m .. was raecxaealy weak. with scarcely .any do: mand heard; extra No. 3 lying outSIde was obtainable at 440, but there was no move- ment reported. ' eas~Steady. with a fair enquiry. and salgs of .cars lying north and west at 61c which pnce would have been repeated; cars lying eastward probablv Worth 1520, but no sales quoted. r 7 - â€"‘--v “VLA'L‘ ’ “t ’NU Barievoâ€"Inactive and dull: .the was decidedly weak. with scarcely mand heard; extra No. 3 lying outs obtainable at 440, but there was 11. mg‘nt reported. ’ e. -_ -- u.“ nun"; yuuu, aunt itb â€LC. Oatsâ€"Seemed inactive and easy at about 33 to 353$ 1' or mixed on track, and white lying east were oï¬â€˜ered at 310 ; white lying west. for May deliVery, also offered at 31c. any? fer present fielivery at 30c. “’heatâ€"Very quiet, but values seemed to Show very llttle change. On the call~board N . 2 fall was wanted at 93.1;0 0n track. but none offered; for fall lying north and west buyers could robably have been found at 871. to 880. ano spring on the Midland would probably have been taken at 87c. Man ito ban was quiet : on the call-board No. 1 hard was wanted at $1.04 at North Bay. with No 2 Northern at same point sold at 92c. English quotations were unchanged to- day. but wheat cargoes said to be quiet, and robably easier, and peas firmer. In the States markets wereï¬easier. The local mar- ket was dull and inactive. Flour~Unchanged; no movement nor no enquiry reported. ‘ Bacon .. ..... peribu 009 t0010 Mess Pork, per bb].. .0 00 to 17 50 Hay per ton ............ 600to 800 do extra Prime ........ 0 00 to 00 00 Shorts per ton ............. 17 00 to 19 00 Lambskins ............... 0 50 to 0 60 Sheepskins. pelts. ., ....... 0 50 to 0 60 Live Hogs,“ “ “. .. 0 00 to 5 00 Flaxseed per 100...-..... 2001:0300 Dressed Hogs, per 100111.. 4 50 to 5 00 Rye .............. . 0001:0075 Bran per ton ............. 16 00 to 18 00 Mixed Chop†........ 1 10 to 1 20 Screenin- s. .. .............. 90 1:01 00 Alsike Clm er .............. 7 00 to 8 00 Red Clown, ............. 3 75 to 4 25 l‘imothy Seed ............ 1 50 to 2 00 Corn Chop. . . ........... 1 75 to 1 85 Cat Chop ............... 1 20 to 1 3C Pea ( hop ................ 1 20 to 1 3M Every weeks steamer brings us new goods, bought direct from the best manufacturers in the 01d worlr ---BETTER GOODS and LOWER PRICES. Fall Wheat per bushel, old. so 85 to 0 00 Fyfe do do ............... U 01) to 0 90 Sp ring do ....... , ......... 000 t0085 Gooseo do do ........... 00 to O 7 5 Flour, new process ........ 2 20 co 2 40 Flour, mixed, roll ......... 2 40 to 2 60 Strong bakers ............. 2 45 to 2 65 Barley, per bushel ......... 42 to 0 55 Peas, do .......... O 00 to 0 58 Peas, large do .......... 0 70 to 0 9O Oats. do .......... 0 00 to O 28 Potatoes \per bushel ........ O 25 to 0 31 l_3utt_:er per lb ..... . ........ 0 16 to 0 17 From Belfast, Ireland, From Manchester, England, Received this week Invoices of Foreign Goods from PARIS; Invoices of From Halifax, England Crossley’s Celebrated OFFICE 05' THE LINDSAY Wucnmm. LINDSAY, ONT... March 10, 1892. LINDSAY MARKETS. Toronto Markets. sic-cocooioto otsflnooooo-co nooouo.|oou.~ nus-90......“ noun-.000..- n’.aonoonoooa, . taco-stunt...- Vtonoaoo u.» TAPESTRY %%%mflmï¬mm%% mm 0000000160040 mmwmwmmmmmmmwo m %mwmmmmmmmmm 000000003002006 n O ONION->9 OI 039-3 3096: www khï¬kwg [00:03 â€CPL-ft? O O O O U! LINENS, March 9. feeling Union and Wool Carpets, Beautiful Goods, 35 and 50 cents. I Flanery Shot Welch. i Bosrox, March 6.â€"Early this morning {Fayette Welch; an actor, was shot and ï¬killed by William F. Flanery, a variety performer, professionally known as Wm. J. Gould. The shooting occurred at. a theatrical boarding house, No. 10 Dix place, where Welch occupied a front room on the second floor. Flanery and his wife [occupied rooms nearly opposite on the rsame floor. It is said that soon after Flanery and his wife returned home from the theatre last night they and Welch had a discussion over some personal matters, 1 during :which Welch called Mrs. Flanery some hard names. Flanerv went to Weleh’s apartments to get a retraction from that individual, ï¬red the fatal bullet just as Welch was approaching him in a thre'ttening manner with hands uplifted. \Velch fell without a moan or sign of life. Flmiery at once retired to his.room and sat down quietly. The police were on the. We join with a number ofhfriends in wishing Mr. David VVeIdon and wife a. long and prosperous life in their new home that they have just moved into. ()ur enterprising neighbour Mr. S. Washington is preparing to build a. ï¬rst- class sett of buildings on the property that he purchased from Mr. G. Lane last sum- mer. Those who know Mr. Washington are looking. for as good buildings to be ere Our school is doing well under the tuxtiou of our present teacher, Miss Dames. The pupils are making satisfactory pro- gress and doing well. If our trustees would get the fence and gate repaired and the ground ï¬tted up a little, it would be money well expended. Special to the WATCHMAN. PERSONALâ€".Messrs. D. McRae and J. Campbell of Thumb were in town on Saturday . . . . Mr. L. Patterson of Toronto paid Lindsay a visit on Saturday. GRAND Exmnmmnmxnâ€"Father Bre- therton’s concert, which comes off here on the 17th, promises to be an unexception- ally rare treat. The prcgram will consist of choruses, solos, tableaus, etc. The entertainment will take place in the McKenzie hall, and from the array of tal- ent taking part, it will be an unqualiï¬ed success. Secure your tickets at once. Special to the WATCHMAN Eggsâ€"Unchanged at 15 to 16c for fresh in cases, with offerings even of good qualities sufï¬cient and prices weak. Butterâ€"Very quiet to-day, and sold at. un hanaed prices for box lots of rolls at 16 to 18c for good to choice, but the movement even in these insigniï¬cant,~ and tubs in- active. Hogsâ€"Small rail lots chanr'ed hands at $6 laid down here, which seems almost cer- taLnly the @951; price obtainable. Buckwheatâ€"Seemed still' m fair demand and sold lying westward on p. t., but the feeling appear_ed st_e;1dy. v i- ""‘H" \ v :ted as can be found in our township. EAST OAKWOOD KIRKFIELD DIRECT IMPORTERS. DAS FLAVELLE BROS. EXTR F BENCH THE WATLHMAN, LINDSAY THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1892. A fracas that took place last night eclipsed all others and was beyond the control of the lately appointed police force for the district, and the whole of the town force had to be brought into requisition to quell the riot. In the shanties near shaft No. 2 this morning one man is dead and four badly injured as evidence of the ï¬erceness of the ï¬ght. The combatants were three negroes and sum: Italians. The latter had a keg of beer and locked themselves in their shanty, refusing the negroes admittance to partake of the enjoyment. The negroes ï¬nally broke in a window and stormed the place With revolvers drawn. and ï¬ring frequent shots. One Italian was instantly kiled and an-i other shot in the cheek. He will un- doubtedly die. The others were shot in the arm, breast and neck and are quite seriously injured. The town police were ‘ notiï¬ed as early as the affair became known and have succeeded in arresting the three colored men, who were making for the depot when arrested.. They pretended ignorance and tried to throw the pistols away. The dead Italian is named John Risco and the one who will die is Ignatius Dongoso. Tony Hays has a ball in his neck; Tony Mobrash a wound in the region each other’s camps, which are nick- hauled “Italy†and “Africa," and so frequent have been the ï¬ghts and use of ï¬relnrms that their actions Dhave struck terror ir to the hearts of the villagers in the vicinity of the works, who barricade their doors. Each family posses a small arsenal, and have for scouts well-trained bulldogs th It they let loose after dark. NIAGARA Fats, Ont, March 7.â€"-â€"There are some six or seven hundred nsvvies employed on the construction of the great. tunnel on the American side of the r1ver at the falls, composed princ1pally of negroes and Itahans, imported to the village especially for the work. These two races have held a. deadly enmity to each other. They live in shanties entirely separate, although their w-oxk brings them together during' the day, and frequent ï¬ghts occur during the ex eninv and nit ht, especially about pay day, when the nav- vies seem to be more quarrelsome and their ire is at fexc1 heat, accelerated by the quantity of bad wh iskey they imbibe while their money is flush. They raid scene within ï¬ve minutes and placed Flanery under arrest. He acknowledged doing the deed, but said It was uninten- tional. His intention was to fire over Welch’s head, but he missed the mark by about an inch. He said he could not bear to have Welch abuse his wife in such a vile and scandalous manner. Welch is the larger man of the two, and is said to be at least 10 years older than Flanery. who gave his age as 28. Flanery and his wife have been playing; at the Gaiety and Bijou during the past week. Welcli had not played for two weeks, his last appear- ance being at toe World’s Museum. SeV- eral theatrical people who were in the house at the time of the shooting have been held as witnesses. Fight Between Nayvies at the Falls. Fearing),r serious uprising in Russia, Po- land, General Gourke, the Governor, has been empowered to employ measures of wholesome severity where and when he considers it desirable. The Attorney-General of Quebec has taken action against Mr. Ernest Pacaud to recover the $100,000 on the ground that it was stolen from the province in the Baie des Chaleurs aï¬â€˜air. The natives of the seal isL-mds in Behring sea are in great distress, and Congress has been asked for an appropri- ation of $19,500 to relieve their wants. Mr. James Beaty, who for some years occupied prominent public positions, died at; his residence in Parkdale, on Saturday at the age of 94. Secretary Blaine is seriously ill with grippe and will be conï¬ned to his house for SUMO days to come. A funeral aid socity has been organized at Winnipeg, to enable wzdows to bury thelr husbands. There have been serious outbreaks of the foot and mouth disease among cattle 1n Glasgow. The United States naval appropriation bill calls for $23,667,322. When the attempt was made to give 'twice as many illustrations in a monthly ‘magazine as were ever before published the "know it all†people said, “it won’t last;" but when the Cosmopolitan went even beyond that ï¬gure and continued to thrive and grow more popular, the fact became apparent that not only could it be done, but that the reading public appre- ciated it. So far the success of the bril- liant magazine has never been equaled in the history of illustrated monthly litera- ture, and it is daily ï¬nding its way into new homes throughout the country. The latest master stroke, in obtaining the ser- vices of William Dean Howells as Asso- ciate Editor, is the talk of the literary world. To make the magazine more popu- lar, its publishers are offering. for almost nothing, achoice of the original editions of the Memoirs of Generals Grant, Sheridan, Sherman, McClellanoand Lee, if taken in connection with a year’s subscription to‘ the Cosmopolitan IlIagazinc. If you are not on reading terms with this popular monthly. write to the (-‘omnopolz'tan Pub- lishing 00., Madison Square, N.Y., fora free sample copy; then judge for yourself. of his heart, and Joe Smith a. ball imbedd- en in his check. The whole affair was terrible and the villagers are greatly excited over it. Chief of Police Dinan, with ofï¬cers Roland, Bnnacker and Con- my arrested William Henry Barker (col- ored) after a hot chase. Wm. Chambers and Charles Kelly (both Colored) were arrested as accessnries. Kelly and Chambers have squealed on Barker. Barker used a ï¬ve-shooter, making every ball Count. NEWS ITEMS. “Hurry Up." Thanking our numerous customers for past favors, and hoping, by Strict Atten- tion to Business and Fair Dealing, to merit a share of public patronage. I am, Yours, c., Joists from 10 to 30 ft. long. Scantling in all sizes. Cedar and Pine Timber. Shingles at 750. which used to sell at 81. Best Lime in the market for 12 cents per bushel. Estimates on Bills furnished on short notice. in Pine, Ash; Spruce, Basswood and Hem- lock, c. HARDWOOD LUMBER FDR FLOORING A SPECIALTY- and as it is necessary to vacate one of the lots now occupied in order to save expense of moving and make room for new stock coming in, I will sell at reduced prices, for cash. during the next 30 days. I have on hand Having purchased Mr. Killaby’s interest in the Lindsay Lumber and Wood Yard, it is my intention to carry on the business in the old stand, No. 8 Wellington Street, At the present time I have a large stock 0 - LUMBER, SHINGlES, 0., The GAZETTE’S Parliamentary Re- ports and Correspondence, admittedly the best published, will give each morning a carefully prepared impartial report of the proceedings of the previous day. Address RICHARD WHITE. Managing Director Gazettee Printing 00., Montreal. Will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States during the Present Session of the Dominion Parliament on receipt of THE DAILY GAZEETE NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! umber, Wood, Coal, Lime, Etc., Etc , DRESSED LUMBER Successor to Killaby :5: Kennedy. . KENNEDY, MONTRE ALL. ONE DOLLAR DEALER IN R. KENNEDY. 0f the Lubon Medical Company is nowa‘ Toronto. Canada. and may he Consulte either in person or by letter on all clll‘unll diseases peculiar tr man. Men. your): old, or middle-aged. who ï¬nd themselv lnervous, weak and exhausted, who 3‘ ‘ broken down from excess or overwwt' resulting from many of the fullowir lsymptoms : Meumi depression. preiuutur old age, loss of Vitality. loss of memory is bad dreams, dimness (f sight. palpitatic “of the heart, emissisns lack of energy pain in the kidneys. headache. pimples o the face or body, i‘ching or peculiar sen satiou about the scrotum. wasting of ti organs. dizziness, specks before the c}' ‘ twitching of the muscles. cyc lids. 3!? elsewhere. bashfulqus, (lnposifs in fl? urine, loss of will pone". :uuiemess‘t‘ the scalp and spine. “cal; and flabâ€. :muscles, desire to sleep. failure to . rested by sleep, constipation. dullness f hearing. loss of voice, dcsn-e for Sulirua excitability of temper. sunken cycs SPY rounded with LEADEN (111(1):. oilyluokfl‘. skin. etc . are all symptoms of ucht‘. debility that lead to insanity and «3.033 unless cured. The spring w†vital 2va having lost. its tensmu eve-y funch wanesin consequence. Those who throvfl†abuse committed in ignorazz'e uni}: permanently cure-i. Send your adult for book on all diseases peculiar to In†Books sent free sealed. Heart diseqff‘ the symptoms of which are faint Ste-"5' purple lips. numbness. }‘~:ilpit-qtiou. 51“? beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to The head, dull pain in the heart with beat: strong, rapid and irregular, the $900†heart quicker than the ï¬rst, pain abofl the breast bone, etc., can positive].v cured. No cure, nopay. Send forboo Address M. V. LUBOX, 24 Macdonell 3-" Toronto, Canada. use it. for it will Euro you. If your child In the Group, or WhooPing Co 11, use it prompt}: and relief is sure. If youugrud that insidiu disease CONSUMPTION, don’tfad to use it. will cure you or ‘ cost nothing. a Ask yo: Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price to CE acts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sort: ck lame. use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. :’ 2; c: This GREAT COUGH CURE, this sut ill CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a allel in the history gf_medicine.-_.All drug Ekï¬thorized to Eell it on a positive guan a. tat that no other cure can sucossï¬zlly: Ifyqn h'avq‘a Cgugh, Sqre Throat, or Brom Yr _ - d; -1, 21 THE HEAD SURGEON SHILOH’S w CONSUMPTION L05 CURE. and givi and may he. cunsuize ‘ 11y 10: .u' un all chruni 1‘ man. Men. young Li, who ï¬nd themselv d exhnusxed. Mn» :1? {n «Axcess nr ovenhr'†any uf the fullm‘izi . . J . n l UCI'I'L‘SS‘JJF. i‘l't’uflhg. . 1:.-- ', ‘- C M- ..H “pr XLY l él'liLV I THF U ï¬g sary At'i Lindsay, Febr for which To Alsike REE/L Re th‘