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Watchman (1888), 19 Jan 1899, p. 1

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uch sub} cut; as are 3” :ous books, note'm portnlt supplaqat? a one year’s swamp“- yw RE; modal :ID Iowans. deals in mares: in the An: published NS MEREDITH RS 25 cu. ~ ”id “twin. :4 00 a 74" I. Now Yak. N. '- tux MCL' ER STUBBS z is a compantivfl! number as a tent. 17. mcms. fiction LS of w {OI ed, making If, h of ham“ malaise I?!“ any :9: as Hull as 333 49 Odd Suits, Coats and Vests, you can have at half price, and on some garments less than half original price. 12 Overcoats, not Ulsters, odd sizes and colors for $2.25 each. Men’s Caps, i than ever. /m/f przcc’. [.czcc Czcrmm Remnants, 15c, 20c, 2 5c. r) - ° ' 02g czcz‘ m flaws 0] Lace Cue/nuns. (Moves, Hosiery, Yams, Flanne/s, Flannel- ez‘z‘es czz‘ field-wmz‘er sale prices. DR THE NEXT 60 DAYS my I! m I Ln ur‘fiagfl LARPETS, Clamp, Remnant Carfez‘s a: LOCHlNG CLOTHING imifi, BLOAKS ANB fifiPES .E. W. Mcflaflev BIG VALUES IN MEN’S, LADIES’ AND CHILD- REN’S UNDERWEAR I ress Quads Also our MANTLE CLOTHS are to be Every artfcle for K-VINTER WE -\R and USE to be sacrificed. This week we purpose putting the knife into our DRESS GOODS and MANTLE Stocks. in Cloth and Fur, cheaper DR!" '53 OOIZFS, “CLOTHING ' “AND CARPETS. â€"Dcuble fold Tweed Dress Goods, were 8c midwintcr price 3c. 25 ends Biack and Colored Dress. sufiaoi»: for Skirts. waists and Dresses, at half price. Io Shades of love“)! 44 inch Serge Dres: Goods, also in Black, were 28 for 22. 2 inch Tweed Effects, lovely Goods, were 15c, now He. FOUR PRICES sacrificed. Toronto has another project. Some of its leading capitalists have an eye on the great north country lying about and beyond Lake Temi-camingne. To reach 'the limitless re- sources and growing trade of that district, a charter has been secured to construct it line connecting it with Toronto. It may be built from one of two points, North Bay or Hali- : button. In so far as Haliburton is regarded as a starting~point. Lindsay and Toronto have common interests It has been with this fact in mind thnt we have given some attention to this project. Several months ago we published a map of the Country to be traversed and some two columns of observations concerning the subject. “'e then nsked that the town give the question careful consideration. Nothing was none The present is not too lnte to take nction. We recently had on interview with n gentleman who is perhaps level! postedon the Terniscuningue district as no, nun in Canada. That gentleman is Col. Rmkin of Mattawa. He hes been for vents in the employ of the Hudson Bay comp-my. scvcul tunes mayor of Mattawn, and is In touch with the lumbering and other industries of ttut country, as w‘lt as with capitalists end mem- bers or puliament. who will be concerned in obtjining nuisance for the new rond. The Colonel, who was once a resident of Lindsay, spent a lew days with his lather-in- law, Col. Deacon, and when seen wu ready to talk freely on the matter of railways and the north. In reply to the question “Do you regard Mattnwa as a promising town?" the Col. said: “Very promising, I have lived in that country for twenty-eight years and travell. ed over most of the great district to the north of it. Mettawn by Int ztitn and national ad- vantages is bound to he the chief distributing point for the whole region. Since the C. P. R. went through it has grown rapidly. It is now a plane ot 2000 inhabitants and very much alive. With proper railway connections it will rapidly take front rank among: the towns of Ontario.” g Them 1‘ :2 (sit: bent-r indifizitiorxs nf Canadian 'omgi mud is wm'th faking up memfliaily.’ iprogrgs. 2' 38... give intercut now being taken in Hallway piujccts Tnis' widest is not c: .fuicd 4' VERULAM COUNC’L PROCEEDENGS . an} ...,‘s r mus-.1, My... ‘ ukfiatv ' -v\ ’4 "*9 THE ‘NAUGURAL MEETING â€"APP°I:€1- her share. The chef problem in this piovincc MbNT 0F PATHMASTERS AND is how to get more direct communication be- P E N 0E V I E W E R S -â€"ACCOUNTS Mann 9}.- nnrt'nnrn and ennlhnn mrls of its PASSED. “Yes, there is an immense amount of white wood, spruce. pine and cedar, all valuable and being cut in some quantities. There is con- siderable hard wood as well. That white wood is used in making pulp and is a very valuable product. No doubt a large industry will he establbhed when the railroads are built into than: forests.” “\\ c1] Just north and west of x; and on the Ontario alde oi the Like there: )5 some rough land, but further up the": is a V¢LSI tract of splendid soil.” "Is it limbered P” “Well, the CF R. has a spur line running 50 miles north of Mattawa and surveyed to the head of the lake That is on the Quebec side. The railroad ends at a place called Gordon Creek. From there two lines of steamers run to different points, and in fact once or twice a week these boats make a tour of the lake and land passengers or supplies at a number of places.” . n‘. v.1 rNdWhere do the people of Mattawa and the country n‘orth_b‘uy l_heir supplies ?” _ “What sort of ccumxy lies north of the town?" “There are two quite large settlements. One is on the Quebec side about too miles up. It is at Buy me Pere which is a thriving lumi‘cr- ing village. The other is at the west and north of the lake. The chief villages are Haileybury and Leskeard. The former has been in exist- ence {or several years, but the latter has grown up rapidly in recent times. Around it the soil is very fine. Mr. S. S. Ritchie who formerly kept store, I think, in your town, is doing a prosperous business on the Blanche river east of Li-Leard.” “The Booth lumber comnany brings in some of its supplies from the west, away around by Carleton Place Nearly all the merchants though buy in Montreal, because there is no direct connection with Toronto. The trade of that region will be very large, and at present it looks as if Montreal will prcfit by it alone. This certainly will be the case with the present railway systemi’ _ "Are: there any important settlements north of Muttawa .7” ‘ ‘TWhat means are they: at present for reach- ing that countr_y ?_”_ “ What would be the best mm c from Toronto to Maltawa P ” her share. The chief problem in this province is how to get more direct communication be- tween the northern and southern parts of its central area. In this there is involved toa large degree the carrying trade between the great lakes and tide-water. With Toronto, that centre of railway projects, this is perhaps the great consideration. At present the C.P. R. an‘t‘l the Ottawa and Arnprior are the natural routes from Georgian Bay, and it is Toronto’s ambition to secure connections that will enable a share of this heavy eastern tralfic to pass through that city. For that purpose aline trom some Georgian Bay port to Toronto is being advocated. “There can be no doubt that a line running from I'laliburtou, crossing the Ottawa and Arnprior at Whitney, would be the most desirable. Not only is that a direct route but it traverses a country rich in timber and water- power, besides having good agricultural Stret- ches. A very heavy freight business would be certain along the line, besides the through traffic each way. It would now reach the head of Lake Temiscamingue during about eight months of the year, and when the C. P. R. spur is extended, as it will be soon, Toronto will be in connection with points I50 miles north of Mattawa all the year round. There is no doubt but that region is destined to become a famous summer resort, and it only requires the con- struction of the road from [Ialiburtan to Mat- tawa to induce numbers of tourists to take theil holidays around Lake Temiscamingue.” "Would an effort on Lindsay’s part- to have the road built be advisable ?” the ‘case it is likely the Toronté' people will select the Haliburton route instead of that from North Bay. In fact thcix commission has “Certainly. The people at Mattawa are enthusiastic over the matter and would heartily cp‘operatewith Ringing. finding that_to be [-2 GREAT COUNTRY TO THE-NORTHâ€" MATTAWA A DIS TRIBUTXNG POINT “A SHORT RQLH .12 TO TORONTO “"‘"‘RBD -â€" 3".” : HOULD PASS 317 WET-“J LINDSAY WE‘RE) JP; AC- TM)?“ .sitlST BIS. TAKE“) BY, A RAILWAY. Mr. Robzns-m gave notice of x by-hw to gun! 25¢. a tad towards building wire fencing at points nlong roads named by council to pt:- vent snow dtih. Menu. Mutin and Long wi‘hcd to have grants made to souls, but the finances will mu pennix it The collector haVing chscd his to", he was watrniy eumplimcmcd upon his good wmk, and his. sun-tics wen: duly tefichd. A bylaw to appoint the folldm’ng path- masleh. rxc . u” wad afirsl time: john Bell, W .-\. 157m. R Guhtm. Juhn Frll, Jams. Kennedy. 5 M Thunmn. \Vm Wny. j Pm. term". G M-lcl‘cll. ] Band-m. Ed Thmsxon. S Thuxsl-m. T W Thmslon. ] )unkin. W Mm- (in. T Bu]. .-\ l‘ozue, J V Thur-ton. JC Thuumn. _l Nicholls. \‘V Helhgtinglon, D The recve pres-:nlcd'szucmem of money pay! by_nlhcl‘ mumcilmlilies. a u u Cums, W'Gamblc, 1) 5505011. I Ju‘l'xkin. \V funkm, R \\'c xhcr, I Flcu. ] McDonuld, Alex Rubcvwn. TWaner, I \V Shplefi. R Junkin, jaCub Waikrv. '1‘ Mayhem, T Kennedy, W Lewis, 5 White, G Hriuon. G McGee, Lu Su‘wart, F Brien, U Thurstun, Bart Couller. 11911;, 1 kobanlon mat-soon H.\1.,drcd J no \hmilctun. Ins Hux..£1aies. '1‘] Ingram. 5m) ansmn, 'v'xn Duh. on, T I-airbaim. T Gilzmc, ino I'ick, jas F1115. M M Boyd, Wm Purd) N A11dxcd, B Lulu-r, SQuiglc), A luv m. A by-law was duly passaj appointing a. Board of Health. consisi‘ir'g cf lhv reeve, clerk, .T. Hunter, Wm. Mann. W. Thurston, C. E. Bonnell. MH 0 , with Robt. Mitchel., jotm Knox, S Quibley, S. Povue, Robt. Webber, John Foster and Mn) Staples as sanitary mspecmrs. : On motiml 7 6.‘ Mcérs. Bradin and nether ington, the following accounts were passed: W H. Thurston, salary as collector. .$ 75 00 Thos Bell, D. R.O. . . . ............. 4 50 Johnston, “ ................ 4 00 A Ellis, “ ............. .. 4 50 E Tiers, “ ........... . . . . 4 50 T Ingram, “ . .............. 4 00 W DcViU, “ ............... 4 00 I A Bell, house {or elcmiun .......... 4 oo Trustees 5.5. No 9 “ ........ 4 00 “ Belhel hall ” ........ 4 CO “ 5.5. No. 7 ................. 4 oo 7A hy-mw was passed appointing Mr. Airx Dunsealh as-cssor at $50. and Mcasns. Gen. Brooks and Rabi. Robexlson as auditors at $8 Bell. F Smc'crsnn, F chlic. W Thurston, J Knox. W junkin. T \ViLnn. T C Paetcrson, _[ Chambers, T Cunis, B “’vlkinson, ADun- seath. T Oiivcr. Ed Sprculc, R Beck, R Brandnn, ] Snymour, I Mann. W Wilson, W Flctt, jr, 5 ll l’oguc, G l’ogue. . And that the following be appointed pound- kcepc-rs: J J Thmsum. I) S‘ncrifi'. F Sander- son, 163 Taylor. W Cn-h. T Corbett, J Knox. J proule. R Kmlu jab Mania. Begg, C E Tiers, T Devin. Krlw, and Flat, 51". vi .1 ,7' Clerk, balance salary 1898. . . . ...... Clerk. reg. births, nurrx.:gcs‘ deaths Clcrk. stationery apd flun. Woxld... . Afzer dinner Mr. Bradin was deputed to see the village enuncil on the qucsliup of reducir-g rem of hm. Gwhlgtéfilf; cuufixg lwrush on boundary. Hospital for 8ka Children, Téronto V E Thurston, Cump. for 2 sheep killed by dogs ...................... o 00 F Brien, comp. {or I sheep killed by dngs. .......................... 3 33 The clerk was instnucted to bill Fenelon with half cf the account of G Metcalf for cutting the hum on buundary between Fenc- lon and Velulam. -, ‘,A On mouon lhe council adjoumed to meet at call of the reeve. The following gentlemen met at the town hall, Bobca) geon, on Monday, and took their seats : James Akister. reeve. and councillors A. Bladen, W. Hetherington, jr.. Wm. Mann and Thos. Robertson. The question of rent oftown hall was fixs‘» taken up, and a committee was appointed to interview the master of the True Blue lodge. Statistics show than in London one per- son in 45 is maintained by public charity, while in New York the proportion is one in 200. The wines of the ancients would no; he thought palatable today. for they Were mixed with sea water, resin. salt. pitch and aromzmc herbs, exposed in smoky garretzs em reduced to a sirup, and then strainad and mixed with water. acquainted wxm Mré‘:§.ums‘§§n. M. 1'. Ir :01 Ottawa, and should be glad to enlist his sup- post of the scheme. law also sure that the people up there would appoint a deputation to join one from Lindsay to lay t1: ’ matter before either the Taoum '18‘ 034 wt government. Pmmpt acm-m may tezzui! in this wad beinn' hui‘t he’s“: the? end of the century. it v.5?“ ' nf ‘nnn-snSt: advantage ta your mm: as. We: 3 cum ~r;ri is worth taking up mergrticaily.’ Recipe fur I‘mrehouuu Canny. ‘ A tested recipe for hon-hound candies consists of 3 pound of dried huruhound leaves boiled in one quart; of water, cooled and then boilr‘d again for five minutes. After that strain off the liquid. through a clotb,'put it: back on the fire and let it; simmer until the quantity is reduced to four or five ounnes. Add an ounce of gum urahic, and when dissolved, enough fine sugar to make a dough or paste, as for lozenges. Roll out and our: in perfectly small pio’ces with a. perfectly clean thimble or a little cutter such as is used by coutectloners. 6‘ it IIC‘\U llary as collcckor. .$ 75 00 amei 4 5° bv h ................ 4 00 $15.- ............. .. 4 50 L1( ........... . . . . 4 50 Mx‘. 4 oo amm 400 Am: ! 'ti n .......... 00 M‘. e“ " 4 Mn. ‘ ‘ ........ oo 4 ster “ ........ 4 co lake 4 0° repo: ................ 4 00 Lil ................ 4 00 Nit.) ‘y 1898.... ...... 75 00 ed w ulrngcs‘ deaths. 19 40 ‘ taxc‘ ri .Vlun. Woxld.... 4 00 earn .rush on boundary. 4! 00 “-011 nildrcn, Téronto V 5 00 M‘ for 2 sheep killed ................ ................ ................ APPOINTING OFFlCERS AND PASSING BY-LAWS.â€"A LARGE AMOUNT OF GENERAL BUSXNESS TRnNSACT- TED The council met. 5!. Cameron on Jan. 9th. when the tollowing gentlemen took the declarations of oflicc and qualiflcnt_i_on as members of the Fenelon council... for 1899. For reeve. Mr. Alex. McGee: for 1899. For peeve. Mr. Alex. McGee; for councillors. Messrs. R. C. “'ebster. Thos. Dewell, Peter Perdue and Jno. Irwin. The minutes of last. meeting were read and approved. Communications were read from J. Row Rolwrcson re Toronto liospinil for Sick Children; D. Engleaon, re nudzting townehip accounts; E. P. Smith. re opening a public librarv at Cemhray; also a. petition from Mr. Neil Sinclair and 33 others. praying that the council open the east. hqlt ot quarterline between lots 25 and 26 on the 2nd eon.; also a lake shore road between the 3rd and 45h eon. FENELON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Applications were then read to council for office of assessor, when it was moved by Mr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Dewell, that, Mr. Jos. Mzu'k be appointed assessor for 1899, at a salary of $60.â€" Carrird. j By-law No. 527 for confirming these up- pointments. also that of Mr. Dcwell to Board of Health for three years and Mr. Perdue for two years. was now introduced and after passing: its usual readings waa signed and settled; The reeve nppintcd Mr. Thos. Mark as his aunitor, and it was moved by Mr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Per-due. that this: council uppuint- Mr. J no. Ray as their nudimr.â€"Carried. “(Moâ€"GearvaMr. Perdue and seconded by Mr. Dewell. that. Cumbmy public library receive :1 grant, of $10.â€"Carri_ed. \Iowd by Mr \Vcbuter and seconded by Mr. Irwin, that: this council remit Mrs. Routie)‘ s roadwork tax of $2. ~Cdrried. Moved by Mr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Deweli, that Mr. \Vm. Landeli' ~ mxes amounting to $19 67, be re mined on account of loss of aensonss crop by fire.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Perdue and seconded by Mr. Irwin, that owing to extreme one of sickness in Mr. R. Burton 3 family and his inability to righclv care for same. that he be granted $10. and that Mr. Irv» in he em- powered to give him an order on the treasurer for any needed expense up to nexc meeting of council ..... Moved in amendment by Mr. Webster and seconded bv Mr Dewell. that Mr. Burton reCeiva $15.â€"Apendmen_t\carr_igd. Moved by Mr. Perdue and seconded by Mr. Dewell, that Messrs. Ix win and Web- ster be appointed to inspect the proposed lake shore road across con. 2 and 3 and report at next meetingâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Perdue, and seconded by Mr. Irwin, that the collector here-appoint- ed without additional salary to collect the taxes still unpaid of 1898, and that the corporate seal be attached to said motion. â€"Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Webster 8nd seconded by Mr. Irwin, that Mr. Dewcll be appointed commissioner to inspect and re-build Carrie‘s bridge if found necessaryâ€"Car- Moved b} Mr. ~Deweal and seconded by Mr. \Vebsger, that. Mrs McNeil' 5 taxes, amounting to $5.’ 05, be remitted; also Mrs. Angus’ s spatute label an of $2.â€"-Curried. ried. Moved by Mr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Irwin, that; we do not entertain the request, for a. donation to the Toronto Childreo’g Hospica‘.â€"_Carrie§. ried. ”Moved by Mr. rerdue and seconded by Mr. Irwin 34,1191; Mr. Webster beinstructed to have Sinclairs bridge repaired. -Car- Moved by Mr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Irw m, that Mr. Dewell and Mr. Perduo be authorized to examine the road between lots 25 and 26, con. 5, and report at next meegigg._â€"_Cgrried. Moved by Mr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Dewell, that Mr. Irwin be instructed to keep the Routley bridge on the new road in Owenâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Perdue and seconded by Mr. Webster, that the reeve and Mr. J no. D. Naylor be a deputation to attend the opening session of the county council to urge upon its members the justice of Fenelon‘s claim to compensation in build- ing Rosedale bridge. Also the injustice done no Fenelon in the matter of county e ualizntion of assessment.â€"Curried. Ioved by Mr. Irwin and seconded by Mr. Deweii, that the members of this council take the Municipal World for the present year at a. cost of $5, same to be pajd by gnunjeipajjtyiâ€"Cmied. 'I‘I, rvaioQ'Ed by Mr'. Peirdue and seconded by Mr. Irwin, that the following bills be paid: E. P. Smith, D. Tolmie, J no. H. Greer clerk. each $4, for acting as deputy returning officer ...... $20 00 G. W. Beall, for election supplies. . . . 6 80 8.8. No. 7. Routley's hall, Cameron, prgnge lodge and Loyely_ijqnge AAA hall, Each $2, for use in électioxL Jn0.- L. Brown, use of house for elec- tion .............................. 4 00 Division registrar for births. deaths and mnrrimzes reg ............... 11 90 Mary McF‘ndVeuu $5 and 5. McFad- yen $5. charin' ................... 10 (X) â€"Cmied. Moved by Mr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Dewall. that. this council do now and- journ to meet at. Cambray on Wednesday the 22nd Februuy at 10.30 a. m. â€"Car- tied. COMMUNICATIONS.â€"APPCIN FING AUD ITCRS AND ASSES:ORS. - AC- COUNTS. In accordance with {he Municipal act, the members elect of Ops council met at 11mm. on Moudav, 9th inst... and after making the prescribed declarations of qualification and otfice, and subscribing thereto adjoufned till half-past one. The members 0 01; their seats at 1. 30. From J. Ra‘s Robcitson asking a grant in aid of the Sick Child“- I a Hospital, Toronto â€"-La.id on table. Faom thu Winnings! Wax-IA for renewal of subscriptions. From D: Eagleson. accountant, for the office of auditor, From Jam McLean, \Vn‘. 1i. Porneous and Wm. Squict, for the office of as- sessor. Rubn Naylor. collector. handed in his roll with a. statement of rebates which was received and a motion by Messrs. Hickson and Cux-rins that the coilecbox 8 roll for 1898 be received, and that an ordvr be i>sued in puyment of the collector’s sajfiry. \yzgs dph' c_arried. "Moved by \1r. Byrne. seconded by Mr. Hickson. that one dollar he reunite-ed to Wane) Sloan on account of statute labor. â€"Carrie 4 After .x few exemptions from statute labor had been made in favor of widows, Mr. Bvrne moved, seconded hv Mr. Cul- sert. that, the statute labor of “'m. Reeds and P. Meaghan in dispute. he left over till next meminmâ€"Carried. The appointment. of auditors was next considered by the council. Mr. Bvrne said he made no promises, but. was desirous of up ointing persons qualified for the office. gValcer Greer of Reaboro. a graduate of a business college, was in his opinion a. suitable person. and he moved his appoxntmeni’~ Mr. Curr-ins seconded the motion, which cmieci. Moved by Mr Bune. secondrd by “r. Hickson, that Mr. Cnlverc be hereby authorized to have linderbrushing done on 2nd qr. line. con. 8. and report at next, mggting.â€"Carried. ’ The reeve suggested the names ‘1'. T. Reed and Newton Smale as well qualified, but as Mr. Smile had done some township work during '98, it barred his appoint. ment. Mr. Reed's name was not entertained, when Mr. Hickson moved the appoint~ menu of Thos. Downey. Mr. Calvert sec~ onded the motion, which carriegi. “Mi-Q Currins mien moved that James McLean be assessor for '99, but failed to ge} 3t sggpgder. G Mr. Hickson moved in amendment that Wm. H. Porteous be assessor. After a long pause Mr. Byrne seconded the amvndment. Mr. Currins was still waiting for a. sea onder. when Mr. Calvert supported the amendment and Wm. 11. Porteous was deflated a_ppo_igbe¢1. Moved by Mr. Bvrne. and seconded by Mr. Currinys. that Thox. Calvert be ap- pointed member of Ops board of health for 3hreg: years.â€"Cmied. The by-law-s confirmining the foregoing appointments next. received the usual reaffiggs and were passed, signed and 59:19 . A motion by Messrs. Bryne and Curr-ins, that one copy of the Municipal “’orld be prggured for_the clgrk’s offige, was carrjed. 'Mr. Csivert moved, seconded by Mr. Hickson. that M r. Currins be a. member of thierbogrgi of hegslbh for one yearnâ€"Carried. Mr. O‘Connell. ex-councill'or, has yet two {enfshto serve as a. member of the board of ea t . The propriety of procuring stone dur- ing the winter for summer use was next discussad, and a motion by Messrs. Hick- son and Cum-ins that a grant at $500 be made and divided equally among the five road subdivisions of the towns-hi p for that, purpose. Wm declaed carried without diSseut. The expediency of inspecting the town- ship bridges was max: considered. and on motion by Messrs. Hicksou and Byrne. it was decided that the council. in body, inspecngaid bridges op Mondav, _16§h ix_1.§t. WMi.’ Currins xixowd. secoudo’d by Mr. Hickson. 13th the following at counts now passed bepa. S. Hu hes, for printing .......... $26 00 Jno. fifi‘ennpdx, sglary as sub- treas. of schools. . f ........... 16 00 Five_D. _R. ofliqerst including poil_ OPS TOWNSHIP COUVCL blerks and booths. $10 e56h.. 50 00 THE NhW OFFICESâ€"J. Be I‘VELDON RE-APPOINTED CLBuKâ€"GRANT T0 INDIGENS. Counczl met at Oakwood on Jan. 95!). The foliowinz persons sub-criiwito the declaration of qualification and of Ilia-e as members of the munzcipal ennui! of the tavmahip cf Maripma for the year 1999: J. Stacey, reeve, A M K-nnon. R. Rd), “711:. Suggirt, Geo.Gmhum c-ouncimrs, Minutes of last meeting weze creed and confirmed. A hack of appl (4!: 00$ for the different offices were c-Slhidcrcd by the council and the followmz appoint- ments made. Maud by George Graham, seconded by Wm. Suggitt. that Air/1‘. G. Irwin bedgpoinwd «steam-of the Mom- ehévoo. Aim-1M1 fodbhe y 11'1599 3;: silo-y of $100. and mu: he be tarpoaible for any mistakes mace in the «mmmvn: roux-Carried. Movm 0y Mr. --:C-Li!ln01‘ #eCI'fld-f'i Loy Mr. SHl'zitf, (5251' HY. D. E gesun of Li .6. a3, and LL“. G, B. sag! ry of$100.and 1hr. hebe re: pm-ible for an} miatakes mm: ’c in m» :fscxxmv-n: mumâ€"cc; rieu'. Mom] 03' Mr. -zic-i1nnor peCc-udei Loy Mr. S‘Jl'zltt, 12M? ‘Mr. D. E- geson c-f Lind:aa, and Sir. G. B. Rumor, of Oakmm, b:- 313me ed to audit lhe accounts of the u-“mhip of Muip ma for the war 1398 at axalarv of $10 p.each â€"Carricd. Move-1 by Mr. 1‘. ham c1... and Ivv "T.- \‘n vtvviv 9knt pecc-udei LI} Mr. Sulgitt, that Mr. D. E- geson c-f Lind:aa, and Sir. G. B. Raw :3, of Oakmm, b:- 313me ed to audit lhe accounts of the u-“mhip of Muip ma for the war 1398 at axalarv of $10 p.each â€"Carricd. Move-1 by Mr. Graham. swuned ‘v Inh- Sa:,.:.", that Dr. Chamber Mow-mood hr :wpoin? ed medical hexizh ufiic x of the wuzsshi pot Maripma for the \e r 1899at a. sa! at). of $5).â€"Cafried2_ Mona by Mr Suzgitt. M ARIPObA COUNCIL PROS éeconded by Mr. 31‘ Kinfior. McCullopchy be b'JI‘O- m d sax. McCullough be appo m’d NU: 1.:zy impec- tor of :the mwuanp «fMaviw». for the year L599, at. a wilary of $1.50 pa-t‘ day of active uniteâ€"Carma. Mon-u by Mr. Rich. seconded bv Mr. Mch'mmm. was Mr. W“ (Soar) bu avui-inted uraaker o the Iownzhip hail : a a salary of .51 5U per month for the )‘ezl‘ lei-'14. â€"C:1rri.«i. Maxed by G. Gmhm) secx-udwi by A BEL-Kinney). man J. P. Cunninm be aopoimred curs: o! the township of Maripoea and do a] the services performed by the pr..1.':‘uu< clerk excepting the reghtrauiou o: hivtha, deaths and marriages-Lea. M «ed in amendment by Richard Ric‘s. ~emmded by “’m. Sugzicp. that, J. B. \Vemio 1 1‘s. re- tained as township clerk a: :1 min-y of $550, and that. no money be pa‘d hythe township ft :- extra work exc p: for the registmt on of births, deaths mt-‘i mar- riageslâ€" tried. Moved by Mr.Graham seconded by Mr. Sugziu, that Il:;.~ ~ounsiz mm to the Hospital for Sick Cundrru. an Toronto, the sum of $10 in f‘-V"!" {.3. 30‘s Robertson, chairman of the 2:524 â€"L‘ar- tied. MOVed by Mr. Rich. >(kL‘£.dtd by Mr. Graham, thacthe {Chou-m: -.:"2~.::§~ be raid monthly Loindigenb f.\-- :21" year 1899: Mrs. Huahson. $3.00: fix. Wooii- 005 $3.“). eve of ALX. Nmfizz Armin Brown, $300, care (1’ G. Caore; E. T Reeder, $3.00. care of W. 1:. .» :Juha Jefl‘xy $3.00: Mrs. b‘uher, i’x- ;. 1 day m care of M. Dunn. and asp ~ .umm to Mrs. Thom» Walton. of ~1'; “militiaâ€"- Carried. Moved by A. Liv-Kean“. sec- onded bv R. Rich. (Mr, G. 1, .uxuu and W. W. Jordan be Levei-y alvg'uzzziad to en- qu-re into the Cd‘rumstum-s of we Livingstone family at 0!: 2:. um. 13, and make such axrnngemems “gm; deem necessary for their care, a:.; ~unplym; them nec;<sarire.â€"Car.i<-.!. .xed bye. Graham, seconded by W. :' :.t.1?a:' the rrquesry of EV. W. Joz-doa. ‘. : dent of the Oakwood Cheese 3nd Bu te"Co.. ask- ing the propeny 3:. ml 15 con .5. uwned by said company, be triumph-.4 (mm x9xe< for two years, “‘Lth .. vie“ (-f recount;- ing the dairying immeqai; ~h:.~":own- ship be stunted-Cam: d. llovwi 1'." M’- RiCh, Seconded by Mr. (liflhxlhu thx} A. McKinuon, W. Suygi!’ and W- “' Jordan be members of the board of beam for 1599. â€"Ca:ri_e‘. Mayed by Mr. Graham, seconded by .aIr. SUSS-'53”: that. the following avcount- be___f“50; 'iison “'iison, pr minuuvz-fiun! 37L 1 Thomas Weir. rubber 4:11;)? for “at“? 31; John Rayner, re fund of one (“€05 statute labour, SLâ€"Catrfed. 33"?“ ' d 498 was introduced Ly fizz-burr: luch *3” mnded and by G. 0. L;z;1-“:Lm.fonfirym;§ the SPPOiDLIH-n" of Th‘ 1113‘ .L‘ [firm . - . ~ ' . dnzor>.G.Bv laampor, D, bugle-o.) a: at!“ be as Bennie as audiror: Dr; {mot Emgh medical mum officer; 3! - 3' 91d ‘1‘. we. .“ sanitary insfie-Lor: "\ - 5“” "‘ taker of ball. y ‘thouz. .‘ l A sta'emenb from the unum’p’d' ”fifzhfaagfi‘: of Mona-ea; qhow a balance of CK.‘ “‘“st s an!" (Emma‘of‘ ‘ , r . ,- v. 8 S“ of Dec, 1896, nun 3L0» tub [Patmt durinz 38- WaSacCumulmediymt . t. W‘s”? “e “3““ mm £322: ' . n 33'. r.) _ _. , L- “317’ gménml businczs. J. B. W1: DON, clerk. 11v {01: township hall, pdiing 51:0“ mg that“! ulna ed in .intvere? n then whom” r. the 1h “"1 d,” .01 third lime, WIWVuv sizvcd and sealed A a ummzcr of th Bank . lmlunce of $5,766.24 at Irrticingiilf 01} the 318: l by Rwhara men aguu o. Gmham. confirmmg of ’I‘luma- G 1mm as ~03 as audimrs; G. B. hers as r: Dr. Chum " W. J. 3190111100811 or: W. Guard, as care- ,n' Nu. 49$.afier being 01 third Kim?9 . Id sealed A signed a: 2 uunmzcr of the Bank Nuance of $5,766.24 8: ' : ~~“¢r nn the 315$ are, 211.5; ~utv3|ue aniod. 33 wed by U. by \‘.'. :' .rgiat, my Jordon. 342â€"4de of and Bu‘tch/a“ ask- rL 180011 2L owned by :xcmpu-z! fmm uxes‘ a we“ of oncomâ€" Itewsuin 'hiszown- rzrd. hiowd by Mr. Mr. Guxlum, that! Supgiu. and W. W. wt: of the bard I9, â€"Cm riefi. Moved .V on me 3361‘ 3.1- the 5m” at west durinz nned 19 ”we" dn‘ of (“917' EEOINGS oore; E. T -- 0 : John (' ;_.. 1‘ day 121 . mum. to

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