t would have be umiture was never th us. at least. lings have much 1 neatly fumished ill come home :1 will grow -s 75 z. rcvciation; in fact I In (Mistrial exhibition in ï¬ecticv .5 of anyone who cut and m chs a tour of Bookcases, Wardrobcs, xd Combination Chairs of y. iis well-known house is , ly the last thing aimed at. are to be feund in the old its fa? $30 psion are to be found frcm set valued at ï¬fteen hin’ hich they have just receiv- in, Englanci. is. an especial- )edsteads and prctty cots 'are of the newest designs : :0 much higher ï¬gurCS, can \iS house is that the price rked in piain ï¬gures, but west. which will necessi- r offering snccial induce- :ed prices. The entire es- Ier prevaili: 1g everywhere; date the enormous stock ; can select at their liberty. lot only a great tovenience, stomers to any of their six -., near the >arlor suites. Odd piece 'ans, tetc-a-tetcs, piano and masks of 211} the newest ntre, card and work-tables, :tands and cascls. mnd there, from a twenty- room set, and prices to ve wareromns on Notre lent diSplay of assortment of of McGill street. Bedstead {02' $2, or a. hairs, Hall Furniture, ve in Mattrasses. xfurnish his house from and his junior clerk can rticles at prices to suit ,1) CH EAPLY fer $11, 57‘ 5074. Y8; Son. ITURE Sheet. much to do Market. NEW YEAR’S RESOLVES. M At stockâ€"taking time, whenever that may be, the der long and deeply over the events of the business yearâ€"1f fairly successful he should understand What has contributed to that success 1 crease oI prosperity ; ii there have beenlosses, he must able to stOp the leak. we have just ï¬nished the work of taking stock, and the result of our cogitaâ€" tions over the past seasons business will bear fruit during the new year We have reason to be deeply thankful to our many patrons tor the vety large trade This GREA Rd CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par. ' allel in the history of m edicine. All dmggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other we can sneeessfully stand. Ifyou have a Cpugh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it W111 the Group, or WhooP in and relief 15 sure. If you no ‘ .'_~ your gPrice IO cts.,‘ . i warily avoided disease CONSUMPTION, willocure you or cost Q’ï¬psiciam‘s. cure 011. goo SCURE. If your child has rig-1:; use itprom tly, ad that insi 'ous ailtonseitit P lYSICIAI‘} _______’________,,...._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. DEGRASSI, SURGEON, ETC. 1 indsay ETC., Wellingt on-St i l , The success or failure of all gatherings, ‘ whether in the wider evenings or the more selected Mainly, dinners, depends on the hostess. if not wholly, it is she who causes the thing to go well, or to make shipwreck T COUGH CURE’ this W on the rocks. If she is fussy and inter- fering, thinking it her duty to interrupt all pleasant tete-a-tetes and break up and scatter to the four winds all happy con- glomerates, she does more harm than those of the sluggish kind, who invite their guests hep-hazard, as a. ï¬sherman casts his nets, and then does not take the trouble to assort according to size and value, but lets them all flap and flounder in together. A very fussy hostess is an inflic by those who understand the pitfalls as well as the rose-banks of so- ciety. Not for ill-nature, but rather by curious kind of indiscriminate good nature, she dest' rays the comfort and Mystery “THE NEW Aaqu Carried by Contagion I Person, and not by. thr Shortly after the arriv of Scots and her court queen and all her hosset and English, were take influenza. The queen l “on to be six days. The name giv the disease, which from a is easily recognizable as class as that from wh happiness of every one on whom her restless lately suï¬'ered, was “' eyes may fall. made he lighted. cient, a: ttcr: t Hence she spoils the already sum- :(l destroys the perfected, through A -mhnï¬- now combina' The well must always be tance.†he contented must be the de- . . . often Visited mankind, Since that da outbreak having occu years ago. During all ~-1 LUV our gratiiuae is cannot be divulged. It wi possible ‘educe the p1 ' ' rinclple in the past has always been over of Stock,†and it staysâ€"4t has worked to the ALL KINDS WATGHMAN, All kinu: u: liCDI'CSL'HL LIIU A‘Ul n dent Insurance Co. Rates: extraordinarily urpnsscd. OFFICE WlLLIAM-ST. NORTH OF KENT y, Nov. 19th, 18€)0.-â€"~~15-1y. M Capital 3 low and sec Lindsu Make this ave not tried us for their invite families who h do better than others b5 . satiï¬ed that we can resolve-â€1t 59 ,GENTS PER. ANNUM 01: PRINTING Jr the next. year enuncu up“. . _ __ ,1 any patrons to ot be divulged. It will sufï¬ce our m spared to give them better service, the highest grade possible ‘educe‘ the price to the lowest living ï¬gure. e past has always been “Small proï¬ts and rapid turn- -. 1r .. -“n‘olzprl tn thc sat . inO promptly attende dto. LINDSAY: ‘ CITY PRICES ' NGLINUD‘; At Home and the result of our cogitaâ€" : during the new year We ns tor the vety large trade Proprietor. fl KNOWLSON BROS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. FINANCIAL ABINTS FIRE INSURANE- Co_, of. Hart ford, Comm, incorponoted 1819, losses pail in 71 years about. $65,000,000, assets ove $10,000,000, absolutely the strongest. Amer ’v I can Co. in existence. M The North British and Mercantile inco .500,0( I porated 1809, paid up capital ubt. $3, total assets $50,376,061. The N 3 M the largest and strongest Co. in existenc We also represent other Fire Compani of high standing, and can give safest s 11-. in“ *qu -n\\‘0k‘l‘. rates. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. FINANCIAL AEINTS. FIRE INSURANE- The Aetna Fire Insurance Co, of Hart- ford, Conn., incorponeted 1819, losses paid ‘in 71 years about $65,000,000, assets over $10,000,000, absolutely the strongest Ameri- t I M ‘ can Co, in existence. m. The North British and Mercantile incor- porated 1809, paid up capital abt. £5,500,006 total assets $50,376,064. The N 8:. M is the largest and strongest Co. in existence. \Ve also re resent other Fire Companies of high stan ing, and can give safest se- curity for the Lowest rates. I. if???" m‘ are our own exclusi anything is left to VIGOR OF MEN restored. Weakne Debflity, and all 1 The Confederation Life Assoclauon, UL __ Toronto, Issues Pohcxes Incontestable after three years. FREE from ALL RESTRICTIONS l. as to RESXDENLTE. TRAVEL or OCCUPATION. The New Annuity Endowment Policy Eu affords absolute protectlon against contin- s†gency of early death, prov1des an INCOME _ n old age, and Is a good Investment. Rate 15 to 20 per cent lower than ordin- 1‘ ary rates, 01 KNOWLSON BROS. D We have a large list of valuable Build ing Lots, Brick and Frame dwelling houses, Farm roperties. and choice lots on Stur- geon ake, which can be had cheap for cash, or mortgage at a low rate of interest, MONEY T0 LOAN at a low rate of interest. Persons desiring: to place their pro )erty in the market cam have it; advertiseci free of charge and will be sold or exchanged by us at a smallcommission. Represent, the Beaver Line 0: i lymg between Montreal and €3oat< large and well equipped rates of passage. Represent the Norwich Lc dent Insurance ()0. Capital ‘1 Rates: expraordnmrily low and KNOWLSON BROS. All men can’t be ¢ Apollosof strength and form, but all ‘ may have robust < P P ,l" .z‘: are our own exclusively, and Where anything is left to build upon, the YIGOR 0F MEN is easily, quick- ly, permanently restored. Weakness, Nervousness,’ Debility, and all the train of evils ‘ from early errors or later excesses, the result of over-work, sickness, worry, etc ., forever cured. Full strength development, and tone giv- en to every organ and portion of the _ _. , 1... are in a sense body. Simple, natuml methods. 1m- mediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2, 000 refe1ences. Book, explanations and p1oofs mailed (sealed) free. Address, "luv“ â€"â€" ERIE MEDICAL 00.. BUFFALO. NY- LIFE INSURANCE (3.3001733 3, Norwich London Acci- : Co. Capital $1,000.0(k), MUNI' IU LOH“. inzu‘ily low and security un- AT LOWEST CURRENT RATE 5. H-ST. NORTH OF KENT STREET. ‘1 INTEREST PAYABLE YEARLY 19H . 18S)0.-â€"~~17 -1 '. 1 > 3 Terms to suit borrower. Life Association, of. .inc of Steamships real and Liverpool, numncd and cheap av '1 AU KSDAY, jANU‘AKY mbUJJOULu-a- m.-." , . . medlcme. Au allcl in the history 0 are authorized to sell it on a an Sumessfully sta_n_d. a. test that no other cure c Ifyou have a. Cough, Sore use i}, for it \El‘ll cur? you. Lecturer on Orthopedic Surgery in the women’s Medical College, and in Toronto University; Consulting Orthopedic Sn!- 1 gem to Victoria Hospital for sick children, Toronto. Diseases of the Joints and De- fouihe only. Consultation 10 to 3. Bloor St. W. (Near Yong: St.) Toronto. 8-17’ . â€L... .'.V7 I Oflice agd residence, Russell Street}, Lindsav, second door west of Ym‘k Street. once hours, 9.00 A. M. to 1:030 A. M. ; 1.30 P. M t03P.M.and7b08P.M. DR. J . SIMPSON, Acci- Graduate of Univ. ofTrinity COL, ' Col. of Physicums Surgeons,0nt. Rockwood Asylum, Kingston. geon, Lindsay District. Lindsay, Feb. 4th, x8gx.â€"5 lVJ-RISTERS, SOLICITORS. etc. Hamilton’s Block, Kent street, Lmdsay. A JOHN McSWEYN DONALD R. ANDERSON L ‘L ' CITOR, Proctor, Notory Public, Conveyance Etc Ofï¬ces in Bigelow's Block. Corner York Kent Street Entrance on York Street. Lindsay, Ont. 1V1- RISTERS, Solicitors, charies, etc., etc. Ofï¬cesovcr Ontario Bank, Kent-St. , Lindsay. Barnsters Solicuors, c. Ofï¬ce Kent St. B k ‘ lilwk,up.s,mirs. MONEY TO ,LOAN at, 102:;; current rates. CSWEYN ANDERSON, princxï¬nl with an and Without uxpc made In my oflic Cor Lindsay, Dec. 5 815%, , N 'Ul‘ ’ i Priva . McINTYRE. 10m: A PAR privxieg° to borrower to pay off any princxpalwilh any payment of hue and withom expense. Interest yea made in my oflice cINTYRE STEWART, BAR- McINTYRE 8: STEWART, Barristers and etc., Lindsay. B. Dean, BARRISTER, SOLI Debentures, Mortgages andNotes negoti- mum ,,_, ,__, If you are gaming little by little every l l ated to best advantage. day be content. Are your expenses less t l BARRON 3c McLAUGHLIN ‘ . , 1than your income, so that you are yet Solicitors Lind‘ ‘( ‘ ‘ n . '.â€"â€" - , , I . #__________________________.____:::â€"â€"j:) \constautlv accun‘miamng? 130 Content . so .. , . -1 ‘ , ‘ far as concerns money you are uoizxg “‘01.. ,. Abddent Insurance. ' Arc vou gaining knowledge away any! i little by little, the aggregate The London Guarantee and Accident In- Though it be of accumulation, where no surance Company of London England . ' ' ' ' â€I ‘ Univ†to the Ca ital 1 200 000. Lib - - _ ‘ to pass _mthout gluing some *0 p ï¬ as 1 Z or â€anal p011†Bomb stock, Will be surprising to yourselt. every Ve3ea.s\, .3; mi :mnum secures $5 Solomon did not become the 'isest mm Weekly compensatien, and $1000 in the in the world in a. minute. event. 0f death by accident. Little by little fortunes are accumulated; little by little knowled e is gained; little J OHN D. Mth _ ‘ -_ BC!†\by_ little character as: mutation m - A _.A-.. I suggeov day is permitted OEUPZEW. mp mum_<>._.m flCZUm HO EOPZ We HOQEMH Hrwgéum. Lindsay, Dec. 30th, 1887. 'l‘l‘e London Guarantee and Accident In- ‘Lgloug, o acc1 surance Company of London. England N Capital $1,200,000. Liberal policy â€"Bonus 2203’; every ï¬ve yearsx $73er annum secures $5 8012 weekly compensation, and $1000 in the in the event of death by accldent. _ Lit J GEN D. MACMURCIIY l M 14 . DEVLIN, BARRISTERSO- MONEY T0 LEAN. EVIGNEY T0 LuAN. D .‘L 5;) 6 62' PER EENT {account 01 us Plcuauuv “v.-- ______ I ‘g is very agreeable to use. '1 Biruuyuuw v- .7 - 1 Mia-â€â€™â€" 1! partxcularL~ amamg d I Young swimmers ï¬nd it «iiï¬icuh to learn 3 spring of the pr'escm water, ‘ many cats suï¬'ering i their ï¬ngers together in the UNLIMITED SUPPLY 01:1 Private and Company funds to loan . to keep . _ . ‘ ‘ve rates, on good Farm and Town \ so an obhgmg mvent-oz: has desggned Mdon. He, however, webbed rubber glove to and the begumer. X zoological gardens a! {had been no mmsud BA 1-1 10.“ Barnster, Solicitor, c., Corner of York 8: Kent Streets, Lindsay H. B. DEAN‘ R I MSLAU‘JIILIbi of interest without notice 3!? guy sum on account of i :st ycarly. All payments i ienera. Agent LmdsaY \ 3111363“ 28, 1892. T. S'I‘EWART It Depends Chiefly on the the Hostess. nappmuss (IL on“: vuv ,_ , eyes may fall. ‘he well must always be made better: the contented must be the de- lighted. Hence she spoils the already suï¬- cient, and destroys the perfected, through her restiess desire to eï¬ect new combina- tions that shall be-â€"a.nd never areâ€"â€"superior 01... “mm down like a. whirlwind _on Ed- UV unuv v- She comes down like a whirlwmd on nu- win and Angelina, and, in the mistaken idea. that she is catering for the pleasure of each, hurries the one 011" to J ulia,a.nd brings to the other Alfonso, both of whom Want nothing so much as to be left in ‘ peace to- gether. As if stung by some upsetting gadfly, she routs out all the comfortable in- habitants of cosey corners, and breaks into the earnest talk of two friendly metaphy- sicians, two enlightened politicians. Dear ‘ soul, she means it all for kindness! So per- haps does the whirlwind when it comes sweeping over the young plantations and across the tender seedlings, uprooting, dis- persing, and carrying to new quarters the shy little growths which wanted only to be left in peace where they were. Contrasted with her stands the supine hostess, who does nothing for the better ar- rangement of chance combinations or for the amusement and well-being of her guests. She introduces no one, looks after - fl __ L..-A “whiz one s boredom, As it is, the pret'ty woman s wardly chaï¬ng, outwardly frig‘l she leaves the assembly where phatically failed to receive the and generally paid to her she I satisï¬ed and in an unfriendly the hostess, who, had she may mere elements of her science ‘ riven to each and all a brillia l not a. desolate one. £-'I‘I. lle u: uvuv..â€"- - The most charming of all possible reun- ions are those where the members are few and the guests well assorted. This does not imply sameness, but the contrary. Harmoniesidevelop out of varieties, and you can scarcely call a. monochrome a harmony in colors. An evening made up 0 all stars would be the (lullest thing of its kind. Stars need an au- dience, and rivals do not make the most ‘magine. On sympathetic listeners one can 1 r. 1 , “thanâ€"Ann in liondon You may succ‘as‘s m SOCIETY. v v-â€" These chance harmonies t inï¬nitely better than the 1 petition, and so the wise and on this knowledge she chooses her guests and accordingAto the social 7 "HAL.†petition, and so Luc "we _-_-- and on this knowledge 5 chooses her guests and arranges them according to the social diatomic scale. ’Whence flows the sweetest kind of har- mony, and the absence of every jarring note that might disturb the melody.â€"â€"Mrs Lynn Linton in Chambers’s Journal. ment is 011 1 the country a. higher mental than in the city, recreation will di is to divide each organize a woman a \«A\ These country clubs \ those in the cities for ideas and the forming ï¬nally beneï¬cial. -â€"â€".\'e“ :reation will distract. IDLCULLUu. “w PM . to divide each county into sections and l ins: been â€must“ ----- Richard bislet. in his next book on ganize a woman‘s club in each section. . mess country clubs will co-opcmte with “Epidemic Influenza,†very strongly ex. .ose in the cities for the interchange of ' pressed the same view, that the disease is 99-5 and “‘3 {"1“ng 0% frieDdShiPS muâ€" almost entirely pronagated by infection. “1113' beneï¬cial. “’1‘ CW 3' ork Sun. The British oiiiciiilieport also discusses the question of the origin of the present /- Brace Up! . . . . , . _. + x . .- outbreak, glvmg an account of the “ fog iiihi‘rléigifr‘igï¬giimnjï¬Ã©f fld’ fever†of 1885 in Australia, the dengue in With holiday and festiiye glee the Levent and the antecedent horse dis- He greets us all on shore and seaâ€" ‘ , ease, and the Chinese floods of 1888 and. SO, as behindftrong bars; and 1031‘s" l 1889. It is pretty clear however. that all ‘ Our last year s documems we b‘m’ i that is known deï¬nitely of the history of is that it Tear calendars now out of date. . . t. “ . -,. And wipe old reckonings from’ the slateâ€"- l the cl’ldem1c cafmd the . grip end. l ï¬rst broke out in the early summer of 1389 Let’s think our cares and griei‘s are d And With freSh courage {00“ ahead! in Bokara. and in Russia in the Autumn ' " inf the same year. With regard to infec- liheumatism. . . . ltion from animals, it seems pretty clear- d olive oil mixed . . l ‘ - ithat the disease may he communicat and from men to to have been some Oil of winter-green an 1 a 1; nd a. lied externall will . in equa P r a a PP - y from animals to men ant relief from pain. 011 . - - animals. There appears give almost inst account of its pleasant odor this limmentl . ~ . _ is very agreeable to use. . epidemics of influenza among animals. ' / particularly among dogs, in 1889. In the Dr. Sisley saw ,. 1 u immunv tn learn A Spring Of the present yea ... - r..,..“ :nflnpnza in 140“. Although he’s born in winter wild, The New Year is a jolly CJlld; W'ith holiday and festive glee He greets us all on shore and sea-â€" So, as behind strong bars and locksâ€"â€" Our last year’s documents we box, Tear calendars now out of date. And wipe old reckonings from’ the slateâ€"- Let’s think our cares and griel‘s are d And with fresh courage look ahead! /-4- New Liniment for Rheumm xsm. Oil of winter-green and olive oil nixed nmml parts and applied externally will .. .. r . 0n .n- ~\nvn Were 51'0â€. ,e nretty woman sits alone, in- Jg: outwardly frigid; and when e assembly .where she has em- y paid to her she leaves it dis- in an unfriendly mood toward who, had she mastered but the nts of her science, would have , ,, â€A l foot. to estabusu tuna; “Nun ry women, where it is believedi mental development is possible 10 city, because no other form of will distract. attention. The plan .e each county into sectioxr .woman‘s club in each section. inu'y clubs will co-opci‘ate with ;he cities for the in‘iei‘ciiange of the forming of friendships mu- mï¬eial.â€"-â€"New York Sun. of all gatperingi, E Little II V U-v v-.. ,oicL-ihe Poet, l mildest seaSUU. Uu LGVV-_. It is, of course well known that the dis- learns the out- ease has spread rapidly the various mem~ :ries in biology bers of households into which it has been OSOPhist settles introduced. It accords with the theory of 9f the Wh°1° infection, also. that the disease his usual- “1°“ If “‘7 t° 1y attacned the persons liable to infection. by contrast are |Thus, husbands who go to town daily to monotony of re- bnsmess hat-e been attacked before their hostess knows, w1ves._ it is claimed, further, that per- 3 acts when she sons living out of the way of mtection arranges them have, as a rule. escaped influenza. The diatonic scale. d W011“ be deep 8“ :st kind of har- ï¬sherman, lighthouse keepers and the like. has made many inquiries :very jarringnotc Dr. Parsons nor these classes of persons and the 10dy.â€"‘;\1TS Lynn amo 0 "ML replies have shown that they have usually been exempt. The fact that the disease Idea' has often broke out on shipboard in mid. °nt to a different ex- 1.t°“’“3 ‘a m°"°‘ ocean seems to p01 ’PSh .d‘f‘os‘ ï¬lming pianation of its origin, but it is said that â€re It If: 3‘: 18.â€: in no case has it appeared upon a vessel pment is pessihle h. ‘ h‘ d be 1 no other form of w tea a 91} so ong at .sea tention. The plan clude the possrbi ’ into sections and‘mg“; been brought {mm . in such section. \Richard Sisley. In his new 11 co-o‘l‘crzite with‘1 “ Epidemic Influenza,†very strongly ex- .he interchange of 3 pressed the same View, that the disease is d by infection. .s frientlslllDS mu- l almost entirely Pmpagate , _ . ... - I ,__-- “w olen :iiscussel of re ' In; class as :35 lately 81 be tance.†1; often vi Lgh outbrea n3- years a; riot 1y little it. No Ed- ment w ken observ: ‘3 °f chief I 3%: much I it be a A Disease 5‘; “v'â€"’ is gained; little mutation In 6mm OF THE “GRIP.†That is Still a Great Mystery. sprlug U1 Lily |-.-_--, a many cats suï¬'er'mg from influenm in non- made inquirxes m the “Eden. He, however, izoological gardens and learned that there had been no unusual mortality among ani- .mals during the three epidemics (f 1889.. “ 'm ,_- :- .. “radicalsequel had been no unusuzu mals during the three epidemics (f 1589 18‘ ‘0 and 1891. There is a practical sequel to the recognition of the contagious charac- ter of influenza. Dr. Sislev proposes that the notiï¬cation ofb influenza should be made 0011111111501“)?bvaa1liament.The Enrvlish local authorities already have the AL A 3n3mtinns char. treat it in AGQUAINTA NEE.†,tbon'