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Watchman (1888), 6 Feb 1890, p. 6

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Cami/sum! from page 2. “ Father, Won’t you kiss me before you go? It is just thnzy-five years ago to- night, ynu kuuw, since you brought me to this hum ,2. " c. o. 3_ “A :4â€" :5 “ Why b1css my 30111 2 so I had forgwtzen it. Uuod said. and stomped and kissw But cv long mm to mkc a. but: her so. " 1 had Ioz'goaccu n. . um. he rcaiijg/‘brqutfcu it after all E 1: seemed so cram, s ; udal, it surely could no: he so. She Stood .mu. marched {hem in a kind of numb agony as they drow away. Richard took hold of her hand and gently pulled her toward the door. "Come on in, mother! It is too cold for you out here. Come sit by the tire and get warm. You are shivering." " les, dear, presently. Mother has something to do first.” "hen she went into her bed-room and put on izui' wedding-dress, as she had planned to do. When she came out into the sitting-room. Richard started up in astonishmcut. A - . u- 1 “Obi muthsr, how beautltul yuu look I" he said zvlmiringly. And indeed there was a refined, spiritual beauty about her that night and never before had be seen her in such pretty, becommg garments. ._. . . 1 13 - -. 1..-...â€" Dhflmnvl] Affer awhile Rich :grow heavy, and his to go to bed. Then they sat and talked a long time, mother and son, of that far off night, twenty-five yeats ago, when she left her father's home, where she had always been so happy, 39 Pelu‘ged. ‘9 ,,_ 1.-.“... ‘n “ This is my wedding-dress. Richard. Somehow I want to wear it to-night. I had hoped," she faltered, “that some of our friends might remember ' this was our anniversary, and come in awhile.” L~_‘_ A ‘vv AV .7 v---- “ Oh 1 mother, I hate to leave you sit- ting here alone, and I am so sorry you could not; have your silver-wedding, after all. Priscilla. and father did talk about. it, but they gave it up, I guess. It. is mean 0: them, I think, and selfish too, to go off and leave you here alone to-nighs. They might have stayed with youâ€"at least father might,” the boy S'Ild indig- nantly. 1 TA. _--:11 .‘1‘ Inf-In‘) nan»: v . “ \ex e1 mind, dear. It will all come right aftel awhile. F ather had to take chae gifls, VOU. know. They couldn’t g: alone, of 0011180.]. have my best and dearest with me anyhowâ€"my precious boy 37. 1 \- ,H'L -1. ~L.\.JJ T (In J j . “Ohf my dzu'hng. what should I do without you now! But you must go to bed, dear heart. Mother cannot have you dull and sleepy to-morrow.” He clung to her tenderly “hen she kissed him good night. “Mother, you are so good, so sweetâ€"I love you more than I mix tell you,” he said, fondly look- ing into her face. She S'Lt by him till he fell asleep, then u..- ..-- _ 35%»: 5-2: by him till he fell asleep, then drew a chair up to the window and looked out in the direction of the village. She had seemed cheerful before her boy, but now a thousand sad thoughts came crowding upon her ; saddest and cruclest of all, that they had forgotten her anniversary. Perhaps, even yet they might (0 he «perhaps, they were only waiting til: a. late hour, to surprise her all the more. But the hours passed, and no sound broke the dew stillness. The fire died out (m the hearth. the moon went dean. yet she never stirred. If they had only said one hid tender word in memory of the day : if t 93' had said they were sorry to lezwc her alune at such a time, it wuuld not have been so hard to bear. She strained her eyes to see down the road where they must come ; she rs] .. V 1. h road where they membered the (11': snow, and the brig nit‘hc t‘n c:1ty-â€"fi\e 1 a hnpp” km 1) thenâ€""41 of thos: heart. 111 o hum‘s later as Mr. Atherton and his dau'rhtms «hme home, he said: “ L501 11 1111.1 1 keep feeling: smry that we (111111 t 11:11 e the siive er wedding to please mother. 1 sappuse we could have 11:11.1 it without brmkmg our backs 01' the bank either. Uh I wolf, shell not care any men: about it, I reckon. Why there she is, S1ttinu as the window now! What could. 11: no possessed her to sit up and w1it I11 us S) 1:1te?’ Then the) not out of the sleigh on the sn(,)W-cm'e1'cd pmch and went: into the room where she S‘it- , Clad 111 her pxetty bridal dress, with :1. smiie 11:1 hex hhmdless 1i ps, and white as the snow outside, they found her. Re- leased 110111 the w eiuht of cares and years, far fr‘o, 11 their lemurseful hearts from the tender mmds that came too late to comfort her she had gone with the bride- groom we call death, to a land of rest. and flowers. An amusing scene Was recently enacted in a country court-room in Maine. The trial justice, a big, pompous official, with a voice like a trombone, took it. upon him- self to exmnine a witness, a little, wither- ed old man, whose face was as red and wrinKled as a smoked herrina. “What is your name ‘2” asked the jus- tice. “‘1\ by S11 111 c, said the astonished witness. "W11 know my name as well as I kno“ youzn. “\e\ 131' you mind 1111111, I know or What I don t 11111111 was the caution gi'. 'en with m1uiste1i11l sex erity. “I ask the question in my 11‘11'1c'1z11 c1pacity, and you’re bound‘ to answer it under oath.” \\ ith :1 contemptuous snort the witness an 1- his 1121111c,1111d the questioning pro- ceeded. “Where d0) ou 1? ve?’ “\‘1 111 I 51111111! ’ ejaculated the old man. “W by, ’ he continued appealing to the laughing listeners. “I’ve lived in this town all my life, and 30’ 3 be,” pointing to the justice,y “an’ b’gosh, to hear him go on you’d thinkâ€"” “S: lencc!’ thundered the irate 1nagis tmte. "Answ e1- my question, or I’ll fine 301311;; contem;:t_: of court." .Ian 77--., .nd stumped :md kisstx. h chn the Ii' rt!" word mused, s » much pm iwd b 6mm) the Still" of the 1c? 5 ;. " I 119d furxruate JUMIUtlb’il It after Call! :1 ) \. )1 K, It sur'ely cuu. was. .mx. “arched them » agony as they (have aw t'ljv ’n. L, red the drive ml the bright- wnty-five yea ', happy brid net dear Job! a; sharp pain lxile Richard’s eyes began to and his mother coaxed him Witness and Judge. y Sun]. 3 so it is--â€"so it is. t. Gum} bye, denr," he :md kissed her. Hid-s. Wnl'd “ de 11," so luck prized befure, fniied sting; of the words that pains live through the deg _ 1hr. mmmlitrht that other years agro, when she was ”tide. John 10\' ed her iulmâ€"and then mmther turd “ do u‘," so :cd before, fuiied f me words that gotten it 1 " Had nil E I: seemed cut thruugh her Alarfned by the threat, the witnezs named his place of residence and the ex- amination went". on. “What is your occupation?” “Huh?” “What do yOu do for a living “Oh, git out, Squirei Jest as if you don’t know that. I rend gardens in' the summer season an’ saw wood winters!” “As a private citizen I do know it, but as the court I knew nothing about it,” ex- plained the perspiring justice. “\Vul, Squire,” remarked the puzzled witness, “if yuu knnw somethin' outside the cmu't-l'mml and don’t know nothin’ in it, you’d better get out :m’ let smnebody try this case that’s got hess sense.” ‘ ‘ I 11 ‘ â€".i L '7’ v- -__‘ J 7 ’ \l The :zdee may have been well meant, tut it cost the w1tness $10. i A Dog’s Mission. One balmy afternoon in June Hans Cor- dova, a wood chopper in the forests in the ‘ southern part of Louisiana, wandered off in ; the woods to take the life which God had 1 given him. His was a hard lot. His wife 1 was ill, and the meager pittance which he earned with the ax was expended to buy the medicine which she needed, and now, with starvation staring him in the face, he was about to take his life. 1, After walking a considerable distance into ': the forest Hans began making preparations for his entrance to that “bourne from whence no traveler returns.” While on his knees s commending himself ":3 his God, he heard a : low whine, which sn fidenly changed to a ; growl, as his dog, a grnt shaggy deerhound, ; bounded past the kneeling man after a “cot- ton fall,“ which had jUst disappeared down a. s .lel hole under a fallen tree, and Hans, for- getting everything in his eagerness to catch the rabbit, scooped up handful after handful of earth from the hole, until, after disloilging i a large, flat stone, he came to a small cavity A man weigl as a football house at 2,540 ( day morning. as be rushed A man weigi. ing 300 pounds and as round as a football mu. screaming from the dye i on 1-: at e :HU Cottage Grove avenue yester- an» mowing His form giistened like steel as he 1u>hed to the drug store at Twenty- biXLh Stl't ‘10:; ml Cottage Grove me; me. His iotuml form “as completely covered with pins, zxiich were esticking deep in every por- tion of his ..natomy. “G on a tack hammer and pay these pins Then he told how the boiler head in the dye house of which he is the proprietor had blown out and scattered a. box of pins stand- ing near with such force that he was literally stuck full of them from head to foot, giving him the appearance of an animated pincush- ’3 ‘7 __ _-_. Iv.\- . x, “but a tack hammer and p these pins out quiakr" shouted the fat; 11) , who was Henry “'ing. ion. The dark went to work as if he' were pulling tacks, and managed to extract sev- eral papers of pins from the fat man's body. At each pull of the hammer Wing uttered a groan of anguish. Finally the last tormentor was extruc-ded and the sufferer breathed easi- er.â€"â€"Ci1ica:n Tribune. in which rested a moderate sized strong box, of an old pattern, and, better still, inside the box was found between four and five thou- simd dollars in Spanish doubloons. How it Qt there and to whom it originally belong-3d is a mystery Hans has been unable to solve. Although a very moderate fortune, it restored him to his old time prosperity, and today the ltzziest and most important mem- ber of the family is Jack, the old deerhound; and as Hans remarks to his visitors, that "Jack is, indeed, a dear, dear hound.”â€"New York Journal. Willing to Pay for Good Advice. When D. K. Tenney was admitted to the bar he 11 as (we of the “boys.” He enjoyed a goudtinm as “ell as any 011e,:111d many IIunIl stones are told about him. it is said that 011 11110 e ":1 >i0n he went to a. country dance new 21111115011 and became smitten with one of the country girls. He danced with her mark all the evening, regardless of the fact that a certain six footer in the room k ept wau hin’r' him threateningly. Finally a £1 lend upux'oached. “Dan ” he said, "do )ou see that big fel- iow on the other side of the Y‘C‘OID.’ ’ biYeS.'? evening you "I didn‘t 1-: now it. “That shall I do?” W‘ 11,11“ I were you I11 puzo: 1 my coat; :11 111 111:1.111: a. sneak for home. I11get away 1' ':.;:1 1111:'1 j: 141; as quick as I could.” '1‘11 11.- (-11111r"11 lawyer said never :1 xx 0rd, but 111,111 11:31} 11.11111 in his pocket and pulled out a "".‘."uat are you doinfi‘?” asked the friend. “Take it.” “I duu‘n want any money.” “Take it,” repeated Tenney. “I’ve taken :33 for a blamed sight worse advice than that. ”-Mil waukee W iscon sin.‘ Explosions. Of the present most celebrated explosives in use, or proposed for service. what is known as blasting gelatine contains the largest percentage of nitro-glyccrme, viz., eightyiwo parts, with eight of gun cotton; then duallne, eighty parts nitro-glyccrme and twenty of nitro-cellulose or gun cotton; dynamite, seventy-five parts nitro-glycerine and twenty-five of infusorial earth; Atlas powder, seventy-five parts of nitro-glycerine, twenty-one 01' wood fiber, five of carbonate of magnesia. and two of nitrate of soda; ton- ite, 52% parts gun cotton, 47% of nitrate of baryta; rackarock, 77.7 parts of chlorate of potash and 22.3 of niti'o-benzol;‘rendrock, again, is a composition of forty parts nitro- glycerine, forty of nitrate of potash, or soda, thirteen of cellulose and seven of paralfine; giant powder, thirty-six arts nitroglycer- ine, forty-nine nitrate o potash, or soda, eight of sulphur and eight of resin or char- c0111; mica: powder, fifty-two parts nitro- glycerino and forty-eight of pulverized mica. The Love of First Loves. The truth is, to be spoken flat] y and with confidence that it is the truth, that a man who does not love his first loves all his life long makes a great mistake and does injustice to his own past; But, of course, he is to love them as they were. The atfectiou they in- spired in him, when they did inspire it, is a part of himself for all time, and they, asthey then seemed, are a. part of him too, and. it, is as idle for him to try to eradicate them from his actuality as for the leopard to attempt to change spots with theEthiopian. That he should love what they may becoihe ‘withthe, lapse of ' years'is- manifestly inexpe'dient and unreasonable, as well as usually improper, if for no other reason because 70 dollar bill. “\‘v’lmt for?" asked Tenney "You've been dancing with his girl all the One numb not love mother‘s. 0n..." -“Ihe P32“; 0.- ‘TLV’Nu u Hulda Well, Blown Full of Pins. '5 going to lick the life out of D a THE WATCHMAN, TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS Part of Lot, or Stxect. Lot. \V of Bobcayg'n Sbl 1., S of North St J " E of Helen St E pt Block C W'ost. part YVest part S of Richmond St B E of Ann St E pt \V of William St West Bali South-west qr. East half West half East; half East half South half North half North half South half North half \Vest. North half North half South half North part North-west part Sof Bond St E of Colbome St N pt 1 do do N .1; “'1; :. do do E {F 12 S of Prince' 5 St. E of Jordan St 3 do do 4 do do 5 do do 6 do do 7 do do 8 do do 9 do do 10 do do 12 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1'. '3 do do do N Queen B of Jordan _ do do do do do do do do do do do do do do S of Louisa St \V of Colbornc S§_S of 11 13 H '7 South half .\' rn‘Lh_ half South half V‘Vest half last half North half \Vcst. half East half \Vest- half East half \cht half Sof Kins: St E of Sturgeon St; E hf E of Hope Avenue do do South half North half South part East half North half S hf Sc N W qr South-east qr South half South-west qr North halt North half South half South half North third West half W est part ‘u 311? Ezdnem’ay, [Qt/z FEB]? UAR Y, I890, COUNTY OF VICTORIA, ahalf 28 5 100 14 03 1 25 15 28 patented 11 8 200 174 11 5 25 179 36 patented tpart , 12 8 100 48 74 2 12 ' 50 86 patented . 15 8 140 30 98 1 67 32 65 patented ' 1 19 20 10 08 1 15 11,23 patented 2 19 75 15 29 1 28 16 57 patented , THOMAS. MATCHETT, Treasurer of the County of Victoria, as directed by the rant of the Warden of the said County of Victoria, dated the 11th day of Novem For Arrears of Taxes, to be held at the UBT HOUSE, LINDSAY, 13 15 1 1 21 LINDSAY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1890. Township of BL DON. 1 S. 1*. R. .12 13 93 1 25 Township of FENELON. 5 6 10 11 a; - 1 19 Village of FENELON FALLS. (i 14 l4 17 9 10 19 17 13 14 Township of SOMERVILLE. Township of GARDEN. 1 100 365 4 100 859 Township of BEXLEY. f 100 13 62 1 : Township of MARIPOSA. C 7 1-2 11 81 1 2 Village of OMEMEE. 10 190 22 55 Townshlp of DALTON. 10 10 10 12 12 11 203 74 48 2 1 Township of VERULAM. IOU. Township of LAXTON. Township of DIGBY. 10 10 10 10 11 ‘6 Acres. l5--]00 13â€"400 3 3-10 100 100 10-1 100 51 IN THEâ€" 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 107 112 113 109 109 103 199 98 109 H 01 100 102 253 100 Arrears. ’4953 16 14 II 16 4 41 9 70 12 61 17 36 11 81 17 54 8 98 108 75 32 41 17 03 15 53 3 53 1403 17411 4874 3098 1008 1529 551 :36 13 20 93 31 19 20 11 18 00 30 10 29 4s 85 16 2} 71 ‘.'3 '30 16 22. 36 59 24 02 37 24 3 82 48 TI 34 70 34 70 57 75 41 08 17 54 20 11 7 66 1 70 1 40 1 ()9 91» 31 81 34 34 14 16 Costs of adver- tlsmg and ‘ Commxssxon. at I] o’clock a. m. 114 1.2 m10 111 111 13 57 6 '72 1 15 1 97 l 67 1 31 1 52 1 35 3 03 ‘lo alx’a 14 112 1 09 SB 9_ ) 92 9:2 9:. 93 97 l 1 1 93 221 3 31 1 81 95 91 91 91 91 {)1 91 Total. 1350 1060 10 84 13 83 18 69 13 01 15 18 patented 12 74 not pay t‘d 16 82 patented 4 52 patented 4 82 patented 3 31 patented 3 30 patented 3 31 patented :2 76 patented 1 25 patented 1 25 patented 1 07 patented 1 05 part-Mm! 512 0‘ CD ‘1‘] COO 01 19 1486 18 36 14 21 41 13 520 34- 43 01 18 88 18 88 10 10 112 37 3 30 3 31 :2 76 l 25 1 25 1 07 1 05 pate: pat-e pate pate pate pa! (2 13M:- 13 01 patented 51 67 2 m. 36 47 36 4'7 11 12 44 93 17 53 26 46 61 41 16 39 25 52 39 07 S30 SI 01 51 1:) or NO: Patented. patented patented patented patented patented not pat’d not pat’d not pat’d not pat‘d not pat'd patenbed patented Patented not pat'q patented not pat‘d not pat'd not pat’d not pat'd. not pat’d not pat‘d patented not pat’d not pat‘d not; pzxt‘d not pat'd not pat‘d not put'd patented not pat'd not. put‘d not pat'd not pat-‘d not. pat‘d not put‘d patented patented patentvd not pat‘d patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patent-ed patented not pat'd patented patented ‘ not.pat d not pat‘d patented patented patented not pat’d patented not. pat'd not pat‘d patented patented not pat’d patented patented patented not pat’d not pat’d not pat’d patent-ed patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented patented paten ted patented her, A. D. 1889, will proceed to sell each and every of the above parcels of mm. ,r r» .z. arrears of taxes now due upon them respectively, as above set out, togetlm~ :~ 5 133'" costs (unless said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid), at the Court 114mm ‘ ' 7 file; Town of Lindsay. in the said County of Victoria, at- Eleven o’clock in the {UPI-1n ‘(Jf' Wednesday, the 19th day of February, A. D. 1890. "‘ , TOWN OF LINDSAY. Whereas by virtue of 3. Warrant issued h‘: flu- 3;; - Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, and authenticated in”: in. ' of the sand Town, bearing date the 9th day of November, 1851), and 1., L commanding me to levy upon the following lots or parcels of land. for t L. taxes due thereon and costs. I herebv give notice that unless the mi‘i ::;:.. - . are sooner paid, I shall, on \Vednesday, the 19th day of I-bbruary, Mm :;~ " One o'clock in the afternoon at the Court House in the Town of Llltrfw. ., ; 3 sell by Public Auction the ' lands, er as much thereof as may be snuff-1:» such arrears of taxes and all lawful incurred. TOWN OF L W Caroline 14 Park Q, E W R R Track “ A 1 E R R Track N King N King 8 King _E St David Park K 1 E R R TPack N Queen Block G G E Georgian E Huron 9 N Kent E 8: W St David 18 E Mill 8 5 Melbourne E 10 COUNTY TREASURER’S OFFICE, LINDSAY, 12th November, 1889. N Russell E S Russell E E Water do Park C W Dale Park P 1 Sub-Div. Parks 8 8: 9 White Lead, Oil and Turpentine, Peerless Bee 1 i :51- chine Oi1,Grla,ss, Putty, Whiting, and V arnis -:s, Cultery, WM. FOLEY, S. KENT St; Cut Wrought Finishing Naiis, Axes, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Horse Pokes, Churns, Chains, Scythes, Snaths, Rakes and -Ha.ndles, Tarboard, Dryboard and Felt Building Paper. PAINTS. Paris Green Pure and Warranted, Goods 301:"- :3 Cheap as any other place in town. McDonald’s Block. WM. FDLE? Treasurer’ 3 Sale of La: LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEAI ALL KINDS OF PRINTING AT CITY PIC/1755. WATGHMAN, 50 CENTS PER. ANNUM. ‘6 H {C ‘6 H All the undermentioned lots are Patented. FirSt published in THE LINDSAY VVATCHMAN, 14th November, 18:31:. â€" WILL? All kinds of Plain and Eancy Job Printing promptly attended MAGISTRATES BLANKS, (350. l‘ 5‘ Mary “7 W’olfe Street. II ‘6 WA fCH/W/IXV ‘6 . Pmm‘mg Ofiw, 10 10 11 l4 H ~l Na ‘M STREE FOR TAXES IN THE Npt J OS. COOPER, 217-1111!) 61 ft- 51 ft 21R 14!; ft; Acres. 16 ft 48ft 212.41). 1046 _:_ -_,__ .K G .4.â€" I NBS I 1T, LINDSAY THOMAS MATCHETT. FRI: D KNOWLSON, Am. rising and Commlssion 17 19 1054 39 13 13 19 II 61 16 39 16 68 14 96 11 5) 18 12 3ounty Tl‘casur ('0 £333 To wn Treas u re z‘ 12] 114 l 37 I 10 2 16 119 118 118 12-1 101 113 24 10 10 21 Proprietor Sumo; @3053 1 68 Suntan JI I hm Iating 1 the In: session decisim in Aug” bounda Ettlin: the we: the aw: people a. feelit reache tracterf Domiu claime tely se The ment 0} usual a speech Mr. bp five 1 It is meet y the im] you as ' Provin‘ I re Domi intcre bility the t‘ throu‘ prox: in in dis; subjec that t] ooncm our di fund. taken the u still i clima of th were the y with and 0 that 1 those! been howe 0m ; l‘olds‘ tarit) and I that whicl 61:03: the I: min i bran: evim gent of a true“ pap] 1 ac tions quiri in a1 not c the i $1011 schq eru the for estal the < the: and tie v6 capn f( 3r It i‘

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