.r,‘_,.-.....‘. .. -..â€"...‘..-«: v « ‘~ ‘ ‘ I t: V i , 4 v V -‘v i» ' .L‘ 1 ' _...-;., .':..:-.._..‘»7.»Mh"Wfl“flWV’WWr/wrw r:- I '1‘. s ' A user use Some Facts About the Gigantic Vl'a- dus, at Lethbrwg‘ The family in a group Photographâ€"before they have~ v left the old fireside and gone out in'o the big worldâ€"Ever“ think ofii? ' ‘ One of the most gigantic engineer- ing W°rks ‘3 Canada 15 the large “8" Nothing preserves the home atmosphere and home duct carrying steel across the Belly memories like a group picture with Father and Mother in the. centre. And, when the family is scattered how glad you will be.- that you had it. done in time. ' _ _ 7 7. Photography almost puts this obligation on us, make the appointment today. ‘ River just west of the city of Leth- bridge on the Crow's Nest branch of 'the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway in Al- berta. The bridge is over a mile in length and has a maximum height of 314 feet above. the bed of the river. It is the longest and highest bridge in the world. There are longer bridges 5and higher bridges, but combining “both dimensions, no bridge in the world measures up to it. Before it was built the railway line crossed the St. Mary's River, using twenty small wooden bridges. When a. newâ€"survey was made a crossing was found be low the confluence of the St. Mary’s ‘and Belly Rivers. and thislarge via- duct constructed at a cost oftwo mil- lion dollars. It required-6'45 cars of steel in the construction, and,a1to~ gether over 1,000 cars of material was used. A watchman is ’on constant guard to prevent accident. After "each train» passes ‘ over the. bridge this ' oflicer takes his mile walk' to_.t_hefother end," and: waits for the next train, when‘hej‘returns'_on,his beat. . There ‘ has not been an accident on the m. *duct since it was turned over to the operating department of the railway company. The Socâ€"Spokane Flyer. a fast-train running-between St; Paul†and Spokane, uses this bridge. I I The new parcel post system and the ru‘ul delivery offer a rare opportunity for those living at a distance to have their drugs and medicines delivered at their doors for a few cents; Any parcel up to a. pound is delivered 3 for ï¬ve cents. r g WAN--.†.mmw.WM..w... J. H. STANTON-- quickly and carefully. We have n Bell Phone, No. 39, and we very cordially invite the public to use the phone . freely insending‘ their elders. , ‘_ ‘ 9" If a phone message is not convenient justivrite us- §You can depend. on receiving-your parcel by the ï¬rst 3deliveryi after your order is received. ' g We have made special arrangements to ï¬ll rill-orders MMW‘flsï¬MW*W*WWâ€WWflfl Was-emcee Druggist, ;Vanid Sta-ï¬che? Fenelon Fancy-f. . .i‘ ï¬emWsmwm i @937VEGARSQ. _ Hi; , V . ' , I _ I _ 'su'sscmssns m ARREARS H . o ‘I i 1' Forth Gazette win please call and g 3 The amount. due on each account is small but they aggregate a considerable sum. We need the money, and trust this inti- menus On Fidler’s Hill, seven rooms, summer kitchen. woodshed, ' stable, garden. Aburgain if sold at Once. Apply to H. C. \VELSH, _ ‘ ' Fenelon Falls Or to. W. T. Junkin Toronto, Canada, include the Com tral aniness College with Five City Branch Schools. Graduates ' are universally successful.l Enter any time. ‘ Write‘ for catalogue. * W. H. Shaw, Pix 8. , ‘Head Olilces, .391 Yonge St.' ' " mation will be sumcient. Court Fenelon Falls No. 626 V CANADIAN ORDER OFFOBESTEHS Meets last ‘Wednesday‘oi‘ each month Visitingbreth rcn alwsyl‘naudcnclcewo Shah’s Business Schnnls é by “mm W I A. W. QUIBELL, H. LITTLETQN, * 0.11. p- _ R.S . i: 2?“; my E Each Tuesday March 3 to October 27,!nclueivc.‘ ,' Winnipeg and Return -' $35.00: 3 Edmonton and Return - 43.0% 3 From Toronto, and Stations Vl’est and a l .. : North of Toronto. Pmportionate tam ‘ I ‘ from Stations East of Toronto. g ‘ Return Limit two months. ’61 Sussex Ave.. Toronto, I _ : V p . W .MANizoBX? ALBERTA - 4 p . - . .House and Lot for Sale. SAE‘E‘ATCHEWAN 1' - Of the old rigs. New ones cost money. We make a specialty of re,- j pairing, repainting, etc. ‘ Godd frame heuse on Bond St. east; eleven rooms, electric lighted, hard and soft water, cistern; good stable and out- buildings ; two acres of good garden land. with orchard and small fruits. Apply to. _ A. W. QUIBEIL Fenelon Falls. rssrsnr We 9 HF set," ' Elie ass s use sass? we see res rises . If you have anything that needs fixing up bring it here. Or if you need a new-one we can build itâ€"goed as the best. ' REDUCED SETTLERS’ FARES 5 (ONE-WAY sneer-{n CLASS) EACH runway. MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock mail effects should tak- SRT’I'LERS' SPECIAL - TRAIN which leaves Vy'est Toronto each ‘ Tuesday during ll'lAHCH and APRlL alter arrival regular 10:20 p.m. train from Toronto Union Station. - new mus-:- , ' Settlers and families without live shod: ' '. should use REGULAR TRAINS. leaving '1 Toronto 10.20 rum. DAIL‘L Through. ; Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. _ -, " amen t ‘ mwsegnreee . i. C. EHillilllllS. j Through trains Toronto to V'Vlnni .g and I j ' , West. COLONIST CARS ONALL TgAINS ~‘ '- “ v ' t No charge for Bertha. , Particulars from Canadian Paciï¬c Agents or 5 ; write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A.. Toronto. Colborne Street“ : B‘cnelon Pails; WI f?"- K5613 Beautiful; .- ‘ BUILDINGCouncn ~We carry a. good stock of the best__'furni't.u‘re at attractive prices. .7 .Always pleased 'to show goods. ' ' ' ' “Tokeepbeautiful, keep. well. ‘ Don’t! . neglect any symptom of ill-health. Lose health,and beauty goes With Cosmetics: Picture framing a specialty. _ Wm not bring it back. I. DEYhAN a.sor3l FUElillliiiiE stuns uâ€"-â€"_â€" We are prepared‘to. take contracts for houses, sum‘. mer: cottages, etc. It willï¬pay you. to get our esti; mates. Doors and sash and, interior: ï¬nish always in. stock. Planing andmatching-doneto.order.. ' ‘ 'fleiery' andiren I is intended to in bï¬ngitiggvall the organs of the body. into healthy. active, : A... TEIRS’ .PBOPBIETOB, . harmonious. action, toning up,.refre$hing, ya and invigorating the entire system, giv- ingenergy to the. spirits,, and†new. life to the muscles... . ' - m BEFORE YOU STEP LOOK AHEAD 1 Before you act, plan» and aim high. If you aim to get 3 Superior Business Education youzwill' be looking toward the ‘ i%%ZZZZi TORONTO; 0N T. the school that'hns the habit‘of doing 3 a class of work that bears the stamp 3. of “ Superiority.†Open all year. 5 Enter any time. Handsome catalogue sent on request. ' W. J. ELLIOTT. PRIN‘ClPiAL Corncr‘longe and Alexander Strocfl. EQUA‘I: T0 AHY- ADVERTISED g. Itisa valuable. strength-buildings tonic in hot, weather. We guarantee it to please. you or.» money back-.2 Price.$1.00. AT on NEAR THE PRICE. .3 Why send: your Order to outside Men 7 'Bring the cash and we can meet the Price. Sold Only lily , j -. A. J'. eon]. - DRUISBT AVID onnufl. REXALL- STORE ' 7 Wlm, 44 inohu high, 256. 9 Wlm. 48 lnohon high. 390. 8 Wires, (7 inches high. 28°. 10 _W|roa, 50 inches high, 31°. ’ All Nina 8b]- to the Bod. rosran KELLY - - runo- FALLS. WW». Memmwm ‘«,vr\-x_' .«-~u-. u 4 3-1 L' 1-: ‘2’“..‘m's; I...‘ m‘n‘ 3'. “ea-clean.