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Watchman (1888), 12 Jan 1893, p. 4

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NI vf I} '1 suggest replacing the present reels with a wazgon, c.ucb as is found in all good departments and the purchase ‘of a truck of modern construction, having The hose reels are almost useless while the burlesque on a hook and ladder truck has long been the laughing stock of every person who has seen it Horses have taken the place of men, as motive pcwer, in every place at any size except Lindsay and the days of “run- ning with the masheen” have long been numbered. The supply of hose is of good enough quality but in quantity it is woefully deficient and in case of an alarm, while the hose is being dried in suuuner, or thawed out in winter, a serious delay is likely to occur, at any time, and a reserve stock should be kept. to meet a possible emergency that may arise. \Vhile our neighboring towns of Peterborough, Belleville, Cubourg and others have been re-modelling Il‘eir Fire Departments, our town has stood still, or almost 50, and in case of a large confl-igmti n the town would pracficully be at the mercv of the flames. Tine, Lindsav has been ex- ceedingly fortunate in the past, but fires are liable to occur at any time and it is a duty that the council OWes to the ratepayers to see that our means for fighting fires are sufiicient and reliable, so that when the time for action comes, the arpliances will be ample to stay the destroying element. The otlicers and men, are of course practically all volunteers, but they are alert and active and considering the great disadvantages under which they have lab’red in the past, they have accomplished wonders. It is said, how- ever, that even the worm 7will turn if trod upon, and th e membevs of the brigade are now speaking with no un- certain sound, and as they are back<-d up by the people, the council must soon take action. That the equipment of the Fire Brigade now is not worthy of a town of the size and importance of Lindsay no person will have the hardihood to deny. It would do discredxt to a village of five hundred people. This is a. progressive age and corporatiOns must keep up with the procession. In many respects Lindsay ranks high and keep: well in advance, but in this respect very little progress has been made in twenty years. What the council should aim ét-iâ€"s efficiency at a. moderate cost. We are not advocating the establishment of a costly paid department but would 'Our Fire Department. The fire on Friday night last certain- ly demOustrated to the p hlic that the-re are serious defects in our fire depart. ment and it is high time that the necessary steps were taken to remedy those defects, or the Underwriters ASSUCiution, one of the most powerful organizations on the contin- ent, may stop in and raise our insurance rates to tlze highest norch, thereby taking out of the pockets of the people thousands of dollars annually, wuich might be saved by the judicious expenâ€" diture of a few hundreds at the present time. bought expressly for this holi- day season. You can be suited from SC up $10.03 Innexpen‘siYe Novelties “Hard times need not spoil your Christmas. At Porter’s Bopk- store are a lot of beautiful and PORTER’S THURSDAY. JAN. 12, 1893. (the “Watchman. F98 Md fiUKCE 8F PAY. A TM 0F 3123313185: aaKiT-F’ANG E Eastern scourge. Meantime, howeVer, the great safety of Canada and the United States lies in the :Lcloptionof prompt measures on the part of local h;;l.ltl’] authorities, in addition to the senlmardquaramine and the prohibition ofimportations likely to convey infec- tion adopted by the governments of the two countries. Perfect cleanliness and prOper sanitary measures in our cities, towns, and vtllages are the Safest and best precautions, and it behoves local boards of health :0 exercise the strictest viailance in these matters. 'l‘nia rte-appearance of Cholera. lately a:s;ver:1l points in Europe is regarded by he..lth authorities in the United States as a sure indication ofits Spread westward with the caning spring. It is painted out by eminent medical authority that people must now acous- tom themselves to annual visitations of Oriental plzigUes instead of at intervals of years as heretofore, on account of the facilities afforded by railways and fast steamships for the spreid of suuh diseases. By the construction of the Caspian railway, connecting ‘v'estern Asia and Eastern Eur-ape, a journoy is now made in a single day that formerly would hang taken srverai weeks, and consequently the opportunities for the sprwa'l of the Cholera plague have in- c-easm‘l a thousand fold. The situation may become grave enough in the: near future to rPsuit in international legis- lation for the protection cf civilized caiuntries against the spread of this grmtcr last year Sun in the prcviuus, whilst in all the other provinces, notahly in Ontario and Quebec, the record Was a decidvd improvement on 1891. AT the late menieipal elections, in addition to the election of our “city fathers,” the voice of our ratepayers was heard on two important side issuesâ€" the free library, and the question of the reduction of hotel licenses. As to the latter question the vote shows that our citizens are about evenly divided, and as a result it is altogether probable that the number of licenses for the present year will he the same as last. There is of course a. difference of opinion as to whether in a. town of 6,500 population there is more evil results from the issue of 14 than from the issue of 9 licenses. It will be generally admitted, however, THE reCOrd of failures in Canada for 1892 as reported by the commercial agencies is a. fairiy satisfactory one. As compared with 1891 there was a murke-d decrease both in the number uid liabilities of insolvents, coupled with a considerable increase in the amount oF assets turned over to the creditors. The total number of failures in the Dominion for 1892 was 1679 as against 1839, showing a decrease in numher of 9 per cent.; whilst in the matter of liabilities the total for last year was 311 566,210 as against $14,- 818, 000 in 189 ., a falling ofl‘ot $3.281- 7 )0 01‘2" per cent. in favor of 18923. On the other hand. the assets were put at one million dollars more than in the preceding year. Turning to the prov- inces, the number of failures andthe amount of liabilities in Nova Scatia; Manitoba and British Colum‘iia wore THE board of crude banquet at '1‘0- :‘onto, on Thursday night last “as a great affair. Lord Stanley, Premiers Thomp~on and Mowat, Hon. Mr. Laurier and Mr, Foster were among the no'ubles present. The speeches Were all good but tho Dominion Pre- mier had nothing new to say regarding his policy. The present system of fire alarm 18 also mntnquurwd and one in connecrion with the ten Dhone exchange could be c »nstruu-'ed at a sunll cost. Wv trust and echt that the‘ new counwl mi: deal with this very impor tant matttr at once, town in a. iraw minutes and with a good reliable staff of firemen, all of whom should reside in the vicinity of the station, and our splendid waterworks, xlm citizens would be assurrcd ufreasou- “-th safety. reflumr- 5-.“ ders, a couple of extinguish- ers and the other necessary equipments. The town could hire or purchase a horse and employ one man as driver. He Would be on duty all the time and could have the hose as any part of the Editorial Notes. The promise is fair that Archbishop Ireland’ 3 position will be sustained by the Pope, inasmuch as the Pope is Well in sc- conl with the reinstating of Dr. McG ynn. whose views are snd hagve been as liberal, possibly more so, as those of Archbishop Ireland. From this it is evident that the trouble between Archbishops Corrigau and Ireland is that. the former distrusts Lheliberal views and actions of the latter in school matters, and that. the disaffecnion may spread until Lhe priesthood of the country becomes divided on the situation. “Suppose that the archbishop had (which you must not take for granted; I do not be- lieve that it is true) ubed the press for the purpose of upholding his side of the con- troversy, could it be possible our friends, with their broad American ideas, would find fault with him for domg what they themselves are reported to be practising every day and to have been practising for n19 The Vatican has caused an enquiry to be made into the motives and the extent. of the opposition to the Sutolli mission. The Pope holds absolutely to his policy that ecclesiastical afl'uirs in the United Sum shall develop themselves along modehte lines and in a. spirit of hormony with the MtitnfiwmmUmm. years? The discussinn which followed the action of Mar. Satolli in re: nstating Dr. McGlynn disclosed to the press the probability of a conspitacy among some of the church lcmlors to represent the results of Mgr. Satolli' mission as likely to do more h.Irm than good, with the 1-11'1' zeIl design of persuading the Pum‘ tor ’Cilli hi° sneI-inl representativn '10 whsit I~xtI 11t the 111035 .ms been mix ‘(l 1111 in the mattIm can he Sven by this e\I:'c1 11 f 0111 The Cl 1icngo SunIl ay Post. “Fottnnl chargI-s of the gravest cliai'nIITM' h. v - heun pro-{erred 11g Iins the Most Rev. Nichavl Augustine Currigan, the anun Cu'nolic Air-Liliislmp of New York, by :: brother pm 1:11». Him (imm- of New York is accuse} hy the Most Rev. John Irel 11ml Archhis 110pr it.l’111l.I1f having (IngII'I-Il in an 1111l1\\fui c In ixir. .u-y to “when or 1111- do ti. e ellI c: I11” tho I )1mS decisions in her sin-ct of I:l1.1:c'.1 Hutu-1‘s in America. and at hu'in;I hal 1‘eI‘I11zr~e to methods unlm -I~I ing 11h. h--n n. designed to Il1schIlit1111IlIl1~- g . I-e \11Il1i 14101) Itelatul 11nd .\l()llSl':f.lH! 311111, the l’.pz:l IlIelI-I1111Ie tn _\1111,-riI-I, TlLI'SULlJUO‘ t, Iiuly fill'llllllullt'li, are 1101-: on their mzy to Rome. where they will be presented to the highest tribunal in the Roman CILthI-lic (,'.'ll..'l.'il." The Post avers that it has uncurtlietl the alleged cnnsnimc» tnmugn set: m 111" u, lotto: from Atcnhmhop Dortigun to a human in Chiumm FHIHI'. 5.11111: he p1ll11-rtt .011 in :1. 11le} -I :r.~1I‘.::tIIl \V-fitm‘n paper of an grficlr in 11v farm of :111 intI-rviI-w with a. (31 ll-lllC1‘l'('l(..‘Iit":l' 11C l’l1ilrztl0l21l151t. The :11:h~11:1.:1I-I- of th- artiI-lts is that A r'I-‘i- hislmp Irt‘l‘tlhl is LIIIIlI avm'iiw to have U.I"1IilfI:1"1ilIl1'II11 in h s IlinCI so gmdmllv MW at 911 to the custom oi IittI-m! ing State ‘snn offset tn tlz' IS ch Lrga it is knmsn Lint Arclnlndmp Ixeluml lms :umngml for sl‘t-ciul religious instructiuu for Lin ese child- ren after and l» --fu:c xeguhu school hours, and that he desires these children to be educated in Hm public Schrmls because the sc‘mnls nre snmmrtml hv tho: scam, lmcnns" fhev (Hie-r greater (-(lucumnnal advantages and because Lunchers may be Roman Camo- lies us well as PlulefilaMs, Schrmis without. ('(rnsirle"ing thmx:sr]v«s in anything but, a natural position while their; air: ' Yhu; the MIX-ct, mus; he to wean tin-se ‘hiEdn-n from desire for (-mnllinmi rngiulu and secular insxrmazion. inasmuch as State laws prohibit. the inbrnductinn of religions nmzruction in any form in the public schonls. The Kw. Father M. J. anelle, rector of St. l’ntrxck’s Cathedral. New York, who was :uemmnd of being the chief of Arch- bish'Ip (,‘urriqun’s alleged New York bureau fur the dissemination through the west and elsewhere of newspaper literature hostile tn Mgr. Satolli and Archbishop Ire- land, says: NEW YORK, Jun. 11,â€"Since Mgr. Salolli in nrrivcd in the United S'm‘ttcfi as a repre‘ bOhltthc of the VaLiczm, Mid possessed with almost unlimited power to dispose of lumen; concerning the pcuce and Welfare vi the Roman Catholic Church in Anmrica, there has hum brought, hemre the public that which leads in suspicion that the qu'wl :0 Dr. Mcfilynn‘s restoration in his full rights as n. priest, wi'l he disusxrous to one or more nf his cnlEcugnes whose names are as well known as his own. and we believe the time is not far dis- tant when these institutions will be supported and controlled by :he muni- cipalities, just as our schools are. Howen-r, it has been decided otherwise, and pretty strongly so, so far as the town oi Lindsay ls conterned. and it. is to be hoped that the directors of our mechanic institutes and library will not wel discouraged by the vote, and especially that our citizens will support them as they have done hitherto. by becoming members,iu large numbers, of so Worth) an institution. that when the license system is the law of the district, the most important question really is whether" the law is' properly observed and enforced or not. We believe that Lindsay wall compare favorably with other towns in this respect, and it becomes the authOrities to see to it that the record improves rather than otherwise for the year. In the matter of the free library, it is doubtful whether the ratepayers have had an Opportunity of fully weighing me onestiou in all its bearings. The funds for the support of mechanic institutes and libraries come now partly from the public purer, in the shape ofa grant from the provincial legislature9 fwu Archbhto; a in the United Stan-l Fall Out uud um Pups In (‘allod Upnn to lent.- vlu- C-ifliruInâ€"Mgr. satnlll‘u Mummy: 1- l'rnv n: .‘Vlou Arduonl. 4£m< I><m > C<mr< 002430.. <mxm< _2 41m C a. WA TCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12,1893 RIVAL ARCHBISHOPS. 9n “M'cst char." 0', “1' be Most R? V. v, the anuu These goods are all Fresh and Reliable. Heads of families will do themselves a service by calling upon us. A. 6AMPI,ELL FMKMETGRBEE ‘ and the largest selection of Wood Cooks and Parlour Stoves. Etc, ever shown 1n Victorla. County. Get our prices before buying. SEVEN CARLC HEADQUARTERS FORâ€"-â€"-â€" Leading Lines 9f all Kinds 9f STQVES Mmmfians 6'5 M@w mmds. HAPPY HOME. HAPPY THOUGHT, WE OFFER YOU Ram’zkmz‘ Home, x475 Cozzizz‘ess. AM 0A.]:- OI r ( . One Car Teasâ€"our celebrated 25c. Brand. _ One Car Sugarstranulated, Light and Brown. ‘ Three Cars Saltâ€"To be sold at the popular price. " . One Car Celebrated American White Oil. one Uar Genera: Groceries and Fancy Lines. Two Hundred Boxes New Valentia Raisins. ' One Hundred Cases Canned Goods. 1. new fall stock received during past few weeks are no“ open A stock of General Groceries that for freshness and variety is not excelled in town. Taxing everything into account we feel that those Who purchase their household wants from us Will be pleased. An experience of nigh sixteen years in the Grocery and provi- sion line has taught us something. In Teas and Cofi‘ees we maintain our old reputation, and have some superior value to offer. Visi- tors to Lindsay are invited to call and get samples. 9.0 T0 E. woons, PRiGES AWAY DOWN AND KITCHEN WITCE. fl m/zemz‘, 86156 8217726748“. SPRAT‘I‘ ADERS, IN THE VALLEYE- FAMILY GROCERS- C KILLEN Farmers rq ‘éthelr lu: rher 588mm :vxizu mum-xx m1 BE (‘1‘ nrieu -‘.o|ls§Heads:if Right now I a! stock BIBLE S. R ‘ satisfac: finance Com Capital 31.2 .1 every five yea weekly com] event of dear finder of the 1 and Popular and Nove‘ . MR. T ». «office to me .Iy,$t,ore. Kent M amore \\ illi n; d body Doll Unbn .mily Bibles prietor. moderate .rties a spec table sleigh Lindsay. J z Eanadal. - t" we wild la} [I am dis“ L'TL'AL L1 fifesr. strm Over $8004! - 1 rep resen‘ Water [on N England Fir ‘ I have th‘ uarantee OMKEIK ' Proggiet ave the :es you ,‘ plate 70V RU LL‘JPPB OTICE Tue: OUN THE USE LOU Rf uniCIpal _Cqunty articl ()RPO ll meet Londo DI'RIS i, at t Notic‘ tlk' n.

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