families Will do and. LIld Brown. Dular price. 3 Oil. 57 Lines. Raisins. ’55.. xii/2‘ LEVS- TQVES. rves. Etc, ever 0‘3. ROGER. ODS- Farmers renuixing sa“ ing: done can have heir lumber hume wi: 11 mean the same (1m 5 they btiu r the. lzws. as “e pay SDHCili :tcntiuu to cus: um swim" and guarantee atisfactic n. GROCERS LE N UGHT, w open, County ClcrL 9 Oflice, Lindsav, lULh J an, 1893- ICOUR’I‘ HOUSE, LINDSAY’ Lid body Dolls, Unbreakable Dolls. nder ofthe Holiday Trade with New and Popuiar Lines of Toys. Books ,-, and Novelties, Fancy Goods, Notions. I:. 'IBLES. PA’A YER BOOKS, 5ft. ï¬ght now I am ready with an irï¬meuse stock of Prize Books, "OMMERCIAL HOUSE. H. Watters, J Proprietor. I have leased this com- nodious Hotel on Lindsay-st. and reâ€" tted the premises throughout. The Bar ill be supplied with Best Brands of liquors und Cigars. Firsbolass stabling. nd attentive hostlers. - 42 have been appointed Agent for the Lnglo Canadian Music Co. of Toronto. Parties requiring Music would do well ‘ call and examine my Stock before buy- ing elsewhere. HE CITY LIVERY, E. Fee, Pro- prietor. First-class horses for hire a moderate rates. Outï¬ts for pleasure arties a specialty. Handsome single and Louble sleighs. Lindsay, Jan. 9th, 1893.â€"~1y. have the Goods you want at 'ices you can affO'd to pay, and cry articie backod by guarantee - - of Goodness - - ILIN. GUITAR, The London Guarantee and Accident In urance Company of London, England 3apital 151,2 0,000. Liberal policy â€"Bonus very ï¬ve years, $5 per nnum secures $5 reekly compensatior nd $1000 in the menu of death by acudent. Jonx D. )IAL'L‘vIt'RCllY, General Agent. Lindsay. . A. METHEKELL, ,mily Bibles in all styles. and Prices suit all. mplete Assortment of Balls, lls§Headszin all Sizes. THE [TNDPRSIUNED IS PREPARED TO Lut any Quantity of Custom Logs I have the ï¬neat in the land. The Lon (Tuarantee and Accident Co. and The Canada Accident (70. can and see me and We will talk matters over. COUNTY 0f VICTORIA. {I am district agent for THE ONTARIO -UTUAL Lin: ASSURANCE (30., one of the Nest. strongest and cheapest in the world' )ver $800,000 is carried in this vicinity . MR. JAS. MIDDLETON has removed his Ifï¬ce to Lhe ï¬ne premiscq. over Goodwin‘s §tore. Kent st, and is better prepared and more willing than ever to do basiness. MuniCIpaI Council will meet in _1 represent the “Giant 3." The Gore, The Vaterlon Mutual. and The Northern of ngland Fire Insurance Companies. ’. A. METHIRELL’S, 1893. at two o'clock statute. :3: form $4 up to $5; up to $40; $6 up :0 30; $3.75 up to $6.50. OTICE TO Tuesday, the 24th day of J afln Io ( )RPORATION ()F _A.BMEBS DURING THE PRESENT “'INTEP. Notice is hereby given that the BUT WE TAKE THEM. Accident Insurance. MY SPEUIALTY. Wax Dolls, Victoria the Council Chamber in the ACCIDENT. Kent: Street. Lindsay. FIRE- of the Countv of T. MATOHETTA. Rubber DOIIS' . ABTfl-HARP. '9 County Clerk . pursuant to to Look out for it next week and carefully peruse the same. RITTO’N" Bans: (:an be curedâ€"if ynu don’t believe it as! John Ashmure of Emily. A. HIGIN BOTHAM. â€"-1-3. Five or six former residents of Peterboro. who were employed on the. waterworks here during the summer, have become permanent residents of Lindsay and haVc moved their families here. Lindqay is rapidly coming to the front as a business centre and merchants from other places are casting envnous eyes in ihis direction. On Saturday agrocery and liquor dealer from a neighboring town wzb here looking over the ground and If he can make suitable arrangements, our busines» houses will be increased by one. with [11(' beginning of the license year. Among: the survivors of the. loyalists. who took part in suppressing the rebellion of 1837 8. residing in this vicinity. zin- Memrs. John Rea. Sin, con. 11 lot, 6 Ops: Thos. Lnidley, con. 14 Manvers; Isaac Rea‘ Six, Lindsay;'1‘hos. Rowan, Sin, Omemee; .los. Lewes. Six, Emily. According to repent advices from England, the British Government, is cmwiderinq the claims 0! the old «ex-warriors, for compensation for the active part they took in the stirring events of. that time. On Sunday afternoon Masters Rober? and Thomas Spratt, the juvenile song ol Mr. Richard Spratt, were driving 0n Kent street. VVhon in front of the Simpson House, the horse shied, got beyond vontroi of the boys: and raiiҤ1\\'ay. After ('ontroi of the boys. and ran away. After some pretty lively travelling, passing through a ditch. and over a high sidewalk, the“V" near Mr.’ IInWe’s stopped further doings. The horse had one of hislegs cut. the shafts of the cutter were broken and the buys; escaped uninjured bodily. but badly frightened. Ebe "(Watchman A moulder named Wm. Mercer, em- ployed at. the Sylvester works, had a. close call on Friday. He was conveying a laddle of molten metal, when he slipped over a flask and fell, throwing the red hot iron on his hips, side and shculder. A very painful burn was the result. He had a very narrow escage from a horriblv death. Medical assistance was at on0e procured and the sufferer was removed to his boarding nouse on William street. He was able on Tuesday to visit the Works and expects to be all right in a short THURSDAY, JAN. 12, 1892. time. Watchmakers Jewe‘lers, This Space Mr. R. Oryell and wife had a rather startling experience on Saturday, but fortunately the result was satisfactory as far as our friend the tonsorial artist and his better half were concerned. They were returning from Oakwood. and when about half way home the horse got unman- agable and started for Lindsay at a Black- stone gait. Robert pretends to be some- what of a driver and ï¬nding it impossible to turn his livery steed into the fence, kept the road, warning approaching teams ,____n_,_ In†“Rani-{nap «Inï¬ll hrpu LIL; .uu“, v. ...-.-._e of his rapid coming, by shouting aloud. He had one close call with a heavily laden vehicle, but good generalsbip prevailed, and a farmer‘s yftrd‘ proved a haven of rest 0,.LL1_ A.-L kAunA nan“ a I“IIIIV‘ v . auu . .V- - ' and security. A slightly out horse soon after reached town. Bob is now open to receive offers from owners of brothers who are looking for an A No. 1 dliver. W'ILL BE OCCUPIED BY Town and County Kent 512., Lindsay. Still They Come. The Loyalists. Badly Burned. Sciatica Another. A T oss. Runaway. THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1893. A large amount of district Lows will _be, found an the sixth page of this issue. are far apart, so are the cases of Scittiec Rheumatism. Nomlgiu, etc. that can’t be cured with HIGINBOTHAM'S cumâ€"13. Owing to the great pm: on our e01- umns. much interesting local matter has been held over, this week, an "a several communications and no wI-letton. Some of the leading urangemen in this district have taken time by the furolock and are neugitating with the lodges of the neighboring towns and counties to hold ‘ ‘ ' ‘ Al - - 2-..- uv-h-r v----.- a munster celébfhion hero on the coming 12th of July. Lmdaay can stand any number of such days. Let the good work go Oh. Dr. Clark had a caller at an early hour on Tuesday morning, in the person of Mr James Herbert. of Reaboru, who while threshing at Mr. Duwler’s, a few miles cast. at Lindsmy. Was so unfortunate as to get his right fuot jammed by the coupl- ings of the shaftmg of a horse power. His pants, boot and overshoe and some flesh “ere turn. The Doctor skilfully dressed the Wound, and nothing of a serious nature is anticipated. Central Charity Committee. The annual meeting of the Central Charity Committee was held last Friday evening. D. J. McIntyre, Esq., was elected president by acclamation, and Hrs. 'l‘rew dispenser for the south ward, Mrs. Weldon for the north ward. and Mrs Ar- nott for the east ward. A statement of receipts and disbursements, amounting to $763.66, was submitted. The meeting adjourned to F ridziy, January 20th. Are Yon Insured. Mr. T. A. Middleton, the pushing head agent for this district of. the Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Company has re- moved his office to the commodious and convenient premises over Goodwin's store, Kent-st. The otiices are admirably ad- apted for their purpose and are among the ï¬nest in the district. Mr. Middleton, his son, Herbert A., and Mr. Chas. H. Begq make a strong combination, and push and pluck are the watch-words of the staff. 1()ver $800,000, of which amount about $300,000 is carried in the town of Lindsay. - -‘ - 1- :- LL , wuvuyuvv .u m----v-- u. n, . _ has been written up by this ï¬rm for the Ontario Mutual, a fact not to be wonder- ed at when the standing of the company is Considered. 1892 was the most prosper- ous in their history, and the death iosses were $45,000 under the expectations, clearly showing the great care exercis- ed in selecting risks, and inspiring the members with great conï¬eence in the management, which is certainly in the hands of capable men. While his trump ‘eard is the Ontario Mutual, he also takes a hand in the other lines of insurance and repreSents a number of the strongest ;companies in the world, including The 1 London Guarantee and Accident Co., The [Canada Accident 00., (which has absorb- led the business of the Mutual of Man- chester and Citizens of Canada). while in the ï¬re department he has “the giant three," The Gore, the Waterloo Mutual and the Northern of England. When wantintr anv thing in Mr. Midd.eton’s wanting any thing in Mr. Middmton's line call and see him, He will use ynu right. â€"-â€"Mr. Leslie Fuloy, of Bellcville, is in town on n visit to his parents. » «Mr. I‘lk. 'l‘wzunlcy, 0|? Chicago is at present visiting fricnds 1n town. â€"Miss Annie Melitta-hem. of Islay, has bgcn visiting: the Misses Mcchyn. â€"â€"Mr. E. I). lland. of the l’cnelon Falls Gazette, called on us on Saturday. â€"â€"Mr. W. J. M'n‘l‘O‘V, of Pctcrboro, is spending a few days in t.own, with rclu- thus. «John E. Hnyws. nf Peterburough, was in ann ypstcrdny un his Way In Vlsit Mr Michael Hickey, uf Dkueyville. -â€"-Mrs. Juckswn Reid and Miss Maud Reid. ()f Bu'ncnygeun, 3} cut a couple of .lays in mwn this Week, after visiting friends at, 'J‘uruntu. fricnds at, Turuntu. â€"â€"L\Iessrs. J. D. Flavelle and R. Russ, umnnuer uf the Dumminu B:mk.represent- ed Lanay at the great banquet of the ’l‘oruntu buard of trade' â€"â€"Mr. Wm. Clancy, proprietor of the Cty Hate}, l’et‘erbnro, was in town Tues- ! ay. He is a. hurseman of the ï¬rst class and enjoyed several spms after local fuss ones. â€"â€"Mr. R. Neill, boot and shoe dealer and Miss Neill. were at Guelph last. week. attending the funeral of their seven year old nephew, Wilfred, who was drowued while skating The boy visited Lindsay last summer. and was a favorite with all who knew him. â€"â€"Miss Agnes Han-(time, of Linds'ny who, although very young, at. the lust ex- amination succeeded in securing 9. First- class Teacher’s Certiï¬cate, is at present attending Toronto University, where she is one of the brightest pupils. She re- ceived her preliminary training at the Lindsay Collegiate Institute. â€"â€"-The many friends in town and country of Mr. Richard Robinson. Lindsay-st., who was so seriously injured some three or four months ago by being thrown â€ï¬‚" 9. load of hay which he was drawing in from the country. over the icy roads, will be pleased to learn that he is recovering nicely and will soon be around again. Mr. Robinson had a close call. both ankles being dislocated, and he was otherwise injured as well. Mr. Jos. Hill, fprmerly‘of .Peterboro The Coming Caught in a Shaft. Hbld Over . Han' s 00th . Persouals. News. That we hannn oil, three agpiicationa of which ‘will cure the worst ind of chil- bluiu. A. HmmrouAu.â€"l-3. The annual sale of the periodicals :nd newspaper: of tho Mech'tnicl’ Institute, took place on Monday evening. The attendance was not Veuy large and the prices realized won hip. A full stock of Brick and Drain Tile on hand at the yard, south of Lindsay. The Sun is Brightly Shining. Life applications for $8,566,000 of new insurance more received by the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. during 1892, which is laid to b. by far the largest new business ever done by any Canadian company. We regret to annoumee the death of Mrs. Margaret Ellen Duggan. wife of Mr. Daniel Duggan, of Garden, which sad event occurred on Monday last. The deceased was 37 years of age and her untimely death will be heard of with genuine regret by e very large circle of friends and acquaintances. The cause of death was lung trouble. following the eï¬eets of la grippe. The funeral takes place to-dey to the Bexley cemetery. What {Outsiders Think. The Peterboro papers had highly com- plimentary notices re nding the opening of the Academy of usic. The Review says:â€"“The building is one of the ï¬nest in the province for the purpose to which it is devoted, and is one 0! which Lindsay may well feel proud.†..... The Examiner says: “The building is one of the ï¬nest in the province of its kind, and our sister town can indeed boast of being in that respect far in advance of Peterboro ...... The ï¬ne accoustic properties, the heating, the lighting, and the decorating, leave nothing to be desired, and before many days, it is to be hoped, that Peterboro will follow suit." We clip from the Burk's Falls Arrow the followingzâ€"“A severe accident occur- red at Martin’s lumber camp, North Seguin, on Tuesday, to a man named Thus. Mains, who was working under ai "skidway," when a small log rolled oï¬â€˜ and struck him so forcibly on the head that- blood issued Copiously from his mouth, nose and ears. The injured man, who hails from the vicsnity of Lindsay, was conveyed to his bgrth in camp and Dr. Crawford sent for. who relieved the unfortunate man's sufferings to the extent that he is now comfortably ensconced in the Clifton House, from whence he will go ‘ home as soon as his conditi m permits of it. Two other men were injured in the same command on the same day, but to what extent we have not learned. Church Notes. w-A specml sermon is to be Breached tn the railroad men of Lindsay, by the Rev. N. Hill. next Sunday evening. in the Queen-st. Methndist church. â€"â€"The R. P. McKay, nf Parkdale. con- ducted serrices at St. Andrew’s church on Sunday last, burh umrning and evenng tn guud eungregntiuns. His Sermons were pleasing and instructive. «WThu ï¬rst regular monthly meeting fur 1893 of the \V.F.M.S., for St. Andrew’s .-hurch. will he held this afternunn at 3.30 o’clock. a large attendance is particularly requested. Thnse desirnus of jutning are earnestly asked to ettend. Since S'tturdny last, special services have been held rach evening in the Cam- bridge‘s-r. Baptist Church. They Will eonrmue during the remainder of the week. The Rev. Mr. Ware, has charge :md large and appreciative audiences have been the rule. “The Rev. S. '1‘. Bartlett. of Lakcï¬eld. was in town on Sunday. In addition to his other duties he addressed a large meeting at the Y.M.C.A. hall. He is u‘ good, forcible speaker and created a very favorable impression. I‘ has been said that Cold weather effects the churches. Perhaps it ioes. at any rate the attendance at the various places of Worship, on Sunday, at all the services, Was above the average and need- less to say, sound sermons were heard and listened to. ~â€"Tl~e Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Lind- say, preached special missionary sermons in the Charlotte-st. Methodist Church, Peterhoro, on Sunday last. The It’emimv v-ep-irts him at length and says the rev. gentleman is clear in his presentment of his thoughts and surrounds a discourse with interest. -â€"'I‘he Church of England Zenana Mia!- sionary Society has sent out to Canada an earnest Chrisfinn lady, the Hun. Winifred Sngden, sister of Lnrd St. Leonards, who is guing tn every dircese in Canada to bnld meetings and srir up interest in foreign missinn wnrk. She will speak at Orillia early in February and if the necessary ar- rangements are made she will visit Lind- say about, the same time. â€"Grand services are anticipated 1n Csunhridgevst. Methndlst church next Sunday. .It is the uccasinn of the church umiversmy and «me of the ï¬nest,- speakers an _I uf the day has been secured to ï¬ll the pulpit. Rev. Dr. Burns of Hamilton will preach bath morning and evening. and grand gospel sermons in the chuicest and must eloquent language may be expected. The chmr under Mrs. Hnwson’s leader- ship will furnish Special music. Aspecial anniversary ufl‘ering will be taken. The S. S. anniversary meeting will be he‘d on Monday evening. The SS. will fwm its friends and vialtors with a choic ‘ program of readings, recitations and music. Chor- uses by the children. The 8.8. asks for a silver oï¬'ering at the door. Dr ah 1'31. 5. Brick. Serious Accident. Take Netice ! Annual Sale Obituary. S. J. Fox. This celebrated Cough Remedy. White Pine Balsam, is now to the frontâ€"and is really doing more than its sh ms in curing coughs, colds etc. A. Hmmnonumâ€" 1-3‘ â€"â€"The county roads in some sections are badly drifted. "The annual meeting of the cemetery company. will take place on Mcuday even- ing next. -â€"â€"The Harry Lmdlcy c« umpany are hold- ing the boards at the Academy uf Music. â€"The Reesor Electric Light Co. are wiring the Pieabyterian church for the incandescent system, â€"â€"The ice harvest has commenced. Three: large coucerns from Toronto are working at Port Perry. â€"Jubn Frost has been getting in his work in great shape and the icemen are sharpening up their tauls. -â€"-The principal streets on Saturday night were crowded with people who appeared to like the ozone in the air. â€"â€"The good sleighing and ï¬ne wintry weather have started the sleigbing parties and they appear to be exceedingly popular. â€"â€"â€"A sitting of the Division Court was held on Monday, at the Court House. There was the usual grist of minor cases. â€""l'ho Duly House cï¬co is now supplied with a ï¬rst class pair of for ceps and an expert tooth puller is constantly in attendance. -â€"The zero atmosnhere and the police combined, have very little trouble in keep- ing the “sunï¬sh" from blocking the street corners those nights. â€"Sume of the ï¬remen had to go home early after Friday night’s ï¬re, Their clothes were frozen stiï¬'. Rubber eui’a should be eupplied to all the men. -â€"It is said that the thermometer roam- ed away down to 30° below zero, on Tues- day. It registered 24’ at the Grand Trunk and kept- a few notches below all day. â€"The death is announced of Miss Ball- entyne. lady superintendent of the Nicholle Hospital, Peterboro, on Sunday last. from typhoid fever contracted while nursing a patient. â€"The military authorities in this lowl- isy appear to be very lax in respect to allowing volunteers to wear military over- coats. At least a dozen were seen on the streets on Saturday. â€"The burning question in certain cir- cles, Just at present, appears to be regard- ing the reduction in the number of hotei licenses. The general opinion is that no changes will be made. â€"A sharpens! omer, struck a bakery store the other day. Bread was selling at nine cents for two loavesâ€"or ï¬ve cents for a single loaf. The party wanted the second [oat ï¬rst for four cents. â€"â€"One dollar's worth of dog and twenty dollar’ 3 worth of buffalo robe had a tussle nn Cambridge- st. yesterday, the dog beiuu the do: w and a well known citizen being out one ï¬ne sleigh robe. â€"A ï¬re alarm in Lind>ay has a great effect. when it comes to drai'ving a crowd men, women and children rush to the scene at the ï¬rst, tap of the bell and leave when the blaze 19 extinguished. â€"â€"The fourth debate of the series between the Cathulic Ltterary Societies of â€"~Mr. John Builer one of the most popular conductors on the Midland Division was laid up last week, owing to a smash up He is again on the express running between Port Hope and Toronto. Peterburu’ and Lindsay was in take plaCe at the farmer town last evemng. A repnrc will appear in our next. â€"The skating rink was opened for the seasml on Friday night. when the hand was present; The ice is in splendid cun- ditinn and each afternoon and evening a merry throng of skaters enjoy themselves. A strong:y imnression provaih that it. was Mr. Pilkey who really defeated Mr. Robson and not the genial captain. The watch- deg.r doubtless holds the opinion that it: is easier to down two in an election tight. than one. â€"The strong vote against reducing the number of hotels in town is not an evid- ence that. the people are opposed Lo tem- perance reform, bu: signiï¬m that they did not want any further inelease in their taxes. â€"Large numbers of perSons had their ears, noses and cheeks frozen on Tuesday, among those nipped were m'o farmers who drove frmu near Omemee and only found out that they were touched when the heat of a stove gol in its work. â€"â€"A gentleman who has resided in Lindsay in the same house. for over twenty years. informs us that, water froze in his residence on Tuesday night, being the ï¬rst occurrence of the kind. The ther- mometer ranged from 24° to 30° below. â€"â€"The party who kicked at some snow flakes in the air on Kent street, the other day, and decorated himself with a quart of raw oystere, ic. now looking around with a club for the man who brought to town the expression: “He's in the soup I.†â€"Mr. John Pearce, in his card to the electors of the South ward. intimated that if they wanted lower ttxes, to vote for him, but if they wished them to be still higher to vote against him. As he was not re- turned he naturally concludes, the peoule want higher ragiation. â€"Sharp advertiesxs are on to the fact that THE WATCHMAN is gettinu there with buth feet and orders are fairly rushing m while a wry large number uf subscriber’s names have been placed on our lists duriu" the last week. Le' them came. Just watch our paper, it will pay vou. â€"An East ward correspondent says that a certain Citizen is keeping: bachelor's hall by compulsion. His wife went visiting just before Christmas, having struck on cutting the family wood. The citizan aforesaid now cuts the wood and also acts as cook. Some people never know when they have a soft snap. â€"-“Pizness is pad," remarked a well known undertaker. “vvn peoples die da are blamed in de ground an der grief-stric ' relations forgets to bay for de golï¬u. 1-. BREVITIES. was this same grim humorist who put new hearse on exhibition, at the tum! Lord Soanley‘s visit to Lindsay, “'th awful inv‘itacionï¬ Who wili take the ‘ ride ? â€"â€"â€"A number of men left on Monday for Buckhoru, where they wili be bugg- ed cutting Wood during the rem-under 91 the season. fur Mr. Fremont. Crandefl. â€"Poor old Mickey_ M('Cuy. for my years a. roadside rvsidem in the tuumhip of Op s, alld a ru cipivuf nf aSsistauce from the council, died the â€their day at an advanced age » dc lcav es behind him h- aged life partner. For clemency There is same talk around tuwn about circulating a _Uuti'.iull tn Ihe Mimster of Justice in fawn uf the early liberation 0' Mark Luckillgtuu, uf l’eu»r'xp«prr.llgh, 33} tenccd here fur lnssiug Confederate money. The prujcct is regarded with favor. Schools Closed 0!! Tuesday Hm furnace at the South Ward Sl'hunl gut Hut Hf marking 01'th and the pupils vww given a holiday until the necuosal‘y repairs were made. 1- several of the miller schuuls those in at- tendance were dismissed x: mm: o’clock m save them the juuxuey xln'uugh the ex- cessive cold. Notice t3 the Readr rs of The Watchman. The undersigned having, sold the WATCHMAN printing Establishment to Mr. Geo, Lytle, those indebted to tie ofï¬ce to Jan’ 2nd, 1893, will please cal. and settle the same immediately with the undersigned, by whom all debts due by said ofï¬ce will be paid. This is un- perative as 1he new proprietor WI†open new booxs. JOS- COOPER. Jan. 2nd, 1893. Mr. Geo. H. Matthie is now a. partner in the ï¬rm of J. G. Edwards , Co. H9 is a young man nf great prmuise and one who has worked his vmy thruugh all the various departments from parcel boy to partner. “'e Peg Ln Cungratulate him on his success and in (lulug so we but voice the sentiments of his Illuusztnds of friends. District L O L The annual meeting of the Undsay District Loyal Qrauge Ludge: w_as held here on Tuesday. On account of the extreme- ly cold weather the attendance was not: as large as usual. The reports were highly satisfactory and the Various ludges are al} in a prosperous condition. The fulluwing nfï¬cers were Installed :â€" Bros. J. L Winters, D V" M:ARotlt lEugeut‘.“D ; Rev John A Kennedy D Chap; Richard Irwin, DSec; J H Cassidy. D Fin Sec; Jus Brown. D Treas; Majur Martin, D of C, and W J Cassidy. D Lecturer ElooF The follcwing ofï¬cers of Lindsay Lodge No. 100. I. O. O. F., were duly installed- un Monday evening last by Bro. John Comstock, D. D. G. M. :â€"Brus Arch. Mc- Intyre. P. G.; M. H. McLaughlin, N. G.; G. E. Bruderick, V. G.; J. C. Wark, R. S.;J. Cumstock. P. 8.; G. H. Matthie, Treas.; John Carew, Warden ; W. H. Widdess, Conductnr ; S. Robertson, I. G.; J. W, Anderson, 0. G.; R. H: rdiug, RF- N. G.; R. J. J( hnson. L. S. N. G.; David Clark. R. S. V. G.; John McGarr, L. S, V. G.; A. Carmichel, L. S. S.; W. H. Clark. R. S. S. A strong cummittee was appointed to arrange for an entertainment to be given under the auspices of the order at an early date. , â€"â€"â€"The ladies' cmmnittee of the as sociar tiun will meet on Monday next, the 16th inst†at 3: 30 p. m. sharp. All ladies interested aree >rdially invited. â€The Saturday night meetings have been resumed and will be held (D.V.) every Saturday evening from 8:15 to 9 u‘clnck sharp. Next Saturday brief addresses will be given by Messrs. E. A. Tutten and \V. H. Vance on the subject, “T he secret of success." ~The young men's meeting last Sunday was attended by 105 despite the severe weather. Rev. S. T. Bartlett. of Lake- ï¬eld. was the speaker. He gave a. very lr-lpful and inspiring address and his words were thoroughly appreciated by the young men present. "Next Sunday at 4:15 p.111. Rex. Burns, uf Hamilton, will deliver the address. This will be an unusually interesting meeting. Come early. There will be a brief somr service before the meeting opens. The orchestra will lead the sinu'ing. All young men are heartily invited. Something Fine- Mr. Thomas Armstrong, manager for Fairweather Cu., yesterday recewed a letter from a leading citizen of Whitby rsking for one uf the, ï¬rm’ s Calendars for 1893 The Tumnto Homctary 'limcs pro- nounces it to be, .me of the ï¬nest ever got up in Canada. and all win agree with the Times. Gold in Galway Samples of ore {tom the Reynolds†m'mo, an the Township uf (hung, are on exâ€" hibition here and sane have been sent to Port Arthur to an assayer. The speci. mens show very rich traces of silver and musidemble gum. The. mine has been opened fur abuut. 60 feet. 17 feet Wide and ‘22 feet deep when the vein turns down. The wal‘ ruck nu the math is granite. on the north slate. These are all good iudi- unions. Mr. J. H. Suntheum is manag- ; â€It: the Lindsay end of the business. On ‘ Saturday last the cumpauv sen: a. gang of mm to the Works tn erect the necessary buildings fur the miners and work will I! ~ ignrously pushed all winter. 1! expec- mtiulh‘ are realizx-d a gmt lmum is in 0- fm .mv' nm-M-prn neigh‘mrs, Y. M. C. >1. Notes ddMO‘nm Local . u r.-1‘..~t I'm/e- New Fn'm