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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 24 Jul 1914, p. 5

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FALL“ FAIRS. The following list is issued by the Agifiultural Societies of the Ontaiio Demnt of Agriculture, Toronto, J, Lockie Wilson, superintendent: Barrie, Sept. 21 to 23. . Beaverton, Sept. 28 to 30 Bellevi-,11e Sept. 7 to 9. Blackstoch, Sept. 29 and 30. Bobcaygeon, Oct." .. and 3. Bowmanville, (Sept. 15 and 16. Braeebri1lge,1 S‘.ept '23 to '25. Brocln 1lle, Aug..~10 to. Slept.9 _. C:pim bellford, Sept. ‘29 to 30. Cobourg, Sept 22 and 23. FENELO\"P1:‘,A1.LS Sept 16 and 17. Gooderham, Oct. 1. ‘ Garav. enhurst, Sept. 17 and 18 Haliburton, Sept. 2'4. Hunts1 ille, Sept. 22 and 23 Keene, Oct. 6 and 7. Kinmount, Sept. 14 and 15. Lindsay Sept. 17 to 19. London (westein fair) Sept. 11 to 19. Madoc, Oct. 6 and 7. Markham, Oct. 7 to 9. Meal‘ord. Oct. 1111111.. ’. Mi1il'and,1 Sept. 24 and 25. \Iillbroo’k, Oct.l land 2. Minden, Sept. 29. Napanee,1 Sept. 15 and 16. Newmarket, Oct. 6 t0 8. Norwood, Oct. 13 and H2 Oakwood, Sept; 21 and?. Orillia, Sept. 17 to 19. Orono, Sept. 24 and 25. Oshawa, Sept.14 to 16 OttaWa (Central Canada) Sept. 11 to 19. Peterboro, Sept. 17 to 19. Port Hope, Oct. 6 and 7. Port Pe1ry, Sept. 24 and 25. Sunderland, Sept. 23 and 24. Toronto (Can. National) Aug. 28 to ' Sept.12. '1‘ weed ,Sept. 30 a11110et.1. Wooduille, Sept. 10 and 11. coo Salvation Army PL. 11? 1'. The Salvation A1my- picnic will. be held at Rosedale on Monday, July 27th. , Boat leaves the bridge at 2.30 p.111. Adults, 2513; children, 01513. Tickets at the boat. Be su1e and come. C. 0. 0. F. The olficers and members of Loyal . Tuent Valley Lo dgel No. 71 will decorate the graves of theii deceased brethren at‘... .30 p. m. and attend divine ser1ice at the Presbyte1ian Chuieh at 630 pm nc\t Sunday, July26th. All brethren are requested to attend these. services. -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€". 4;». BAP'I‘II‘T CHU LCH. The Rev. Dr. J. C1. Brown of Toronto, General Secretary of the BaptistFor- eign Mission Boaid, will occupy the pulpit duiing the month of August. D1. B1own is an eloquent speaker. Mr Cooke and family. 1110 be absent 111 Que- bee. SHOW ~ ANCELLEDC. 011111" to pait of the baggage of the moving bpietiue Show going Dast1ay, the date here had to be cancelled, and , there was no show last I‘huisday 131011â€" 111g. The management regrets they were fmced to dissapoint their patrons AUCTIONS SALE Mr. Thos. Oashore wiil sell for Mr. W. H. \Vi etc, on the premises of Mr. Thos. 111-19, Lot 19, Gen. 5, Somerville, his horses, cattle and other stock, and the usual list of- implements, etc. Sale on Wednesday, Aug 5th, at one o‘.elock No reserve. Twelve months credit See bills.. BIG FISH. Two fine maskinonge, one weighing sixteen pounds and the other twenty- four pounds, “ere caught in Cameion Lake on Thursday last by M1. Ace Dexter and a member of the Happy Home Club, who were out fishing to- ' gether. The two men had trolled around for quite a long time without success. and 11hen near 1111'.Gco. Mar- tin’ s cottage stopped and took on heard their boat little Annie Bryan, 11ho Very effectively removed the “11001100," 101 soon after going out again the fish 11 ere captured. The twenty- -four pound hinge is the largest one caught in the vicinity this season. POULTRY ASSOCIATION. A local poultry association was formed on Monday evening, with Mr. H. B. Raby as president, 3112.1. B. McKay treasurer, and Mr. J. R. Hand secretary. The first efforts of the new organization will probably be directed toward im- proving the show in connection with the fall fair. Another meeting is to be held on Aug. 3rd,. when information will be available from other associations as to best modes of procedure to benefit the poultrv industry [KIW. â€"i Fairbaii'n Gazette Correspondence. Mr. Geo. D. Issac was in this vicinity on Monday. = Mr; Ernest \IcGee left on Monday, - the twelfth, for Toronto. Miss Laura. Pogue of West Ops is visiting at Mrs. Mossom Smith‘ 5. Mrs. Emerson Tiers of Toronto, form- erly 811 this place, spent afew days 1' isit- ing here. Mrs. Henry Elliot, who has been ill for some time past, has gone to Lindsay . Hospital for treatment. Her many friends wish for a speedy recovery. Omng to the dry weather the mater is getting scarce and the grasshoppers ' are increasing rapidly. Shorthorns. for Sale. Pure-bred Shorthorn bull and heifer E calves, eligible for registration. First- class animals, from a milking strain. . Prices reasonable .11. STEVENSON, 2.1115951. Fenelon Falls. We carry a good stock of the best furniture at attractive prices. show goods. 1:. 1111118811 8 811 HIGH GRADE EMPLOYMENT you must make High Grade Preparation. One school that is well known thmughout Canada for strictly sup- eiior training is the We have just received an import order of Berger’s Paris Green. This is recognized as theibest and purest Paris Green made. We sell it at 3011 per 1b., and guarantee it. We also have an. English. Paris Green at, 25.111111: 1b.. . G. F. VIGARS Druggist and Optician -- Fenelon' Falls. . One skiff, good as new, and one canoe; half price. Apply at Gazette office, 8 1:": Of’ the old rigs.- New ones cost‘ money. We make a specialty or re- pairing, I g If you: have anything Alw ays pleased to that needs fixing up bring it here. Or if you need a. new one we can. build itâ€"good as the best. Picture framing a specialty. I II EHlMBERS. Colborne Streetll Fenelon Falls} FURNITURE DEALEiiS __________,______'___..__._...â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" 110113111311. SALE 1? 191! EXPEFT summer kitchen, woodshed, stable, gardeni sold at once. Apply. to 191.11. WELSH, Graduates of this school readily obtain employment because there are thousands of openings in this city every year and we are called upon to fill more than we can. Enter at any time. College open all year. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT; PRINCIPAL‘ CornerYonge and Alexander Streets. Or to W. T Junkin' 61 Sussex Ave. Teronto. Furniture delivered. to:- your home at LESS THAN CITY PRICES: You run N O RISK. Callandi see our. goods. ,. S Gain 61*; Ennnnonz' FALLS.. SEE OUR WALL PAPERSE repainting, etc. I! On Fidler’ a Hill, seven rooms, - A bargain if . Fcnel‘on Falls ; Nothing adds so much to the pleasure of a. Vacation or an outing as 21. Take a' Kodak with you. Kodak and Brownie Cameras for every purpose.- at our Store.- Prompt developing and printinm. AT OR. NEAR THE PRICE. Why send your Order. to outside: Men 9 Bring the cash and: we can meet the: Price. 7 Wires, 44 inches high, 256.. 9 Wires, 48 inches high, 293. 8 Wires, 47 inches high, 280: 1,1 m D 1:: p I" --l O I, z -< I, D < r11 50 2* (1) [TI 1:! ”can” . 10 Wires, 50 inches high, 31c. All' lNin'e- Stays to the Rodi. FOSTER KELLY "’-,- FENELBN. FALLS. ’ 4999.9“)??? I M Everything in Hardware. Agent. for (“ Stoves and Ranges. F. C. TAYLOR: PHONE 52'. FENELON: FAIJLS'» 12% REXALL REMEDIES. FULLY GUARANTEED- S8111" only By' A .I. 110010" DRUMIST AID OP‘I'IOIAI ll "Jl’il' 1‘44; ’1' -.eg‘ .’1//./ v

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