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Watchman (1888), 21 Jan 1892, p. 3

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‘undings have much he neatly furnished win come home ren will grow arc,“ .‘nown house is a (: last thing aimed at, ‘to be found in the old 'lor suites. Odd piece as, tetc-aâ€"tctes, piano and b. they have just receiv- ling‘ani is :m especial-- ‘tcezds and pretty cots E Of the 12m: est designs: .uch higher figures, can rouse is that the price ‘ in piain figures, but 1Ft which will necessi- ft‘cring special induce- priccs. The entire es- ‘prc‘. ..iii;7g everywhere; : the enormous stock 2 sch-ct at their liberty. 3:13;; :2 great covonience, ;. 2's tn :mv of their six iturc L, near the Market. furnish his house from :sortment of ng, Easy and Reclining tratcd bent wood fumi- .ch the .‘vicssrs. McGar- position on this floor. rrdinary fessor F hat ‘ m are U) DC found from valued at fifteen hun- 1 thCV have inst rprpivâ€" nd there, from a twenty- >om set‘ and prices to ve in ’Vlattrass BED CHEAPLY nd his junior clerk can ides at prices to suit Bedstead fl hairs, Hail sks of all til}: newest ,card and w arkâ€"tables, ds and easels. is a rcvcfiation; m fact ImiL us :ria] exhibition 1n Ctiuns of an}one who w arerooms 1: display of the County ’usnéture. ombination Chairs 1119' “U 501/2 21 \‘IS 363, Wardnbu, nlr‘! So reet. 2" v-q essrs. much to do of" At stockâ€"taking time. Whe der long and deeply over the (-2 should understand what has cc crease 01 prosPenLy ; 1: the-re able to stop the leak. \Ye have just finished the work of taking stock, and the result of our cogitaâ€" [1388 over the past season 5 business wi'il bear fruit during the new year iVYe "son to be deeply thanktul to our many patrons tor the vety large trade have rea enjoyed and our gratitude is sincere. ALL KINDS OF ves for the next year entered upon : They are in a sense cannot be divulged. It will suffice our many patrons to that no effort will be spared to give them better service, the highest grade of goods, and whenever possible educe the price to the lOWCSt living figure. Our guiding princlple in the past has a “Small profits and rapid turn- over of Stock,” and it staysâ€"â€"it has worked to the satisfaction of our customers. As to our resol business secrets, and WATSH‘SMN, 50 GENTS PER. ANNUM All kinds of Plain 177' :TJTAIAM Jtcp don t‘ Rut e~ urpur OFF lfilul M ake this resolve-“it “LAM PRINTING A Laney Job Printing promptly attended to. J OS. COOPER, --v-â€" v 7 the events of the business yearâ€"~1t tar as contributed to that success in order here have been losses, he 1111.5: r-v-r-w Whenever that may be: See them be- a good start for the new LINDSAY At Home , the THE WATChMaN L; Proprietor. , 850. :ir wants in our line to give by a good many dollars in a merchant invariably pon- :ar-â€"-if fairly successful he s in order to gain an ‘9.- 1 m 'G‘i ?"'" '1'. ll' . L2;.c.:3'£: go [)6 FAMILY GBOCEE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. FINANCIAL AGENTS. FIRE INSURANCE- The Aebna Fire Insurance Co , of Hart- ford, Conn., incorporated 1819, losses paid in 71 years about; $65,000,000, assets over $10,000,000, ab-olute1y the strongest; Ameri~ ‘ can Co. in existence. vulu vvu â€"7 The North British and Mercantile incor- porated 1809. paid up capital abt. $3,500,000 total assets $50,376,061. The N B 8; M is the largest and strongest Co. in existence. LLAU lw-Hv-(v 7 We also represent other Fire Companies of lugh standing, and can glve safest se- curity for the .owesb rates. LIFE INSURANCE- The Confederation Life Association, of Toronto, issues Policies Incontestable after three years. FREE from ALL RESTRICTIONS as to RESIDENCE. TRAVEL or OCCUPATION. The New Annuity Endowment Policy ail‘ords absolute. protection against contin- gency of early death, provides: an INCOME 11 Old age, and is a good investment. Rate 15 to 20 per cent lower than ordin- The New Annuity affords absolute. protc gency of early death, 11 old age, and is a go Rate. 15 to 2' ary rates, \Ve have a large list: of valuable Build ing Lots, Brick and Frame dwelling houses, Farm properties, and choice lots on Stur- geon Luke, which can he had cheap for cash. or mortgage at a low rate of interest, MONEY T0 LOAN at a low rate of interest. Persons desiring to place their property in the market can have it advertised free of charge and will be sold or exchanged by us at a smallcommismon, KNOWLSON BROS. Persons desiring to place, in the market can have it of charge and will be sold ( us at a smallcommiSSion, Represent. The Beaver Line of Steamships lying between Montreal and Liverpool. T3011“ large and well equipped and cheap rates of passage. Represent the Norwich 8: London Acci- dent. Insurance Co. Capital $1,000,000. Rates extraordimxrily low and security un- m‘pussed. OFFICE WILLIAM-ST. NORTH OF KENT STREET. Lindsay, Nov. 19th, 1890.~-15-1y. year. KNOWLSON BROS. KNOWLSON BROS. mm and STRENGTH; Eon: MDST or FAILING MANHOMD, General and NERVOUS DEBILI'I‘Y, Weakness of BODY AND MIND, Effects of Errors or Excesses in (ild ‘ or Young. Robust, Noble MAN- HO0D fully Restored. How to en- large and strengthen WEAK UN: DEVELOPED GRGANS and PARTS 0F BODY. Absolutely unfailing HOME TREATMENTâ€"Benefits in a day. Men testify from fifty States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) FREE. Address ERLE MEDICAL 00., BUFFALO, N.Y REAL ESTATt_ N UDAY '1‘ MD KS DAY This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success ful CONSUDQTION CURE. is without a put. Ifyou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, 3e if, for it wvz‘lll cure year. E your child gas e ‘roup, or 1100 ‘m 0 use it rom y, and relief is sure. PIfgyouuiread P’ 'gious disuse CONSUMPTION, don’tfaz'l to use it, it willgcure you or cost nothin . Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE. 'ce 10 out, acts. and. $1.00. If your Lun are sore or ck 1am. use Shiloh’s Porous? names cts. vv ‘51 ‘s L:. ) :1: e ani residence. Cambridg 5L, Lindsay, opposite Baptis Church. Dr. B. E, MCKbNLLn, n.n., Lecturer on Orthopedic Surgery in the women’s Hedical Cofiege, and in 90.01200 University; Consulting Orthopedic Suc- geon to Viotoria Hospital for sick children. Toronto. Diseases: of the Joints and Do- formithes only. Consulmsion 10 to 3. Bloor St. W. (Near Yonge St.) Intonuo. 8-1y' J SURGEON, ETC. indsav U Oificc and resigience, Russell Street}, Lindsay, second door west of York Street. Office hours, 9.00 A. m. to 10.30 A. M. ; 1.30 P. M no31>.m.and7to81>.x. DR. .1. SIMPSON, Graduate of Univ. ofTrinity COL, Toronto. Mcmbcro Col. of Physicxans Surgeons,0nt. Late Physician of Rockwood Asylum, Kingston. Grand Trunk Sur geon, Lindsay District. Lindsay, Feb. 4th. 189:.â€"5 tars. Sullcmors é Li.1dsay. F. D. MOORE. d. HOPKINS (successor to Martin ' 65 Hopkins) Barrister, Solicitor etc Office. Wi‘ 1mm St. Lindsav Ontario. jOHN MCSWEYN ‘LV'I'RISTERS, SOLICITORS. etc. Hammon'sg Block, Kent street, Lmdsay. l M ‘l “l ' CITOR, Proctor, Notory Public, Conveyance Etc. Offices in Bigelow's Block. Comer York St Ken' Street Entrance on York Street. Lindsay, Ont. 1V1. RISTL'RS, solicitors, charies, etc., etc. Omcesovcr Ontario Bank, Kent-8L, Lindsay. D. I. MclN'l' \‘RE. n' LlCl'l'UR, clc.,Coumy Crown Attorney, Cleark 01 Pcaoc, L1: ldsay, Om. nfiir‘e over F'ole) 's tore,Kent-St. andsay. >15 «$8.3 AR'I'H U R U'LLAKY. Barrlstcrs,501icuors, c. 01110:, Kent St. Bakers UlocK,up.suur.s. MUNBY TU LOAN at, lowest current rates. in privficg“ to borrower to pay off any sum on account of princxpulwuhuny payment 0: Interest wuhout udticc and wnhout expense. Interest yearly. All payments . SIMPSON, PHYSICIAF. KOHNA PARRON R I MzLAU‘JHLIN made in my omcc OORI‘ JACKSON (SUCCESS Ions to HudSp eth Jackson) Barris- Solicitors etc. Ufiice William street, McINTYRE STEWART, Barristers and etc., Lindsay. BARRON, a MCLAUGHLIN, CSWEYN ANDERSON, BAR- .L'l. L’rivabc and Company funds to loan at; above rates, on good b‘armand'l‘owu security. MONEY T0 LOAN. AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES, NTEREST PAYABLE YEARLY. Terms to suit borrower. Debentures, Morbguges and N ones negoti- ated to best advantage. BARRON 6:. McLAUGHLIN, Solicitors. Lindsav.-â€"39 cIN'l‘YRE A; STEWART, BAR- mOSILZEW. ma .um_<>4.m .uczom EC PCP? bye Fry/(Ema 5.235.? ’LEARY «nO’LEARY, HARRIS yrofc'ssional' glarés. DEGRASSL P LYSICIAL LGEON. ETC. ETC, Wellington-S: The London Guarantee and Accident In-. surancts Company of London. England Capital $1,210,000. Liberal policy -â€"B0nus every five years, my) per uuuum secures $5 weekly compensation, and $1000 in the event. of death by accldeut. JOHN D. MACMUchY ienera- A zen: Lmdsav Lindsay, Dec. 30th, 1887. IERS Auoncys at Law, Solxcuors m Chancery omcc, Mommy woes, hem. strect. v. 5 ii 55, 6 61 PER CENT. B. Dean, BARRISTER, SOLI I mm MAN, M. D. 9.1.0:: , MCKENZIE, BA: ifmpstcianfi. DE V LIN, BARRISTERSO- WWNEY TU LUAN. UN LlMIl‘ED b‘ Ul’l’LY 0F Barrlster, Solicitor, C., Corner of York Kent Streets, Lindsay jANUAKY 21. 1892- Accident Insurance. DONALD R. ANDERSON 3 April and get the prev 3 From address by Prof. ALEX. JACKSON H. B. DEAN, k1 UGH O’LEARY T. STEWART DAIRY CONTRAST S. PROF- ROBERTSON DISCUSSES DAIRY- ING 5N SUMMER AND WINTER. His Two Propositions . Amen who runs a. creamery for only five age ice Hausa sun at lulu--4 __ Farm Pointers. Farmers have come to this experience in their calling. that their profits are threat- ened with annihilation. Times are hardâ€"â€" there is no question about itâ€"‘imes are hard upon the farmers whose profit-produc- ing occupation lasts- only half the year. Times are not hard in Ontario with formers who keep their business going sad sell their products in the summer time, and fatten and sell steers sud other st0ck products in the winter and spring. These men have been doing well during these past ten years, ereu if times were hard. Adsiry man who has no fat steers to sell, can do ‘ something else. The point is can we begin é winter deiryisg without much further out- ‘ lay! A Creeihery Association is on organi- zation which should take hold of this new problem and help the farmers to solve it. months in the year will find his patrons be~ coming thoroughly dissatisfied with the re- ceipts from their cows. It cannot pay a. man to feed cows for twelve months from which he obtains cream for only five months; and the man who runs a creamery can never sfford to make a. profit out of the losses of his patrons. Put that down us a solid fact. And the man who furnishes skill and helps to make the profit of his otrons 151' or, will get a lsrger share for imelf. I 3 men, running e cresmery, will try and extend the msnufscturin season for s. few months more, he wil find he will get so little cream thst the running expenses will run away with the profit. You cannot begin to prac- tice winter dairying in creameries until you educate the farmers to feed their cows so that they will give milk during the winter. You need to begin at the founda- tion, and educate the farmers to feed their cows so that they will give milk, and send it to the creamery. Then when they have abundance of pay coming in regularly all winter, they will have money to pay their nnrrnn". exnenses. It Will not take all the Ice Packingâ€"How to abundance UL pa.) pu....-.° __ v - winter, they will have money to pay their current expenses. It will not take all the summer to pay the accumulated grocery bills of winter; but they will be ahead in the spring and the summer will leave them more profit. Ihave said that much by way of preface, to try and remove an}: misconception that winter dairy’ing has an; hostility in it to summer dairying. Now, put this down as my second propo- sition, that the price of butter in the summer time is one factor in a farmers business over which he has almost no con- trol. One man, twenty men, fifty men, five hundred men, can never by any man- ipulation raise the price of creamery but- ter in summer by one cent a. pound. But ‘ creamery butter fresh-made will sell, on 1 the average, throughout the winter, for l about a. half more per pound than it will I from June to September. A man has ex- . elusive jurisdiction over that factor. He i can make creamery butter from June to ‘, September and take the prevailing price I then, or he can make it from September to : April and get the prevailing price then.â€"â€"- i 13-..... nr'lrlrass 1w Prof. Robertson. Directions for DIaking 3 Fruit blorasc‘ and a Family Ice House. ‘ The method of building ice-houses with- out requiring packing of sawdust, charcoal or other substances, merely by leaving dead air spaces, is to-day considered fully equal, if not superior, to the old-tin e way. Dead air spaces appear to have fully as much power as non-conductors as do solid pack- ings, and, this method is a. cheaper one. The system, however, must be carefully tol- A FRUIT STORAGE ICE-HOUSE. lowed out for the best results. The air chambers must be distinct. and must not admit a draft up or down or around the ice. The air spaces must open into the upper ortion of the house above the plate, that the COM air of evening may descend into them. This also allows air which may have become slightly heated to rise above the ice without reaching 3‘ partitions must be tight. TO re- open in warm weather w a Lion above the ice, allowi heated air and the mgress which nights and storms m small quantities of ice, it‘ “‘1! 11 these air spaccsfio leaw HOME ICE PACKING- Thereanent-flome Make 3 Fruit Stor- g 3 Fruit Storage DAIRY' ‘ a If the character of your land be sandy 1' ER 1 gavelly, you need have no anxiety about ' i drainage, as the melting ice will take care oi L it=elf. The main point is securing good â€"mome i «3: einage so as to prevent adraft oizur under 1i t Stor- 1 tie ice chamber. It is weu to have a. stone 3 underpinning well painted with mortar. A louseâ€" . current of air will melt many tons of ieein g, 1 week. An excellent plan in use undermuy _ ice-houses is a. cold storage room. A health ience in most convenient for thisarrangernentfihough 5 threat‘ by elevating the floor for ice 4 to 6 ft. 3 0 hardâ€" moderately good storage room can be secur- imes are ed with a little extra. cost. The one objection ,-produc- to this convenience under the ice chamber II :he year. that it is likely to allow drafts of air n, ‘ f‘YmCFS through the ice-house unless great care I 8611.910“. exercised. A tight, or nearly tight, and d iatteu sloping floor should be made and the drain- Oducm m age carried into a. trough and away from ”C“ have the building in a pipe. Of course the floor, P35” ten which also forms the ceiling of the cold A duty storage room, must be heavily propped ‘3 1, C3D 4° ‘, underpinned to support ice so .the gm“ we begin weight above will not crush it in. Many “h" 0“? i, find such a storage room extremely useful ‘1‘ ”783“" i in holding for a few days small fruits, ve- this 3°)” i getables, meats, etc., for market, and for 1 ,L . A. .- .‘_ _-_.._1:-.. Fm- fann- would be well unéerpinned and perhaps on. or two courses of tiles {and in the ground . rod or two from the house, if possible into gravel soil. 1 , , ,71A_J L- --_.I._ u getames, menu, cum, AVA ” ..... preserving the family supplies. For foun~ dation walls probably nothing is cheaper or superior to concrete well laid below frost. The walls if of wood must be double or treble the same as for the ice-house proper. Double doors and windows must also be provided. Never overlook the rule, that the smaller the amount of ice stored, the greater is its proportionate waste.â€" Farm and Home. What the Great.“ Kama Said of nor. Remember, woman is most perfect wk. most womanly. â€"â€"Gladstone. Earth has nothing more tender than a. woman’s heart. â€"Luther. A woman’s stren h is most potent vb. rohed in gent chessâ€"Lamartine. Disguise our bondage as we will, ’tis 10 man, woman rules us stilLâ€"Moore. pion- To woman’s gentle kind we owe what com- forts and delights us hereâ€"Crabbe. Heaven will be. no heaven to me if I do not meet my wife thereâ€"Andrew Jackson. Even in the darkest hour of earthly ill woman’s fond afiection glowsâ€"Sand. Death is the drooping of the flower that the fruit may swelL â€"â€"Beecher. Eternal joy and everlasting love there’s in yon woman, lovely woman.-â€"Otwav. That man hath secured his fortune who hath married a. good wif .â€"Euripidec. Ruptured man quits each dozing sage, oh, woman! for thy lovelier page. -Moore. 0, woman! woman! thou art formed to bless the heart of restless mamâ€"Bird. It is by women that Nature writes on the hearts of menâ€"Sheridan. The woman is not the servant ot the man, much less his slave. ~Lamennais. For me I’m woman’s slave confestâ€"with- out her hopeless and unblest.â€"Hogg. Roses, like women, retain their sweetness after their beauty is lost.â€"Lamartine. Everyone can guide an il'i wife weel but him that has her. 'Scot’s Proverb. Every pretty woman should be a. flirt, every clever woman a politician.â€" i l Ouida. Provided a woman be well principled she has dowry enough.â€"â€"Plautus. Right thought kept well in mind, no evil thing can enter there. â€"â€"Buddha. Every man is a worse man as ' the married state.â€"-Johnson. Still woman draws new power from every blessing and from every ill.â€"Lamp. Surprising! one woman can dish us so many rare sweets up together.â€"N. P. \Villis ‘ Nature meant to make woman its master- pieceâ€"Lessing. Oh, fairest of creation! last and best of d! God‘s works. â€"â€"Milton. \Voman is God's appointed agent of morali- ty.â€"â€"Mrs. Hale. It is the low man thinks theZwoman low.â€" Tennyson. hould not women be destined to functions the most noble and elevated. â€"â€"Plato. The society of ladies is the school of polite- ‘ ness.â€"â€"Mountfort. He that a. good woman loves is fenced \ Italian Proverb. against all evil.â€" Every gift of noble origin is breathed upon by Hope’s perpetual breathâ€"Wordl- worth. The very first 01 numan nu: u...“ ~r--â€". from woman's breastâ€"Byron. If woman lost us Eden, such as she alou restore it.â€"V'Vhittier. Modesty in woman is the pro to her virtue.â€"â€"Heine. Everyone is as God has mm‘xe her, and onemimes a great deal worse.â€"â€"Cero vautes. tecting robe The wife is the keeper souLâ€"Arabitm Sz.yiz O, woman! in this world can be compaud to ' Seek in thy need the comma c mamâ€"Calderon. Upon a sudden motion an woman for the most par -â€"Arioslo. Be it ever coufess‘d. from her both refinement- and zest She was a. phantom of delig} she glanced upon my 5: worth. Contact with a bi h minded ‘ , for the life of any man.- 1 Religion directs us mi} N to J H.-- MUSIUH uuvuu, w , peace than ozztxmrd ease.â€" W235. In au'airs of emotion moral and religious women will always leadsâ€"Parker. Be but yourselves, be pure, be true, and prompt in duty. â€"â€"\\'liittier. Enjoy the spring of love and youth, To some good angel leave the rest; For time will teach thee soon the truth, There are no birds in last year's nest. â€"â€"Lon;;{cllow. Boutton keeping W for a your. “Isn’t that an ex: “N01 at- 311. I (L econnm“; of my 1:: start. huusckeepin-v, an allowance of as ~.g a 112W .vv ..v __v 5L tight, orr neat-137 tight, and should be made and the drain- into a. trough and away from in a nine. Of course the flan}! LOVELY WOMAN. Jimmy of my in. huusckcepin allowance of ,id for bond.” “What, do you “Well, by the ’l U' '-‘-A \~. h: it do \01\ thing wil cl} In the time “ea c about a. million.” need the counsel of a wise ll 1‘ “Act vu- dden motion and untaught ‘ for the most. part reasons best. CL9393? in h minded woman is 6°“ am m. ..n â€"‘ incent. ; vzl'ht‘l to sum“ 1““ desixc m 13.: ldlml} 9 g, and as much :ravagant ‘1 are m 'om her man receives nd zestâ€"Moore. f delight when first mv sight.â€"-\Vords- the Pin of the husband’s rs. what boon _-2.iorris. mxg W68 take board : to house-

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