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Watchman (1888), 21 Feb 1895, p. 8

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Special to the Watch!!!”- Atcnox SALEâ€"11011 o Lunévu -..- auction sale of surplus live stock on the farm of Mr. James Stewart on Friday, Feb. 22nd,, at one o’clock sharp. This is a good opportunitv to secure choice 0 stock at your own pnces. LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS Special to the Watchman- ‘1 “A.VL' ”nu-o. .. " given in McKenzies hall Kirkfiold, on Fri- day evenirg, Feb 22nd. The finest orch- estra ever heard in Kirkfield wi‘l be. pres- ent. Everything first class do not fail to be present. to-..“ 01";be Inc â€"v -__., DRIVER Iimn.-â€"Mr. Arch W. Staples of Fleetwnod had the bad luck a few days ago tn han his handsome little road mare, Lady Rifleman, so badly kicked by another horse that she had to be killed to end her sutferings. u a. oMm'isn.â€"-Mrs. .y. R Elliott. late of Manilla, has moved tu Mr. T. H. Wallis’ house. two miles wescot this village ...... Mr. John Eek is going to move his goods into the old tinsmith shop and is going to live in the house over it. FINE TIMBER. â€"Several well hewn logs have been taken out of Mr. Ferguson Whiteside’s woods by a few shanty men Some of these logs are sixty feet long. They will be shipped to England. Special tothe Watchman. $0131-11. AND ENTEMAIXMEXT.-â€"Don’t forget the grand social and entertain- ment in aid of the Methodist church, to he held in the temperance hall on Tuesday evening. Feb. 26th. Dialogues, readings, recxtations, club swinging etc., by foreign and 100%] talent. Miss Gevtrude Trotter, Lindsay’s popular elocntionist. will give a number of choice selections. Mr. Harry Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Wilson will also be present. Admission 25m. chihiren 15c. Em emu LENA a. â€"-â€"The Bethel League is in a prosperous condition at present, sine etne revival meetings closes. ‘.\iue mum active members have been mined. tn the list. May it continue to grow. REI’AIRED.-â€"Mr. Dix wmdmill repaired at: :1 put agam. VERULAM S. S.No. 3. Special to the Watchman. Eswnxmummx'nâ€"Dnn’t. forge: the en- tertainment to be held in the school house on the 22nd inst. A great, tune is expect- Special to the Watchman. HYHEXEALâ€"A very pleasing event took place hereon Wednesday. Feb. 13th. in the marriage of Mr. William T aylor to Miss Smith, all of Thorah. Their many friends unite in wishing them allowed happiness. ‘I 1' ,,,,, _____AA_ Special to the Watchman. ""L' L' P.\RTY.-â€"A number of our young people enjoyed a very pleasant evening at: the residence of Mr. Laughlin McNeils, or. Friday Inst. Mr. Looney of Kirkfield {his presént with his bag pifies. HYMENEAL.â€"A pleasing even: tnok place at the residence of Mr. William Hepburn, on Wednesday, the 20th inst, being the marriage of his daughter ida to Mr. Wm. Cook, son of Mr. John Cook, of this piace. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. Carl Smith in his usml happy manner. After the ceremony the happy couple received the congratu- laden: of them many friends, hirer which an partook of the sumptuous repast provided for the occasion. Th- happy ut-Izpv Ivft fur a short honey-m ~- mp am .g the Irriue's friends in Car “-‘Z‘i'jur. Speciai to the Watchman. SCOTCH SETTLEMENT Specie! to the Watchman. PaxnoxAr. 7-5112 D. McKinnun. (If Medcmte. is visiting friends here ...... Mm Livmgsmne was a gues: at the 111313.38 . 5109:: NOTE.â€"We hear that Arch Mac-donrfld is about to sell his famous smilium Shamrock. It will be a loss to this v,-.--.r: 9f the country, he has left some cxccilezzt stock. BI'I{.I'IS(}.â€"Ml'. D. N. Macdonald intends erecting a. handsome residence this spring. He is busy now drawing the l.0.H.'r‘. Cowmanâ€"Annually the Inde- pendent Order of Odd-Fellows of (his village gave the villagers and.1 surrounding neighborhood a rare treat by ‘ tneir concerts. The one given this year under the management of Messrs Stewart 8.: Burton wasa decided success if one could judge from the numberscongregated in the spacious hall to receive them. The stereoptical views presented by Mr. Stewart on an immense canvas were of a very superior nature being both intellect- ual and humorous feasts. In the literary and muSionl program the comic produc- tiona of Mr. Stewart though not of the yery highest type were certainly ludicrous and the comic recitation: and mimics cf Mr. Burton carried the hogse. 1 I17 .1 material. G. RAND Special to the Watchman. ”Ll. uun‘vâ€" wwâ€"v Ammanâ€"While Mr. Samuel Watts of the 8:11-05 Brock was going from the barn he ehpped and fell the result of Which was a broken arm. We hape to see him about again ‘9'! 3903' Special to the Watchman. 8.8. Cosvzmos.â€"â€"The Mariposa S.S. association will hold a convention m the fi‘TVâ€"fith. AW Dsj Provi secretary Ontsio8.3. Anociation, LITTLE BRITAIN. GAMEBRI DGE. FLEBTWOOD. FRANKLIN. LIFFORD. KIRKFIELD CAMERON. MANILLA. OAKWOOD. â€"â€"Don’t forget the grand ball will he has had his up on his barn I 'V 0 :others wnl address the convention. iAfternoon session2 o‘clock, evening 7 lo’clock. . . 5 New GENERAL STOREâ€"The Messrs." 4s. J. Sheridan .5; Co. have opened out lwith a. full line of general merchandise gin the Victoria House. The stock is new ‘gthroughout and comprises full lines of ‘1 dress gmds, woullens, gents” furnishings. carpets, oil cloths, laca curtains, patent medicines, boots and shoes. choice i groceries. and the hundred and one things that go to makeup a general store. The stock is first class 111 every respect and will be found just what_the people want. A discount allowed for cash. Dress goods will be a specialty with the new firm and satisfaction is guaranteed. The tailoring department is under the manage- ment of Mr. E. Culbert, and all tweeds and cottonzides will be out free if desired. The best goods and the lowest prices is our motto. Give the new firm a call and they will use you right. Pnusox.\Ls.â€"~Rev. A. McCaulay, of Pickering. who has been assisting Rev. D. D. McDonald in revival stevices for the past two weeks, returned home on Friday last ..... . Miss Barbara Anderson is at present visiting friends in Kirkfield A- - . -- . ‘. . - _A_L.,‘__‘ A‘J MANSE GROVE-ELDON. Special to the Watchman. Av ca. I'""’"" "“' a ,. ..... Mrs. D. A. McArthur has returned after spending pant of the winter with he: parents 3? N orland. "‘1 , if" 1 _‘_ REVIVAL SERVICEs.â€"The revival ser- vices which have been held in the 7th concession school for the past. two weeks closed on Friday night last. The attend- ance throughout was very large and n deep interest was manifest. We hope the seed which was Sewn may take a deep root in the heart of everyone present. Nurx-zs.-â€"A goodly number from here are, this week. in attendance at the Presbyterian \V. F. M. S., at Sunder- land : also at the convention of the Y. P. Au IDHST. â€"â€"Mzister ( harlitf Anderson, while skating on the ice. fell and broke his arm. As this is the second time Charlie has met with the same misfortue, 1t makes it duublv worse. PRESENTATIOXâ€"ME. James Vansmne presented her husband with a fine baby girl quite recently. \ P y Lm \1.â€".\Ir. .-\. Cowieson had quite a number of men at work repairing the roads last Monday. -- 11 , I A wwwu -'\Iv -~â€"v.---“J - Cnunml Xmm‘râ€"Rev. Mr. Famcomb. of Fenelon Falls. and Rev. C. S. Smith ex change pulpits last Sunday ...... There is some talk of a tea-meeting to he held under the auspices of the ladies” aid socivty in connection with the Methodist, church. Announcement will be made later. ‘ (‘(mm~:i”l‘m.\'.â€"ln that part. of our last week's correspondence headed hymcncal. several typographical errors were made. one of which we wish to correct. It was stated that the wedding dinner was t'urxr ishcd by Mr. Sinclair. This is incorrect. “'e would ask for a. little more considera- tion at the hands of the proof-raider.“ SAl.I-I.~â€"DO not forget the sale or farm stock which “‘1“ be held on Thursday, Feb. 28th. by M'r. R. C. Tompkins, on his farm. lot 3. concession 2. Fenelon ...... - \lso that of Mr. J. Daniel. on lot 10. c0n. 3, on March 4th. Both sales are without re- serve, and Mr. Elias Bowes, the prince of auctioneers. willwigld 3112 hgm‘melrz ‘ Special to the Watchman PER~0VAL~MLW .I. Berkeley leftlast Thursda) for Bataxia. \' Y” .BIiHs M. Johnson of Cannington. ~‘pent last Sun dzu in Cambray. .Mr. \\. \\ eldon \\ as in Toronto last “reek on business_.....\[r. J. Beacom is visiting friénds in Durham cou nty. dance a‘ Special to the Watchman. 'r v-7-” _ SPRING rs COMIN(3.-The past few days feel somewhat like spring. There has been a number of ravens flying around, I don’t know if they have anything to do with mild weather or not. All probability ,is they have a mortgage on some old horses which have just passed in their checks a. few days ago. It would be a. blessing to some animals if some people could get along without them and not try and starve them to death. _ - oi 9,,9-_J- I..-” bucu: yu Lupuu u. Gosswm '. .â€"- One of our old friends from Manitn‘ ..., visiting a. few days at this place, who 1 nought they were not waited on like Q":~vn Victoria. went. away and reported l 5‘ [36 Anna: Bovs.-â€"A lice court between Gunn and Perr , of orland. was held in t‘nhoconk. Fri ay last, by Col. Deacon. ... n‘h‘nh rho prnsecutor had to foot the bill. It takes the Cofonel to :traighten them up. MADE ms FORTUNE.-0De of our mer- chants has made his fortune in this place. Who will be the ngxt? -- .n. ,-.A,-_--!â€" VV’HU V‘ ”I. UC 91.10 uxnv . PERSONAL.-'-A. B. Philips is home again from Toronto, where he was employed in one of the largest machine shops in To- ronto. He had to come home on account of illness. .. -c -v 9, -c \Y-_l-n:‘ 01 IIIUCSD. ' . SKIPPING.â€"-Mr. Mckenme, of Norland, is shipping a quantitv of pulpwood from Coboconk to the other side. Special to the Watchman. Racovnxma.â€"-Mr. Gordon Townsend, or this place, who has been in all winter from an abncess in the thigh, we are pleased to say is recovering. We trust that when the warm weather of the sprint? time comes our friend will again be abie move out and go about his accustomed business. OBI’J‘UARY.-Mr. Elisha Bil-chard. a former resident of Lindsay. and for some years of this community, died on Thurs- day at last. week at, tho-age of seventy-four. 7 A â€"â€"‘.â€"- ,mm 1. he 31'” OIL mun cuuuuu-u-J, v at last week at. the age of seventy-four. E. Birchaxd had long been a snfl'crer from PALESTINE - ELDON. CAMBRAY. COBOCONK. CAMERON. THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 1895. asthma. He died with comparatively little suffering and his__end wags peace. vuâ€"nv- -un â€"-.._ __v THE ROADs.â€"The roads {11 every digec- tion here are full of Snow, and travelhng i§ mainly inthhe fields. -u r _. r)..o.mn- -4. LL:.. “‘nnn a]- though not: so very numerous, s'till man- age to hold their own. They intend to have an open meeting on the evening .Of the lst. Monday in March. An invitation is extended to all Who have the good of the order at heart. 'r""“ -7 7, PERSONAL.â€"Mi$3 Clarke, of Ops. and Miss Irwin, of Fenelon, paid Bobcaygeon a. 11 ing visit and are now visiting friends at osedale and Fenelon Falls. Special to The Watchman. GRANTS SCHOOL~MARIPOSA. Special to the Watchman SCHOOL RE‘I’OR’I for month of J anuarh 1895. lNames arranged In _order of m_°rit; . -â€"â€"Senior fourthâ€"Katie Forrest, Hattie McCrimmon, Howard Wellixwton, Minnie Forrest. Junior fourthâ€"Mary Ross, Crissy McCrimmon, Herbert Stone. Senior thirdâ€"Horace Gibbs, Dennis Gibbs, Mal~ colm Mclnnes, Maud Howkins, Hector McCrimmon, John McMillan. Junior thirdMTheo Stone, John R055. Senior second â€"Minnie May. Junior secondâ€"- Fanny McInnes, Mable McArtnur. Part firstâ€"â€"Normie n’IcUrimmon, Roy Stone, Percy McCrimmon. Special to the Watchman. BL'II.DI.\'(:.â€"We understand Mr. 1). Walker purposes building a frame barn of tremendous proportions this spring. It is to contain all the modern improvements requisite to the raising of the liner breeds of cattle,horse<.pigs undipoultry, and when complete will cost the owner not less than $1000. . . .Mr. Alexander Simons has the stabling under his barn about complete. It will accommodate cattle enough for two ordinary farmer c. and is well arranged throughout. - 1n- 1 , , 2 -AAAJ llllvuhnnvu-v- Tnow'nxu S'rm'K.~The lovers of good hnrses should call out this way if they wish to purchase something speedy. A full description of the leading ones will appear in this rorrcspoudencc later on. ,,-___ -_. . -. ’I‘-_-A .\~n-\ .~'-uv.-» .â€"â€" - 01.1) AND ONLY IN THE \VAY. â€"â€"’1‘wo men attempted putting a useless old horse out of punislnneuc. After using up several hatcllets and all the ammunition in the neighborhood, and snill he would n’t croak. They were compelled to despatch him with a cross; out, saw- 7 AA . m 1 I. \Lv»1v \ \Qv -,-.â€" . BA!) mens.-â€"The weather and roads for the past few weeks have been extreme- ly bad. Deputy-reeve Fox endeavored to rectify the latter with a snow plow of his own inventing. and succeeded fairly well, but lately the pitchâ€"holes seem to he get tin: too deep for his mechanical eontriv :lllL'C and matters are growing worse. There are certain methods to adopt, and you will never notice. them, but for the safety of all 1 would say let the council either bridge these gullies or‘dig them out. .‘\(‘r'lâ€"‘1‘)‘r-:§'Vlr‘.â€":\le{ifile playing: hockey on the brick yard rink B‘Ir._(ico._ Reid at'cideutâ€" aily received a severe blow from a Company ion's stick It had the effect of breaking one tooth and putting his mouth all out of order. His dict, now consists of wheat- lets. rolled oats and stufl' like baby food. We extend our svmpa‘lhy to George and hope he may belable toluzaniputatc marbles before long. _-. ... p YV._5|__ \v wll\|--- ...... .Mr quu Robertson iclt last week 'l‘horold, where he intends remaining a. time. v.-v3» nv.- P1 R\O\AI..--:L\1‘Iiss (1me of Emily spenflingu few week , u it!) Ops friends“: y l. \-.‘L ...- m . SWAMP SCHOOLvTHORAH. Sprclal to the Watchman. Tm: Hmuwmr. â€" Bridges and waitr- courses are the bane of a. Thorah councit lor's existence. They have an unusually heavy lot. of the former on hand this year, and are ah-eady preparing plans for ex- tensive repairs (almost, new locks, stocks and barrels) on three of them; the one on Beaver River second concession. on Vroo~ man Creek, Cameron road, and on Beaver River third concession. They will adver- tise for tenders _shortly. n . ‘__j: 01°C LU: lawn-\lwnu uuv- .- , . PA'I‘RONS or leiLvs'L'n\'.â€"â€"Patron candi- date Brandon attended the adjourned convention heid at I'tterson, for the Mus- koka division of North Ontario. He re orts an enthusiastic reception by the Mn aka brethren. Eleven active associations in the North Ontario division, and all in war paint. with their tomahawks ground to a hair edge.“ ‘nm, -flh _:_- .. Inn" :1“ uau' cugsc. BAI.L.â€"Beaverton Masons give a ball in Alexandria. hall on the 25th inst. In con- sideration of the “hard times" it is to be of the “calico" persuasion and any Patron of Industry in good standing who washes his hands carefully will be allow'ed to dis- pelise with white gloves if he ”sees fit. 1“ ____. 1- --.. REA-.3.“ nvon. ycuqu vv .yu .. nun, 5.7 . _ v Summwn PAn'n'.â€"â€"Last Monday even-l ing a number of young people, of both ‘ sexes. accompanied by a. fiddle. visited the bachelor establishment of Mr. Peter Mc- Nabb on fifth concesaion, and after remov- inrz several bags of pee-e from the middle of the floor proceeded > amuse themselves dancing. 'lhose watedug noticed a wist- ful expression on Pet a 5 face, as he watch- cd the graceful forms of the girls in the beautiful evolutions of the “Scotch reel." He was heard to mutter “it is good for man to live alone" anal there was a quiver in his voice, and trams of tears on his cheeks, as he shook lnnds with them at the door, and thanked them for a ray of sunshine on the path of a lone bachelor. He had seen the error of his way. SHORE\'.â€"â€"In Lihéisay, on Friday, Feb. I 5th, 1895, Arthur Wendell Shorey, youngest son of Rev. S. J. and Eliza Shorey, aged 5 years . FRIDAY, FEB. 22NDâ€"By James H. Wilson, auctioneer, surplus live stock, all well bred :inimalg, rhe property of Mr. James Slewart, 1')! 2;, con. 12, Manvers. Sale on the pretwises at one o’clock, half a mile from an'r-in, and about five miles from ()memee. ‘ Moxmr, 1“: 'UARY, 25111.-â€"By George McIIug‘h :tioneer, farm stock and im. plemem :he premises of Mr. Peter Morris< .‘50. 6, concession 8, Ops. Suic to Cu .wnce at I O’clock. ‘1.-.v._ MONDAY, 1’! 'IIARY, 25Tn.-~By George} McIIugh .‘noneer, farm stock and im-‘ plemem :he premises of Mr. Peter‘ Morris( .‘50. 6, concession 8, Ops.‘ Sub: to La, .Ience at I O’clock. Tussonv, Fm. .g-mu- 26'1‘u.â€"By George Mc- Hugh, aucrioneer, farm stock and imple- ments. on the premises of Mr. Wesley Sloan, lot No. 10, concession 3, Emily. Sale to commence at I o’clock. THURSDAY, FEB. 28'rn.--By Elias Bowes, auctioneer. farm stock, the property of Messrs. R. C. Tompkins Son, lot 3, con. 2, Fenelon. Sale on the premises at one o’clock, sharp, and without reserve. MONDAY. MARCH 4TH.-By Elias Bowes, auctioneer, farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. James Daniel, lot 10, con. 3. Fenelon. S_a!e at one o’clock on Advertise in THE MGM the premises: ROSEDALE. Sale Register. N0 6, OPS DEATHS. I! â€". .u wâ€"_ -- v WV, on. Sale at one o’clock on and without reserve. The attendance at the nnrket on Saturday was very large for this time of year. The receipts of beef, pork, etc. occupied all the outside space and was not cleared out until evening. There was a liberal supply of butter, eggs and poultrv, nearly all of which found ready sale. Fall Wheat per bushel . . . . Fyfe do do ............. Spring do ................ Goose do do ........... Buckwheat ............... Barley. per bushel ........ Rye ................... Potatoes per bush ......... Butter per Tb ............. Eggs, per dozen ......... . . Oats. .................... Peas. small ............... Peas, Mummies ......... . . Peas. White-eye .......... Peas, Blackcye ........... Peas Blue ............... Chickens, per pair ......... Ducks do Geese, per lb ............. Turkeys do ...... . ...... Apples. per bag ........... Crock butter ............ Hogs, dressed, per cwt. . . . Hogs. hve weight, per cwt. Beef, forequarter per cwt. . “ hind "‘ . .. Lard, per lb .............. Hay, per ton .............. 1 Red Clover .............. Alsike .................. Timothy ............ . ,_ . . Pork, by qr., pe1-;lb., front “ “ binds Cream, per quart ......... Hides, per cwt .......... Sheepskins .............. 060t0063 UGOtoOb‘O 060t0060 05550055 U30t0033 040t0045 OUOCOO-LU 02560030 015170318 01.6m018 0 30 n. 0 :m 048t0053 0553:0057) 055t0055 055to()55 050:0055 035t0040 040m050 006t0007 008t0010 050t0100 015w016 450to500 350to3 80 350to400 4501:0500 010t0010 600to730 3300:0600 400t0500 1 25to2"5 5 to 53 6 to 625; 20 to 25 2501:0300 0 50t00 70 $5 hind h Lard, per 1b ........ Hay, per ton ........ Red Clover ......... Alsike ............ . Timothy ........... Pork, by qr., pet 1b., i or your maney _“'J C an easy and natural way, and their good lastsâ€" they strengthen and tone up the lining membranes of the stom- ach and bowels, thereby pro- moting di estion. Sick and Bilious eadache, Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach, Indiges- tion, Bilious Attacks, Dizziness, are prevented, relieved, and permanently cured. They're the chap“! pill for they’re guaranteed to giye satisfaction - Pierce’s Pellets; they’re free from the violence and the griping that come with the or- dinary pill. All medical authorities agree that in regu- lating the bowels mild methods. are preferable. For every trouble of . the liver, stomach and bowels, these tiny, sugar coated pills are most eflectz’ve. They go about their work in A GENTLE CORRECTIVE is what you need when your liver becomes inactive. It’s what you get ‘- y when you take Dr. - - OF THIS STORE: strictly honorable dealing at lowest possible prices, New goods arriving this wee]; from Great Britain and N York. Selling starts Wlth the prettlest patterns of Prints and Ducks now in stock. KEYNOTE With those pretty dots, dainty stripes, on white, on tan, on blue. Ducks for pretty suitsâ€"~for only pretty suits could come from those stylish ducks. LINDSAY MARKETS lJUL ULADIKCL..-u ..-.-..¢..... oun......~o~-. du........... ............-. bushel........ r.l.>\.x;1-1.'...:.:::.. b............. ‘zen........... --.o~oo~ooo.co ..... 0.00.1... 1ies........... -eye.......... .3c......... erpair......... do bag........... ad, per cwt. . . . reight, per cwt. tamer per cwt. . h )...... ..... . n .............. --.¢aoo 0.0.01 DUCKS W ASH GOODS- DUNDAS FLMLLE 3m. This extract is made from the best parts of the beefiof which iti the pure essence. It will be found useful to Travellers, in the Sit Room and in the Culinary Department. Experience has pr )ved itt be the best addition to all Soups, Vegetables and Meat Dishes,fc improving their flavor and strength, and as a Tea it has no equal. We have a few lines of the latest pattern and design vs hich will sold at a low figure in order to lighten our Stock In packages. 40 and 50 cents per pound. in the market, the cheapest, according to quality, and any make desired W I am the only authorized Agent 111 Lindsay I for the sale of DOMINION ORGANS and PIANOS â€"-A sleighing party left the skating.r rink about 9.30 p.m.. on Saturday even- ing. Everything went merrily until they struck a side street in the south end of the town when the driver undertook to the “balancing act" by driving: so that one runner of the sleigh mounted the snow bank while the other was on the beaten track. The result was an upset and the party were spilled out for about a block. Fortunately the horses were stopped. When the occupants and their wraps were gathered up and a fresh start made. All enjoyed the little episode. FLUID B?EF BROCKERY AND GLASSW AR fingers of imported radars, with a gas- ohm chug. but add 139.9th â€"-Dotmit nus.-- "- “Their dishes,’ ' rejoined the glass eater. who was partaking of a Venetian ”up tux-eon, “are, as 3 rule. far from “I can’t say, " remarked the sword lwallower as be dispatched a Damascus blade, “that I especially like the taste of foreign foods. ” ~With white, cream, tan, navy, red, black and brown grounds, with dots, stripes spots and colored flowers covering t h e m. T h e choice is from 200 new pieces. The Human salamande: tossed 03 three " “ ' and in fact the bulk W - W - LOG-AN, andwfll be marked GENERAL AGENT: burnt, goods or wet I70 Kent Street, West. Lindsay, Out. at bu -,, ,4 I sell _the be_st ORGANS. PIANOS and SEWING MACHINES PRINTS - SALADA CEYLON TEA NELSON MORRIS GO. Guatatory. A. CAMPBELL, That are ch’naper than ever before. Pillow Cot- tons in all widths and makes, prices to suit you. Special bargains in Linens this month. The Watchman. 50c. a y1 ,Rhode Island’s poultry industry 113‘ won a national reputation through the work of her state poultry society and 0* ha: ekperiment station. Don’t fertilize with cottonseed well, but feed it to your stock, and so 8"” its (cod value as well as m mantis! value. Areyonr treesaflected with the W yellows? 11 30.1113 themout by“ alikeiis that the aénergaf cattle should be paid their full value instead o: halt as the law now stands. A N ew England exchange says: TM opinion in Massachusetts on the him!!! of cattle under the tuberculin t6“ among the farmers and veterinaviayf The report comes from England t! Jersey cranberries are selling for $3- a crate, and the demand exceeds t supply. The poultry industry in Maine. 39' cording to the Maine Farmer, is worth annually from $5, 000, 000 to $8, 000, 000‘ SHEETE%§GS FAMILY GROC vi c: BARB On Friday, March Bargain Da Our store has been 1 the last two weeks. 011 shipment of Burnt Goo worth was cleared out. Every customer ma worth for one dollar fine We will Open on F rehased at wonderfully 1001: out for the gI‘EaIQS‘L 1‘ Do not delay. Th1 sold and dried within a. \x‘ with a rush. Volu me daily and 15 very attr acm GREAT WET AN WAR The Great Bankrupt Stoc‘ throughout the seas will be sold at bar; Our new Spring Dres it comm VIII. RflEII MATEO 6‘31 (l (( (( G‘ c‘ «C 6‘ 0‘ d t‘ 72 in. bleac the: larg‘ Numbe relieve in. unbl “ ‘t H (0 .6 66 6‘ (6 Blaci

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