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Watchman (1888), 6 Feb 1890, p. 5

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Lind, all usual weller.” TN FULL )rlces. ed 111 and SU‘PPLY 5L lndsay muplmng a trip Westward to apply early tn the Cumpany’s representative at Lind- fny, Mr. T. C. Matchett, who will be round at Mr. Petty’s well-known Jewelry Store. next the Daly House Kent St. ?W'l ‘_“'ll-’lllllll!g every Tuesday thereafter until the mud of April. This announce- menf is an important one to those who P1111“ >Se Settling in, or visiting the Great NHI'Eh West and the Pacific coast, Whom m: \anlld :ulvise to make an early appli- 1'51’11 for ('nl‘S and berths required. The “ ‘flli'rmy's agent, Mr. T. C. Maltcllett, Eu.»- :‘iln'nys given t}.e closest personal atâ€" T‘Miwn to the wants and comfort of those “’11” patronize his agency, and is on that Hccnunt deservedly popular, and is attest- L‘fl by u. very large number who secured :xt-kvts at this agency last year. Care can be Ste-cured for any date, also any kind of 9"” 1 Mid we would advise all those con- NOrth-West Excursions. \Vu wmxld call special attentlon tc; 1328 uh’crrismncnt in another column-0 1ate Canadian Pacific Rallway.excur810n9i).o ’hb; Nur'h-“Wfs‘, and But-18h Colt]!!! 13" um cwntmuil .mtil the end Tllc regular monthly meeting of the Sunday School Teachers’ Association takes place this (Thurs lay) evening. A full at- {ml mu uf Sunday School workers and {men‘s 1< mulcstcd. Ticket holders and those having re- ceived imitations to become members of the Symphnny H.111 Choral Club should bear in mind the first rehearsal on Mon- Kent Street, Lindsay. Opposite new Post Office. Agent for the celebrated Ux- .bridge Organ and Mendelsohn .Piano. (lav evening s requested. Ask Willie Brooks If it wasn't White Pine Balsam that cured his Cough so quick. 3,4. .12? Remember the place, just op~ posite the New Post Office, which is now open and running in full blast. I am showing the Finest Assort- ment conceivable. FANCY GOODS, MEMO. BOOKS, PHOTO AND SCRAP ALBUMS, PORTFOLIOS, MUSIC ROLLS CARD CASES, ETC. GEO. A. METHERELL, WRITING TABLETS AND PADS, NEWEST STYLES. INK STALDS. LARGE VARIETY. SHURTHAND BOOKS. BOOKS FOR ALL READERS. ACW )l'NT BOOKS of every description. \‘x'RI’i‘ING PAPER, FOOLSCAP, NOTE, Etc. Ruled Plain J()HA\\ FABER NEW LEAD PEN- CILS, RED AND BLUE. ESTERBROOK PENS. OFFICE SUP- School Books, School Re- quisites and Station- ery, in great variety. HAVE ON' HAND A VERY LARGE STOCK OF 1890. 1890. G. A. METHERELL For Coughs and Colds "hit. Pine Balsam is the remedy- THU RSDAY. FEB. 6, 1890. (the “Watchman. PLIES. Every requisite necessary. 'I'i'iity warning last a fire was disâ€" 3 in We shed adjoining the separ- HI, whit}: was full of wood The ‘4' Ms quickly consumed, but by ”HM :tctiun nf the firemen nearly “5' H M was saved. It is not definite- m lmw the fire originated. St. Paul’s Sunday School. :m 5 Sunday school hold their ‘ hurting and entertainment ~. thlllll‘l. 75h inst. Tea. will be 1"» the young people from 5 to 7.30 mm :m entertainment consistng _; rim-uses, recitations, etc. Will -n M‘ the pupils, to which their < uni friends are cordially invited. {C Doings About Town. hr. (,‘nrmun, General Super- ’ ‘ :.‘. t‘.‘It'tIIUdISt Church. WIN iris L\-CI)I‘}1ted lecture on “DUI I “1‘. m. {I Empire ” in Cambridge Mmhmlist Church, on Monday mm". at 8 n’clock. N0 tickets. {Iv {Inn txkcn at the door. 1'1 Board of Education. m :c'in; of the Board of Edu- L‘s ? ' tnok place last e».- ening, hcw mumbers made their de- f w? ice and took their seats. a mxt “cck. g Feb. 10th S. S. Association. :11 meeting of the Lindsay ulu will be held on Tuesday t. llrh inst, at 7.00 p. m., in mus at the Mechanics’ Insti- cluwiwu of nflicers etc., will A full attendance of members Board of Trade. The Choral Club. Lecture. Ire. Town Clerk and Treasurer~Mxx Fred Know.lson Medical Health Oflicer~Dn C. E. L. Coulrer. Town Physicianâ€"Dr. F. C. Hood. Chief Engineer of Fire Brigadeâ€"John Makins. Caretaker of Pump ' Houseâ€"Peter For- The report of the special committee re the South Victoria Agricultural Society, recommending a grant of $200 was adopt- ed. . The By-law appointing town officials was passed through its several stages, the officers appointed being: The report of the Finance committee was read by the chairman, and on motion was idopted with the exception of the town solicitor’s account, which was re~ ferred back for further consideration. The minutes of the Board of Health were read by the Clerk as ordered by the Board. The .chief constable’s report for January was read and referred to the police com- mittee. The re ports of the Fire Warden and the Sanitary Inspector were read and ordered to be filed. From A. D. Mallon. asking for a. re- fund on $100 assessment error by assessor. Referred to the court of revision. From H. Hughes, Sanitary Inspector, with reference to the condition of the sick man James Hepburn. Received and filed. From D. Hudson tendering his resign: 1.- tion as councillor for the East W ard. L Lid on table. The following c .mmunicutions were read by the clerk: From Messrs. P. Brvdy, R. Hnmmh, B. Buokaad Wm. McBurncy applying: for the office of assessor for the year 1890. Laid on the table. The retrular 111ee tin“ 0f the Town Coun- cil 11 .13 held on Monday evening last Present Maynr Smyth Reeves, Williams, Fisher, and Lennon; Councillors, Cahill, Lack, Cumstock, Parsons, Bryzms, Kylie, and Herriman. Absent, Messrs. Brown and Hudson. The minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed. As there is a general misunderstanding throughout the town, relating to Messrs. Rossiternnd Moull, who lately lectured here, is IS necessary to say those gentile- men belong to the Royal Templars, and came for the purpose of organizing :1 Roval Templnr’s Lodge in Lindsay, but :Lfterwmdst lecidcd not to do so at pres- ent. Their lectures were not under the auspices of the W. C. T. [7,, nor had the Union or any of its membersanything whatever to do in asking,r those gentle- men to come to Lindsay. Miss; Phelps, who lectured here on the 26 and "7 ult. came under theauspices of the W. C. T. I. and was not; sent by Mrs. Yeomans, as has been stated. The Lindsa) curlers leave for Winnipeg to- -day to take part in the great bonspiel there on the 11tl1,1‘.2th, and 13th insts. The te-â€" 1111 is composed of W. H. Simpson lead; E. Bradburn, 2nd; Wm. McLennan, vice skip ; John D. Flavelle, skin. It is needless to s1y that the reputation of the Lindsay club will be safe 1n such keep- ing. Mr J. Bucknell and Mr. V\ Dun- das, of Peterboro also accompany the team. P. M. Deacon was at Woodville on January 23rd and fined a. couple of hotel- keepers of that burg for allowing rafiles to be held on their premises, contrary to the regulations passed by the license commis- sioners of West Victoria. Those inter- ested will do well to consult clause 4 in the future, wherein they will discern what may possibly be to their advantage. Caretaker of Fire Hallâ€"Frank Brady The anniversary services last Sunday and Monday on behalf of the Queen St. Methodist church were very successful, financially and otherwise. The interest displayed was gratifying and the attend- ance hrge. Those who heard the lecture spoke in favorable terms of Rev. Mr. Baker as a speaker, and the manner in which he handled the subject. Sen ices in the Queen street Methodist Church next Sunday as follows, conducted by the Pastor: Quarterly services in the morning. Love feast at 9.30; preaching at 11 followed by the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Preaching in the evening followed by a reception service. The Rev. Dr Carmen, the eloquent General Superintendent of the Methodist Church, will preach in the Cambridgeâ€"st. Methodist church, Lindsay, on Sunday morning and evening next, Collections and subscriptions taken for the missionary fund of the Methodist Church. Remember the lecture on Monday even- ing in the Cambridge street Methodist Churnh by Rev. Dr. Carnmn,General sup- erintendent of the Methodist Church, on the above subject. Hockey Match Friday eaening next. The rink will be brilliantly lighted. Skat- ing after the match. Admission 25 cents, Children 150. Mr. B. F. J ewett has had. the old post- office premises fitted up 9.83. store, and has opened out in the grocery and con- fectionary line. A meeting of the central charity com- mittee will be held on Friday afternoon, Feb. 7th, at the Mechanics institute. New Store. “Our Great Colonial Empire. Central Charity Committee, Anniversary Services. Manitoba Bonspiel. Town Council. Raffles and Hotels. Ottawa vs. Lindsay. A Correction. Church Notes. THE The Gloucester, Mass, fishermen un- animously pronounce the weather on the banks the worst they have ever experi- enced. There were many floral offerings, most of them from relatives and friends of the fmnily. One, however, was specially noticeable as showing the esteem in which the deceased Was held by those with whom he came in daily cofitact in the course of business. .’1‘his was a. magnifi- cent pillow bearing the inscription “At Rest.” which was presented by the emnloyees of the firm of which Mr. Beatt-y was so long the principal. 7 [In the death of Mr. Beatty we lose a long-tried and valued friend.â€"-â€"-E1). WATCHMAN.] - E. Percy Beatty, Fred R. Beatty, M. McLaughlin, son-in-law of the deceased, John Bentty, Joseph Bentty and John Graham were the chief mourners, and among those who followed the cortege to the cemetery were Jas. Beatty, Q. 0., Rev. Mr. McAndrew, Dr. Bnrwick, J. Herbert Mason, J. R. James, E. J. Len- nox, Joseph Flavelle, W. A. Sherwood unis. C. Wood jl‘. The pan-bearers were chosen from among Mr. Beatty’s oldest friends, being Hon. S. C. Wood, Warring Kennedy, J. J. Withrow, H. E. Clarke, M. P. P. G. Kerr Jr. Q. C. and Joseph Cooper of Lindsay. The religious services were performed by the Rev. Dr. Potts assisced by Rev. Mr. Hooker, of the Methol. olitan, of which church Mr. Beatty was a consistent mem- ber, and Rev. Wm. Burns of Millbrook. The sympathy which was felt through- out the city by the business portion of the citizens was fully evinced by the large number of prominent merchants and others who attended the funeral obsequies. which took place from his late residence, 186 Jarvis street to the new Mount Pleas- ant Cemetery. Mr. Beatty was born in the County of Donegnl, Ireland, in August of 1820. He came to Quebec in 1839. and shortly after removed to ()memee, in the county of Victsiria, where he went into the mercan- tile business. He stood high in the esti- mation of the people of that district, was in the commission of the peace. and held the rank of captain m the local volunteer CUI‘pS. In politics he was a conservative and thongh he was again and again re- quested to st:ind for election in the Do- minion Parliament, he refused on the scme that he did not like the cares of public life. In 1874 Mr. Beatty came to Toronto, and his success in this city is so well known that it does not need to be told here. He leaves three children, one of them a. partner in the business which the old gentlemen so successfully built up. Mr. William Beatty died suddenly on Sunday morning at his residence on Jar- vis street. He was one of the most pro- minent business men, and one of the most widely respected citizens of Toronto. In his 70th year, he was as active and exact in his business habits, perhaps, as many men in the prime of life. He was won- derfully well preserved. On Saturday he was down as usual at his establishment on King street east, attending to the affairs of an unusually busy (lay. ('1) to the mo- ment of his sudden attack. in fact, he was in the enjoyment of his customary health. Mr. Bezitty was in no way pre- disposed to :ippoplexy, and the stroke was all the more shocking to his family on that account. He died at eight o’clock. It is with extreme regret that we this week chronicle the death of Mr. Wm. Beatty of Toronto, formerly of Omemee. He was suddenly taken off on Sunday morning while dressing, by nstroke of appoplexy. Up to the instant of his death he appeared in perfect health, and the fearfully sudden shock to his family and friends was terrible. We give the following from the Empire of Monday :-â€"â€" Z VVATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY‘ 6, 1890‘ Mr. W. J. H. Murison, formerly the popular teller of the Montreal bank here, has formed a partnership with Mr. Robert Lindsay of Montreal in the broker, real estate, and insurance business. His many friends here will wish him every success. Mr. John Hore will be welcomed back to his old field as representative of the Singer sewing machine 'for this district. Mr. Hore has been in Peterboro for the past year, putting the business of that gen- eral agency into a healthy state, and has again removed to Lindsay to resume his old general agency. ' To all who are or have been afflicted with the all prevailing and imparfial dis- order, we extend our heartfelt sympathy. The many friends of Mr. Spilsbury will be pleased to learn that he is recovering although slowly from his very severe at- tack of illness. La grippe has attacked the Court House with vigor. Mr. Wm. Grace being also one of the victims. He (is, however, we are glad ta. state lecovering. Mr. Sheriff McLennan was laid up for a. week with la. grippe, but is now quy recovered. We are pleased to see Mr. J. R. Mc- N eillie back again at his post after a weeks wrestle with Ia. grippe. On motion of Dr. Herrinmn, seconded by R. Kylie, the resignation of D. Hud- son, councillor for the East Ward was ac- cepted, and a new election ordered. The council adjourned. Personal. Mrs. S. B. Laidluw is v151t1nrr friends in Port Hope. The thild reading of the by-law limi't- ing the number of licenses was laid over until next meeting. The éppoiutment of chief constable and assigning; _w:_\s laic} over‘ uptil next meeting. Sanitary Inspector and Fire Wardenâ€" Henry Hughes. Poundkeeper, etc.â€",Jos. Wilson. Assessorsâ€"Messrs. Frank Crandell and Wm. Dufl'us. Auditorsâ€"Messrs. D. C. Trew and J. Wheeler. Midland Railway Directorâ€"Mr. Hugh O‘Leary. Death of Mr. William Beatty. Just visit the CITY STORE for the next 40D ays, where in addition to saving you money, we give each customer a handsome present on Gift Days. a present worth 250., and. to every pur- chaser of Two Dollars and over, a pound of good tea. worth 500. and in addition to giving you goods cheaper that you can buy elsewhere, we offer every customer purchasing A DOLLAR’S WORTH OF GOODS Everything must be sold by the 1st March, and in order to convince the public we mean business we will offer every article at way down prices Tuesday 8L Saturday For the Next 40 Days, of each week will be GIFT DAYS. LEE 8: McCRIMMON, Managers. THE CITY STflRE.

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