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Watchman (1888), 3 Jan 1889, p. 5

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f _ sum of 25 cents each. , so I refrain. five cents. offence. . 3 CW YQrk \ "f Mm" W i": MIA 8. PRESENTS- . Just opposite the New Post Oflice, you ,7 EB @7773. :1 willfind . ' l}. A. METHERELI.’ SUN. 9;, ? _ BOOK ("5’ FA NC Y STORE ' Where you will find a large stock of Fancy Goods and Xmas. Presents. A . large supply always on hand. Teachers requiring Prize Books for scholors, can be had at a discount. BALL IN AND INSPECT MY STOCK 0F BEAUTIFUL XMAS. CARDS. ...â€"â€" Remember the place, just opposite the new Post-office. Orders taken for all Daily Papers Magazines, and Music. 0. A. METHERELL, Kent Street. Che Watchman. THURSDAY, JAN. 3rd, 1889. Doings About Town. Library Lamps. Very cheap at Higinbotham’s 45-4. St, Addrew’s Church, Mr. J. J. \Vright, B. A., Queen’s Uni- versity. will preach in the St. Andrew’s Church at both services on Sabbath next. Gypsey Band Concert. The audience that greeted the Hun- garian Gypsey Band on Tuesday evening was ahe largest we have ever seen in the Opera House for some time, and the en- tertainment was fully worthy of the pa- tronage accorded to it. We congragulate our Citizens’ Band upon the success of their benefit. Salvation Army. A wonderful jubilee has been announc- ed by the Salvationists of this town, to take place on Friday January, 11. Ofli~ cers are coming from Port Perry, Cann~ ing‘ton, Omemee, Oakwood, Fenelon Falls and Peterboro. Staff Capt. Marshall, D. 0. will be in charge of the proceedings. In addition to the above list of visitors about one hundred soldiers from the above men- tioned places will also take part. Plush Companions. Comb and Brush cases, Perfume cases, Manicure sets, cheap at Higinbotham’s 45-4. Church Opening. The new Methodist Church in Victoria Ward, will be opened for Divine Service on Sunday next, when Rev. M. L. Pear- son, President of the Conference, will preach at 11 a. m. the Rev. Wm. Williams, D. D. at 3 p. m. and Prof. Rayner, at 7 p. m. Collections will be taken up in aid of the building fund. The Rev. Mr. I did propose giving them away but under the circumstances it might be looked upon as an attempt to ‘debauch the~constituency N 0 weather prophet need apply. Nor any one contemplating poetry or arson or other statuatory , A minister of the crown might be permitted to purchase one of these lamps on the presentation of a certificate from one of his political opponents that he had never committed highway robbery. This must not be considered a precedent however. THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, jANUARY 3, 1888. A BONANZA, 1 have ONE HUNDRED LAMPS for. sale ..th or». '. «in An applicant for one of these lamps should be possessed of a good moral character in addition of course to the necessary twenty He must never have been a candidate for legislative honors‘nor a book agent, nor a member of a debating society. ' With these few exceptions ladies and gentlemen I believe I am warranted in asking you all without distinction of age, sex or previous condition of politics to come and secure a bonanza in the form of a Twenty Five Cent Lamp. A. HIGINBOTHAM. ‘ Lamps, Lamps, Lamps, Hand, Stand, Hanging , every kind cheap at Higinbotham’s. ‘ 45.4. , Week of Prayer. 4 During the week of prayer. which begins on Jan. 6, Union‘Servrces will be (D. V.) held as follows at 8 p. 111: Monday, Jan. 7.â€"The Baptist Church , sub- ject, Thanksging and Confession,â€"â€"Mr. J. J. Wright, A. ' Tuesda , Jan. 8.â€"Presb subject, he Holy Spirit,â€" wey. rian Church, v. G. W. De- School House, subject, The family an Church,â€"â€"-Rev. Dr. Williams. Thursday, Jan. 10~Cambridge st. Meth- odist Church; subject, Annual meeting of Bible Society,â€"-â€"Several Speakers. Friday, Jan. llâ€"Queen street Methodist Church, Sub'ect. Missions, Home and For- eign,â€"Rev. . K. Anderson. All are cor- dially invited. the School Boardâ€"Special Meeting. Present, the chairman, and Messrs. Dobson, Smyth, Winters, O’Leary, Reeves Kennedy, Dean, Stewart, Flavelle and McNeillie. The chairman read the resignation of Mr, S. A. McMurtry which was accepted. Mr. Winters read the report of the managing committee. The report stated that the committee received only one ten' der for supplying fire wood for the use of the schools, that from Mr. F. Crandell. offering long wood for $3.20 and short wood for $3.30. The report also enumer- ated the duties of the janitor, and recom- m ended the appointment of Mr. W. H Passmore as janitor for the Collegiate In- stitute. The report was adopted. Perfumery . Of all kinds at Higinbotham’s. 45-4- Presentation. A number of our leading citizens waited upon S. A. McMurtry, Esq., at his resid- ence on Monday evening last, and pre- sented him with a magnificent watch on behalf of the large circle of business men and personal friends to whom Mr. Mc- Murtry has endeared himself during his long residence in Lindsay. A very pleas- ant social evening was spent. Mr. Mc- Murtry left for Montreal last evening. Municipal Nominations. Town Nominations. MAYORâ€"T. Walters and Wm. McDon- nell. REEVE.-â€"H. Walters and Geo. Crandell. FIRST DEPUTY-REEVE.â€"â€"Th08. S. Wil- liams and Thos. Fee. SECOND DEPUTY-REEVE. â€"â€" D. Ray, Peter Fisher, A. D. Mellon and T. Con- nolly. COUNCILLORS. NORTH WAan.-John Comstock, R. Touchburn, Jas. McW'illiams, J. L. Win- ters and Samuel Parsons. SOUTH Wanâ€"Thos. Beall, H. B. Dean, John Flury, F. Reeves, J. Wil- liamson, J os. Brown, S. Tucker, Abraham Brooks. EAST WAREâ€"P. G. Pilkie, A. Ross, W. B. Fee, G. Bryan, D. Hudson, R. Cahill. TRUSTEES. EAST Warmâ€"P. G. Pilkie and R. Kennedy. NORTH Warmâ€"J. L. Winters and J. D. McMurchy. SOUTH WARD.â€"H. Ferguson, W. Wednesday, Jan. 9â€"Church of En land. Anastasia Givery, 98. GRAMMARâ€"Maggie Hickey, 80; Mabel I Parkin, 80; Mary N esbitt, 77. Gsocasrrrv.â€"â€"R. Morgan, Gladman, 61; E. Weldon, 60. COMPOSITIONâ€"Minnie Grant, 89; A: ‘Bowles, 85; E. Clunan, 82. Hlsroar.â€"-Maude Whiteside, 50; R. Harrington, 43; B. McHugh, 41. The average on the different papers is as follows:â€"Orthography. 70 per cent. of the total marks were obtained; composi- tion, 54 per cent. ; arithmetic, 52 percent. ; geography, 51 per cent.; grammar, 47 per cent; literature, 39 per cent; history, 26 per cent. ' The papers were very fair, and the re- sults satisfactory. Miss Whiteside was excused from one of the most important subjects, or her total would have been considerably larger. The Collegiate Institute will be open for the enrollment of pupils, payment of 62; Chas. f . _ fees and organization of classes, on, Tues- day next. Regular work. will commenCe on Wednesday. Lindsay Model School, Names of candidates to whom certifil cates were awarded at the professional examination, December, 1888 :-â€"Charles Vincent Bennett, William James Burden, Robert Paul Cunthings, William T. Mackay, Thomas Albert Mills, Thos. W. Montgomery, Manford Shaver, Luella Jane Connell. Maude Deacon, Ida (Gra- ham, Susie Maloney, Minnie McGill, Nellie O’Connell, Hannah Oxby. Omemee High School Entrance Examination. Names of candidates admitted by the local examiners, with school at which pre- pared and number of marks obtained, the maximum being 735. NAME. SCHOOL. MARKS. Lowes, Bertha ...... Franklin. .. . . . . 473 Lowes, Ida ......... do . . . . 429 Dawson, Elizabeth. .Ops, 9 ......... 422 Southam, Emma. . .Omemee ........ 418 Black, George ...... Emily, 10 ...... 402 English, Lottie. . . .Omemee ........ 398 Norris. Ethel ...... do ........ 395 Elliott, Gertrude. .. do ........ 385 Pogue, Minnie ..... Ops, 9 .......... 384 Rea, Harry ........ do .......... 377 Ruth, Thomas. . . .Emily, 13 ........ 372 Personal. Miss Towle is visiting Mrs. R. S. Por- ter. Mrs. Tinney. of Bobcaygeon is visiting her friends in Lindsay. Miss Maud Battisby ,of Port Hope, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. S. B. Laid- law. . Miss Emma Shaw, daughter of Rev. Dr. Shaw, Toronto, is visiting Rev. Dr. Dewey deserVes the every encouragement in this matter for very few would Willingly undertake such a task, as he has now 13- Dean, Grace, T. Beall and P. Fisher. , Mr. H. being a candidate for the about accomplished. council, retires from the trusmeship. "“ Emily. - The G. T. R. Concert. . The concert given Friday evening last in All the on Council has been re-elected. aid of the G. T. R. library and reading Ops. room fund was an immense success. The Reeveâ€"E. H. Hopkins. De uty Reeve Opera House W” (”'0de to the doors, â€"-D. Walker.‘ Councillorsâ€"~01 councilall d the r amme faithfully carried out. _ . The verypui’egiition of the names upon the re elected by acc'l-amafion. ene on. rogramme is a sufiicent guarantee of the B Reeve-J. Daniel, J. D. Naylor,.De uty igh character of the entertainment, and rendersadetailed notice of the different Reeveâ€"M.H.Berkeley acclamation; un- cillorsâ€"D. Brown. N. Da J. Chambers J. parts unnecessary. Mrs. Bradley, a. great y favorite in years gone by in this district, Kennedy, J. Graham, R. Oxby, J. P. Bal~ mer. ' Eldon. received a hearty welcome, and her efforts were more than worthy of a plause accord Reeveâ€"Ewan MacKenzie, A. E, (Staback L. D. Gillanders. Deputy Reeveâ€"D. A: ed them. Miss Wetheral as an elocu~ tionest fully justified the flattering notlces McInt e, by acclamatlon. Councillors N. McMil an, Amos Hawkins, William Dixon, that had proceeded her first appearances in Lindsay. Mr. Hurst in his humerous W. A. McRae. Mariposa. songs was simply inimitable. As to Reeveâ€"4E. Bowes, T. Broad. First Depu- 'smucs, P ,S 3 Prices. nsignment of Wlll give our :11 i n the city Messrs. VVarringt-on and Aldridge. as they had on a former occasion a peared before a. Lindsay audience, it is on y necessary to ' say they became eater favorites ty Reeveâ€"Dr. Vrooman P. S. Mark R. . . than ever. Mrs. E. B. oberts ably pre- Irwin. Second Deputy eeveâ€"J. L. Fee, sided at the lpiano. We congratulate the T- Wallis, A. Cameron. Councillors-4’. McCorvie, D. Ferguson, W. E. Swain, T. Wallis, R. Greenway. G. T. R. boys on the success of their ven- ture. Dr. Williams. Miss Minnie O’Brien returned from To- ' route on Monday, Where she has been viisting friends. Miss Maud Morrow, daughter of Mr. B. MorrOw. registrar of Peterboro’ is vis- iting friends in town. Messrs. William and Norman Williams, sons of Rev, Dr. Williams, are home visiting their parents. Mr. Joseph O’Connor, of Pullman, Illinois, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. O'Connor. We had a call from Mr. H. Baker of St. Pauls, Minnesota, son of Mr. C. L. Baker, of this town. He s cut his holi- days with his parents, an returned on Wednesday. : . Rev. Dr. Williams received a telegram just before entering the pulpit on Sunday evening last, announcing the death of his mother. The doctor left on Monday morning’s train. . , ‘ Coal Stove for Sale An excellent dining-room, coal stove, with oven, for sale cheap; Apply at THE WATCHMAN oflice. . H4.» u;. , , , «a . , N'lt‘wh") , “A V O 5 Lindsay High School Entrance , . LINDSAY MARKETS. , T R N f Efigfilon- .tted b th .OFFICE arm LmDsAY WWN. A LET E FROM 8.1395 can adrm Y» 9 . ~ . -v. . decal examiners, with s'clioblwat which pro-u ; 1 7 . [1115, “A?! 0M" Janie 3111': 18892 i .1 - Mend thermaler ofmarksoblalasd. Immw. Parbushebsfimdoflmi S . ,, EA CLAUS. the mm.‘mll.mbe1ng 735. l V We do do.. 0 O 00...... IO. 1 m tofl 05 . ~ . V k‘ ' " I“ ‘ I - fl ' I” i w n . ‘h . , “ dyaim. l" ,w scHoo'L. mm 31.0; aim ag«~...,;. was. :0 gggggg will? Qfia of. Santa Claus, Dealer in [filliday Goodaf - 1 - . . ~13. *...~ ~â€" 1,; ... , . ' or o..s-..’;".V...;..a. . _ f , : , .. , . r» 1 , . ~ ~ « - -â€" gggfngfigffirgihhfigfi; S; S'" " 4:89? Flour, new process. . . . . ... 2 55 td 2, 75 . . . _ , f a g Mflfi Pale, p“: H? 18.88 - Gran, gMin’nie ‘ Thorah’ 2' .471, Flour, mixed, roll. . . . . . . .. 2 70 15032 90 M- f. (farm. known as 1h: MMWWP 4.1411,, W, W‘Rwa'pffiiggyme: McCaity Neflg,1.;jmdgy’pjgj 451. Stlaangbakersu .... .. . . .. 2 80 17053 00 Lz‘ndvay, Ont. “Allow me to‘mglgratulateyou on your W ‘ [etc and beautg'fizl stoc Parkin,‘ Mam]; . '4. 3.6 “ ,'. . . . 456 Bailey, per bUShel-l 0‘ . - 0 50 to, 0 53 qf‘SiapjlerjzdFang: 407169qu and noveltz'esfor tile, Itididdy trade. A careful menu,” Albert". Emily,'4. ; .1". . .*. ." 446 £393: 1 ' . 51°? .-.- «Tm-Jerri“ "1.3% 13 g? impedzbrz lead: meta. my. t/za’t I'fiave never seen afiner or better assortment. If Weldon, Ernest. ..Lindsay RS. . . 446 0833', { large 6.: f‘ ° ' ‘j 0 33 td 0 34 include: everytlzzhg tbs'beafi could desire for a present; flow baby to grandpa. ' Pov’vers, Daniel J .Lmdsay S. S... 443 Potatoes per bushial” ' 0 25 td O 30 Pleasé inform ybuz‘ [caplet/tat you bane made it unnecessary for ‘me to wkit tlzem gfifalnThfidm::Ta. - - 3: ~ wr- :33; Apples, per bag .......... . 0 00 tolo 00 ibis season; kazwgyozz a Merry Cbri'n‘mas. . .----. . Butter er lb. 0151502018 ' ““ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ”” Ifimdr31~m~itml' Gladman Hattie..Lmdsay P. S..... 429 P '" l :J’ J’, . ' Beef... .................. 0051:0007 'SA VT}! CLAUS ggphnéegagy J' Lindsigv S 3"": :3: Eggs, per dozen ........ . .. ,0 16 to, 0 17 Box; 1873, [Vort/z Pole. rl .' Glardiiian eggs-"finds” P' s ' 420 Salt, perbarrel............ 09mm 10 , . Whil .1; Madd.Lindsayfiv é.:.:l420 Straw, perload..n...‘..... 25060300 . . . ‘ Hickey, Maggie....'.Exnily, 4.......:.,417"HW‘:1°1' 833 8° 02° GOOd Grey Flannel, 12%c. Ladies’ cashmere Gloves, 15 ' Calvert, Septimus..Lindsay P.j.S.... 415 1 38 -------- ------- “094' Heavy all wool Flannel . . 15 2 papers. of Pius _ 5 BE. Ma ‘ do “' .. ‘ 414 WOOQOSee-ooeoeeooeeoeooo 200m400 “ . , , ' 0' 1:121 Dgfidfia” Bobcay eon . ‘412 Bacon . .. . . .per II). . . . . ..,. 0 11' to 0 12% wince), DECSS GOOdS, S 2 SPOOISa (Coats) 200 thread ’ S Nawbitt" , . . Lindsalgr P '5'; .. '- " 411 Mess Pork, per bb]. ... .-.- 0 00 to 17 50 Pure linen Towhng, * 5 Fancy Horse Covers, per pair, $1.25 (liter. truce. 2::Fenelon, 7. ..... ' 410 HEY, Per “”1- ‘ ° - ' "iii-$3.13 88, ‘50., i700 Towls per dozen, 50 Heavy grey wool Blankets. - 1.50 . McCarty, Eva. ...Lindsay. P. S. . . .. 408 ° ..exm ane- - ' ' - ° .. 1:9, .000 3 5’ grey Cotton, $I.oo Men’s Scotch Alma Caps. ' 4o , h d 397 Shortsperton............1800to2000 . w . . galeshffihfi-e... ,_ d: .397 Lamb skins . 0 60 to 65 glide Steamloom, , 05 Beautiful Stair Carpet, IO . 11110 , _.'° ,‘ooo-n ’ 7 - ’r i ea (:3- 120 Fla 61 I. 3°“? ($31112... g: . 332 Liisgifiblgnas. ”Rani: 32:: 00335026? Exgdigwhlte bgdl Blankets, 2. 5(6) Cfifilzmurirgddlefiiiques, 3; Aug“, Figs" 2 336 Flaxseedper 100 ..... 250to230 L BdC 'frt ' 68 a « McCullum, Alice. . Iver-311mb S. . . . .1 377 Dressed Hogs 'per 1001b , 7 00 to 7 50 Marge h 6 gm 0 ers, wool knit Dresses, so Jewett.'EV8---o-.~ i433? - ...; R e - 2' . 0-50,;0050 ens eavy urnsays, . 425 Cotton Shirting, fast colors, 05 misfits; EAL? 333 .33.. r‘diII-Iviiiiiiiiiii'u 00 .. 19,00 :11 wooACardigankJackets. 75. beautiful Cream. . , Io ’ . . .". WU », .â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"-â€"-. ' . “ ea rct'c s ‘ ‘ ,, ' Tile followmgm1 pupil: have stood highest 13‘} RST DEPUTY REBVE. “ “viool'lvllittssoc ! :3 SuctiigiaRemnants. at Y our own inteseve quecâ€" _ . ...... 1- . ‘ , , 3. - . . . - Burmaâ€"Nellie Mccarty, 45; Maude To. the. Elector: of Lindsay. ‘ 2 8°01 Pat's) any Size: ‘4. $ 90 CLadhflifS goolg MICE: Mugs, $ 3.00 Whiteside, 45;. Teresa Day,,lr42; Eva ~Lams Am, GENTLEMEN.-â€"- ' ‘ vercoa , (r .v ' “ 3.75 rens ur s, : 2; ', Jewett,~42.' ‘ ” ‘ - "‘ 'Havin' " . bee - d = « - “ Suits good quality , ' 5.00 : “ - “ Mufi's 5 ,. . - - ,g, m n normna , forthe , .’ 3 , _, . a 3 APi‘Emi ”mill/knife $1}? 3;! vfliceptll‘irsafbeputy Reeve". I We y Beaut‘fu'l 311WI'D’CSS'G9965» 1° 40¢ R‘bb‘ms’ ‘0" 5 Lizzi‘ ' est" pen2c2e.,s (Either-rt? 22 .' ~ ’ 881! your votesandinfluenc'e, i'andif-elect- “ ~ Corsets . fi 25.; 65c. _ ,“ “ ‘ IO DningdoéPsrda..â€"Richard Herring . - :2 will 6:0 ““15““ for the interest 0f the GOOd wide " Cal'Pét, . ' 112% Large Batts " ' i 7 m. :2; 'Mi‘gde ,Whiteside, 17; Sherman m. ., Yours . . fiadies heavy wOol Shawls, ,. $1.60 *2 Linen Handkerchiefs , 5 , 'nt m, . '. - , y ,‘ ' 1 en’s t0p Shirts COIIai' On > 50 Linen Table Demask - 15 nrrIN"Ma‘ry ' . ' -_ > T.S.WILLIAMS. . ’» - ~ . fig, 19. iii,” M33111? 12: ’ Alma Ham SOUTH WARD Beautiful Neck Shawls, , 35 COIO'red' “ ‘_‘ ’ ' 25 ‘ ’ ._ lli" McC 34; . . . . . , - Men’s and Ladies’ Persiam- Lamb Bustles .onl . ‘ Io Dglfimffxllfiwalilabel Parmi 33; 7'1”“ Ekttqgflf 1?“ 50““ W ”4- , , Caps, $2.25 $1.00 .Iiadiez Kids 4 6"button, 6o Burke McHu h 33. ' ‘ ADIES AND EN'annnN,â€"- Beaver Ca 5. . . . .. . LITERATUREâ€":eGeorge Berry, 73; E. Your vote-and influence are respectfully Heavy Coadndde 2Z3 £1830§11i§ni$f§é tggfién Yarn $1 (538 Clunan, 72; D. Jkll’gwerikfifia 104 R solicited for S. TUCKER, as Councillor for Girls” UlSters : $1 00 i “ u “ Warp 1-20 Aamnmrrc.-~ ert 89 n. . 3 - 1889. . . . ’ °- ' . . ‘ - Harrington, 100; Burke ' Mcflggh; ‘93; Polling.” Monday, January 7’ mm 3 pair childrens wool Hose, ' 25 Childrens wool F ascmators ' 25 OPEREHOU SE WEDNESDA Y, [AM 9m, GRAND HIGH GLASS. Vocal, Instrumental and musical Concert, by the Dominion Organ and Piano Coy's Band of BOWMAN; V ILLE- One of the finest Bands in Canada. Grand Overtures and Marches by the Band, Songs and Choruses, Cornet Clari- onet and Zylophone Solos by members of the Company. Miss Nora Coleman. ELOCUTIONIST, Graduate of the Phila- Lots of Hat and Bonnet Trimmings at your own price. 500 Ladies trimmed and untrimed Felt Hats and Bon- nets, at your own price. Ladies Astrachan ‘ Dog Jackets, 41 inches long, guaranteed for $20.00. delphia School of Oratory, in a number i ‘ . of fine recitations. $ 3 000 won‘d Qf SCOZ‘Ck Tu’eedf dd [14!] M r] , E, .WALLIS, Me uSucz/firz'ce of Canadian Tweedy. The leading Clarionet Player of Canada . is with the Company. The ‘Bowmanville Band numbers 30 musicians and will render a choice selec- tionef Operatic overtures and selections. It is hoped the people of Lindsay will greet this band with a bumper house. Programmes will be out in a few days. Remember the Date. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9th. Now this is the Greatest, Roaring, Rustling sale of DRY GOODS, ever known in Lindsay. M. J. CARTER, The Wonderful Cheap Man, Kent Street, Lindsay. SPRATT KILLW, ‘ PURE TEAS AND FRESH ROILSLE,” GOFFEES New Groceries. Our Stock of Groceries is now Complete, and are all New, Fresh Goods, and Best Qualities Having enlargedthe rear of our premises so as to store our Teas and Coffees and other Goods which we, expect to do a large Wholesale Trade in, we have ample room for to do a Retail Grocery and Provision Trade in front, which has been thoroughly , refitted, We will be ple'aSed to see all our old customers in this line, and any new ones that may favor us, and will guarantee they ‘will not regret any purchases they may ‘- ‘ make. ' _ Spratt ' Killen.

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