W Vic romA COUNTY COUNCIL. January Session . FOURTH DAY Continued from page 8. The warden called the council to order at 10.30 and conï¬rmed the minutes of previous session. BOSEDALE Barnes. On. motion, Mr. John Daniel. reeve of Fenelon, was permitted to address the council. and presented his reasons for contending that the Rosedale bridge is properly a county structure and should be repaired by county funds. The main 5 reason was that while it did not cross the water at the boundary between municio palities it was a diversion of the road made to allow crossing at a narrower place. Messrs. Austin. Ellis, Shaver and Graham asked Mr. Daniel a number of questions but were not convinced at the moment of the validity of his claim. REPORTS. The warden presented the reports of the Woodville public library and the West Victoria Farmers’ Institute, and also a request from G. H. Hopkins asking a grant of $25 to the Lindsay Law Asso- ciation. APPOINTMENTS 1'0 orrics. The report of the standing committee 01 appointments to oï¬ice received the usual three readings and was adopted, making the following appointments zâ€"Auditors of county accounts, 1897. John Kelley and D. Eiglsson; auditors of accounts for e don't wan: your vote. bu administration of justice for 1898, F. o wan: a rgood big share of your Shaver and E. Hopkins;trustee Collegiate -. during 1898. Institute. W . C. Jeffers; trustee Omemee high sshool, Thos. Robinson. Later a second report of the committee was adopted providing that the board of examiners for 1898 be composed of J. C. Harstone, H Reazin, J. H. Knight. By- laws were introduced. adopted, signed and sealed, making the above appoint- ments. FIFTH DAY. Council met at 10 30. Warden in the . l M l 35... ~ chair. The second batch of appointments save you money before the Bill referred to above. were put through, and 8 year. and also to give you the the report of the roads and bridges com- goods that money will buy, mittee received next attention, and upon -ther with prompt service and being found satisfactory after, triple rteous treatment. scrutiny, was adepted as below : Your committee have further considered ‘ 3 I the questions deferrcd from the November at a A i 5% 8 session and bet: to report as follows :â€" 1. VViilam Cameron. csq.,_member for the sixth division, has informed your . being ofl’ered to commence the Year with. Cone and get i r share. s led r . *4 '71 [a l' n '7' ,_. ~ committee that in accordance with instruc- tions he visited the locality of the Black river bridge, and in company with Mr. Alex. Montgomery, clerk of-the township of Dalton. examined the structure. It was found in a fair state of repair. An expen- diture of $4.70 has been made in repairing the planking. The approaches were found in an impaired condition, and an offer has been received to repair the same at a cost of $10. The bridge is on the boundary between the townships of Dalton and Roma, in the counties of Victoria and Ontario respectively, but whether any portion of the bridge touches the district of Muskoka it is ditlicult to deter- mine. Your committee recommend that the expenditure already made be approv- ed: that the oll‘cr for the repair of the approaches be accepted. and that Mr. Cam- eron be paid the sum of $10 and Mr. Mont- gomery the sum of $1 for their services. and that a claim be made on the county of Ontario for one-half the amount of expen- diture for repairs and allowances. A communication from Dr. John McKay, M.P.P., informing the council that the letter and resolution transmitted to him relative to the Head river bridge in the township of Dalton, had been placed before the attorney-general. has been submitted, and your committee have been informed that a grant of 3200 has been made by the government. No present action iS' there‘ fore required. 3. Your committee have had laid before them a number of replace frcm councils of local municipalities relative to the proposal that the county should assume and main- tain the leading roads in the county, and much valuable information bearing on this important subject has been obtained. Your committee recommend that the question be held over for further consider- ation at the June session. Your committee have considered the petitions referred to them, and beg to report as follows : . That the sum of $100 be granted to the council of the township of Ops to assist in repairing the \Vest Cross Creeks bridge referred to in the petition of the council of the township of Ops. 2. That no grant be made for cutting down the hill on the boundary between the townships of Eldon and Thorah, opposite lot No. 11, in the let con. of the township of Eldon, referred to in the petition of the council of the township of Eldon. 3. That the sum of $50 be granted to the council of the township of Dalton for the improvement of the boundary between the township; of Dalton and Rama, referred to in the petition of the council, on condition, however, that the county of Ontario grant a like sum for the same purpose. Your committee have considered the resolutions of council referred to them and beg to report as follows: 1. That the question of a proposed grant of $100 for cutting down a hill or: the boundary between the townships of Eldon and Thorah, has been disposed of under the head of petitions. 2. The Question of making a grant of 350 t) improve the boundary between the townships of Dalton and Berna has been disposed of under the head of petitions. Your committee have considered the communications referred to them and beg to re rt as follows: 1. til I s .4, l 2 tits I‘. r. L\_ " a l d -._._____ .â€" .i ,‘Dlfl sees, kwood Cheap Cash Store. i dealers in this district wonder w we sell high-grade goods at the re prices we do. but it is an open We buy mostly for cvsh and in confides : two great big advant- stir: wl'h. Then we sell nearly for cash: you dcn't pay other e bills ' another big advantage. A mole seen-r after all. Give us a f ywur 1805 trade and see how 9 wii‘. 112:.- yi-zi, and what a nice ' rr'n } t can sue before the end Stock of? LHH'GOODS .n‘. ;.‘-i in General Stores. â€its S‘ï¬rtings and Shaker Is a: bottom prices. Beautiful ‘ 3““ Ili‘i-m Dress Groods only VQTL‘, . Y. , ave plat: ’5 Fur S. SHilES RUBBERS (I AIOCCASINS om prices. We have in stock 2:16.: of the lustly celebrated - Shoe Cofs manufacture. a on: with their name stamp- it sole is always a guarantee of no workmanship. Bring your -d see if we don't undersell any cuse. ured D ‘ at the resolutions of the council of the townshi s of Ops and Mauvers dis- claiming lia ility in connection with the approaches to the Ops and Manvers bridge, be ï¬led as the matter does not call for consideration at present. ‘1 our committee would, however, recom- mend that the warden and the county engineer be requested to give attention to question of the height of the approaches during the spring freshets, and should it be apparent that they should be raised that the warden give the engineer instructions to have the necessary work performed. 2. That the question of the application of the council of the township of Pension. made through John Daniel, esq., reeve of the municipality, for payment by the ll lines " s 1 ll l1.l.l.\'ERY BUSINESS has n encrnious success. We have Shapes me nice things left. Don’t. capnty of the cost of construction ofa new 3 ,3 too late to get suited. bridge aoRosedale be deferred until the ll†. ups sesswn. the do“; ‘ y _ a. That tnof giant‘.’ bemsdgo‘fglr the im- . 0 gar/5 mic-2123 account: on our â€9'9““ 0 t e 'ictoria south °f “net -- -*-- ’ Lphill, as requested by Jas. McCaughey, 4:552?)- Ic'msméer t/zat at â€11.5 it? e cps?! {he money to settle 010 ‘5, and It [arr/5 our feelings to be _ out “J'znzzzcrj.†Butter {arms mounts past due is scarcely a fair. . 5 it take; time and (xterm! f0. 4. That the request of John B. Belcher. C.E.. relatiye to the repairs of the Pigeon Crpek floating bridge is satisfactory. e. That James Graham, esquire, of Car- dsn be referred to the government of the . on relative to the condition of the Lake Narrows brides. Your committee recommend that the sumoftlaï¬bepaid to the Mossom Bo d Co. for work and material in repairing e Little Bob bridge. EDUCATION ,. " '2 The education report was next investi- gated and passed muster intact. It is as lollows : ,,. sing: our customers for the liberal . eaccorded, and wishi you 83‘ )â€˜ï¬ and prosperous Chris as and e... \ ours truly, W. H. POGUE. Your committee have considered the draft of petition to the legislative assembly transmitted by the council of the county of Lanark relative to the maintenance“ of 00'1“â€! pupils at high schoo s in separate). towns. In the Opinion of your committee the provisions of the birth schools act are more equitable in their bearing upon separated towns than upon towns not separated from the county. In the case of the former the town and county each bears i the oust of maintenance of its own pupils, while in the case of the latter class of towns, the town being a part of the county, is required not only to maintain! its own pupils but to bear a proportion of l the cost. of the maintenances of countyI upils in the taxation for county purpOses. Tour committee recommend that the views expressed be communicated to the Clgk and treasurer, telegraph, express, council of the c unty of Lanark. Your committee has also considered the Special committee ,e ï¬nance, expres d raft of a petition to the legislative assem~ bly transmitted by the council of the County of Wellington, seek ing a change in' the method of arriving at the liability of the county for the maintenance of county pupiIS. The question is an involved one. and your committee would recommend that the council would not petition the legislative assembly as rcquesmd. Your committee recommend that the -by-law to authorize the warden and treasurer following accounts he passed, Viz : Board of examiners, expenses _ model schoot exammatiuus. .3 1:6 82 Gso. Lytle, printing for inspec- tors ......................... Your committee have examined the statement of the board of education of the town of Lindsay from which the followmg statement is summarized : Amount of liability of couniy of maintenance of county _ pupils, 1897. . .; ............. $ 3100 00 Fees received from county pupils, 1897 ................. 677 00 Net amount paid for mainten- †ance of com. ty pupils, 1897.. 244:) CO FINANCE AND ASSESSMENT. The ï¬nance and assessment committee now had their recommendations looked into, and after three-fold Cunning it was adopted as below : Your committee have examined the trees- urei’s statements showing the money’s at the credit of the corporation on the 3ist December last and the current liabilities and available assets of the county on the Ist day of J snuary, x898. With regard to the latter statement, it may be noted that the assets do not include the value of the roadomaking machinery pur- chased in 1897, which if deducted from the deï¬cit as shown in the statement, viz : $2l48. 43 would have reduced the amount to $i,298- 4 3 as compared with $2,271.01 the amount of deï¬cit on lst January, I897. Your committee have examined the report of the county police magistrate and beg to recommend that it be received and ï¬led. Your committee have examined.lhe reg- istrar’s s‘atutary return of fees, etc., for the year 1897 and would recommend that it be ï¬lel Reports have been submitted from the East and “'est Victoria Farmer’s Institutes, the Victoria Rifle Association, the Woodvillc and Kirkï¬eld public libraries. Your committee have considered the resolu- tions of council submitted to them and beg to recommend as follows:â€" I. That the sum of $50 ge granted each of the public libraries in the county, ten in all, including the public library at the village ol Kinmount, which is now placed on The list for the ï¬rst time, provided that reports complying with the conditions, heretofore laid down, are complied with. 2. That the action of the advisory commit- tee and of the warden in making a grant of $ioo towards the expenses of the convention ot the Eastern Dairy-man’s Association recent- ly held at Lindsay be approved at d con- firmed. 3. That the sum of $2; be granted to the Cl il lien’s Aid Society on the usual condition as to repm ting. 4. That the sum of two hundred dollars be granted to the Home for the Aged on the usual condition as to reporting. 5. That no steps be taken towards amending the by-luw relating to hawkers and pedlar: with a view to increasing the fees to be paid for licenses. Your committee have considered the com- :nunisations referred to them, and beg to rccom- mend as follows : I. That no abtion be taken on the communi. cation from the council of the county of Bruce requesting co-opcmtion in petitioning the legislative assembly to amend the county council’s act. 2. That the communication from I. II. Soothe-ran, s q., local treasurer of the Eastern Dnirymczi’s association, be ï¬led and that sells faction be expressed with the‘ statement of receipts and payments and with the refund of the sum of $3, the proportion of the surtlus payable to the county. 3. That the explanation of the county police magistrate relative to the coinpla-nt of Colin N: McDonald, esq., deputy-recvc, of Eldon respecting the disposition of certain ï¬nes im- posed ly the magistrate in cases tr ed during the year 1897 at the village of Kirkï¬cld, be accepted as satisfactory. 4 That the copy of the presentment of the grand jury at the fall assizes relating to vag- rants in the gaol and indigents in the Home for the Aged be ï¬led. 5. That the communication from the clerk of the township of Eldon and Bexley relative to certain indigent persons, now being main- tained by the county, who it was claimed were citizens of the townships named, be ï¬led. 6. That no appointment be made of a delegate to the convention of the Trustees’ Association of Ontario. 7. That the sum of $10 be granted to the . Prisoners’ Aid Association. 8. That the sum of $35 be granted to the Lindsay Law Association. 9. That Mr. Peter McCorv'e, an applicant for nomination as county student at the On- tario Agricultural College be informed of the terms of the president’s communication rc- specting the right of attendance of persons holding the nomination, which appears to be for a period of two years if the attendance is regular. to. That the application of the secretary of the Home for the Aged be ï¬led, a grant hav- ing been recommended under a resolution of the council. 1 i. That no action be taken in the ' matter of the attendance of witncSSes at the Sitting of the police magistrate’s court in the Luff case held at the town of Lindsay. 12. That the correspondence relating to the est vblishmeiit of a. public library at the village of Kinmount be accepted as satisfactory. Your committee beg to recommend that the payment to the sessional .clerk of the usual sessional allowance as heretofore in recognition of his services during the sessions of the coun- cil be conï¬r ncd and continued, and that he be allowed tokngage such assistance as may be necessary at the expenseof the council, and that the messen er of the council be paid the sum of sevcnly- vc cents per dsyas heretofore. Your committee maratiï¬cd to learn that the efforts of the coun ' . through the special committee appointed at the November session, to obtain an amendment of the municipal act insofar as it affects therights of conntycouncils to borrow money for current expenditure. have been successful. The bill introduced by Dr. Iohn McKay, M.P._P., for the purpose, and which'was“ _ -. by the legislative assembly, has been so ittcd to yourcomimttee. Your committee recommend that the sub- scriptions for the Municipal World to be sent to all members of the council and the county clerk, be renewed. Your committee have had before them an A; we bait and “an the occupants'o ascount item the registrar forthe sum Hi the moving sleigh more closely We $209.53 for special work in preparing titles. . 1 . Your committee recommend that a Special notice abouts. dozen, “Pi""el't'ly happy committee be appointed to be known as the personssomc were playing on stringed registry office committee, composed of the instruments While others made the air warden and Messrs. F. Shavrr and James resound by the bIOWing of horns; Graham with power of supervision, control and bi . . Cl : , ‘ settlement in all matters relating to the rcgis- _“ ‘ e we 5‘09 g“ “g V‘m‘y wonder-- try oï¬ice, and that the above mentioned mg what means such commotion the account he relerrcd to them. ioyous company quickly passsed from Your committee beg to recommend payment view. Later reports reveal the fact iii-accpunl‘tls:lullowszâ€" 1 ‘ that amidst the merry troop was a BS . . 10b, stenograpier at 30- new} ‘1. i . - . ; journcd sittings of county clerk ..... $ 5 oo Villayem bdueiiid Pf: :romiatge}gh:°rln§ Clerk and treasurer, postage November , b _ Pent (-Ir oney . and December ................... 13 571010011 In North Pslrsune Now our wonder ceases. Right royally did the ruff“ DEl‘ll WITH U3- NEWLEAF ..__‘__.'._AND SAVE MONEY If you are not already a customer of ours it will be worth your while to come to our store and look over the values we are oï¬'ering in Grocer-ism Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes. You will ï¬nd it to your advantage to deal here -others ï¬nd it soâ€"because our trade in all three lines is gredu lly increasing. We want you to give us a trialâ€"end there is no time o the present. etc .............................. 5 73 happy people proclaim their cOming, We hope the next happy people who to Toronto ....................... 15 3o _ . . _ _ _ I. R. McNeillic, expenses to Toronto come 00 8- 51mlilfl-I‘ 000881011 Will give us GROCERIES DRY GOODS 80013.250vsuoifs re ï¬nance ....................... 4 30 more warning, _, .. . It’swhat , , 7 I cry lcw Advisory committee. attendance, etc. .. 24 4o .5 other . __ > . ,, paev: p m: A. Jackson, cab-hire prisoner. . . . . . .‘. 50 °’ ' . ‘ ‘ ... ~ . . Home forthc Aged, maintenance Walsh LITTLE bRITAI. " : 25(1):: 33-! ‘2': It ltd“? i; genius to and Emma ............ .7 ......... 23 7o 40,6131 to the Watchman. ‘, 1. , iii: ‘ ~ 200 Tea istcamiei'; a ,: halticnni: \our committee beg leave to introduce a PERSONAL â€"Mr. and Mrs. Blewitt .3 .-, ;â€" ‘* . thatgiv’s order to ' sï¬parcitg, of Orono were the Guests of Mr J as “3 conï¬- clear out ‘\ t e a t borrow mone '. a - . ‘ . ‘ o i . . Blcwitt over Sabbath ...... Rev. Mr. lime? m recommend. all code . {mm the MEMORIAL Rb Rosanne LOChS. Tc 'll’ f . f W ,1 . . log it to you as the and ends gram.but .“hen we tell Coun. Graham moved that rule 35 be ‘Fn :1 ether. 0 _°’ er ‘5 spending best tea on the market we have i you 3 1339‘ 15 â€Him?“ suspended to permit introducing a mom a ew 3313. With hls 50†------ MP- for that money. Try - ' mark Edggogéfiiknggngglg ii: orial that had not received the usual Albf‘l‘t Davison was in town Tuesday day’s notice.â€"Carried. commencing his and: at assessing ' This memcï¬al was addressed to the THE SICKâ€"Mrs. w_ Wickett, and minister of railways and canals re the Mrs. Wm. Yco have been on the sick Rosedale locks, praying for an extension list for a few days ...... The diph- of the work at that pomt. , . . ‘ heria patilnts have nearly ad re- On motion Mr. Geo. Lytle, publisher of THE WATCHMAN, was heard in the covered txcept Mrs- D. B6010“ who interests of the Eastern D iirymen’s Asso l8 convalescent ciation, of which he is an honorary dir- NUTF.S.â€"-l\’ll85 Dixon has removed ector. He came with a request that each to the house formerly occupied by member of the council would furnish ten S Champion. _ ' . _ .Mts. Isaac McKee names of prominent farmers in their div- . - _ _ . :a.‘ s = v - l mom to be enrolled on the association h “ï¬end intiisely fro n a bad b.0w for sevei a1 «la-vs . . . . . . A quiet wed looks and receive reports. Mr. Lylle _ spoke of the interest he had found in. ding W35 CElEbTBted on Thursday last dairying while attending the Farmers’ 8b the home 05 lobn broad. The Instituo meeting: during the week, and contracting parties being Dr. John a°ter ansWering a. number of ques ions ],. Allin of Denver COIOrado, and was furnished with several lists before Miss LydiaR Broad The ceremony the chamber. ' ' . The council then adjourned. was performed by the Rev. M"- __________________ Stratton in the presence of the family .. andafewrlt'r_ , GLLAAHM . M i eatnes The doctor left Bpecialtoths Watchman "“ . Dillâ€"“y for his distant Dome, . ' I l 4 3 ' a v. . ' Lows Mantrasâ€"Loyal Orange Dis- “hm“. t.e br‘dc “111 fbliOW 1“ the only Splmg. Thus one by Ole the trict lodge No. 4, Fenelor, held their I ~ . . _ annual meeting in the Orange hall at "-Ott'l’YS ‘ll‘t‘ carrying ofl‘ Brita‘n’s fair Glenarm on Tuesday, Jan. 11th. The amide. 7 roads being in good condition there was 3 ---¢â€"â€"- _ good turn out. The affairs of the dis FE.\'EL().\" FALLS rict were reported to be in a flourishing.- siaecin to the Watchman. condition. several new members being q ,. ., , , .. initiated during the past year. The 'pU‘C (kiss-iii. BbsisEwaAmnngstlhf members of L 0.L. No. 541 have built «any ounces met; who have succeed- -rl in our VlllltgP we might mention themselvesa ï¬ne large hall which is a ‘ . . . ' credit to the c3mmuni[y_ After 11]: title merchant tailor ï¬rm Of A. Clark OWlng {Othe mlld Wlnter we have a mUCh larger StOCk ugairoutine lot Eustace?) Slim fplloginp Son, who «.omrm need ogemtions here Of OVERCOATS on hand than we want. Thev are al o.cers wereeccte . .l ., '1. oy- twelve years ago and have by their new having been b3 . l'lt h' . I «nan; D.l).M., John Aldous; emulate. Lmmght dualmgs and superior work- a Lg ‘- 15 year. \V m*.T110_"“bu'Yl rec.-scc..;lohnh'l‘hmnp- nmnship built up a trade second to son, Jr.;hn. sec , Robert It glis H-D of :Aore ‘out'lde f the . . '1“) C. Thomas Roberts; lecturer, l‘lell Mc- . I 3 U " Cllles. “' motor partner of the firm. Mr. Alex. Gillivray. â€"â€"oâ€"-â€"â€"- Clark, is a practical cutter and a shrewd COBOCONK . buyer, and their 011li m is not cen- luslsl to the Watchman. ï¬ned alone to the vicinity of Feiielon TEA NIEETING.â€"On Friday evening of Falls, but comii 8. ds a large amount last week a very successful tea meeting of the trade of the northern township and concert were held by the members oi as Well as doing a pugs trade 3,; the l’resbyte‘runphurcl‘. The tea was pro- Manitoba. Mr. Clark mallet trips nounced aspiendid rep vstoy evtxy iitr on. to the prairie province. The ï¬rm the concert after the tea was held in tin , . . . Odd {t1 ow’s hall -. nl was mich enjoyed. funny: 3 keen eye to Judlcmus adver- Mr. J. Petty gave several comic songs. tising have taken a space in THE and along with Mrs Logic sang several WATCIIMAN to which intending Dur duetts which were mt'ch anplaut'el. Mrs. Chasers should refer Logic also sang a due' t in c moany wi-l . . . LITTLL HECTOR â€"Mr John Aldous l r ' l . . . Mr. Drace , who assisted very accoptnb.) IS attending the Montreal c ' and in severl choruses. Mrs De man. h . . . Miss Williams, Mr.‘Grahnm and the Mir» ",8 feel satisï¬ed L‘t’t’le Hector “'1“ 3 Graham and Mr. Kinesford contiibited give 38°0d account 0f himself. : largely to the program by their singing PERSONALâ€"Mr. Orwin A. Morse .9 Mrs. Lloyd rendered valuable assistant» has a large class of advanced pupils in the entertainment by her skill at th: in the piano here. He is a painstak- i‘ ‘ t And HOUSEFURNISHING EMPORIUM cave readings, Master Wesley Shingles HOCKEY -â€"Our club took i d Bob â€"CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR-â€" g] Mixed-Japanâ€" prices down to the buï¬â€™. Another thing, ack. lowest possible notch.lour prices are right. W. ll. ROBSON-«West End 3 Stores SALE OF... llVlllllllllls ._ â€â€"â€" â€"â€" 5.00 Overcoats, reduced to $3.75. â€"-$6 0-53 Overcoats reduced to $4.75. â€"$7. 50 Overcoats reduced to $5.25- ~ â€"â€"$8.50 Overcoats reduced to $6.50. â€"â€" 19.50 Overcoats reduced to $8.00. KERR CO., P.S.-â€"Winter Goods at Cost. Opposuze Post Office. Mllllllllilfli IS NEW HERE! recited a laughable selection in splendid , form. Rev. Mr. McCucn, pastor, ably caygeon on Monday mg ‘5 Md defeat- performed the duties of chairman. Gel1 ed the Rocktown boys by score 0f two Save the Queen brought a most successful 0 four. anniversary entertainment to a close. Cassettesâ€"On Suiduy afternoon the remains of the late Mrs. Bsdgerow “11'! W“ a, m. WWW laid to rest in the cemetery. Mrs. Bad- . Pm ONAL. â€"Mr. Ducald McDonnell cf . . gerow had attained the age of seventy- _ .. . f . . , - . seven years, having Sirvived her husband ?ur})ieJ?£;: £313,335; gf‘stlyieoélf.:::d3ï¬ I e; l - z} I g21l I IS 1 I I 0 if e: ‘, _â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"-â€" S 0.\" YA about eight years. The family were . . . . . . '- ‘i‘ g; ' ;’ ' '- \ ' among the earliest inhabitants of the V1l~ inder L. ' M Ph‘“ ’3 care, suffering flu“ in attucs (-f congestion of the lungs. . . . lace. Man persoos attended the funeral , _ . ' attesting byy their presence the favor any} â€â€˜6 four-yvai-od: daughter .0! with which the deceased had been re- r. ‘ n Bacon‘f" 1.5 senously 1“ .w’th garded in attack of pneumonia. Dr. rark is in ' itteizdance. PALESTINE Hrsisssat â€"â€"A. pleasing event tran- Speclal to the Watchman. spued a: the. resrdence Of M" George . PERSORAL.â€"â€"Mlse Maggie Jamiescn Liad‘den10f “ink, on Wednesday cf lagt is 8 audio her holida s at her hom we ’ Y on H â€mud daughter MAgm-i p g Y . 6 was united in the holy bonds of mem- .. . . . .Mr. Hall of Manitoba, accom- uiony with Mr. James McTaggnrt of this panicd by his two children, are visiting til-08. The ceremv uy was performed by at Mr Graves ...... Mr. Hugh Logan. RBV- 5- M- of“! 1‘0â€: m the presence of of uskoka is at. resen' be immediate relatives of the contracting bush ranger M ' P parties. Miss Annie Hadden supporttd visiting his father, Mr, Angus Logan her meter :1 . . . . . . . thing the trying ordeal. while '. . . . . . Miss Bella Ouirie of Woodwilr- the groom was attended by his brother ‘8 the guest Of her “Ste", Mrs. D0001“- :llexander. After the party had pariah-en Jamieson ...... Mr. Inc. Delmer re if the sump'uous repast provided for tl.e turned from visiting friends in Toronto occasion. the happy couple left Blackwatei We are determined to sell them at cost price. We started business here some six months ago with a clean and entirely NEW stock. No old goods are to be found here . . . . . . Our Mottg_._._. Is Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returns and First-class goods for Cash only. SEE OUR â€"Red Cross Signal Stove, No 27, regular price and Hamilton on Tuesday’last. .- . ‘ .. by the 7.10 train for the west, where Mr. Neil McMillan of Gras‘i‘Hill called '1‘.†m“ up :11 the“ honeymocn. W° $20 00 fogisiiflï¬'g ' h h' f . d . th' ,. . 't "all them every hapiloess and siccess. â€"â€"RedCross 8 ~ 0- 27. "it oven, regu- 0“ ‘8 many 1:1â€). .3 m ‘5 “mm y OBITUARY â€" Another of the pioneers of 1" Pnee $25 00 for $20-50' last week. .Neil is always p welcome vhis locality puma peacefully away on -â€"Famous, No. 213, regular price 824.00. 3‘13“. 35 he ‘3 a. favorite WW" all, bUt Thursday of last week in the person oi for 320’00- , _ more especially with the fair sex. Mr. William Innes, at the advanced age â€"Famous N°~ 214. regular price 32°30, CHURCH Norrisâ€"The Rev. Mr. of 82 years. Deceased parlook of his for $21 50. Moore of Norland occupied the pulpit dinner as usual and shortly after lay down on a couch to rest as was his wont, of the Methodist church on Sabbath and in a short time p l away without evening 135“ He deliverad an im- astruggle. Anative of Aberdeen shire, pressive sermOn from the text, JOhD Scotland. he possessed those sterling WOOD HEATING STOVES. â€"Fsmous Parlor Cook, regular price 812.00, 3, 16 also Prov. 8, 36. _ qualities of character usually inherited by for $10.60. _ NOTEs.-Mr. Duncan Brown. has the sons of Caledonia. By perseverance â€M?" goggles No. 22. regular price $7.00, or ‘9 . purchased the “crusher†formerly and frugality he VII sumful in smas- owned by Mr. Foster of Kirkf‘ield and “â€8“ 3 “newt“ amount 0‘ P9501131 quperty. In politics a reformer, in {3 prepared. to accomodate all farmers religion a Presbyterian of a quiet in the neighborhood. ..... Many of retiring disposition, he *3 particularly the farmers of Palestine availed them beloved as a friend and neighbor, as selves of the opportunity of attending evinced by the large company that the Farmer’s institute convention held WM "‘9 "Wins t0 “W mm“ Our shelves are fillled with the most complete and newest stock of Hardware at Hartle on Wednesda the 26th. metal}. 30 leave- a wife and grown - . . - . . . . y y. up (study of two .0“. and four daughters it?†tpfl.vnï¬::’l;ieg bit; 1:33 :quinng anything in the above line will ï¬nd it They all pronounce the convention is t hi- ud den (i . mom - l . ° "m?“ 9 9m“- “1.3193129va kind away down at cost prices. Canadian and America Summitâ€"On Friday evening ast , ““"" Goal, 1 the 1 t quality always'on hand. our usually - quiet community was uno mam ghtlhcznhgs been WWW? - Come in and inspect our stock ; it will pay you to do so. expectedly aroused from its reverie by district about bay ceded to an .. ' . .' “ German consists of th and the shrill blowing of trumpets m the southâ€: maul“. enclosing the ba‘ â€"Mars Beater N . 27, regular price $12.00, for $9.50 ALSO All. SIZES BOX STOVSS AT 6081'. distance: The sound was heard mfn‘e the northepriln peninsula bei quadru l2 . ‘ ‘ KENT and more distinctly, and soon a sleigh 15h: sizef gftthe 2011631613118 mama ht; ‘ ‘ ' .. - sp ereo neres exensoveraraiuso ‘ drawn by a E‘leed span 0E prancing ï¬fty kllometres and includes the large I 9 bTREET steeds was seen rapidly approaching. towns of Klao, Tsimo and Tyhout Choeng. .vâ€"m,