.r 4‘. \j: ,a 3.: «g. i:- f. 'i,‘ -fxmf's'ég‘ 3.} NEW INSECT DISCOVERED I Looks Like an Aeroplane and Lives Only a Few Days A new insect, which has only re cently been discovered, was shown at the exhibition of the Reyal Society at London. , It was named the prctura, and it is barely discernible \‘ith the naked eye, but when viewed under a micro- sCope it has a striking resem"’once to a. monoplane. The- protura is ex- tremely rare and there are only a few existing specimens in the world. V Of its activitiesnothlng is knowu so far, beyond that it lives on decayed vegetables and that its span of life does not extend beyond three days. 1 London and its Lumber London is the most conservative city in Europe, it not in the world. It '.‘-loves its lumber. those notices attached to lamp posts which announce “Standing for i‘our “Hackney Carriages," or whatever the 'number may be, though for years no vehicles of any kind have stood there. Perhaps it 's as well that these relics You may still see should remain; they are a tiny part of our social history. They will prob ably remain when we are flying to dinner or the theatre’in omni-aeros. By that time people won't know what “hackney carriage" meant, and mere 'will be discussions in the “Notes and Queries" of the period. For each generation hands down to the next cer- tain nuts to crackâ€"The London Chronicle. if?“ Keeping Pins Clean i To keep pins clean a new receptacle hovers them with a glass dome which .on being turned. drops a few 81 a time upon a tray. ______~.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- i5 Ban the Breakfast ’ An aged couple in Norwich. Conn. have eaten no breakfast for 20 years md credit their robust health to that 'act. Several French artists have agreed FENELON FALLS MARKS" . B'eneion Fails, Friday, July 17, NH, . Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 800. to 82 s. Wheat, fall, 00 to 95 Wheat, spring, 85 to 90 Barley. per bushel, 50 to 60 Oats, per bushel, 40 to 42 Posse, per bushel, 75 to 1.00 Buckwheat, 50c. to 75 _ Potatoes, bush. 75 to 80 butter, per pound, 18 to 10 Eggs, per’ dozen. 18 (019 Hay, per ton, $15 to $18 Hides, $10.00 to $11 Hogs, live, $6.00 to $7 90 Beef, $10 to $11 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 18 to 27 Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $8.00 Flour, W'nnipeg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 to$2.7D Flour, Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $2.00 Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $3.155 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.30 to $1.85 Shorts, (10., $1.35 to $1.40 Mixed Chop, do., $1.45 to $1.55 Corn Chop, (10., $1.60 to $1.65 Barley Chop, 1.30 to 1.40 Oat Chop, $1.50 to $1.60 Crushed Oats, $1.55 to $1.65 It is wonderfulwhat a little money Spent in paint, and a little time in applying it, will do in the way of improvement around your home. Worn floors can be made tolook bright and freshâ€"dingy furniture made as good as newâ€"cupboards and shelves made clean and sanitary~dull woodwork and doors, bright and cleanâ€"Pand the walls instead of being covered with faded, dust-collecting Wall paper or streaky and shabby kalsomine, can be made artistic and sanitary. Here are the special Sherwin-Williams products that will do all this for you at small expense. ' - v . - o - For your floors use Sâ€"W Inside Floor Paint for a durable painted ï¬nish, or Sâ€"W 'Floorlac for an attractive ï¬nish imitating all the popular hardwoods such as Oak, Mahogany, etc. . p . Reï¬nish your furniture with a coat of Sâ€"W Varnish Stain, a combination of a permanent pigment stain and a durable varnish, which renews the old furniture in such colors as Mahogany, Oak, Rosewood, Walnut, etc. S-W Floorlac can also be used for the same purpose. .1 Cupboards, shelves, painted baseboards, doors, and Wainscotting can all be ï¬nished handin with ‘S-W Family Paint, "a durable oil paint. made in twenty- one attractive colors, easy to keep clean. I The best ï¬nish for walls is Sherwin-Williams Flat-tone,'a durable cil paint that dries with a soft, velvety hat effect. It is made in 24 colors that are the choice of expert decorators. It is very durable and will last ior'years and can be washed with soap and water, without injury. anirssn AMERICAN eusmzss COLLEGE ' Yonge & McGill Sis. Toronto,0nb., is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new man- ngoment it is doing better work than over. Write us i! you want to pre- pcro fora good position. Henry C. Ward, Principal. ' liable and Granite Monuments Still doing business in the same stand but not. in the same old way. We ad- vance with the times and are in a pool- tion to do better work than ever. New designs, new granites, new and improved tools and methods, in fact, the most 0 - to-date Marble and Granite works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and ; W. J.HEARD HARDWARE,, PAINTS, OIL'S, ETC. Phone 13 FENELON FALLS see our designs bcl’oro purchasin . Shop and show rooms 11 and 1% Cam- bridgeSt.. immediately north 0’ flrehall Lindsay inhibition 808T. CHAMBERS, PRGP. to sign all their works in future with thumb prints to prevent frauds upon _ purchasers. ' The Jordan is the world’s most I crooked river,' wandering 213 miles rm cover 60. Powles' Corner. HOUSE FOR SALE a Court Fénéioii Fs113626 Two storey, sev;:c-)omcdhousc,near- Mrs. P. Howie has returned from Gra- 13, new, good we", quarter, acre lot, “em. Meets 13“ Wednesday of each month Tiallhrlgig’irgéere She Spent 3’ week "ism" G. T. R. station, Fcnelon Falls. Apply tovislunsbrethw “mug made “elccme ,n g A . ' . . , Gazette Correspondence. Mrs. A. Rutherford is visitinghcr sis- ALBERT E, NORTHEY ’ ‘ . - , , , , , tom Mrs. F- stow at “Ernie: Sunsoepo- Fenclon ran. A-W- 9133132“, 13- LITTLETON’ 011 new buildino's consult us. Or glve us Mrs. L. Robb, of Toronto, is annoying ' O. R. ' R. B - D , , _ a visit at Mr- J- 13- Powlvst . your order for Doors Sash Interior Finish Miss E. Worsiey and Miss M. Levis, of , I - . ’ ’ ’ Manc‘hestgr, spent a. few days visiting at . -. .Mr. i "m. ooper's. A. :3; , ’ , _ . . Quite a. number from here took in the i ' fl, . -_ W , ~' . ,1, .,.,./,.-,. , ,. v. - i ,, W. W111 be leased to ï¬ ure on what ou wln need Methodist excursion to Indian Village ~"" ' 5 i. . u p fl h 1 g t t y - Oil-Tuesday. ' _ In B 105, 01' i 18 W 0 e con rat. . Mr. J. L. Brown has ï¬nished his straw r. burn and has had lightning rods put up ' 7:: since; Last Monday this section was almost deserted, as there were so many who went to the Orange celebration in Lind- say. Some of the farmers have ï¬nishedhay- ing. The crop is a very light one. Fall wheat and rye will be cut in a-fcw days. The fall wheat crbp is light, owing to ' the spring frost and the continued drought. There will be a. scarcity of fodder next winter. Mrs. W. Wager is not improving in llieulth as rapidly as her friends would ike. ' "no. TAYLOR. Col 531‘ " "N This Store ls Headquarters For'All that Is New and Useful 0.. DEATH OF MISS BEULAH KNOX. ' NEW LISKEARD. July 10.-â€"'l‘hc many friends of Mr. and Mrs. James Knox and family will regret to learn of the death of their daughter Beulah, who passed away early last evening after an illness of about ten days from acute Bright's disease. The deceased was the young~ est daughter, being eighteen years of age. and you will ï¬nd it here. i We test and try out the new things before we olier N C E ' ._~She chooses it with as much discrimi- â€"â€" I nation as she does her gowns and hats- vorsss’ LIST, 1914 them for sale. They must have genuine merit and be all the makers claim before we recommend them. ‘ 1nd bark of the maker’: guarantee it our guamntee. W}; It must be distinctive in characterâ€"it must breathe “01? good every promue. reï¬nementâ€"and it must be of strictly high quantY- We have seldom sold anything that gives more satisfac: Municipality of the Village of Corson's Toilet Requisites ï¬ll all these requirements. Every woman who E keep abreast of the times. When you see any~ thing new in our line advertised come to our store Fenelon Foils. whether in Perfumes, Tone, Waters, Face Creams, v has ever used one is enthusiastic .in her praise. And no __ of Tales. . -- wonder, for it saves hard work, time and money. Notice is hereby given that I have They are composed of the most expel“ You know the hard work 0f dusting, cleaning and polishing hardwood floors. It is easy, simple and quick with the O-Cednr Polish Mop. This mop is treated with the famous O-Cedsr Polish apd it collects all the dust and dirt from the floor, and at the same time gives it a hard, lasting polish. No hard rubbing, no stooping _ or bending. You just go over the floor once. sive materialS, carefully compounded by skilled chemists. ttrunsmittcd or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 0 of The Ontario Voters†Lists Act, the copies required by said scciimis to be so transmit-ted or v: 1“ ‘ . . tune \x .' "C n>>\\ delivered of the list. made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the lust- rovisod Assessment Hull oi" the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality ut Elections, for Members of the Legislative Asscm- ‘ l l And with the same mop you can dust everywhere; All the hard-to-get~at places, the tops of doors, the molding, the stairs and hamsters. Under the bed and radiators, in fact every place. Guaranteed Satisfaction or Money Refunded. The O-Cedar Polish Mop, complete, sells for $1.50 and with , this distinct understanding, that you can try it for two days and at B the end of that-time, if you are not perfectly satisï¬ed with it your money Will be instantly refunded. We invite you to try one. blv and at Municipal Elections, and that the said list was ï¬rst posted up at. my oilicc :it. Font-inn Falls on the 7th (153' of July, 1014, and remains there for inspection. And i hereby call upon all voters to take inum-dintc proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to low. Dated at Fcnclon Falls this 7th day ,of July, 1014. 1C. FITZGERALD, .Clolk ol’ t‘cnclon Falls Carson's “IDEAL ORCHID†and Corson's "POE/SANDER†line of Perfume, Toilet Water, Talcum Powder, etc" gm particular favoring. Ask your drum“ for 10:. sample of the Orchidotlor. 1- SOVEREIGN neurones LIMITED . . ‘ mmmo, om, (Exclmt'vebi engaged in the manufacture qum M Toad Ema“) ‘I i tion than the O-Cedar Polish Mop. a. For sale by G. F. Visors. W" . . . v _ , 7/ vm‘ W‘s“; ‘ " ’ ~. .. , , 'I, ,M , _. ‘ ‘ ‘ K: Ar'r'm‘trr‘“w zâ€"twrmrwm ',1 r aggraâ€" ‘3