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Watchman (1888), 5 Jan 1893, p. 1

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1 mm HARDWARE â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"FOBâ€"-â€"â€"-â€"- how ma A new OF THE BARGAINS, ,lume VI. Number I ro on THREE APPLIGATIONS. f. G JNBOTHAUII S “THE JEWELLEB,” ior tl‘. * next two weeks, only, will give bargains 1 [tract the attention of the people of indsay and s ounty. We would say right here, that for a com everything that pertains to the jewellry Busin‘ SECOND TO NONE in the County. .olid Gold Rings for 60c. and upwards; Ladies’ Chains from 75c, .-d ients’ Rolled Plate Chains $2,00; Ladies" Solid Cailver \Vatchcs at $3.” lmerican movements in 21 years guarantee filled cases for $17.00 .adies’ Nickel Watch, American Movement $4.50 ; Solid Gold Watch 3r $16.00; Walnut .or Oak {Clock $3.00; Nickel Clocks from $1.00 ‘ . The largest stock of Brushes and Bracelets in Town. Gold ,nd Silver Thimbles. Note [the above prices. Remember these are mlv until the end of the Year. â€" - - indsay Dec. 1 3, The Champion Gold Medal Oil for all Machinery. flcCOLL’S - CYLINDER - OIL .EMEMBER THE PLACE :LBLAI Na 0 I L {NE DOOR EAST ARDINE MABHINE on, cBULL BROS. 00. All kinds in good variety at HIGENBOTHAM’S DRUG STORE. .wILL CURE IS is the best in the DominiOn. Try it. rWHEREv THE STORE BENSON HOUSE. MA TEE/14L. PETTY, “ THE J EWELLER.» argzxins that should 13’ and surrounding or a complete stock 7v Business we are TORQNTO. iLocAL NEWS-LETTERS. Spwial to the WATCHMAN. ML.\'1<11’«L-â€"T11e old council have all Men returned by acclamation. This is a pleasinus take of affairs, and is a saving to the township of fully one hundred dollars. S; ccitl to Tm; WA'I‘CHMAN. NEW Outflowâ€"The Presbyterians of Glenarm are making' arrangements for the election of a new house of worship the mining summer to replace the old one. It u ill be of brick, ample in size, and a (redit to the locality, and the enterprise of the people. “ Fpecial to Tm: \VATL‘HMAN. ELECTEDâ€"Much excitement was mani- fested here over the recent electlons for neeve. and the result is highly satisfactory '0 all. Mr. Wilson is to be congratulated Ipon his successful election over such a tried officer as Mr. Kennedy, who has been a member of the council for fourteen years. FINE» you ILLEGAL HUNT1N(;.â€"~Several residents from the back country were before County Magistrate Edmison, Dec. 3lst, charged with illegal hunting by T. TA..-7-_ inst, cnargeu wuu 1116541 “unnufi ”J -. J. Wills, deputy game warden. James Gafiagau was fined $520 for killing a fawn and Joseph Clements, George Dunbar, W. Dunbar. C. Grainey and F. Duttman were fined 35 each for hunting on Sunday, November 13. Special to thc WATCHMAN. Scucoc ENTBE'I‘AINMENT. #011 Wednes- day cvcningfllst December, a, grand enter- tainment \ms givcn in the town hall under the auspices uf our public school. The chair was taken by Rev. (,}~ W. Dcwcy, whu discharged the duties of chairman with his usun‘l efficiency. The nrgun was presided at 'by Miss L. Switzer, with much credit tn herself and accepmnce to the large audience. The progrzun was it lung one, but everyone was delighted. '1“ m much credit cammt he giVen to those “he tonk part, zmd we hope to see the enter- tnimueut repeated ere 101w. StrlititiLMEETIxnâ€"Uur vicinity has bee“ quite excited over schoul matters fur some time past. The board of trusteeslmve not been working Very snmuthly and quite :s time Was expected at the schu )1 meeting and a large number uf the ratepayers were present. Everything huwever passed (it? very quietly. save a few sharp shots between hm of the trustees. The result uf the meeting was the election of Mr. '1‘. Special to the \VATCHMAN, Purkiu. and it is hoped things will now be hurummous. SABBAIBU Svuom. ANNIVERSARY -~<(I.‘ur Sabbath school held their annual anni- versary service: un Wednesday, the 28th. A very pleasant time was spent. Special to lhc‘“':\'1CHMA.\'. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. â€"â€"'l‘he Literary Socwty of gut public school closed the IvI' ‘ school year by an entertzunment on Wed- ncudny ovmzing. consisting of readings. dialogues. solos and duells. The pro- gramme was well carried out by all those taking part and all deserve credit, but we must, specially mention the clmruclor song and .rocltntion by the little Missm Lena. Wallace and Mabel Brukcnslxirc. Miss Ly;llzuClanlcnnn Alan took the dilli- cult part. of as scolding wife exoemliltgly well. A feature of the evening; Was the delivery of the caulk-ates to thaw wlm had been successful In the eutrxucc and leaving higlx-‘wlwol cxmuilmtiuus. Mr. Sunthzu'd also presented Muster Julxu l'IVaus with UV” Volumes of puems, in recuguiciun of his taking the highest marks in the county at the entrance examinatiuus. Miss Pearce the teacher affine junior fiepartmeut, was presented by her scholam with a beautiful ladies travelling compauinu, mk stand and piece of jewelry, and. an address expreasiug their regret that she was to leave them. Miss Pearce made a very appropriate reply. Scuoot. B'Iiziz'ruuâ€"The annual school inee'tiiin,r for this section was hell in the school house on Wednesday lust. Mr. Donald Sinclair was re-elected trustee. A motion was passed recommending the trustees to procure w. sufiiciem: number of new des‘lts to make the senior room uniform throughout. Remarks were made eXpressive to the creditable work now beitn_r done in the school and for the manner in which the school furniture was preserVed. PL'LHT Nezrnsmâ€"W. McKay, student; of Knox College“ who was here during the summer months, again occupied the Presbyterian pulpit; nnh‘zibbath Ins: and will also be here next Sabbath. L. 0. L. No. 98-At the last regular meeting of this Lodge, which meets on the last Thursday in the munLh, the fullowing ufi’icers were duly elected. \V. M., \V. B Feir; D M, Gurdou Thumpkins; Chap- lain, .l. Feir; R S, John Owens; F 6. Neil Mandyen; '1‘ (km Owens; D C, (i Alger: L D. D Alger. Committee men, T MeKew, W J Jackson, John Cupelaml, Juhn Jordan and Time R Duughtw. This lndge is in a brusperuus cundicmn and has attached thereto a. lodge uf junior True Blues. We understand that. the building of a new hall is under consideration. CONGI .er Laarxoxs~0ambruye xtends LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th, I893. OAKWOOD. GLENARM SUNDERLANL). PETERBORO. LIFFORD. CAMERON, CAMBRAY. her congratulations to Mr. anl Mrs Mc- Dougrtll, tWo of her former teachers. We alSo extend the same to the new proprietor of THE WATouMAN, and trust that he will bring: his paper to a front rank amongst the Country press. PERSONALSâ€"-Messrs. LeRoy Reazin and ‘ J. A. White, of Toronto Medical School, spent part of their holidays here. We welcome Mr. Alex Sinclair home from ‘Minnesota. Mr. Sam Williamson spent. his Xmas athome, coming from Montreal. Mr. and Miss )layfair of Perth, are visit- ing their aunt. Mrs. C. B. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Feir. of Fenelon Falls, spent Xmas with Mrs. J. Clendenan. Mr. Feir, is head miller of the North Star Mills at the former place and is highly esteemed by his employers and their patrons. Special to THE \VA‘l'Cl-ZMAN. COUNCIL Pnocnnnixos.- The Township ] council met at Hartley on the 15th day of‘ Dec. The members Were all present. The rceve, chairman. The minutes of last meeting of council were read and confirm- ed. Dr. J. W. Wood sent in his resigna- tion of medical health officer of the municipality. ()11 motion of Mr. C. N. McDonald, Dr. Wood’s resignation was accepted. ()11 motion of Mr. Dixon a by- law “as passed fixing the place for holdintr the nomination meetimr at Kirktield , and for nppointixw pollingc place uid deputy 1rcturnimr ofliceis. __()11 motion of Mr. Mc- Rue, lots (30. 61 and e pt 59 N P R assess- ed to Abrahmn Webster, were detached from road bent no. 93 and added to road bent no. 88. M1. D. Hawkins :sent in his resivnzition of the office of inspector unde1 the noxious weeds’ act. ()11 motion of Mr. MeRne, Mr. Hawkins lesiunntion 'as accepted. On motion of Mr. SlcRae, a. special grant, of $15 was made towards repairing the road across the Gull on North Con. opp. lot. 10, on condition that the parties interested perform work to an equal amount. Mr. C. N. McDonald to be commissioner to expend the smne. On motion of Mr. McRae, the following abate- ments were allmvedz-wNeil Me\Villimns, $3.00, fur statute labnr performed. Archibald Logan, $1.00 for statute labor perfurmed. Albert Hyfield, $2.57 for an error in assessment. John Ewen $1.57 fur an error in assessment. David \Vright, $3.00 for an error in :Lssemcnt. ()n mutiun uf Mr. C. N. McDonald, Patrick McGuire, was :cllnwed 2m abatement uf his taXes amuunting tn $13.66. 011‘ mutinn of Mcliae, the axes rated against the fulluwing indigent persuns wereahated s "-‘l..w.~: Hanan? Melidfi‘e, 7.7m; Ducan Smith, we; Mrs. :‘vIeDnnahl (Kirkfielxl) $1.57: Mrs. Mary Mclnns (N. RR.) $3.14; Mrs. Cummerfurd (Kirkfield) $3.14; Mrs. Marsh, (liulsowr) $1.65. and Ellen Barmn was grantwd a refund of her taxas paid :unumiting tn $13.61. On mutiun uf Mr. MeRae, the fulluwing charity grants were directed tn be paidz- Sarah Shaw $5600; Ann Carmichael, $43.00: Mrs. Mary Mclnnis. $8.00. On mutiull uf Mr. Dixmx, Mr. Alexander Munrue. was allnwed the sum nf $5 fur his services as chairman uf the hnanl of health. and Messrs. E. D. MeEaehern. J. \V. Fulliutt. A. ll. Campâ€" bell and A. Munro. were allmved $2 each fur attending meeting uf lmanl nf health. ()n mutiun uf Mr. C. N MeDunaltl, the f< »lluwing t manunts were unlel‘etl in he paid: Wm. (.‘znnphell fur repairing mad W. .\ Mcliau r fund fur Ammu- labul‘ ......... . .......... l 00 } cl] luchml ful \‘.' um um dltcll Int (3 cm: .i ....... . . ...... . 1-1» 00 I McMillan r’nr wurk (m ditch Int (30011.3. .................... 234 87 (k1 mutiun of Mr. Chas. Mucdunuld the fdluwing 21cm mnts furgrzu‘cl Wcl'c ordered : SCI 3W3 .................. \Iunicipulih nf 'lhnrnh um: hulfuf oust ufc11l\c1t"ll1urul1'lnwnâ€" lillc Smut]! (If 1’1 truLgc road . . . . Dr. \V H. Inlmstnn xxlcdicul health nihccr 'fur 18'” . . . . .. . . . H. Mclxm fur “ul‘k ”11 blidgu m1 \ ictnlh luml .......... . . . . Dmmld .‘vlcUrimmun refund for ntzltutc1:;.ml. . . . .. . .. . . . to he paid: John Munroe. $0.28: Myles Hagarth, $5.60; Charles Foy, $4.24: Al-u'aham \Vehstel‘. $1.60. Archibald Mc- Fadyen. $8.76. On motion of Mr. Mc- llav- the sum of $4.10 was directed to be paid to (‘llill‘lle Foy for gravel used in Alex Robinson's heat. and $8.75 for work on Portage road. ()n motion of Mr. Chas. Maedonald the sum of >520 was ordered to he paid to Dr. J. \V. \Vood, his salary as medical health officer for the year 180:3. On motion of Mr. Mcllae, the clerk “as instructed to demand payment from the corporation of Fenelon. of the sum of $4.87, heing one halfof the amount expended on bridge on Victoria road, North of (llenarm. On motion of Mr. Mcllae. a resolution was passed directing the payment of the school rates to the different school sections of the township. (in motion of Mr. Chas. Maedonald, l\:’lessrs. E. l). McEacheru. A. Hawkins and l. \ .,lacksmn were directed to he paid $4 each for selecting jurols. On motion of Mr. Mcliae. the following pay- ments were dilucted to be made for sessional allowances. salaries and commis- sions: E. D. McEachern. $28.00; \V. A. Mcliae. 13.00; Chas. Maedonald. $24.25; Wm. Dixon. $21.00; C. N. Maedonald. $.22. ’60; John A. Jackson. $300. 011 inolion of C. N' McDonald, the council adjourned to meet again at Reid’s hall, Lorneville. pursuant to statute. ~~Duriug last VC‘H’ the C.P.R. 1mm L-Igengv in Winnipeg: Suld to new-4.] sctciers .390, 00’) acres uf laud, realizing $1,300,- ELDON. ‘J 8 so Results of the Contests in Town and County. The municipal elections passed or” very quietly on Monday last. In Lindsay ‘ Mayor Ray and Reeve Kylie had both been returned by acclamation, but for the deputy-reevships and ward representation there were lively contests. For first deputy-reeve Mr. H. Wa.tecs defeated Mr. Winters by a substantial mxjoi'ity; ‘while Capt. Crandell secured the sea-one deputy-reeveship by a very smail ”mi-gin, Mr. Robson pushing him ‘exceedingly close. The contest for ward"rcprasenta- tives was keen and in some instamas very close. Following are the returns. 50 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Polling sub-div. No.5. 1 2 Wellters ............ 59 79 \thcrs .. .......... 19 28 Crandcll, . . . . Robson, . . . . . Pllkie ....... Polling sub-div. No. Manon...” ..... ..... Kinaby............... 3ryans............... Simply-s ............. . . Polling sub-divs. No. Johrston ..... ......... ...... l‘ully....... ..... ..... ...... Head....................... (,hlloglcy......... ........... Pcarcu.......... ... ......... r‘cc: . . . Blam. . Keith ................. ..... 57 69. 'l uuchbum. ... . . .... ........ 76 4f. Loxell. ...................... 63 3': McW’illiams.................. 58 4; mugâ€"The first three names. :11 end duly elected representatives. The elecions of school trustees. resulted in the return of Mr. Staples for Victoria ward and Mr. D. R. Anderson tor the north ward by acclamation, the other nominations having been withdr:av;-u. In the south ward, however. them was a lively “three corner” fight,which :«waulted iu the election of Mr. 'l’ilkie. .l'uiéaming is the state of the pull: TRlTQ'l‘l-IEâ€"SOL'TH WAL- u. Polling mu b-diw‘. No. x Polling st Pilkic,. . . Hupkms. Burrmv.~, The vote to reduce the numb u- tutels in town from fuurteen to nine . malici in favor of reducthn by a very 11m ; u Ina- jurity. T113 vote Stands: In fun): of reduction .............. . Oppuacd w rcducuon uf llccnac‘. .. - Library By-Lar. The vote in relation to Library went against the estabii such an. institutiuu. The majoa. it. was 131. Folluwiug is the v'» Felmlou Falls.-â€"â€"Reeve. J. Councillors- J. H. Bmudnu; J. Thomas Austin, William Gulch Stoufl'villeâ€" wexc, \V. B. Cuuucillursâ€"N. J. Anustrou clific, G. Armstrong. ()memce Rcew, Dr. Curm*a..;.’. (Nun- cillursâ€"J. E. Adams, John Mama. . T. J. Parsaus and A. Me) celcy. Bracebridge--Mayur. A. Hmn. I‘uun- cillorsâ€"First ward, U. R. Frxzf. .mi f. B. Aulph; Second W'u'd, M. Diem; 331-3. \V. M. Webster: Thixd ward. D. Dali-:3, .md Jus. Cooper. (imvcuhtwatâ€"Mayor; J. .3. ‘~h- Xei]; reevc, C. Nurickle. Councxlim~ ‘Juth ward, H. R. King. George Hmugu Xurth ‘YP Put Perryâ€"Reeve, I. \\ ri- i. cillor-s~ F. W. Phillip 11.1%“; Murry. J. \' ott. Port Hopeâ€"filayor, H. H. 12.; acdaumtiuu. Cnuucillors--â€" “L; ,i, J Thompson, William McLean White, by acclzmmtion; Ward '.', 1 Bell. J. B. Ukc, Joseph Coupc: ; “~ J. H. Rusevear, J McMuliun. .vv- mud, 11.11. Kim: George Hun; Ward, “. CLI “11301118. M Wand. .L .â€"'\dc1ton, J. Claim: 1. Cobourg~~Maymu R. Wilsuu. " .cil- lvrsâ€"Eéxst ward, J. flclxdex-..w. 3‘. L. Fisher. S. Hoburd. Centre warJ. .1. 7:35 - J. Hayden, E. C. S. Huyoke; \\".;:, dud, G. Spence, P. Dchuty. J. \Vger :. Uxbridgeâ€"Mayor. N. Hamil. by acclamutiuu; reeve, H. J. Gould. . ama- tion; deputy recvc. Juhu Hunk-r. IT‘Jun- cillorsâ€"Eust ward, Richards, J. 31. would and J. H. O’Brien; North Wind, '.' .;tcr- son, Todd and Keuned ’; \\’.~‘ ward, Crosby, Garden and Gray. Feuelonâ€"Dep t. -Ree\ c, Bum n 197 Hall, 220. Cuuncillm‘sâ€"Cuum. :35 Graham, 25:? ;Palmel. 242; MW ).k. 36". ~0- «a. Ops â€"Reeve E. Hn pkins H D. I\\alker. Councillorsâ€"Elli son, and Byrne. meersâ€"Reevc, J. H. “U; Dy.-Reeve, J. J. Portu, 2nd LX ; John Barnicutt. Cuiuucilluxc Porter. (elected) and a tic L Staumon and Evens. Emilyâ€"Reeve, Wm. Swiiggn Reeve, \Vm. Adams. Comgfil Scully. R. Boatc, J. Ashmorc. Majority in favor of reduction, :msmau. ln favor of Pr,“ law Agumaz Bylaw. . FOR Fl RST DEPUTY-REE V r FOR SECOND DEP-REEVJ:‘. ,...... ..... 53 89 so 47 46 1r; :3 . .......... 12 x7 79 45 31 7o 4-. ...........-4 16 x7 :2 29 311‘ COUNCILLORSâ€"‘EAST \VAJ} U. iquor License By-Lax-‘l. Other Mflr'icipalltie NORTH \VARD. ,...... ..... 57 SOUTH “'ARI). 78 67 65 49 68 34 4x 5: 3 .14' 1M ms )pL’ .50 -45 «Lo -39 4U H'v 14.: ; Jeeu 'un- ' v wcv c, bert- .urth W est 50 Cents per Year in Advance- Ellis, Hold, 33° lick. - 357 127 x 21 108 :"ree ;:t 0f ~gins: 288 208 179 152 131 207 188 cm. 1le- 159 the 94 'Jll x19 ()Ps.â€"-'3.‘he election by acclamation of Mr. Hopkins for reeve and Mr. Walker for deputy-reeve was another endorsatiun of their past services. The contest for councillors. however, was very keen and a. good vote was pulled. Follo vine is the result: For Csuncillorsâ€"A. Roberta son. 308; J. Ellis, 296; J. Byrne‘ 263; W. N. Rea. 255;.Thomas Newman, 102. L The first three are elected. 72 68 Mariposa.â€"â€"â€"The old council for this township has was re-elected (by acclama- tinn) as follows: Reeve, Dr. Vrmmmn; lst dep.-~'eeve, Wm. Lownsbrough; 2nd dep-reeve, W. Dixon: Ccuns. F. Shaver, S. D. \Vebsfer. Becauso She Wanted To Fit Bel-salt For a Professional Nurse. NEW YORK, Jan. 4,â€"The story of the larceny of the jewels and wearing apparel from the Princess Marie Ruspoli, wife of Prince Ruspoli of the Italian legation at VVnshington, came out. at the Tomb: Police Court, where Miss Kate Sheridan, alias Miss Catherine Rickart, was at- raigned. L lllllll ‘vâ€"‘r ing with the family last summer at Lenox, Mass, and later near Lakewaod, NJ. On Dec. 10, while the family was in \Vashing- ton, the maid disappeared, taking with her about $2000 worth of her mistress’ jewelry and clothing. Last Saturday Miss Rickart was arrested. She told the detectives she had been a. nurse at Blackwell’s Island for a year, and it was because she wished to fit herself for the profession of a. nurse that she com- mitted the theft. She agreed to return to \Vashington without extradition proceed- ings. A Valuable Business Block Destroyod Along With Much Goods. ELORA, Ont, Jan. 4.-â€"- Yesterday fire burned a. valuable business block owned by A. “’addell, D. Foote and F. Tate. The hadware More occupied by Mr. Drainie _. J. m. Gmf. m no and the contents were hardware store occupied by Mr. Drainie Was the first to go and the contents were destroyed. The next was Mitchell 8: Cafe general store, the stock was saved. The uex: was J. McCabe’s grocery, content: saved. J. H. Morrow’s drug store and F. Clark’s drygoods store were saved. but the goods were badly damaged. Little is known about the insurance. I". Clark was defeated for the reeveship on Monday. A. “'addell is a resident of Toronto, and on Sunday night he was one of the citizen: who stood for an hour in the rain beneath the eaves oi the Home for lucurabies build- ing, hanging on to the net in which was caught the inmate who jumped from the roof, GHICAGO, Jan. 3,â€"General Manager 8;. J ohu of the Rock Island Railroad reiterated his assertion to-dey that. no strike exists on that road. He had noticed an announce- ment, of the return to Chicago of A. D. 'I’huxston,, pest grand chief of the Order of Railway Telegraphere. who proposes to con- tinue managing the efi'airs of the striking Rock Island operstors. "There is no strike on the Rock Island and I have no busineu ROME, J an. 4.â€"The principal Italian ship- builders and ship-owners have resolved to register their vessels under foreign flsga hereafter, in order to escape the ruinous imposts levied on Italian vessels. VII unnv -- V'v‘ with Mr. Thurston,” said Mt. St. John. BELLEVIILE, J an. 4,â€"Samue1 Crozier ytsurday pleaded guilty to bigamy and was sentenced to six months in Central. PARIS, J an. 4 â€"â€" Magistrate Fran ue- vi1le‘s examination of MM. Charles de es- seps, Marius F outlines, Sans-Leroy and. Felix CoLtu, who are charged with being implicated in the Panama Canal corruption, was finished on Saturday. ‘ .7. \Vifl Hold Bi: 3.8!. Wxsxxrm, Jan. tâ€"Hugh John Bho- dunald has decided to hold his seat in thc Commons for anothcr session. "Fireâ€"at lsowulhuwlle. BO\\'\IANVIILE, Out., J41). 4. â€"A fire broke out, in the liquor atom of H. J. 'luft. yesterday. The store “as pzcuv Red. gutted and the stock wholly destroyed. The building is a. good 003.1 injuzed and 13 owned by \V. H. hes. All loss ,-overed by insurance. Rumor. of Disagreement Said to be With. out Foundation. The case of the defmties charged with having received money from the Panama Canal Company was opened by Magistrate anqueville yesterday. The accused are Jules Roche, ext-Minister of Commerce; Maurice Rouvier, ex-Ministcr of Fi- nance; lixmnnnuel Arene, member from Corsica; Baron Jean dc Sonbeyran, member from Vienne; Antonin Proust, member from Deux Severes, and Joseph Dugue dc Lu. Fanconnerie, member from Orne. There is no reason to believe that any more deputies are implicated in the Panama Canal scandals, and therefore no more ar- rests are expected. N. Charles Floqnet this even- ing authorized the correspondent. of the International Telegram Company to deny the truth of reports that he in- tended to resign the presidency of the Chamber; The statement that he had even helped a Russian statesman to obtain 500,000 fr-ncs from the Panama Company, M. Floquet said. was an unqualified false- hood got up by his enemies merely to blacken his reputation. M. Floqnet added that to his certain knowledge the current rumors of disagreement in the Cabinet were without the slightest basis in fact. CHIL BLAIN OIL H I GI .N' BOTH dLM ’S i0 Strike on the Buck lul;\nd_ THE FRENCH CABINET. BECAME A THIEF OR THREE APPLICATIONS." FIRE IN ELORA- Crouer Sentencud. "my 0 High Tax. 5. ~WILL CURE IN .'S e:

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