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Watchman (1888), 7 Jan 1897, p. 4

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u The following officers were installed on Dec. 28:11 by W. Bro \Vgllace, assisted by \V. Brr. Mills: M. L. Mills, J.l";\i.; l. W. Bnuuxl, “2M4 A. Williamson, S.W.; J. J. Mc- Mahon, J.W.; R. (l. Cnmeil, Sm; G. 5. Patrick, Treas.;J. llore, Chap.; T. E. Green- shield, 5.1).: H. Johns, J.l).: J. W. \\'.«.llac:, D. of C.; (j. R. Mullen, 53.: T. Cruwn, J.S.: \V. D. Hamiltun, 1.0.: W. Lamonx, Tyler, A Card of Thanks from silt: F. A Robinscm. DEAR MR. Bottomâ€"Permit me through your columns to think most heartily all those who Were kind enough to respond to my appeal in THE Waremtax of Dec. Ioth. \Vith the gifts of Lindsay friends and several parcels from St. Andrew’s congregation of London, ()nt., nearly two hundred little hearts were made, lighter, many of the recipients never having held a real doll or possessed picture books before. A package of caps and Tam O‘Shanters from :1 Lindsay dry goods merchant was much appreciated, and in more than one case the proud owner has worn the new head-gear night and clay ever since. There may have been some denials on the part of the donators, but could they see the joy brought into the little one’s lives (for a time at least) they would be amply repaid. As I have been distributing the articles, again and again have come to my mind the words: “Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these ‘ y brethren, ye did it unto me,” and such kindly acts will not lese their reward. To all who have sent literatare through the mails I give many thanks, and shall at all times be pleased to receive such reading matter as is profitable for perusal. Thanking you for your valuable spaceâ€"Yours truly. F. A. ROBINSON. “Test Fort William, Dec. 30, I896. Falthful Brethren Lodge No. 77. A.F.A.M. W. M. ROBSUN, Public Library Notes. â€"The list of new books may be seen in the library and reading roam, as well as in the columns of ,this paper next week. had the list caref uly, :hen read the books. â€"The new books will be distributed Satur- day evening next. January 9th, at 7.30 p.m. No reserved books for anyone. First come, first served. Boots and Shoes â€"The directors would like to call your attention to the great number of excellent books in general literature, science, history, poetry, biography, travel and adventure that are at present [cl osing qutte peacefully on the shelves. How many such books have you read in the past twelve months? -â€"There are some large tllustrated works, deai' g with the various countries, various historical perimh, etc., that would be just the thing for children to examine. Give your children a. treat by bringing home to them some of these books and reading with Dry Goods â€"The salt: of the pe:iodicals will be eafly next week. The list of periodicals and exact date maybe sec-n in the reading room. Only members are allowed t) purchase. If yOJ are not a. member join ndw. â€"THE Wncuqu would like to say to its host ollncmis in the country that it wmuu pay you Well '0 com:- and sec :hc librarian at “CC and in”! U: pui'llc .ii-nu') “Outs could be Hrhzl 'td gazunla)’: and )(m wmlltl Ln- plenty of . ”Hg. cfi‘i‘cidly d LI)‘; th. winter lngk‘ Grocery... The 0121 year was fittingly closed with the best Christmas trade We ever had. We succeeded in pleasing 01d and young. to: no stores in Lindsay can begin to show the variety of goods :he West End Three Stores do We have some special hues just in. which careful buyers will see the advantage of securing . . . ~.- Ebe Watchman. WEST ENDâ€"3 STORES. THURSDAY, JAN. 7th, 1897. Over-shoes. Remember our Rep lit Department. A new line for Men, Heavy Solid Boot, good wear, medium toe, $1.25 per pair. Special, Child’s Solid Leather at 80¢ a pan. Woman’s Fair Stitch, strong and ’ neat, $1.50. We can suit you in Rubbers and "'1’" -156 a pair upwards. Gloves and Milts. very low, nice Croquer Cotton in a great variety 0: shades. Speclztl Woo} Hose, all sizes, from richneaa. Morton’s Spanish Olives. only 250 a bottle. Silver Dust Washing Powder, large package. 10c, makes work light and things bright. Meadow Sweet Cheese This delicious cheese is n 189'7- a... great variety of ‘eae 10¢ each. is noted for its -â€"-The pastor,1{ev. L. S. IIuehson, occu- pical his pulpit :1! the Baptist church last Sunday morning, preaching with great acceptance. A - i1 '\ ,,A I‘ \‘.‘ ‘rowxslm' m: \‘ERULAM. SS. No. I. Ciuss zâ€"Robcnsnn. James; Robertson, Gemudc; Robertson, Andrew. S. S. No. 7, Clusszâ€"l’amcn, Thus; Buker, Violet; Akistcr, Irving; Curtis, May; Billctt, Fred: Patten, Evans: I‘lliis, Mina; Inkpin, Laura: I’lct, Arthur; Curtis. Fred. 5. S. No. 1!. Class 2â€"Stinson, Martha 0. Towxsulr 01* SOMERVILLE. 5.5. No. S. Class 2~.â€"\dkins, Benson- Class 3â€"Caun, Blrney; I’orbcr, \Vinnie. 5.5. No. 12. Class 3â€".\Iurry, Mabel. â€"An appeal signed by twenty representative ministers has been issued by a. Committee re- presenting the foreign mission boards of Canada and the United States, in which it is suggested that an alliance bet ween the churches of the two countries be formed for the spread of mission work. A plan of prosecution is formulated in the circular, which states that at present there is more need for evangelization work than at any other time. Several pro- pnsals are set forth : That mission sermcns be preached on January 10th from all pulpits, that~on the eveninz of Thursday, Jan. 14, district missionary rallies he held and that undetiominational meetings be held on Friday evening, Jan. I 5. â€"101 Sabbath next, mm, Rev. J. w. Macmillan of St. Andrew’s will exchange pulpin‘ with Rev. P. A. McLenrl of Sunya. ~~.\'cxt Wednesday evening the regular weekly prayer Inccling in connection with St. Andrew’s will be in charge of Rev. Mr. Bennett of l’eterhorn, who will speak on the subject “Augmentation.” ,_~A_._A_.._ "SS V3 1;. Class 2â€"(mthrie, Isaac; Mcf a,rmll George; Barrie, Eddie. C1315: ;â€"-\IcConne1L[ennw:.\1cConncll, Ethel; Mi lls, Annie; Faux, \\ illie. \r-n 1 ”.3--. East Victoria PIomotion Examination. Names approved by inspector. and received too late for former report : TOWNSHIP OF I-:.\III.\'. 8.8. No. 4. Class 2â€"Ilarrington, Lorene; Tracy, Ila: Callahan. “illic; Houlihan, Dennis. Class 3â€"0 Brien, Gertrude; Fox, Hannah; Pigott, Dclphina; Fox, jumes; Callahan, Albert. S S. No. 10. Class 2â€"Fost9r, John ; Fer- "uson Cclia; McBudc, Ada; Jackson, George , Mitchell, Bertha. â€"- I. ‘ . ' -A memorial service wi‘d be held in the Queen-st. Methodist church next Sabbath morning at n a.m.. having referencc to the death of Miss Victoria Thurston. «The decennial annivers try of St. Andrew’s church will be celebrated with special services on Sunday, Innuary gist. Prolessor G. L. Robinson, the noted young American scholar, who has lately been appointed to the chair of exegctics in Knox college. Toronto. will preach. morning and evening. Besides tht demands upan him of his dasses, Professor Robinson is continnnlly soaght after for pulpit services, as he is an able and popular preacher. Those in Lindsay who know of him will look r'urwa'rd to his visit with great unticipations. ""1"". ""3"" _ 5.5. Au. :5. Padue, Fergus. Resolution of Condolence. At a recent meeting of the trustee board of the Queen-st. Methodist church it was resolv- ed that the sympathy of this board he tendered m .\l:. \V. Thurston and family. It was done in the following resolution : To Mr. and Mrs. \l'. Thurston and family. DEAR quzxns AMI) FELLOW-W0RKERs.â€"We, the trustees of the Queen-st. Methodist church, met together. knowing the sorrow that has come into your home in the removal by death of your much beloved daughter Victoria, desire to express to you our siuCere sympathy. 1 “'e know you will he comforted by the fact that you dear daughter lived a life so good and true that she won the esteem and confi-‘ dence and love of those with whom she came \V’e mourn her loss. \Ve know her lier in Contact. we shall miss her in our church servrces, sweet voice in sacred song we shall miss. cheerful happy face Will be seen by us no more. \Ve,as well as yourselves. are com- forted by the thought that she has joined the choir almve and is Singing amongst angels. “'e will pray that you may be divinely comforted in your hour of sorrow and that you may all unite al last a happy family in your Father’s home above. Signed on behalf of the trustee board of the Queen-st. Methodist church. . W. TOTTEN, pastor. C. W. M. Hummx, sec. B. F. Reason, rec. sec. REMNANTS: HOSIEBYi DRESS GOODS F LAHNELETIES-SO WHITE UNDERWEAR-Lame" Chemise. Ladies’ Corset Covers, Ladies Night Gowns, Ladies’ Drawers, Ladics’ Shirts, all on sale this month. MELLINERY MANTLESâ€"Every Mantle down, some go at % c Fags-Anything in Furs at ynur own pr’cc. Sum: choice Qunds stiu (0 be had here. school. :«md purpose in PICPJLIUUH. .. arrived there about 9 o’clock, evit Ireland by his accent, and proceed -icn the expectant hearts of the lit! handing out to them dnUs, 1mm}: hooks, cups,jumping jacks, etc., i provided for. He departed with promise to return next year, let us even more bounteou: gifts. 'I entertainment was very successfu :meananCc very gratifying to tl Baptist Christmas Tree. A large number ,of parents and friends tssembteu at the Baptist church on _“’ednes- day evening, Dec. 30th, on the occasxon of the wnnuai entertainment. The entertainment was quite diflercnt from any held for a good many pars, in that a. Christmas service had been prepared and was rentlered by the children rmd hat aChristmas tree was also on hand, rt.- ~plendent in all its tiiumphant glory. The service was given by the children in a. manner worthy of high praise and reflected great credit on Miss “'hiteside. their Iconductcr. The whole. program and the tree deserve that high praise should be given to Miss Matthews, Miss Bell and the others who worked to 54‘- :«Ml purpose in prentmtion. Santa. Claus arrive-1 there about 9 o’clock, evidently from Ireland by his accent, and proceeded to glad- -icn the expectant hearts of the little ones lry handing out to them dolls, trumpets, horse:, * .'n A" ”A-“ A large number (of ; assembtcu at the Baptist c day evening, Dec. 30th, or mnual entertainment. Ti; quite different from any he pars, in that :1 Christin: prepared and was rendered hat a Christmas tree was splendcnt in all its triun service was given by the cf worthy of high praise a credit on Miss \\'hitesid< ”(ANTSâ€"Ends of Silks, Dress Goods, Prints, Funnels, Sheetings, Cottons. Carpets, etc., all at rednecd prices. SS GOODSâ€"500 vds. ofTweeds, Serces, iuuclcs and all 40c Dress Goods, all at 25c per yd. ‘IERYâ€"Ladics’, Boys’ and Gifls’ all-wool ribbc'? Hose, any size, all one price, 25c per pair. HNELETTESâ€"so pieces Flannelrttes, in pinks, blues, greys, and fancy vatlerns. worth 7c for SC per yard. UNERYâ€"I adics’ Sailors. and any ur- trimmed Felt Hat in the stare for 5cc each. Church Notes. 3:41."; 9 KM! 11: 3303. â€"â€"-â€"o----â€" IUV b"“’ very successful and the :uifvim: to the Sunday mtle marked away / off, others at x till 311 “‘6” h a. solemn ;5 hope with The whoie --Miss Sylvia Mills, who has been in change of large millinery rooms at l’arrslmro, N.B., {or the past six months. is spending hcr vacation with her parents in the cast ward. --.\Ir. Juscph l'rimcnu, who spent the Christmas vacation with his pan-ms here, left for Mon'rcal on Salurday to cunplelc his studies at St. Mary’s college. -â€".\Iiss J. A. Smith. for several years past the popularJady assistant in Mr. John Horc’s office, left last week for \\'(‘rccsler, 113.55., where she will enter Memorial hospital and qumify as a trained nurse. â€"â€"Mr. Henry Jinks and bride of Midland have just put in :1 week of their honeymoon with friends in town. ~.\Ir. J. II. Foster. who has been attend- ing that Normal school at Tumn'o for some time pad, is apcndmg his vacation under the parental roof, near Oakwood. â€"â€"Mr. 1". Sloan of Toronto has been in ‘own during the past week relieving Mr. Casscls, tcilcr in the Dominion hank, who was called home on account of the illness and death of his father at Toronto. a diploma. at the ()iiturio Business college, Believillc. We might suggest if any of the Lindsay business men are desirous of an accnuntant it Would be Well to give Fred .1 chance. -â€"\Ir. and Mrs. annk Goodwin of Bay City, Mich., are in town on :1 visit. and will remain for some weeks. They have a juvenile W.A.G. \\ith them, who is starting to grade up for the presidency of the States. Frank hzisa good situation with a. large boat building firm at the place named. â€"Mr. Ed. Walsh and Miss Mary \Valsh are spcmhng a few weeks’ holidays with friends in Purl I’crry. -â€"Mr. P. Spence, who had charge of thc school at Grass [Iill during the past year, Will train the young ideas at Dunsford during ’97. Mr. Spence Is a. painstaking and successlul teacher and has a special faculty ol imparting knowlwlge to his pupils....'rhc school at Grass Hill will be in charge of Miss Spence during this present year. â€"Mis§ Olive Toucn his zone to Canning- ton, where she will spend a little time with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Shipmnn. â€"â€"~.\liss Rosa Robinson has returned to New York after spending the Christmas holidays wixh her mother, William-st. â€"F. H. Bryson returns home to Lindsay on Friday next :tllcr being successful in securing â€"-’.\iiss Mimms of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. W. King, north GIenclg-st., last week. â€"Mr. L. II. Ray of Chicago, who spent his Christmas holidays in town. returned to the windy city on New \‘Far's eve. PERSONAL. â€"Miss Annie M. Mitchell, town, is visiting friends in Port Perry. â€"â€"Miss Hattie Pogue of Omrmee was in town Saturday calling on friends. --Miss Fratz of l’eterboro IS the guest of Miss Cathro, town. -â€".\‘liss L. Thompson of Cresswell, spent the past week in town visiting friends. â€"~Miss {Jennie Kay of Norland is visiting he: friend, Miss Jennie Ingle, “'ellington-st. â€"Mr. Tiflin, superintendent of Northern Division of the G.T.1{., was in town Tuesday. â€"â€"\Iiss Agnes O’Connor left Tuesd 1y to visit her brother, Mr. L. Y. O’Connor, barrister, Peterhoro. â€"Miss Bessie Earle of Toronto islspending :1 short 110111. 1y with her mothcl and sister in the c11<1 wa1d. â€"Mr. IInrry \Iunms of Midland spent a few (11115 with Mr.z1nd Mrs. Thos. Mimms. sculh 1va1d,lasl week. â€"_-\Iessrs. Youman and Burns of Belleville and M is: \Iinnie 15 His of Port Hope Spent :1 {cu d1ys with friends 1n town 1:151 wcck â€"-Mrs. Gossage, wife of Mr. C. A. Gossagc of Orillia, formerly of the Dominion bank staff here, was made the recipient of a. beauti- ful jardiniere and a. rose jar, both of [apanrse \vurkmanship, as a Christmas gift and mark 01 esteem by the G rls’ Auxiliary of St. jamc church, of which urganization M [5. Gussage is the: presidcut. â€"Mr.]ohn IIore, manager of the Singer Sewing Machine Cu.’s business at Lindsay, returned a few weeks ago from a. business and pleasuretrip to the Pacrfic slope, and reports mining business on the boom. EVcrybody is tal~ in; shares, quartz, locations, etc. While there he met many people from this section, among them Geo jordan, barrister; Wm. Jack. Mr. McFec-iey, Ruht. Hannahoe, fur- m;rly of Janetvillc, new engaged in the Iurniture and undertaking business and doing Well; Barrister Campbell, formerly of Lind: say, who enjoys an excellent practice; Ma. Alex. Skinner. son of Mr. A. Skinner. north ward; Mr. llarrv Gain, who is conducting :1 small store, an d many others. Hr. ”or: spent Thanksgiving in New \Vestminster, on which d.ne the sleighing was excellent, but rain setting in the10110wing day the “beauti- ful” soon gave place to mud, as plentiful in". not quite as adhesive as the famous Lindsay .micle. TEACHER'S SALARIES.â€"The trustees of the Minden public school have been f .utunate o: unfortunate enough to secure a teacher with a seconi class professio. a“ c -rtificate for the handsome remunera ~01: of $200 per annum. to take charge of the junior department, which is lame end rcquireeekilfulmanaging. For a Village of its size Minden possesses a large number of intellectual people, people whose interest in their children's educa- Lion 18 such that. they certainly would not ‘w unwilling to pnv a. fair sa‘ary to the pause" w 0 has the responsible pueiuun .v m -u|m‘ g He minds: l lily 3' uny, and “6 did nut .35: m «,f it t. Jain; the had in grow worse unti! Saiurdny finally succumbed. The: de( 40111 year. He was united in Elizabeth Hickson some :1 it in order to secure. the mac. n. engaged he chanced to touch his face of his hands where there was a slight On Tuesday he remarked that the} Slight irritation, hut paid no particul: lion therein. ()1) \\'e<3nesdny, hnwew much worse and Dr. McAlnine of Lin summoned. It was seen :u a glance {h an extreme case of blood poisoning, r withstmding [Int everything was (1 medical skrll could suggest he com GELER‘I‘ AND THE NRTH. Special to the Wafichmnu THE WATChM and was no exception to the rule. Though the weather was somewhat unfuvorsble the hall was well filled and quite a num. ber of the order came from Lindsay. and all enjoyed the evening well. The first part of the evening was spent in satisfy- ing the appetites of a henny people, and when all had done a little more than justice to the inner man they were seated before the platform. where they had the pleasure of hearing a program which is a rare treat to any audience. Dr. White from Lindsay very fibly explained the benefits and brother ood of the order and left a very strong impression on the crowd that it is not prudent fore man to live Without being connected with the order. Mr. T. C. Bit-chard of Janetviile also gave a short address on behalf of the order. Mr. Birchard is a man of great oratorical ability and his remarks were right to the point. Mr. Mathew Swsin of Lotus, with the “Little bunch of Whis- kers on his Chin," took:the house by storm. and the many encores, to which he kindly responded. shows how the audience appreciated his nowers of sonar. Mr. Joseph Ferguson of Bltickstock also kept the house in shouts of laughter with his Wonderful eloculionsry powers, and judging from the loud applause and wears he received Joe will get take a high stand among the elocutionists of the day. Miss Burns of Ups gave some fine selections on the Violin, her sister acting as nccmnpnnist. The-y were hezntixy enCored, and added greatly to the enter- tainment of the evening. Mr. Thomas Carpenter filled the chair to a nicely, and ‘he best of order was maintained during the whole nroceedinu. TUESDAY, JANUARY 12'rH.â€"By Elias Bouez, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock an'i implements, the property of Mr. W. l\'. Cunnings, north half 101 IS. CODCC$Si£D 10, Maripnsa. Sale at one u’clock sharp and wuhout reserve, as Mr. Cunnings i. givmg up farmin". Tm; C.().F. SUPPER AND CONCERT.â€" The Canadian Order of Foresters of this place have gained for themselves the repu'ation of annually giving tu the public a grand concert and oyster sup- per and last Tuesday evening’s gathering Special to the Watchman. Hnumv GUESTsâ€"Mr. James Stewart of Victoria. University is renewing old avquaiutances in town and the imn‘u dime vicinity ...... Mrs. McKillop of Tcronto is enjoying: a few days with her many friends of ths place ...... Mr. Orr Graham of Port Perry hue been been spending a short time with her sister Mrs. Eva Swain. . . . . .Ml. Albert Hove of Victoria University is home for a few days ...... Mr. Frank Thompson of Buf- £qu is the guest of Burk Swain. d .y to continue her studies at the Lindsay Cullcgiate Institute . . . . .Master Walter Haigllt returned to Norwood high school on Tuesday after spending a splendid Christmas under the [varental roof. ..... Miss Com Lufthouse. one of last year’s pupils of Ge'ert school. has been engaged as teacher in the Red school house. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL â€"Extensive altera- tions have been made in the interior of the Gelert school during the Christmas holidays. for the purpose of enlarging the searingcapacity. We believe our village possesses a public school up to date in every respect. Mr. J. A. McIntosh enters on his fifth year as principal. hav- irg had charge of the school at two dif- ferent periods. PmmONALnâ€"Mr. F. C. Gillia of Oak- wuod. the new principal of Minden public school arrived on the 30th ult ...... Mr. F. D. Puffer left on Friday last to resume his duties in the same school near Dorset whzch he held last year ...... Miss M. Evans of ()memee takes charge ;of the B=.t Luke school for 1897 ...... Miss Juliet McInmsh, one Haliburton’s cou'xty most successful teachers, left or} \yfednes- lowering the salary of the public school teacher to such servant girl wages. Meanwhile the teachers in the smaller schools about one-fourth the size of the Minden division, received from $192 to $216 per year qu1te willing. are beginmng to suffer. Tm: STAGE Romaâ€"We now have two stages twice daily between Gelert and Minden. ' Mr. Hartle. the mail carrier of last year continues to run trips as usual. n_,, 11“., __,,__h. ‘1‘ Juan J __,_ , MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS.â€"â€"The result of the election on Monday is as follows: Gelcrtâ€"Reeve: John Sedgwick. Coun- CIHOI‘SC Sllnrfles. SWitzer, Newell Lang. Mindcuâ€"Reeve: Dr. Curry, 9. clean sweep; councillors: Hobden. Prentice, Minaker. Gilbert. Hahburtonâ€"Reevc: Dr. Giles. __ _ _ _-.-.. - A a 3.400 7'?“ “Since childhood, I have been afflicted with scrofulous boils and sores, which caused me terrible suffering. Physicians were unable to help me, and 1 only grew worse under their care. At length, I began to take AYER’S SPECIFIC FOR SCROFULA. Sarsaparilla, and . very soon grew bet- : ter. After using half a dozen bottles I was completely cured, so that I have not had a boil or pimple on any part of my body for the last twelve years. I-can cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsaâ€" parilla as the very best blood-purifier in existence."â€"G. T. anw'r, Myersville, Texas. awscumrmrinmummm THE ONLY woms_rm - _ = I 1 a All” . moxmwonmsrm Sarsaparilla LINDSAY‘ THURSDAY. JANUARY 7TH. 1897. WA I'CHMAN i. SALE REGISTER. VALENTIA. The: GUARANTEED week! y c-zcula: ’on UVCX' Now is the time to get the goods while this sale is on. Positively for only 30 days and SPOT . . . CASH . . . JAS. H. LENNON, 14 Bars Silver Dust Soap, - 2 5c 2 Brooms - - 23c 7 doz. Clothes Pins, - - 10c A Good W ashboard - 12c 20 quart Dish Pan -‘ - 20c A Good Tea. Kettle - 60c I doz. Cups and Saucers - 60c I doz. Tea Spoons - - [CC I doz. Pattie Pans - ‘ â€" 10c 2 Tins Cups -- - 05c A Good Whip - - Ioc Dust Pan - - - 06c Shoe Brush â€" - - 08c Scrubbing Brush - - 04c Lamp Glasses - - 5c and 7c A Good Bedstead - - $1.25 100 yards second hand Carpet. A second hand Singer Sewing Machine, A lot of second hand harness, 2 stores full of New and Second Hand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Knives and Forks, Looking Glasses, Chamber Setts, Butter Bowls, Butter Prints, Tin- ware and Granitcivare. Great. Reduction 82116.... For the next thirty days we will quote you prices that will surprise ‘ you, for Spot Cash. Pretty" Presents" It is our Constant aim to supply the Very ‘best at lowest possible prices. Our methods of doing business are being more appreciated from day to . . . day . . NEW YEAR’S "PRESENTS The Auction Mart. Opposite the Benson House. â€"SoIid Gold, â€"RoIIed Gold and â€"Ster1ing Silver ~Novelt1'es . . We have an unusually large assortment of W. F. MEGARTY, â€"SUI'1‘A BLE F0 3' â€"$ 10.00 Coats for $7.00 â€"$8.00 Coa â€"$7 - 00 “ $ mo â€"-$6.oo â€"$5-00 “ 333-50 â€"$4-00 â€"â€"2 5 Misscs’ Coats; ranging in prices from $5 to $12 for $3 â€"Greenland Seal Capes, were $20.00, now $14.00 â€"Electric Seal, were $45.00 n0§vv $32 00 â€"Sable, were $50.00 now $39.00 â€" “ “ $38.00 “ $25.00 â€"Grey Lamb, were $25.00, now $70.00 â€"- “ “ $20.00, " $15.00 , â€"Ten very choice Grey Lamb Collars to be sold at $3, 3.7;, $.35} â€"Ruff's. Mufl's, Collars, Mitts at clearing prices. â€"Men’s Fur Coats at economical pricesâ€"Coon, Astrachan, Wan â€"Men’s Suits, were $10, $8, and $7. now $5 â€"â€"Youth’s, were $7.50, $6 and $5, now S 3. 55 --Ab0ut 20 Odd Sizes in Men’s Overcoats clearing at $2.50 â€"Boy’s Overcoatsâ€"some 3o oddâ€"to clear at 2.25 â€"Men’s Caps, 25c, 35c, 50c and 65c and \Vallaby â€"Robes $5 .00 to y$7 .00 were $6. 50 to $900 â€"Gloves, fine Colored Cashmere, 2 for 2 5c â€"â€"Gloves. fine Black Cashmere, 2 for 25c â€",Kid Glnvcs, 45c, 65c, 85c and $1.00 Quick selling prices prevail at every counter to clear the s: of all surpluses before Stock-Takingâ€"the last of this mar; Some very pronounced reductions in the , y . Half-pace sale of all Remnants. About twentv ends of E; 35:} Inié'i53agifilars1 n . - ‘ . 0 1 . ‘ . } . -._ “nd Colored G°°d59 3150 at 83.6 tlme 100 PICCCS of V." Tofgzxrlx;1::éélillxl;n Dress Sumngs in Plain, Checks, Mixtures and Fancy Suki; ”WWW“? «an be”: - ' ~ . , serviceable condition. 1 Money Savmg as you have never before known In D teeth of the ”ma qualiL‘ . . o GOOdS . Some of $310 (-:;:!:ii<iu ' ' ofliccs g0: «In-k in the there wa~ 11mm 0! 112v It under. _ â€"Th(-Opvn :Lir rink gen-10d by Uu- \‘i'. ixexu‘ hid Only awuih 1l;«- (-0! 3b giw good Janina. "01°“ Clearance" , “3:335:342222 of our leading z-il Ezenx The corn lcte s < P tOCk goeb at these values' gspitawy r.,-u-i\'m1‘_l:m â€" - ’ a ham was (‘01)\lh('1‘:l $10.00 Coats for 33,00 â€"â€"$8.00 Coats forS' result 0r tlu- “mam; â€"â€"Spools, 3 for :05, two different makes â€"-Table Linens, 15c, 20c, 2 c, 3 5c, 40c, 55c, 60c, "cc and 80c â€"Towellings, 3 %c, 4%c, 5c, 6c, 7c and IOC -â€"A great big bargain in our 2 for 25¢ Towels â€"-Unbleached Sheetings 14c, 16c and 19c -â€"White Sheeting 18c, 22c and 25c â€"-â€"Pillow Cottons 10c, 12c and 15c â€"Ribbons 2 yards for 5c â€"Fancy Ribbons 3c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 10c and 12¢ a yard â€"Remnants of Tweed, 20c yard, were 25c, 30c and 4°C â€"Remnants of Flannelettes at half price â€"Remnants of Flannels at half price. In order to make room for new Spring Stock we offer -â€"Tapcstries at 2 5c, 35c and 40c â€"L‘mons at 28c, 30c and 38c â€"â€"Wools at 55c, 60c and 70c â€"Handkerchiefs, Lot I, regular 10c, 3 for 10¢ â€"\’Ien’s Ties, 2 Bows, were 25¢ each, 2 (or 25c â€"Knot Ties, were 25¢ each, 2 for 25c â€"Wnite Collars, newest shapes, 12 %c, 15c and xSc â€"-Men’s Undershirts and Drawers, severed broken lots to be cleared 25c, 3 5c, 40c, 50 and 60c â€"White Lawns 8c, 10c 12c and [SC â€"Waist Linings, IOC, 12c and 15c â€"-Skirt Linipgs, 5c 7c angu8c )ress Goods Departmeg: Clothing, Oveecoats and Suits “ fl Carpets, Oilcloths and Matts EVERYTHING MUST GO FOR 30 DAYS. SOME UNUSUAL PRICE CUTTING IN I’L'RS. ...Ladies’ Fur Capes... (l N u‘ (I 6‘ l‘ t‘ $2 3.00,» now $ I 3.00 $2 5 00, now $19.00 3 5. .00 110“ .9»- 3| 8 33,: {a N r _ 2 for)c 30c wâ€"vFor beauty of m pear-anon \Vn.u.\xs . duo. foot of Kent-3L ' --â€"A Sundorland lnd‘ ads that he madv 1 dber having eight set.» Toronto and okewhon'. taught eleven yours on He muzhc :1 year i) Verulam. and “mm 021‘ fnnunl report. J. ! Inspector. -Mr. “'1“. “11‘s: wqr, shippm} :1 load ( -.\Ir. James Ruiwrtw tawnship, i.~ 10 be (‘09; gay into public life _‘ -School trustees m cantxonod to have nolh Robert S. Johnston. x -On New Year's nigl WATCHMAX. In the II were vntcrtained :1! a. lunch moms by the c vex-v plenum! reunion 1 justice had been «101w t1 the cloth wax removed. in shot: SLK’(‘C11K‘> and cences of the ya: just 4 thanks was tendered t for their kindne<>. and smfl‘ 10: Inc capital (115118ch. “In: p}' to 11] 311511131911." to meet 212:}! Op.~- withoin oppositi‘ make a first 11120 on: energy and ability. Wednexizif, bviug flu HE season. 'l'hvse h: In. and a crodi: to Mr. If there is any mar] Weesc will be on hand season. and {arxm-rs :hu this inmoruun fact. â€"Mr. R. S. “ the well-known 6ther storiw ln fdxurit this numb:- .. Suhxcx wear: Tm: \VA'R :nux Home Journal for 1397 â€" xv. .105. Ruhixboxi Robinson of Adelaide-a1 'nst completed tiw- 1 hmimlm and the Nov where he wax cngagcd‘ connection wiih the Canada. being located 1 Escavan, Pierson :zzld tirely. and luu Q‘OH': to to finish his mmis! Robinson spanks hf: to finish his mmis! Robinson speaks hiafi country, and consider portion of the llomi make homvs in. T! along the railway line inc, while the lunvk a surer occupied. and blossom as the 1-0â€"0 w able products. which indns'. .‘ious tillers of II and grazing pnrpo‘c.‘ land in the world. '1' past. year worn: para the increaxed prim- business 1.0011; In the smiling and happy. 0 no wheat to sell. or t A good deal of can done in the territork . large quantitim~ of co: question for a w Escavan some ninety employed taking out “panes )Iztnimha. population 91' about 01 huts. and. besides iwu‘ that; divifiion of the: railway. is quizo :u‘ Thirty thouvmd doila makes the. Jaw mane are warm, with can! winters are kwn 2m finishâ€" that is free f m atmosphere is general infigOnxLin". Snow-f arnle. The»lndi:u.s: Toronto; 3 chapter Clotbir prices is 5! do the C10 the best go LITTLE L‘ . aha 5 return '1: he do 11-): a to pickuu} Some DU

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