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Watchman (1888), 27 Feb 1890, p. 8

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7“The death of Susannah Elizabeth, be- loved wife of Mr. Robert Dobson. B. A.. Principal of Picton High school, which occurred last Monday morning, has caused a feeling of sadness to pervade the whole community. Mrs. Dobson had been seri. ously ill for about three weeks, during which time all that medical: skill could do or loving hearts suggest was done, and when every symptom indicated aspeedy recoveryâ€"at the time when the whole household was rejoicing in the glad pros- ctâ€"death came suddenly. plunging the amily into the greatest grief they had ever known. Being of a retiring disposi- tion, Mrs. Dobson‘s circle of friends was naturally circumscribed, but in that circle she was held in the very highest esteem, she was beloved by all for her grand christian character. Out of respect to her memory, the high school remained closed until after the funeral, and the teachers exhibited their affection and sorrow by providing a floral§otferings of great beauty and rare excellence. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon. the re- mains being conveyed to the first methodist church, where ashort service was held, in which the Revs. Dr. Griffith, Joseph Young. “7. Coulthard and J. A. Jewell, took part. The attendance was very large, and the music by the choir singularly impressive. The remarks of Dr. Griffith were exceedingly appropriate. After the service the remains were conveyed to the Glenwood Cemetery vault and there de- Rev. H. J. Hamilton B. A., Mr. Dean of “‘yclifi‘e college, Mr. Chuppell Missionary from Japan, Mr. G. E. Skey B. A., N. W. Hoyles Q._C. of .T_oronto, 31.11:! the The news of the death of Mrs. Dobson, wife of R. L. Dobson Esq. B. A., Principal of Picton Hizh School, and formerly of Lindsay High school. will be read with muchjregret by? large circle of friends in this district. or eight years Mr. and Mrs. Debson were citizens of Lindsay, and were highly esteemed by a large circle. The death of Mrs. Dobson will be much regretted, and the deepest sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. The Picton Gazette has the ifqllowmghotice :_â€" Rev. Sebtimus Jones of Toronto. The at- tendance at the difl'erent sessions of the conference was large, and the results of the conference from every standpoint. were exceedingly gratifying. many valuable ideas were elicited in con- sequence- The gentlemen who contribut- ed papers or addresses on Monday were Rev. E. Daniel B. A. of Port Hope, Rev. A. Carswell B. A of Cannington, Rev. F. J. Lynch of Sunderland, Rev. R. W. Greene of Orillia, Rev. Rural Dean Allen of Millbrook, and Mr. J. D. Macmurchy cf Lindsay. Adam Hudspeth Esq. M. P. delivered a. kind and appropriate address of welcome, at the opening of the after- noon session on Monday. The procedings on Tuesday were throughout exceedingly interesting, the discussions being very spirited and profitable. The gentlemen who lead off in these discussxons were, Rev. W. C. Allen B. A. of Millbrook, Missionary Conference. The missionary services held in St. Paul’s school room on Monday and Tues- day of this week were lrrgely attended, and extremely interesting. On Sunday the Rev. G. M. Wrong B. A. of Wyclifi'e College, Toronto, preached eloquent ser- mons on Missions to large audiences at both morning and evening service. The order of proceedings on both Monday and Tuesday consisted of morning, afternoon, and evening sessions, papers being read and addresses given upon the various phasesofimissionary work, followed by dis- cussion thereon The latter was well sus- tained throughout the convention. and sited. The greatest ossible sympathy or the family is evinced) on all hands, and the united wish of the sci-rowing relatives and friends is that the Almighty arm will sustain and comfort them in the hour of their greatest need.” W e are pleased to notice that Mr. John Hore has again taken up his residence in Lindsay. We cannot spare such citizens as Mr. Hore, even to Petcrboro’. Stern, the ringleader of an internatitm- a! gang of thleves, has been arrested in Hungary. “'e reg'et to say that Mr. Harstone, Principa lof the Collegiate Institute has, had a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs but 18 recovering, and will soon be a.) ound again. Rev. Mr. Roberts of Uxbridge, occupi- ed the pulpit in the Cambridge street Methodist church on Sunday last, and preached two excellent sermons. The conections were for the educational fund. Three handsome prizes will be awarded at. the Skating Club Carnival to-morrow (Friday) evening. There will be three races, boys’ barrel race, boys’ and mens’ straightaway race. Some good skating may be expected. Mr. Jewel] of Woodvill'e paid Lindsay a. visit this week on business. Mr. Jewell reports matters active in the northern burgh. The municipal council of Paris has vot- ed by 33 to 13 against clemency towards the Duke of Orleans. Dr. W'illiams preached the Anniversary Missionary sermons in Uxbridge last Sun- “’e are plwsed to see Rev. B. Johnston, of St. Andrew’s church, on our streets again after his late attack of la gnppe. The Ritualistic trouble in the Church of Ascension at Hamilton seems to be as far from settlement as ever. The American donations to the Land League in Ireland receu‘ed during the last fortnight sum up $50,000. On Sunday evening next in Cambridge Street Methodist Church, Rev. Dr. VVil- liams, will deliver the first of a series of lectures on the “ Apostles Creed. ” Mr. Hudspeth was home from Ottawa on Monday and Tuesday of this week. - A barrel of powder exploded on Mon- day at Cienau, Cuba, destroying a. house and injuflng 30 watknan, seven severely. Carnival Prizes. Church Notes. Obituary. Personal. Mr. J. A. Ellis has commenced to cut ice with his icdplow, for shipment. He proposes to load it by a. small engine that was used for loading ties on the main line, and he says he can load from twelve tn fifteen cars a day. and can ship all he has a. mind to. Good for nut Johnny. His en- terprise deserves to be commended. Mr. Joseph McFarland’s store was en- tered on 'Triday night or Saturday morn- ing by some person not yet found out, who secured a boodle of $150.00. The money did not belong to Mr. McFarland but was money left in his charge by some rate-payers of the township of Fenelon for their taxes for the collector, no other money was touched alth( ugh their war: some loose bills and siIVer in the till. The goods in the shop were not disturbed the tax money being the object of the burglar. Mr J; D. Smith of Port Hope, and Captain Carter agent of the Rathburn Company, met with a ratherLbad shaking up on Thursday morning. It appears that Mr. Smith was showing Mr. Carter over the machinery of the red mill, and when crossing over the floor the plank on which they crossed gave way precipitating them both into a hole 12 feet deep. Mr. Smith fell on his back hurting his arm and side, and Capt. Carter who was the worst hurt. had to have Dr. Wilson to dress an ugly cut on the upper part of his forehead. It is reported that King Charles of Wurtemberg, who will be 67 on the 6th of March next, is dying. He ascended the throne in 1864. Wm. Ingram. clerk m \V. E. Ellis’ drug store, was fined $20. 00 and costs for selling strychnine to John} Wallace wheleby he pmsoned himself as reported in last weeks WATCHMAX. Mr Dickson was the presid- ing justice of the Peace: A Belgian senator proposes that at the Berlin labor conference a motion should be made recommending a. general dis- armament by the nations of Europe. Dr. J. T. Blackburn and Dr. W. E. Grant, prominent physicians of Louis- ville. Ky., were the other night captured, along with two negmes, in the act of robbing graves at New Albany cemetery. Toronto Markets. Toronto, Feb. 26th. Flourâ€"Was again very dull to-day. The trade look for a more active market in the course of the next; two or three Weeks. We axe glad to sac that some of our farmers are taking a great interest in securing a stock of well bred cattle. Mr. \V. Nichols has lately bought two thorough-breds. one a few weeks and the other a few days old, which cost him about seventy dullm's. The annual oyster supper and concert of L. O. L. 541 will take place on the 7th of March: The committee will, no doubt, endeavor to make this the best of the season. Mr. Chalmers has nearly all his wood hauled. As John Moore, son of ‘Mr. James Moore of Ops, was coming from Graham’s church on‘Sunday 16th inst., his horse be- came suddenly frightened and made a plunge forward ; Mr. Moore pulled his horse up quickly and in so doing broke a snap off cne of the hold back straps. The horse was more frightened than ever, and Mr. Moore unable to hold the frightened animal, it ran with all the speed of a race horse for about sixty rods. Mr. Moore seeing that it was useless to try to stop his horse pulled him into the fence, for- tunately by some means or other the horse was let free from the buggy, and ran home. Mr. Moore was thrown from the bugrry but luckily was not hurt. How- ex er no t damage w as done to the buggy and Mr. Moore wended his way home drawing the uninjured buggy after him. Mr. G. Martin has a large number of poles out. and expects to complete the 1099 if_thg 599w: hglds out ailittile longer. Mr. J. J. Nichols is in the bush aifter log_s my} telggraph poles. Brisbin's hbuée it the quarry was en- tered lately, and several ariicles stolen. Special to the WATCHMAx. There are a few light-fingered parties around here. Parties having fowl will do well to see that their hen-houses are secured at night. Mr. B. Janes had four- teen hens stolen. “Resolved, That 'the thanks of this meeting be tendered to Mr. Barron, our representative, for his judicious and in- dependent: course on the McCarthy bill, and we further assure Mr. Barron that the sentiments of his able address are in harmony with the opinions of a vast majority of his constituents.” Special to the W'ATCHMAN. Special to the \VATCHMAX. WOODVILLE, Feb. 23.-â€"At a meeting of the constituents of Mr. J. A. Barron, M, P., of both political parties, held here to discuss the Dual Language question, Mr. J. Gunn presiding, the following resolu- tion, moved by Mr. Gregor Campbell and seconded by Mr. A. Campbell, was un- animously passed :â€" The tea. and concert given here were very successful. A splendid programme of music, dialogues, c. was presented. Rev. Mr. McKinnon, Mr. Martin and Sam Hughes delivered short but pithy ad- dresses. The prozeeds were $29.45. A good Templar Society has been or- ganized here which holds weekly meetings in Reid’s hall. We are unable to procure for publication the list of officers. Special to the Wn'cmux Special to the WATCHMAN Bran~Continues very scarce and firm. FENELON FALLS. BURN r RIVER. WOOD‘.’ILLE. LORNEVILLE. WEST OPS. THE VVATCHMAN. 1 r3. bcwrc .60."...5. 0.. -‘ real-1y opposite Congas MR. NEELANDS uses Ball's Local Anaesthetic f0: extracting teeth. He is now using a new style of forcep, which he had expressly manufactured while on his last visit to New York, which removes the teeth without danger of injury to the gums or jaw, the gums healing up beautifully in a few days, and no consequent trouble. Artificial teeth inserted on all the pogular bases and by the most approved styles and appliances for their retention and comfort. Numbers of persons are wearing teeth made by Mr. Neelands over 20 years and never required repairs. Prices from $10 to $65 for an upper or under set. Gas, Vitalized Air, administered for nearly 23 years, extracting teeth for thousands of persons wtthouta particle ofpain. He uses the latest approved appli- ances for administering the Gas. He studied under Dr. Colton, of New York, the inventor of gas for ex- tracting teeth, who has given it to over 260 ,000 per- sons and not a. fatal case. 6-2. TOWN OF LINDSAY, at ELEVEN o’clock in the forenoon un- less the said arrears of taxes due thereon. together with all expenses, shall be sooner paid. By the aid of the new Hydro-Carbon Gas Furnace he am make indestructible porcelain fillings and re- store broken and decayed teeth to their original shape, contour and color. By this process 016 roots can have porcelain crowns attached ; consequently THERE 15 so PLATE REQUIRED. WEDNESDAY, 5th March 1890, Now, therefore notice is hereby given, that unless otherwise directed by the local municipalties interested, I shall proceed to sell the said lands as above mentioned, at the Dated this the 19th day of February, 1890. LINDSAY MARKETS. OFFICE or THE LINDSAY WATCHMAN. LINDSAY, ONT... Feb. 27th, 1890 ' Fall Wheat per bushel, old. $0 75 to 0 75 Fyfe do do ............... 0 00 to O 00 Spring do, new 80. . . . old 0 75 to 0 75 Goose do do ........... 55 to O 7 O Flour, new process ........ 2 15 to 2 35 Flour, mixed, roll ......... 2 30 to 2 50 Strong bakers ............. 2 40 to 2 60 Barley, per bushel ......... I 35 to O 45 Peas, do .......... 0 50 to O 00 Peas, large do .......... O 60 to O 65 Cats, do .......... 0 22 to 0 25 Potatoes per bushel ........ 0 25 to O 30 Apples, per bag ........... 0 80 to 1 00 Butter per lb ............. 0 14 to 0 15 Beef ..................... 0 O5 to O 07 Eggs, per dozen ........... 0 £2 to 0 13 Salt, per barrel ............ 0 00 to 1 60 Straw, per load ............ 3 00 to 6 00 \Vool .................... 0 18 to 0 20 Hides .................... 0 00 to 0 03 GBose" do do ........... 55 to o 70 Flour, new process ........ 2 15 to 2 35 Flour, mixed, roll ......... 2 30 to 2 50 Strong bakers ............. 2 40 to 2 60 Barley, per bushel ......... I 35 to 0 45 Peas, do .......... 0 50 to 0 00 Peas, large do .......... O 60 to O 65 Oats, do .......... 0 22 to O 25 Potatoes per bushel ........ 0 25 to 0 3O Agsples, per bag ........... 0 80 to 1 00 Butter per Tb ............. 0 14 to 0 15 Beef ..................... O 05 to O 07 Eggs, per dozen ........... 0 3.2 to O 13 Salt, per barrel ............ O 00 to 1 60 Straw, per load ............ 3 00 to 6 00 \Vool .................... O 18 to O 20 Hides .................... O 00 to 0 03 \Vood .................... 2 00 to 4 50 Bacon ...... perlb........ 008§t0010 Mess Pork, per bb]. . . . . 0 00 to 17 50 Hay. per ton ............ 6 00 to 8 00 do extra Prime ........ 0 00 to 00 00 Shorts per ton ............ 15 00 to 17 00 Lambskins ............... 0 50 to 0 60 Slicepskins. pelts ......... 0 50 to 0 60 Live Hogs, “ “ “... 0001:0500 Flax seed per 100 ......... I 2 50 to 2 75 Dressed Hogs, per 1001b. 0 00 to 6 00 Rye ..................... O 00 to 0 40 Bran per ton ............. 12 00 to 14 00 Mixed Chop . . . ........ 0 70 to O 80 Curl: Clmp. ‘ ........... a 1 10 to 1 ‘20 Oat Chop ............... 0 90 to l 00 Pea Chop ................ 1 10 to 1 2C Screenings ................ 65 to 7 5 It is hard to get any. To-day $13 on track was bid for a car. WHEREAS at the sale of Lands for arrears of taxes held at the Court House in the town of Lindsay, on the 19th day of February inst, I the undersigned Treas- urer of the County of Victoria, failed to sell anumber of parcels of land for the full amount of taxes due thereon, and whereas I did at such sale give notice that I would at an adjourned sale to be held on Wednesday, 5th day of March, 1890, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, sell such lands for such sums as I could realize, and would accept such sums as full payment of said arrears of taxes. ADJOURNEBSALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES Oatsâ€"In good demand at firm pfices. Mixed sold on track at 29c and white at 30c. A bid of 260 was made for white on the G. T. R. wesr. Oatmealâ€"Millers are asking in car lots at points west of Stratford $3.20 for stand- ard, $3. 35 for granulated and $3.40 for Wheatâ€"White was more active to-day, with a number of sales at 800 and a few at 7 9c outside. Red was dull. Spring ofi‘er- ed freely and prices easy at 78 to 79c on the Midland. Manitoba dull at $1.03 to $1.04 for No. 1 hard. Barleyâ€"Was week. Deliveries keep up pretty well on the Grand Trunk west of here, but at other points there is very little coming out. No sales reported to- day. A lot of No. 2 offered at 450 Toronto freights, but nothing was bid. Peasâ€"Steady at the decline. There were sales at 54c north and west points, and 56c in the east. COUJVTY 0F VICTOR/A rolied. Persons from a distance will p!easc send“; . NEELANDS, do .......... )er bushel.. . . . . . . er bag.........u IOU-OOOOOOIIOU .- dozen........... >arre1............ rload............ R'I' HOUSE, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1890. T. MATCHETT, County Treasurer. M. R. O. D. 8., ONT. DENTIST, Lindsay. B. F. JEWETT, Collector Lindsay, Dec. 18, 1889. AND Save the Ex- pense of En- forcing them. Agent C. P. R., Lindsay. Office in Petty’s Jewelry Store, Kent Street. Lindsay, Feb. 6th, 1890â€"4 TAXES! Secure Cars and Tickets from the Company’s Agent. FREE BOLONIST SLEEPERS. D- as Ag cut for Mr. Wetherup, I wish to inform the public that I have :urchased the Sewing Machine business om him, and will' in future carry it on onr my own account. The reputation of the New Wil- liams, places it one of the to All Points in Manitoba, the North West and Britishj Columbia. SEWING MACHINES. THE NEW WILLIAMS in the market, and is guaranteed for five years. FIRST EXCURSION. â€"â€" Tues- day, February 25th, 1890, and EVERY TUESDAY there- FOREMOST MA CleVES I shall have my office 'in the boot and shoe store of Mr. L. Maguire, Hamilton‘s block, Lindsay, where I shall be glafl to meet my customers and friends, and where the machines may be seen working. ' I shall continue to canvas {through the country as usual. Lindsay, Feb. 26th, 1890. NORTH WEST EXCURSIONS. London Assurance Corporation HE FOLLO WING FIRST-CLASS Companies represented :- HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. TOTAL ASSETTS, - 3750.000 NET SURPLUS, - - 105,000 SPECIALLY FAVORABLE TERMS TO FARMERS. The oldest Company organized in America. TOTAL ASSETS, - 86,142,454 NET SURPLUS, - - 2,456,078 MONEY LOANEI ON THE MOST FAV- BRABLE TERMS. S. CORN EIL, THE oums‘r COMPANY IN IN AMERICA I720-YE OLD LONDON AS- SURANCE OORPOMTION, still on deck, and more lively than ever sTHE MAL cpuAIIAN, PAY YOUR Settlers’ Trains l794â€"YE OLD HARTFORD. ASSETS, SURPLUS, LONDON, ENG- STILL LEADS THE WAY ! after during March and April, FTER having serLed _for five_ yeggs 41 E CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL- WAY WILL RUN T. 0. MATCHETT, JOHN MALLET’I‘. 'T‘TT'FT'! “01¢..â€" 317,168,056 529,483 THE BUSINESS Agent. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIAL- TY. Agent for all kinds of Ma nuva'J. Giwmeawil. ,5 .. a.) (5.1.. The London Guaranty: 11nd Accident In surance Company of Len 1:3. England Capital $1,250,000. Liberal pmicyâ€"Bonus every five years, $5 per annum secures 35 weekly compensation, and $1000 in the event of death by accxdent. J mm D. MACMURCHY. General Agent, Llndsay. G- B O C E B , Blacksmith and General J obben BURNT RIVER, Ont. BRAGEBRIDGE, - - - ONT Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Company. All supplies kept on hand. Risks on Farm Buildings and Stock. AGENT FOR Glasgow London Insurance Co. we can sell goods When WE HAVE NO RENT TO PAY. 15th Feb, ’90. We will ShOW you how CHEAP Come and see us in our NEW PREMISEg. Mark Graham p‘ff patronage. We have the Nicest Assortment, the Newest and Freshest Goods in the market, and having bought for CASE-I1 we oan _ give you the Opposite the Market House. and extend an invitation to every person 1n the Town and County to glve us a call We are prepared to do business in a business way, and hope to be favored with a ___sh_are of your :1 lowest priEes. All orders will be carefully filled, and perfect satisfaction guaran- teed. Q Goods delivered promptly. OUR OPENING DAY. Will open their .neW Grocery and Prov131on Store, Family Grocers, Cor. Kent William Sts., Lindsay. Cor. of Kent William Sts NEW DRY ll 8?,“ Lindsay, Nov. 7th, 1889â€"41 OFFICE :â€"New Grand T rank Store- house, Lindsay. ' EDWARD WOOD, (In the Store formerlfi occ;1pied by McCrimmon ros. LEx MACDONELL. GRAIN DEALER, A. TOWER. Accident Insurance. MARK : GRAHAHf, R. SMYTH SON fl! ”9)"! l or THE nonunion, Ind specxgi arrangements are being mad? to add new and abcrac tive feat'nos Whid‘ will may increase its interest and V81“ We will give the Empire and \‘E ATCH 0' KHAN for the balance of the _\-...z. “4.1 t J musty, 1891, for {51.30. ‘unu all.“ -';1.UJ VJ 'JL 4-,4 THE GREAT WEEKLY PAPER PATRIOTIC IN TON E. Sporting Goods and Ammuni:ion 2J- ways in stock. Repairing promp‘JY at‘ tended to. 39-5m GUNSMITH AND GENERAL MACE}! l890 SESEiTJEE I890 WEEKLY EMFERE G. R. SIMMONS. Canada’s Leading Newspaper. Bracebridge, - - - Ont. TRUE TO CANADA. TRUE TO THE :3"? THE EMPIRE IS NOW 15% Feb, ’90 X IST.

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