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Watchman (1888), 15 Mar 1888, p. 2

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. --.»s-v nu. I‘uoc-v expenditure. From 183;: to 180.) in‘lreformatory. seem-vamp. . elm-Ha *2 .3: m, 338, 1' , . ~ .I i I I; ‘50 I '*’ "l [5‘1 i: r. 7" - 2?: “-BEAT’H Quit: THE‘ Ema 4.1: We would be gladto communism “7* s, I . _I, '3. 3%. . .. , I . II tfi‘ n ... withpartiesiuacaclrof the M15!- and. I .â€" $4.35, .3. . mM-Wdthisandnfii- Thepublic - 4-; is about‘i'l‘si’fioum‘“ boring commes’wwhoweuld be inclined The m t to $50000,» a 5; , “vtqggtzs agents or correspondents for expo amoun ’ ’ the War-cums. Monger Tru- for Ila-tron! n: with occurrences taking place arround -- .. us, nhich 190lech chronicled Cilia Watchman. ~â€" THURSDAY. MARCH 15. 1888. Tasmanian For 50 Cents for the FirstYeer. share of the trade, but we could no ‘ com W'E'prmided'fie'fish“ . -~ , who a the bondsmen of the local storekeepers, were willing to submit to the N. P. The Islands is said to be rich in minerals, in copper especially, and alsoin land fit for agriculturefyfi‘ ' ' it is worthy Of note that an American: syndicate which undertook to build ‘ai railroad into the interior threw up the job, although heavily subsiulzéaI' There is a belt or skirt of fairly good land, varying in depth from three to twenty miles, along the whole extent, of the coast line, and the interior also contains some good land as well as mineral deposits. EDITORIAL NOTES. Tososm. March 15. Railway passenger o 'r§b°.;f’!l,esiiiw l 1‘ Being determined to extend the cir- culation of THE Warcnxax, and to avoid the expense of sending out can- vassers or of giving gratuities in the shape of books or pictures, we have decided to reduce “the price of THE WA'rcallss to FIFTY CENTS FOR THE FIRST YEAR, provided that those who subscribe pay that amount between now and the lst of April. To those who have already paid the full price we will allow on the next year’s subscription. Up to the present we have received more encouragement than our most sanguine expectations warranted, and we trust by this move to greatly in- crease the subscription list of Tar: WATCBMAN. We will do our share in making it a. good family journal. and thatstdppod them. . his men had‘ worked but in vain. Sir John Macdonald announced in the House yesterday that negotiations were on foot looking to the admission ml an auxiliary, for it seems the plow had go! off the truck. either and the paucngers went to the hotels. There is a bill before the Legislative providing that transient traders shall! be required to pay a deposit before be- ing allowed to do business. If they remain long enough to pay taxes, the deposit is to be applied on account of taxes; otherwise it is to be retained as l Th Prohibition Party. An attempt is being made to organ- izea prohibition party, the leadership 1' of Which is to be offered to )Ir. W. H. 3‘ .lcense, Peterboro was without any communication Howland The Queen’s Bench Divisional Court all Tuesday. The Midland was gotten open on Friday gave judgment dismissmg I yesterday toPort Hope. The Midland from . : Port Perry South is still closed. the Scott Act case of Queen v. Bushy,l The Grand Trunk both wayslast uightwas to quash conviction of the defendantf crowded by reason of the blockade on the . ‘ Canadian Pacific Raihvn ' on . . . R“ ‘ .‘ l .. . if the ground th’lt I 0C1! I blslmure" - lhe mulls on the Canadian Pacific Railway ain stuck at Myrtle were put on a sleigh Midland, and 25 or 30 came down from Peter- horo last night to Port Hope, got on the Grand Trunk and came on to Toronto at 12.30 this morning. macl were of the party. Tm: PLATFORM. 'l' he following is a draft of the plat- form finally decided upon :-â€" 1. Righteousness and truth in public . _, - . . . affairs aswell as in private business, and no have no right, under British horth I: a.- compromise with wrong. America Act, to appoint police magis-l last night at 7 by Mail Clerk Birchall and 2- Equal fight” for all ere-eds, classes, Th . I. H; l 'l . d , l driven to \Vhitby and shipped east and west. and nationalities. but exclusrve prwxleges trates. C case “'11 1 c .‘ )e came t”? On the G.T.R, the Wellington, Grey and to none. . . I . 3 higher court. 2 Bruce division was cleared of snow at 3 o'clock 3. .‘oational sentiment. national Ihtera-I In the Legislative, Hon. Ml‘. Ros: I yesterday afternoon. The morning express on a tire and in all matters of public policy om . l the loronto, Grey and Bruce got through with Country first. [Huron] moved, That ”115 House ‘lOth I the help of a. snow plough. The Winnipee II 4- PIO'BIP‘N‘I‘III “blight: prohiintipp 0f ratify an ()rder~inâ€"Council, approved} express on the Northern due on Tuesday 19“” tra w, as re (I) Jec ivepotn 0 cm- . II . _ . 1 at 5 a.m., got in yesterday afternoon. and perunce legislation, in the meantime hon- by his Honc ur the L1..ut..nant- “mal'l now ntlntest reports trains are running with out and vigorous enforcement of the Scott ' nor on fist day of December, 1887 acâ€" fair regularity on this division. The main Act and all other laws for the repression cepting the sum of 8353000 in cash in i lines east and west on the Trunk are running of vice and intcmpel'ancc. . n on an average about two hours late. No. 4 5. Retrenchmentand economy in pub- tull settlement or the bonds of theI from the 6,“, came in yesterday covered with he expenditure thh the view of reducing town of Cobourg, issued under the ; snow to the very dome. G.'I‘.R. officials say our enormous national debt. , , , ‘ _ I that the- ’11: d , . I . . _ 9 . u .y wx sen out a tram on the Midland 6. Manhood suffrage. thh educational Municipal Loan 1‘ und Act, 181-, £01 . this mom,“ qualification: that is. a vote to every free the sum or £8,800 sterling. Pro C ms man 01.10831 age who can read and “m“ bably the Government were aware‘ 7. An extension of the franchise to __ . l Holders or Disputed Cln'lms Wlll Have to woman. that they were remitting to the townI Show “1., They Demon-l payment. 8. An (fleetive Seigate. of Cobourg about $50,000, [f CQ-i TORONTO, March Illâ€"Yesterday morning 9. Civi snrvice re Ol‘m. . . . -, - Liquier Lve of the Central Bank w'tl . . .. bout-0' was entitled to this remls‘lon . .. ~ ’ - . ’ H The novel pomts are prohibition, ’3 h l Solicitors Henry OBnen and W. A. Foster. the town of Port Hope should be treat- . - . _ , . . . . ‘ Q.C.. a ared before the M ute - -0 d‘ ‘ o-ducational element in the franchise, I 3d Wm, the same clemency. 170,4 i rt‘gztrdliigpetbe creditors‘ accouhis 21:21: ée‘ng‘g and the extension of the Franchise to Hope’s bonds und r this fund amounted I: putvd 1,}. the liquidators. The Master referred women. Prohibition is the distinguish- to £I19,000 sterling, of which £9.000i sen-ml hills of costs, in connectioanith tlu ' ' t and the Others orwlit to be sterling, or say Sf‘)’000' would fall due} 3.3m “08810“ on the Clmms' to the taxlngIofliccr. mg pom ’ . i a in 1893. All the monev received from 1 1h“ Mast-(Pr also allowed several claims of subordinate to it. .. over, whether they would not weak- [t ‘5 doubtful, how, these bonds had been expended on rail- I. claim” that had '1“ been 3"“ i" Within an the rather than support . . l the time advertised. way extenszon, which had opened up it. The educational element in the I _ . - . l The Master directed that notice should be cause the country, and In improvments to Franchise is new in Canada and would important question of .‘iore on this subject anon. try, requires more attention than our . given toall creditors whose claims are not ad to the harbour. He hoped the govern~ mittcd by the liquidators, as follows : Credit meat would carefully consider the ors residing in Toronto and vicinity to appear . . . .Im-ter. The motion was carried. = _ .. _ distranclllm: many Old voters. and the I . . I l chums. Creditors residing outside of Toronto, requirement of reading and writing is It is reported that (:abrxel l)umontIl and not at Sault Ste: Marie. to attend am II f . t 11. ” is again endeavoring to make mischief I sul’m‘ Pm0f ”f, “"3” 01317?“ 0“ T‘deaF but. a. poor ttst 0 m e igence. II tl l'] lfb I IdI f B ‘ll March W. Creditors at Saultfite. Marie am amono . le :1 ‘ r“- 5 O amt e vicinity, to attend on;W’ednesday, April 4, ti Women is such a very important ques- many of whom are on the point of starv- I prove their claims. tion that the friends of Prohibition Will . of the Central Bank. being an action brough divide among themselves upon it and Police has been sent to Batochc from ,0 recover a deposit receip, "f $8000I given In , Id. "do th 8. 't I It would Prince Albert. North-west members hnn and deposited in the Central Bank, as sr thus cross “I . e p l }- in Ottawa ex r‘ss ‘he belief tint on- curity for the fulfilment of his contract n be unfortunate If any tlllllg were 3110“" I ‘ P l' ‘ ‘ p " erect the Provincial Parliament budding; ed to detract attention from the all erty IS the only cause of trouble alllongI Jame before the Mas-tor last week, and by hiu . , came before Judge Robertson yesterday morn from Regmu to‘day says: [he rumored .ng and was stood OK for a week by consent 0 restlessness among the half-breeds along )Otl’l parties. on account of the absence 0 . . -. . I I Jhancellor Boyd, who is~in British Columbia Our Iron Rescurces. the Isail‘glcbe“? ‘5 co‘lsfdmd the on the C.P.R. arbitration. , . t ‘ ' N This subject has lately received spe- resu t o estitution prevailing among THE NIAGARA FALLS MYSTERY. the people north of here. It 15 learned . -. . . or George Jackson’s llculll urnals and we notice that the Jim! . . . . . , ' yo i ,I 8' Charles T r to bee authorities are fully alive to the sxtu- . NIAGARA I‘ALLS, 0nt., Marc“ “PT“ 3“ has latey then 1r h IuppeI ation though they do not attach se- 13“"?! ‘23:?” If; Gem“ Jml‘m” deal; ”5k f" false prophecy, w en mtrm uc- rious importance to the meetinws recent. "3 .wm‘ "3 ‘ 'em‘l’m Q?“ “ ”“mbe . h' . II v some twelve months I h ld -\ d . b d h: _ . of witnesses were examined, principally cor mg 13 “'01! p010_ 4 . Y 8 . .‘. n un 0d te out orltyI on roborating the evidence already given, by since. There is no question today, the condition of the Metis at Prince concernin" the development ofthe Conn. Albert says many 0l them are destitute at the Waverly House on the evening 01 a March 2. The most important evidence giver I , explains whatever dissatisfaction exists, “’15 ‘1‘“ °f L°El'l","d 1'9“?" 0‘ S" Catban'leb mineral resources. and the, 1V ‘1’! would and that there is not'any disroyal feel it?“ oilzhsizii-Z‘illiaiflihhfe “mm?“ 00’" exercise aIgreat influence In this direc- ing. It is expected Mr. Dewey on his in“; of 31000 mi up 6:: bill ai7niiii3iim; mm were It 005 for 1‘55 tendency 1:" Ml return will take the necessary steps to ' 3 ’ ’ IVOCBte Amemdiin Effie???“ atl t. eIe.\- alleviate the condition of thc 12-year-old daughter of Ben Goold. Mr pense of Cana d~ 3 .10“ma 5‘05““ actual sufferers. The best of feel- [witch also sWOre that Mr. Goold stron 1. L'tdtl" d 'f rg' . 0 get: n O mvmg It ma e out m avor 0 hi: us from the development of our mineral Metis. daughter. ,. .‘ .. .. x be 0 doubt. There . . Ben Goold testified to l" d' : . ;:.:?::ce;e;:lfx;i;:;en ordnstituencies in the Port Hope Tim“ says: 3113' son to New York. Goolad alsolifasserd hzgwiiilii; Ontario which are pres-eminently minâ€" Mary Elliott, of Port Granby, has cnterâ€" III I I J k t ed f N Y I . . . n. . an a ti n Y -n V. 0' . a \V I6“ he 80" re lll‘ll rom SW of mg distrlCtS- A wry large ”“10“ 0f eCl C O Iaé’al St the Illabe corpor and met him at Niagara Falls, N.Y., on th. the pro once. commencmg wrth East anon of the village of Newcastle and the afternoon of the day of his death, he had tol: . .. . Teleqm h Jackson to come up to his hotel that eveuim tows. River, north from l lctorla. and CO for res oncibilit . for th d' “:1 Pf and he would then set all papers in connection Wait thl’l‘W'h Algoma. is capable of ‘ P ° . y e co. 1 0 with the New York trip. Such was not tin being :1 eve oped into a magnificentlthe late George Elliott, last December- - _ rod inn country. The immense The articulars of the death of the latc M" (’Wl-‘l’ bm‘l‘“ ”f ““5 mm“ “fine” iron D no P I t n . (l. or'. f . . corroborated the former’s evidence. He als- distnct of Algoma and the manta? IGeo. Elliott Will be remembered. He .mm mm the home of winsky given Jack :lels'Slng and Halibut-ton. are rich ml was dnvmg down the road leading southâ€" «in by himself before leavi‘ng the Falls in New York with the horse was purchased'm to an enormous extent the pond. At the bottom of the hill he "We“ 0f “0°38“: and “"3 drunk OW 0' bl caught up with a buggy in which wrr Dr. McIntosh. Deceased’s horse turned out slightly, we believe, and a wheel of his buggy struck a C. P. R. telegrapl pole. Geo. Elliott was thrown out with on Thursday, March 21?, and frame their The extension of the Franchise to ation. A detachment of Mounted . The case of Lionel York v. the Liquidator . I . - ,_ .. W, . . , I , was referred to another court. The matte; Prohibition. he half brteds at present. A tilegran. ' rial attention from our prominent . Continuation: of Ilro‘ Inquest Into the (bum from other reliable sources that the po- pnrties who were with the man when he died and require relief. It is believed this Jackson’s life in favor of Araminta Goold, tln Of the benefits which would accrue to ing exists between the police and the to contradict the statement made by a witness Peter-borough and going east to the Ot- Canadian Pacfic Railway case. There were nonapcrs to get. the very ores Which Michigan produceS ward out of Newcastle, down the hill at the express messenger. The coroner announced that he had not heard from Dr. Ellis of Toronto. to whom tln ueceased’s stomach had been sent for anal ysis, by instructions from the Attorney-Gen- eral. and the jury had better adjourn, pending Newfoundland. “'0 notice by the reports of the pro reedings of Parliament at Ottawa that a movement 15 011 fOOt to add t1)" 001' fatal results. The aCtlbn ls lald by h’Irs. the result of the analysis, until March 30, £11553: of fimfiff,“g§m aggmrlgfiih“:£2 onv of Newfoundland to the Dominion, E11100, under Lord Campbell’s Act, a "11”“ “"5 done. m°9°ly question. . ' widow of the late Geo. Elliott, also ad ministratrix of his estate. The action i for $5,000, The proceedings were a: first against the company who sent : man to Newcastle to investigate. Th ex-Reeve of the village, Mr. 1.]. Robson, was called on and gave the information that the particular post was put by m. telegraph line men exactly where he (the reeve)had directed. Hence th village has been brought into the suit. The plea will be that the post was placed and left so as to be an obstruction to travel. The defence will propably be that the post was not an obstruction, and that the accident was caused by negligent driving. The case comes up at the assizes in Cobourg next month. and that the government has sent an invitation to the authorities of the Is- land to send delegates to Ottawa in order to negOciate the terms on which the union should take place. The late Geo. Brown, One of the fathers of Con- federation always strongly advocated the flooding Oil" of the Dominion by ' having Newfoundland added. The Jim"! in writing On this subject says:-â€"Nveoundland has a population of 200,000 souls. Its growth has been exceedingly slow. Colonization was commenced by Roman HOPE and his party in 1536. In 1823 the population not": Elected In North Duffel-In. I W‘lxxrrno. March litâ€"Mr. Roblln's majority n North Dufl'erln is 99, with two places to hear from, one of which will increase his majority. The total vote in Shoal Inke Saturday was Jones (Lib) 412, Glendonnlng (Com) 217: at the [at election Hamilton (Corn) 500. Nelson (mu) M English Peas In America. New YORK. March lzâ€"Geo. thtlewood. the English pedestrian, arrived yesterday to com pets with Geo. Cartwright. his fellow country- man. and it is likely a match will be arranged between them some day this week for 810m n side for a 72.1mm- contest. s’eclnl Services at Windsor Castle. LONDON. March Illâ€"The death of Emperor William was thespeclal topic in the churoho: and chapels of London toâ€"day. . Em vanylummmmultouho “1 r ‘2 -: " ‘ ' i “ RON"- AND Henson?" Sta-dun! In a slow Ink lenr We .. “0 9'.“ 7:4- ylfw ,J'T‘. 59““. ., Km. 9""; i "”5 I..'-’.~’-‘.I I‘ -. Ilmfierlulifnrllnfienté "I Loom, March ”element Willianidied at 8.3" this morning. He suffered no pain " " , during thalast few hoursof hislife, All the lawns m in the Penitentiary, was sen- family held places near I ~ . l the bedside when the dying monarch breathed i ”ma '0 "'0 3"" 'mm m “I" “m0 P ”9» his last, Prince William standing nearest the train for Montreal that eft Toronto “8.40 on Monday night has been stuck in a snow drift one mile and a half . u'estof Myrtle, a station 34 miles east of Toronto. The train ‘ consisted of an engine. . bureaus cor, smoker. first-class coach, Mont- melwdo o'clock It was 74mwling‘outddgétnd disgusts beat against .I., . {Lt 1.1:?!135“ well on to Myrtle the train was it‘ll to step. Conductor Hopkirlr found the drifts so heavy that his engine was unable to move. He sent the engine ahead to Myrtle and it returned with an extra locomotive. Both tried to move the train and did so for a ways, but the push-bar of one of the engines broke In the morning when the passengers awoke they found their tran in n snow-drift and howling winds about them. Snow was flurry- ing/in every direction. The thermometer was below zero. All night the conductor and The train that left Montreal on Monday night for Toronto got to Peterboro on Tues- day forenoon. The passengers were told they would be got through before evening. A snow of Newfoundland into the Dominion. l plow was sent west ahead of them and later No word came back from Yesterday morning they were told they would get through but at nightfall they were still there. They however hired a special over the Mr. R. J. Wiley, and Mr. Carp- and male" otha-r change.» by which 5000 acres I of submcrgI-d llllul would be rendered uvml- I able for :igrlculturin fused to grant in) Canada jointly the use of the Suult Std. Mario Canal in pvrpctuity. tf‘llders I for the cullsll'uctinll of the Canadian canal . will be cullod for a; oncc. ’ ated a disturbance in a. hotel at Alliston, March 9, during which a. prisoner escaped from the custody of two constables, wure pur- sued by the officers and shot, both being in a very critical condition. House that thc Lieutenant-Governorship of the Northwest and the Indian Commissioner- ship, now hold as one office by Mr. Dcu'dnoy, are shortly to be made two offices again, and Mr. Royal. it is understood, will get the Lieuti-nant-liovornurship. endeavor-mg: to make mischief among the half- brr-uds of Balm-he, many of whom are on tho vergu- of starvation. Lid IlOllCl‘ has been sent to Batoche from Prince Albert. press tlu- lN‘lle that poverty is the only caum of trouhh- among the half-breeds at present. entiztl «loputation from Carleton Place and lurroundnn.r nmnicilmlities, the Kin ston and Pembroke Railway directors and the .'ingston Board of Trade and Cit' Council, the con- struction of the proposed ranch line to Carle- ton Place was generally endorsed, and efforts will be mndc to have the road built this summer. retire from the leadership of the Conservative )arty in Quebec before the opening of the Provincial Legislature. the active control of the party being assumed by Messrs. Joseph 'I‘assc. C. A. Cornellier and Israel will resmctivcly contest Lapruiric, Maski- non e and Bonaventure at the approaching like the leaves on t loca bye-elections. Greenwuv and Martin, representing Manitoba and the D I that the'Manitoba Legislature should beask cd to postpone its session for another. week; and th during the interval Sir John Mscdonald pro~ f mis'ed to ut himself on our farms in the future. made as profitable as the a le tree lo-' calities where it will thriveliil: all. in Two new lettuces are the Ohio Golden Apple. and the she * , AWAY AT 3.30 A. M: ves‘r members of the royal or. , ‘ ‘rrz‘ll‘liflimperor died holding the Em hand. He had been in a stupor Austria.” proclamation: ‘rom life after a short Illness and alter a rich! rhe Ro ul housclho doeonse of the doc I be- ived mill venerable monarch. whose wliulom has ruled so long and gloriously over its for- tunes in war and In pence. II Tm: Mmrsrnn or Sun. The new Kins was proclaimed Frederick E III. lie sinus “Frederick” without any re- ference to Emperor or King. The Reichsnnzeizer announces that the Chancellor has received the following telegram from Emperor Frederick: SAN Rmro. March 9.â€"At this moment of lcopcst sorrow attire deccusc of the Emperor ind King my beloved father, I must express my thanks to you and to the ministers of stuto for the devotion and loyalty with which you [ll served him. I rely upon the assistance of mu all in the arduous charge which has de- I valved upon me. I leave here to-morrow. FREDERICK. BERLIN, March 10.â€"Court interest is be- :ominsr centered in the question of tho coron- lthfl and the position of the new Emperor towards Prince \Villium. In messages com- ng from the Emperor to officialsIhere his son, Prince.- William. is studiouslv ignored and nis name is not. mentioned. Among the orders ssucd to-dny it 1‘! directed that the oath of :llogiuncc be taken by the troops Without Inlay, that tho ministers of state proceed to I‘wttcufeld tomorrow to rccmvo the Emperor, and that no reception be held until after the uneml. I . The Lower House of the Prussian Diet met .his evening and received the formal announce- nt-nt of the accession of Emperor Frederick to ho throne. I The soldiers took the oath of allegiance to he now Emperor te-day. I I The acct-soon of Frederick “‘llllam to the hronc lends to strengthen the hopes that wucc will llt' maintained. DOMINION NEWS. l’)i:fi.-i~in County will vote on Scott Act re- peal on .\In~il11l. Anullwr C.l’.R. train is said to have gone .lnougl. ;. timth- north of Lake Superior. l‘im incinl ’l‘n-zisurt-r Jones was elected Ion imnnluI’.‘ in Shoal Lake, Man, by a majority If 1‘“. ‘ The wl-wllun for the repeal of the Scott Act (1 1h:- County of Simcoe has been fixed for ‘i'vltum III- OEIGERMANY?"RASSIE§,I~.\I§§IK {Ila-dill '1!» ~ I. I 'va Iday. Thc‘firs: asecelledthu Mingus ‘,;:: I Msior v. the Csnndnsllsnnnnent Loan and ' The Final Act In nine-gs“ lll’mrl’ OI ISllVillfl Company. Plainttfi's scheme: not Careerâ€"no 'ndlnu Received In the . I. I cook. The Stunts Auzieaer publishes the following "It his plensed God to call Ills Majesty the Emperor and King. our most gracious muster. olcsscd reign. The whole nation mourns with Tr :heing present. the case was dimisled with l Greenfield, Belmontmd financial: the prim 1 Whitby” stattbn, wére found guilty. m6 lSpencer, "who a few days ago was sentenced l Greenfield and Belmont were sentenced to 4t l years in the Penitentiary after the expiration pm i of their six months in the Central Prison. since 3 o’clock. ' He was delirious fora. brief period at 5o’clock. : mm .IShonl" .,lnring which he is reported to have exclaimed: I4... ' J a.-. ~ .. “‘I a man of pone but If Russiaforees Inc titer-I leaving NI orth Toronto the wind was to 5:2: I shall faithfully "do with my In]: ’ In the Queen v. Dennin and Mche. the iScott Act detectives, the Grand Jury found no bills. In the Queen v. George Brown er al., the parties who came to Myrtle from Port Perry , and got into trouble in the former place with i the detectives, Brown and his allotted ac- lcomplice were discharged, the jury having ! found no bill against them. w ‘3! ’ FIRE AT OSHAWA. I The Commerclnl Ilolcl Willa ru Contents Destroyedâ€"A Guesl'u ulster-lune. . OSHAWA, IMllrch l-l.â€"-Shortly before 4 i o’clock this morning fire was discovered in the g Conuuercinl Hotel here, and although the l .ilurm was at once sounded and the firemen f promptly on the tint, on account of the strong lwind blowing the building with its contents was consumed in a short time. Some of the iunmles had a. narrow escape. The hotel be- longed to Dr. Eastwood, and, it is said, was I Insured sufficiently to coer the loss. Mr. VVoon, the proprietor of the hotel, had $2300 insurance on the furniture. A woman from the Prdvince of Quebec with a child, on her way to join her husluunl near Chicago, put up at the Commercial the evening before the fire on account of the snow blockade, and lost llrl‘ railway pass and $40 in money. A Blaze at. Vienna. ST. THOMAS, March Litâ€"The storehouse of Irving 8; Lewis’ woollen mills, Vienna, was destroyed by fire yesterday; loss $2000. ‘.____ TO IMPROVE DAIRY INTERESTS. Cheese lustruclors and .‘llilk Inspectors Ap- pointed by “ac Western Association. TORONTO. March 15. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Duirylnen's Association of \Vestorn Ontario was held at the Rossin House last night, President E. Cusswell, Ingersoll. presided. There wen- present Messrs. T. Ballautync, M. 1’. P., Strat- ford: R. Cleland, Listowel; J. B. Lane, Dor- chester: C. E. Chadwick, lngersoll, and Prof. J. \V. Robertson of the Ontario Agricultural Colleee, Guelph. The purpose of the meeting was to consider lpril l:‘. I the appointment of four cheese insructors and Tl!“ “W1? I'VE CUUSCQDIES: Dégl'monhm‘d milk inspectors to act under the direction of . ‘ ..I 1‘ . A . ‘ u I ‘ in“. \. “5’ unI. IthnIslImptmg at - lston, ww- the Dairy Departmental. Guelph, throughout. 1"l'.‘ liz" \l‘J‘ll. . _ . ('1 ”3" “it: 1 . . - l the Province durum the season of 1888. H. 0. Armor» . mm. a letter carrier in the Mon , .. . I rm! p”. -. I,“ Ix...“ sentenced to 11'“, Foster, fiver-ton; Jus. E. Hopkins, browns. (cm->5 lii‘lxlid'llLlH-l‘IV for stealing money letters. \'Illo L‘. Hunter, \Voodstock ; and John R. ’l‘hr- m...” .u‘ ['11) conuniSbinn up minted to Isaac. London, were nppomted for the dis- ‘ctth- .\ . .- ; 'n. “>5 outbreak claims :5 rows that tricts West from Toronto. nuII o_:I #1.: i715 demanded, the amount "t In view of the increased expense to be in- ”!M‘.’ h I "'"l‘. I ll 1 t l n l curred by the association, every cheese factory .h ‘ ' ‘ 3““‘(13‘ '.‘ “ ‘0' at“ "13.3“ will beasked to contribute at least $5 to UN- 1w.- ' . ,-.~.« .;I mu m‘culllll’h of :3 prominent I . . Mien-.l o: .a.,, \luzaizoba Government who was. I “Will? 0f the W Iatmn. factories whOsc mukc ugI'nI-ndml )'|'I"31|llI\‘. of cheese exceed 50 tons last year to con- \\'hilo- in ‘\\'inuipo;_; a few days ago. 311-, i Vunlh -rm- is mid to have dro illeil hints to his ‘riwnib inllingzuin: on end of the monopoly in .‘llltllllnlut. The Hamilton lh nu d of Education has lccidn-d to :r-l; lllv City Council to issue (lu- wntm-m :n.‘ :'lo\).00!l. to provide extra school ,Lccmmnmlulion. A numlwr of Ann vie-(m mmmlucturvrs urn proalx-cting for factory site-.5 in Port Colbomv. owing to the :uix'untagu offered by the supply of natural gas. Dr. l’laLt, Liberal. was re-elected in Prince Edward Countv on March 10 by 170 majority, and Dr. llomiw. Conservative, in “lost Mid- dlesex by 117 majority. Sir :‘ulnl‘Iillv Caron has finally decided to establish the (luvulry Schml in Toronto, with a brunch at Kingston for the benefit of the cadets attending the Military College there. Retaliatory measures. in the shape of a gen- eral bin-mitt, are said to be threatened by Montreal liquor dealers against those who sign petitions in opixisition to their obtaining licenses. The Toronto Board of Trade has forwarded r. petition to the .llominion Parliament pray- ing for tho passage of a measure govormng the equitable distribution of the estates of insol- Vent debtors. I The Gm'prnnu-nt is to be asked to build a. new look in tlur liiduuu Canal at \Vashbum The l'nitcd Srutcs (iovermncnt havinglu It in stated that Mr. Emile Brim. who \\’:-~l receivcd into the Roman (,‘utholic Church HE Ottawa last full. has returned to the ])l'()l(:rt' mt faith. and was recoivml as u im-mber on trial in the Methodist Church. Two nwn named Carroll and Foleynvho cre- Sir John Mucdonnld announced in the It is l'vIMl‘tC'l that Gabriel Dumont is again A detachment of mount- Nill‘tllwosb members in Ottawa ox- At a. confcrcnco March 9 between an influ- It is rumored that Mr. L. 0. Taillon will Tarte, who At no conference in Ottawa between M'essrs. ominion Government, it was agreed in communication with The black walnut tree will cut a figure It can be ending with the death of the two combatants occurred at Springerville, Aria, last evening. Wm. Pittman and a man named Blaine had Vifilt England shortly and make a unionized agreed to fight out a. quarrel over cards, and going into the street they fired at the same- instant. Pittman fell dead and Blaine died in two home. telling efl‘ect upon them when they are grown up. InJuries and blemishes are It is the general understandin . 8 that but to be crisp and tender must be growri met: are not 0‘ enough value a: tribute at the rate of 10 cents per ton. Only the factories so contributing: will receive the I aid of the the instructors and inspectors. It is expected that substantial bcnefit will be realised by tho dairy industry from thr- services of these experts. The Inspection of milk at each factory will bemadealeading part of their work. Mr. J. K. McCargnr. president of tin- Dnirymen’s Association of Eastern Ontarh 'and other leading dairymen from the Eu: were also in attendance. It la the purpose oi the Eastern Association: to appoint instructor:- und inspectors, they having done so to ;. limited extent in past years with excellent re sults. All three of thuduiryassoeiutionso1 the provmce are taking steps to cooperate in the improvement of the condition of the in dustry. -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"_______ . .. _ _.‘ .â€" -A l-‘rclxht Mu Wrecked on the (LEI. OTTAWA. March 12â€"An accident Occurred or the line Of the Canadian Pacific Railway “I miles north of North Bay. near Heron Bay, on Saturday morning. of nine loaded cars with Manitoba grain wen! through a. trestle. lender and the freight cars broke. leaving the engine. tender and conductor’s van standing on either side of the track. while the nine can loaded with grain fcll thirty foot. 1 was injured. grain strewn over the Iice. “hâ€" l A freithr-nlu composed The conpllmr between the No person The cars were smashed and the lllr. Shula Disappoints the Court. BELLEVILLE. March 12.-â€"W'm. Shullz. an. was wanted in court this morning to unswer to the charges of conveying land and selling good: ' with intent to defraud creditors, but failed it appear. Mr. Shultzls out on 33000 bull, and the charges were laid over until Wednesday. M m. Shultz is said to have crossed the line safel) last week with four Snrutogn. trunks. â€"â€"____ Where labor ls Cheap. QUEBEC. March llâ€"TO-night‘s session of the Labor Commission was taken up with laborers grievances. from 25 to 75 cents a. day for ordinary laborer. and in som It was shown that wages varied M A Duel to the Death. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.. March litâ€"A duel m Sullivan Used lip. LONDON. March 13.â€"A despatch from Dove states that while there John L. Sullivan's facr and hands seemed badly mauled. Friends as- sisted him to the train on which he proceeded to Iondon. Upon his arrival at leerpoo: Eulllvan that he is exhausted. He looked heartbroken. â€"â€"-â€".___ drOve quietly toan hotel. It isrcportcc The Treatment of Come. The treatment which colts receive has a h u It is an un- Wilkins Coal Ashes. -. . _ neutronof the adm‘ ' of the bered 3,000,: 1836 75000 and â€"-â€"â€"â€" l' . Professor Stewart, author! Guam-I“ t ““0“ $1; 45 990000 XI“, 0341,81, the Subscribe for the Watchman, “fifmm n'“_,‘:fi‘n°"“u8h;'°of To will; cogvziitiaon 01th: 23.31%? burn is, aflfiwwmmfdmfgflmffi commits“ weakened... ) ' . , . _ . . - f . . . population is Roman Catholic, of Irish only 50 cents for first year. gmm 3:12:18 34:30 Hall u; 3:32.: Egg-lytmmal 1:23:35? W111 be held In Texas 31th beeadfi £10m be? m meal as; guild may first thI 81619:: could be . . . - o ' a , 120301) ould . a pan m ' Al . .mcy- birth or descent, the remainder consists Jss H Law - A f . . magnum. Pmuwchael occu- , In procunng m remember the older 15 With corn fodder, straw or DWI-302:; once cosho twm.mm Mm a"; :31 dtudemendantsofEnglish and Jer- SI .hi.C “oil; 3;? gamma M tile treethemore liabletoloss intrans- MWMtMShonldbeaddedinsteed AWW“WViefim-oflhefizeu - . ° - l'd D °' ce °r “‘0‘“ ”Wilmer. M otcommeu. Bmwillbalanoepoo punsfiddmn.onflnch7,ahmm sey emigrants. Th9 Innncipa in us- parts of Europe. Ron, March mâ€"The'Bapa. who has been fodder: better than com nun]. But in “x“‘heml’l‘m‘mmed. two of whom tries are fishing and farming. Wheat A young lad in Northumberland. Marne from an indispogiti Jr”, ~ . W118 up the milk ration the feeder “'3 m“ “a“ an” ”that were In- -. - . » - , ~ ~ on. “'0 . . . should var-let, in lured-oncolwhomdredthefollowingds and barley ~ are given in some places, wed Bert Stephens, for mums the W w." “W. ”ems “he ‘5 11° decided change m the Situation and bran my mm 0°” ““1 m. MomrMoo' has - to ’m‘ but ’ ‘~ "" d l he ““1105 “Sheep balwgingtoafamer muunrmu . my"; '1' "“- ' °' 5““ alone. The 3;? . “m: “the” Goldwin Smith’sletterinthemon Com- . potatoes, turnips an my are t in the eastern part of the country was it 12. rm ”3;: to haughty of victory, but the con» ration d ood best in a milk . 1U . He the . of chlef crops. The revenue of the Island tried before Judge Benson last ’week mmId'mhmMuehmâ€"Summ Summmim W. tionofI “Ensmfi 8190‘s; am WWW... uponhow foodshflanoe mmfiflWImmm appears to be insufficient to meet th 'd t d t 91., . . ' th tornverpoolashorttlme Neither mad WWW! fmmdtm lieve ' ' thnh, '09“ re- an Quence 0 t we years 111 9 showedmmh sign“ mm“ oft newengmeersmcompetentandreqm . ' 0‘ 2 Kit... '17:? 14 ‘5“ , ’n . forierfnihd broke into aGinnd Trunk car at mine. moved. rye and tomnlgI received the most damage. nuIlhvun and lxllraln shook hands after til: it. .t most clever fighter as well as boxer. Ex- cessive quietness prevailed at the ring side and there was the utmost good order and son- emlly speaking good humor all around. China, killed some 10 ligand \Vulcs was quietly celebrated on March stay. mer residents of Kingston now living in Chi- cugo. actions caused by his exertions at the jubilee ceremonies. 5800.000 left destitute b th ' undati ' trom the Yellow River, inlChinii. m m Bersa. . have been Abyssmians into 3 doors hat the Fkbflth Trent is a fair one is afford- a recsâ€"they increase in ad by the M size as the body increases. d I . . 'nuch ”put“ fa“ that the °°nmt1°n 0f the :al bulletins will beme issued on altemate smotion in favor of a special commit f Scotch business. tee or 7 be more or less )f 1 any landowner elements. The London Post considers the peace of Europe seriously im 'lled b th ' - ItllIon in declaring li‘r'ililec‘el Ferdy 0 Ports s no t." r #5:"- will l Wit: 1‘» .A .L“ .. J's Wind produce ”and" won- dw-‘sdqw Wash-cw- was-- was Chic-p surge-hr ind in mop: “gin amen-ma Trade W. No.l falloll'crednt we them.“ ”cud Lac. Nalnedwinter 7510 bid arousal-ten ears. No. and winteroflbredntflcnd turbid. No. :Mnniwba Monaco: soldnt Nuns: do liver-y. No. 2W hard cared-t 880. May dcllvery.with “chill. Natl hawthorn 85lobld. No. 2Norlhern so: bid. ~ The car lot- received at Chm restor- daywcre: Winter whack-atlas wheat (9. cornle mmnolsndharleyls. Theroportotrecolmothogstrom the ChicagoStock Yer-dated” is: Estimated re colpts 16.500. afield matured" 11.788. ship macaw. left over about not. Cattle ro- ceintssooo. Market quiet. . The visible supply Went will not be prepared until tomorrow. owing-tn business belnxsuspendedln the New York Exchange on account of storm. 'ronoxro swoon xx man. Followlnzls the supply on hand for Toronto 2 ascompured with “weekend this week or Robert Cochran received lhc following .. . ,M‘mn a. palr of “ apairof. - Collar, 3. Shut, anythm :- ,1 mm“ i ’ ' t G . my; room, was 133-. ..:~_.-s-- . as. M... ....i...everyth1ng 111 he .; .2. Plumber-rel: ........ 2.376 2.467 3.000! .3. _ l ‘ J . . .. ..... FURNISHING LIB. E eniixii'zlheiiinzliiiisms 9:.le 101.746 89.577 . ixod whcnr.bushcls ............ 3.503 I am. bushels ........ 18%!) 18.690 16.906 -“.___ m Bnrlo .bushols ...... 180,750 178,104 $11827] â€"- I . ”-75-”: on, I Flash up"? ........ a 1.5533 ‘i’iiilP A 'U'SE A ND CGNSi-F , .II t , usie ........ I £1.41: III cgfu. bushels ........ 9.10 900 nihl w .e I LIVERPOOL MARKET. . cable from Liverpool tO-day: Wheat quiet, poor demand. holders offer freely. corn dull. poor demand. Spring wheat 6s 7d to 6s8d: rad winter Gs 7d to639d: No. 1 Cal. 63 M to 63 76.: corn is 7ld: peas 55 “(1: park 873 6d; llll'd 383 9d: bacon 389% and 405 Gd: cheese 569 and 596. Another amendment provide), that females employed in shops must have seating accom- modatlon. MONDAY, March 12,â€"Mr. Awrey seconded an order for copies of all correspondence be- tween the Governments of Ontario and the Dominion in referencetoan alleged claim of the Six Nation Indians to compensation for .ands drowned by the construction of a dam \cross the Grand River at Dunnvrlle by the th-lland Canal Company in or about the year Let us reason a little. \‘Cill not 1:“.- Who makes a speciality of these will i devotes all his time, taste and cncrg‘v 2.» (the demands of purchasers, fairly Claim patronage. \l'c have just returned from kct and can assure our customers that ilk Elegance and Shape -‘-t7,. 1833. Mr. Balfour moved the second reading of his bill to amend the Municipal Act. by which he proposes to prohibit municipalities from granting bonuses to manufacturers. IDis- cussion on this bill lasted constderable time. the measure being opposed by Messrs. Wood ‘Hastingsl, H. E. Clark, Clancy, and Mere- iith, and supiorted by the mover, Messrs. O’Connor, (vi son (Huron), and Fraser. The fill was rend a second time, and refer-nod to the Municipal Committee. The House ex- uressed r tat the news of the death of Senator 'lumb, which had occurred in the morning. Tucson: March 13.â€"-Mr. Meredith movIed thntnselect committee be appointed to m- priro into the. nature and extent of the timber ind mineral resources of Ontario and for the best llwuus for the conservation of the former ind the development of the latter. Mr. .VIeredith modes. long speech in sup H. of lis‘ motion, in which he said the tario nines were as rich as the Michigan mines, and IC thought the appointment of the committee .vould comnwnd itself to every member of the House having the interests of the country at ieart. In the absence of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, H‘on. Mr. Frazer replied to Mr. Meredith, saying that the Government could not consent to the appointment of the committee unless a. member of the Govern- ment was in constant attendance, and that was out of the question in the present over- burdened state of the departments. It would alsobecowardly of them to in effect con- liemn the administration of t e Crown Lands Department while the Commissioner was away. THE SULLIVAN-MITCHELL FIGHT. The Ito-Ionian Gets the Worst of the Eu- counter Arter- Thirty-Mac Rounds. CHANTTLLY, France. March 10.â€"â€"-The mnch~ I talked-of prize fight between John L. Sullivan and Charles Mitchell took place to-day on the grounds of Baron Rothschild. near Cruel. The mttle was delayed until today in consequence of n wrangle over the selection of the ground. Finally three newspaper reporters went to Amiens and Criel last night to decide upon' a suitable spot, and at 7 o’clock this morning the fighting party followed, taking carriages 'rom Uriel to the fighting ground. Mitchell carried himself in inunty fashion, having on- tirely recovered from the efl’ects of his son.- ockness and was accorn ied by “Pony” Moore and his seconds, Bu dock and Kilrtlll, Ashton, Holske and Burnrtt accompanied Sullivan, and Arthur Brisbane of The New York Sun, Mr. Bonsall of The New York \Vorld, Lord \Vemple and the Hon. Michael iundy, Were among the party of forty who .vitncssed the fight. Sullivan entered the aim: at 12.30 p.m. and Mitchell followed five minutes later. Sullivan appeared to be ruined too fine and the result of the battle :‘uIlly confirmed the Opinion formed by his "rlends on this point that in reducing his Weight he had imired his strength. ISullivan did not relish some of Mitchell’s hits, but was gracious enough to acknowledge them with such remarks as ‘Tlaat’s a good one, Charley.” and so on, Sullivan’s right eye letting in rnournim,r and lips swelling, while the lump on Mitchell‘s forehead had becom odder and bigger. No blood came from the utter, Sullivan’s nose and lips trickled car- He would not have his mustache re- Sullivan‘s body, right eye and month were noro punished than Mitchell’s, whose right . . Vt" J Mitchell has now shown himself to be a FOREIGN NEWS. The Duke of Leinster has been anointed 6 cases it was shown that nppren an Irish Privy Councillor. llccs received as low as 81 a month. and won- obliged to work ten hours at the shoemnking trade and afterwards do house chores. An earthquake in the Province of Yunan, , . I The Crown Prince was proclaimed Em. i l peror and King as Frederick III. The silver wedding of the Prince and Prin- I It is stated that the Empress of Austria will It is stated that there are at least 2000 for The Pope is sufierI-iug somewhat from the re- Over 100,000 people were drowned and The House of Commons voted down by 223 l0163 - r. Labruh " ‘ . ' ~ - ~ . . c , ”mum.House’ofifi'jgsImW‘N “8m“ “ Prof. R. L. Kedzxr. of the Michigan State Agricultural ( 1.1;; The Italinrf advance poets at Ghinda and Withdrawn, to load the we engagement. Mr. Chnniluxlain says that the best proof is hot parties to it grumble. TheIconditionof the Crown Prince has so improved that it is announced the medi- The British House of Commons has rejected The Earl of Pembroke advocates 'h reform t 1e House of Lords by uniting thee heredi- made by Austria, Ger. Score Ba 11 . that pay hi1? 1:; them out for to Ottamnq yard waliyfifymut‘liidc :hglMCan: P h purpm, w en the fine nGovernment not ' out the Re- aseswfllbeuserulonstlflclaysoils, ' There is no stimulus so cheap, and so efficient. as ha" ' In LAW'NS.â€"-A‘pply early and during the Summer. innnd’s position RED CLOV 'Itis' official! den'edâ€" that - - m to . nngement has yboen 1 an) t or man and Ital with ferenee ' ' of tlie Pope. 3' re to the position C WINTER W'HEAT.â€"50 pounds to the acre in the Fall. when 4‘ TURNIPS BEETS and other ROOT CROPSâ€"From 100 to ‘ FRUIT TREESâ€"it has given extraordinary results when 5: ARDEN VEGETABLES, PLANTS, AND 3‘ 1 The warranted Fit and Quality 0' i. r x.‘ New Shirts and Collars has never been surpassed. Catches the \l’orm. - The Early Purchaser gets the Choice. Ccnts’ Furnishing Emporim 1. ‘1c 5', Old Stand. Doheny Block. u.) 'fln m a- £19. 7." old friends customer an r? r. u"- 9......â€" .4... See the following Analysis. PURE PLASTER. REFUSE. CALEDONIA, - 93.00 - 7.00 - PARIS - 60.20 - 39.80 - 0SWE00, - 76.70 - 23.30 - SAVE YOUR MONEY BY BUYING THE PUREST, Which is. as the above Analysis shows. the CALEDONIA hilt: me- me says :â€"At the rate of yield on the State Form. or: ;-._ _. , of plaster returns a profit to the farmer of from 521:7: $200 at the least calculation. pounds to the acre of ground plaster. 400 pound.» Inc: .43 will kee the grass luxuriant. R GRASSES.â€"First apblication 150 potluck :32: acre, after the frost leaves the ground; the same where the dew;- has a year or more growth. ORN.â€"â€"SowIa taalespoon or more on the hill when the plain l.\ 1.31mi. or four inches above the ground. OTATOES.-â€"Same as with corn, one part of Paris Green. uiih 29 parts of plaster Will destroy the potatoe bug besides invigoratizw the plant The mixture should be sifted on. 15 .k comes up, and 100 pounds in the Spring after the wheat has started. An Extra amount on r spots. SPRING WHEAT; OATS, BJXRLEX’, RYE.â€"IOO pounds or lllOl'C to the acre after it is well up. 4'00 pounds to acre, after ploughing and before harrowing, and {hen give plants a top dressing when well started in growth )u'n upon the leaves and blosom, they should be damp. It also keeps or? the insects; should be laid about roots. We will be pleased to have YOUR ORDER at any time. We Put up m barrels, cotton bags or in bulk. FOR SALE' 1312â€"~ S. BAKER 82; Co. ILindsay, Feb. 1888. lQ‘ I {It 3! “H the

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