c . I II I v Ppeakmg “f pmglc“? Mum" could render and how safely they plishod by Tlll'lell women in recent could be trusted with a larger mea_ :.w,- . .., then and there abolish the local" vodka (liquor) shop, otherwise they would not let the proceedings con- tinue. Above the din was heard a voice, “They are right! Let those who are for the women’s ' resolution come outside!” The women tri- umphantly troopcd outâ€"alone. The door was then securely locked and the meeting proceeded. " . x . . . " U. .7 . nature and strong);_ Mp5, Geo, but that stuif is no good. “e was , _ 1 H , .‘ . . , Burns, Albany, P.E.I., writes: “I out of preserves at the house, so I 50‘115’ Llhwngs‘lfid She Truce“; sure of liberty, while it was a reve- an . , v y n s ' ,n v - V -‘ . - v ' _- _ . ' was terrimy run down and so we,” took a. Jar of it home, but we "l 5’93 t 1 “Bl-me 1” 18 p051 10” U latioii to themselves of hitherto unâ€" Testimony around. I was so nervous that I was afraid to walk across the floOr for fear I would fall. Our family doctor treated me but without suc- cess, and finally I began taking Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Gradually they brought me back to good health, and now I am as well as ever I was and have every confi- dence in recommending these Pills to other sufferers.” . These Pills are sold by all mediâ€" ‘cine dealers or can be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for from The Dr. William-3’ Medi- cine Co., Bro-ckville, Ont. y .â€" V‘1 , 300,000 SOLDIERS IN REVIEW. ,Gcrniany Plans Monster Military ' ' llanocnvrcs. Count fV’on Moltkc, a nephew of the famous strategist during the Francoâ€"Prussian “Tar of 1870, and the general staff of the army, are planning the. largest military inan- oeuvres the world has ever seen in time of peace, for next autumn. Six army corps and twelve divisions, ap- oro-ximate‘ly 800,000 officers. and men, and 50,000 horses. will take part in the manoeuvres. The Kaiser nvill be the chief umpire in the final “three days’ battle. The woods, hills and valleys ofltlie west side of the {Rhine will, rcverbcrate with 1,056 field guns and 500 machine guns. I The field of operations will cover “a. large area, of a triangle between Frankfort, G-iesen and Coblenz. The problem is evidently to check and defeat a French army. Practically "thc entire military aerial fleet of Zeppelins and Parsevals, with a passenger fleet, will be utilized, as well as an unprec-ed-entedly large fleet of aeroplanes, in order to give some 1,000 regular and volunteer military pilots practical war experi- ence. This will be the first time since 1870 that German officers will have an opportunity to handle such numbers of men. iwhy Bronchial alarm is So Dangerous When Unchecked, Bronchial Catarrh ' Develops Rapidlyâ€"Attacks the Lungsâ€"Ends in Consumption. If you have fullness of the head, headache, difficulty in hearing, stuffed nostrils, droppings from the throat and hacking cough, 'you_ought to know you have Catarrh. It begins as a cold; repeated colds inflame the air pas- sages. By-and-bye it extends deeper, far down into the lungs, then you have bronchitis. These inflamed sur- faces secrete germ-laden mucus. If swallowed it pollutes the whole sys- tem and destroys health. Stomach dosing always fails, so do washes, snuffs, ointments. The remedy that will cure quickest is Catarrliozone. You do not take Catarrhozone inter- nally, you simply breathe a fragrant couldn‘t do any-thing with it. We tried it on hot bread and on cold bread; but not one of us could eat it.” __>I« .â€" As Long as Men are Men. “ll-German scientist says that in 3,000 years all menwill be bald- headec .” ‘p‘Hc' may be right, but my own guess is that as long as there are men on the earth there will be some who think they can fool the public by letting their hair 'grow long on one side and sli-cking it across the top.” ’4 flew a Sidi Woman , Gail Regain llealth READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY; “For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were. not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I‘ grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew 'very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent, benefit. A 1visit to my sister put into-my hands a box of, Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. VSlie placed-reliance upon them and now they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman’s nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew. keenâ€"any blood red. and pureâ€"eheavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and un- wrliikled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills did it all.” The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd,‘ wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are a wonderful woman’s medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh-' ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"’I‘ (‘- le’l‘lN G G LA 5 S. a Pair of Scissors. I It is commonly thought that glass is impervious to the assaults of age. But this is iiottlic case... Glass, if exposed to the elements, will, like most other substances, decay, and in course of time become so rotten as tobe worthless. _ v , Window glass exposed to cold. heat, and varying winds will. after a number of years, become so brit- tlethatit can be cut with a pair of, scissors. Light and darkness, again," have such. different effects on glass that their alternation alone, it is said. is enough to make the subâ€" stance. fragile. ‘ Any builder or glazicr will tell you how much easier it is to remove V01) 0111 Glass Can Be (‘nt With new windows from a, building than ..._ 1 '.' .,., .,._ \L‘Lt m d th“ CO“ lies Speu‘lul ” suddenly flung open and the women illat thfy huge ingrtfllelneua WEIllwimflll ' will mark a greater stage in ithcir W0“ not 9 l‘ “mt 18m ‘V 1a evel progress than the Ciifraiicliisenient ' asked us to withdrawâ€"the innovaâ€" women since her last visit, a cliffei‘-- developed powers. _ encc lhcy thedemS were hardly “The freeing of the slaves and the conscious of it, and it seemed to her consequent gradual arrival of the that» every day now they “fade fl servant problem will do much to de-I step forward. It is clinic of. rapid . “mm. the charm of the, Old World transitwn’ the. beginning “f perfect harem life, but it will also further 1y new conditions: . . arouse the women and throw them The determination arrived at by on their, own resourcesoy - the Government recently to admit women to the university is of im- mense importance, and, although it is probable that few will at first take advantage of the open door, the fact that it has been opened alters the status of Turkish women. ’While the men of a Vina e flamed At first” probably’ there I‘m .1” no Borhoff. in the Vitebsk ‘gGoi‘ern- gl‘fugllt' 0f fleIgree pefulnlflrfltllglsgâ€"I nicnt, "were holding a meeting ‘m “omen ‘Ue nut" let IBM-l fol recently the doors of the l'OOIlL were V __)‘4 Concerted Attack on Demon Ruin Proves .ll‘lill Failure. ranged for women on domestic science, hygiene, gynaecology and the position of women will be after the style of our extension lectures. The position of women seems. a. curious subject for a university lec- turc course, but Miss Ellismi exâ€" plained that this would refer to the part women should take in the na- tional life and the necessity for re moving restrictions. 1 ‘ Old Traditions ,Ilie sum-1y. ' It is difficult for. the. Western woâ€" man to realize what’I-iny steps con~ stitulc a great; advance. in that country, where the granting of perâ€" mission for Women to walk unveiled of the village entered in a- body, demanding that the men should of Women will do in England. The old customs are dying very hard, and though chiiiil Pasha has done much for theirliberationâ€"lie open- ed the parks to them, and tlie’astonâ€" ished Ottomans- recentlyheard of a woman even being allowedto as- bonds . . , Prevents Sickness . ' Are you one of those thousands who. though apparently well, catch cold easily I, and often ? It‘s a dangerous condition to I tolerate. and one which you can easily " prevent by taking two or three bottles of . Na-Dru-Co Tasteless Preparation of Cod Liver Oil at onceâ€"tlils'Fall. This pleasant-tasting food-tonic gives tone and vigor to the whole system, and so strengthens lungs and brouclzial tubes tliatlhey readily throw of f thecolds which would otherwise take hold of you. c-eiid in an aeroplane-«tho still cling closely. . “When my friends wished to visit me atuniy hotel,” said Miss Eelli- ‘SOll, .“the.proprietor refused to let them enter until I said I should reâ€" for the matter to ,l)jemil ‘Paslia, when he gave way. On another o‘c- casion I had taken ;a friend one af- ternoon to a teashopwlicre there were several foreign ladies, but alâ€" though I was in Western dress, the proprietor came to our table and tion or a visit'fi'on'i a. veiled Turkâ€" ish ladyâ€" was too startling-fol-him. Even in their own homes the women lare very careful not to shock their {servants by a too-daring adoption of Western customs. _ y - “Yesthc women have pr-(‘igrossâ€"_ cd, but it is almost iii spite or themâ€" lselves; centuries of harem life have ' l Slipped their energy and lulled .iiiost loi' them into acquiescence in pre- ’ sent conditions. Had they shown ‘ ‘ In more -,-da'i"ii_ig s1_ii_i‘it-" they would Pound lliavo gone “very much ' further in ' and ’ .thesefive years. ' ~ -' iv ' ' - - -, 1.00 Found -i)[cn Favor Emancipafion. , _ ' ' ,Cloth Bags, = and in 10 Pound, 20 Found, ' “Their iiieii folkon .tlicwhole la- ' a vor their emancipatioiiâ€"iiot. so much the men who have vis‘itod the it left III'SSIAN WORIEN 0 l"l‘\l'l'l.“'.l'El). g _ theatre has... .. «Islam 0il _ NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL co. or CANADA, LIMITED; Anna: “Did Jack steal a kiss 2” Bella: “Yes; and I'was the only witness of the theft.” Not Even a Hint. “So you discharged your maid. Didn’t you find her honest I” “Honest! lVliy that girl wouldn’t even take an order from me.” ' , ,'.l.‘hc Dread Circle of, Adversity. A woman whose .pastdr asked afâ€" ’ ter her health replied dolcfully, “I feel very well; but I always feel bad when I feel well, because I know I‘m going to feel worse afterwarc .” It’s moredifificult for a man to keep a- secret after his wife disc‘cwâ€" ers that he has‘one. Restores ’ Health ' - n .. By virtue of its remarkable combination " ‘ of curative and nutritive properties, Na- Dru-Co Tasteless .Cod Liver Oll Is one of the very best remedies knovm for chronic coughs and colds.-bi'o:ichllls, asthma and - catsrrh. It ls also an excellent reconstrucl- , lve ionic after fevers, arid in diseases such i a: :crcfula and rickets. ’which are due to constitutional weakness. ' . ‘ , 'Prove it: worth by getting a 50;. '01" $1.00 bottle from your Dmggis‘t. 311. 1' I ' 1' M ,__. ___ .. . â€".___...._._...__________ __..___...__. Wm.“- ‘ Extra dranated miner isyput up at the Refinery in It"? When you buy Extra'Granulated Sugar in any of these original packages you are sure of getting the genuine v , Canada’s finest Sugar, pure and clean as when the Refinery. healing compound that destroys "Gl'llls . ' , " . . u. .. . . , . . , I ‘ Instantly. \Vheii you inhale CaIarrh- ,’ \Vestci'n capitalsjaud have _. been ~ 2 POUDd j ozone into the Inn as, little dl'O)S 1‘ 5‘ .' ~"- .' - ' ' .fi-L- .91 as 11 s'rH. ;f tier 1'- ’ ' y we - ‘ a v". healing are carrief to the mniotegt at all without breaking some of the [Emil]: "(butt “1% :i(:ll;iltf\{l‘lm‘“1,307; an& 5 Pound S WOYII'I Wl‘llle It; Z'finlSt 0n .1 iarts of the breathln a par: tu. .inancs. The reason is that. rrlassaij .37., .V " , ’ I a i ' ' ' . 1Wherever Catarrlio‘zmie ggoeg it 1do:- K-hich 1mg heed mu “011,110,; ,1 §l{dl11‘lt5 who. 1.110“, (ml) Tullxlrll Sealed Cartons the Original Packages. ,3 ‘troys the germs, allowing the healing Lumbertgf a... 1., 10:03. {11.6 Chung“; i llffi‘. but realize; that the pi‘Ugl'CSS. “l g ' V , 80 t ‘” ‘ "" ‘ ‘- iii country'dcpciids on the part the CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, -- - MONTREAL. I‘ to go right on until the tissues are made whole. Then congestion ceases, the formation of mucus ceases, hawlc ing and spitting cease, and of course, 'dropping into the throat cease also. it undoubtedly possesses when new. Itiuerant vendors of cheap cut-l “mm.-. “vanâ€"w.-. - 0-....- . M's-omen take in the national life. “It. is difficult for the Western . - i . v .3 l .3 ' '- r '1, - ' . . - .- : 'lel". h‘ue 0&1? (firinnbnufln, $61.“? Icolony. iii Constantinople. to realize m Imploss “ n ' ” mm“ 5 “ltd ‘ this change; tlnc’ladics of the (llplu- “MMA-‘afmi. _. .. ._ u...“ arms-c.1729 .. 5w. l l l I l. l .You get well. You see Catari‘hozone , n; 9119mm of their \-.'1:'-.5 \r . . - . . , removes the cause of the disease. “11-6 E110 Off Sui )8 of Lag“. Vital; “If: mzitic circles have not yet CUIDC info Don’t youthink this is the right way ( 1m) $1 qh’eari' '(‘vursé “t,” l touch with the. Ottoman women, ‘ sms a” ” ' H U ’ ’ "1.9 I and they hesitate to encourage them to cure Catarrli? Can you think of 1 u f, th. . ‘ s 2 ' . , ‘ . ,‘ ' 2.9 " . . . . - . any other “all half 50 £003? Com' g 3‘55 ‘63 use 01 ‘ 15 .Dmpo” 1* in emancipating themselves. fearing plate outfit' hard rubber inhaler With Yer)" Yell}. Old' ‘ .to give. offence to the men, u‘l‘oi $0rles-â€"$IOO, 5500,31000 i 1 High Class Profit-Sharlng .‘Bon_ds. INVESTMENT maybe withdrawn any time after one year on 60 days' notice. Business at back of these Bonds estab- 1islied 28 years. Send {or special folder and full pal‘th‘lllflf‘S.‘ NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED. CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING - TORONTO, CANADA l ' _ a“...â€" i sufficient liquid to last three months. is _. mum imtmd be grateful fur their Price 1.00. Smaller size "0c. All v . . ‘ . . aging-gs, or The Catarrhogone Co" Politeness is the father of white asSistancc. It was as my fellow- Bufffilo, N-Yu and Kingston. Ont. lieS- - guest that a Turkish woman for the

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