Do youlwgnt ‘Nood P If so, I am preparéd to deliver to you at current rates BEST QUALITY 16 in., 22 h. and 4 ft. MAPLE. r 129;:qu We. 98 or 95.-47-131 BEFORE TH E 13% 1 LE V5. 555 5555355355, 021;? Tar/ii: 0211' Pita": W e [awe also WG 0D. ‘0 5332}: 2023/; continuance of the same‘ year I Q.“ n (J'~;O, pub! liberal patronage during the 321M we W (mt Repairing. “'5.- win? thank our maay Mend: prices, but just say that ah goods 531:; at Bargain prices. We éarry one of the largest stocks: 5:] it rcountv and An the £5 not quote any articles A‘ vet! remprccito'your' Kindness by (2-292 331 in our power -:o serve yin faithfully and well. tempteï¬ ing LUI’ customers such Is mum trade. It you fame: as wz-‘h a share of your pagropage Ere o Stacktaki 0â€". «e r32 existed *ZIErry days :edi: :0 9.31 responsible parties. Are consistent wixh our qualities. Them ia a point on the down grade chmii-‘y Where c’Teapaesa ceases (-9 o'- "Ix-“amy. WE xrzvcz: ems.»- “Me for is. That. is why we are “Ways ghd [0 have you 100k a'v-jmd’ our smrss and 'eam km? on ~h batter yea: can do here :hm alsewhere. In conqection with our Shoe store a REPAIR department which we recommend to you with 32! con- douce, not. only for 52.113255, but also for PROMPTNEH. If we any 3mm Repairing will ‘96 dnnc in an hourâ€"it will b: done in an hour. KHAT 133$. mï¬ely stylish Footw ear; in :33 he of GIOCnrncJ. 1;; 2.0,.» and Shoes our arock is of the sauna sam‘xcmsm kindâ€"se- lected particharly for that class of W)?“ Vb“ Want lasting and mod- scyzhmg, by letting them know Just what to oxpec‘. I: :2 us in “â€309, in goods. and m v: ices. Aim“ our business will harm no v58 and will surely 1193;) all who "Ethan occasion to can on us for ENELER. T £33 3 37-9355: 1‘: £811 . M. KNOWLSO’N 25 as. we ncvsr atâ€" ; before. "we will v-nu~ I. “mung, winch com- supply you in_ a. perfe~.‘_r£yx :st Engravin: AN Vi: era n u y‘ for t 119; an about a month a you are recelvm ufend and solicit county and do 761/ CI} 9.11.219 purpose giv- us and 'eceivlng mu :3 why we are wish to and Also Chester White and Berk- shire Boar for Service SULL CALVES. (Thorough bred Shorthorn Durham, Also CHESTER WHITE PIGS for sale at all times The above are all good stock and we}! worthy the immediate attention of those requiring such. «s F. M°GARTY, 1 Is :vei: chosen We do not have to handle Tons of Old Shop V‘Jom Goods to make sales. Everything up to-date. Prices Moderate. . 3:39:11 non of good EST Goons prices. We have scored another SUCCCSd. Our trade for 1893 has far sur- passed any previous year. ,We heartHy thank our patrons for the favors extended, and feel justly proud ofthe many expressions of satisfaction "received as to the way we do business. In 1899 we will do better than ever. We please our customers. Our selec- tion (:vf'goods is what does it--FIN- EST GOODS at LOWEST possible STOCK. FOR SALE 1881 {EFHCR u Q6 '93 77 Kent St. Lindsay MMLET »â€" WATCH 5, ‘â€"~CLDCKS, â€"‘JE\VELERY, â€"â€"SILV R'VV AR. â€"--SPECTACLES, ~â€"ETC.. ETC. s s 0.“ “IV a g MoEflCflEflï¬lB-YDS, Argy/eF .0. )0 mug Degartmem ï¬PPï¬gg-r: URUET 1899 Tumuc Is a growing belief that instead of being a frozen wilderness, as until recently supposed, the northern parts of this Dominion are among the very richest in the world. Wider exploration follow- ing the discovery of gold in the YukOe district. is revealing the fact that clear up up to and around Hudson’s Bay, there are almost inexhaustible resources in mine. forest and farm. Moreover the great Bay itself, beside whose volume all t or great lakes put together are only a pond. provides a new and easy route to the WE gnaw congratulations to Waden :yane. Be is a capable man and deserves the honor. Montreal. Shemly brfore his death the Archbishop of Montreal inquired very kinily after him and ofl'ered to tender him the coneolatirins of the Roman Catholic faith, if he so desired. As if tocchcd by this kindness. the' dying Chiniquv sent a moot courteous‘reply. and while afï¬rming his conï¬dence in the Protestant faith yet assured the Arch- 1 bishop of his good-will and gratitude, and iadded that in case of his recovery he would be glad to meet him. The next: day he died. It- is much that after nearly half a century of ï¬ery assault upon the Roman church. the stern old man and a noted representative of that: church should speak kindly to each other at: the game’s mouth. Catholics and Protestant: in Canada will always be better friends on account of this incident. I Two recent inetaacesofthe above may be 1cited. By the papers we notice that the Protest-ants of Smith's Faus gave Father Staum-a a banquet? when he was leaving for a new Charge. That: is only an incident, but: one hf great meaning. The other case is one of profounid signiï¬cance and historic interest. Darin-g this month Father Chm‘quy has died. The well. known ex-prieec came to his end in ‘I’mu-sinute are him-2y to adopt each other's creed, or :g‘nee an points of doctrine, but indicam-ne are not wanting Hm? 'hcy an: becwmlrrg inï¬ni ely more corai.. m their cjiflimvnces, and quicker to t'u'Cugm'Av airmrnble qua'itiee In each Otflcr To the caaual ou-lmker that is cause for congratulation. We shall all be dead heimu we agree on any subject, much less theolOgY. but while we live. we can cultivate the sunshine of kindness and good will by which the walks of life will he brightened up}, THE WATCHMAN AND VICTORIA W‘ARDER. LINDSAY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26TH.1899< HE wouug be u wry h epefui mm who c uld datcct any sign lhht Cathofics and 'meut, :i the above e‘u,’L:€8210(l Is acteldj upvm. 1 We would carry this idea. a step further. } There is talk of Senate reform. m-d it 1 may 8 on b) a lite lat-118. Sir Wilfrid? tLaurlt-r recommends a juint ve‘e of} 28mm: and Cuminmts, in case of dis-‘ agreunent. and 1h.- Glolï¬e advocstes‘ ubvliahinz tllI‘ Senate entirely. In SJ far as Mr. LLutie-t's scheme h-ss yet been upturned, “e fdll to see how it does more than put the majority in one chamber! over against that of the other chamber. and hence. emphasise purty lines that are 'already saflicien-ly distinct. It by aboli- tion the Glabe means doing away with a second chamber of any sort, it can hard- ly be taken seriously. .It will always be necessary that legislation enacted in the heat of party divisions, shall pass beneath the inspmtien of some disptssionate eye and the second chamber will always be a necessity while party government remains. ‘ At the same time few people will insin- 1 tsin that the Senate as constructed under our present system, is the ideal check 11 the am; of the U! mmons. When you [ want a check on partisan legislation, you have not nccvmplisht-d much when you have an“): real nnntlier partism body. That is what the Senate is. There is little 5~2H5t that. lnd the Senatecnntsintd a Ref-mu msj \ritv, the Yukon bill would 4 have ht-eu p’eeed. If Unit is so it is far being the seand chamber rtquired. If the f «rgoing is true, no harm can be dene ivy dmising «in imprcwetnr‘nt in the l Strucrure M the Senate. 1'. eh'nld he I non ptrtlsatv, and it can u‘d hec mpe um ' If it is to be of that diameter, its tnrmhers must be drawn from 9. class of people who are known to he nozi-pnrtisnn and capttitle. These stre the. j-niged. m d it is our belief {hit a. tmrd of tvwn'y of the must emeniwnt men on the Canadian bench. 'wuuld Cl‘PStl'uW3 an ideal second chamber at a rune-h lm‘s txijeuse than is new entaifed. l t In the recent: ne'gotiafions between the I Rider and Kitchener company, and the I town, the quesxion arose as to who should decide in case a breach of contract was charged, and the suggestion than the erbittauen of the couuty judge should lin all cases be ï¬nal. was unanimously apptoved. An agreement: of that sort may ohrviate expensive litigation. v r The boundaries of the constituencbx 1 f the Dommiou will probably be res-adjust- ed before long. In fact the government has alxeady stgniï¬ed its intention of tak- ing; this step A muminent journalist suggee. s hu «h.- guVermuent en uld'nut ï¬x the boundarses itself, but Commit: that duty to a bmrd rt judges. The sugges- tion is a guod one. No party govermuemt will make constituencies than wyll not, more orleaa be fnrmei wirh an eye on future electivna. “’9 have seen the. carving by b -:h the Domininu and â€mvincia!goveromeu'e. There is mare hope far 21 rational and. .quitabh: adjust- of the hnnunble gentlemen upon the bench that in the no; ular mind there has new: attached to them. the shadow of suspicion or disuuet. Even those who cnma beneath their adverse decisions have {he mtirfscmm of knowing that justice is m the verdict. It is a great: thing that, One drparrment of our ofï¬cial system has the fumes: public conï¬dence. and as the needs increase for impartial arbiters both in matters individual and national, the paple will tutti 71?er and more tdward che judges. Indications are not wanting, that such is already the gase._ Amp THE prejudice and passion of modern social and political life. there is one body of men'occupying a place above the turmoil. These men are the judges. Such ham been the integrity and fairness Catholic ar-d Protestant The Functions of Judges Editorial Notes --Mr. Albert Ware of Cambray was in town Saturday {or the ï¬rst time in eight weeks. He has been seriously ill with pneumonia and special trouble, and‘at one time his life was despaired of. We are glad to say our old friend. whose career all through life has been without blemish, is in a falr way to regain his former health‘and vigor. He has now reached. his 59th year. ,--Mr. H. Masters of Lakeï¬eld, who has been making a tour of the N orthwest. returned home on Friday last. He spent acouple of days in town. the guest of his sister, Mrs. Jos. Brown, William-st. Mr. Will'Morrow. manager for Ham Bros. at Portage La Prairie, is in town in conneClion‘ with the ï¬rm’s business, and will return in a week. -â€"Miss Louie ‘Bain, saleslady in Miss Mit- chell’s millinery rooms, has been spending a gupï¬e of weeks holidays with friends in Mill. oo . ‘ ' â€"-â€"Misas Morton, Kent-st, left Saturday for a visit with relatives in Pennsylvania and New York states. She will be absent a couple of months. ~â€"Mr. Hayry Henderson of Hamilton, oxgan- izcr f6r.the Sons of Scotland, is in town. The local camp will receive his attehuon fcr a couple of weeks. -â€"-Mr Jackson Reid, the popular hotel man of Huntsville, was in town yesterday. He is calling as well on 61d friends in Pgterboro and Port Hope. â€"-Miss B. Stewart of Wick, and Miss Annie Thorburn" of Sonya spent last week in town, the guests of Mrs John Thorbum. Kent-st. â€"Mr. CL A. Sutheriand. farmed)" of the Warder staff, left this‘wcek rm Toronto, where he willspend the winter â€"â€"st. Duggan and son deie of South Edmonton. NW. '1‘. ., are visinng relatives m town. 5 - â€"-Mr. Geo, Ewart. of the West had stores. left Monday tor New York to Visit friends and look after ‘cértain busineSs mamas. -â€"Secretary \Val' er of the local \. M (. A. is in Brnckville this W°ek attending the Gen eral Y. M. C. A. Conveution. 'â€"Mr C E Stewart, the genial editor of the Bobcaygeon Independent, gave us a call on Tuesday â€"Mr E D Hand, of the Fenelon Falls Gazette, was in town on Tuesday â€"Mr. W. A. Fanning of Cambray has been doing a. rushwg business in the equine line duxiuq thc past few weeks. He deait of? the speedy pacer Fonunale, 2 29%. holder of the Lindsxy track record, :3 35, takingin exchange herex‘br the )nndsomc chestnut side-wheeler Fred .\1., 2 2553. It goes without saying that "whsn the summer comes again†\Vesley will givc Fred M. a special preparation in order To have g â€go†at the Fortunate record at the Lindsay Ccntml fair Mr. Fanning also sold to Mr. Dougald Gordon of the same phce. a handsome :hestnut pacing pony. that is just enough to please any roaditc. His last tran- saction was the sale of a ï¬ne Muxocco to Mt. . James Cochrane. --.\Tr. james Cochrane of Cambmy had the mistbrmnc to lose.a ï¬ne wutk horse after an hour} i Inns. He‘re; heed the animal with a handsome black Moxocco. which he purchased from Mr. W'. A. Fanning, for the sum 0f$125. Don't; imiss seeing Prof. Dorenwcnd's famous Art Hair Coverings, demomtra’ed ax. the Benson House. Lindeay, on Satur- day, Feb. 4th. with toupees and wigs that are so perfect in constructionthat when placed in position on any bald head will defv detection. Over 35,000 gentlemen of every profession in life enjoy the wearing of these art, goods to-day. They are a. pro- tection and comfort L) the head and bene- ï¬cial to health. Gentlemen, throw oï¬'those old style grandfather‘q caps. you are wear- ing in your stores. ofï¬ces and residences and get nature'a own promotion for bald- new. hair, as! invented by Prof. Dorenwend. If you value health, youthful and nice appeal-woe do not, sushi. back. but investi- gate f .r youreelf, us no charges are made for full illustration. lememher, Benson House. l.indsily.â€"4‘2. A meat dual of money. says the Munici- pal World, is spent usually in bridges, cul- verts and Mum-Nay“. and it is obligatory on the council to keep them open and in repair. It; is a shiftless plan to use My material that. is going to require continued repairs. so why not; use the moss substan- tial materials? Concrete pipe for smaller sluicewuya is advisable. while for culverts, concrete is also the best, as the lumber costs nearly am much and is perishable besides. A little money spent in ï¬rst con- struction is saved many times afterwards. In ï¬ve or six years most municipalities will have gone over the ground and after that will have no further improvements to make in this direction. yore money_ will IL.. -5 LL‘2_ .‘I! ___, I4- Mr. ()rviu J. McKibhin has resigned his position as clerk of the Lindsay Division Court, and Crown Attorney Devlin is in charge uu'il a. new appointment, has been made. Among the applicants for the pod- tion we hear mentioned James Gillogly. E. D. Hand of Fenelon Falls, Peter Mitchell. .1. T. Harrington and Elias Bowes. it is in the gift; of the Ontario government. The annual lull and supper cf the Brotherhood of Railway Traiumen was held Tuesday evening last, l‘he old Opera House was converted into a. scene of unequalled beauty. Bunting covered the walls and streamed from the ceiling. IVIonsLer head-lights blazed from the front of the hall upon the brilliant throng of dancers that kept up a. steady whirl to the sound of sweet music from the Lindsay orchestra. About fifty couples were present. The arrangements were perfect and the bull surpassed all previous records. Sunper was served by mine host Holmes of the Queen’s hotel and was a triumph of the catcrer‘s art. On or about Feb. 14th, we will have ou’r 1899 Linen Sale. W'ait for it Askaboutit. Come to it. gold ï¬eids 1m the Mackenzie and Yukon rivet-A. Three hundred miles north of the (1?. R. the By is rmched. It is open, ~11 thfl yelr mmid, and efremhes away 1300 min-n tuward lha gnki regions. Wim 200 when of railway more the ‘Yuknn in tenched, an r'nac the dime: route to Dawson civy v14 Hudson’s Bay Will only. include 500 miles of raimay travel, and the entire merance will be not much more than half thv of the presem route. Mr. Sm}. Fox. M. P. I’ , recently handed us a. letrei‘ and ammo printed matter sen" to him by the Canadian Manufacturers’ Association of Toronto. The letter urges Mr. Fox to use all his influence as a member of the legislature, to bring this route to the attention of governmeuu. DUNDAS 8r. FLAVELLE BROS. at. their didposal tbén f6}_1:ozï¬v;'3}k: ADVICE REGARDING CULVERTS GENTLEMEN_ ARE YOU BALD P ANNUAL LINEN SALE. ANOTHER VACANT OFFXCE RAILWAY BALL STOCK NOTES PERSONAL Chise. lot 2, comâ€"7, Midposa. Sale at we o’clock and Without reserve, as Mr. Cizase is removtng to Manitoba. WEDNESDAY, FEB. Istâ€"By Elias Bowes, auc- tioneer, credit sale of larm stock and implements, the property of Henry W. Kearns, lot 22, con. '9, Eldon. Sale at I o’clock sharp. Among the list of stock ochrerl is a. valuable registered Shorthom Durham bull, 17 months old. THURSDAY, FEB. 2. â€" By J. J. Power, auctioneer, credit' sale of seventy-ï¬ve milch cows from 4 years up to 8 years old, com- ing in from middle of February up to May Ist, the property of McDougall. Brandon 1 Austin. Fenelon Falls. The sale 'will take place on their stock farm, Lots 24 and 25. Con. 11, F enelon, adjoining the village. commencing at!!! o’clock a.m. THURSDAY, JAN. 26thâ€"By Elias Bowes, auc~ tioneer. credit sale: of farm stock and igplem‘epts, the Plouggtypf Mr. iHenry IOCIH talent nemre the audience. Mrs. P. G. l‘ilkie sang “The March of the - Cameron Men†with splendid style and spirit. The too prompt dropping of the curtain pre- vented a response to a vigorous encore. Mrs. Koyle sang â€The Maid of Dundee;" Mr. Petty and Miss Z Silver “Jamie and Iennie;†Miss L Russell “Those Endearing Charms†Miss Liggett "Darby and Joan :" Mr. Les. Silver “Kathleen Mavourneen;†and Mr. lIarry Knowlson “I dreamed I dwelt in Marble Halls.†Most of these numbers were encored. At the pianoforte Mrs. Mowat. Miss Silver, Miss Benson and Miss O’Leary did splendid worl-r, while recitations by Misses ‘Wallace and Bowes were well reCeived. During intermission avery pretty tableau of the British isles and Canada was presented under the direction of Miss Hillock and Miss Eva Armour. The last feature was unique in Lindsay entertainments. Under a multi. colored electrolier, eighi couples danced the minuet. The intricate and graceful movements or this dance showed careful preparation. To . Miss Wardrobe, who introduced the minuet with an appropriate recitation, great credit is due tor the success, pm only of this number, but of the entire program. Standing aloneamid the blending rays of light, while t'ny electric lamps glistened in her hair, Miss .Wardrobe presented a charming ï¬gure, and displayed in the delivery of her lines a culture and grace that accounted for. much of the suc- cess of the program prepared under her direc- tion. After all, it is only fair to say that taking it altogether this entertainment is too artiï¬cial in its character and too deliberate and formal in its action to ever be a favorite with a popu- lar audience. The proceeds go to the Y.M.C.A. A large house greeted the Old Folkes’ Con- cert on Thursday night of last week. It was far from being an old folks’ performance, but was slow enough to render its title very appro- priate. \Vha: it lacked in speed, however. it lmade up in dignity and appointments. The stage eflécts and costumes were by all C(ldS the ï¬nest ever put on by local talent, while in con- ception and execution the event was all that could he asked within the scope it aimed to ï¬ll. Too much Cannot be said for the painstaking efforts of the young people who took part. The plan ofthe conCert wrs a representation of a social gatherir." in the olden times. The occasion was that of a golden wedding. In their luxurious home, brightened by a grate ï¬re and wax tapers, the aged host and hostess, assisted by their charming daughter received their guests with a formality that appeared extravagant to modern ideas. The visitors having all arrived, a short time was spent in conversation, and then a game of “Button†began. Its forfeits Drought some of our best local talent before the audience. a private 'hvll, incfuding the Sfï¬esâ€"lâ€"evr' 2â€"11â€"15 Rider and Kitchener transactions wlll be intro- duoed. Last Friday evening the council and town- solioitor Hopkins met Mr. Rider of the ï¬rm of Rider and Kitchener and their solicitor Mr. Urquhart of Toronto in the town clerk’s oï¬ice, and sat till near mid-night discussing the con. tract between the town and the new company. The general terms had been previously accepted by the company, but many details remained to be adjusted. In the main the negotiations went very smoothly, but at times the points at issue seemed to imperil the agreement, but ï¬nally clause after clause, through the entire agreement, was framed to the satisfaction. of both parties. As it stands there are over a dozen separate items. and no contention of the town Was sacriï¬ced in any case. The ï¬rm will be in operation by the ï¬rst of January, 1900; they will have the privilege of extending their business to any manufacture not now carried on in the town: they guarantee to employ 25 hands. in of whom shall be over 19 years of age, {or to months in the vear and pay $6000 in wages. not including the wages (-t the man- ager and hook-keeper; in case the ï¬rm default for one year the town shall recover the $200 of the bonus to be cancelled yearly, but ifthe default extends over two c0nsecuttve years the town shall recover the whole bonus, less the sums previously cancelled: the town is to hold all insurance over $4000 in case such amount does not exceed $1500; the bonus money will be paid over at the rate of 50‘}: of the price of the land and 7 5% of the cost of the buildingsu they are being constructed; the assessment for school taxes shall be ï¬xed at $1500 subject to being ratiï¬ed by legislature; the ï¬rm’s pay- sheets shall be exhibited once a year; if a satis- factory site cannot be procured within reach of existing hydrants that point shall be considered later. After a heavy evening’s work both parties left the meeting well pleased. The Ontario legislature opens on February Ist. and The public will be interested in knowing that the publisher: Pf thutpopuier weele paper, the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, have arranged for a further supply of their famous premium picture, “Thin Red Line." All who become sub- scribers during January and February can depend on gettinc: a. copy. also renewal cubscribors. We believe the publishers of the Family Herald and \Veekly Star intend the "Thin Red Line" to be the ï¬rst of a series or these famous pictures, and Cana- dians who secure a copy this car will be fortunate, as they will be ab e to get the entire set. In a few weeks the entire edi- tion of “Thin Red Line" will be disposed of and no more can be had at any ï¬gure. This is a hint fur tlmse who have not yet secured it. It is given free with a. year‘s cubscrip- tion (one dollar) to that great paper, the Family Herald and \Veekly Star, Montreal. ".7 ,‘_V, l" ..- .- vv-vvn “-lll- shatfiq 'i‘eihséften menths credit: seven per cent. discount allowed for cash. “Next. Saturday and Sunday will be a real red-letter time for the Salvationistls of Lindsay as Colonel Margercs, Teritorial Secretary for Canada. Newfoundland and Northwest America, is announced to COD- duct; services at the barracks. Good times are expected; all are invited. -A letter from Mr. Kincade. reeve of Manvers. in reply to that of Rev. N. D. Drew of Bethany, in arecent issue. of the Toronto Sundnv World, re wok-ï¬ghting. is crowded out of this issue and will appear next week. A WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENT YE OLDE FOLKES‘ CONCERT THEY CAME TO TERMS LITTLE LOCAL LINES SALE REGISTER ART PROF DORENWEND \Vl HO\ \I‘L.I .‘\\ Iii?" "’1' j "‘15-: '3‘: HARNESS, HARDWARE. Big Reductions in the above lines for the next two west; We “ill sell Blankets. x;crth $400 a pair for â€" Lï¬ï¬‚rippe The Loss of the Hair to a Lady or Gentleman is a ‘ Great Affliction ‘ . HIGINBOTHAM, T593333; Bells, Blankets. Bells, Robes -. LOGAN, .50 00 ‘ng string, worth 3 I») N (l â€"\VITH ALL KINDS OF- One Door East of Benson House After a very encouraging Heii- day Trade in my new stand I beg to thank my customers for their patronage and say a word about the future. The grocery business is not a new thing to me. Neither are the people of this town and county strangers to me. I buy the goods that the people need and shall conduct my business so as to merit general conï¬dence and a large patronage. Often leaves a person with a bad Cow}; p9: c use WHITE PINE BALSAM frur time ». - Price 20 cents. If you ï¬nd yourself ueak a? £5 out any appetite use 0 KEEF’ES MA' .T F '~ . Price 25 cents, or $2. 70 per dozen â€EH58. BRMEY. has domomtmwd to over :1 hundred thouxund persons that the :u‘tiï¬c‘ial r05- toration of the. departed locks ix pro- emiueutly essential to their HEALTH, \ COMFORT and G001) Loans. 01“ late lu- ‘has added many new styles and designs ‘ to his la “u‘collection and is now in apOsi: in) case of ha d-hcadness or thin hair. Every had his new and artistic fashions in “'12s. Bangs. Plain qutpflg‘LSwimhcs. ctc. TO THE PDBLEC G EN (TIEMENy'hp are partial!) or who ‘LL,, Yours truly, E. PROUS In the market any make a: n5 :i‘vl cheapest according to the qua } He pays cash for all his good-<1 gets the best discounts, can give his customers righs prices and best terms. for General A gent. Lindsay. 170 Kent Street, SELLS '1‘ E “I'M runs. Means an 35mm; UACHIflES 9.} Emma IV EYE Dzic :mr :Ilt