â€" - .._H.._.z..4-:-..:=.~.r.-.. m. ‘ {“1 IA Tournament at Fenelon Fair, .ggemw. Sept 17. A baseball tournament, in which the Cambray League and local teams wilf take part, has been arranged, and should prove a strong attraction for the second day of the Fonelon Falls Fair, Sept. 17th. W scHGOL oPENINGl Nothing adds so much to the pleasure of a. vacation or an outing as a ‘1 . ' ‘ no. 3 Perflinal. g We have everything you need in Text Books and Mr. Alex. 0111111 and family “ho have iS upplies for High School and Public School work. g been summering on Cameron Lake re- turned to their home in Lindsay on Fri- day. Mr. George Jordan of Lindsay was in town last Tuesdav. Mr. H. B. Black, manager of the Lind- say branch of the Bank of Montreal who VVith his family has spent the summer at his cotbgae on Cameron Lake, re- turned to Lindsay on Saturday. Miss Bessie We left on NIonday for Orillia. Miss Annie 1'ie has returned to her school at Fort William. Miss Mmgaret Twomey is visiting friends at Montreal. Mr. George M.11t1n and familV haVc re- turned from their cottage across Came- 1on Lake. His Honor Judge Hauling of Lindsay was at the Falls last Tuesday. Mrs. Henderson of Lindsay visited her duu ghter‘, Mrs. Thos. Sadler, last week. Cadet Sergeant NIay Eilery of the Sal- Scribblers Exercise Books . Pencil Boxes School Bags Pens Pencils Rulers Slates, etc. --'<;’_ ‘ 1. a: ‘7 ‘1' “ram ’ ' pkg-a1 Take a. Kodak with you. 11......1 .1 .2. '\" Kodak and Brownie Cameras for every purpose at our Store. Prompt developing and printing. I’Ld‘g .. We want every school boy and school girl to call at our store and get a savings bank free. \ 111 .-'- ‘ ." «rower 111111-21." .,.rMa‘~,~.., “v 1:1. _4. j ’12“: vation A1my Training School, Toronto -1=: is visiting 1elativ es in town. ,1: Mrs. CarlSmith and family have left 1% , for their home at H artfo1d Conn. 1., Mr. Arnold McGee is in Toronto at- . 131:, tending the Exhibition. an F V ,3, Mr. Blake Curtis and NIiss Bertha . . . 1-; . ‘T" : W.†few days with friends at the Falls. ’ weeks, returns to St. Louis next Mon- Curtis left on Tuesday. to attend the Toronto Exhibition, and to visit Hamil- ton relatives. Mrs L. Townley, VV1tl1 her son Edgar, Went to Toronto on Monday Miss Edith Townley has been visiting in Toronto for the past VV eek. . Miss Lydia Seabert who has been visiting M1s.Dr.lI:11nilt0n 011 Cameron Lake returned to Chicago last Saturday. Mrs. A. McFarland and Mrs. R. N. Mit-. 5 chell. have becn visiting io10nto friends and attending the Exhibition. Miss Maigaiet Wilson is attending Nounal School at Toronto 1N:-.[1s J. H. Stanton and Master Gordon Stanton went to Toronto on Tuesday to visit Mrs. Suanton's brother and attend the Exhibition. Dr. J. C. Berry and Mrs. Born of Chicago were the guests of Mr. and Mis. \V.Hea1rl for the week- end. . Miss Margaret Little leturned to Laketield 011 gTuesday after spending :1 M1. Alex. Spence spent the w eek-end at Peter boro. Mr. Joseph Carley is home from Mid- land. ' Rev. II. B_.- Kenny of Bowmanville s pent a few days renewing acquain- tances in '1t01Vn last week. Mr. Norman Mar tin and a. party of friends took a motor t1ip through a num- ber of neighboring towns last Sunday. Miss. May Jones aand Miss Albert Jones. , who have been. visiting their uncle. Mr. John Jones, are leavi 1115; on Saturday for I’ete1 bo1 0. Mr. John MeNeiee of the Mickie 13.1.2 DV ment 00. after b1inging his drive safely through from the north left last F riday for his home at Gravenhrrst. Overseer Jim. Jones of the Depaitment of Fish and Game made a trip to Lake Seugog last week in connection VVith some infractions of the game 111ws.Mr. Jones says the ducks appear to be quite plentiful all along the waters. Mr. Thomas JermVn, the popular fore- man of tne .NIickle 85 Dyment 00., has al- most completed storing one of the larg- est and finest drives of logs ever brought down the Grull RiVer waters. The logs will be cut atthe local mill of the com- panv. The Misses Holmes of Linds .151 were guests of Mrs. M. II. NIcCallum 1131» a few _ . ' - , ,1 - in 5 last week. _ " - .- . , , , “WW? “EMF“, ' W: Lake ‘ 1 1., 1 . . - W and west to 1111111111 and 1‘111.r.e 11111 ess. for a number of 11mm on On Fuller 9 Hill,seven rooms, M91111 mhrmghimmw mm‘ï¬â€˜ï¬Ã©â€˜Ã©rt’t-‘i‘flte ooo 81mm in Pro Vi-eais assistant at the local pou or house, m k tch 0d h d 0mm“ Quebec» ,0 cum I the Vinces 01 811 .mer 1 en, W0 8 e , August Lambâ€"From sum 0 mm. t315118;“) yopnlLtggg‘. Renfrcw and me to Azflda and has iesigned. The VflCflnCN has been ï¬lled by the appointment of Mi. A. W. 111bell, = . . ‘ QMiss Belle Abottt left last week to 1 sttuctgn 1': Busmess “‘91- shorthand sold†at once. Apply to . 911.913.51.114, â€3‘ â€m†m “mm“ “m w W â€1““ “â€5““ . ' teach school at Pam S 11111. I an '00 . t is no wonder d o ' Ml Dim-1011!!“ r west more†i ‘ 1-131 0 c J . our gra u H: C. W ELSE; . TURNS Rpm «Wanna, eto..s see DOPPAR' 61335:. 'oIzgtn‘“ .3, __ Miss Reta Arnold, of the St. Louis, (310.) General Hospital, _VVho has been Visiting her parents for a couple of day. . Miss Emily Nie was in Lindsay last week. Miss Helen Cogan, who has be on visit« ing the Misses Ialiand, returned to Ot- tawa 011 Friday. Miss Lillian Corbett and Master liar- vin Corbett have returned from-11 visit to Meafmd and Barr'i 1e f11ends . Captain Poole, S. A., of ’l .monto. for- molly of the local stalf of oilieers is re- neuing acqaintances at the. Falls. Mr. Thomas Robson spent the week' 1n 'lmonto. M1. Ross Junkin of T01011to accom- panied his father on his visit to the Falls last week Rev. C. .Lo1d VVill Visit Nalcartier camp next Sweek. Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson attended the 'l‘ay lor- B onnell wedding at Bebe oy- goon on yThursdgu. mama's-1:1 orEN1NG. Miss Washburn's fill millinery open:~ ing will he held on \N ednesday, Sept 9th, and follou 1n" d'11s, 11111211 3 full line of up- --to date millinerv will be shown. STRAYEiD CATTLE. strayed from Lot 18, Con. 11 Fenelon, . on or about A11g11st_ 6th one red heifer, and one roan steer VVith drooped horns , aluminum tag unuked J H ll, F. F. in left ear of both cattle. wunleaslgned J. H. BRANDON, Ecnsloslialls. . Cattle aged two years. Parties knoVVing of the where- abouts of these animals kindly notify the Druggistv and Optician ‘ - Fenelon Falls. shelling 1111191111111 i 311111111 1111 Us." i 111 Cue Let us supply your needs. We have a full line of spices. etc. Corks of all sizes. . I " Sealing preparations, such as Bottle Wax in - Of the old rigs. New ones cost money. We make a. specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. i If you have anything small tins, Parrowax, Beeswax and Rosin. We also have a. limited number of half gallon bottles at 100. each that needs ï¬xing up bring it here. Or if you need a new one we can build itr-gocd as the best, i... C illiliiiilli. Coiborne Street! Fenelon Falls; ’ We carry. a good stock of the best furniture at attractive prices. Always pleased to show goods. Picture framing a specialty. L. DEYEEE & Still FURNlTl'P†DEALERS Q» "11...... ._.....-................. l A FEET TEEifl opens Sept. ls any-11111111111 Fans Laborers Wanted 1.. Iron HARVESTING 1N wss'rssni 'GANkDA ;, ,1 “GOING TRIP WEST. †I ' “RETURN TRIP EAST.†5T " $12.00 T0 WINNIPEG $l8.00' FROM WINNIPEG 11 in the popular HOUSE; 11011311111 GOING bares 8mm s1». Marie» '3th Domain Momma and to certain points In 8883M;- ohowan and Alberta. Mona ace-From all stations 098$ of E! 811mm Lake and Rentmv,1n the Provinces of Toronto. This school,,enj,oys a great ; reputationfor giving ï¬rst-class in- stable, garden. A. bargain if 1111? â€v.0 .1 ~='¢- '1..â€",5rn.-r -1. p... ‘3 ates readily got good positions. This is the college for you to attend. To j day, not to-morrow, write for our ' Catalogue. Fenelon Falls Cr to W. T. Junkin 6,1. Suwmxe. Toronto- W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINQIPA'L QarnerYonge and Charles Streets. ; J GQZNG‘ . THEM BETTER. Furniture delivered to, your home at LESS THAN GITY PRICES You. run- No RISK. Call and see our goods. . 1818’. Gainer. FENELON FALLS. ONE New prepared to handle all orders for save. troughing, plumbing and general repairs. Good workmanship guaranteed. F. C. TAYLOR PHONE 5a, _.... ,.,...... SEE OUR WALL PAPERS. EENE'LON FALLS .....1. .i ? 1 1’ 3'. 2 f '9 3 1 i f