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Watchman (1888), 9 Feb 1899, p. 6

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J.8;ED'§%RD3 81%. â€"_ fibred Shorthorn Durham, Also CHESTER WHITE PIGS for sale at all times _ Sflih‘éfi OUT FURS AT 008T! mmwnAgnranmmch. apgfififig 3333 35m H 21rd ware. S"! OCK FOR SALE ,, MERLE Have been advanced in price by the manufactur‘ ers over 25¢ a keg, and i' is the general opinion that it will not be long before Wire Nails will be 50:: a keg higher than the prices we are selling at toâ€"day, and it is wise for builders to buy at once as all Iron and Steel Products, in- cluding Nails, Barbed Wire and Plain Wire have an upward tendency. nnnve are .111 good StOCk and ‘ worthy the immediate attention of those requiring such. uvvv _ Chester? Va bite and Berk- shire Boar 301' Service are. Iron and St eel Merchants. Biacksmibhs’ supplies BRETHOUR 8/: CGNQUERGCOD CALVES, (Thorough lcEAL'HEBIl Bflfl8., Argyle P. 0. he Bnfi‘alo all Steel Disc Harrow This is the only Disc Harrow made or sold in Canada, having independent. sdjustab sure upon the inner ends of the gut, discs, allowin: my amount of pressu ends of she ganga. by the foot of the operator. B. this means a perfectly flexible action is secured and the ground can be waked to a uniform depth. Examine this machine carefully and campus with Oth :rs. IS A MARVEL 0F SUCCESS. The only cumvaw: made that both lines 01 teeth will cut an even depth in the ground. Examine it and you Will see why. The only cultivator with a movable tooth set so that the angle of the teeth can be regulated to suit any conditions of the soil. Pres~ure can be regulated to not (ifierently on every Hection requiring it. teeth are carried between the wheelg instead of tmrl- mg behind, as in other machines, thus securinz lighter draft. This machine is furnishel with gram and grass seed box when required. It has reversule diamond steel points for the teeth , also extra. wade in-..” mm-" mints am be furnished, Examine it ing behind, as in other mamas, -_._ lighter draft. This machineig furnishel with 21 and grass seed box wneu reqmred. It. has revers: ; also extra. v ts can be furnished, Examin‘ THE BEsffifilLL MADE Ova: 40,000 Drills an are in use in Canadzg The only Dull made with lever for instant. and pcrfecn regulatiL-n of depth of hue in all kinds 0! soil while team is in motion. Sows absofu'ely curt-act t ) scale; saves see}, as every kernal is deposited at a. prover depth to grow. Pur- chase only the bust and ycu will be satisfieai We also manufacnure Bmders, Reapers; Mowers, Rakes, Cuitlvacors and Pulpe‘ns. as good as the beat. Semi for illustrated catalogue. NOXON BROS- MPG 00». Ingersoll, Ont, Canada. THE m3. I2 cunwAIQ? S. J. PUW The best quality Blacksmith Coal that mom-y can buy. “'0 are now able to name a verv low price on this celebrated “ UREKA COAL." Agent for ..... . Builders‘ Hardware. THE NIMMO HARRXSON Business and Shorthand I 0.0.F. Building. Car. You: e and College-sis Toronto, Ont. COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TYPE- WRITING, CIVIL SERVKCE COURSES. Ample cquxpment. capable iuatructors, thorou‘h individual instruction, unique record of good results. Students mav enter any time. Prospectus mailed to your address tree. Do you want Wood? If so, I am prepared to deliver to you at current rates BEST QUALITY 16 in., 22 in. and 4 ft. MAPLE. TELEPHONE Ila. 93 or 95.â€"47-I3. _ EUREKA SMITHING COAL MCLENNAN CO of St ocktaking, which com- mences in about a month or six weeks, we purpose giv- in Bargains as we never at-' tempted before. We will not quote any articles or‘ prices, but just say that al1 goods are at Bargain prices. We carry one of the largest stocks in the county and do the Finest Engraving and Repairing. We wish to thank our many friends and public generally for their liberal patronage during the year 1-898, and solicit a continuance of the same. THE IEWELER. Hardware, Coal and Iron SCRANTON HARD COAL WOOD. COLLEGE PRIBES REDUEED R. D. mum, JAS. ”4 83/50”, our customers such Agenés, Lindsay J. M. KNOWLSON l wxll see why. on; set no uh»-t ,ed to suit. an)“ be rezq'a‘flf" only cultivator gn even degth (Limited) "pin cipals . DISTRIBUTING OFFICES is an efi'ective method of putting party workers in good humour. There are times, however. when chis Same operation tende to humour of a diflerent sort. One of the chef du'ies of Canadian statesmen in manipulating the emoluments to the greatest advantage of their party. If‘ the particular statesman having this dehcne pertormance in hand fdle to dudes the party politics of the section nth-cred may for some time thereafter be floca'ed high up in the air. This eetmeto me what has happened of late among our irleude iho enemy, in this riding. Two appointments haVe been recently made byzhe Ontario government. Mr. Elms BoWee has rec-awed the vacant theofficeuf clerk of Dwiswn Court and the poaxtlon of police magistrate has been awarded to Mr. Steers. With the former .. ‘ - L ‘17“ and ,m mane Dy hue vu-u." n'** Elias BoWes has receIVed the vacant theoffioeof clerk of Diviswn Court and the pesition of police magistrate has been awarded to Mr. Steers. With the former no one seems to find fault. We find no fault With the latter for we no more ex- pected the office would be presented no any body on our side of pOliLJCB than Ihe m4j in y of the local Reform fra-ermey exotcwd it would go where it did. Freah from the gu'leless Seclusion of non- partisan journalism, we Will not be ex- pecteol to p0>sess any great degree of sagtcity concerning the manner in which such considerations are handed out. From a. somewhat didgent perusal of the Toronto organ ot our newly-espoused party. we have saith-red the impression that. the grit custom from early times has ' been to pstleurly await the demise or resignation of (tfiinls With good holdings and straightway appulnb in their stead the nominees of the local machine, whose selections are mace With the strictest regard to the prevtous sacrifices and vote- pulling energy of prospecthe officials. By this means the candidates are reward- ed, the lt-eat tmn tltttered, the govern- (0PM advxsei and toe cause built up. [u the recent appointment of police magistrate 'a hitch in the established order seems to have occnvred. Not that the new ofliccar is complaining, or the government displeased. but the 1- out tratrruity is on the war-path and the cause in imminent peril. It hes been known for some time, even beyond that inner circle, that Mr. H‘u‘dv does not“ treat his average follower with anything like the c.-nsideration of Sir OliVer Mowat, but that he should depart from the time-honored custom of conferring with thOPe sections of the party concerned, when about to make appointments is regarded as a serious matter; We do not know by what means the premier arrived at his decision. He may have consulted a familiar spirit». turned a tea cup or read his directions in the stars. It appears that at all events he failed to take council wi'h the strong local factors of his party. As a result his appointment has brought ll‘ ‘10 u n‘v..-‘ -â€"_~ Err- 7- on 1 crisis akin to civil war He will prob .b’y disc 1V9! shah none of these ne w- laughed methods are equal to the good old any of making the faithful. r. us rumored that the choice of the party men in town was Mr. D R. Andersm. not: on persmal grounds so muon‘»s length of service to the party imereete. All unexpectedly at the but: moment Mr. bteere loomed up as the dank horse and won with so =i=~’.le Mains-g that 'the question being asked i4 whether Dr. McKay, whose the gifv. WKS eoponeed to be, was roughly ridden down by the premier. We hear the glcornieer. Sort of predwzhne concerning the government's future in this r‘dinq since Mr. Steers’ appointment was made known. If -hese sentiments c-mrain wfl‘xcient vigw to fast 1m next eleciion hureeuzt in th .4 ruling will be a 32578 wager. - AgfiAfi The reducinn hf the SdIM'y from $1000 m $800 mil llkuly he a matter of more Interest to the as erage tax-payer than who Reta the cfiice. Aslong as the figuves c minue tn gran beautifully less the « flica wm continue to increase in popular Eoit't'f'l gri p C3 A SPEAKER recently declared that the dog‘ is the Only animal that will leave his own kind and attach himself to man. Special praise in this connection belongs to the Dull-dog. THE GRIP is a very amusing comphint V Yuu can scarcely refrain from laughing the whole timeâ€"‘han the other fellow has it. Wnen you get: if you are amusing. It is a. ridiculous malady. Tm: AMERICANS have begun to siaugh- tor the Humanity for whom. they mas- sacred and pillaged the Spaniards. It will'be a relief when the end of this repu‘lsive Yankea farce emu come to an end. ’ . OAKWOOD Special to the Watchman and Warder OBIT. -â€"-On Wednesday, 13!: inst), another of Oak'wood’s oldest residents, Mrs, Thoé.‘ Walton, passed away. About a week 'previous Mrs. Walton had been ailing and Dr. Chambers Was called in, but not) considering her dangerously ill did not call again until he was notified on Wednesday of her death. Deceased leaves a. husband and four children two ache and two daughtersâ€"to mourn her loss. The funeral took place on Thursday. AT THE CARN§VAL.-â€"Our village was fairly represented at the carnival in Lindsay on Tuesday night. two of the best prizes having been captured from the town “talent." to grace one of our village homes. SKATING.â€"Our own rink has been thriving lately on account of the coid weather. We hope Lindsay will soon be given another opportunity of com- peting with us at home. GOOD morning. Have you had the The Spoils Editorial Notes the east ward leaves -â€"Mts. Hartly Cullen of a. {cw weeks with to-day for Toronto to spend friends. ‘ --“---\nr1 hntne -â€"Miss Nora. Dunn of Toronto, re Monday after a. week’s visit 1:: friends. -â€"-Miss Katie Marsh of Orillia, is the guest or her uncle, Mr. James Hutchinson, Mariposa Staticn. , â€"-Mr. I: E. Marts fthe railway mail service, Toronto, 15 vxsiting friends in town and at Fenelon Falls this week. _ ‘ “.L‘ an Bonn â€"â€"Mr Wm. Scott, of Valentxa, v on the sick list for some time past, a few weeks with Toronto friends. 'I‘ â€"â€"Miss Maude Porter ot ‘Louenuam .a visiting relatives and friends in Mariposa and Ops. -â€"Lieu:. Col. Sam Hughes left for the WCSL on Saturday, and will be absent for some time. â€"â€"Dr. Clendennan, who 5 home during this week. left Dawson City. â€"â€"Mr. John Kennedy, who has health for _some time, left last ' extended visit to Bermuda. He panied by Miss Kennedy. -' ‘1 -I_.:IL paulcu u] - - â€"â€"Mr. and Mrs A. H. Melville of Peterboro were in town for a few hours yesterday, having come up the evening previous to attend the Masonic “ at home.” â€"-Mr. and Mrs. D. C Clarke, south ward, gave a. progressive crokinole party last week to Mr. W. H. Morrison of Portage la. Prairie and his friends of town. Mr. Morrison leaves for Manitoba this week. -m- â€"â€"Capt.. J. ' D, Varcoe of Bobcaygeon, accompanied by Mrs. Vucoe, was in (own Saturday. They were cn xheir way home from a two weeks’ visit with friends in Mariposa, ' , A - n’ 1,344. \K_.\0A- ‘vau. lrv-â€"r , â€"-Mr C. l-Ieaslipof Verulam,District Master of the L O.L., Mr. J. H. Cassiday, of Pcnelon Falls, ann Mr. W. Gamble, of Bury’s Green, were in town on Tuesday attending the county convention of the Orange order. â€"â€"Mr. John McGarr, of Ottawa, formerly of Lindsay, who has been visiting friends in town for the past week, returned home Tuesday. Mr I‘charr is now emqloyed on the Ottawa Parry Sound railway and reports business very lively on the road at ihe present time. The company has ordered 500 new freight ‘cars and contracted for drawing 30,000,000 i bushels of grain. yuan-.- v V “ Among those in town on Saturday, and who gave Tm: WATCHMAN-WARDER a call, were tnc following: â€" john Burgess, Dunsford; Wm. Skucc, Mount l-Ioreb; Capt. Varcoc, Bobcaygcon; Wm. Hamilton. Powles Corners; Thos. Western, in, Little Britain; R. Argue, Ianetville; D. Cherrie, janetvilleflohn Brown, POWan’ Corners: Herbert Perrin, Cameron; Charles Perrin. Cannington; James Taylor, Oak wood; John Gillespie, Eldon; Jabez North, Little Britain; John Prouse, Little Britain; " A. n--. l.l.lc ”luau", Jv...- __-, Geo. Milligan, Ops; Geo. Graham, Ops; Arthur Tremeer, Little Britain; Mrs. James McGahey, Ops; James Shea, Fenelon Falls; S. Irwin, Rosenale; John Deyell, Cambray; Wm. Scott, Valentia; J. A. Roddy, Ops; John Cochrane, Cambray; Geo. II. Mark, 01k mod; Robt. Deyell, MOunt Horeb; Mr. Sluggctt, Valentia. The most exciting contest of the season took place on Monday nifiht when the local hockey te am went to attle against that crack combination, the Frontenacs of ‘ Kingston. The work our boys have been doing this year and the reputation of the visitors out the interest away up and the rink was crowded with lovers of the game. A3915 the teams lined up in the following 01‘ (‘1‘:- Lindsay. Frontenacs. Gross .............. Goal ............ Hiseock Dr. Walters ...... Point ............ McCrea J. McMillan. . .Cover Point. .J. McDowell }Vylie ] I I\éVilson ' aylor ‘ nynor Perkin J' h or wards L Murray Knowlson Clarke At the close of the first half the visitors had a surprised look on their physiogs for they had struck the snag at 2 to U in favor of the home team. Fhey must have devis- ed terrible things in the interval for when it was all over they had made 6goals while onlv 5 were on_ the slate to Lindsay's ARI. _-I_-_ ULII' u n\-v cvedit. It was the cleanestgnme of hockey seen in Lind~av. An exhibition of rough- ness put McCrcn off the ice for five minute-i but in nearly every instance it was a gentleman's game. Brilliant plays were not lacking. Raynor and Wilson supplied them for the visitors. Their rushes were great and well seconded by Clarke. The home team has at least five‘ stars and are all good men. Gross deserves a medal for his work between the sticks. a long shot by McMillan was the prettiest goal of the evening. Secretary McDermott of the Frontenacs was a‘ong as was mascott Alfy Pierce who “is not colored." Gauthier of Osgoode was an acceptable referee. After the game the Kingston people were entertain- ed at Taylor's restaurant in good style, An original song by Mr. A. Perkin was among the good things on the programme. lThe visitors haven way of reciting a bit of high class literature in a. fashion that would turn the L.C.I. boys green with envy. The text is: Play! play! play! Frontenacs, Frontenacs played the game; Hard times! hard times! here we are again: Hokey, pokey, penny a lump, You all know what 1 mean, Oh what a happy town is Kingston. Remnants of Carpets at extre- mely low prices. Come on Tuesday the 14th February. WEDNESDAY, FEB. IsTuâ€"By Arch. Camp- bell, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock ‘ and implements, the property of Donald C. McMillan, lot 8, con. 9, Eldon. Sale. at one o’clock. FRIDAY, FEB. 24TH.â€"â€"â€"By Elias Bowes, auc- tioneer, unreserved credit sale of farm stoch and implements, the property of Mr. James Wood, lot 23, con, I3, Mari- posa. Sale at one o’clock sharp. THURSDAY, FEB. 16TH.â€"By T. Swain auc- tioneer, credit sale of household furniture, stock, etc., the property of Mr. W. E, Swain, lot 19, con C MariposaLJSale at 2 o’clock sharp and without reserve. TUESDAY. FEB. urnâ€"By Elias ancs, auctioneer, unreserved credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. John McLean, lot 4. con. 7, Eldon. Sale at one o’clock sharp. TUESDAY, FEB. 23â€"By Arcli. Campbell, auctioneer, unreserved sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. John " Cameron, lot 6, con. 7, Eldon. Sale at one o’clock sharp. lWEDNESDAY, FEB. I 5â€"By Elias Bowes, l auction.» er, credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. John Gillespie, lot 11. con 5,Eldon. Sale at one o’clock and without reserve.- DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. REMNANTS OF CARPETS A CLOSE HOCKEY MARCH PERSONAL SALE REGISTER of Vaicntia, who has been 712:-.. LINDSAY. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH.18991 who spent a few days at :. left on Wednesday for )f Ozillia, is the guest of Hutchinson, Mariposa I, who has been out of left last week for an of Tottenbam is ads in Mariposa returned home in town with , is spending was accom- -w__ _ W THE AMERICANS AND F|L|PINOS FIGHT EACH OTHER. .â€"â€"-â€" A NIGHT ATTACKâ€"HOT WORK FOR THE AMERICANSâ€"THE FLEET TAKES A HANDâ€"-FILIPINOS REPULSED WITH HEAVY LOSSâ€"ABOUT :00 AMERI- CANS WOUNDED. Manilla, Feb. 5 (6 15 p.1n.)â€"â€"â€"The long- expected rumors of fighting benween the Americans and Filipinos have been verified at; last. The clash came at 6.45 Saturday ‘ evening, when three daring Filipinos darn- ed push the Nebraska. regimenb’s pickets but: retired when challenged. They repeated the experiment wibnout drawing the settlers’ fire. But the third time Corporal Greelv challenged the Filipinos and then fired, killing one of them and wounding another. we a... . nmc- UUI [JUL u; v ..... and then fired, kiilmg one or tnem uuu wounding another. THE FIGHTING STARTS. Almost immediately .7 afterwrrds the Filipinos’ line commenced a fusilade which was inefl‘ectual. The Nebraskan, Mon- tanan and North Dakotan outposts replied Vigorously, and held their ground until reinforcements arrived. The Filipinos in the meantime concentrated at three points. At about 1 o’clock the Filipinos opened a. hot tire from all three places simultaneous- ly. This wee-supplemented by the fire of at Balik-Balik, and by advancing their skirmishers at Paco and Pardacan. The Americans responded with a terrible fire, but owing to the dark- ness they were unable to determine its , effect. The Utah Light Artillery finally succeeded in silencing the native battery. The Third Artillery also did good work on the extreme left. over an hour. The engagement lasted SHELLING 'l‘llE INSURGENTS. The United States cruiser Charleston and the gunbom Malabon. opened Concord, stationed off fire from their second batteries (i.e., small quick~firing guns) on the FilipinOS' oositi'm at Caloocan and kept it up vigorously. At 2.45 there was another fusilade along the entire line. and the United States seavaoing double-turret- ”-‘um. nannadnnnk mmncd fin! on the Kept ID up vugpuvukuJ- _._.- , . ' another fusxlade along the entire line, and \ the United States sea-aoing double~turret- ed monitor Monadnock opened fire on the enemy from off Malate. With daylight the Americans advanced. The Californian and \Vashingwn Regiments made a splendid charge and drove the Filipinos from the villages of Paco and Santa Mesa. The Nebraska. regiment also distinguished itself. capturing several prisoners and one 1 ‘ howitzer. and a very strong position at the reservoir, which is connected With the waterworks. The Kansas and Dakota regiments compelled the enemy’s right flank to retire to Caloocan. There was intermittent firing at variom points all day long. The losses of the Filipinos can- not be estimated at present. but they are known to be considerable. The American losses are estimated at twenty men killed and 125 wounded. The Ygorates, armed with bows aod arrowe, made a very determined stand in the face of the artillery fire, and left many dead men on the field. Several attempts were made in this city yesterday evening to assassinate American officers. FIGHTING vei'y low prices. DUNDAS 86 FLAVELLE BROS. In his home on the Muskoka. hill, surround- ed 0y family and friends, Rev. Thos. Williams passed away yesterday morning, at the ripe old age of 89 years. His end was not unexpected. A short time ago the deceased contracted the grippe, and for more than a week he had been very near death’s door. Mr. Williams was born in London, England. in 18:0. He came 11’- porn I!) wuuuu, pus-m...“ ... -v--- N, v to this part1 of Canada sixty years ago. He cherished recollections of this neighborhood at a time when Orilla was unknown. His ministry in the Methodist church in this district w ll not soon be forgotten. When super- annuated fifteen years ago, he settled in town. About {our years ago Mr. and Mrs. Williams celebrated their golden wedding. The widow and a family of married sons and daughters survive him.â€"â€"Orillia News-Letter ...... The deceased gentleman was the incumbent of the old white frame church some thirty years ago, and will be remembered by many old-time residents of Mariposa. BARNES â€"In Lindsay, on Sunday, Feb. 5th, the wf: of Mr. W. J. Barnes, of a. son. humanâ€"In Lindsay, on Monday, Feb. 6th. I899, lb: wile of Mr. F. G. Barnett, G T.R., of a daughter. WHITEâ€" ()n Snturduy. Fcbruary, 4th, 1899, to Dr. and Mrs. J. A. White, a son. LAWSON. _In'\7cmlam, on Wednesday, Jan. 23m, the wife of Mr. John Lawson, of a $00. Gustâ€"In Bobcayzeon, on Tuesday. Jan. 3L~t, the wife of M r. Wm. Grant, of a son; PEELâ€"At Head Lake, township of Digby, on Ianuary 24th. 1899. Catherine McFarlane, wife of Richard Peeilhagefi. 75 year; “A, PEACOCK.â€"At Nicholls hospital, Peter- borough, on Mnndny, Feb. 6th, Emma Peacock, wife.- of Mr. L}. T. Peacock, aged 42 years PEEI..â€"- In Verulam, on Monday. Feb. 6th, 1899. Bella Jane Peel, beloved wife of Mr. Chas. A. I’cel. :3qu 36 years. " ‘ ",L \allda. Ll- -. ~v-, .. WOODS â€"At 3355;»? on Monday, Feb. 6:h, 1899. Edward Woods, aged 76 years. IDLEY.â€"In Manvcrs, on Friday, Feb. 3rd, 899, Catherine Rea, relict of the late Thos. Laidley. aged 84 yeaxs. On Tuesday, the 14th of Febru- rv- all our Remnants on sale at IIAGGITHâ€"At Cambrav, on Saturdav: Feb. 4th, 1899, Geo. Haggith, aged 78 years EN1>1c01Vr.â€"In the township of Fenelon. on Sunday, Feb. 5th 1899, Samuel Endicott, aged 84 years, 8 months. McKENZTE.â€"-At Port Huron, Mieh., U.S., on January 25th, 1899, Aaron McKenzie, V. S., formerly of Port Perry, Ontario. POOLE.â€"In the township of Fcnelon, on Monday. February 6th, 1899, Robert Poole, aged 70 years. *“‘ - ‘ â€" - , _o-- DARTNELL,â€"â€"At Whitby, February 2, 1899, George Henry Fremen Dartnell, senior judge o! the county of Ontario, in the 65th year of his age. DEATH OF REV. THOS. WILLIAMS lilacsâ€"Killed at Lindsay, on Friday. Feb. and? 1899, William Higgs, son of Mr. Thos. Higgs, aged 21 years and 6 months, ‘ THEXTON.â€"At Millbrook, on Thursday, Feb. 3rd, Catherine. widow of the late John Thexton, aged 67 years ...... The remains were I"interred in the Riverside cemetery at Lindsay on Saturday. COS'IZELLOrâ€"In Ennismore, on Jan, 24th» Catherine Costello, aged 86 years. LA\VSON.â€"-In Verulam. on Friday, Ian. 27th, Mrs. Lawson, beloved wife of Mr. John Lawson, aged 29 years. HANcocK.â€"At Oakwood, on Tuesday, Feb. 7th, 1899, Richard Hancock, aged 86 years. ‘ R. P. Butler, :65 Roxborough-st., East Toronto, Martha, relic: of the late John Barnard. formerly of Lindsay, in hcr 87th year ...... Interment took place at Little Britain, on Tuesday, Feb. 7th. B'ARNARD.â€"On Saturday, February 4th, 1899: at Lhe‘residen’cg of her son-in law, .Mr. -L 11‘__a. KINDS OF THINGS AT MANILLA DEATHS BIRTHS Lafirippe WE ARE NW THRQWING mm Best Line of Ranges, Ccok Stoves and Heatms Oakwood’s Stove and Tin Shop THE VIGTORM WAN AND The Third Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the \ lemma. 110211: . Savings Co. was held in Lindsay on Tuesday, 7th February, 1899. at 4 o'clock ix. 1L: afternoon. Among those present were noticed Messrs. F. C. Taylor. W. Flavelle. S. Armou: W. H. Stevens, 0. Chittick. Rev. N. Hill, Belleville. John Short. \Y. Worsley. Rev. B nes. R. J. McLaughlin. J. B. BL; g. .7. Hora. H. J. 14110. J. J Roberts, Omemee. F. Moy Williams. J. Magwood, G. E. Broderick. H. J. Nosworthy. a. Low. Dr. Ray. Camhra)‘. mm amounm Mr .T. Mm'ood. took the chair. and Mr. Low was requested to ;. Cash on hand January lst Capital .................... Expense ................... Loans (Loans Repaid) ..... Deposits ................. Interest. ................. Oflice Fixtures ............ Bonus. Em ................ Ontario Bank ............. Dividend No: 5 ............ 10. 11. 12. T0 Dividend N0. 5.. . . . my 6‘ ‘6 ( o Dividend NC. 6. Pa Balance Expenses Oflicc Furniture . . . Balance Profit . . . . . . HIGINBOTHAM, By Balance (including 3 months accrued and un id dividends account, change of year Sept. 30 to Dec. 31 By Interest”.................. ....... ..... ....... ...... To the President and Directors of the Vittoria Loan and Saz‘ings Company: - â€"We have camfully examined the hooks, documents-and vouvherf .of th (5511;113:133; the vear endin December 931%: 1896, 31nd hereby oertlfy that ”1“ 56%“ mgnt of assets and lizibilities an loss and gain, nerevnth presented 15 correct and xllv“ .« the true condition of: the affairs 9f. the Company at. that ‘13:“ - H . ~ ‘ We have examined all secuntles held b the Compan) and find 111“ Nd“? ”1 Rive” order and agree with the entries in the boo Q relatinfitlfito. v C A 1 a 1. ' “Z‘ ‘ " " m non. Lindsay, J hunary 25th, 1399. ‘ R. MCCAULEY, 1 ‘ The President, in moving the adoption of the foregoing reports, made the follmving observation} , , ~_ L__-:_.-...~ L..... In“... wnmv eof:cfor'tnl‘"_ Aftor lipfmvhv’ 4:1“ [OD-S : . - ‘ ' i .- ‘ ,., Obseflzznresults of the. vcar's busmess have been yery satx‘qucton. Afu ”km-3.13;: ex uses of managemént and other charges, pavmg two du‘xdcpas and wntmg #2.“: o ce furniture and supplies, a. balance 0 "$.69 has been earned to reserve. Mm, the best interesjspf ply: Company 15 desxrable. u 4 4-..-.c.-ll..T A-_n:A-.. n“ Ar nnr inrnxtnn‘ntx‘ tn 3w \1 line IHWFBS‘D UHCLWII. w ”G Av-uur- “wan-J V'.v-â€" r-"-- “r, During the last 12 months applications for loans to the amount of $101,u74_00 m 31- received, of which 71,27 .(X) were aece ted. Great care is exercised in the :u-wptum-c of loans. Sharehol ers, in Whom we ave the utmost confidence. see there is :zm'u‘w security in the gropertg offered, and we also consider the locality and the charm-z of the up licant. f we t ink there is any probability of the property coming on Olll‘ ham» we Wil not touch it. The outlook for the future is hopeful, and we are confident that a large and 1mm:- able business can be done in the County of Victoria. alone, although the C bmpum um do business throughout the Province if it so wishm . ‘ ‘ , The Rev. N. ill and Messrs. H. J. Lytle. S. Armour and C. Chittick were x-o-vh-cwd nimnl’nrs- and Dr. Rav was elected a Director to fill the vacancy caused by the (ion? h 01' but: Wan unmww Vl- m.v v--_rr"d After examining the list. carefully I consider all the interest theqeop y? be remarkably well paid up. A _-A‘:AA‘:A“4V fruâ€" ‘nu‘ one mu: UK. llul c. Owing to ill health Mr. J. R. McNeillie felt compelled to resign the p0>i720110f u Auditor. Messrs. D. Eagles-on and R. McCauloy were appointed Auditors for 111-3 u.»- rent year. At a meeting of the directors held immediately at the close of the eneml mm in: the followi re-ap intments. were made :-â€"President and Manager, . .fiiam'ood: Vivi“ President, v. H. larke, M.D.; Secretaries, W. H. Stevens, B.A., and J ames Lou Loans on Real Est ate by Mortgage Loans on Capital Stock ............ Accrued Interest on 1 and 2.. ....... Ofl‘lce Furniture, Etc .............. Cash on hand ................... 1 1V n\|\,n.\. -. y Cash on 1-151-de December 31%, Authorized Capital, $300,000.00 ................... . . . Subscribed Capital, $137,000.00 ...................... Capital Stock paid up ................................ Deposits, with accruegi IntewstQ. 31:90. ............ Dividends on Stock ngafigg: " 53:3}:4) L ............ ,- U|\I\A\ ------ , “-,-, Dividends on Stock Less Fees. 337‘ Ontario Bank ......................... Balance of Profit ........... . .......... Into anybody’s eyes when we brag up our stock of Stoves We are sincere in saying and believing that we have the in the market. We guarantee them to be the best. A fuli line of TIN and GRANLTEWARE. Eavetroughing anc’ Galvanized Iron Work to order. Repairs on short noticc W. “7. LOGAN GEO. MASON; Often leaves' a person with a bad Cough For this use WHITE PINE BALSAM four times a dav\ Price 20 cents. If you find yourself weak and w'ich- out any appetite use O’KEEFE’S MALT EXTRACT~ Price 25 cents, or $2.70 per dozen. 5 ................................ (i, Payable 15th January, 1899. . LOGAN, 1cm! Meeting of the shareholders of the Victoria. Loan an‘v’. lindsay on Tuesday, 7th February, 1899, at 4 o‘clock in :12: were noticed Messrs. F. C. Taylor, W. Flavelle. S. Armour. :. Rev. N. Hill, Believing, jogn Short. W. Worsley. Rev. I: w '1' n Y Y__.].. $150.19?) 1:! PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. Assms. SAVINGS GQMPANV LIA BI LITIES. In the market, any make, and the cheapest according to the quality He pays cash for all his goods; gets the best discounts, can give his customers righs prices and best terms. General Agent, Lindsay. 170 Kent Street, West of our investments to be A] SELLS THE BEST FlAh’OS. 086AN8 AND SEWING 'ACIIIHES $100264 55 41.525 61 3,43) 10 3119.636 61 NEXT TO The DALY HOUSE mmwu .mmxm “Ems 3,96377 '95309 2.:{9'2 40 3.517 90 27000 Cu ‘5 83 1‘2 PAYM ESTS $141.93?» $119,636 3150.195 1‘.’ 1.199 70.956 21:5 3b .15.) 33 7:50 00 ('60 :07 410 ‘15

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