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Watchman (1888), 2 Feb 1893, p. 6

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1M LI MBERINH. â€"Thc Burk Bros of Lind- say are takin" nut a large quanti. y of timbernu )Ir.hich.MilIa1 s farm. They draw the lugs tn the rixer bank, and will haxe a fnrmidablo lm-xinu drive in the Spl HIL’. _- ms 9 ' .Lf- JEA Paxsox flux-«3118. Mary Hourrhton youngest daughter of Mr. Richard Hough tun has' oeen danocrnusly ill. but we are glad to hearof her speedy recovery ..... Mrs Wm. Hickson of this place has returned home after a visit to her brother, Mr. Be-acuck of Brockville. Tm: CHEESE F v'romuâ€"Aestated in last week‘s h’mnu’rsg Mr. McCermick is making an e-fl‘nrt m establish a. cheese factory in ()memee. He is nnw at Camp- bellfm-d. with tie biggest of securis.» g same person from that wail-known cheese- prudueinz district to come here and address r. meeting of farmers and others interested in the matter, The farmers will show a. great lack of wisdom and enterprise if they fail to give. Mr. Md‘nr- mick every encnuragement to establish this industry. frvm which they could unduuhtediy derive great advantage. and which has been found to pay its patr'me a quad profit almost everywhere it has been introduced. The date of the meet- in;' will be announced later on. ~ Hons-as KILLED. â€"Mr. Thomas Wilson met with a sad misfortune in the loss of a. team of horses by being killed by the train on Thursday evening. Accmmsfi. â€" While returning from skating on ‘Tseeday evening Mas‘erJuhn- nie Gillman met with a serious accident. During the past summer the little fellow had the misfortune to have his arm fear- fully mutilated at the waning factory, and had it amputated just above the elbow. In gectmg over a fence on Tues- day evening keg-it her slipped or was shor- ed over and fell upon the-maimed arm. The bone was "fi’l'Cfid through the flesh and he is now safer-mg severe pain. It is thought that the present wnund will be enuailv as serious as the former one.â€" Io 1-: 1‘1ARV‘ 1551‘.- The farmers in this dis- f ict are busily engaged storing their Ice T =e be 1ehts will be felt during the hot summei mnmhs. So 110111.\I\rr11:~()urtrusteesaretnbe Cfl'iL'rLtllinted on securing the sen’ices of Miss Hannahne of Lindsay as teacher far 1‘93. There is :1 cnnsrantly increasing attendance, shuwiug that her efforts are being: fullv appreciated by both the rate- payers :um pupils. -- . .\ .n .. Y.I’.S.C.E.~â€"The young peOple have formed a very flourishing society of Christian Endeavor in their midst and would be pleased to see all the young pwple in attendance. The society was favnred with an elaborate address last Friday morning from the Rev. Mr. Hill. ed over and fan upon the The bane was «forced thrc and he is now safe-mug se is thought that the present equafly as Przksnxuiwlniss Nettie Proudfnot nf Whitby is at present the guest of Mr. R. MiHar. erecting a new brick house next summer. It will ..r.n doubt be a gnud dwelling. PERsCNAIs. «Mr. -\V. J. Blaylook ".has somewhat rchVereeZ from his recent severe illness. . ..Mr. Rubt. Sugent. of Bethany \is visiting friends m this part A Bl:0.\i‘.â€"â€"~A number fmm this vicinity attended Ehe oyster supper mcl entertain- ment at :Eanetville on the evening of the 23rd. locA‘L usws- LETTERS- Sen-Len Dowxâ€"J‘Ve are pleased to see Mr. Robert Johnston and his pretty bride home again after their extended trip.. Sev. 1an carpets is the order of the (lay in the. new house In the Village. .\ 'l’mrzu' err.--To be successful in “low; and war.” it would not be out of place to inform one of our young men, that there is nothing helps on to victory like it good steed and a. fine turn-out. The snow is too deep for Pleasure walking. sg-ecial to Tax-z Wang-nus. REMOVALâ€"Mr. Benjamin Robefls, our wen known and popular blacksmith, has decided to rem-me to Ida. Gavan.’ where he will go into business on his own ac- count. Ben is alfirst-class \xorkman, ob- lizing and well liked, and we miss. him Irosperity. Speciaiio the \VATL'H-‘JAN. A'r..Ho.\m.â€"â€"Mm John Grey has; just returned home from a. protra -'.-isit to friends in Petefiburu. NEW Horst-:.â€"~hir. Corneil intends Special :0 Tux-1 \VATCHMA'S. TEMPER.\.\'<:I~2.â€"At the regular meeting of the I.().G.'I‘. the folk-wing officers were elected for the ensuing quarter-01; Bliss Hattie: Partyson; V.'l'., Miss Mary Willock; Chan, Mr. Ed. Thurston; R. 8., Mr. .1. R. Hay; A.R.S.. Miss Annie \‘v'hite; T.. Mr. R. M. Thurston; F.S., Miss. Jennie Thurston; P.C.T., Mr. J. C. Thurston; M.. Mr. A. Thurston; S.J.T., Mrs, How; (1., Ed. Gordon; S... (,2. “him; L.D , Vlr. McFayoen. Weex nwmg to a. severe rnld. But liopc to s n: him around again attending to his duticw h-fnrc many days. PEI:SOS.\L.â€"-l‘1i§s Annie Ingle has been visviring frientls at Dunsfurd fur the past week” ”Mr. McFayden. of Fellplnnz, retumwi from KirkfielduuSaturday when; he was attending the West Vicmriu T.;--.«:h .m’ Assuciatmn, held on the 18th, 19th. 2041 inst....Mr. and Mrs. Genrge Hay, -f )lmmnmin, left fur their hnme on \lenc'sday last exPecting to reach there by Saturday night. News. CHURCH Samaraâ€"As a. precaution againsr the spreading of Diphtheria. the I’reshyterians held no service in their church nn Sunday Xast. SI('KSE\'9.â€"\Ve are sorry to bear that our csx iumble friend Mr. Ed. Wuolard has been cunfined tr his house for the past. weezc uwmg to a severe rnld. But hope l‘f[r( ml to CROSS CREEKS. \VATt'uMA n. MOUNT HOREB- SOUTH OPS PICKERING' DUNSFORD. REABORO. F ‘MEE. returning from WHITBY. Acr'xmsx'r.-l\1r. Wm. Westlake met with a must unfnrtunate and very painful mishap near 3\"s)ndrufl’s hotel on‘VVednes- day afternonu He attemptezl to assist farmer James‘b‘mith of Harmei‘ls Corners, to put on his coat. but the latte: resented it as :m inwlt' and this led tour. sort of Scarixmnage, ending in a fall. Westlake’s leg was bx«'kerx=below the knee and badly bruised fuxt-bexndown. He willi‘be laid up for some time. an...“ :- n «hm nrnn' “C I.) l\ll\} vv ... S S. {‘nxx'izx'rmx. â€"â€"The sixth annual convention of the West Durham .Sabbath School Assvciution will be held in the Methodist church, Bowmannlle, (m \Ved- nesday and Thursday, Feb. 8th and 9th. Very interesting sessinns are expected, one of the chief features being normal class Work by Rev. Mr. McEwan uf Laketield. lion. 5'. H. Blake will deliver an adclress Wednesday evening. Other good speakers are expectm. and as :i '11 1.,_ "4‘ ‘__‘ R. 'l‘ OF 'l‘.~-Uver eighty members of Newcastle R. T. of T. wsited Bowman- rille Temple on Tuesday night, and a happy meeting was the result. The visitors gave a tine programme, including musxc by their efficient brass band. Refreshments were served at the close, and all were merry. IL!..â€"â€"Mr. Frank Brown, formerly of Enniskillcn, who has been employed in a drug store In Kingston for some time, was stricken a short time ago with tyl hnid fever, but he is now able to return to his mother's. looking rather weak but is improving and getting quite smart. Frank has many warm friends wherever he is known. whole fhnse who atte intellectua'ltreat. Sun A NEW Ambx. ~There is a new army in town. Friday night the Christian Workers,a branch of the Salvation‘Army. opened out in the old Congregatinnal churchJongtimeEknown as the”baztmcks.” This new sect is the utfshnot. of the old armv, under Philpctt. and since the. split or strike last summer in Toronto it has been gradually gaining strength until- new old fortresses like Whitby are being assaulted in this manner. The new srlvatinnists are not so noisy as‘the old style or else have not yet ”felt. disposed to launch out with a nightly street parade. The band of the branch in ()shnm were cm hand to help them break the ice here. ‘There :ire two men in chum: of the detachment here.~ (17117)]! 17'1". 3112B. Hancwk has let the cuntmct for buildinn a stnnc “all under his barn and fitting it up fur a stable. Sp... in: :0 '1'?» WM‘ 't:.xv\.\. PIHZSI'ZNTATIUN. â€" On Thursday evening of last week Mr. 1nd Mrs. Iiubt. Rngcrs were the :ucs's nf the Eden church and S. 5. Mr. lingvrs has lvccu a loading member of nur I-hun-h and sum-rimond- ent of Mt S. S. fur mrmy ymrs and is now rcmuxing tn L'hicugu, “here he intends entering Mr. Moody's l‘nble study i‘lsxitutc in nnhx- tn propane him- SUIE fur uvuuuchsnc sonic-es. There “"18 a large turn out hf the-members and friepgls and after rufrvshnmnts had been partake!) of Mr. Rndgvrs was presented with an address (‘xprrssive of the high regard in which he Ix hn-ld by his neigh- hora, and Man “ith 7m vh‘gnnt Wan-h. Mrs. Rogers was :olsn presented with a benu‘iful set nf china. Mr. lingers made a suitable reply. “ " , Q y... ch EN::1.\\|~.~Mr. Jan) and KHz-L I‘relcnven are. making preparatinns fur :1 visit to England. “'0 think they hnth deserve their \wll earned hnliclay and trust they may hum-:1 plvns‘mf \‘uyagc, PJ-iksoxxn. Mrs. \\ illiam Mnyncs and agnnhl’nr nf I;il|dS.‘lV. are ViSiCillfl at BIT. PI; “50.; \I.. 7 Mrs \\ illiam Mny daughter. of Lindsay, are visicinu W. J. Grecmmms Miss Graham. is re: 1011ng our school this year Miss (‘ ampbv ~11 h: uinn 1e ft us to take the \nrluml so.luml Finnâ€"What might. have been a serious fire tOUk place in this village on Saturday last, when an imperfect chimney in Terry's Hotel jeopardised the stone house. Fortunately it was noticed in time and promptly extinguished without any serious harm hning dune. THROI'I‘.“ Tm; IVE.» Cattle belonging to “7. Terry, 19311., and G. Barry. ESq., dropped through the iCc in Gull River on Wednesday last, and had a narrow escape frnm drowning. Two young men of the village got, a complete ducking in the river trying to get the cattle out. A P. M. W.\.\'11~:n.â€"-The cunnty enun- cil of Haliburtun have again petitioned the Untm-w gnvemmcub to appoint a stipendiary m'tgistrate for that county. without any name being recommended for the position. Two years agathey asked to have Mr. Delmnere appointed police magistrate, but the nominee of the coun- cil not wearing the same kind of spectacles as the Hun. Sir ()livcr anat doth, noth ing Was done in the matter. Li'm=i«:i:INn.-â€":Vlr. Gunter of Trenton, representing :he (:ilmrmr 00., was at the Minder: hotel, on Monday last. We understand this old established firm have purchased timber limits north of Mmden, and purpose Operating them next seas m. They also propose building” a tramway in Shei'hnurn to pni‘mgc tlwxr timber across from Puwen lulu) tnmmiect With the, Gull river waters, and SH convey their logs by this mute right tn their mills at. Trenton. ..... Dr. Graham nf Fenelnn Falls came nur by the hiturd 1y evening train and m I.“ stage to hold a. consulmtiun with Dr. Curryn respecting: Mr. Jame. Blair 8 Con- ditinn. The tw«» ducrnrs were driven out frum lune tn Bin rhamptun by MnBruwn’ s eam «returnin . m the village about three at ‘c luck on Sund ny morning when after a I 1'. le DnGmham wasdrixen to Kmmount \\ here he was expecting his own convey- ance to meet him and take him home. It. was :I. lonu cold drive, but the doctor was equal to the occasion. -â€"Echo. A(‘(‘IDENTS.- ~ Mr. Waiter Smith nf An- snn had the misfurtune rn have the top of one finger taken nfl' By a pig last week. EDEN MARiPOS \. BOWMAN’VILLE. W .\ MINDEN. :nd will have am THE WATOHMANjLINDSAY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1893 JANETVILLE. Special to the Watchman. REVIVALâ€"Revwal services, led ’by-the Rev. Mr. Fallis, were enmmenced on \\ cdnesday of last week, in the Janetvilie \lethudist church. The meetings are increasimr in inteiest and much good is expected'fmm them. Tm: LIBRanâ€"The new S. S. Library is still an item of great interest. the people enjoying very much the good interesting reading which it affords. . Passes-ms.“ Mrs. R. J. Fullis is able to be about. again after her severe illness. . . . . Mr. Geo. Sye: is home from Manitoba . . . . Mr. Harry MnCill, of Peterbomugh. spent some days nf last week in these parts. . . .Messrs. Billix gsby, nf Lindsay, and (I. Graham nf Midland, are unesls at Mr. llcmfy :\IldL‘-’£‘SHH'S. . . . Miss Evie Killny. nf 'Cnvem, is visiting at Mr. (l. Syer's. ..... Mr. Dick Malcolmsmi, of Port, HLPC, is the guest of Mr. Harry Anderswn... .Mlss Lytlc, of ()memee, Il\'I'- -- Fm: S'I‘01m.â€"-Mr. Richard Lee. of Mt. Horeb, has «m hand a large supply of furs and buckskin for makmg mits. All orders promptly nrtendml m, and gnod satisfac- tinn guarautvvd nr rm Sale. {(#5st SUPPER. VThe supper held at Janetville, on thu 23rd. was a success there being a good turn (mt frmn Lindsay. Rea- hr‘ro‘and the surn-nndinu ncighburhcud. Much praise is gixcn to Mr. Brown of Lindsay. fur the way he cankvd the oysters. Â¥ _. r, “-01..-“ "r“--- L0s'r.-â€"â€"Twn young men from Reaburo locality were seen wandering abnut the 14th line of Manvers last Sunday cvcn~ ing. Form». ~ An overcoat found early on Monday rimming, is thought to be owned by a Reabm-o person. The owner can have the same by calling at Mt. Hutch store. Part H1130, 18 tm AnderSun. .. .Ml: spent Sunday here. "I ' " ' ’ a Two 0!“ THICM.w-~Pw0 weddings are pected here in the near future. Special to xhe W A'H nmw. FAST Tmmsumu. Last; Saturday, Messrs. Neut. Herbert. Rub. Hickson and Jue Hicksun, thrcashetlil bushels of red clover in 27 minutes. with Herbert and Hicksnn's clover mil]. “3 would like tn hear from smne other fast mills now. KiLLBh.-~-:\ sun uf John “1005011, or Silunm. whu has been Wurking for a man named Major at. \Vhiwvulc, \'.'IS kiiimi Wednesday by a kick from :i horse. Deceased was :1 young man of about 1‘.) years.uâ€"ernml, IXDH’THII. wRev. H. Currie was induct- ed tn the charge «if the Lcaskdalc and Zephyr crmgregntimi at Leaskdaie n11 Wednesday of last week. The l'xbridgc Presbyterian cliuir tnnk part in the services. ()n the same evening a success- ful ten. and nu Frid 1y :1 mcial. was held, BANK Hrt:'1‘.â€"~Lnst week whi‘e John Murray. 3. ynuth about 19 years (if am" was felling trcvs «m :l farm in Scmt he was: struck «m the head by II. failing tree and seriously injured. His memory is doubtful. Tm: Instrâ€"During: the Cold snap the dam at the Sandy Hunk mil‘. was dmnngud to the egtcnt of about 52.3. It has SlHCL‘ been repaired and the mill is again in running order. . CLOSE CALLâ€"All acmdgnt occurred at Special to the \VA'I‘CHMA“. h«;\'i\'.\l..â€"~Special services have been held in the new church for the past three weeks. Several of those that attended have expressed their intention (f living Christian lives. may they with many others receive much good from those meetings. for those that conducted the meetings did all the) could to give Words of cheer and encouragement in the better way. ()l:l'[‘l'.\1:\’.--()n the 24th inst. death claimed the youngest child of Mr. M. J. Marshall. The Child was a bright littleboy who enjoyed good health until ‘I. few weeks ago a bad cold which combined with some other diseases was the cause of his death. Mr. Marshall hes the sympathy of the whole comunity, in his renewed trouble. as it is only twelve months since he lost his wife. ()YS'I‘EI: S1'PPEI:.â€"~â€"()ur esteemed neigh- bnr, D. S. Wi‘lnck, gave smne of the yuung people an Oyster supper and dance, on the evening of the 23rd inst. .‘Ir. \Villnck with his fmmly intends m'n'ing tr: Manitoba. in the spring. Mr. Jnlm Fell having bought his farm. Mr. Fell will he welcumed to this lucnlity, but we regret lensing 5') fine a citizen as Mr. Willock. but wish him success on the prairie. R-T Scott, clerk 0f the Lindsay Presbytery. At: the time of “ritmg grave fears are entertained of the rev. gentlemeu’s recov- “SERIOUSLX ILL.-\\'e regret to have to chronicie the serious illness of_the Rm . J Special to the \VA'I‘L‘HMAN. ' LOST AND Fm'Nn.â€"â€"Mr. S. G. Wright, while going hnme the other evening happened tn jerk out his watch and break- ing the chain, the watch flew into the snowbank. He recovered it the next morning, not. mucn me wurse. uuum W more careful’ S «m. A¢"(.‘IIIENT.â€"0n Tuewday of last week while Messrs. Crcnii and Bert Lapp and Will James were cutting wnud in Mr. Cndy’s bush, Bert L'l1)}) warned the nthers that he was gning to fall a tree. Mr. James took the saw they were using in his hand and Walked alum: tn the end nf the log they were sawing and Mr. Lap” slipped off the log. The falling‘ tree shur hack nfi' the stump and struck the lug on which Mr. James was standing thruw- ing him abuut fifteen feet in the air. He fell with considerable force. and fills“ caught his arm on the saw teeth inflicting a painfulwonnd all across his wrist. The ,,J'1\ll'_ ,,_A_ 10;: when it flew up just grazed Mr. Lapp's faceâ€"had it struck him he would certainly have been killed. Lh.-~:\ sun uf Juhu (ilccsnn, of who has been making for a man Major an Whiwvulu, was kiilcd day by a kick from a horse. (1 was :1 young mun of about 1‘.) NORTH MANVERS. POWLES CORNER. not much the wurse. Better be UXBRIDGE. CAMBRAY the cold 511:111 the :111111 11' as dmnagt d 4'" It has smce 111111 is again in C.\N(!BK.â€"-â€"Y0ur readers will he surpris- ed and grieved to learn that Miss Mary, the eldest daughter of Ruhr. 0xhy. Esq" is at present lying in St. .Iulm‘s hospital, Toronto, ~havmg undergone a surgical operation for the removal of a cancer in the side. She came through the operation safely but is in a. very weak condition. Her father has been with her, and hopes she will soon be .3 ble to return home“ r?) ecial to 'l‘m-z \V/L'H'HMAN ery. We hope this may not prove to be from Manitoba, an a. visit to her Cambrny frlends who were highly pleased t0 greet her once more. mus read claiming payment on behalf of the Municipality of Thumb of the sum of 374,99, alleged to have hven expended by Thorah on roads on the boundary line in excess of the amount expended by I‘lhlnn on the said bcundary line. The clerk was directed to correspond with the clerk of Thorah for further information respect- ing the matter and to report to this Coun- oil at its next meeting. 0n nntion of Mr. McMillan. seconded by Mr. Mel’her- son, Arch. McFarlane was appointed auditor. The reeve nominated Adam 1‘}. Staback auditor. A by-law was duly passed confirming the appointment of Messrs. McFarlane and Staback as auditors. Several applications for the otlice of assessor were before the council. On motion of Mr. McDonald, scoonded by Mr. McMillan, Arch. il. Campbell was appointed assessor at the salary of $64. (in motion of Mr. McDonald. seconded l‘y Mr. )lcl’herson. Messrs. Alex. Munro. .l, W. I’olliott and A. ll. Campbell were appoit.ted 'tl( m: with the reeve and clerk the bond of health fox the year 1393. On motion of Mr. \\ Us?- l'tke, seconded by Mr. McMillan Dr. John Grant “as appointed tnediCal health ollicer of the municipality for the year 1893. On motion of Mr. McDonald. seconded by Mr. McPherson, .I. .~\. Jack- on, A. 1). Campbell, E, Mosgrore and Iames McHirr, Dy.-retnrning otlieers at municipal elections were directed to be paid $7.01) each, and ll. .l. Best $3.00 for distributing ballot boxes. On motion of Mr. McDonald. seconded by Mr. MC- l’herSon the following amounts were passed and ordered to be paid: Hart Co.. Municipal blank forms, $33.20: .los. Cooper, balance of contract. for printing $12 ()0: McSweyn A“ Anderson, Solicitor’s ‘fees SSNO. ()n motion of Mr. \lclbmald. seconded by Mr. \Vestlalte the following charity grants \\ ere made: “For Mr. and Mrs. Barton, $10.00 each to be expended by the recvc; for Wm. Bryan, $5.00 to be expended by Mr. \V. McKee. Mr. McMillan moved. seconded by Mr. West- lake that, the license fee on taverns in this municipality be increased to $110 each. The motion on being put to the council was by the reeve declired lost. On motion of Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. McDonald, the council adjourned ' to meet again at Campbell‘s Hotel. Kirk- field, on the 8th day of March next. . l the case. 'l‘owxxnu' GorxelL. ’l‘he munée eipal council of the Township of Eldon for the year 1893 15 composed of the following memberszâ€"JReewe, Dr. J. W. Wood; Dy reeve, Neill McMillan; Councillors, Messrs. C. V. McDonald, John McPher- son and John Westlake. The first meet- ing «if the new council was held at Reid's Hull, Lorneville, on the llith inst. A fter the sexer-tl nmnzbms had made and subscribed to their dwlaration of office and qualification the .reeve took the chair and opened business by directing the min-ates of the lust meeun: of council t1. be read. On motion the 111i11utes were approved and adopted- A communica- tion from the road eonnnissiuner «If 'lhomh township was lead chimingI com pensation for services rendered on bounâ€" dary line between J‘ ‘don and 'lhnruh. The council declined to all-.11: the claim. A communication from the clerk of Thumb W 31.00311; VISITMLâ€"We are pleased to repurt the return of Mrs. James Muflar, W CASH paid at the Storehouse. Lindy!) , Sept. 18th. 1890\+36-tf. Your watch needs cleaning and oiling once ev-e1y eighteen months, ify ou would preserve its time- keep- ing qualities. (onsider: In that time the balance wheel turns on its delicate axis 13,996,800900 times ; it does not "rest" at night, like ordinary machines, but keeps at its work unceasingly. You oil an engine, or a sewing-machine, or any other mechanical contrivance, daily or weekly ; but that delicate instrument of precision--â€"your watchâ€"is allowed to go uncared for until it is clogged with dirt and stops. The best of oil becomes thick and dirty in time; in this condition it wears the pivots, and destroys that exactness of their fit in the jewel holes which is neces- sary to a correct performance: .Let Wheat, Peas, Barley, Oats, Red and Alsike Glover and Potatoes TO FARMERS McDonnell Cowdry me'look at you1â€"\\ atchâ€"I will give you a comcicntious opinion as to whether it needs attention. Dirt I Are now prepared to buy at the new G. T. R. Storehouse, Lindsay r F. MCCARTY, COMPETENT WATCH REPAIRE: -â€"77 KENT STRERT_ ELDON. Young. Ifiidee-aged or old men suffering tram the \eflects of follies and excesses, restored to perfect health, manhood and vigor, LDLD DR. GORDUN’S REMEDY FOR MEN CREATES New Nerve Force and Powerful Manhood. :cures Lost Power, Nervous Debility. Night Losses, :Diseases caysed by Apuse, Over Work. Indiscretion. Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants. Lack of Energy, Lest Memory. Headache, Wakefulness, Gleet and Ve- CROWN and BRIDGE WORK, PORCELAIN FILLING SYSTEM successfulh practised by 1\l'r. Gross. An upper or under sot vf rrnnd teeth for 5'10. _.__. 'vvlfi '\ All branches of Dentistry. including: the beautiful and durable Pure “AS and VITA LIZED AIR for painless extractiun. Free when artificial teeth are requi'cd ()vor 30 years exper- ivnco. Rmnms over Kvmwdy's sfnrc. Hp- p tsire Dunniniun Bunk. Kant Street. 10 every one using this Rgngpdy accordingfio direc- AAJ A-Â¥A-,__n!___-|_. r. ,-. s - "‘ E 3% FE": 3' if I ’ L D SW DENTIST _ . LINDSAY! ricooelé; Sent by mail to any point in_U.S. 9r Canada, secuqely sealed. free from duty or Inspection. Write today for our MIME? SIAHIL/Nefiqcrs Address or call on QUEEN MEDICINE 00., NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. Montreal. Can. t'iBn'sf-bljmmbhef icheerfully 'and consEientiously refunded. PRICE $1.00, 6 PACKAGES $5.00. NEW RESTAURANT. Como Ladies and Gentlemen. let us go to the New City Restaurant. where you will find the premises thoroughly renovat- ed and nicer titted up for the comfort of Mr. \V. E. Murphy‘s customers. The choicest chocolates and creams a ways kept in stock, and all kinds of Home made Pastry. \Vedding Cakes 3 Specialty Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats. ()rders delivered to any part. of the town Must be sent in not later than Tuesday afternoon to secure nsertnon In fol- lowing issue_ The subscriber is prepared todrcss all kinds of Mill-Picks. and to do all other iobbing in connection with Blacksmithing Buggies, Waggons and setting tyres a specialty. Repairs to Blacksmiths Bel lows and Plates. All work warranted Portable or stationary forges supplied. 99 Kent Street. two doors East of the Post Office. MR. '1‘. .-\...\Imm.lc'm.\' has removed his oflice to the fine premisce. over Goodwin‘s Store. Kent st. and is hotter prepared and more willing than over to do business. I am district agent for Tm: ONTARIO MUTUAL 1.1m ASSURANCE 0).. one of the safest. strongest and cheapest, in the world' Over $800,000 is carried in this vicinity . 1 represent the “Giant 3.“ The Core. The Waterloo Mutual. and The Northern of England Fire Insurance Companies. ACCIDENT I have the finest; in the land. The Lon Guarantee and Accident Co. and The Canada Accident. Co. Call and see me and we will talk matters over. Largest. circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without. it. Weekly. $3.00 a Van: $1.50 six months. Address MESS a: (30.. l’unusumcs. 361 Broadway. Sew York City. Forripfoymatjon .jmd free Handgook write to ... ~., . _ _ . ‘v__. ‘v‘_â€". ML’NN x (20.. 3:11 Bmunvun NEW YORK. Olden bureau for socurm: patents in Amenca. Every van-m. taken out by us is brought before the puunc by anouce ngen free of charge in the §’ricutifit Snwrimu NOTICES. ADVERTISEMENTS. 8:0, 01' RI'N .\'() RISKS. A Cure is Guaranteed! busssmc MILL-PEGKS. . TULLY, BUT WE TAKE THEM. â€"gth door east 01 the market. MY SPECIALTY. REPAIRING .. HERLIHEY. ‘. E. MURPHY \_\'II THE FIRE. V CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. etc. \Vi liam st" Lindsay Who will kindly send us the _‘ style of their plows we will send 1 dozen of the J chnston Patent Pluw Guard and [Inderscore Attachment factured by this company and sum W" peaks. robertSO" S . , mgr? Robertson; .Doml‘l , PrO- Jémk'sioner’ is agaln In Ott. "30° this trip he ”VS: ‘ as 0d Canadian cpeese, bu a. RIGJARD Human}; .w Haviucr removed to the South Fnd . . 0‘ _‘_.____, .___..___..____.,-, \ -_ ._ - {'k' 7: 3‘ we a 5 ltd: ,10“ - th ftreatment by _the re 1:099? 0 best products be WlLLIAM 8'33 Lindsay, Will receive pupfls am}, if consuming VIANO ORGAN, mem, no, " uglishv - - “ get by reasd or wnll v19 :1 '1: t .' N 't' ' ' consumers p p1 sa thUYhOII1( , 1.81) 'ot ore the. \Vould invite the public to see ST . . ' non- . - of MUSIC. both Classic and 3103:}: Sfifihe ten mullon8_ 0f do] ‘ tel Wthh he has for sale. and Wm fumisk rth of our cheese _are ultlma y ‘4 O L-LL nrrvnvn s v-.,-....__, _..-.--a At Would invite the public to see STO of MUSIC. both Clasaic and Mod which he has for sale. and will fun both MUSIC and INSTRUMENTS r czasonable rates. Pianos In“ (1 our agents at average, unlinary price of common shares. We will expwfi gesfi. momals, if only an post cards‘ givina‘ candid opinions, as we have manyalready highly in our fawn Agents Wanted; We will pay good salaries m the right men. Address The Johnston Patent lev Share 00., of Toronto, L'td., 4225 Spadina Ave. Toronto. Office houre, 9.00A. M. to 10.:30 A. 31.: 1.30 P. M to 3 P. M. and 7 to S P. M. Graduaxe of Cmv. of'l‘rinitv COL, Tcromo. 31( C01. of Physicxam 8.; Surgeons,0m. Late I’hp Rockwood Asylum, Kingctnr. Grand Tr U Office and residence, Russell Street Lindsay, second door west of York Street 'V - Veterinary (‘.:-]Icgc rcufinrai member of (mtnrin \ctcxiuan‘ Mcdival Associatiun. Office in vathx Ruck. (directly “pp. Market). sccunul ‘1....;~ H1; Cambridge-st. Residence. Nu. lh‘ 13::ka Termce. Cambridge-sf. I.in«1<:1_\'.~ '_’. geon, Lindsay District Lmdsay, Feb. 4th, 13; Office over Fairweather ' Cu’s Stare. 0? posite Post Office, 94 Kent St. Lindsav, Gas and Yitalized Air administerea, Charges moderate. “r. L. H; I ind JOHN A. BARRON, (3. C. (Sulicuor for Dumimon Bank.) LindSay. “fli- ces William St, in new Duminivn Bank building. LLAN S. )IACDUSELL. BARmn‘xa. . II to. rorm mg 06!}er < Sulicitur. botary, Kc. Hfiice. we! pymmtd at the \‘ Orld s Cq Kennedy’s store. Kent St" Lindsay. exposition at Chicago. He! Money wloau. tint: 90 large shops in dl‘ w ~7- ~ â€" OfLODdon, and shops in ‘ 'l\/I'CSWEYN ANDERSON. BAR- . l‘ttgercity in Great Brgmg M. The price oti‘ered i '11] mcoup the departme theexpenses of manufacturi moth cheese. Besides, tb . Who is no other than the '5 . 'hOSe retail sales of ted .“m Per. week, undermkefl the Cheese, free of expezisi _ . t sud without charge‘ ufqmml.’ large city of 31 Hem it; Great Brita. . _ Wii also spend 7‘: Mug i: .s the lsrgesq A '0'“. All this will call lv‘lRISTI‘ZRS. SOLICITORS. etc O:‘:'~m~.‘:."- mediately oppo~izc the I'm)- Hume. Kati: «rte! Lindsay JOHN )IcSWEYN‘ DONALD R. ANDERSON 7... OPKINS A" CHISHOLM (Sucussors to Martin S: Hopkins) Barristers. Solicitors, i\"c. Offices No. 6 Williamâ€"st. Lindsay. G H. Hm’xIXs. D. H. Cummm. OORE «C: JACKSON (SI’CCESS ORS ti; Hudspeth ' Jackson) Barris ters. Solicitors etc. Ufiice William strccz. Liadsay. )oth MUSIC and INSTRUMFXTSW; 'cfinsumerso Eétaivan beet; “i . . r. . . , f . l' Luf‘onable ratCS. I lXmOR ll.) ( (- _ ‘di‘n and Am9flcau be '7” W- " ‘1 "\ I‘C‘n in the rough shOPS. V: T0 FARMERS 0?. acsm 0..., e, g o: mugse, . and 5st unfair alike tc Who will kindly send us the N0 and W and English fisrmerS. Ltyle of their plows we will send one "Ta ‘ 3 great and growmg deli lozen of the J chnston Patent Plow Shares , ”biggie fine bllfitel’; theft: ~luard and [fnderscore .~\ttachm<:nt. manu- ; (the multmudmouswg, la en 'actured by this companv and sun died b _ our Pmducts) are ‘c ‘ - , ll 5 ”mine (I buy onlv ioo< IUI‘ agents at average, uhllnar)‘ mice of , to ”y {Of 8“ “tillinq :ommon shares. We will (:Xpmfi Yeszi. ' They 31-990“: . ‘ nonmls, if only on post. cards. giving fat the delicaCXGS m ‘1“ :andid opinions, as we have many alread‘ they formerly purchased iighly in our fax'ur. Agents “Wanted; We W '63 for barely comfofl will pay good salaries :o the right man. ‘v M ' .‘ Address The Johnston Patent Plow Share W” ' 30.. of Toronto, L’td., 4223 Spadina Ave. -» Toronto. â€"‘ H. HART, L. D. S. DENTIST. , “lmerRs, SOLICITORS. etc ommyz. mediately oppoxixc the Duly Home. Ken: szrce: Lmdsay OPKINS CHISHOLM (Successors to Martin Hopkins) Barristers. Solicitors, A‘c. Offices No. 6 Willmmâ€"st.. Lindsay. G H. HOPKIXs. D. H. Cunnmx. F. D. MOORE. 1’ PLY T()‘\1R.J(')Hl\' A.B~1RRUN Lindsay, for Moneys for Im estment at Lowest Rates of Interest. (tfiices William St. in new Dominion Bank bui 1d- ings. G. d. HOPKI\S (successor to 31:11:11". 1\ Hopkins) Barrister $11191qu etc Office. W illmm St. Lmds 1v Ontario. 1V1 RISTERS, Solicizors. N tarics e: c.. ctC Offices-met Ontario Bank, Kent St" Lindsax. T). I. MCIN 1 \ RE. T. 81 } \VART n' LICITOR, ctc., County CrownAtt Clem-1:0!“ Pence, Lindsay, Ont. 0mm» over} Lore. Kgnt-St. Lindsay. R J. M. II. MLLAI'GHLL\. ' BARRISTERS. «QC. Office. Baker-I Block. opposite the Market, Lindsay: Out. Money to loan. Private and c3mpany funds in amounts and untcrms to suit borrower, (1nd at lowest rates of interest. ILA)S.MACD(1\ELL, BHman c., (m e1 Kennedy 5 store) Ken: S1reet, Lindsav has completed arranfli’: ments with moneyed institutix-sn and private capitalists 111 Toronto. Peterboro and Lindsay; and is now prepared to receive applications for Loans 1n large 01' small amounts and on Real or Persona' property. The very closest rates. The most favourable terms. ' ' 3: 5. K2. OfiCe :L'l'l residence. Ca Lindsay, opposite Bapxis Church 7 KENNY. V. 5.. H l R. SIMPSON. PHYSICIAN. C. H 111mm we. uuxumu \,vuuu.u. Kr. Wu gives an int t d h“ '0!!! and the he: he Maud dwells on the “I the Britxsh make! “mitten conference “I.“ m cMutider the 3ng on. “.‘d sided; t‘I ‘ 3:3:7113!!! through the “Peaches. Every 1 PPLY '1‘” MR. JOHN A. I‘mRIlUN Lindsay. for Moneys for Investment- .JU‘Vf‘St Rates of Interest. Ufiim‘fi iam St. in new Dominion Bank build- CINTYRE STE‘VART, BAR- RISTERS. Solicimrs. Nflarics. e:C.. C26 sovcr Ontario Bank, Kent St..Lind.<:1v. . .7 MCINTYRE. T. STE“ AR; ’ P. DEV LIN, BARRISTERSOT t. DEGRASSI, PLYSICIAR SURGEON, ETC. ETC. \vczzangms 2.”): 1 ‘fif .csv' 41mm]. (-5 \ ar‘ 5.. HERRIMAN, )1. D. M.C fibpsicians. DR. J. SIMPSON. ‘1'“ ALEX '1 ACKSUS Ina! “"5 Mtude of the: “Eggs are wanted as nearly fr :~ 13. It would pay to collect the farmers at least twice a main cause of dissatisfactio among shippers has arisen e We!” Which have . forgpoiled eggs. We hav . past die period when the re â€" pudcnlar bargains in Can - The retailers always 100 ‘ ormous profits of whatever né or appearance is oflered to l . - is wanted not only at (l .- time” (when there is apt to} . if the weather be at all mill i ), but on through January; -' , March and until warm we: “The difi'erenoe between the g .- ~-.. by the retailers for out nets, and the prices realize : producers on the Canadlan si .. of reasonable proportion a no of the services rendered i Jon. I heard one of. who had made a mixii his in a few years out of 1 'me Canadian-fed beef as the. uiish.’ Doubtless the cus: hofiurcbased from him got good It a much larger share of wha 11d should have come to the p our Canadian farmers. T . y oneinstance out of a large t “I leaked from the largest f ‘- ln provisions in the we j forour mammoth Canadian "H u to form the centre 1 ,‘IUIiC‘lZwI “Ili- ‘11 Bank one? [WCâ€"7 ‘I learned of no ever-increaamg Cunndian-fed and Cansdiam ine products. I was able to ;the 'snperiority of quality w um from the fattening of swin Cumin) on mixed cereals, l 1k, buttermilk and whey, ove: Flt: W. I do nd meet}?! represented ti lzmnn‘wh public or the‘ M mu! 0‘ the farmers “903 M question." 1 3| 3 and make {cs 81:1 to the great m: tapering

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