1511 Wheat per bushel, old. ‘ Flour, new process ........ Flour, mixed, roll ......... Strong bakers. . . . ......... Barley, per bushel ......... Peas, do . . .» ....... Peas, large do .......... Eggs, per dozen ............ Salt, per barrel ............ Straw, per load ............ Wool .................... Hides .................... mug mvsc ............. Barley, per bushel ......... 42 to 0 55 Pass, do . . .- ....... 0 00 to 0 55 Peas, large do .......... 0 70 to O 90 0313, do .......... 0 00 to 0 25 Potatoes per bushel ........ 0 25 to 0 31 Butter per 1b ............. 0 18 to O 19 Beef ..................... 0 05 to 0 07 Eggs, per dozen ............ 0 10 to O 11 Salt, per barrel ............ O 00 to 1 50 ‘ Straw, per load ............ 3 00 to 6 00 1 W001 .................... o 18 to o 20} Hides .................... 0 00 to 0 30 1 Wood .................... 2 00 to 4 00 3 Bacon ...... perfb........ 009toOlOl Mess Pork, per bb]. . . . . 0 00 to 17 50‘ Hay.perton.... ......... £30th 300 ‘10 extra Prune. .-. ..... 0 00 to 00 oo flow 99: ton ............ 17 00 to 19 oo Lambskins ............... O 50 to O 60 Sheepskins. pelts ......... 0 50 to 0 60 Live Hogs, “ “ “... 000to500 Flaxseedper 100 ......... 200to300 Dressed Hogs, per 1001b. 4 50 to 5 00 Rye .............. (‘- on 000t0075 Bran per ton ............. 16 00 to 18 00 MixedChop..,. ........ 1101:0120 Screenings ................ 90 to 1 00 Alsike Clover ............. 7 00 to 8 00 Red Clover .............. 3 75 to 4 25 l‘imothy Seed ............ 1 50 to 2 00 Corn Chop ............... 1 75 to 1 85 Oat Chop ............... 1 20 to 1 30 pm. mm“ .......... 1 20 to 1 30 maes .................... Wood .................... Bacon ...... perfb........ Mess Pork, per bb]. . . . . Hay. per ton ............ do extra Prime. . -, ..... nu -. Live-Hogs, . Flax seed per100 ......... Dressed Hogs, per 1001b†Alsike Clm er ............. Red Clov 3r .............. I'imothy Seed ............ Corn Chop ............... Oat Chop ............... Pea Chop ................ On Sunday evening last, while many of 1 our citizens were in church the cry of ï¬re was heard and a general stampede ensued to ascertain where the ï¬re was; this did not require much time to discover. as the flames were then issuing out of the windows of the upper storey ot the build- ing occupied by Mr. John Dawson as a1 dwelling and store. Willing hands were soon at work to try and save as much of the stock as possible, but the household furniture and almost everything in the upper storey, including nearly $100 in cash, fell a prey to the flames that now spread rapidly, and the entire building was totally consumed. The building and con- tents were insured.â€"[Echo. LINDSAY MARKETS. Omen or THE LINDSAY WATC A Chicago Girl Who Was Kidnapped in 1889 and Brought to Canada. CHICAGO, March 26.â€"â€"A feminine kid- napper was arrested here to-riay after three years’ escape from justice. The cul- prit is a good-looking well-dressed woman of 35, who gives her name as Mrs. Mary Dreighton, alias Murray L~ .1-_._,_ "nil â€1. v1.6“ 5 v .‘3 ....e... _ After her arrest she broke down. and admitted that in 1889 she carried off 12- year- old Mabel H'. Hopkins frOm the little one’s home in Washington Boulevard. Mrs. Dreighton had gained admission to the place on the plea of being an artist who wished to give the child lessons in painting and was left alone with the pupil a brief ten minutes. The kidnapping was at the instigation, she said, of Mabel’s father, E. B. Hopkins a. crockery merchant, and Hattie Eggleston The daughter has been missing ever since and is now said to be in a convent in London, Canada, Warrants were sworn this afternoon for Hopkins and the Eagles- ton woman by Hopkms’ wife, now divorc- ed. to whose tireles efforts is due the ï¬nal w, w "u vuv v.-v--_ -_-_ detection of the kidnapper. Srmcrmm, Ohio, March 27.â€"For some time the dry goods store proprietors have been in the habit of advertising in Canadian papers for clerks. and if the person answering to the advertisement could prove thomselves good .men they would come frcmCanadato this city to take positions here. This has been gong on for several years. and the disatisfaction of the local Salesmen’s Union has become greater and greater. as in many cases the imported clerks took the places of dis- charged American workmen. The clerks waited for a good while for their oppor- tunity and at last it came. A suit was yesterday ï¬led in the United States court at Cincinnati, Ohio, against John Wren. proprietor of one of the largest dry goods stores in this city, in the sum of $2,000. He is charged with having advertised for clerks in Toronto and with having engaged two to come to work, in direct violation of the Foreign Contract Labour law, the penalty for the violation of which is $1,000 for each man imported. It is understood that other similar suits will be ï¬led against other dry goods men here, who are guilty of a Similar offence. It is stated that Wren will try to prove that no contract was enâ€" tered into with the men before they left Canada. Deeming‘s Marvellous Criminal Career â€A Most Accomplished Scoundrel. LONDON, March 29.â€"Linking the var- ious disclosures in the career of Deeming the police reports disclose the most mar- vellous criminal career ever known. Since starting on a. systematic course of crime at Sydney, N. S. \V., the man has operated successfully at Bathurst, N. S. W.; Brisbane, Queensland; Adelaide Vic- toria; Christchurch, New Zealand, where it. has been discovered that he married under the name of Delmart, and robbed and deserted his Wile; Wellington, N. S. W'., where he married and robbed a girl and absconded; Sydney, to which city he then returned; Cape Town, Cape Colony. Durban, Natal and Johnnesburg, where He -cleared Durban with £4500 for Mozambique, and there transhipped for British India. and thence came by boat Via the Red Sea. to England, and operated in Lonr'ion, Hull and Liverpool. Frnm England he fled to Montevideo, Uruguay. sanctuaooOuIOCJ Alien Contract Act' MENDEN. '9 March 31. 1892' m0a770m0 87063 6 0000222 m 0 0 0 0 0m tt.ru .Dt â€umwwmmw. W ATCHMAN. Everywhere his road has been marked by crime. His escape has been due to the wonderful rapidity of his movements, his dash of execution and his perpetual aliases and disguises. The Scotland Yard authorities declare that from further study of documents and facts in their possession they are able to state positively that Deeming could not have been implicated in any of the White- chspel murders. The coroner’s jury investigating the deaths of the women and four children whose bodies were found buried under the floor of Dunham Villa at Rsinhill returned a verdict of wilful murder against! Deem- , mg. The new extradition treaty between France and the Upited States was signed -- "°‘ â€-3 1m; in Paris‘1 Friday by Whitelaw Reid. TAKE NOTICE that the business late- ly carried on Messrs. A. W. Parkin Sons, has this day been purchased and taken over by “The Parkin Lumber Co. of Lindsay, Limited,†and all parties hav- ‘ ‘ ’ J ‘ “T nnn‘r:nn ly Ublllcu vu .............. Sons, has this day been purchased and taken over by “The Perkin Lumber Co. of Lindsay, Limited,†and all parties hav- ing claims against; the said A. W. Parkins Sons are requested to send same in at once to Mr. Samuei G. Parkin, Lindsay, Ontario. Dated this 15th day of March, 1892. (S’g‘d) Tm: PARKIN LUMBER Co. 0F LINDSAY, Ltd A. 0, DUTTON, SAM. G. PARKIN. President. Sec.-Trea.s. THE DAILY GAZEITE Will be. sent to any address in Canada or the United States during the Present Session of receipt of The GAZETTE’S Parliamentary Re- ports and Correspondence, admittedly the best published, will give each morning a carefully prepared impartial report of the proceedings of the previous day. Address RICHARD WHITE. Managing Director Gazettee Printing 00., Montreal. In the Matter of Thomas Greene, of the Township of Laxfon, in Hue County of Victoria, Insolvent. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVE;T that the above named Insolvent has made an Assignment to me under the Provisions of the Revised Statutes of On- tarlo, 1887 , Cap. 124, of all his estate and effects for the beneï¬t of his creditors. A meeting of the creditors of the said Estate is hereby convened and will be held at the Law Uflice of Messrs. Barron «S: McLaughlin, Kent street. Lindsay, on Friday, the Eigth day of April. 1892, at Two o’clock in the afternoon, for the ap- pointment of Inspectors, and the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. All creditors of the said Estate are hereby required to fie their claims with Messrs. Barron McLaughlin, of the Town of Lindsay, Solicitors for the As signee, as dlrected by the said Statute, on or before the day of such meeting ; after the First day of May, 1892, I shall pro- ceed to distribute the said Estate, having regard only to such claims as I shall have nc tice of, and I shall not be responsible for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons whose claim or claims shall not have been so ï¬led. . JOSEPH V_ STAPLES, By his Solicitors Barron McLaughlin. Dated at Lindsay this 28th day of March, 1892. Sealed Tenders will be received at the Town Clerk’s Ofï¬ce, Lindsay, up to noon, For PLANK WANTED. 60,000 ft. b. m. of Good, Sound Pine Lumber. Sizes as follows: 45.000 feet 2x12-13 feet long, 12,000 2x10-13 feet long, 3,000 feet 2x10-16 feet long, butted and ganged, free from checks, subject to culling, and to be delivered at the Market Square in ( manti- ties and dates as follows: 20,000 feet )efore 15th May. 1802, 20.000 feet before lst of June, 1892, and 20,000 feet before July lst FRIDAY, APRIL 15th, ’Lewest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THURSDAY, March 31, -â€"-â€"ALSO‘â€"-â€"- Tenders for Hewing Cedar. Tenders will be received at the TOWn Clerk’s Ofï¬ce here up to noon for the hewmg of 12,000 feet (lineal measure) of cedar, to commence on the 6th of April, and to be completed by the 6th of June. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. M. R0 BSON, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TENDERS Chairman S. B. Cum. Lindsay, March 23, 1892.â€"12~2. MONTRE AI..- ONE DOLLAR the Dominion Parliament on NOTICE. F01) treaty betlweeI} THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1892. For sale a pen 0f High-class Plymouth Rocks, and a pen 0f White Leghorns. Apply; to Lindsay, March 15. 1892. Money lent on mortgage, and mort- gages and notes negotiated. Straight loans at 6 per cent. Thoro ugh-bred Fowl for Sale. 188 SILVER, Teacher of Instru- mental and Vocal Music, and Painting. Residence, 27 William St. North. 43-1y 100 Cords of SOFT WOOD to be deliv- ered at the Steam Boat Wharf, for which cash will be paid on delivery. GEORGE CRANDELL. Captain. Lumber, Wood, Coal, Lime, Etc., Etc, Successor to Killaby Kennedy. Having purchased Mr. Killaby’s interest in the Lindsay Lumber and Wood Yard, it is my intention to carry on the business in the old stand, No. 8 Wellington Street, At the present time I haVe a large shock of and as it is necessary to vacate one of the lots now occupied in order to save expense of moving and make room for new stock coming in. I will sell at reduced prices, for cash, during the next 30 days. I have on hand in Pine, Ash, Spruce, basswoou arm 11: lock, 85c. HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR FLOORING SPECIALTY- J oists from 10 to 30 ft. long. Scantling in all sizes. Cedar and Pine Tlmber. Shingles at 750. which used to sell at $1. Best Lime in the market for 12 cents per bushel. Estimates on Bills furnished on short notice. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! MUSIO AND PAINTING. Thanking our numerous customers for past. favors, and hoping, by Strict Atten- tion to Business and Fair Dealing, to merit a ahare of public patronage. LUMBER, SHINGLES, 0., Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted, either in person or by letter on all chronic‘ diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who ï¬nd themselves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting from many of the following symptoms : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight. palpitation of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sen- sation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles. eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the ‘urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by. sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for Solitude, ,__-.. a..- llww- .-_ excitability of temper. sunken eyes sur- rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin. etc . are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanesin consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are iuint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats. hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart With beats strong, rapid end irregular, the second -- ---n nknnf 5l1|)115, aw I.“ y.--“ _.__ 1’ ‘r:""~1 , heart quicker than the ï¬rst, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay! Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonell Ave. Torontn, Canada. MONEY TO LOAN. THE HEAD SURGEON KENNEDY, Ash, Spruce, Basswood and Hem- WANTED â€"â€" DEALER IN $6000.00 A year is being m-de by John R. Goodwin,’l‘roy.N.Y.,M work for us. Reader, you may not make: an much, but we on: tench yuu quickly how to mm from $5 to ï¬le a day It the slut, and more an you go ' " u L» .- -..\..p J DIV a any It uu; um", ....... m-.- __ ,, v nu. Both sens, all xges. In any part of [Amaricm you cll commence at homc, giv- int: all your Iimmnr Ipan- momenta only to t‘.) work. All is new. (iront pay SURE for every worker. We start, you. fuminhlug everything. EASILY, Sl'El‘ZlJllX learned. l'Alfl‘lCULAK-S Flll‘ll‘l. Address at once, Vi â€SUN 8 C0... PORTLAND. DISK. MOORE JACKSON. I am, Yours, c., ‘. KENNEDY. D. C. TREW. from the manufacturers in Germany. Immense variety. Prices range $1 50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00. $5.00, $6.00, and upward. Tweeds Cloths. Special goods for boy’s Wear, ï¬ne and strong, prices 45 cents and 50 cents. Navy Serge Blouse Suits, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Boy’s Tweed Suits, $2.00 $2.50, $3-00, $8.50. Men’s All-W001 Suits, guaranteed serviceable. Our own make. Prices‘ $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 Fine light and cheap for spring Wear ready to put 011. Prices, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00. Visiting the English market per- sonally, and buying direct from the manufacturers, gives us the cheapest goods in the market. DUNDAS 8: FLAVELLE Bans. Boy’s Suits. IMPORTED DIRECT BAPES, SUITA QU RY IS