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Watchman (1888), 26 Jan 1899, p. 2

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PéxémL â€"The remains of Mr. jchn Hill of Toronto formerly of 03!:- F003. arrived at the station by she W24»; na‘mon Manda/gm we‘re 0315133 Suprnmâ€"The annual 05 a- ter suyper in connection wuh the Bob- Spedal to the Watchman and Wade: l cayg arm cheese factory will take p1ace§ on Sasurday evening, Feb. 4th, when ‘ the usual good time is in store for ml ' who attend. After the bivalves; have been discussed short speeches will be‘ in order. A fulv. attendance of patrons is requested. ‘ INVESTMEXTSrâ€"Mr. john Prousa hm purchased a Bell organ. . . . . .Mr. W. W. Logan, agent for the Heintzmen pianos, has placed one of those insura- meats in the home of Mr. J. Dames. Times are looking up. DISAPPOINTEI).â€"The school foot- ball team accepted a. challenge from the Little Britain team and made all necessary arrangements with them to p ey last Friday afternoon. They walked from the station down to the Vail-age, expecting to have a. pleasant some with the L. B. boys. The vil- J ge boys were evidently afraid of our little boys, for they no sooner saw m- then they hauled down their co‘ors and would not two them. The excuse being the absence of one or two men, while some of the station men won not present and half of those who were going to play were sick with the grip. MAIRPOSA STATION speck! (0 the Watchman and Ward“ PERSONALâ€"MISS Lame Lane. who has been visit'ng relatives in this vicinity, has returned to her home at Sc. Marys. "'5 um; 800“ “me Is in snore Ior nu ~ 'ho strand. After the bivalves' have Special to the Watchman and Warden P08!) discussed short speeches {yin be PERSONALâ€"Mrs. Rankin of Collin’s “1 Order. A fnlv. attendance of Bay spent last week with her daugh- ter, st D. D. McDonald . . . .Mls. J. ”“0218 la requested. ‘ -._._â€" Smith and Mrs. H. McDoaald attend- RANDOLPHâ€"TIN Y. ed the annual Presbyterian meeting of SpegaltotheWatchman and IVNarder the W. F. M. S. held at Lindsay last ERSON.\L.â€"-Tue Cnmbmas reaction week ...... Miss Mary McEachern of {”3 890 in and the rvsnln‘is that society Islay who has been spending the pass ‘3 Ve'Y dull ------ Mr. Bred Cockman wee-k wirh her friend Miss Annie Mc th the latter Call hes I've-med to his home -in Hunts- Intyre of Argyle, wi Ville He was accompanied by hissed on friends nvre this week. mus 0, Miss 15‘? Todd ...... Mr. S.| DISPOSAL â€"â€"Mr. D- N Smith “‘9 Todd drove to On a few days ego to ' disposed of his valdable bay team it 8 , i . ,. , 3L. emhh mnk several Rxmmxs ixssnu'n:.â€"â€"A meeting of the Fg'smvm Institute was held in Bentley’s ba-l hurt Tuesday aft+rnoon and evening. The meetings were both interostifig and instructive. and farmers cans-ox. nfi'crd to miss mom. (”nanniesâ€"A cor grezatioual meet ing -f tn:- Cambray Pres -~ ‘etia‘xa ..,,,. hub in he church have on tba 2L1. inst. M. which the reports flow the diff-49136 working com‘umws Woâ€"w presw-sm'i. It. Was found the church m never =1. hem-r cncnmstuncPS than at pretent. “huh spraks wuh {01’ “Ah mini-tar mu! Innnageuurnt. gee his brother, Mr. Wm. Todd, a former tandem of this place ...... Miss Edvvh ’I‘uvid is waiting at Oro. _ cam» principal}, from Cambray and Edm. Tcauk you Eieu; we will uu 3h» sap... zur yr-u warn it. comes our way. sxcxm‘wsâ€"Mmy peofule in this Scmon have been suffering from 18 grippe, but. the cases are not. nearly so numerous at pres-ant. SpecialtorheWa-t‘hznanandWardet ! LA (harpsâ€".11), gnppe ls ragxng, Conram “4 my con art which was I More [Jun one half of our ci'IZ‘ns are held on» L'mivn Yul Pâ€"y 188% Fm!“ feither confined to the house or («10le evening was a "air succea‘ considering:recovering. It. is Inocujmended ”.0", existing circumstances. Enfivr'laiu- g 'Parned all'h-\v-n.v that a. an”. our» or him-Ln have b892,! «inité pRentiqu [hiHZrather pxevc-ntiVE is to ”-3791 around fienrun and no doubt the 155mm! mlthis mundane sphere with sulphur cam» ,. 121119 too frequent. The crowd {ILA NDINE Special to the Watchman and Warder M3171 NG. â€".\ir iohn W oolacott is moving to his old residence in the south ward. VISITINGrâ€"Mls: Emma 'Williamson : and her brother George, of Royal Onk : visatvd Mr. Davidson last. Sabbath . . . . : Mime Lizzie Ford of Brnckville is once more among her frwuds at presema.i She 'is visiting her cumin, Mr. C. Wooiucott, West. Ops, and will u0j doubt visit! her, aunt. Mrs. (Emcef Wool .cou: and cousin, Miss Elizabeth, ‘; of the south ward. L‘wc is a general g favorite and always wduome. I uâ€"avâ€"uâ€" -_ 98; lecturer. Neil McGillivx-ay. The district was reputed to be in a flourish- !ng condition, ten new members having joined the order during the past year. It was decided to hold the next annual meezing at Cambnsré ...... Thu Scarlet, Chapter v11?! m.- - pen-2d a Feneiun Falls Special to the 'Natchman and Warder Dlsnmrr Mns'rlxu.â€"Districs Orange Lodge No. 4 0t Fcnelon, held its annual meeting in vhe Orange ball of. Cuneron on Tuesday, Jan. 10th. After the usual time of business, the following officers were elected for the ensmng year: Dis. master. Bro. Lewis Deyman of No. 996 ; dep. db. master, A B. Townsend of No. 541; an emu. R. H. Leitch of 996; rec.-eec., J. T. Thompson of 996; tin.- sec., 8. A Snddaby of 541 ; treaty... Pobr. English of 541 ; D. of C:~ 999' Owenipf QiSTRsCT NEWS; BOBC-A YGEON W'OOD I"ILLE CA M IRA Y FENE LON taken direct to burial. A REMINDER â€"-Don’t forget tb- L. of CE. c;.uVe11tion, to be held in the Mcthcdisfi church at Little Britain on Thursviay, J m. 2615!). Cowmanâ€"A sleigh load of not less than twenty-five of the young people of this burg took in the cancers held at Linden Valley on Friday evening last. which was given for the benefit of the new Public Library of Cambroy. They report. a good time. Kermiâ€"Laâ€"grippe is visiting each family in turn here at presentt, but. we are glad to record no serious results as yet. ...... Sleighing parbies are all the rage ...... Another concert talked of in the near future ...... A new organ has been purebas‘ed for the church and week. . . .Miss MurchisOn of Cal gmy is the guest of Mrs. Ferguson ...... Miss Ada. Fowler, who for the past three years taught in the public school at Zion, has retired from the duties of teacher, and is, we are pleas: ed to state, hometo stay, at least for n. time ...... Will Brown and Alfred Fowler returned home from the lumber camps some time ago on account of wet weather and work warce. We think the boys got lone- some ...... Miaa R. C. Fowler of Lind- say spent last week here with her brother. Slu‘u VVVVV Â¥ ANNIVERSARY.â€"â€"The anniversary in 'connec'lon with St. Anrew’s church 1 was held on Sunday and Monday 15th 'auc‘s. 16a!) inst. was a decided success. The services on Snbbath conducted by ERG“ McD. Duncan of Woodvilie éwere very much appreciated. The ;lecture delivered by Rev. A. Mc- § Millan of Toronto on Monday evening 'Was greatly enioved as wus also the gpart taken by Miss McFadden of {Woodville and Mr.Cunnings of Oak 'wcod. During the evening the more gage was burned Which Was a noveir’y Mn â€"- .. "-mnzmrinn m munv who P333 NALS â€"Miss Aggie Ferguson is: visiting Miss Hattie jewel! at pr: lent ...... Mrs. A. Gillies,‘ Lindsay, paid a flying visit to friends here this VVHAT DAME RUMOR Suvaâ€"It; 18 whisper-ml lhur. mm ut our flourishing mercimunlv catab ishmems WA“ in the near future be mums of one: of its mcst learned memhna. B‘Xley spans Saturday in Lindsay. . . . Miss B. Nio of Verulum and Miss J. Austin spent Saturday with their parents. Special to Ihe Watchman and Warder PERSONALâ€"Mr. W. L-tm left on 31tmday with his family to reaide in Toronto ...... Mr. E. D. Ham-l smut, Monday in Linda-av ...... Mr. A. E. Cheate of Port Hope, spvnt. Inst. Tues day the guwsn Of his fawud Ma K. S Rowlard ...... MISS K. Aust‘m ut Frnelon Falls and Mme E. Allntin or in your boots. LA GRIPPE -â€"-La crippe is raging. More Um!) one half or" our ci'IZ‘ns are either confined to the house or («10le recovering. IL is I" commended 'rom WAIT FOR IT.â€"The members of the Lukas Auxiliarv of St. Andrew's church intend givin" n concert. on the- evening of VVedneudav, Feb. 19‘s.]? r this occasion the? have secured the services of Miss Ethel Wood, elncu cioniss , and Mr. XV. Graham Huh don t' :6 fix: 9 tenor. Both these artists came Very hignlv reconiun‘ndei and tiemmic Rovin: public me lashing in rwam to rar e ttrwu . gage was burned which was 3 nc as well as a gratification to many were present. PEN E LON FALLS Special to the Watchman and Waxder ‘1;er .v -â€"_- . , FULL Houseâ€"The Sluwhood of St. James’ a cured a tall home an the evening of their coucert, \Vednesday the 17th inst. The entertainment was tarnished by Mr. Bennett, VOCMIR'. and Miss Anderson, elocunionist, both artists being well received. The hall was filled and the audience well pleased by the program. . n LL- ... “41,...‘nu I'"_ w" ' n u . SOCIAL. -â€"'1‘he socml an the resndmce of Mr. T. J. Kerr last. week Was huge-1y attended and waaumoat auc‘ cesstul function. CAR.\1\ ALâ€"Tbe first carniVal of the season took placz last, We 11 Biav even- ing parliuu am of whzch will be when next- wwk. meet: " V-v lecture delivered by Rev. Millan of Toronto on Monday Was greatly enioved as wus part taken by Miss McF - ‘1' firfl‘:_ _~“ MANSE GRé VE-ELDON EDEN M A RI POSA Little Britain BYSTANDER. “-nder the sLilful playing of‘Miss H. J. ‘ Wells as organismvthe diffarenb servi- ces of the chfircb are greatly benefited by it ...... The Sunday school and C. i E are progossing favorably. The avvr-ae attendance at the Sunday school is 75, wbi'xe for several Sab- baths the secretary repomed 92 present. The E C. is also attended 1by huge numbers. Each week night ‘more are becoming active membees. This bespeaks well of the young people of Eden. _- H â€"â€" kn:- Trmnn’s FUN AllEAD.â€"- A race track is being prepared on the ice in the vicinity of the bridge, and before many days it is expected that some of our local horses will be on hand to light for glory. The following squires will be there to start the trouble and others are expected when the fun_gets a- going: Mr. John [Hartnett’s “Relia- ble,” Nicholas Brady’s “Banjo," )ames O’Connell’s “Frog Spawn" and B. O’Connell’s “Tad Pole.” The owner of Frog Spawn offers to wager $100 in money, black bass or musk rat pelts that he will come out victor on that eventful eve, being ready at any time to make a mile vanish in the forties. The public can rely upon him being- dried. smoked and painted that day at least to defend his owner’s gold and honon Bv THE DrZEN.--i\ir. Sam Parkin purchased a sleigh load of pigs from Mr. Willard Curtis last week. The deal was made at :50 much a- dozen, hence the purchase. WAS HEARD IN LINDSAY.-Whll6 Mr. john Duke of Lindsay, was driv- ing up the river in quest of wood on last Thursday, he came near meeting with a fatal accident, but the serious- ness of the affair was averted by the timely arrival of two neighbors. Seated on the rear hob of a one-horse open sleigh and tipping his toes on the ice to keep up circulation, his foot caught in a projection which held the agile form of the Duke until the sleigh was most over him. The vibration of the atmosphere caused by Mr. Duke’s screams brought the above assistance, who carried him to a house on the banks of the Scugog, where it was found that he suffered from a dislo- cated ankle, which was pulled into position directly. Hot ashes and salt was applied later on and John left for town that evening. Special to the Watchman and Warder CHURCH.â€"Quarterly meeting ser- vices will be held in the Methodist church here next Sabbath at 10 3.111. Preaching, love-feast and sacrament of the Lord’s Supper . . . . . .The Canning~ ton district of the Methodist church is to Convene here on Friday morning on important business. spring. rCOME OFTEN â€"-Well, Mr. E! mush draw to a. ciose as my 1' very lengthy now, which is 0V your correspond neglecting his 1.- . L‘.‘ § Imb- I’00.qu ONE}; â€"-Weil, Mr. Editor, I must» draw to a close as my letter is very lengthy now, which is owing to your correspond neglecting his duties. in aIIOwing so much valuable news go to waste, which I hope will n36 occur in future. My time is greatly taken up with the daily rounds of chis life, but will try to find a spire momentfito wrine a few lines to your valuable CUPID is busily engaged as mam fasted in two weddings in this Vicinity recently with indications of more to follow. LEAGUE Coxvnx'rION.-â€"Great prep- arations are made for the league convention to be held here on Thurs- day. Mr. Crews to speak afternoon and evening. Special to the Watchman and Warder LA GRIPPE.â€"â€"-La grippe was so pre- vailent it was thought prudent to dis- continue the meetings in the Methodist Church. Some are recovering while others are being prostrated. Dr. Hall is kept very busy. Mrs. Soper who has been ill for some weeks has been re- moved to her daughter’s, Mrs. S. Metherall. She is reported as slowly sinking. son were at Verulam last week attend- ing the funeral of a grandchild, a bright girl of Mr. Oliver’s. . . . . . Miss Sarah Rogers returned on Tuesday from Michigan where she has been spending some months with her sister, Mrs. Dunn. . . . . .Chas. Yeo left last week for Ottawa to attend the Normal School ......The Salvation Army paid us a visit last week. ..... Dr, Prouse of W’indsor, paid his mother and friends on the 6th line a flying)r visit last week. His little daughter, who had been at her grandparent’s a few months, returned with him ...... Mr. Lapp, our genial teacher, is among the grip list having had to irlose his school a few days. ‘aper occasionally. TC‘w‘MA AND VECTORIA WARDER l LITTLE BRITAIN CROSS CREEK S i Music I U Lessons ! for several ware put teacher r1 Mt» ic at. Brooklyn, NY , has opened chase: in Lindsay It 86 William- sL. north, and will recexve 3 limited number of pupils. Term» made known on application.â€"62-6m. APPLICATION TO PAR- LIAMENT Take notice that an application will be 1 made to the Legislative Assembly of thel Province of Ontario at its next session on 1 behalf of the CorporatiOn of the Town of Lindsay for an Act, (1) Confirming; and ratifying By-law No. 818, beingoa. $18M authorizing the loan of 8 ,000. to Richard Sylvester on the terms therein mentioned, and (2) Authorizing the Town Council to pass a. Bylaw granting to Messrs. Rider and Kitchener a bonus of $2,000.00 towards the purchase‘of a site and necessary conveniences for the erec- tion of a veneer and Excelsior Factory in the Town of Lindsay, and granting them fire protection and exemption from taxe- tion upon their Factory Plant and property upon such terms as may be agreed upon, and authorizing the issue of Drhentures to raise said sum. Dated at Lindsay, this 23th day of November, 1898. SARAH SINCLAIR about fourteen um of age. m.- (bummer oi the said Dorothy Ann Walker by her nurrinp with Charla: L. Sinclair, deemed ° sud WLDRED WALKER about seven years of we, ViVlAN WALKER about. dvechrs o! a- e. MAR) Would-JR, about three years 01 age and DURUTHY W -\1 Kb R, about. one year intuit. children or the said Dorothy Ann Walker by her mnrrime with the said Adam Walker. Dated at. Lindsay this 2nd day of January, A.D 1859 ADAM “HLKEB, by McSwey n Anderson, at the Town of Lindsay. in the County of \ ictoria, his solicitor». --l-4. b â€"-For Dortmund Lenny cm- prvlurnd wno will mkehudzinte can in Lctvry. lfudcx‘ei ne-i um sen av. remnu) 1e pzice as he in going to Manitoba. B ltl‘ LAPP. Lon-e ”he 1’ 0 ~44! 53-6 The undersigned will Marka Square, Lindsay “In, at ‘3 p.m., U 'yuung Bhonhom Bulls with limb-clans pedigree. Will be sold at. reasonable mice If Lam-u 3!. once. 0150. D. lSAAg, Lat: 23. 'qu. s, Fcnemn, (Cameron ‘- I'ABLE FARM 9110mm“. Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sfle contained in a certdu Mortgage, which will he produced u the time at rule. them Will be offered for rule by Public Aucmo". at. the SIMPSON HOUSE, IN THE TOWN OF LINDSAY. on ' l (as; first-clam in new ran-poet For full pgrticuhra upin to s. a‘rlNS-JN, sr, Janet- in unit, These Cows will come in April. Eight months credit will be g turuiuhingapprmed joint notes or 6 rate of six per cent. per annum for a ~...~..-'v 1' -~_â€".â€" v _ ..-_- O F ‘r turther p nlculm nnâ€"«i' conditions of sale apply '0 McLAUGllLlN (it MchARMlD, Vendux a Song“- on. Limb“. "Med at Lindsay, thin 14:): day 0! Januan. A. D., 1899.â€" 3-4. Rinaâ€"~33. Point, Feneloa Falls 1’ U. â€"â€"-4 8. $20.00 1 ‘p‘IU‘UU um e23$uv~u1 “ill uhe n rewnwt of $10 (or the recover. of u I‘hm yuar- .u: Steer tint. was um)?» ur «true-d 1 um um. midluw Ranch. Bah), an ur nimut. hm. 1:1. Uc-cripuunâ€" Colur, red. w-llv “him: A m- an tarehen'i. nuah near an lower pan. of I'Lht. car. if 91 l: .u rmurd n! $2.; wi I be given for auch in! » mm” . as “i I new] to ma convuutxun of the “ml-.y -- try n.- mrtian. 1% further reward of $20 mm b.- pml (or Lhc recovery of as not. szeiu 5:68! and fled Gm came: that we.e awn-I: or strayed from the sauna much Mona the same time. Both minus hwe small brand on let: hm _ .JMES a BA, Baum Luke P.O.â€"-4-3. ‘ m. 'I‘wo u’ciook in the afternoon. :11 um. Vthnble Farm Property, being the West mu of Lot No One, in the Twalnh (Sensation o! the Tow ship of mely m the Gummy 0! Victoria. containing One Hundred mms, In re or less. This proponv lo situate ubout 4 mile: Iron: Lind-my; shout. 95 some closed. The soil in gum! clsy loam. Thoneia nil to be u young orchard on tum. TERMS.â€"-1‘en per cent. of the purchuo money to be paid no the undmiwed on dnyo! ule. wd \ho luluuce within 30 dun. The purchaser. however, may make unmgementi with the undersigned for the balance toAremaiu on mortgage. an. A , ‘ ,#,,‘h NOTICE in hereby given, that. application will he nuw no the Surrngate Cauu.‘ of the County or We. toria, hflore the Judge in Chambers. at the Count House. in the Town of Lindsay in said County, utter the expiratiun of twenty days from the first. public» ti-nu hereof, on behalf cf ADAM WALKER, of the Town of Lindsay, in said county, mouldur. who Is the utezhthar of the fin“. mum-d, and father of the utncrtour of :he {allowing mum children, for an urdflrhnrygointmg him their anrdifm. that. :8 to say:â€" Short-Horn Bulls F or Sake Four S ta 12 months old, half-brothers to Champion Steer m. Brantfmd Fat Stock Show. Grand-dam and awn-dam of two was champion cow at. all leading Canadian hire some \‘em ago. All the Bulls have good milkers for mothers, and dam of one is specially good. My herd are money-makers and transmit that good qualities. Write or come to Fail-view Farm. Woodville, Ont. BULLS FOR SAL F. m It» flhnrthnn n “nun xx ith limb-c ‘t 11 o'clock mm. , in the LOCI e Row: Bhukwells block corner of Kent md Cam ridze “3.. 0! which District Mutera lad Masters of Primr} Lodges are required totake notice and govern themseh cs accord- ingl). By order .11»: WALLACE, Co. Sec. In the martcr of thy Gu Infant Children of W alkcr, Deceased. Davidson's Mill, near Little Britain, is refitted and in good running order. Ohupping done every day. 0?!!18 early and take your GRIST HOME WITH You. 'L The parties in Toronto who have purchased the b'ok debts and subscription accounts of the thoria. Warder 11p to thc 313: December. 1595. have placed the same in the hands of the undersigned for collection. Pmmm payment “ill sue c was. JOHN BEL - iY. Lindsay. Jan. 2tth. munâ€"4. 'I‘HE VICTORIA “ARDER- 'I‘Ln run-fin: 3n "‘nn'nn’l) u‘h'l hnli nnrc‘hnflml THE ANNUAL MEETING of th N THESURROGATE COURT SATURDAY. ELEVENTH DAY OF FEB- RUARY, AUDI, I899. Lindsay, Jan. 25th. 189:2 MI’ORTANT SALE OF VAL- b) If. Milch Cows at Auction H EESE MAKER W AN TED OR SALE -Tw0 Fresh Milch 01" THE COI’NI‘Y OF VICTORIA. the FOUR GOOD GRADE COWS. MISS R. ROBINSON, NE W MILL. med will so“ at PublicAuctjon nn thus Lindsay,¢m SATURDAY, FEBRUARY County Orange Lodge of the County of Victoria TUESDAY. FEB. 7th, . LINDSAY THURSDAY. JANUARY 26TH, 1339 JOHN CAMPBELL R EW A R1).~-â€"Thc D. CHRBSTIE 8!. CO GRAHAM, Lindsay P.O. WXLL BE HELD ONâ€" Gmmliamhip of (he of 1/0111!)ch Ann HOPKINS, Town Solicito 1 in March and :ixcn w parties discount. at the -â€"- Two ES»; The @3 , [16! Wonderful EQ Cheap Man ‘* V appl caucn “'11. in: made In Hus .ur imam or Cmmdu‘ at m, meal uedaiuu, luf an mm m us we um: amwd We Mum mu 'l’putde um Luau}; L'Jm-‘y. gum and 1’ uty-vool Inilwny Cum.~a:ly, and 10 extend cw mm- (or commencing bud cumpleting the said-railway. also to mine: t-e capital “out, and Magnum-ct. H. J. WICKQAH, Soucitnr for applic’mta. Dated at Toronto, 25311 November, 1898. to 5 ml by post. prepaid, to nears. Maswcg n x Andersan, Lindsay P.0., solicitor! (or Gugury and“. ex cute: of the cause o! the slid Whlinm Suggin, their Christian and m names, addmoes and occupatinns‘ (uh mm 'u'n's of them- animus, sad vhe nature «1 we uecamy (if an ) held by them. The mid exn-umr shun “he: the [mid «iilneenth dty (.1 Rem-um}, A.1).. 189:9: he at libel-w w uiutnonhe the uses. of my said dccauaed, or any nun thermf, among v. u nurli a um'mm lhel’CY-o, had“: "3.3“: unlv to tha claims of whivh he has am. n: time. mm shall not. n: l Mm to: l-hr air-cm or any pm mum! in d strib .ud. {,0 3n) “:1me of “hose c‘aim tuch “water 11..» um. hm mm": M. Lin: time 0! such ointl'ibulim. ._....»._-... .A‘ m,,,_ A... I, _ In (hr. Alattcr of the Guara’bmehip 5f flu hijuut (,‘hilclrm of Frcdcrirk IVe'stcr/L, farmer, decalsal. Notice is hereby given, 1h» application wil be nude tn the Surrogue Court. of the County 0! Victoria, betore the Judge in Chunbere, M. the Court House, in the Town of Lindsay, in said County. after me expiration of twenty dnyl from the first publication hereof. on bchufl o! Richud Western and Thomas Western. the younger, both of the Tenn-hip of Hermon. in said County, formers. who ere brothers of the said doomed, lor on order appointing them Guudkne o! the touowint intent chiidreu ol the eddrdgceased. thu is so ea): :â€" -_,_ ____-__‘-- 47L. L” (summits. Puma-m. to the Befloed Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Clasp. 12:), Sec. 38. the creditors or wmiam Suzgitt. law oi the Towunnip u! 8 vmervme, in the County I x Vicmrin. farm". deccuod. Whv died on or about the eighth duv ut Jammy, AJ).. 1899. are required on or bczuro the EIGHTEENYH DAY 0" FEBRUIRY, A. 0., 1899. v-nv. luui ru- M: ,wny . ANDERSON ‘r 'r-c Town ut L‘II-H-s} , ill the 1 uuuty Hf \‘wwri .. H:li|:l!-:r8 h)" an: can'u'uc, mum: -m an ... um 15h my I-1 J» m: _\ $4". Val % @@ UNDSAY’S LEADING MOTHER fiflfigmmafigggfiaggaflfiflfi g; @@ HAROLD FREDERICK WESTERN, abom. eight yum of .30; CLARA OLIVE GBRTRUDE WESTERN. nhou: the ears old; ALMEDA BLANCHE WESTERN, ogout two years old; and EDITH ANNA WESTE KN, thout. two months. Dated n Linday, this mm day of quary, AOD' ' ls”. ' RICHARD W'ESTERN sud THOMA‘ Wl' STERN, the younger. by McSWEYN ANDERSON o! the Tower hinduy, in the County of \‘iccorin; that lawmanâ€"84. Dated .I'LI‘VUJ a... Lhix‘ is h u .y 139:, «-3-1. 35,511 E’fi NO..“LE is hereby gi cu that lmnnu “1: he made m Hus .M imam u! E m . ' g Workmgmen . N TH E SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY 01“ VICTORIA. XE CUTOR’S NOTICE TO So many people figure that it’s too late to buy WINTER CLOTHES and that the winterwill 'soon be over, but they make a big mistake. Our winter commences in earnest after New Years and % A a we have three months more of cold weather to e} 53:35 BXPCCL We want to reduce stock as much as possible, as it is far better and easier to count money than to inventory stock. Bear in mind that we have hundreds of Men’s and Boys’ Suits, Ulsters, Overcoats, Pea Jackets, Hats, Caps, Etc. and lots of Heavy Winter Underwear, Socks, Shirts, and Furnishings to select from at MARVELOUSLY Low PRICES. Even if vou have no present use for these goods it will pay you to buy at the low prices and keep them for future use. TERRIFIG PRiGE REDUGTIDN SALE Such a rending, tearing, mutilation of prices, all over the store as will make your purchases profitable and serve our purpose of clearing before stocktaking. We particularly want you to know we appreciate your trade. Not on article required by the honest toiler but can be found here at from 20 to 30 per cent' less than asked for elsewhere. \,:1 Don’t try to save money by wearing unseas- “2;? onable Clothing; it may affect your health and .. i71\\ be more expensive in the end. One advantage ‘74‘7 buyers of Winter Clothing now have at B. J. €5.35] GOUGH’S IS the USUAL 'BIG REDUCTION 13‘ 7f PRICES heron}: STOCK-TAKING COMMENCES. We â€" l ‘J W reduce our prices to about cost of manufacture, pre- .:,7 ferring to turn our goods into cash instead of carrying them over. That’s why we are holding such a.......... Q r“- e; .7 .13.. ,\ Ci QE \ 1..» utnbem no nli~trihute th: mu“ .1‘ m.- «alul (w. ‘52...“ or unv wut thereof among h u rtiv- c .Iiflrd thento, hming regard guly to the claims at which yum]! [hull huu u Lice and shad not belidfie to: ythe BSPCIB or my part Lhexeof wdisuibuu-d no any penoo or persons of Wht'N‘ e um and! chcuburr haxe not notice “the time at me distribution mama. Dutod at Lindsay this 25th Jmuuy. 1899. 1808. STEWARI’. aoliclycorlor Beatrice amt, Donfld Gm: And \\' mum ILfiruxt, the exocumx and executors- £1. Pumuant to the Raised Su'utcs of Ontaria. Chap. 19y, Sec. 38. the c-d‘uum o! Douud Gram, late of the village of Womiwlle in the Coumv 0! Victoria. )en- mm, downed) who died or. or about the Eighteenth day of December, 1398. ure tequired n. . r Inch re the 2011; day of Feb nan. 1393. to nerd by post. prep-id to Wm. M. Gmntmsq“ nno u! we -u-cators’.0! the Mt Wu! and lam-glue)" of thy said Dmmld G": t, at u manna P. ., thei; ch: Itinn of surnames, addremou md oocuruti-ms. mu vandal": and their chin», and we I 1mm: of un- am-ufity (-t any) held by m. m. The said executors shall am the said ls Au tutuâ€"Wâ€" --- V7- , 7 , 7 . Sm: A uomlonnblo ' two own-y brick dwelling, fume sumo-mt will sell south 50 feet of tbs pro. 1x rty for building lot. PARCIL Two _â€"\'n|utble hue- hold plopertv, composed of lot Not 3 In sub division of late 7 and 8 south of Kent street. 10d known 1. Na 92 Kent street, Influx. trontage o! 24 toe: on Kant atroct and : depth of $8 feet 8 Sachs to u law. This pro-)crty )8 situated in the central business portion of the tau u, a brick st we, at nreaem ( ccuyied In June: Little. harness maker. This property ls held under Isaac 1mm the Synod o! Toronw: mum! ground wont $805 00, with perpetual light of renewal subject to pnrchase. Terms to auit put-chm". G. H. HOP- KiNS \‘endon’ Solicitor. hudsay. Nov. 25th, 1898 -7t3-9 The farmers’ Union Nu'ual Fire In- surance Company will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER. in the ...... Ton: of Lindny. on. . . . . FREAK 3rd DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1899 1t 1.% p.ln., (or the Election v.1! Directors, receiving the "mall Mann: nnd such other busmess as my be brought More su'd meal in!- 2~3 R. G. CORXEIL. Secretary The Annual Geuen! Meeting of. . . . PUBLIC NOTICE '1' i - "'du the estate cam uteâ€" In order to ma _ p , will be received by the unQenxgned to purchase the following nimble properties in the '1‘an d Lind- ny zâ€"Pmcu. Oxnâ€"Lot, No. 9.] md the west gun. 0; lot. No. 20cm the touch side 9! Bum-at. _n... W pertyia shunted in the but readout.“ portion 0! the __ A_-_L'_ - m4 gnu..." halal- I‘m-"in- r“\ r ‘ H )Lh :OR SALEâ€"John Thirkeil 1‘25- 201’" DAY OF FEBRUARY NEXT ECUTORS’ NOTICE. éo u‘k‘e notice am the ma rduxin'm'. m 1 met the sand Fountb d3: 0! Februm. A 1' 15“.. ten, be a. hbeny to désmbme the. uwts .« -.. amid mmfie orauy put \hetmn am am the.- gx. ' r- entitled thereto, hum: rqu-d 0 1y :0 the flaw ~ ‘ ' uhichshomsy than have nouce. Ind pin! '- "minors-kl Moray panther-co! sum-r n. .~. to my pcnon “than chin the mu m: ‘m-x nodoostthotim «and: dicta-linden. IcSWBYN 8 MN of tho» Town 0! Lnduy. §n_ up. Con-w cl Wench, sonata: («mumm- !» Ila-In. lcSweyn 8 Anderson, End-y P...O solicitors for bin in. Wm m u tho ante. -.1 the and imam ihdr m .d mun-mes. uddmsand deucrir'. woo. tun pnic an: “\heir dam and the untum at the ”can: (fluflbdd hymns due ru._ Much: an: a. s- m Messrs. McSwoyn Anderson, Lind-3y RU solcirov-a for Elfin Slow, ldminiflntrix of :2 eau'c ut tip said name. their Christan and r: Puumt to on Revised Statutes of Onurm. 252-; C hlp. 129, Sec. 38. the Nixon a! Fmderick “Esta: . hunt “I. W of up.“ in the County M View: 3 tumor, M, wbu died on or thou: m. Mtyofinh (ha o! Noumbax‘, A.D.. 1898. inu-umc‘ yr? hon-hr mm w and by post. prep-id. on or FOURTH BAY OF FEBRUIIY. AB» ‘99 FOURTH DAY 05 FEBRUARY. k0,} hum-a, undress: and dos-riptinns. sun particular: cf their china, and the m 0! the neuritic: u! mm W bymmmndthenidcvediwnm tho to adu- notco that the lid admlnhunrix than. titer an aid Fourth any of hm, L0 1899. nut, be at liberty to «~th thou-cu o! tho-idinwsmte. or wy M thawed, Inc-g use val-fie. entitled :tmorc. h Mudonlytomdgm a which m us» than V. fiat-d Much liable!" md hereby re More th 5 Pursuant $0 the Barbed Statutes of Ontario, 18‘3". Chm). 129. Sec. 88, the auditors of June: Sloan. ha of the Towmhip of Isl-5pm in the County of Vic- writ. firmer, decanted. who died on or shut the fifteenth dug 01‘ Dgcembeg, _A.D.. 1897. hm“ an age-gr Luann-ms «y a Decent»: .54).. 20? ft. Dodgy. the 3m city 0! Deoea‘ocr, A. 1' DMlNlS TRATOR’S NOTIL E DM I N ISTRATOR’S NOT 1 CE T0 CREDITORS. 'J O CREDITOBS. Lindsay’s Leading Clothier ty's @‘a ins: fig ,fié @g 3,,-

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