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Watchman (1888), 9 Feb 1899, p. 2

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special 0 the Watchman and Vlarder PERSONAL. 41m Ida. Cowle of Tpront9, who' has been vivring friends m thlS locality :elun.gd mime Mondtfyn . , L Accmmnâ€"On Tuesday of this week whi: e a number of the schnol how were wrestling Alfred Gun- had his left. arm brgkeu above the elbow. - v v-v w-w‘- “(35â€"513 Mus â€"Those {vho have wood and gram to haul are taking advantage of the excellent roads. BYS’X‘ANDER. .MEDDLI-ZSOME Coaxsspoxnsx-rs ~Kindly give me space in your valuable co’umns to contradict. a Statement appearing in last week’s WATcanAx-WARDER from a Sandringbem correspondent, regarding a. party and dance. which he goeg on to give such a vivid de~cription of. Now this y or dance took place only in his fertile in and nocjn my hguse as he states, as ¢‘I LL ___.. there has not. been 'snch. neither will there be a dame held in my house as long as I am in possession of it, and would thank any correspondent to mind his own busi- ness in future and leave mine alone. ALBERT FISHER Special to the Watchman and Wander PERSONALSLâ€"Miss Rutherford of Fene- lon Falls is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Robert Faliis ..... Miss Nettie Fallis, who has been attending the Peterboro Business Collegc for some time, is home for a. few day's . .. .Mr. Ernest Hanna. has return- ed home from Lindsw. where he has been visiting for a. few davs, looking as though the fair (“be6 bid treated him very tender- , A2-I. 0116 Wu vulv’ I: -u ‘Ayu -u. ---~- - -__, 1y . . . Mr. Ernest: Faliis, in company with Miss Rutherfmd and his sister Miss Fallls, made 8- fls’ina vi~it to Peterboro oh Satur- day last. This ooks very suspicious, as Mr. Falli's takes umerous drives in that dih‘CfiOD. and probably innvnds settlmg down in the near future. We thxnkhe might do worse. . . . . .Mr. D‘xvid Somervnle 18 taking lessons in cemic singing from Prof. F. V". Reynoids of Bethany, and we think he has used his judgment t-q good advantage in putting: his training m the hands of such an efl'icirnb mus-cyan ..... Miss Isabella. Gycy of Bunker H111, Is {it n: visting her sister, Mrs. Dalvxd McMnllen. which good news makes "Mac" smile to see her graceful form on ing. sp~.-.a! f-‘amrw of which Mil be a lecture On "flow In make 200d cheese.” ands free di~trihutim of the seeds from bich we zu'uw nur mammoth squashes. PERSONALâ€"Miss Tun-cums Muanuson his line. D UNSFORD. pedal to the Watchman and Warder QUARTERLY TBA.-â€"The Ladies‘ Aid of the Methodist church, held their quarterly tea as the parsonage, Monday evening. Jan. 5th. Although many friends are on the sick list, is proved to be one of the most succes £111 and enjczyable teas of the year. UNANIMOUS C ALLâ€"The Quarterly Board of the Mesh .disr, church gave the Rev. G. H. Kenney a. unanimous and hearty invi- tation to continue among them for another year. ‘ SPECIAL SFRVICEs.â€"A series of speqial v‘-- Ezuoum.â€"A sleighlead or young people irove in to the “Temple of Fame” concert in the Academy of Huic. The concert. was nuch enjoyed 1»: everyone and the Lind- say peovle deserve credit for the very able manner in which the pndlctbn was carried through._ 0.1-. n . ‘ 1 ‘11»! a)“, .--v vyv- CHEESE M EETING.â€"The annual mew ing of patrons of the cheese factory was held in the bail on Feb. lst, at which all the old officers were reelected. PERsos.us.â€"Messrs. G. Staples and J. Vance have returned from county council, and report favorable progress ...... Dr. Tilley visited our school on Thursday last, and expresses all work as satisfactory ..... Mr. 12.. Mitchell spent Saturday at Beth- any auditing: the municipal accounts ...... Master Rutherford Heaslip of Janetviile, is visiting his grandparents ...... Miss Lizzie Wilson paid a flying visit to friends in the West ...... Mr. J. Sutton of German Mam. spent a few days with his friends in this part. Remember the basket social on the 24th. and surrendered unconditionally. The evening was spent most. royally and after siggmg “He‘s a jully good fellow," all left in for the land of their nativiby. Much ofthe success of the evening was due to His: May Hicksnn. who spared no pains to make everynne fro-l alhome. w -...._ DRKADPUI. Sonar-We are indeed very sorry for me people of No. 6 that they should he It'lt out to safer in the chill Klondike brevzes while we. the? chosen few, are enjoying all the comforte of office. But it IS nearly time that Reubnro got, something neeing that our town is incor- d. Yet. even in our prosperiiy we onot. disdain to speak a. kind and en- com-aging word to those of Other parts of Ops who are struggling to attain the mea- sure of prosperity Whli'h we enjoy. We also extend ro thorn a must cordial invita- tion to ..ur Bag-he: Socigl op Eriduy even- ' SPECIAL SFRVICES.â€"A series ot speqxai services are being held in the Presbyterian church with good attendance from all con- grggations of tpe village. -â€"_â€"â€"- knmn :n tho A JULLY Tum. On Friday evening one of the jolliest crowd! of the seuon drove out to the home of Mr. John Jackson and proceeded to r aka powension «1 his spacious hou~:'. as the young people numbered nearly forty and ml were well armrd with the ladies‘ cakei, pies. etc. Mr. J. con- sidered diacxjetiog the bum pm}: of valor :- ncuucy ‘Iou.o u." uuu ... ...-..,_, H , week ..... Miss H. Pmkham has returned home after aitwo weeks vi~it with friends. A. -ALA_ w: n . u- vâ€"H__ A SUCCII‘lxs â€"Ml‘. Wu. Davids b 3 W88 3 ucce» in the wood «magi-g line. Lcsauzuua VI. lunv v ll.wovâ€" SICKNESs.-Almost. every home in the neighborhoyd is being visited by the la grippe, but. we are giad to see so many of its victim- cpnvalgwe‘nt. .. I ,L.___A_J UL Illa v Ivouu‘ yuu van. an“--. . PERSONAL. -Miss Caldwell has returned to our vicinity Once more after an enjoy able visit. with frivnds m Lindsay. . . ii~s P. Kenney visits wfz-Lgnd‘za‘in Seagrave this "" ‘ A _-\......ma "Ulllc “LEVI. III vv_., v v - 7- ....Mr. P. Spencé, ‘o-irr former ttacher. paid Dunsfoxd friends a. flying visit on Monday. LOCAL ITEMS. , On Monday evening, J an. 30th, Miss Armin Calvert. entertained a. few of her many f: lends. A most enjoy able evening wag sp- n: in games and music. A cial feature was the auctioning off of the ladies by Mr. Allan, who of come put in a reserve btd fgr_o_n_e 01_ tile fair ones. LI FFORD ’ Special to the Watchman and Wards TEMPERANCE. -A number of our citizens assembled in the hall on Friday evening last. tor the purpose of organizing a. temperance societv. Success crowned their efforts. and the society is t‘obekuown as “The Manvers Central Temperance Aswciation.” After a. constitution had been drafted. a large number of [wines were enrolled as members. many of whom made short hpvetbes dt-v- ted to :hc temperance cause. The fo.lowing Wei-e elected as pennanent oliicers': Pr.--., F. Staples; flee pres., Miss L Weatherilt‘; sec., J. Dundas; tread” E. Atkinson; managing committee. Messrs. F. Staples, J. Dundas, M. Weatherilr. Misses M. Staples, L. Atkinson and M. Wi-atheri t. On Feb. 2lth, the eVeninz of their next meeting, a. basket social will be held. As this Will be their first efl'ort. i: is to be hoped that no mean act will he done which may mar its success. The com. mittee are already making arrangements to secure mreiqn talent fur the occasion. They say the best will be none too gord. ML- AAAAAA 1 mA.x\"‘l. Spec al to the Watchman and Warder EIGHTH LINEâ€"MANVERS LORNE VILLE 2’ NEWS. REA BORO z «-4. STA TION and Miss Eascn are the guests of Mrs. Geo: Shnv. . ..Miss Maybelle Thorndyke of Millbrook reumed home on Mondy' evening. All the boys are lonesome. 1‘“. Guns was fired. SA LEM â€"â€"0PS Special to the Watchman and Wade: Omanâ€"We regret: to have death of the infant son of Peel on Jan. 28th, qfter .a. y} U151)..â€""c chgnou .v ”u..- death of the infant son of Mr. Chm. Peel on Jan. 28th, after a. very short ill- ness. A lame number of people attended the funeral on Monday. Thus showing their sympathy for the parents. PERSONALS â€"Miss Lena. and Hillard Pat-Son and Mrs. Zealand's family have been laid up for some time with the grip- ..... Mrs. A. Peel has been under medi- cal treatment: for sore throat ..... Mr. and Mrs..Littlsjohn of Dakota, who have been cnmn time “ash in this ..... Mrs. A. Peel has been under meal- cal treatment for sore throat ..... Mr. and Mrs. Littlejohn of Dakota, who have been visiting for some time past in this ‘ neighborhood, are at present visiting Emily friends. REABORO CREAMEBY.â€"Mr. G. Smith and W. 1. Reid- have been booming the Reaboro creamery in our neighborhood and met with pleasing success. \Ve understand the final meeting of the share- holders wi‘. be held at Reaboro on Friday. 10th Feb, to make arrangements for start.- ing to build. The building, costing about ‘ 2,000, is to be erected and ready for work i by the middle of April. Whomâ€"Some of the farmers are taking advantage of the god roads to get wood ”4 M A:ix‘-nnnn rn ti PIW U0 Special to the Watchman and Warden Tuna: LIVELY.â€"Cedar and saw logs in large qnlmtitivs are daily hauled into our Village: to be manufactured into slungles and lumber. Our saw mill is running and kept hwy. With alarge stock it wnll bum all summer. SICKNESS.- Grip has made hatoc among our people, without selection or parriality. Nearly every resident. in the place has been affected for more or less time. Thomas Lytle is down with it. now and very ill. . . . Robert Wilson succumbed to his sewre illness after a. struggle of three weeks for life. Everything that medical attendance could do was done ,for him, but to no pur- pose. He leaves a widow and six small child an inivery limited circumstances to ‘-v. . W. V, c home a.» they have a. pumcuu ybup-v Adv-v .,____ r7 _ _ down as a. vagrant to live in 38.01 for sixty days. As thls poor man’s feet were badly frozen and he having no money he was s- n: to the guol. Lookout ye “knights of the road. gaoljs alares ready for ye." . .1, _-_.. “Ann... {naurn hiw demise. SENT Downâ€"One Henry Millar, late of Rama, who insisted in lodging among the patient people here was promptly sent; L ._ 1:. .. :... (â€"410.1an civnr A WELCOME VISITOR.-THE WATCHMAN comes to hand regularly, now however with a. double~hc ader. It is always a wel- come visitor. While reading the list one day. I was struck with two thimzsâ€"flrst, tue large number of subscribers furnished from this office; second, the figures on the label as I read the names. WhenIsaw some ’94, ’95, '96â€"thut is paid up till that date â€"I said no wonder some editors can't afford to marry. Then I called to mind the intelligent wife of one with whom I was personally acquainted, who was a. most excellent proof-reader-and I con- cluded there is ho after all for the bachelor pressmen,w ofurnish free per, ink end composition for yearsâ€"en occa- sionally for all timeâ€"to some of their readers. The remedy is found in employ- ing the cogpaniow above. GOING Wasn-We 818 very so to 19am that our excellent butcher, . C. Rutherford, is to close huqiness here the rim of March and remove to Dakota. lHC luau. buy. n... w-.__v- Look out ye unfortunates without money or home or friends, “gaol is alares ready for ye.” Look out ye others, lookout. None of them air Samaritans ever struck ile in same of the townships of Victoria county. nor do they live there, nor do they trawl there. Not much; “gaol is alares ready for ye." . AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.â€"The fall ex- hibition will be held here on Tuesdav and Wednesday, 20th and 2215!; September next, immediately before Lindsay. uvv Al~_ ___ LL“ lmuacuuuwa; V‘LVAV _---.._-ch HOME FOR THE \VIx'r-ER.â€"Among the boys from the N.W.T. wintering here are Ira Boden, Henry Baden, Robert, Lytle, Albert Mag-wood, Simpson Brintnell and others. The boys are a jovial lot and are returning to the golden west again in the spring. “sirensâ€"Mrs. P. Angers of Mia-n3. Manitoba, and Mrs. Calderwood of Atherley, visited Mrs. A. C. Graham to renew relationship and talk of “twenty years ago” and over. . . .David Demorest of Chicago is home for a few days seeing his mother and catering to her needs from his wellfilled purse. David is one of Victoria Road boys who has prospered in the city of pork. A graduate of Victoria Road school, David feels proud of his education and never fails to speak in the highest terms of the practical education he receiv- ed in the brick school house at Victoria Road. He always calls on A. C. Graham, his late teacher, who says David is a second Edison and Will be a. millionaire yet. Cannons-Kw. b‘. B. Summon preached appropriate Sermons 121M. Sabbath re the relief fund fox~ St. J mnes Mephodist church Montreal. and eizhb additional V’s were added to the thirteen taken at the oflcial REMOVALâ€"John Jackson has removed from the old home to Mr. H. Brown's. J. F. Maunder, who purchased the home- ~tmd, haS commenced imnro vements pre- parntory Lo Ilia removipg @ither._ {BAKING CIRCLE.-â€"An Epworth Lea ue wading cirt'le has been fqrmed, with r. Hall as president. and Ida E. Stratbon as secretary. Several Leaguersare entering mm this work with enthusiasm. l'-'vu w...“ --- _- _ SOCIAL.â€"DO not miss the hit of the season. A basket social under the auspices at the Victoria Road Division No. 24 of Sum of Temperance, on the evening of Fen. 15m, in Uavana’s Hall. A good pro- gramme i: being prepared by the memoers of'the lojge and dainty baskets are being nwle, tn be filled with desicious pie, cake etc. Admission fee for those not, bringing baskets, 10 (:38. A FRIENDLY Acr.-The many friends of Mrs. Alfred Wallis have shown their Iriendship by placing the stone, sand and br'ck on Lha lot ready for the workman as 5902 a.» spring opens, to erect her new House. -_- ~-H-vv_ -- LAID T0 Brestâ€"Mrs. Wm. Soper was interred in the Methodist cemetery on Thursday last after a sermon by the Rev. E. B. Stratton. Mrs Super was an old and hizhly respected resident. Her funeral was largely attended, showing the high eweem in which she was held. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Seth Metherell. and several grandchildren . . . .Mrs. Barnard, formerly of Oakwood, died in Toronto on Sunday. She was brought by train on Tuesday morning and buried in the Christian cemetery. PERsoxAL.â€" Wm. Ford of Bacon River, Manitoba, is on 1; visit at his father's. His many friends are pleased to see him again after an absence of ten vears....Miss Cowle of Toronto returned home on Mon- day, after a stay of two weeks with her sister Mrs. John Prouse. She delighted the audience in the Methodist church on Sabbath evening bv her fine rendition of two solos... .Miss 0. Kirk, who has been snending a month at Dr. Hall's, returned to her home in Toronto on Saturday... Muss M. Lloyd is visiting her sister in Oriliia....Mrs. John Yeo of Norwich is Spending a few days at the old .home . . . .Miss Milo Pogue has gone on a visit, to Hamiiton among friends. She will also attend a. wedding and visit the millinery openings at Toronto...,L. G. Irwin, our township assessor, paid. Britain a. visit lasr. week . . . .MiSs Nettie Swanson has gone to Kingston toAvisit heg_siste_1;._ .â€" Spe:ial to the Watchman and Wade: VICTORIA ROAD LITTLE BRITAIN '\A Av “.1 long distance to draw to nobe_the 1 , . 1 ‘snard, making over $100 with scarcely any 'rrt. The rev. gentleman has announu‘d " he Will next. Sabbath giVe another of - Sunday evening lectures at 6.30. Suh- . 3 at â€"“Variety of Dogs.” Rev. Mr. Fletch- : '--r is «till assisting Elder Garbubb in spec-.ia.‘ m wz1c~MAaAs~éD VICTORIA WARDER' elfovt. with success. Special to the Watchman and Warder PERSONALS. --Mr. and Mrs. J Wright. 9f ginden Vallgy 1finer: ,_A- A 12' EKDULV Aha. "-MLL , u -.__ < _ Wright. of Linden Valley spent part 011 lasn Week the guests of Mr. and Mrs- Pnillips ...... Mr. Bain has a very .50“ hand, the result of a slight hurt received some weeks ago. but which has develope to seriousness since ...... Mr. 31nd Mrs. Staples are recovering from is. gnppe ...... Mr. Geo. Arbuckle is much improved and his many friends wish for .1115 speedy recovery ...... Miss Jennie Swain of Valen- tia is visiting her sister, Mrs. Buchard. bpecuu CU we VV ant-unusu- â€"--- 7 . . OBITUARY.â€"Grim death has again v151t- ed our midst and taken as its Victim one of our oldest and most esteemed neigh- bors. Mrs. Peel, beloved wife of ' Peel. in her 75m year. La gnppe was the cause of her death. The good old lady Was highly respected by all who knew her and beloved bv her mOst intimate friends, both old and voung, bv all of whom she will be greatly missed. We tender our most heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved husband in this the time of his sad afflic- tio", bat would give him the sweet assurance found in the words, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” _-.‘ meal-or are Elle ueuu wuu uxv u. u“. _v_ .H SICK LIS'I‘.â€"-Our worthy post-master. Mr. W. A. Maxwell, is, we are glad to see ble to be around a am after 3. ve a g Mr. g sev re 31: of la. ri e. . e a“: CA - g- P?..-kln fhrnnflh severe auger; u; .111 Envy... ..... h Mauhay, mail-earner, IS unable througfih sickness. to make hxs trI-weeklv trlps W: the mail ...... Messrs. J. Alden, R. Peel and E. Burgess have recovered from their sickness ...... Mrs. Ed. Burgesg 1s also re- covering ..... La urippe has laid a. heavy hand over our little settlement, but. under the skilful treatment: of Dr. Grant they are all recovering as quickly as can be cxpecr‘ed‘ V--. ‘r,# TYAI‘I:An¢V Rnlcnm expecwu. VISITORS.-Miss May Halliday, Balsam Grove farm, has been visiting friends at. the lake during the past week ...... Mr. B. Maxwell, Toronto. who was visiting his parents-foracouple of weeks has re- turned. (‘ity life seems to agree with Bert; ..... Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Brown, Palestine, and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Max- well, VVoodville, were visiting at the Laké hltKl‘. Narniaâ€"“bod bees and dances seem to occupy the time of the young people ...... Weather has been very severe. and roads rendered almost impassible with snow drifts. Special to the Watchman and Warder CARNIVAL. -As a general thins: post- poned carnivals are anything but a success, but the one held here last Thursday night was a notable exception. Everything com- bined to make it a success in every sense of the word. The local band contributed several well exacuted members. Mr. Kirkland, the lesse of the rink. had theice in prime condition. The weather was ideal and a large crowd was there to enjoy all these favorable conditions. Although there were counter attractions in almost all the rinks in neighboring towns, there were many present from Oakwood, Cannington. $underland and Beaver-ton , A»; ._..._A Vaulllusvvu‘ nunâ€"u -......_.. A large number of those present were in costume. The judges, Messrs Webb, general agent for Frost Wood, and Moore and Gilchrist of the village, had some trouble in deciding who were entit- led to the prizes. After due deliberations the awards were made as follows: Girls' costumeâ€"1 Mabel McKee, Queen of Hearts ; 2 Maud Thorndike, Girl of the 16th gentury._ Young ladies' costumeâ€"1 Miss -- -- 1;". I! TY at noon, for the deliver‘of 100 CORDS of good sound Beach and aplo Body Wood this winter’s cut, in the COURT HOUSE AND GAOL YARDS, Lindsay. Wood is to be delivered not later than lat Jul next, in lots of not less than 10 cords, to of qual- ily satisfactory to Mr. J ackson, gaoler. nod to be placed and piled under , his way Company. Notice is hereby given that applicath ml] be made to the Parliament of Canada at its next session l- 1 an Act to extend thetimes limited (or the oom- menoement and cnmoletion of the Lindeav, H_nlio_u_rton Sali"§i£tilé{xia?i€vxi3rf s HUGHES,‘ President. Lindsay, 2nd February. 1899.â€"6-9. Tenders, marked “ Tender for Cord- wood, " will be received by the undersigned until. . . . direction. unâ€" vvvnv-u T. MATCHETT, county clerk County clerk’s ofice, Lindgay, February 8th, 1899.42. Lindsay, Ealiburton and Mattawa Rail- ..-.......,. -.,__.,, ...... E. Campbell, Nurse; 2 Miss C. H. Barnes, Maid of the West; 3 Mrs. Potter, High- landlShepherdess. Gentlemens’costumeâ€" 1 Mr. Morley Flurey, 2 Charles King. COUNCIL. â€"At the annual meeting of the village council held last week, Mr. Simon Drumond was appointed as village con- stable, at a salary of $16 a year. His duties are defined as follows: To main- tain order, to care for the town hall and keep on fire when necessary, to act as pound keeper, to keep the streets clear, to cut the weeds on the street, to protect the village property and such other duties as the council may from time to time decide. ,A_L - __.‘.._- Emitâ€"Those, of the villagers who were up in time Monday morning, saw the reflection of a big tire brightening the eastern sky. Later in the day it was learned that the frame house owned by Smith Bros. on the seventh conression of Eldon, was burned to the ground. The inmates were awakened by smoke and had hardiv time to escape. Nothing was saved. The cause of the fire is unknown. but it is thought that it started from a. defective chimney. The building and contents were insured in the Farmers' Mutual. CHURCH.â€"1tev. Mr. Duncan of the Presbyterian church and Rev. Mr. Clarke of the Methodist church exchanged pulplts last Sunday evening. NOTES.-A very large number of people in the vicinity are ill with the grip. Among the vicrims are Dr. McKa , Mr. Peter Campbell, Mrs. Spence an Mrs. McMillan. ‘ application will be mede to the parliament of Funk, .L us next. session, (or an Act. to revwe and :mend the Act. to lucorponte the Lindsay, Bobcsy. geon sud P ‘ntypom Runny Company, and to extend tne time {or commencing end oompleting the «3d nilwuy, Ilsa to retluc-e the co Ital stock, and for ogher pnrgoaea: .H; J. WICKEA , Solicitor for M A _ nzLL \Y--.-_ LA- ‘I 000 .vl vuuu- yu- applinnts. BEE" $305563“): Névember, 1898. ACCIDENT.â€"On her way to the church last Sundav moming, Miss Tracey Grant, daughter of Mr. Donald Grant, reeve of the; village, sligqed and fxgcgured he‘r arm; " “r" OBITi’ARYx- Mrs. Westlake, mother of Mr. Thomas Westlake of this village, died at her son' 5 residence last. Sunday morning. She had been ailing for some time. The funeral which took place to Smith’s cemetery on Tuesday, was largely attend- ed. NOTICE. TUESDAY, let FEBRUARY, INST., OUNTY OF VICTORIA. TENDERS FOR CORDWOOD COBOCON K WOOD VI LLE ! Davidson's Mill, near Little brmmn, m refined and in good running order; l Chopping done every day. ‘ Came early and take your GRIST HOME Four S to 12 months old, half-brothers to Champion Steer at. Brantford Fm Smock Snow. Grand-dam and v sudsm of two was champion cow at all leaning All the Bulls have Canadian fairs some wars aura. good makers for mothers, and dam of u..e is specially «makers and transmit ood. My herd um money 3: Write or come to Faln'iew their good qua‘ities. Farm Woodville,0nt. L L 1.4 .I.‘ v u . ...... â€"For Lorueville factory. will take half intelesn in f.xctqry sell at reasonable price as he 13 go BERT LAPP, Lomeville P.O.â€"4-3. One preferred who . Undersimed will ing to Manitoba. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE Beinz part of Lot 12, Gm: 4,.TOWneh1p of Emily, .‘ AL , __.A__,“‘A“ A. V Bejnz Dart of Lot 12, Om contamme 142 acres, all cluare.‘ 4 acres under hydwuod bush. 7 - ‘-II “.1... 5 “'5ch uuvuu u......~.. _ , seeded down: 16 act fall wheat, ucres red clover, 8 acres timnthy. plowed and the balance in pustm all well fenced and watered, and i stones and loul aeeda It is one farms in the province, and is aim: from Omemee, where there ‘aru public schools. Then: is also a. g( n _ u... “nu-“Lana H1913 i: containing 142 acres, all cleared with the exceptzon or 4 acres under hardwood bush. The followmg land is needed down : 15 acres fall wheat, 12 acres alsike, 20 acres red clover, 8 acres timothy. There are 50 acres plowed and the balance in pasture. The property is all well fenced and watered, and is free from stumps, stones and foul seeds It is one of the best wheat farms in the province, and is situated about 2 miles from Omemee where there ‘aro first-class high and ublic schools. There. is also a good public school on the lot. On the premises there is a large and cam- fortable fmme dwelling ;-also splendid outbuildings. our barn being 90 x 30 feet, with cow stables, root houses and piggery underneath. There are three walls on the premises, one being: a. fiowing well Alsoacistern. Purchaser can have immediate pus- session. Cause of sellmg wouhedth. For further particulars apply to W. It. MclgUADE, Omemee P.U., or on the premisemâ€"5-2. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807. Chap. 129, Sec. 38, the credit-urn of GEORGE McKBE. late of the 'l‘ownahip of Sonn-rville, in the County of Victoria, larmer, deceased, who died on or abut the \1th day 0! January, A.D. 1899, are required on or before the to send by post, prepaid. to M».ssrs. McSweyn Anderson. Lindsay P. 0., solicitors for JANET McKErJ, cxecutrix of the estate of the said George McKee, their Christian and surnames, addresses and occupa- tions2 full particulars of the: claims. and the nature of the security (if any) held by them The said executrix shall, siter the said 8rd day of March, A.D , 1899, be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased. or any part thereof among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice. and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed. to an; person of whose claim such executrix has not had notice at the time of such distribdtion. __-._-â€" . , on,_,.__ -1 I 2â€".Innn U101 uuuw an: Luv unwu v. a..-" â€"----_~ 7", , , McSWEYN 8t ANDERSON of the Town of Lindsgy. in the County qt Victfgriat splicitors for the cxccutnx. _ -1 nAk_....... A I] Au vuv WEI-VJ v- . .--V_"V Dated at. Lindsay, the '13}; day of February, 1899.â€"5-4. IN THE SURROGATE COURT ma n-mc COUNTY OF VICTORIA. 1’ OF THE COUNTY or VICTORIA. In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Infant Children of Frederick IVestern. farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that application wii be made to the Surrogate Court of the County 0! Victoria, before the Judge in Chambers, at the Court Housa, in the Town of Lindsay, in said County. after the expiration of twanty days from the first publication hereof. on behalf of Richard Western and Thomas Western. the younger, both of the Township of Mariposa. in, said County, farmers. who are brothers of the said deceased, tor an order appointing them Guardians of the following inlaut children 0! the said deceased, that is so say :â€" HAROLD FREDERICK WBZSTERN, about eight years of age; CLARA OLIVE G ERTRUDE WESTERN. about live ears old; ALMEDA BLANCHE WESTERN, a at two years old; and EDITH ANNA WESTERN, about two months. Dated at Lindsay, this 16th day of January, A.D., 1899. RICHARD WESTERN and THOMAS WESTERN, the younger, by McSWEYN ANDERSON o! the Town of nindsay, in the County of Victoria, their solicxtomâ€"SA. for several yem pest teacher of Music at Brooklyn, N.Y.. has opened classes in Lindsay at 86 William. 5L, north, end will receive 5 limited number of 911911;. Terms made known on qpplimfioqum ‘4 CREDITORS. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 1‘29, Sec. 38, the creditors 0! William Staggitt, hm: of the Township 0! Sumcrville, in the County at Victoria. farmer, deceamd, who died on or about the eighth day of January, A.D., 1899, are required on or betore the EIGHTEENTII DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. 0.. 1899. to and by post, prepaid, to Messrs. McSweyn Audersnn, Lindauy P.0., solicitnre for Gregory SUéL’itt. exrcutor of the estate of the said William Suggitt, their Christian and surnames, addreeses and occupations, full particu‘aré of their claims, and mtae , \ LA‘J I... ‘Lum occupations, full DITEICU‘BIB 01 than ulauI-o, auu my nature of the security (if aux) held by them. The mid executor shall after the said eighteenth day of February, A;D.. 1899, be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased. or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, havinr retard only to the clsims of which he has then notice. and shall not be l.a.ble for the assets or any part thereof so distributed, to any person 0! whose claim such executor has not had notice at the time of such distribution. MciWEYN ANDERSON c! the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria. solicitors {or the executor. 05501 st Lzuiuy, a.” ism dty of Januzry A .D., Pursuant to the Revised Statutes o! Ontavio. Chnp. 129. See. 88. the crdiLore 0! Donald Gram, late of the village of Woodnlle in the County of Victoris, )00- man, (deceased) who died or. or about the Eighteenth day of December. 1898. are required on or before the 20th day of February. 1899, to lend byopoet. prepaid to Wm. M. Cant. eeq., one of the executors’ o! the last will end teetunent ol the said Donald Grant, nt Woodville P.O., their Chritinn and summes, nddmsaes end oocuretions. full pnrtioulm of their claims, and the nature of the eecuflty (1! tn ) held by them. The said executors shell utter the d Sr'ééti'oiéf 5.2.7.: New Bdck Vonoorod Methodist Church. on Lot 6. Con. _13 Emily. P151333 3qu specifications uu WU u. vvun u.- an...- -.â€"..... _-_ - ","fl, out be seen with Secretary of Building Committee. The lowest. or my te~der not. necessmily acoepmd. JOHN YQUfl‘. _sgcret.ar- of building committee, and William I. Grunt, the exocutrix md executors- 4-4. SAULâ€"No. 20 Durham-st... close to the 0.123. workshops. Storey-and-a-hsl! Frame, seven moms. Four lame bedrooms upstairs. with clothe; closets; from. and back attir“; kitchen 16x20; stone cellu- undernenh all .-Ardwater pump in kitchen. Gaud wandahed. Price And terms on ap- plication tu‘RLOBERT JEX, Lindsay P,O., or on the hrdmisel.-6â€"3y be “liberty to distribute the assets of the said do- ceased or any part thereoi, among the parties entitled thereto. having rmrd only to the claiml of which they shall then hove notice, and shall not be liable for the met: or my part thereof no distributedto any person or persons of whose chir- such' executors have not notice at the time of the distribution thereof: Dated at Lindsay this 25th gmgnry. 1_899._ @3108. Dated at Lindsay an: 20th unwary. 15w. 'L'nua. SHEAR]; qglicljor 191" gastric” 953m. Donuld Grant , _ A -__-.._L_... 1‘ Eldon, A PURSE onutsining a sun cf money. Owner can have same by proving property 3nd pay- ing ndwrtising exoenses. NEIL BROWN. Lot19, Con. 9, Eldon. Kirkflold P.0â€"5-3. Sealed Tenders, addressed to the undersigned, and marked Tender: for chuich, will be rvceived up to Music Lessons 3 FOUNDâ€"On the 10th Con. of Eldon. A PURSE mntaininz a sun d money. Fii'lfiiiwg‘rshnmm mu. l899. [mustard P.O.' -5-8. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEâ€"No. 20 Durhun-st close to the HEESE MAKER“ WANTED _- m_-lA__.‘A nyhn XECUTORS’ NOTICE TO 3RD DAY OF MARCH. All, I899. XECUTOR’S NOTICE CREDITORS‘ XECUTORS’ NOTICE. 20TH DAY OF FEBRUARY NEXT TENDERS WANTED NEW MILL. MISS R. ROBINSON, JOHN CAMPBELL mmsm THURsnAv. FEBRUARY 9TH.1899 CHRiSTlE CO Little gritain, is for the m The ' g E Wonderful Cheap Man mag/mu llllllu||ll~llllll ESE] Take Them With You For $33)} W [INDSAY’S LE @gflgfiiafigflgaflafifi L SALE-Thefiundersigued has for sale a num. ber of Milk Com. formerly used by the patrons o! the Valentin Chemo Factory. Also \Vhev Tank, and Boiler usediu the factory. These will be sold a: t reasonable price. Apply to WI. HOBBS. Valentin fifi "F r lurnfiur pafiiculsrs indoonditinna of No wply to McLAU v‘HLIN McDIARMXD, Vendor’s Solicic on. Lindqw. Dmod st Linduy, this 14th day 0! Jam. A.D.. ‘l The parties in Toronto who have purchased the book debts and subscription accounts of the Victoria Wander up to tho Slat December. 1898, have plsced the same in the hands of the undersigned for collection. Prompt. payment will save caste. JOHN KEL -.EY. Lindsay, Jan. 2cm, 1899.4. at Two o'clock in the «bemoan, ell thet Valuable Farm Property being the West Hell of Lot No. One, in the Twelfth bonceeeion of the ‘l‘ow. ship of Ennly. 1n the County of Vietcrie. conteininz One Hundred mm reorleee. Thispmpertyiesituete ebout e miles from Lind-e37; shout 96 acres cleared. The not] is good clnvloem. There 1e odd to be e young Orchu'd on term. TERMS.â€"-Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be putt! to the undeni,ued on day elude. end the bulance within 80 deye. The pumhuer. however, may mete armaments with the undersigned luv the balance to remain on men gaze. THE VICTORIA “ARDER mm nnriipu ;n 'rnmnm whn have numhzmec‘ U ygoun Shorthorn Bulls with ares-clan pedigree. Will be sold at reasonzble price if taken at. once. GEO. D. ISAAC, Lot. 28, con. 8, Pension, (Cameron Point, Fonelon m P. 0. -â€"4-3. reward of 820 for the recovery of s Three-yearmld Steer tint. was stolen or emyed from the Lsidlaw Ranch. Bexley on or about Nov. lst. Descriptionâ€" Color, red. wall white em on forehead, until tear in lower part of right ear. 11 stolen, a. rewsrd or $20 wiil be given for each intormntion us will lend to the conviction of the guilty petty or nuties. A further reward 01810 will be id for the reooveryof 3 H01- ezein Steer end Bed re e Steer the: were stolen or strayed from the same mob about the same time. Both animals rue unall brand on left hip. JAMES kEA, Balsam Lake Pr0.â€"4-3. $20-00 «'- UABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under 5nd by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a. oertdn Mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale. there wlll be offered for sale by Public Auction. at the SIMPSON HOUSE, IN THE TOWN OF LINDSAY. on FACTORY SUPPLIES FOR CALI! _'thn',nndanimmd has for min a num. BULLS FOR SALE. â€"Two vmnna thrfhnrn Bulls with first-chm Dedizree- IMPORTANT SALE OF VAL- UA'RLE FARM PROPERTY. Juan“. ELEVENTH DAY or m- IIUAnv. A'.D., I899. just now. We have bigger business ahead, and our preparations for an early spring f'rade are on a larger scale than ever before. Winter Goods cannot be held any longer. We need more room and our need is your opportunity. What the people want is factsâ€"not fiction. What the people sour on is to read and hear of Clearing Sales at cost at certain stores, and when they go there find out that prices are the same as before. That’s the talk all over our store This is Business, not Buncumhe REWARD.â€"-The underdgned‘wfll give 3 1 k I x. ‘3!!! "o (<1 k ? C93? ”@3 i! u 73) I 1%. _ _ I. @flmmwagggg $253 gnaw was: tple want is factsâ€"not the people sour on is to )f Clearing Sales at cost res, and when they go that prices are the same "g.“ m For MEN and BOYS. Odd Pants. Hats, Underwear and Furnishings which have been Ticketed with HALF PRICE tags. If you have any specula- tion in you, lay in a. stock tor present or future use. It will pay you a good fat dividend. “ ALWAYS GOOD AT GGUGH’S.” BRITWN 8803., BOYS’ WATCHES P.S.â€"Wantcd, an envrgvtw young; manftotw-H :xlmvn goods. .\ 2'1? preferred. J. J. Wetherup, MEN’S WATCHES £15, Lindsay, Corner Sussex and Peel-sue" and door north of ‘W. M. Rows-:5 \‘Jofi‘ â€"Gold, Gold Filled, â€"Silver and Nickel. Right pocket size and made to stand rough usage. Want a Watch Every Watch is Thotoughly Guaranteed in Every Particular. in our ads. and treat you to buncombe in our store. That’s very poor policy, and if you are the least bit shrewd you won’t be taken in by such flim-flams. Stock-taking has turned up lots of Winter Suits, Overcoats and. Ulstefs, You never find us talking business -â€"Genuiuo Bell Pianos and Organs, â€"-The Dominion Pianos and Organs. â€"'l’he Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. â€"Thc Iondelsshon Pianos. â€"Msoâ€" -â€"$ew‘mg Machines and Typewriters â€"IcBurney-Beatie Bicycles J. J. WETHEREEP GIRLS’ WATCHES LADIES’ WATCHES Tiny affairs, Plain or F320 loan-priced or cos‘dy. â€"-Gold, Gold Filled, â€"Silver, Gun Metal. At Special Prices. OPTIGIIIS, U I DS‘VS' LEAD! N G J EWELERS DEALER IS «Em ‘ .9.) 1.7% @fiw

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