'ATh. tlemen, Cakes 8 Superior .nfectione '0 doors STAND. '"Yl"! :1: P3113083 ‘31) BY In! 035 Nomi zed. LY UR MA' [peci-al Drivers in Choice Having purchased at a. LOW Race on the Dollar the : ' ' IE A963 iHSPEflT SUB M AND PRK’ES. MAN SAVE may! SOEGéNE :n's, Yum and Boys’ Felt Hats. THE GREAT BANKRUPT STOCK MEN 76 AND 78 KENT ST., LINDSAY ien’s Furnishings. 'e Buv from the Fountainâ€"head, fer Ready Spot Cash. 01:11 New Brands of Cigars. THE BEST 5-CEN‘I‘ 3:11:71’1517 GIGâ€"AR IN THE MARKET 'I'O-DAY STOCK OF ALLEN BROS. Groceries Volumï¬ w: devote our space this week entirely to Men’s, Youths‘ and â€swear. We have an Enoymous Stock. of which we are justly 5nd, and the value of Wthh IS unapproachable. 's Cation‘de an: Duck 31110116, Overalls :33 u"! 3;- TWEEDS, SUITINGS TRDUSER|N“S L. SAME PR I: Choice Brands of Wines for family ' use. Imported and Domestic Aléfs- Gaoderham 8; Worts’ famous Whls“ kées, and imported Liquors Of all 1 Stock of Ready-made Clothing EAsLES Often leave a cough. ,urt? it with W’hitg 5 , 3 01m: balsam. 2 St. at n MEN’S WEAE’: OF ALL KlNDc‘i. Will We show some handsome novelties in ties, knots, bows. collars and cuffs. Grand value in braces, hdkfs.. underwear of all kinds, and the ï¬nest asâ€" .‘Wrtment of top shirts ever brought to Lindsay, at or Ct s which cannot be approached by any house the trade Our stock is now Very large and complete and um thing that 15 New, Nobby and Fashion- able is represented. Boys’ Knockabout hats, Yr.qat‘ns' Nobby hats and Men's Soft and Stiff hats, :1 0.1 the New Shapes, Cheaper than ever. and jumpersâ€"Full range cf sizes in every line. Every garment guaranteed as represented, and our priCeS are Lower than the Lewest for Good Reliable Goods. \Ve call special attention to the fact that we don’t sell shoddy. No mat- 1:3? how low in price, it is always dear in the end. Is very full and complete, consisting of Boys’ Suits, Youths’ Suits, Men's Suits, Boys’ Odd Pants, Youths' Odd Pants and Coats and Men’s Odd Coats, Pants and V 'zsts. This is the reason we are enabled to sell so many lines at what other houses have to pay for them. HIBINBOTHAM’S 111?): found very attractive and cheap. Some a2 d was in untearable twecds 101‘ boys wear. V I. Number 12. and made Large Additions thereto, we are giving GREAT BARGAINS in All Lines of ' ' . . . . REMISES Teas, Coï¬â€˜eesfland Spices WERNER 8: 0|. ADAM DORAN TEN- CENT CIGARS Moved by Dep-reeve CRANDELL, second- ed by Reeve KYLIE, that the time for the collection of taxes be extended until the A by~law to authorize the mayor and treasurer to Sign and sell certain town de- bentures issued under the act of 1891. was duly passed, signed and sealed. A TOWN ENGINEER. A by-law appointing Mr. F. L. Somer- ville, C. E.. town engineer for 1893, With- out salary, was duly passed, signed and sealed, after Considerable discussion 111 committee of the whole. TRL'ANT OFFICER. A by-Iaw appointing Mr. D. C. Trew truant officer, and ï¬xing his salary at $100 per year, occasioned much talk and cross- ï¬rlng. It was ï¬nally passed. MALLON’S EYES ARE OPEN.- Coun. MALLON read a communication .from a. Buffalo 111anufacturing ï¬rm desir- i ous of starting works in Canada. and ask- i ed the council to take prompt action in the matter. He wished the communication referred to the town property committee. â€"Referred to manufacturers’ committee. Reeve KYLIE presented an informal re- port from the ï¬re, water and light com- mittee regarding the tenders for a set of double harness for the ï¬re department. The tender of Mr. John Berry was the lowest. Communications were rend from Messrs. John Maunder and F. J. Duly, asking that the privilege of conducting their re spective billiard rooms for this year, as they are at present, he granted.â€"â€"La.id on the table May or RAY stated that -the cmmnittee was dZinu all 1n t2: air power in reward to this question. Coun. MALLON took exception to the manner in which important matters were dealt with by the committee, and was not at all satisï¬ed with the way in which the McCormick Illatter was disposed of. Mayor RAY stated that the committee had learned that the McCormicks were about to locate at Walkerville, Ont. Mayor RAY explained that Town Solici- tor Hopkins suggested the advisability of withholding the $8,000 debentures accru- ing in 1900. He also stated that a. second offer had been received which was some~ what better than the first. The report was adopted. TOWN PROPERTY REPORT. Reeve KYLIE, chairman. read a report from the town property committee, recom- mending that the taxes of J. Carew be not more than the amount Collected on $2000; and also that a sub-committee be appoint- ed to draft such a by-law as to exempt all new additional machinery, etc., as may be used for manufacturing purposes. The report was adopted. A PERTINENT ENQUIRY. Coun. MALLON enquired as to What had been done in the McCormick factory mat- ter? Coun. HEAD stated that it was a capital investment at the [nice offered to sell the debentux es. From the city clerk of Ottawa. submit- tlng copy of petition to the lieutenant- governor regarding iSolatiou hospltals for contagxous diseases.â€"â€"Board of Health. FINANCE REPORT. Coun. HEAD, chairman, read the report of the ï¬nance committee, recommending a grant of $200 to the sewerage committee for plans, surveys. etc.. the same to be- come the property of the town. It Was recommended that the taxes of J. Arm~ strong be collected in full and also recom- mended the sale of of certain town deben- tureS. From S. Irwin, president uf the Me- chanics’ Institute, asking for a. grant of $100. ~F1nzmce committee. From J. T. Mnunder and Angus Dovey, applymg for billiard liconses.â€"L2Lid on table. From J. A. Wetherup, treasurer of the Central Charity Committee, asking for a further grant.â€"â€"Fmance committee. From “"111. Walters, ufl'ering to supply the town with an Appleton truck ï¬re escixpe «Fire and Water committee. From Chief Constable Bell, requesting the council to supply necessary uniforms for the chief and assistant constable.â€" Police committee. From Georg e Ellsworth, asking for re- mission of p011 and do†tax for 1892 as he claimed to be assessed? 1n er10r.-â€"Finance committee The minutes of the lus't meetii‘n'gw v'vere duly read and conï¬rmed. COMMUNICATIONS. The following: communications were then read :~ The following “city dads†graced the board: Mayor Ray, Reeves Kylie. Walters and Crandell, and Couns. Keith, John- ston. Head, Lovell, Killaby, Tully, Touch- burn, Bryans and Mallon, a full house. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITION Sâ€"THE BIL- LIARD LICENSE MATTER GIVEN ANOTHER HOISTâ€"TOWN DEBENTURES SOLEâ€"AD~ DITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS AT THE FIRE STATION-â€"â€"MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Mayor Ray and a number of the counâ€" cillors were in a. hurry on Monday night and promptly at 7. 30 o’clock they regular session of the town council opened. Busi- ness was rushed throu gh at lightning speed and at 8.40 the lights were out. Meet in Regular Conclave, Do Some Business and Adjourn. ~.. MAYOR RAY’S DISOIPLES FIRE AND \VATER REPORT. RAISING THE WIND. BI LLIA EDS A! :AIN. 'MORE TIME. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1893‘ 'Mr: T. Matchett, G. T. R. agent, ex- pressed his regret at the departure of Mr. Scott and said that no person Wuuld miss him more than he would. He was surry for the company and sorry for Lindsay. It; would be hard to ï¬ll his place in the works and as a citizen. He would be missed at the library in which institution he had always taken a deep interest. While sorry to part with him, he was glad he had been promoted and thonght there were others in the employ of the company here who deserved the same fate. The company, standing,‘sanq “for he's a jplly giood‘fellpw.†“('0 ask you to accept this watch and chain from your railroad friends on the Midland division, more as a reminder of our good feelings to you than as a gift of value. We wish you and Mrs. Scott all the happiness and good fortune it is possi- ble for anv to have. Signed on behalf of the employees, J AS . STORER. JOHN McMAHON, W. DOLRY. Mr Scott in reply said :â€"â€"-Mr. chairman and fellow workmen -~ As this has taken me by surprise, you can better underst and my feelings than I can express them. I am somewhat like our native oarsman, lâ€"Ianlan, when he first came before the public. He remarked, “ I cannot speak but 1 can row a boat." I must say that I am not much of a speaker, but can work. However, I, sincerely thank you for the very valuable present that has just been handed to me: also for the kind wishes in the address. I may sayI had no expectation of receiving this token at your hands as I don‘t see that I have done anything to merit. such distinction, having only done my duty to the company. and While doing so to treat all my fellow employees equal. showing favor to none. I hope in my new sphere of} labor to meet with men that are as Willing to perform their duties as the men that I regret very much to leave, although it is promotion, and before I sit down I Wish to again thank you for the kind wishes you have expressed for Mrs. Scott and myself. i J ated. While We are sorry to say. good-bye to one who has been our fellow-employe, and comrade for so many years, we are glad to know that; our company has recosz- nized your ability and integrity. and we look forward to the time when you will be still further advanced. We will miss you in the 3110 s and in social life, where you and. Mrs. cott have been so well appreci- LINDSAY, March 18th; 1893. A. A. Scott. Esq., Shop Foreman. On hearing of your intended departure from Lindsay, to take a more advanced position in Montreal, your many friends here, determined to give you an address, an'd'g. §mall presen tatio n. The chairman then called Mr. A. A. Scott to the front. Mr. John Sun-er stepped forward and read the following address, while at the proper time, Mr. John McMahon handed Mr. Scott an elegant gold watch and chain, the time piece being suitably engraved. They were procured from Petty the jeweller and cost the sum of $60.00;“ Shortly after 8 o’clock Engineer Alex. McMillan tOuk the chair and cmiducted the meeting, as he runs his engine. “to the Queen’s taste. †After afew prelimin- ary remarks regarding the object of the meeting, he annnuuced the ï¬rst item on ï¬lm programme, an instrumental piece on D;ij and muuth organ by Mr. Gen. Adams, which was encured. Then fuliuw- ed in rapid successiun 9. Comic reading, Mr. J. Petty; song, Mr. J. Watsmi; reci- tation, Miss Hattie Mimms; sung, Miss Miller; song Jos. Kelcher; duett, Messrs. Petty and McAdams; sang, Miss Jennie Miller. 1A. A. Scott, late foreman of the LindSay shops, who has been promoted to the head shops at Montreal to one of the most responsible positions in the gift of the cmnpnny, with a. token of esteem. Mr. Scot: has been in the em- ploy of the Grand Trunk for nine or ten years, ï¬rst at Port Hope and in Lindsay since the Works were removed here some live years ago. H9 is a thorough mechanic, having served his time in that nursery of ï¬rstclass Workmen, the shop of the Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro. He has always been regarded as one of our best citizens and had all the interests cf the railway company and its employees at heart. He has her-n a staunch friendand supporter of the Gr.'l‘. R. ‘ library, and while his fellow p nployees; are loath to lose him they are pleasedl that he has been promoted. l MR. A. A. SCOTT, OF THE G. T. R. IS REMEM- ‘BERED BY HIS FELLOW EMPLOYEES. On Saturday evening the Grand Trunk employees had a. social re union in the Sons of England hall, Kent street, which was ï¬lled to the doors. The occasion was taken advantmge of to present Mr. Moved by Reeve CRANDELL, secon led by Coun. HEAD, that; the matter be refer- red to the ï¬nance committee ~â€"Carried. The council then adjourned. On motion Mr. Albertsou, bandmaster, was heald, and explained the situation as wards the Citizens’ band and the town. Moved by Reeve KYLIE, seennded by Mr. KEITH, that Reeve Waiters be ap- pointed chairman of the town property. «Carried. 17th of April, and that Mr. B. F. J ewet be appointed collector for that perind‘ without additional salary and under the same bonds.â€"Carried. BERRY IS THE BOY. Moved by Reeve KYLIE. seconded by Reeve WALTERS, that the tender of John Berry for harness for the ï¬re department be accepted. and that he be authorized to proceed with the contract at once.â€"â€"Ca.r- lied. " SPEED THE PAR TING GUEST.†DIVIDING THE HONORS. MUSICAL MATTERS. Mr. M. O’Hnllurau, butcher has pie- pared a hill nf fare fur Easter that will tickle the palates uf his custnmers. This year he will shuw the public the best lot uf animals ever shown in Lindsay, by a butcher. They include a three year old heifer, a. tw'» year old heifer, a «me year old heifer and n calf. all bred and fed by Mr. O’Hnllnmn, himself, and one thoroughbred fuur year old heifer, fed by Mr. Jus. Symnns, of lot. 10, con. 6. ()ps, that reflects great credit upon that gentle- man. In addition Mr. O’Halloran will have sausages, corned beef. spring lambs, fresh pork and all the et ceteras usually found in a ï¬rst-clnss, city butcher shop. The animals will be on exhibition on Kent-st. on Tuesday next.~â€"12-2. That Lindsay stands high in the mone- tary world is amply proven by the tact, that uur debentures. placed on the market last week. bruught such a splendid price. Hnnsmx Bros, of Munrreal huux ht $120,100 uf debentmes bearing 4% per Cent. yearly and re- piyahle, principil and Interest yearly un: i1 all are paid, at 1011*. Mayor Ray and the ï¬nance cmnmitree Certainly deserve credit for bringing matters to such a highly successful issue. Few, if any, places in the Prm‘ince can make a better showing. particularly in a year like this when such larqeunumher of municipalities have debentures on the market. The Fishway The ï¬shway near the locks having becmne tun small, and being 9.15“ in a bad state of repair, representations to that effect, were made to nur vigilant and efï¬cient member at Ottawa, Mr. Chas. Fairhairn, and as a result, Fishery In- spector Archie Bradshaw, was instructed tn prepare a plan uf the requxred altera- tions and imprnvaments and to forward he Same to the department at Ottawa. Such has accnrdingly lween dnne and it is expectedthat urders to proceed Will be received in a few days Prof. Fletcher, Dominion Enormoloclst delivered an address before the Select comm'ttee nn agriculture and colonization at Ottawa Fr1dny. He advised using the bot-do mixtute as a preventative of pntatu rut. SiXpuunls of blue stone orsulp hate of copper, with four puunds of lime, die- eulved in forty ï¬ve galiuns nf water. Sprinkle this Solution over the foliage of the plant Mmut once a fortnight. An excess of the mixture wuuld do no harm. Tre Band Cancert On Thursday evening of last week. the entertainment under the auspices of the Citizens’ Band. n‘ the academy of music, was but p'mrly attended, we regret tu say. T use whu muk part weze Sara Lurd Bailey, the renuwued eiocutmnist, and Mr. W. E. Ramsay. humorist. The eu- tertainment was of a high order, both of the performers were at their best and the result was such a treat as is rarely enjoyed by the citizens of Lindsay. Because Membray’s Kidney and Liver Cure is not in a great big bottle, that it is not. Warm the price. The medicine is in cancentmted form, the duse is small, uric teaspmmful in a wiueglnss of water, the effect is nmrvellnus. Try it for Kidney or Liver Complaint. if you wmt a cure as a spring medicine it has no equal. For sale by E. GREGORY. Liudmy, Out-124. At the conclusion a Vote of thanks to all who had taken part in the prugmvume and specially to Miss McIntush and Mr. Petty, by Mr. L. McIntosh and D. Clarke. was carried unanimously and the gathering cuncluded with the singing of the Nationa: Authwn by the cnmpany. The programme was prepared nu short notice and “"13 carried out in splendid shape, Of those who took part: nothing but what is complimentary can he Said. All did well. The songs and recitations by the Misses Miller captivated the audience. Both have ï¬ne voices. and with care and training. these young ladies will take a high rank in musical circles. Miss Christie also has a pleasant voice and did admir- ably. The readings by Mr. Petty, as usual, carried the house by storm and Continuous laughter Was in order while he held the floor. The accompaniments xi ere all played by Miss McIntosh, in a highly finished nrmner. Marche'tt. Perry and McAdums; song, Miss Christie; banjo SUI-b, Mr. George Adams; reading, Mr. Petty; neciration, Miss Jennie Miller and sung, Mr. J. Watson. Chairtï¬an Miller added a few commen- datory remarks. He had known Mr. Scott in Port Hope, befnre Coming to Lindsay. He had been eflici- ; eut there and he had been efï¬cient here. ‘ In fact he fuund him to be “the same old Scott.†He Was always active, civil. judicious and watchful in the interests of the coxnpnny’s and empleyees’ interests. He was always With the men ml the ncca- siun of sports, picnics mm M the library his services Were invaluable. He regarded the departure of Mr. Scott as A SeVere‘ less tn Lindsay, but regarded it as a great Compliment to the emplnyees here that one of them had been chn8eu tt- ï¬ll such an impurtent pusitinn in the chief shnps at Muntrenl. He wishel him Gnd speed. The renmiuder of the prngmmmu was ghen proceeded ° with. trim. Mesars. In cancessicm he wished Mr. Scott success and prosperity. A Splendid Sale. Easter Beef. Do Not Think Potato Rot. The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for “Want†advertieementa. If you want a situation, a mechanic, 9. business. machinery. lodging, if you have lost or found anything. or if you want to ï¬nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daity Mail and read the adver~ tisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a word each insertion, or ten cents a word for six insertions. Address 17w Mail Toronto, Canada. -â€"Two s'cenes in a drunkard’s life will be at the barracks. Th ursd ay, March 30th, at 8. p. m. The meeting will be preceded by a novel march around the town. Ofli- cers and soldiers from Peterboro and Omemee are expec’ed to be present. Admission by ticket 100. â€"â€"The musical meeting given Thursday evening m the Army barracks was much enjoyed by all present. The duett ren- dered l‘y Messrs. Lindsay and Joyce pleased all. The media) given on the stringed instruments was highly appreci- ated as was also the Vocal and instrumental music given‘by the hand. Some short exhortatinns were given and with an invitation to the dinner to turn toGod the meeting was brought to a close. to the funds of that worthy charitable society â€"â€"-On Friday evening a very large con- gregation assembled at St. Mary’s church to hear a lecture nn “St. Patrick, His Life and Labors,†by the Rev. Father Scollard, of the cathedral, Peterboro. The rev. gentleman is an eloquent and earnest speaker and his efl‘ort was highly anpreciated. The lecture was under the auspices of the St. Vincent de Paul society and the proceeds added quite a tidy sum -â€"Rev. Dr. Grant. of Orillia, the well- known “ Knoxonian,†of the Canada Presbyterian. preached eloquent sermons at St. Andrews. at. both services on Sun- day, to large congregations. The Dr. is one of the best known speakers and writers in the church and to saw that his sermons were both «Inquent and interest- mg, does him but scant justice. -Rev. Mr. Johnston, of St. Andrew’s church. takes a deep interest in the Sub. bath school, as well as in all other church wcnk and recently announced that he would give a. handsome bible to all chil- dren of St. Andrew’s Sabbath school, who were proï¬cient in their catechism and texts and regular in attendance during the present year. â€"The choir of the Cambridge-st. Methodist church will be assisted by a. quartette from Toronto, two ladies and gentlemen, in their concert on Good Friday evening. The songs will be all in keeping with the spirit of the day. The last concert will be a pledge of the good quality of the music for this one. -â€"The revival services which have been carried on for some time at the Baptist church have borne gnud fruit. Quite a number have prnfessed religion and further results are expected. On Sunday evening the rite of baptism was adminis- tered to tww persmis. â€"Rev. Mr. Campbell. of the Cambri street Methodist church, is a cosmopoli- tnn and believes in giiing boner where if: is due. He referred. nu Sunday evening, in highly complimentary terms, to the Pupe of R-une, and euluglzed him for his many good and charitable deeds. . ’7'~_J vvvvvv In St. Paul’s schOUI room, on Mend; evening, the 27th inst. An excellent pro- grammeof reading and singmg will be rendered. All are curdiaHV invited. â€"â€"-The congregation of Father Brethet- ton, at Victoria Road, celebrated St. Patrick’s day, bya grand concert in the evening, at which the leading local talent! of the neighborhood assisted. It was a. great success. â€"â€"The Church of England Temperance Society will hold then monthly meeting In St. Paul’s schmnl rnnm nn uni-An†â€"-The services a: St. Mary’s church on St. Patrick's day, were of an unusually interesting character. The sermon by Vicar General Laurent was on St. Patrick. The musical part was exceedingly good. â€"â€"The lecture at‘St. Andrew’s church, nn Monday evening, by the Rev. R. N. Grant, of Orillia. was well attended. The subject was “ Misplaced Men†and it was handled in the speaker’s best style. â€"The Hon. Winiï¬eld Sugden, Who has for ten years been a missionary among the Zenanas of India, will address a. mission- ary meeting at St. Paul’s school house on Tuesday next at 8 p. m. 50 Cents per â€"Rev. J. H. Locke. uf Lhc George-st. Methodist church, Peter-bow. has been invited to the pastorate uf the Yonge-st. church, Toronto. He will accept, if the Conference is willing. -â€"-'I‘he Rev. J. W. Stewart. of Stanï¬- ville, preached tWU excellent. educational sermunmb the Queen-3:. Methodist church on Sunday last, to large eungrcgations. i --Rev. Mr. Johnston, occupied the pulpit of the Orillia Presbyterian church on Sunday at both seniccs. ~â€"We learn with regret nf the contin- ued illness of the Rev. Father Rudkins, of Peterburo, Chancellnr of the Diocese. â€"â€"The Rev. N. Bill, will preach on Sunday evening at the Queen-st. Metho- dist church, on the subject “The model husband and father.†» -â€"Mr. Erheringtun, of the graduat' class of Wycliffe Coilege, l‘oronto, oï¬d- ated at St. Paul’s, on Sunday. -â€"Services will beheld at S church on Good Friday, at 10.30 Salvationist Salliesl MEASLES Often leave a cough. Cure it with White Pine Balsam. 2 5c. at HIGINBOTHAM’S Church Chimes. in Advance. St. Paul’s