A $25,000 to aid in the construction of the road. Should the by law carry, the money is to be held in trust until the road is completed and in running order. It will be admitted on all sides that the matter is one of the most import- ant that has been submitted to the decision of our ratepayers for many a day, as upon the decision of the differ- entmunicipalitiesinterested willdepend whether the construction of the line in question will he undetwken or not. Aid by way of bonuses from the muni- cipalities along the route is absolutely necessary in order to give the bonds the requisite standing in the market, and the issue is as we have stated. Of the importance of the construction of this road to the town of Lindsay and the large district tributary to it, it is scarcely necessary to speak. Without an independent competing line of rail~ way the conditions are wanting for the establishment of a ï¬rst-class market. Railway competiiion means a ready and sufï¬cient car supply, without a guaran- tee of which it is impossible for buyers to give or risk the heat prices. This is a matter of the utmost importance to the town of Lindsay and the large district of which It is the business centre. Competition is the life of trade, and this applies to railway interests as well as to all other busi- ness concerns. In the matter of frieght rates and accomodation, the construc- tion of the road is important to our meachrnts and manufacturers. With- out such competition additional man- ufacturers cannot be prevailed upon to locate here, even with all the other favorable conditions which Lindsay possesses. It is not overstating the case when we say that the future of Lindsay depends upon our securing an indep- endent Competing line of railway. Some $750,000will be spent in the construction of the road, a. very large proportion of which will be spent in the town' and surrounding district. The circulation of such a large sum is The Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Pontypool Railway. The provisional (I recto s of the L. B. and Pom) pcol Railway company have set the b1.“ mll ng, and a by-law is to be submim d to the ratepayers of Lindsay for the granting of a bonus of a. valuable item to the laborer, and the farmer as well as the business man. The advantages that would result to the town and district by the construcn BIGGEST VALUES PORTE R’S STU DENTS, LOOK HERE! Books and Scribblers School Books, Exercise 3' Which is the best to try, if you have Catarrhâ€"a medi- cine that claims to have cured others, or a medicine that is backed by money to cure you? {The proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy agree 'to cure your Catarrh, pevfectly and fer- mamzt/y, or they’ll pay you $500 in cash. tions, and restores health and strength. “ Favorite Prescription †is the only remedy for woman’s ills that’s guaranteed. If it fails to beneï¬t or cure, you have your money back. THURSDAY. JAN. 19, 1893. (Che Watchman. For All Kinds of CHEAPEST GOODS GO TO- It’s a legitimate medicine for woman, carefully adapted to her delicate organi- zation. It builds up and invigorates the entire system, regu- lates and promotes all the proper func- restores health and . TAKE HEARI} If you’re a. suï¬ering woman. The chron- ic weaknesses, pain. ful disorders, and delicate derange- ments that come to woman only have a positive remedy in Dr. Pierce’s Favor- ite Prescription. If you will faithfully use it, every disturbn ance and irregular- ity can be perma- nently curedu . â€"â€"-The C. Infantry school team, Toronto, and the local players met at the rink here on Monday night. The visitors had the advantage in sin and Weight but our boys made up in agility what they lacked in avoirdupois. The game commenced about nine o'clock and on the start: Was very rough, the \‘is1tors certainly being the aggressors. but in a. short time things settled down and an excellent exhibition was the result. Only six players were on each side, the visitors being one man short. Lianay won by a score of 9 to 6. Mr. H. Knowlson refereed the ï¬rst half and Mr .I. A. Barron the latter part of the game. The umpires were, Toronto, W. H. Simpson, Lindsay, R. P. Gamon. The players were I -“ (7. Sr-hool. 'I’OSITION. Lindsay. MuMurrich ....... Goal ........... Mark Wyndflyer ...... .Puint. . . . A. Kncwlsnn Laurie ....... Cover Point ...... Ritchie ’mldwin ....... J . . . . Keenan Thompson ..... Forwards. . .McBurney McArthur ..... L . . . Walters The following from the Deseronto Trib- une refers to a young and prominent citizen of our town. The VVA'l‘CIIMAN joins with the many friends in extending congratulations :â€" “ PictOn was the scene of a. quiet wedding on Thursday, 12th inst. The contracting parties were Mr. G. H. M. Baker, the popular agent of the Rathbun Co., at Lindsay. and M1ss (‘lara Carter daughter of the late James J. Carter Esq. ., of Pic.ton The marriage was solemhized at the church of St. Mary Magdalene atSa. 1n. by the Rev. Rural Dean Baker, of Bath. father of the bride- grooin.assisted by Rev.Rural Dean Loucks Rector of Picton. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Annie Carter, and the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. S. C. D. Baker, of Deseronto. The happy couple left by the 9. 30 a.m. train on an extended tour westward, and were accom- panied to Trenton by Mrs. Carter, Miss Carter and other friends. Notwithstand~ ing the intended quietness of the affair and the early hour at which it took place, many warm friends found their way to the railway station to bid them God- speed on their journey through life The Tribune unites with a hostg of Deseronto friends in wishing Mr. Baker and his fair bride a long and happy wedded life.†Hockey Notes. â€"â€"The Lindsay Huckey Club sent rather a weak team tu Peterburo, on Thursday evening last. The home players Were defeated by a scare of 7 goals to 2. The playing on bath sides was excellent. , The players were as fullnwstâ€" L finish-1L E’OSITIOX. I’I'h’rlmro. Ritchie .......... ‘mal ........ Du mhle Ellintt ........... Point: ......... SaWerS H. Knowlson ..... Cover . . . ,.Carnnchael F. Walters. . . . [U ..... Wnrham F. McBurney. . F 1..Paxsnns V. Keenan. . . . orwrc s Montgnmer .Y A. Knowlson . . l ...... Phelan "The return match will take place here on Jany. 26th. when our boys hone to reverse the score. â€"â€"At the Academy of Music, on Mon- day next, a. great play, by a great company, will hold the boards, when Barry Fay, in “McKenna’s F lirtation," will be pre- sented. The stars are immense. An Improvement. Mr. P. B. Rogers. Peterbnro. superm- tendent of Trent Valley navigation, was in town on Saturday, and with a. staï¬' of assistants surveved a cut through from the second lighthouse to Hutchinson's Buy. It will be about 1000 feet in length and will lessen the distance to Bobcaygeon by about 500 yards. In addition to this it will bea good thing for the lumbermen and will save them much time and trouble in floating their lugs through. At present the lighthouse is either swept away or badly damaged by the ice shove in spring, While with the new cut a Dermanent building Can be erected in a. sheltered position. It is expected that work on the improvement will be commenced as soon as the seasun opens. It is owing to the efforts of Messrs. Fairbairn, M.P. and Hughes. M.P., that this work is being done. In the debate at Peterboro last week, the Lindsay men secured the verdict. The subject was the same as discussed here, Independence vs Annexation. The debaters were Messrs. Kenny and Smith for Lindsay and Indipendence, and Messrs Dr. Brennan and Mr. Brick for Peterboro and Annexation. The chairman decided in favor of the former. The visitors were entertained at an oyster supper and spent an enjoyable time. In reference to the debate the Review says:â€"“The addresses were excellent, Mr. Kenny especially giving an excellent speech, well delivered and powerful in argument. Mr. Smith led off in the debate and was followed by Mr. Brick, Mr. Kenny was next and Dr. Brennan followed. The debate closed with Mr. Kenny‘s ten minutes reply. The Peterboro speakers spoke in good form and so did both the visiting gentlemen. but Mr. Kenny, who is a brilliant young orator, captured the parlor for the even- mg. date, including an account of the troubles of 1883-4-5. It. is embellished with good illustrations, including a. bird’s-eye view of the town, the barracks, the gao], a view of Kent-st.. with the Army parad- ing, CapEain Freer and a group of the twenty-four ofï¬cers and soldiers, who were imprisoned here. A 7,â€"_ The Salvatiom'sts. The TVar Cry. of Saturday last contains an extended account of the history of the Salvation Army in Lindsay, from 1883 to tion of the road are well understood, and the question which the ratepayers wzll have to decide 18 whether these advantages are worth the $25,000 bonus asked. This is a sum which would require One mill on the dollar upon the present assessment of the town, or in other words 50 cts. on an assessment of $500, for the next twenty years. With the growth of the town, the charge of course would decrease. Our ratepayers will have every oppor- tunity of weighing the matter it: all its bearings be‘ore the vote is taken on the by-law, on the 20th. LOCAL JOTTINGS. The Tabiec Turned. Hymen's Bonds. OSITION. I’I'h’rlmro. .‘mal . . . . . . . .Dumble .Point: ......... SaWers . Cover . . . ,.Carnnchael ..... Wot-1mm » ____~._ . . . . â€Parsons THE WATCHMAN,:LINDSAY,-rTHURSDAY, JANUARY :9, 1893 --()n Tuesday morning, a. guest at one of the hotels, upon waking, was surpris- ed to ï¬nd the room full of smoke. He felt a choking sensation, but a copious supply of fresh air soon cleared the atmosphere. He had left a lamp burn- ing and the 011 being bad gas had ï¬lled the globe, forcing the oil to the outslde of the burner. this causing the smoke. He was glven permission to go to bed in the dark next. evening. ~â€"-The Edison General Electric Com- pany of Peterboro. through their repre- sentative, Mr. Ford, have done a highly creditable job for Mr. Reesor at St. And- rew’s church, and the combination ï¬xture of tl'sirty-three lamps in the centre is a. marvel of beauzy. Mr. Ford. who did the work. besides wiring several shops and private residences, is an expert and left last night for Collingwood, where he will be engaged for the next three months in ï¬tting up three large creamera.‘ " .wDo not. be discouraged if other medicines have failed to give you relief. Membmy’x Kidney â€Md Liver Cure acts on the Kidneys direct. combined with a mild action on the Liver and Boweis, thereby removing the cause of Back-Ache, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Indigestion and Constipation. Try it. For sale by E. GREGORY, Lindsay. . . --On Monday, Mr. J. Donne], of I’Cterborough, who had the contract for putting in the scenery etc, at the opera. hnuse was in town. with :L View of making :1. ï¬nal settlement with the directors, but: as the architect failed to ï¬le all appear- ance, nothing was accomplished. â€"-.-\ horse driven by Dr. Simpson got on his mettle yesterday morning and mov- ed down Kent-st. at a. rapid gait. The doctor held on and checked his steed near Linds-xy-st. A Mr. Tmmlcy. who was in the cutter with the doctor, is not accus- tomed to sitting behind a ï¬yer and took the street for it, near the Duly house. mThe people of Lindsay are moral and law abiding, as shown by the fact that from the 9th to the 18th of January the police magistrate was not called on to try asingle case. This speaks volumes for the vigilance of our worthy chief constable and his assistant, who are ever alert to repress wrongdoing. â€"Muldoun's Picnic, All Crazy, and Trish Aristucracy, are among the plays that, Barry and Fay have made famous, but McKemm’s Flirmtinn, which they will produce at the Academy of Music, on Monday on Munday evening next, is by far the best of all. â€"There is more horse talked in Lind- say. to the square yard, than any other town in Canada. and the talkers are no mean judges of horseflesh either. â€"-â€"Mr. Thomas Adams was out the other dry reviving old recollections, by taking a whirl behind his old time favorite, Lucy «Some young: men amused the onlook- ers and doubtless refreshed themselves by passing around a. "growler" in the gallery of the Opera House. on Saturday night. Such a public exhibition is not often seen and the. less there. is of it, the better. One. of the actors drew attention to the matter from the stage. â€"There is same talk of a skating-race, 5 miles, straight away, for 8. purse of $50, between a local man, and a Kinmount ice skimmer. ~~7Mr. Geo. Mulc9hy's Rvsdyk colt Do- minion Boy, is attracting considerable attention among the horsemen. He is eligible in the 40 class, and my be heard from as a winner before the next 12th of July. in ï¬rst, with Dick Smith second. {ind Parliament third. In the 40 class Mamie S. was a winner with Cthis‘ B. B. a good third, Neilhe C.. n. foreigner, coming in between. Everything was W011 conducted, the judginu “'43 good and the best of «mod feeling prex flilt'd. BREVITIES. -.-Cnl. Deacon. enunty pulice magistrate, sent an insane man tn the asylum from Funelnn Falls on Mnnday. Mr. Deacon left. last evening fur Kinmount to dispose of thlee adjourned assault cases. is; a dark red in color, is a year and 10 months old, and was sired by Bolderwood (55382, vol. V.); dam, the famous Kelso lass. This animal will be used for crossing with Campbellâ€"Kinellar stock on the farm. Mr. Connolly states that he had the privilege of looking over very many ï¬ne animals before making: his selection, and adds that in number of animals the farmers in that district are away ahead of Victoria County It is in this way a fact that buyers always visit the front, and more particularly so when they desire to purchaae large num- bers of ï¬rst-class animals. The enterprise displayed by our progressive breeders is highly commendable and will result in raising the standard of stock throughout the whole district. â€"Mr. John Connolly of West Ops, visit- ted the township of Darlington last wee k. After a close inspection of the ï¬ne stock in that district has made a valuable acquisi- tion to his now populai herd of Durham cattle by the purchase of a grandly-bred Cruickshank bull. This animal was bred by Mr‘. J phn E. Dyer,‘ a noted breeder. and , . _._-._.. .___1 1n â€"Mr. Jas. Hall, of Peterboro, who owned Torontu Chief. on two different (nuccasiuns spent Sunday in town. He is full of old time recallectinns leanding the trutters. The old horse 18 still aliveg and hearty and 18 owned within a few miles of Lindsay. â€"The annual ice races tank place at Port Perry, on Tuesday and yesterday. The track was in Splendid Cniidition and the attendance of spectators very large. it being estimated that, upwards of 3000 penpie viewed the races yesterday. The Lindsay horses went up fur the win and as the result shims they gut quite a. piece uf it. ()n Tuts-day MamieS ' was placed secnnd 1n the" 15 cl: lSS hut Pdrliament the winner “as reocignized as «122 horse, and Mamie was 3.511 cm ï¬rst, money. ()0 Wednesday, Daly’s Blackstone captured the free f« 11' all in great shape and scauped â€"-â€"Mr. McGinnis, of the ï¬rm of'Mc- Ginmss Bros. , of East Ops, has made a. good pmclmse in a 11 months’ old bull calf by Bulderwood, and whose dam wasa daughter of the famous Kelso Lass. Spot-ting Notes. Stock Notes. These goods are all Fresh and Reliable. H - ‘ - themselves a. service by calling upon us. eads Of famflles W111 do A. CAMPBELL, WWW. ‘ SEVEN C WE OFFER YOU H I ï¬m One Car Teasâ€"our celebrated 250. Brand. One Car Sugarsâ€"uGranulated, Light and Brown. Three Cars Saltâ€"~To be sold at the popular price. One Car Celebrated American White Oil. One Gar "Genera“. Groceries and Fancy Lines. TwolElundred Boxes New Valentia Raisins. One Hundred Cases Canned Goods. A stock of General Groceries that for freshness and variety is not excelled in town, Taxing everything into account we feel that those who purchase their household wants from us will be pleased. An experience of nigh sixteen years in the Grocery and provj- sion line has taught us something. In Teas and Coffees we maintain our old reputation, and have some superior value to offer. Visi- tors to Lindsay are invited to call and get samples. new fall stOCk received during past few weeks are no“ open Ladies Capes, Muï¬â€˜s Collars, and Cap s, at very tempting prices. We will clopse out our wrappers at cost. We commence a man’s good heavy overcoat at $3. COON COATS AT $20. HOW VERY APPROPRIATE THE SUGGESTION. PRICES AWAY DOWN IN THE VALLEYéS- BLACK FUR COATS, $10. WINTER SALE, SPRAT’I‘ UBSI F E. E. W. MGGAFFEY, LAMB COATS AT $15. Lindsay’s Leader LOW Cash Prices UBS I FA MILY G O CERS KILLEN abolls'gHeadsiin all Bight 'BIBLES. PRA {Family Bibles m all 811“ have been appoi 9‘} Anglo Canadian M< 1." Parties requiring‘ a. call and examine Li, \ ing ell Lindsay’s f†have the Gc prices you can . every article baa .~ - - of Gc l{and COFFEE rqnisites. \Ve <e1 ~and at the chea considered. STOCK of Teas from 10 {Coffees from 30 bSugars from 20 ., In soaps \vc : Just price OL‘ 'Electric Soaps {astonish you. ‘ As an induce will gi'x'C Z 1135, 50 cent tea to ,ï¬ng $10 north < g, “"111 you heed igual per!) 1-115 of t ‘ ,. re terxibfe disc: ‘ L - -" er LHLLb. ï¬ll in every lin THE CHE LLLLZ [ave establishc hder the man: Lllanin the 5110} y R. Douglas, is can {.‘Douglas Old Stan: Lmdsay-st. body Doils, Unbreakab Wax MN. GUITAR, ember of ssociatiun Exactly 0] {plate Asso :5: form $4up 56 up to 30; $1 :r of the Holi' Popular Lin |d Novelties ()MMERC-IA ,. Proprietor. ,\' M cs removes iltcrtul soocn’s. Dr. SW; nanSoas Co.. race, pnetor. 1 moderate mt ties a, special: Iblc sleighs. , am district g‘rUAL LIFE A :est, strongest or $800,000 hit [3. T. A. Mm) ice to Lbe line I )re, Kent st. a; re wining (ha: {at 111.2121: w he tumors 2C glmng vgry .~ now 1 am rea stock of P: HE CITY 0U BITS N( represent the therloo Mutua gland Fire Ins indsay. J an have the ï¬n‘ on: and C attend w bridge-st Piles ' KENNY. BUT W \ eternmr of Until; on. “If mm. .M: Notion ambrid; I] t, )S]