and urgsnizsr and treasurer G? the Curb- '1'!th art-cultural society. Ha was trea- surer of the mwushlp (we! "0 vests and acting! trustee for the» rum iength of time, and received. his c:.xnm§seiun as justice of the gums in :39» may prevent:- Mention daya. Ha mu 2. lifts-mg con- musaw. a. msmber or“ rhu Mamie fmtemlty, Imd (ms of 419 036th membera 01L 0 L. Ladea No. 133. ‘ .hich attended 1].; g body at his ’QLe-l'i‘l! ind held their handful and impressive service at: the CA E SA REA 0312mm. -â€" One of the oldest and Ngnty respected pioneer gamers of the wcmhip of Cartwright; gassed away on Ilocday morning, Jan. 9.513, in the person of the late David Deacon, who was b--rn m the cmzmy o: deennv. Ireland, and received his education in Wa‘eï¬ord. He came to this county when quite a youth sad aectlei down with his friends the Games. on the old homesteaï¬, where he has remained ever since. He was». urict member of the Church of England. He m «be an ofli:ec in the Canadian militia. 301.1 Rosana. â€"â€"Friday eveniu, : Mr Bumruar locked heducr 3f btejs- wilnry shops: at. o’c‘ock and went name as anus? to an. A few moments after as Sir. Mark was putting on his-coat, in his chap on the opposite side of the street, noticed Hurchmer’s blinds going down, and 'houzbt he was closing early, but took 1:.» inn-e notice. When Mr. Hutchz mar .atumed after tea, hefouud that his Inge wooden watch sign had been taken in, G38 shutterdoors closed, and the blimis down. On enteziug he found that about dab? years and had made a has? of “ends. The gympafhy hf the emu-e ammunifv is amended to the bereaved win! and paente. The funeml took place on Tnuraduy afternoon at one o'chck under the auspices of mm 1.0. 0.1" , assisted by other lodges ' f which deceased was a member. The fleczased land been ill for three week; wk“. typhoid fewer. but the [(116in are cause nf death in heart failure. $75 war-2:5 of jewellery had baen idécted from the show trays. and that ihe cooi burgla'r had departed by the bsci; door. â€"- Iadépendent. OBITUARY.â€"Dt. J. G. Jardine. a pra- ,mlueut phy‘lnan «‘9' thï¬s pines, div-a at an â€own, hzm' Tuesday martin.“ Ar, 2%.»: may ogo "f 34. The late dncnm had been pug-using his profflas‘nn hare Sn partner- ship with Dr. McDezmntr tor about Seeciai to the “'azcixman and “Ear-"2e: CARNIVALâ€"The c-u-mv»! here on Fri fly nun: was es dead-ed success. Over 200 an. era and spectn 01's were presert, nanny In 11: Lindsay, Omemwe and other pom a . The to» was u: gnnd cundmnn. and .1: e- 3 )‘ed (hnmï¬el‘iÃ©ï¬ luxulenar‘Sy. Suh- joimeu m the her. of mm» wimwra: Best deemed lady and get-tieman, F. anolds Both my, Mia! Heath-p, Janehizle. Beat draws»? uvutlmhan, S. Hallway. Janet- 113 e {Saar armband lady. )1 as den, ng-wifle an‘een lap race was won by Arm.» rung u! L'ndnny. Amwthvr var-Li. 151 all be new the hue? par: of Febru- Ubefl‘flatcbman AlVIAYS 0N HAM. UTTLE BRiTï¬iN PLANING GHQPPWG WLLS THURSDAY. JAN. 26th. X699 smb victoria marocr {SAAC MCKEE, -Doors, Sash, Mouldings. â€"1aiched Lumber. -8009" Lumber, BIN Muff. -Lath Shingles and Lme. â€"Sest Grades h’ard Coal on hand a.‘ Hariposa Station. â€"Câ€0PPIN6' done QVrI')’ day. â€"5tune or Roller work. -â€"£ome early in the any and av: the Rush. T/ze Lift/e [317352222 Fmtizdzj' dud .51] (la/zine waé S UNI) ERLA X I ' JA \U’g I'VIL LE BOBL'A YG'EON has every facility for reï¬t- ting and putting in Draper working ort'er all classes of FARM MAUHISES and lupwmex'rs. BOILER and Exam»: RE PAIRI‘SG a specxalty. J. F. MAUNDER Pmct ical Machinist ; ;- 1:2: h-Ji in 2621â€"3 book which abounds .Az gtv-w'i Rtaz'ics: “ "The cutor,’ Cardinal 'I‘horp (for so ho was nix-.1233 calicd), was lecturing on the Luv 1:: nmrerno necessity, which just-iï¬nd .9 2mm in disrvgnrding the life of another in m‘dor to insure his own safety. 11-: said: ‘Suppusu Lowther Yates {the mas- tor of the coil-age, Catharina Hall) and I were struggling in the water for a plank vhich woukd not hold two and thut‘he got ‘ possession of in. I should be justiï¬ed in ‘ knocking him off,' and he then added. with great; vehemence, ‘Dâ€"n him, and I would do it, too, without the slightest hesitation? (volume 1, page 18). It: is > scarcely necessary to add that the turor ‘ had an inveterate dislike to the master of “the college.†Tbe death penalty :3 rarely enforced in Germany, Austria, Denmark or Sweden. In New York '11 out of 12 murderers escape without any punish- ment, and in the United States only one murderer in 60 suffers capital punish- In“: st'u‘}:n..\.\‘crz -â€"‘I .w it: im- new; isnucn «.1 '1 m: Wxnrmmx artiché nferriv ;{ ru (hr mu.» rt hm: m (rm-0m:- ruvu “no th» Lumvufe ['n‘nu Sabbath ~chnu . 1“th nrsr, vhe u flu-r hfl't‘i‘ l‘b- ferring to the concert game on to 9337.. "Theta are ï¬ve [or six young mvu wbu acted Very. unbecnmmg bv mwuth‘mu the nudmuce by throwing cmdias, mak- ing a noise. etc... and were not only a dis grace to themaeives but to rheir parents." or words so that effacs. Nur. on béhulf uf the school, I Wish to say that: M! the scholars whose namen are entered un 'hu clues books aha who; are regular'iu attorn- dance kept the beat of order and W928 no; oniv a credits to thunmelves, bu!“ m their teacher and panama Man, and are v»â€" Vnivvd “is Dislike. «- (-rorrysxm. dontuf the London Spec r ways: i send yun an extract from ix: g’. q‘lmn: inlauv awe: 0E Cumbridge.’ ,, ~ 11 in 1515' kâ€"u. book which abounds n) amt-f1 Sta) ins: -. I Special to the Watchman and “’ar-ier BASKET SOCIAL -â€"'I‘he mum! basket sccial under the auspices of the Independ- ent Order of Foresters ()akwuod. ml] or, wed at the rmidence of Mr. Donald A A denon up Fnday evening. Jan. 27th. AT; ladies are» requee'rd tn bring baskete. Sn; pwr pruvnded fur th- ea wiahum. baskets at twenty-ï¬ve ccuu each. A (I enannt time 13 LXpr-cted and a cordial Invitation is exteudrd to all. L ORNE V] L L E Special to the Watchman and Wardc: “rave, utter the service of the Church of England. Mrs. Drama“ and family desire to acknowledge their sincere gratitude for “be great kluduras and pyuumrhv shown m the-m by friends M'd ne'ebbum during rbuxr n-d bereammont. 0 x acmunu U! the rlnesa vi the Rev. J. UrMame, the raévgi m- eet-cues, were perf‘vnmd bv the Rrv. Fun-her. - I Part 1’ In}: uf'e! Which :h-q remainn “err- Interrrd in 9h» ‘flflhnfen Cemetery, to 3mm xha rewnrreo‘iuu mnrn. â€"School Supplies and Statimwy. â€"Sarsapari}la 35 cents a. bottle. éParker’s Blood Bitters, :5 cents. â€"Wazch this space for future prices. â€"Full Lines 0 :Pure Drugs. â€" Patent Medicines and F ancy Goods. Th:- T‘ Tumnzo Grain Grinders â€"-Buggies. Cutters, etc. of â€"- 31‘: descriptions. ~63: me a can. â€"I handle standard goods only. â€"Canadian Steel Air M 3- tor. ' â€"Massey'-Ha.rris I m pl e» meats. â€"Full stock of Plnws. THE BEST GOODS ARE'L'J There Is Nothing 'am) THE CHEAPEST . YEREX, Little Britain Ptl'l VA A‘---..v‘.J ,,,,, . Verify this broad asserunn before )‘\,u Ivan: my store. I charge nolhmg tor adv‘u e. Startling in making: a suitiof Clothes to order for $14. 315 rz-r $16. but, Lhere is everything star ;- my; when as suit at. these prices Lozzzpams fm‘nrahfe with the $18 suit of Lindsay tailors. I can Verify this broad assertign before UTTLE BRITAIN DRUG STORE Little Bri 0 13 WOOD 22:111. itzie Britain THE WATCHMAN AND VICTORIA WARDER. Chinese Proverbs. A great talker never wants enemies. The man of sense speaks little and hgara much. “a '5 Do not entertain a man who had ju’ut received a disappointment with an ac- count of your own success. The most ignorant have knoivledge enough to discover the faults of others; the most clear-agghted are blind to their own. - When a man says “Let me wait a lit- tle; when I have something to snare, I will relieve the poor, †this man will never relieve the poor. new and see. Came into our store the other day. and after leaving with us an order, for gnods, said he could save at. least . . . . . by trading at. our store. What one man can do others can do also. Try it. Littie BHtain Cheap Cash Store D mm<mxm OOPU mgzmm > <<=nm >20 §04Imm FO<<. 1L hever [)ng .3; FURNITURE § RICH. SM†ï¬tmg‘gzzte L Undertaking in all its Branches \‘Jlxï¬id PARTIAL PARALYSIS "Far ofl fluids $00k mew“ Many people 20 m the citv to buy Fumilure, w: en the\‘ can purchasu in“; a; ï¬ne gonds right here in Little Britain. Mv stock is well eclro'm: hY‘d has bxen p‘Tchaned for >POT CASH, hence! can undersnll m-mrezitoxs. If I dn not keep in stock whamou want. is will be pmcured- uromptlv. and on better terms than mu cam buy it vour- self, and all trouble sand. Inspec- tion invit‘ d Ill Hor-e owners to be (“rerun making purchaSes of HARNESS, HORSE GOODS. or even in the matter of REPAIRING. In a“ the features which go to make up a desimbla place to trade, we know that, we are no the head. Goods of absolute reli sbility, prices that, are reasonable and fair, and a full stock with judicious selectuou of goods. rvrder our place a. des-mb’le one on which to bestow your'rade. “’9 know we can olfer advantages and to this end we solicit- your favors. FIVE DOLLARS A MQNTH . DILLZWA , REPAIRS on Short Notice . B. WELDON. assume of health to Pmk PAHh.†said - thu12th (f Jul). W811! (118!) excur- to be c5reYe$S~ "1 _._ -vv‘nn At nresont one of the features of the channel is the life- -suving service, which Is :he strongest in Europe Many of the schemes have been almost unlque, notably one advanced by 11 Dan- lsh civil engineer for building a break- water north of Wales. This. which Was to extend foi-‘many hundred feet into the water. was to be constructed south of Denmark and north from Wales. leaving a small open space through which boats could sell. This, the enginecn claimed, would have a tendency to allow less! water to sweep through the chennel, and would thus calm the tide. Other schemes of breakwater have been proposed, the most extravagant of which was the ï¬ll- ing in of the channel by means of mud scowsnso that, instead of being a deep passage, it would be in places very shal- low. Modern engineering has become such a high developed science that nothing suems Impossible to is, and it is thouuht that. some engineering gemus will haven rem- edy by which the Engnsh Channel can be made calm. . At times various schemes have been proposed tor stemming the ‘currunt or undertow from the North Sou and tho North Atlantic Ocean around the British Isles. The isles act as a dam to the water, which, aweepime southward by mighty under-tow. is caught by them only to break and sweep through the channel with Incredible rapidity. “The new neighbors are very reï¬ned m1 asthatio †“Are they?" “Yes; they don' I: borrow anything but our silver and: heat music. " Trafï¬c across the channel at certain periods 0! the year is absolutely .dangur- one. and at times commerce is greatly delayed by the uncertainty of the voyage. The journey, which, under ordinary cir- cumstances, ought; to be taken in a little over a night, is sometimes prolonged 30 hours, and when upon the very best steamers. Upon slow-going freight steam- ers is in almost indeï¬nite. The highest type of machinery is required to make the journey on time. Crossmg the channel for years has been the dread of the trans-Atlantic journey. Tourists who travel as far as London m safety are unable tn cross the channel to France without. suï¬cring untold tortures of seasickness. ‘ The Crown, it is asserted upon the best authority. will shortly ofler a prize to be tried for by a competition whlcb will be opened to all civil engineers of the world. The prize ofl'ervd will be no less than a fortune sterling for a plan by which the English Channel can be reduced from a rolling torrent to a calm, peaceful. son. Great Britain Anxiops to Reduce It- Da‘ngers to a Minimunt. The Prince of Wales is greatly exercised over the recent accident: in the English Channel. Asa peer expressed it. "His Royal Highness does not like tn feel that he is living upon an island defended and barricaded, like the feudal barons of old, by high seas that dash to pieces friend and toe alike." H’s Harnew has a. good reputation. It deserves it. The Stock and Workmanship are both ï¬rst-class and the prices right. Eek knows the Hun-'55 Business and sat- l~ï¬(-S his customers. Repairing a. specialty. All sorts of Saddlers‘ Supplies. ““HW Nor munching «4‘ sh»: kings m \w‘x you; For: I'ivl rovk you .mu' um the si‘lwr-dew strewn And mm: you asluap when vou ‘ro weary. And no «no aha.“ know (if our 'mmuxifzzl 1111mm Rm. you and your own little dmrie. And when I am) Hml I'll nmuu my head. In the bus-nu Hunt's mule-d me so Often. And mu- \\'.E114--:n\'ulu.- s-mrs Saba“ $11!“; in. my Stand A song win-Erin my ulna-lining shall! cannon. So. Mothor-My-IAnm, lot we take your dear tum-l, Anal nwny through Um stzn'liglzt. we'll w :2 “dunkâ€" Amni “Emu-:11 the mist. of the beautiful an,â€" The dI'eu'ngx‘m!I Unit’s waiting: you'yom- DENTIST. - LINDSAY Will be at JENKIN'S HOTEL. ‘ _ ~ Little Britai‘" on the FOURTH TUESDAY IN EVERY MONTH. Keep the «Luz: in mind. No quail-me or cares to yum-plvx you: 'l‘hem'll be no lix‘t‘h- bruises or bumps O. )InlJN-r-Myâ€"Luw'o. if yuu'lt give me your h-tzn-J Aml g4) wlwm] ask you In wander. I W411 lc-zul yum umu w :1 lw:unit‘.lu-l :‘L'ul ~ 'I‘lu- un-nmiuml that x' waiting mm )lmm-I‘. “'0'“ “mi; 11: “he snout- -posic mud-m «but Thvrc, \‘u'lwh- mammal)! - J‘Xlll s1. rlig'lri an: st reaming Am! :30 Ilomurs and than M11115 ate ï¬ling: the r Wig; the fragrance and music of dream- 2. Tim-ref" be no “title tired-out boy to un- IF YOU WANT A SET OF HARNESS â€"â€"buy it from- DR. J. NEELANDS, TIDES IN ENGLISH CHANNEL. John Eek. CHILD AND MOTHER. JOHN ECK. Little Britain Road Horses Feet 3 DDII 'l 0"!- LINDSAY. THURSDAY. JANUARY 26TH. 1899-. ~Engmur Field. to J. G. RUTHERFORD Don't. buy his STEAKS and ROASTS at the lawn: Barr- AIN NIEAT SHOP. See the results. To be happy and hvalfhy during 1899 you must buy your meat from us. We keep the best. Nothing is too good for our customers. Don’t Pass Us By TIN AND BRANITEWAREâ€" (fun-er Nauru-s for \Vumen. ’l'He wivaa of same of the Indian braves have names as odd and oitun as «Ir-oil as their husbands. They s-wm to have cog- nomens of their cam. too, and not :0 (aka thuno of their Spouses oniy. Samo- or the actual names ghen in a cuusus of the (aminoq of the smut: at one phzr‘e inclbde 322's. Short Sow. who was hcfaz'c. her mun-i :Lw Alisa Piping Woman; 34:“. 1.4,: in- 1d, tm'merly Mi.“ Mum. Ere: v1z~ Mam. fcrxrzerl; Mics Young: Bur: .zrs Whine Crow, formerly Miss tron": . inc: Mrs. How Eng Water. rennet}: A new form of incandescent lamp has been invented by Professor Nernst of Gottingen. Instead of a carbon ï¬lament in an exhaust ed bulb it has a block or magnesia. heated to an enormously high temperature. The principle relied upon is the fact that when magnesia is heated above 3,000 degrees centrigrade it be; comes a good conductor of electricity, and will retain its brilliant lnoandescenee Without much expenditure of current. To start the iamn, however, it is neces- sary ï¬rst to heat the magnesia to a cer- tain temperature. and this is effected by Professor Nernst by placing it in the focus of a reflector on the inner side of which is a spiral of platinum wire. which is readily brought to bright beat. AI soon as a current starts in the magnesia the platinum wire is cut off. It is claimed that the new lamp is economical, and that it gives .1 pun-r light than the car- bon filament. but this remains to be proxcd. Little Britain Tin and Stove btore .\.~ r. U «ml Case THIS MAN a L‘ai.’ -llTTI.E BRITAIN MEAT SHOP if you are thinking of purchasing: a New Stove. We are agenda for Guruey's Famons Oxford Scovcs and Rangesâ€"the best; in the world, Perfect Bakers, Splendid Heaters, and very economical in fuel. A full etock. Also Boilers. Lantern-'9, etc. Galvanized Iron Work and Eavetroughing a speciaity. REPAIRS ofallkinds on short notice. Prices right. It you (10 not obtain 9.11 the beneï¬ts you ex cted from the m at m Vigor write t o ppgtor agent it. . Csow Wm)! M ism Wu} k It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disapâ€" pears and the darker color of _youth takes its place. Would you liké a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. Ayer’s Hair Vigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided only there is any life remain- ing in the hair bulbs. II PNVCEBIS am! I! cum “@3638 It makes a better circu- lation imhe scalp and stops the hair from coming out. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great causes of baldness. What does it do? It causes the oil giands in the skin to become more active, making the hairsoft and glossy, precisely as nature intended. no“ Electric Lamp. Address; DE; 3: ,C. A. M'. RUSLAND N. w: an. .3. «m3 3:,†.. “9 3:33... 5:: .51. up? Cyma "NE 30:76]: ‘W 3‘9 I Lindsay Woolleanills. If you Have a HOW. A have the Door ï¬Ã©lllzlllflmnfllflflflflflfl mu ~ '- ~ w-nunmumuummmmlmmzzz VNQ’NN ’V‘v’ ‘0“ _ v3.73; :i ‘ _ II â€â€˜91:. 3‘9 59“» m 39.23;» “in": ‘ , V A; This is PEDLER EMMERSON’S Card. They have a Horseshoeing and Genera‘z Repair Shop on William-st. North. They do good work and their charges‘fare mod- erate, They build anything that runs on Wheels or runners to order. A}- ways at home. HORN BROS., And it don’t fall onfyour head, you're lucky. own a horse and clothe him with one of our celeb! all-wool Blankets you’re sensible; made frt'n: wool carefully manufactured, fast calm-s. I’ricc 50c per square yard. Gray Blankets 40¢ per lb. White Blankets $2.25 per pair, large emu; cover quite a little family. ' We sell our 2-ply Knitted Shirts and Draws?- approbation. These must be seen to be appt‘i‘i'f Will not shrink. and warranted for 3 years U goods at wholesale prices, our motto for £895 SPRATT KILLEN Your Talk Abouts 25c Ceylon Tea EVERYBODY TALKS ABOUT Established 1} Century TALK ABOUT ....OUR.. J. J. WETH’EE‘ Other makes supplied to orc' i_Qlw prices. All goods fully 9,5 off to parties cqming direc' I 3120 pay a oommxssxon on :3 THE HELL ORGAH ar3 PMh’O THE UOUIJION 686A†and Pi; THE UENDELSSOHN FIM'G BO\ 41.» Lindenv Como! " 1“? Peel-sh \Nilliam- St