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Watchman (1888), 5 Jan 1893, p. 4

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H ’ 7 "The Bobcaygeon, Lindsay and Pontypool Railway. The directors of the B. L. and Pontypool railway company have decided to submit at an early date to the various municipal- ities interested the question of the assistance that will be required in the shape of bonuses to aid in the construction of the road. At a meeting held a couple of weeks ago a careful estimate was made .of the amount that would be required, and of the share which each of the muni- nipalities could be fairly asked to contri- bute. The figures will be submitted at an early date, and it will be found that. the In conclusion we would say that all measures calculated to advance the material interests of the town and county will always meet with our approval and receive our hearty support, and we feel confident. that. Tm: WATCHMAN will enjoy a liberal share of public patronage and favor. ' In each and every department it will be our aim to keep upa high standard of excellence. In our Job Printing depart- mentextensive additions will be made from time to time, as our increasing patronage demands. The same will be placed under the careful supervision of a first-class foreman, and our prices will be consistent with good work. The live stock interests of this district have never met with that share of atten- tion in the public press, that in our opin- ion so important a department of our husbandry deserves. It will, therefore, be our endeavor to change this order of things, and we invite the hearty co-oper- ation of farmers and stockmen generally in our efforts to advance the interests of this important branch of agriculture. We will be pleased to meet the numerous stockmen throughout the district at any time to discuss matters relating to this important branch; and it will be esteemed a great favor to have the opportunity of looking over the farms and stock through- out the district from time to time, as we find it convenient to visit the different Iccalities which will be reachec. by THE WA'rchAX. In order that we may extend the use- fulness of THE “7.1TCHMAN it will be our duty to enlarge and otherwise improve its columns from time to time, and nothing will be left undone to make it a. welcome visitor at each and every home in this district. A staff of local writers through- out the country Will be engaged to glean fresh and crisp news items for our reader 8. It will be our aim to make the local new a department full and interesting. A full complement of provincial and foreign news also will always be found, and thus our readers will be made conversant with the doings of the outside world. Complete and reliable market reports it ill also prove a leading feature of our columns. In politics we shall be independent of any party, and will honestly endeavor to praise where we believe praise is merited. and to censure what we believe to be wrong, in the best interests of our county, the Province, or the Dominion. We believe that blind partyism is fast losing its hold upon the community, and that independent journalism, in pulitics as well as in all other matters, meets with the approval of the vast majority of the public. In assuming the control of THE \VA'I‘CII- MAN. i: is our duty, in this our initial number and also the first number of the New Year, to lay before our readers and the public generally our aims and expec- tations, and to map out the lines upon which THE VVATCHMAN will be conducted in the future. bought expressly for this holi- day season. You can be suited from 5c up $10.03 Innexpensive Novelties Hard times need not spoil your Christmas. At Porter's Book- store are a lot of beautiful and (the Watchman. THURSDAY. JAN. 5, 1893. TO OUR READERS. FOR AN 0qu 05351. A Ti’siai CF BLESF’ING Price of Flour Rained. Liam, Jan. 4,â€"The Corn Millera’ Asso- ciation yesterday advanced the price of flour one shilling per 18 atone. The associazion _ ~_v â€"~vvvnn-.Vu alleges bhiis' the advanéo was due to fine scarcity of stock; 1351:1211), Jan. 4.â€"-An immense am has iailen at Pozaldez in the Provin Valladolid. A number of scientists gone from Madrid to examine it. Church Azmndlzemont. 3103.113, J an. 4.â€"-Tbe Pope has Jounded an apostolic vicamte in British Honduras, and has appointed Mgr. S. Di Pietro to the 052.36. his private secretary and his deputy in some of the rooms at present oc- cupied by the Militia Department, that de- partment taking the four rooms vacated by the Department of “Railways. ‘ _"'"J occupied in Metcalfe-street have been given my. ,lr'our rooms on the ground floor used by ahe department have been vacated, and it :3 now said that the Militia Department will :zot be moved out of the western block until air at the close of the coming session and that in the meantime temporary ac- commodation will be found for the Minitte of Trade and Commerce, L9- , ,,' 'Eze uperintendent of the Ottawa River 1'.:.11:als and his assistants have been brought 111.0 the western block and Ehe oflices latgely Ofiiués are being fittéd ofi‘in the Depart- ment of Justice for the accommodation of PM Solicitor-General. q~ "r ' ""5"" Mr. H. P. Buck of Sherbrooke, who has been appointed private secretary to the Hon. W. B. Ives, arrived in the city to-day and amend upon his duties. ‘ 540nm chanfzes in the internal arrange- mentof the Department of Railways and (Junisahave been made causequent on tho :‘Dduction of the staff. .l'ho- a “noble Between Vancouver City and the C.P.l€. ”Win-3A, Jan. 4. â€"An appeal to the inn. “-19, Court. has been made by the cor~ pan-:ion of the City of Vancouver, l}.C., ,gam L (he decision of the Divisional Court :.: British Columbia. in the case of the (3.1).“. that city. The action involves 1h: ”gilt; of the city to cross the tracks of the company for the purpose of reaching the for! shore of Burmrd's Inlet, the particular came 1'14;ng one in which the city attempted :10 erczul a. certain avenue to the water from. the extension proposed involving the {any 3.2:: of C. P. R. tracks. His; Excellency leaves by this morn- ing’s train for Toronto to attend the Board of Trade banquet on Thursday. Sir John Thompson and Hon. Mackenzie Bowell will 3°._‘:'1’ to; night. .éza aw illld V would come in for most- of his men: Lhicli was to be divided between Z-ir. {Laue sons. Harry, who was about 45 37%;; l .r or age, was well known all over Ontario and «a: popular and respected here. An inonnw: is now being held. He was con- 316 'T" ,3. with many important cases and did gmn‘ work as a. detective. _ 'le ~ chair which stood by the body had own axed to stand on so as to adjust the :0er ‘- . l afterwards jump down when all r n'-= "My. It was a case of strangulation. awe he :3 TAGD I‘va-Htiday he was busy all day election- eexéi-g «ml not having, been seen in the morning nor having been in his house all nigiu . (.ia brother-in-law set. out to look for him. "ailing him as already mentioned. He leaves a widow and three of a. family. "1 hr house in which he lived was lzf ; uw'u, being given to him by hi> mother. His father is a. saddler in liidm-x-jfireet, and is worth from $40,000 to 870 (1‘0“. Recently it is said that, the father aft-Ll his will, which was made unfavor- 2 ~ in r. Hurry, who formerly was his favor- (f I" . Zv‘. I, wcu'iu' he enonnous; whilst to Bsbcaygeon ant-3: M1: rounding distric't the construction of :?:-. road is an absolute necessity. The dim-mum have an. important undertaking in E: uni. which they purp wse pushing with View _ 2: 21:] are entitled to every encourage- 1PM”. 1'U'~‘-ic'. [mm the construction of this road, haw ‘mrnfreqnentiy Commented upon and are S understand. The large sum that wank? ' he spent along: the line during can- strr' :me in labor and material alone is an ixx:;’n‘='u.:nt item. not only to the working- mt'v smi farming community but to busi- nex‘: men as we“. The advantages which the puiswsion nf an independent compet- ing am of railway wuuld give to Lindsay as :s manufacturing town and as a market To» 09 .1 Short Cut to tho Happy Hunting | Grmuidfl. UH :\-‘A, Jan. 4.â€"The dead body of Dean 'Eve Harry Montgomery, swinging Ham rs crossbar in his own inck .iitchen, with his feet almost touching the floor, a. 33m}? word, about. the size generally used arotrvd tea. chests when imported, around hi~t I'm-1;, and a. chair standing close by, was ah: : , sue», which met the brother-in-Iaw of :3» Quad man early this morning. 6'54 3» Hr, without, doubt, a case of care- fu‘ah pzcmeditu. ed sclfdcstrnction. He w 1‘ \cr’n late last evening and seemed to be 801:? . but was drinking considerably fox '.;i)r‘ i'. no past. :1: ~. as for years connected with the pc 1'. , loi'ce, being raised to the position of amount required from each 13 small; and in View of the importance of the road to the entire district it is not, probable that the iiifill(‘? of the bonues will stand in the way oi “1e early construction of the rand In 1d :ition to the gm moment {11' :mt u h1cb has :drmdy been set .111an, sniali sums by war of bonus will be required from the urn? ipmlities, in order to give the hands a. prrnw: «ending in the market and render ‘116‘ w: wiruction of the ro o:1d possible. It is. s .. iii? a question of mad or no road an‘ if i” 1mport:t1nt that this should he thmruthy understood. The advantages to bl” sinrived hy the town of Lindsay and all 1.1.: municipalities along the proposed M6213, which ‘he also filled for several ‘. until discharged about a year ago, ‘9. 39 inuttention to duty through " He was, however, doing fairly . c: Mnding to private cases since that . and his having suicided cannot be at- m’ni to any financial troubles or a. case 4 N OTTAWA DETECTIVE- Fall of an Aer-once. OTTAWA NOTES. the Province of immense nerolite THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1393, have harm, 001.. Jan. 4,â€"br. Aléxandor Shaw. chief of the horticulture depunment of the World’s Fnir and one of the bond of World’s Fnir managers, died yggerdly. A Fierce Butt :0. ‘ anxos AYRES, Jen. 3.â€"The Federal Government sent a. commissioner to Cor- rientes a. few days ago to mediate between the insurgentsand the regularly constituted authorities of the province. The commis- sioner failed, however, in his efi'ortsto bring about s cessation of hostilities. The two sides massed their force: and n fierce battle was fought, the result of which is not yeglmown here. ' The town of Cueroe is besieged by the rebels and is ofi'ering stubborn resistance. The court. in conclusion commends the act, but. says that a too liberal enforcement of its provisions may lead to its repeal. Mr. Matthews was convxcted of publishing and issuing his paper on Sunday, Dec. 27, 1891, under the act of 1794, which prohibits worldly pursuit: for the Sabbath, save those that are an absolute necessity for the wants of the community. The court niys that the framers of the act of 1794 could not foresee the growth of newspapers or that they would possibly have exempted them under the provisions of the act. Supreme Court at Philadelphia Decide. Against Sunday Papers. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 3.â€"Among the de- cisions handed down by the Supreme Court to-day was one confirming the legality of the old blue law of 1794 in relation to the publication of Sunday newspapers. The case upon which the decision was rendered was that of Thomas Matthews, publisher of 'lhe Pittsbutg Sunday Lender. Duzfrte then left the room and went down stairs into the billiard room, where he placed the weapon to his own head, blowing out his brains. Mrs. Dias will die. 7])u'arte then rushed into the room, firing two shots at Mrs. Dias, both passing thrpugh LheAchest. As Diaé complied with the request Dunne shot at him. The pistol ball passed through Dias" shoulder, inflicting a. serious injury. Ho Shot the Bnrkeeper and His W110 and Then Blow Out. His Own Brain. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4.â€"Ant01ne Duarte, a. Portuguese keeper of the wayside resort near San Leandro, yesterday, while suf- fering from delirium tremens, went to the room of Anton Dias, his barkecpcr, whom he called upon to open the door. An ecclesiastic who occupies a. high posi- tion in this archdiocese says had this letter reached the Pope it was said Dr. Mc- (‘ lynn would not have been excommunica- ted. Dr. McGlynn did not know that this letter had 111iscarried, and was sur- prised at the end of 40 days to find himself excommunicated. ugnmsn mm by Arclimsno ) Liorngau. He was excommuuieatma because a letter which he despatched to the Pope after re- ceiving the cablegram from him ordering him to Rome within 40 days was “sup- pressed” before it. reached its destination. These charges will hang over the head of Dr. McHlynn, but it, is extremely doubtful if they will ever be pushed. The case will probably never be reopened. Dr. Mcb‘lyun was excommunicated tor “contumztcy,” in not. having game to Rome when summoned by the Pope to answer the charges made against, him by Archbishop Corrigan. Archbishop Currigan ch.1rg~es against Dr. .\Ic(:‘l}nn disobedience and preaching false doctrines. The doctrmeh have not. been acted upon at all by Mgr. Satolli in restoring Dr. McGlynu to his full powers as a priest. Vindicating His Policy Did\ 0t Reach the \micnn. NEW Yonx,Jan.4.~â€"The Herald yesterday morning savs Dr. \ScGlum lus been wel- comed hack~ him the foh'i of the Catholic Church simply because the Pope considered that injustice was done him when he was excommunicated. Some loud talking on the part, of one of the Risners very nearly precipltated a fight in town about. 2 o’clock, but prompt interference of the authorities prevented it. The fight took place an hour later. No ar~ rests have been made, and it is feared that another fight. is imminent. The prisoners were arraigned before Police Judge George H. Gardner, and the commonwealchnnt being ready for trial they were released under bonds. Reports as to who was immediately responsible for the terrible affair are conflicting and it is not even knowu who fired the fatal shots. Dug. Risner and Samuel Risner were brought here this morning by Coroner Cole, charged with assault. on W. T. Desking. The coroner made a. guard of the persons who were identified with the prosecution, and for whose protection the warrant. was issued. This was resented by the friends of the prisoners and both sides came to towu heavily armed. W. T. Patriéli received an. rifleâ€"hall along the right side of his head, butmayre- Cover. Sifépherd Cole, enrnn'er of the county, re- ceived some fearful blows with a club and may die. Monteville Desking, justice of the peace, has not been found since the fight, but, he left a bloody trail on the snow through a. woodland near the scene of the tragedy and is supposed to be fatally wounded. Bryce Patrick was shot, thrm l)0}f_el§__an_d is_xf.«_:ported tq be dyjng. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 4.â€"'l‘he bloodiest fight. in Mztgnfiin County hisim'y took place yesterday about one mile from Suleisviile. There were 8 or 10 of the county s best known citizens engaged on each side, :1: mod with repeating i‘iflcs and n: ivy pistnls. The trouble, which had its inception in a trivial matter the day before, culminated in a. pitched battle. Join] Dans was killed Lyn. pistol shot; W. F. Dashing, constable, was fatally wounded. Aiinw in Kentuckr ".Imt Should Hake Dani»? Bonne “‘ish Himualt' Back from the Happy Hunting Grounds For a Few JIiIHllvs, mogm XZLImU >20 _S>Z< >mm w>0r< <<OCZUm0. A BLOODTHIRSTY BROOD m- Doath W“! B. Rocrottod. DR. M'GLYNN‘S NOTE. THE BLUE LAW. CASE OF 0. T’S. sl_mt _ through the Hay and Straw VJood and Coal, ed to any part of the town at lowest prices. Gi Near the Market, and will offer pronounced Bargains unti1 the whole stock is disposed of. Flour and Feed I intend to make a specialty, and prices will be found reasonable. Store Formerly Occupied By W. A. Goodwin Having bought out Eyres Graham’s Choice Stock of Family Groceries at a low rate on the dollar, I have rented the Family Groceries, Hay and Straw, Watchmakers and Dealers in Fancy Goods and Toys. 45 next door to Ontario Ban-c. Just Notice a. Few of the Snaps. is what interests them. They a1e delighted uith the bargains in Gold and Silver \\ atcl1es, beautiful patterns and fine finish6 of our En gagcment 1xing5,Broochs, Chains, etc. PRICES LOW FOR GOOD GOODS Get your Repairsjdonefihere, all work warranted WATCHES, CLOCKS,J E WEL BUY I8K. WEDDING RINGS HERE. MERE E OFFER YOU rowds of pe01)le are flocking to our store everv dax'. Xmas draws nearer we will hznc larger crowds. RY AND SILVE RWARE A stock of General Groceries that for l freshness and varietyis not eXCelled in town. , Taming everything into account we feel that ‘ those Who purchase their household wants from us Will be pleased. An experience of UGâ€"IEI . F. MCCARTY 5/5 HUG-HAN 8E I'- MCCARTY- Wood and Coal. Wm PRESENTS. FOR TO 3.1, will be deliver- Give me a call. Kent 5 t FAMILY GROC PARCEL 1.â€"-Lots No. 3 .x- 4 West sing of Mill street, being half an await which is a. two-and-a-half storey [in-#1? dwelling house, containing; parlor. SJ“ ting-room. dining-room. china closet-S library, kitchen. laundry, (stflltiont-I'.‘~ wash tubs, with hot and cold Water:t bath-room. (hot and cold water) all? eight bed rooms. The house is he?“ throughout with hot water; is exception; ally well built, having 14 inch wallS. 1m“ 18 in perfect repair ; there is also bncé stable and driving house sheds; hard 80C ‘ soft water, and every convenience. In _, tending purchasers can see the preuusei { by applying to the undersigned. .J _ gPARCEL No. 2.â€"Lots No. 7 and s 99;: of Lindsay street. (immediately opposfif the Separate SChuOl) _: there is a right 01 way reserved from No. 8 and also a W v feet of rear of same. a PARCEL No. 3.â€"Five-and-a-half 39“, in Block 11. being lots 5 to 15 inclusive',' These lots are central. and beautiful?“ located within one block of count? ‘ buildings; they will be sold in one block; ‘_ or divided to suit purchasers. Terms easy. For further partiall‘fgg a. ly to W J. R. DUKE as. E Lindsay. Jul 15th, 1892. TOWN OF LIN DSA‘ OPKINS CHISHOLM (Successor to Martin ' Hopkins) Barnstcré Solicitors, gi'c. Offices No‘ 6 William-5:. Lindsay. G H. Hnrxixs. D. H. CHISHOLI: VALUABLE PROPERT? I All parties are hereby warned 123-}. U- J negociating two notes of hand for 2r; dollars each, bearing date at Lindsar" *â€" fourth of August, 1892. and made‘ .John Pearce in favor of J. Shillinm; ,A Pl ; beater, at the bank of Montreal. Liam-:4, nine, and twelve months after date, : 'â€" l have recen'ed no value for the same. A perv JOHN PEARC father i WM. CALLAG HA3. Lindsay, Nov. 14, 1892 containing one acre or" land. with hes." ing orchari, also a stable and go;j well. The house 15 situated on Alba. Street, North, and will be rented chea; to a good tenant. Apply to the owns; Graduate of Univ. of'l'rinity COL, 7 Col. of Physicuns 8; SurgeonsJJm. Rockwood Asylum, Kingston. geon, Lindsay District. Lmdfiay, Feb. 4th, xS;x.â€": .1.) Office and residence, Russell Stree Lindsay: second door west of York SUE Ofiice hours, 9.00 A. M. to 10.30 A. M4133: M to 3 P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. Associate of the College of ”ram Teacher 1n the Toronto College of M: will receive pupils m Lindsay for ther Organ. Reed Organ. r iano, Voice. Th: and Harmony. (Preparina teachers ' specualty. ) At the )Iethodis: Pawns; on Saturdays. 4.. Lindsay, Nov.” -:._. 1892 R. SIMPSON, PHYSICIAN. A HOUSE, AND LOT HOWSOIC. FOR:SALE BEN T. NOTICE. IN TH E DR. J. SIMPSON, 02‘03 10‘ Mean LIN Leader 1 and PI and Will signal pa more ter yourselv‘ of saving! nothing. Shiloh’s never ta: I haw prices every ; 00mph Kid bo‘ DollslH‘ Right n1 BIBL VIOLIN. I have Anglo Patti! to call a Family Paces 2 from who 18 karat Appleton To the: m anwers set of ‘ bound : conmed awarded M nat rel new 8] ornam ( "filly b ary. secure medicpe eruption Sun Clea A4; y)! Mo: gages loans reparat'm To the‘ X1 urauv We :71 $20. ‘J ‘hes‘c .‘ c reins] the n wcr t1 01116! at

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