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Watchman (1888), 26 Jan 1899, p. 29

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-i ) “ unhamwa H 5 0:5? ciwwwwaomo 583:3;18 53333383888563838 H wmcacwa ("©me ' HHHH ‘IHrâ€"HH REEL“ 8.3333585 -ON, reassure: i l on not not 313.117}, umining pat'd, whining pat'd not pat‘d not pnt'd pat’d p 3. ft! pat 'd prit‘d pat'd pat'd giat'd pat‘d pat’d pat'd carcasses Error/agar hrough your house than in your oring. K If so, it is time for you to and W . with our Workmanship filings make STYVLISI'}, DURABLE l amputated, owing to gangrene. SUITS at moderate prices. BVERBOATS Made from the best FRIEZES, MELTONS and BEAVERS. A beautiful Tailored Overcoat at $10.00, and $25.00. ....them........ ove. Y . - y a NEW STOVE. When qu ‘i ‘ 0 buy it from ...... . WilllDS EH13 A SPLENDID SvS’ORTME/‘lf 0F ._CQ.-\L RANGES, -ivooo RANGES, ._CO;\L STOVES, ,u'ooi) STOVES, .4031. OIL STOVES, ..G.\s STOVES. and of science and heating. put in a Furnace - 'ill be glad to give you iings of beauty < A .. .v L-- ..v-A Days are nea stock 0 f Comfortable ke a specialty of Fine Tail- 1 Our SERGES, TWEEDS ORSTEDS are choice, and $12 } GI‘O r at hand. Get in 9. Clothes. and Trim- i i .00, $1500, $20.00 Call and examine the North-western States desire to estab- ” fl 1 A. CLARKE Stills, FENE The Leading Merchant Tailorsi colonv in Canada. They p in the neighb irhood of the great lakes or on the eastern slope of: the Cascade moun- tains, British Columbia. ' 'n progress. LON FALLS. much Roche on Mary Ann-st" lyinginatrance for 6 on a proposal to authorize $75,000 of; 30-year debentures cent... to purchase a power plant. has sent word to Hon. Mr. Sifton that there is no starvation thereâ€"plenty of food for all. farm of Patrick Paquette, An ship, were slaughtered and the caresses burned. caught a man named Underwood, suppos- ing him to be an internal revenue spy. They cut his throat,.then threw skating on Trading lake she had her toes frozen. Bracebridge, where three toes on her left old, was frozen to death a few miles from Brantford on Sunday. found in the centre of a and it was evident that he had made a hard fight for life. far north as Fort kenzie river, near Great Bear lake. if this can be done, what may nor. be done Tarte said he was now negotiating with the Grand Trunk railway for the improvement of the line from Collingwood to Toronto, so as to bring as possibie American ports. the increase of business caused Operation of the intercolonial penny post- age system is so great that necessary to extend the facilities to the general post-office in order to cope the work. _ ' mails has been doubled within a fortnight. THE. wnchAN AND VICTORIA WARDER, LINDSAY. THURSDAY. JANUARY. 19TH. 1899 bellIs body and passing through the heart, killing himinstantly. Cole has been com- mitted to standfis‘trhl. . _ â€"The saving. of time in wrstnrn txarel is an importanigiteb... In the .mriy'wiays of railroading it £001- foor days tr» j-mmey from Toronto, ‘via ~' hit-ago, to Wt . More recently the rri covered three aye, how the Canadian aciflc trains are to connect the two oints in less than forty- eight hours. A Winnipegger can leave his home at four o‘clock in the afternoon, reach Toronto at one on the second day,x transact his business at once, return home On the next day. Distance is being anni- hilated. â€"Ti 0 English Railway Review is out with a description of agigantic combine called the Employers’ Parliamentary Conn cilthe design of which is to crush trade unionism. Two hundred and ninety-one firms have 11. ed to a declaration preserv- ing the free cm of contract between the employer and the employed, and promis- ing mutual support in the event of strikes. Unions will not be recognized in any way, shape, or form. A fund of £36,000 has been contributed to conduct the fight against unionism, which auaurs Wide industrial disturbances during the coming year. ' â€"Hiram Walker, founder of the mam- moth distillery and other gigantic interests at Walkerville, Ont., died Thursday morn- W at the family home in Detroit. Mr. alker’s land holdings in Walkerville embraced about 3,000 acres, and extended three miles back from the river trout. Here are a few of the interests now embraced in the Walker business: The distillery, now one of the lamest in Can- ada; brewery, stock farm, “here cattle are tattooed on the refuse from the dis- tillery, and shipped abroad; tobacco farm, hop. fields, furniture factory, ironworks, engine works, railroad and ferry lines, natural gas fields and rail estate holdings of a value running well into the millions. His three sons are all associated with their father in the distillery and kindred enterprises. A few years ago Mr. \Valker divided his estate among his children, as a means, it was said of cutting off all litigation after he was dead. Mr. Walker was born in Massachusetts, July 4, 1816. He came to Canada at an early age. â€"Most vigorous and sensational testi- mony was given before the war investigat. ing commission at Washington on Thurs- day by Commissary General Eagen, who appearing unexpectedly to meet the allega- tions again~t the beef issued in the war, vigorously arraigned Major-G encral Miles, commanding the army. lie read his test-i- mony from a long written statement. He denied numerous sta laments of General NEWS OF THE WEEK â€"The medical fraternity of Montreal are puzzled over the case if a Miss who has been 21 days. â€"The electors 0f Orillia will vote on Feb. the issue of at 4 per â€"Commissioner Ogilvic at Dawson City â€"-Hog cholera has been found on the derson town- Essex county. Twenty-one hogs â€"Moonshiners near Roanoke, V3,, him on a 0g and chopped his head off. No arrests. «While Miss Robertson of Ridout was a few days ago She was taken to foot and two toes of her right foot had to â€"-Albert Miller, about seventy-five years His body was large snowdrift. -Cauada has grown wheat this year as Province on the Macâ€" This s six hundred miles north of Edmonton. n the Territories? by the St. Lawrence as. much of the traffic now going to â€"A large number of Germans living in ish a non, sectarian Christian co-operative refer a location Negotat‘ions are â€"â€"A London, Eng, despatch says that by the it has become with The volume of the Canadian Mr. Ryerson M - â€"On Tuesday morning \ - , , . . ‘ . . , lliles. charged that the lattcrs testimony LINDSAY Bfgnisk ofiofifiggggz’pf‘:gggDiggeR$h£§ consgituted severe reflections on the com- .-. a, 5* “ " . i' .:. 'L' MBING and TINDMITH his Wife and daughter Were preparing mm ”'2 ””39““, 9f the “ptfm'o'” and ._. . . referred to him as this samucommand- to o to Orliil‘l when the horses took . . . -. " ing general, heisou A. Miles,‘ and said lNG of all kinds a ‘ Specialty. «can line of Nickle-Plated y\.-g bea Stove Furniture at a Low Price. s prepared to furnish the people of Lind- , s-sy and surrounding country with l MONUMENTS Marble and Granite. . l ”inns R QBE’dT Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. marble Table Tops, Wash Tops. Mantel Home, etc spec“ isity. Beinz a practical 51an and compare prices where. WORKS,â€"ln the rear of the Marketiou Cambridge [E WSRKS CHAMBERS â€"â€" workman, all should see his d before purchasing else 1 L. opposize Matthew packing house. ROBT CHAMBERS in l . l a . salt was: (A fife}? n..- . - ‘. r::st slot": . ’ ,3 r -i- i) .2501), ‘ 1‘ . :v x " \LLIUC§ ‘50:) .1 "9' 0 ~‘. 4 5“? .a .,._ L ”M‘M'34 --Ix:' :4.” __»< ~.:.-:_, -1) " - . “0.3:. nedroom Setts, --.-, ‘ ur.‘ »7 - i. .. . Fancy Tables, Lounges. vi- ~.i i. I ‘ .v‘ \V‘" .--.\.‘..'L l l l l --- l l l l :‘ieiirocm Setts from $10 to $35 ‘3: :eooards $3 to 630 l-.;"';jcs 731.50 to $10 .‘2-1cy l tickers 750 to $16 r’;::'.;;cs 230 to $16. a L " “i ‘ A .. itacxs S4 to 16 1:: \‘t‘tt‘ "- 0 $60 I a 83 CO- @UNDERTAKING in all its Branches. ~â€"‘7ULL LINES OFâ€" Scotch and English Tweed, Overcoatings, Tron-g, serings, Etc. Fit an Finish Guaranteed. Prices GHEMWM hr (30 Smyth’s Block, Lindsay. Right â€" - all and examine and get prices on Lumber, .our stock of. . . . Lath, Shingles, Cement, l“? ester Paris, Salt, Chart ._..l, Hard, Soft and Blacksmith Coal , We make a spec ANDERSON NUGENT Cordwood and Millwood. ialty of pleasing our country trade in all the above lines. TBLEPH ONES : Town Dace. 773 G- “i "- BAKER. Ana". No. 77: Agents omce, No ; Mill Ofioe, No. '78. trig it, ran away, _ . _ ween the sleigh and a stump, inflicting injuries from which he died almost in- stanly. party, who last May left Kingston witlul great quantity of merchandise for City, tell of their success. reap a built an $8.000 store near the post-oiliec in , Dawson City. and HEADSTORES. bOth rental of $1,000 per month. the building,r for double its cost. regarded as the largest _ that it seems a disturbing lllllU‘~’-‘ltl()ll to announce the building of exceed the record length of 080 feet. constructed in Belfast, and 3011111le him bet- whoever called the beef furnished “ems balmed beef." was a “liar, who lied in his throat, lied in his heart. lied in every part .of his holy." General Miles, continued General Eagcn, was a man who perpetrat- ed a gross scandal and "who should be drummed out of the service and imprison- ed," and “should be avoided by every honest man and barred by every club." llc characterized his interview as “filth.” .â€" â€"l.iliiaii Porter, a 12-year-old girl, attends No. l Tollgnte school, two miles north of Woodstock, Ont. William Good- ger is the teacher. Lillian did not know her iiiultiplic.tti0n tables one day last the Swift-Dono-zliue â€"-â€"Lcti ers from Dawson They expect to profit of $140,000. The company offered. a They can sell and have bi-cn â€"-The Great Eastern hna so long been vessel ever built it srezunsliip to The White Star steamship Oceanic, now beryl: will be over 100 the back with the handle of a buggy whip. : he marks are still there. The sequel to the affair was in the police court the other ‘No. 2, VERULAM.‘ week and the teacher thrashed her overl not re-engagingsaid teacher at an advan- ced salary. Mr. Edward Thurston. one of the trustees. explained. at the annual school meeting that the trustees had after- ed to re-engage the late teacher at a salary of 3325 per annum. He refused their offer an wanted $350. They adjourned for three weeksand in the meantime adver- tised for a teacher. The late teacher still refused to take the school without an advance in salary. The trustees then en- gaged one at $270 as a test of the feeling of the section. It was moved by Mr. John W. Thurston, seconded by Mr. John Burgess, that this meeting endorse the action of the trustees in not advancing teacher‘s salary and believe their action in the premises was perfectly justifiable. This motion was carried, thirteen voting in the affirmative, none in the negative. 1’.S.-â€"The retiring teacher and the pres- ent one have the same certificate of qualification. Signed, 'l‘nus'rnns 0F SS. ”._.â€"- THE TATTLER: Emma Calve professes a profound be ll'Jf in palmistry. Lady Burns-Jones is likely to under take the task of writing Sir Edwart Burne-Jones’ life. Mme. Munkacsy has moved from Pari. to Cologne, so as to be nearer to her hus band, who is still being treated in an asy lum at Bonn. Mrs. Garfield. is spending the winter it Washington with her daughter, Mrs Stanley Brown, at the latter’s home If. Massachusetts avenue. The teacher who holds the Wisconsii record for continuous service is Mrs. C. T Tracy, who has been connected with El pon college in that state for 40 years. It is said that Lady Curzon has spen- many thousands of dollars preparing hei vice regal wardrobe for her Indian home Her orders to the Worth house alon- reached $15,000. Miss Elizabeth Geddes, the nurse wht received the Royal Red Cross for her scrv ices at Omdurman, is a member of thi National Society For Aid to Sick ant Wounded In War. Miss Ada L. Hanford, a daughter 0. District J 11ng Hanford of Seattle, ha. been placed at the head of the movement among citizens of the state of Washingtoi to purchase a testimonial for the battle ship Olympia. , . Among the papers of President McKin ley’s mother was found the other day . copy of. her answer to a letter which asken how she brought up far children. “i had six of them,” was her answer, “ant I had my own work to do, but I did slin ply the best I could.” Miss Helen Gould is now receiving about 300 letters ti day. Many of them, as a result of her widely advertised gener osity, are begging letters and many, as shown by their postinarks or in some other way, are from soldiers who havt benefited from her bounty. Miss Sibhcll Banks has been in tht postal service for 23 years. In 1875 slit was appointed to a clerkship at the Cam bridge (Mass) postoflice. In 1879 she was transferred to the Somcrville office as money order clerk. Recently she was pro motcd to the inquiry division at the B06 ton oflice. Mrs. Adelia A. F. Johnston, dean 01 the women’s department of Oberlin col better work than The above cur nicely represents the quality (if Ti“-1 n, .11,“ 1 Luwgp am using in my CUTTE RS and SLEIGHS. This season I 3 v enlarged my premises and am now in a position. :utVru:rf‘ ever before. “ “ Sleighs and Cutters should not fail to call and see for rhenizelv that this shop is headquarters for Goon asp STYLISH Wong: A I es All intending purchasers of I now fiaveESp/wm’zd Fan/{ties for REPAIR- ING and REPAIJVTHVG Rzgs C/I'rap' and 2772 First-Class Slyle. feet in length. and is expected to lower the Atlantic record to five days. Ottawa in arrival of 2,000 lionkhobors. kofl‘ expects them along in a few days, has with him two Russians, sent on as advance agents. Doukhobors, followed in a few weeks by and by spring 5,000 more will settle in Manitoba and the Northwest. Saturday. day. The little girl told her story and it was corroborated l-y a small boy. The teacher denied the brutality. In reply to Magistrate Field, the teacher acknowl- edged that onlv a strap was allowed to be uSed under the regulation», and then the punishment must be confined to the hands. The magistrate knew the troubles that teachers had from refractory and lazy pupil-i, but the law distinctly stated their pow rs, and these had been exceeded and violated. He Was sorry for him, but could do nothing else than liiic liiiii $5 and costs, amounting in all to $7.8”). Of c.)urs::, he could appeal. The line was promptly paid and, after considering a little, the defend- elit decided not to appeal.; vâ€"‘fllitirlcs Starr. a wealthy firmer of W hitcliurch township,0n Friday concluded â€"â€"Prince I). A. Ilielkofl‘ of Russia is in connection with the expected Prince liicl- and who were The 2,000 who are expected. will be 2,300 others, arrive and â€"Tl'ic biggest ship the world has ever seen was launched at Belfast, Ireland, last She was christened the “Oceanic," arid is destined to be the queen of the White Star fleet. llcr total length is Till feet. and, what this means may be n - 'n s - o '3; 'i‘i flu . . . gallitirctiltbiii .1. engipau 0111 “‘31; .1'3 a costly experience “.th the. law. The Mild ., 5 11D “0“ f1 oar, ‘ “)- "--‘~‘ conclusion came in the shape of a Judg- W'ilhelni tier Grosse,“ whose leng'h she succeeds by twenty-touc- feet. -Thc reforriiatory for boys may liCYL‘l‘ be removed from l’cm-tungtiislzcric, as was all om: time intended, and certainly will not be moved for some time to some. The governmentexpressed such an intention in 1507, when it was then expected that the i‘cforniazory would absorb the Victurir Inluslrial School, but as this is impossible and as the expense would be wry great, change: in bill? location will be made in the very distant future. â€"â€"l)ryant Kelly, who claims to be the only black Irishman in the country, was buried in the Catholic C;‘lllt:.t:1'y. Oxnard river, Essr'x, 'Iliursll-ly morn-mt. Kelly was a slave and came to Canada bytliel underground railway just pr »vious to the war. lie 'EOL-ated on the Canard river, near where. the church now stands, and by industry and thrift, succeeded in ainassinv a Cz‘nmfort-ablc amount of this world's merit given aginst him “My his llonor Judge Morgan. Starr engaged one Chris- topher Kennedy. also of \Vliitchurcli, to lll,.lll\K(‘. a farm for him for onevyear. At the close of the year a dispute arose regarding accounts, and Starr claimed that Kennedy owl-d him $70. This Kennedy denied, but. rutln-r :iimi ilLVC any trouble, ofl‘ered $10 in settlciiivut. Stirr thereupon issued a “fit, claiming $5800, and Kennedy, not to be outdone, put iii-a counter-claim fir $000. The case went to the‘highcr court, and his LOI‘dS"ip Mr. Justice Robertson asked Judge Morgan to urb:tratc the question. Judge Morgan, after examining the hooks and papers. and hearing unity witnesses, decided that Starr owed Kennedy $123.44, and in addition should pay the whole costs of thcnczion and arbitration, total- ling nearly $1,000. â€"â€"Wlde spread devastation on I‘lild and Sell has been the result of the recent storm 30.4,5' M" -lcaves a large family 0‘ in England and the aggrcgnrc losses of Chm ren property are immense. The recent reports are gradually liltcrzng through from the provintcs telling of dismantled houses, overflowing rivers, illllllnlcd sheets and fields, buildings flooded, caitle and sheep drowued, and disasters to lifâ€"i and limb from filling debris. London‘s piiks and buildings have suffered licmi y. The Thames overflowcd alone .‘he upper branches, with serious los~ to the dwellers along the banks. M nt of the coast towns hare suffered severcy. I‘ronienadts have been Scht by the sea and harbors and piers damaged. Parts of South-«instep are under Water. The schools were \ lo~ed and in the evening the tide overflow. d all boundaries and threatened serious results, In many parts of Plymouth boats were employed in \llé main streets to take the school children home. wrecks are reported and all the lifeboats are kept exceedingly busy. Three men who were returning from a fu..era1 near Castle Island, Ireland, were lifted by the wind, hurled into a pit and killed. The channel steamers have had terrable expel i- ences. The pier at the enrrance to Diem-e. Prince, Which was recently damaged, has been completely demolished, and great havoc is reported almigtlie Normandy coast, though details have not been received. A serious railwav accident Occurred between Kilrnsli and Kilkce light, on the south- east coast. A passenger train was blown clean off the rails and a number of persons were injured, none, however, fatally. While the st iriii for Llanfairfecliaii, Wales. dashed into the sea, owing to the fact that the tracks Were washed away. The fireman and engineer were drowned. Folkestone Dler $nd station have been almost demolished. he gale passed off at night in the direc- tion of Russia. So far the reports show that fifteen perso..s have'lost their lives. W COMMUNICATIONS â€"â€".\n crp‘Osion occurred at Cantley in which Davis. Donovan and his wife and eight dayâ€"old child had a miraculous cs- cape. Mr. Donovan had a lot of dynamite in his coat n.>ckct. and the garment caught fire. its run to the front door but found it locked. He threw h’s coat down, and shouted to warn his family, ran for the hawk door. The dynamite blew the house to pieces. but: Mrs. Donovan and her infant child upstairs escaped uiihurt. â€"-Tlic finding 'of fifty human skeletons in a well no a plantation near, Manguito, Cubi, is reported by the Discussion. which asserts that these people undoubtedly were thrown in alive. In some cases the finger bones were severed, and the supposition is this was done in trying to get out of the pit. The body of Pedro Alayon, a leading (‘ubari, who disappeared mysteriously during thi insurrection, has been identi- fied. -â€"The Eastern Ontario Butler and Cheese Asiociation elected its officers at Kingston last week. They are : President, 1). Dex-hysliire, Brockvxllc; vice-tires. J McTavis, Vancamp, L L. Gallagher, Har- rowmiith; directors: W. Edgar. Morris- burg; J. R. Dirgavel, Eluin;Jamcs VVhit- ton, Williaiiis‘ Corners; J. B. Carlow, \Varkworth: Henry \V’ade, Toronto. Auditors: M. Baird, Stirling; F. Brenton, Belleville. .- Hon. Nelson Dinzlcy of Maine, leader of the Republican side on the floor of the- House of Representatives, and represent- ing the second congressional district of Maine in that body, died at Washington Friday night at half-past ten, of heart failure, resulting from extreme weakness, due to double pneumonia. He was un- conscious during most of the day, and death came quietly, Without consciousness being regained. Deceased was author of the famous law. â€"Wm Hubbell of Oak Lake, was shot andZinstantly killed at Dauphin by a young man named Harry Cole of Ottawa. ii couple of weeks ago. The men were engaged in getting out logs in W Shifton’s cauig near Garland Station. appears that ole, together with Hubbell and several other men. were in camp, when Cole took down the gun which was hanging on the wall and pointed it at Hubbell, it is supposed in fun. The gun, which was loaded with shot, was dis- charged, the whole charge entering Bub- Manitoba, 'To the Editor of WVatchman, signed.» l‘Ratepaver," Numerous small Next Door to Gough's. Lindsay was at its height a train HERB QFHGE THE DUNEFORD scaOOLhisFicunv. desirable to make inspection before the Slitâ€"There has been considerable dis-. advanced. cussion in this school section at the action , of the trustees in not re-engagini: our late teacher at it salary of 825 in. advance of what he received for 1898. In connection with trustees action an aii0nvinous letter, was sent to Mr. Knight, P.S.L, censoring the trustees for MOULDINGS TURN IN GS ETC, ETC. lcge, first woman professor in this first college to practice coeducation, has in spircd her friends to raise a sum of $50,- 000 to found a permanent Adelia A. Field Johnston professorship, whose incumbent shall always be a woman. THE BEEHIVE. .‘H It is seldom that if a colony is in proper condition there is any danger of robbing. A colony may be very weak, but if it possess a laying queen and brood it will protect a large surplus of honey. If beck.~ have protection in some manner during the winter, no one need be afraid to let them winter on fall honey. Italian iii-es adhere to the comb in a very quit-t condition. It is a rare thing to find an Italinii‘quccii off the comb. Food ,‘IiVlIl at this time should he of good quality. Granulated sugar makes one of the best that can be supplied. So far as can ho done, bees should be crowded up in Ellillil quarters, so as to emiioinizo their natural hcnt during the winter. A cellar intended for wintering boos should not be used for anything else and care should be taken to see that it is per- fectly dry. All empty sections and even those par- tially filled should he removed before severe winter sets in. There is no advan- tage in leaving them in. CALL AND INSPECT WORK list) or. J. P. RYLEY esters. A -s- THE BELL 056.4}! cm." PIA/{0, 75;: Elf/fixav __~_â€";‘ pupa, Tin/E :‘A’E.’.5.~'-£:SH.:’ Fit/‘10 .’ fiflqu o."..~nv. Other maize» >‘.I‘.“‘l‘.f-'v: ? ;O'.‘.' L'l'lfigx -‘XLA ,_\ hi. I '- .0?i~LO}..-:l:".:;\t ‘ "V" 1 1130 pay a CULILLLI. ,; .i. ll. igiiiilERUP, .‘ 413 L1: b-vdâ€"I ~33 ) â€"‘ ‘ . Eel-SI. . \ r "‘5" ‘\ The Greatest Rem- _ . ‘7 -~ / km? {'9 80'] On Earth 2233' ' K263 K's». e; as; .. .. N~\ oeo - o; .. .1 71 54,, (A; \ riff}? -â€"!0râ€"â€" l Kass-4 if, was ODUEHS VGA, . All/008L138, â€"-ASK FOR..â€" Perrin’s Pine Tar Cordial Take no other. There is none just as good. Manufactured only by "S. PERRIN, Druggist ‘ This is PEDIER EMMERSOK’S Cara. have a Herseshoeing and General in They pair Shop on William-st. North. ‘1 do good work and their charges'jare mod- rl‘hey build anything that runs Al- ‘;u6y 2"!) (D crate. on Wheels or runners to order. _._â€"__â€"â€" TllElllGTdeA illAlll RAND SAVINGS COMPANY- ways at home. Authorized Capital. $300000 Paid up “ $100000 ____â€"-â€" t ARE Moi iiiiiiiwmc DIRT of Stores. . that we have the LINDSAY. BIT Into anybody’s eyes when we brag up our stock We are sincere in saying and believing This Company has $100,000 of Trust ‘ Money to LOAN on prime Farm Prop- erty in the southern portion of the gnEug'iry 01:1 glotozifi. at FIVE PER ll . a e a cation now, as it is -‘ {ii p in the market. We guarantee them to be the be“ Aand line of TIN and GRANITEWARE. Eat'etrolighrf?§0tice Galvanized Iron Work to order. ‘ “ L Jill). MAGi‘liiOli. GEO. MASON: MANAGER Oakwood’s Stove and Tin Shop. around In covered with mow. No Interest will be charged un'ii money -â€".¢

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