Kw“ [’4 Fall Wheat per bushel, old. $0 86 to O 00 Fyfe do do ............... 000t0091 Spring do ................ 000t0086 Goose do do ........... 10060078 flour, new proce§s ........ 2 40 no 2 60 Burlei per bushel ......... ' 42 to 0 55 Peas, do .......... 0 00 to 0 58 Peas, large do .......... 0 70 to 0 90 -Oats, d0 .......... 0 00 to 0 28 Potatoes per bushel...l.... 0.25 to 031 Butter per 11) ............. 0 16 to 0 17 Beef ..................... 0 05 to 0 07 ï¬gs, er dozen ............ 0 16 to 0 17 $112, par barrel ............ 0 00 to 1 50 Straw,.perload ............ 3001:0600} Wool .................... 0 18 to 0 20 Hides .................... 0-00 to 0 30 “Wood ..... 7 ............... 200 to 4 00 Bacon ...... perlb........ 0'09 t0010 ‘Mess Pork, per bb]. . . . . 000-t0 17 50 Hay. per ton....r ........ 600-t0 800 do extra Prime ........ 0 00 to 00 00 Shorts per ton ..... .. ...... ..17 00 to 19 00 .Iambskins ............ 0501:0060 ~. Sheepskins. pelts ......... 0 50 to 0 60 Live Hogs, “ “ “... 0001:0500 Flaxseedper 100 ......... 2001:0300 obressed Hogs, perlOOtb. 4 50 to.5 00 Rye ..................... 0 00 to 0 75 Branperton .......... V...1600tol~800 HixedChop..,. ..... 110vt0120 .‘Screenivnzs ................ 90 to 1 00 Alsike Clover ............. .7 00 :08 00 Red Clover ............... 3 75 to 4.25 l‘imothy Seed ........ ,. . 1 50 to 2 00 Corn Chop. ............. 1 75 to 1.85 Oat Chop ........... 120t0130 Pea Chop .......... . ...... 1 20 to 1 30 Flour; mixéd, roll ......... §'s. . ......... 2 E2 598 >NN> 588 Peas, do Peas, large do Oats, do .......... gotatoes peI:_bushel.. . o . . . . 0000000000 The Walsall Club has been the centre of the anarchist propaganda for several yea.“ throughout the Mir‘and «maï¬a». 9f the many lecturers who explnimd “0",.Wl 1m oooooooooooo Wool .................... Hides .................... Wood ..... 7 ............... Bacon ...... perib........ Mess Pork, per bb]. . . . . Hay. per ton. . . .7 ........ LONDON, Jan. 8.â€"The police raided a socialist .club at Walsall, .near Birming- ham, yesterday, and discovered a dyna- mite bomb factory there. Daeken, the leader of the club; a clerk; Frederick Charles, a moulder, and Cailes’ wife were arrested. Documents were found showing the extent and objects of the conspiracy, and also half ï¬nished bombs with destruct- lble explosives. Dacken was the agent of anarchists on the continent. and several crown heads would have been in danger had the conspiracy gone unprotected. It is also reported that- Daeken intended the bombs for use in extorting money from rich men, to be devoted to the advance- ment of anarchy, and Charles was led into the plot by the promise of a rich reward from the blackmail thus to be obtained. It is said the bomb manufacturers received frequent remittances of money from America. Cailes has been identiï¬ed as a man wlh is wanted 1!) France on a. charge of intend- ing to commit murder. LINDSAY MARKETS. OHICE. or THE Lmvsu‘ WATCHMAN. LINDSAY, Om, Jan. 14th, 1892. FOB STD CK-TAKI n Birmingham Bombmakers. It means we are determined to Clear all Odd Lines Lines we have too much of, Lines that are getting late in the season Cutting them in prices cut ting right in two in some instances. It means Cheap Dress Goods. It means Cheap Tweeds Means Cheap Linens. It means Cheap Mantles and Mantle Cloths. It means Cheap Suits. Means Cheap Clothing. Our clear- ance means business---in order that our stock may be reduced to the lowest ebb before stock-taking. Come and look through early and see it we can meet your wants and wishes. DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. ..o 3.000.... Coooliooaonut trooboooocooo v‘Oo-Oh100005 ooootnb-onono UDUOJJObDo-oa anarchistic doctrines to the club, Prince seriously hurt. The ladies’ coach was Kropotkine, the Well-known Russian agi- literally torn to pieces, as was also the tator, was the favorite. parlor car. Here was the greatest dam- A ï¬rm of ironfounders have informed age. There was hardly a passenger on the the authorities that in November they tmin who escaped injury. Help was soon were offered extensive orders for hollow at hand, and in a few moments the road- castinqs similar to a bomb which was pro- way was full of the maimed on their way duced by the chief constable in court T0“ to the town. There were three theatrical day. troupes on board, one of which was the Among the articles seized by the police CitY Club Burlesque Company, and was in Walsall is an abundant supply of completelybroken upunearly every mem- anarchist namnhlets teaching the manu- ber sustaining serious injuries. Among the articles seized by the police in W'alsall is an abundant supply of anarchist pamphlets teaching the manu- facture of explosives, besidesg a quantity of material for bombs and bolts. DELIBERATELY PLANNED. The examination of workmen at Dublin Castle with reference to the recent explo- sion was without result beyond the dis- charge of suspects. The ofï¬cial report ‘ concludes with a distinct affirmation that the explosion was planned and that the plotters aimed to blow down the walls supporting the council chamber. The explosion was timed for 2 o’clock. The council convened at 1.30 but was ost on- ed at last moment in order to ena le 0rd Zetland to attend a Xmas fete at the poor house. The explosive was ignorantly handled and took a wrong direction. The enquiry left no doubt that the conspira- tors were in intimate touch with the life and work of the Castle. Lord Zetland and his wife are thoroughly scared and the double chain of guards and military de- tectives has been renews ed around the vice regal lodge. The ï¬rst passenger coach rolled over three times. It was full of passengers and caught ï¬re from the stove, but all occu- prmts escaped n‘dve. The baggage and express car went river, but no one in it Was Three Theatre Companies in a Uisma Tragedy. CRAW FORDSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 11 â€"â€"Be- tween 2and 3 o’clock this afternoon the northbound Monon train ran off the track about two miles norrh of here at Nicholson crossing The accident occurred on a 50 foot embankment, down which four cars rolled, the engine and one baggage car keeping the track. The trouble is sup- posed to be due to a broken rail. A new bridge is being built on the 12th con., Mariposa, near the cheese factory. Mr. R. Cruess and J. Jewell are the con- tractors. The Mariposa Grange. No. 380, held their annual social on the evening of the 7th of J an. A bountiful tea. provided by the ladies. and a. well arranged program. consisting of songs, recitations, readmgs and speeches were the principal features of the evening. very pleasant time was spent. The oflicers elected for the Tem- perance Society for the quarter beginning Jan. lst, are: Pres., Bro. John Horn; Sec., Sister A. Rogers; Trees, Sister E. Weldon; Fin.. Bro. H. Rogers; -Cha.p., Aro. S. McElrov; Mar. Bro. R. Weldon; Guard, Bro. J. Jewell Special to the WATCHMAN. LINDEN VALLEY. THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, I892. Gruesome Discovery at the London Tower. LONDON, Jan. 11.â€"-Tne ground which the Second Batallion Grenadier GuardsI made use of for parade at the tower is understood to be the site of an ancient burying place. The excavations therefore which are being at present carried on for the purpose of improving the drainage are being made under the most careful super- vision. The contractors are forbidden to dig: up more than three feet broad ata time, though in depth they may go to some 10 feet, so as to disturb as little 38‘ possible the remains that may be beneath the surface. Whilst excavations were being made at the foot of the south wall of St. ‘ Peter’s Chapel a leaden cofï¬n was exposed to view. This on being opened was found to contain the body of a man in an excel- lent state of preservation. Decomposition had not set in. The features were plainly distinguishable, and the head was thickly covered with dark brown hair, which was pundisheveled. and evidently in the state in which it was arranged at the time of sepulture. The remains were those of a man of over six feet in height and well proportioned. He must have been of some distinction, otherwise the body would not have been placed in a leaden cofï¬n. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE LINDSAY, 13th Jan. 1892. at 2 o’clock p.m., pursuant to statutes. T. MATCHETT, TUESDAY, 26TH am, I392, The startling intelligence has been re- ceived in San Antonio, Texas, that an up- rlsing has taken place in several States in Mexico, and that the malcontents are flocking to Gen. Garza. Notice is hereby given that the Muni- cipal Council of the County of Victoria wxll M~eet in the Comcul Chamber in the Court House, Lindsay. “()RPORATION OF THE COUNTY -’ OF VICTORIA. County Clerk. $500 REWARD for a case of Dyspepsia. that cannot be cured. Naturesy Method. Home treat- ment. For particulars and sample treat- ment free. Send 10 cents for mailing. THE ST. LAWRESCE 00., pictou, Nova Scotia. MENTION THIS PAPER. The annual meeting of the Sharehold- ers of the Lindsay Cemetery C 0. at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. A full at- tendance is requested. MONDAY |8TH JAIL, I892, will be held in the.Board of Trade Rooms -E!LIN DSAY'Ié- HORTlCULTURAL SOCIETY. Of the above Society will be held in the BOARD OF TRADE ROOMS. in the Town of Lindsay, on Thursday, Feb. 14, 1892, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purltose 0f electing a president; and other ofï¬cers for the year 1892. By order of the Directors. THOS. BEALL, JOHN HEAD, FARMERS’ INSTITUTE The Directors of the West V. Farmer’s Institute has decided to make the follow- ing); liberal offer to all those who will be- come members for the year 1892. THE FARMERS’ ADVOCATE, 75 cents: TH E STOCK-RAISER’S JOURNAL and HOUSEHOLD COMPANION, 60 cents ; THE RURAL CANADIAN. 50 cents. This includes membership fees. Member- ship fees, 25 cents as usual. All members will get the monthly bulletins for the Ontario Board 0t Agriculture. The above subscriptions can be paid to any of the following directors, J. W. Reid, E. Bowes, E. H. Hopkins, Donald Jackson, Peter Campbell, W. Cameron, Johnston Ellis, John Cruess, W. Lownsbrough, T. Broad, J. F. Dix, John Connolly, George McHugh, Thomas Beall, Thomas Fee, Francis Scully, or the Secretary-Tress, James Keith. Come and pay your sub- scriptions early so as your papers can start with the new year. W. a. REID, JAMES KEITH, THE ANNUAL MEETING President. President. NOTICE. Secretary. Secretary. Alsike and Red Clover for which Toronto prices will be paid at PETERBOROUGH. John. Armstrong, Thorough-Bred Berkshire Boar, “ MONABCH,†Farmers’ Cash Grocery Store, No. 370 Water St, Peterboro, Ont. WAVERLY HOUSE BARN. PEDIGRF£.--Farrowed February 4th. 180; bred by Chas. Fairbairn, Bobeaygeon, 0nt.; 2nd owner Thos. H. Fee, Emily, Ont.; sire Nero [1109]; dam, Lady Hawthorne 1626} by Wolsley 5343], Pride of Guelph [570 ; b Black Jack[' 5], Florence Nightingale 983?: by Bellringer [135], Ex uisite 2nd 282- ; bv Royal Prince [157 . xquisite [‘ ]: by Sweepstakes lst 216], Matchless (imp.) [2451;by Valiant, Maid of Swindon; by Hum- Ehrey Boar, Ex uisite 5th; by Herlequin, xquisite 4_th;bi'3 .ordIChancellor,Exquisite 3rd; by King hippm, Exquisite 2nd; by {gag Charley, Exquisite lst; by Young in. TERMSâ€"$1.00, to be paid at time of Service. 51-1m D. S. M. R. C. D. S.. Unt.. DENTIST - - LINDSAY! THE POPULAR GOLD and PORCELAIN CROWNING SYSTEM without plate), practiced by Mr. Gross with great 53 isfaction to a large number of persons. fnserted by the most apprOVed methods and principle or securing perfection of ï¬t, comfort, usefulness, dura bility and beauty, on Gold, Silver and Celluloid, also all the harmless dental Rubbers, and at the lowest liv- ing prices. All sets of teeth ï¬nished and ï¬tted‘ mouth by Mr. Gross himself, or under his penum- supervision, which will account for the satisfaction given by his work. The introduction from time to time of the latest 3p pliances for the admmistration of VITAUZED AIR and Gas, enables Mr. Gross to announce constantly increas- ing success in the use of these anaesshetics. No pain no accidents, no torn gums. consequently no dissalis facnon. The best methods of preserving the natural teeth by ï¬lling with Gold and other reliable material, has been made a study for nearly THIRTY YEARS by 1!. Gross, and special attention and care is given by In this branch of his business. No unnecessmy pain pnllmg. Don' tfail to can on (‘- ROSS at himmce, over Ken- nedyltt'sstore Kent Street, and see specimens of his war w. H. (moss, WANTED ! WILL BE KEPT FOR SERVICE AT ARTIFICIAL TEETH SEED ISS SILVER Teacher of Inst. mental and Vocal Music, RI? Painting. Residence, ‘27 “ï¬lms, North. 43-1‘ The dining room is ï¬rstclass, accoxnmlM dation unsurpassed. People stopping ‘ this house will be used nicely Large she . ample room. Welcome to all that stop ' Geo. Carr's. Waverly House. Kent Sue: WAVERLY HOUS‘ FARMERS’ INSTITUT} Sessions‘ of the West Yictore Farmer: Institute will be held in the “r c {amizh currmm . \Y e gar: yourspare mumcnzs. man man . This: 01351217 111'“? ltfld.lh1. “rm-:3 “'IOS’: A' 1.('P~:'u(mw= Beginners an: earning from 5-5 .a $58 p- r -- wk and m and more nzzcr a lime experic am W e u: fn...i~h you an? Ploymcut and teach van if REF. No spam: to “\piun bani. maniac: FREE. T 8 CE ($0., 1.431.511, m § . ...~k. Youmér . ".\'.‘f " FRIDAY, JANUARY 15m, 189’ At Township HALL. OAKWOOD aux“: SATURDAY, JAN. AAAA, AAAA The following gentlemen m1 be p163! to assist at the meetmgs : Prof. Grensnde, V. 8.; T. B. Linï¬eld.5 S.A.; D. w. Beadle, Esq., and several ; other local men. ‘ Lindsay commences at 8 o’clock on Fnday evening, the 15th January. 586 yr for full particuiars. TERMSâ€"$1 per day. Council Chamber, LINDSAY: MUSIC AND PAINTING. Call HAVE YOU BEEN to see the new landiord at the â€"% Our _Saa REID, jAS. KEITH. President. WEST VICTORIA AND AT THE, ‘cmm on on CHAPPEQ :ouemess BF Lindsay, Janu: the No one desires tc of havil residl GIVI in orde' bes Sign x-FOR‘ ‘omp ten