1S ‘8 A3838! m3. Ha ,Iper ton .............. OnTuosdsysfeemoon Chief Baum. .Olonr...†......... “a . ,‘mu m and owe, m.OO;OIIO0,00‘.-Q.OOOOI Gonovkov. charging him vith Inning Era Timoth ................ to Gom‘: Bron, musbï¬shmont. Hp will ‘Pak. by qt, mun, 5pm: um Mmhlthldntgnulonï¬y. "‘ '- “‘r a ~himi’s On Monday afternoon the second ï¬re for the week was discovered in the sample rooms of the Benson house. The brigade made a lightning response, but owing to the dense smoke had great difï¬culty in locating and subduing the flames. The ï¬re had started in the extreme east end of the building in the hallway dividing some four of the sample rooms, and for a‘, time it looked as though the ï¬re was} destined to work out its own course} Two streams were laid on the Kent-std side and two in the rear, and when the key of the ï¬re was discovered it was short work for the boys to wipe out the flames, but this was not accomplished un- til after the ï¬ne grocery store of Hurley and Brady and the mammoth clothingt house of Gough Bros, were deluged with water and their respective stocks more or less damaged. The appraisers are busy at work estimating their IOSSes, which are certainly very heavy. The Benson house, in which the ï¬re originated. it is supposed from a stove in the hall- way, has suï¬'ered the least of all, only the interior of the hall and the ceiling having suï¬'ered to any extent. Contractor White has a staï¬â€˜ of men on hand to-day and purposes completing the repairs this week. Braund’s fair sutlered slightly from the ï¬re as also did Miss O’Brien’s stock of millinery. Mr. Chas. Bartlett’s shop and residence also came in for their full share of water and smoke. The travellers were kept hustling to save their Samples. some of which were badly wrecked. Mr. A. A. Mark, traveller for J. D. King, had a full line of boots and shoes. which were badly damaged. Mr. C. H. Kelk, traveller for Walter 00., importers of fancy goods and cutlery. saved about $300 worth of samples out of a 81200 display. Mr. J. A. Ross. of Coverhill Kissich, silks laces and millin- ery, was more fortunate, however, and escaped with very little damage. The diï¬'ereut losses are all fullv covered by insurance, with the exception of the traveller’s samples. The ï¬remen worked like heroes and in two or three cases were almost stifle-:1 by the dense smoke. The water pressure was neverbetter,and it was impossible for the flames to make head- way under its telling caresses. A BUNGLING INCENDIARY. Early on Tuesday morning, people who ‘ gathered to view the late ï¬re were aston- ished to leam that during the night an. other bungling attempt had been made to start another ï¬re. This time it was in was shunt from hdme on a. visit to Scottland at the time. The ï¬re 18 suppos- ed to have originated from a. defective chimney. Loss partzafly covered by Mi. Win McKay. The hose waggon! made an excellent. run, but the ï¬re? laddies failed to respond just as promptly as: usual. No doubt being somewhat‘ ed out after their previous hardships of . After every few minutes the hose was properly manned and the ï¬re was quenched. but. not until the upper story was pretty well gutted and the contents badly destroyed. Mr. McKay m3 IXCENDIARY mm MAKES ANOTHER BUNGHNG AmIIPTâ€"A REWARD or- $200 OFFEREDâ€"AN ARREST mum T50 long list of fires was augmented by shame in the south ward last Sunday night. About one o’clock on Monday. morning an alarm was sounded for a ï¬re, at No. 67, Rusagll-at igthe residence of . DEI‘OVIV l Ivvvâ€"o SAD DEATH.â€"0n Monday last Mr. Wm. Hannah went to the home of Mr. Norton Thompson, a member of f the Bethany Court of Foresters. to notify him of the death of Mr. Fitch. On arrival there he told him of the fatal accident. Mr. Tompson’s aged father was standing near by at the time. and ' was so overcmne with the shock of the sad news, that he fell to the ground and ex-‘, pired almost immediately. Heart failure: is presumed to have been the cause of l death. The deceased was very highly"; respected throughout the neighborhood and his son Norton. with whom he has resided, has the sincere sympathy of all in his sudden affliction. The funeral on' t Wednesday was lax-gabv attended. A private residence IS damaged through a defective chimney. me IXCENDIARY mxn MAKES Amman mmcnxo ATTEMPTâ€"A REWARD or- 3200 OFFEREDâ€"AN ARREST mama; The long list of fires was augmented by Bhonse in the south ward last Sunday night. About one o’clock on Monday’. morning an alarm was sounded for a ï¬re at No. 67, Russell-st in the residence of . Mr. Wm McKay. The hose waggon made an excellent run, but the ï¬res [eddies failed to respond just as promptly m ’ mm]- No doubt being somewhat THE DEVASTATING FLAMES PLAYS HAVOC FOR A TIMEIN THE BENSON HOUSE. WALL WA! l PAPER AT PAPE PORTER’S. WALL PAPER ï¬ï¬RSDAY. MAR. 21513, 1895 Gbe Watchman, THE KBBNAN BLOCK. WA! L PAPER PAPER ; resided, h ' his sudde 03mm death on '. old 00an when 3 yo our village Fall Wheat per bushel. . . . Fyfe do do ............. Spring do ................ Goose do do ........... Buckwheat ............... Barley, per bushel ........ Rye .............. . . . . . Potatoes per bag ......... Butter per f0 .......... . .. Eggs, per dozen ........... Oats. .............. ' ...... Peas. small ............... Peas, Mummies ........... Peas, White-eye .......... 'eas,P Blackeye ........... ’geask Blue ............... hic ens, tpair..." ... . Ducks p210 ........ Geese,perlb ....... Turkeys do ...... . . . . . A pples. per bag ........... Crock butter ............ Hogs, dressed, per out... Hogs, live weight, per cwt. Beef, foresaw: per em. . ton Hnll. The remarks of tile speakers wu‘a well received and every one present seemed to enjoy the ï¬rst annual conven- tion. Convsx'nox.â€" The Sabbath school. Convention in connection with the town-' ship of Emily association was held 1n the Presbyterian church on Friday last, when‘ an interesting and instructive programmei was given by practical Sabbath school workers. In the afternoon session, when the preliminary work was dispensed with, Dr. Harrison, of Keene, conducted a Normal Lesson that was very instructive and which was highly appreciated. J McCrea, Esq. ., gaVe an excellent paper on “School Management †and W. Mulli- gan’s remarks were also well received. In the evening the house was packed. Dr. Harrison had charge of the Question Drawer. The subject, “Art of Illustra- Iim†. by Rev. Hug h Craig, and th “Duty of Parents to S. S, †by Rev. New- Tm: PEACE Usmzoxxx.â€" Municipal mattus are tame, and the village con- stable has not much to do in his ofï¬cial cagacity. PERS'ONALâ€"Mrs. Marts, of Wilfrid, is making a brief visit with old friends in thg village, Tm: CANDIDATURE. â€"â€"-The political nom- inations are \ery well receiwd by the respective partys. l‘ut as yet. there has been no work done in the interest; of either candidates. FARM BERT HIGH.-â€" There are not many new tenants locating on rentej farms in this locality. In fact in some instances. tenants have had to vacate, as the high rents prevented them ftom mak- ing ends meet, and as a result landlords have to try their luck on the farms de- set-ted. SUCCEss Bon.â€" Robert Cardwell has disposed of his barber shop and is going to locate in Toronto. His many friends wish 112m abundance of success in his new enterprise. NEW LANDLOBD.â€"Mr. Holden. of Mar- mora, has taken possession of the Brad- burn house, and is making many improve- ments in that popular hostelry. He has an excellent reputation as as landlord. ‘ Ham-1 AGAIN.â€"U. G. Williamson and bride (nee Mlss Kidd) have returned to the village. after an extended visit. with fneuds in several American towns and cities. BEAUTIFUL SPRING.â€" “The winter is lingering in the lap of spring." and if the sleighing remains until the ï¬rst of April, there are some farmers that will just want it for a few days longer. Special to the Watchman. ‘ OBITUALEY. -â€"We EegEet to chronicle the. death on Tueelay, March 19th, of one of our old residents in the person of Wm. Stewart. The deceased was bomin the; old country and emigrated to Canada when a young man. and has resided in our village for many years. BETHANY. Special to the Watchman. Moved by Dep.-reeve Robson, second- ed by Conn. Gillogly. that the chairman of town prolerty be instructed to have four cedar posts of suitable length erect- ed m a convenient place near the tire hall and closed and covered, of suitable size to hold a ton of bay for the purpose of feeding the fire team, the whole not to exceed $25.â€"Carried. Conn. Robinson said that if there was a class of men who worked for nothing and boarded themselves for nothing, it was the ï¬remen. They were prompt in turn'ing our and that very day they had not occupied :wo minutes in reaching the tire. The captam was a capital oï¬icer and that very day he had done great work. The council then adjourned LINDSAY MARKETS SETTLEMENT ADVISED A STORE ROOM FOR. HAY. Continued from page 1. UMEMEE. few uheop), cold at 34.46;}: “BEE“? :u' cheap no nominal, My my being one. ' Th- ncuiptl .e these yuan last week were 1.†Mg 929 hubs. 521d 0599p, .‘2 onto ‘_- late wanted, and only these will sell for anything like a price at all; a bunch of12. averaging 1301M, sold at $4.50 each; 17, averaging 1451M. sold at $5 each: and seven cold at 84.25 each. Lamb: and sheep.â€"-There were 170; price: were precticelly unchanged. The best lambs were wetth from 4; to 50 per‘ yelled. A bunch ofA§1“(mixed with 31 load weaker. A correct estimate would probably be that only very cKoice cattle were ï¬rmer, and these were extremely scarce. Milk cows and celree.â€"Milk cows were in light- supply; there was little enquiry. with $40 as quite the outside price. Calves were moefly v_ery-poor. but choice Cattleâ€"A few loads were purchased for export at prices not exceeding 4.}c, but the shipping trade as yet is scarcely worth mention; bulls were unchanged. The cattle trade was in a curious condi- tion on Tuesday morning; there was a better local demand, and for the best stuff prices were ï¬rmer; in fact, in one or two cases 4c was paid for picked lots, and 3} to 3} was the range for choice. Medium and poor cattle were occasionally steady, but seemed to weaken towards? mid-day. and while buyers declared prices were maintained, drovers would have it ‘that values were two or three dollars a There were 41 loads at the Western cattle yards on Tuesday morning. The quality of the cattle here was very poor, and out of the entire offerings it would have been difï¬cult to collect a load that could fairly be called choice. Buyers were here from Montreal and Hamilton, and the Montreal men declared they paid more in Toronto than they had been selling for in the East. Owing to recent light runs of stuff we had a fair demand, and anything worth purchasing was sold before noon. -â€"A letter from Mr. Harry Argue. form’ erly of J anetville, but now of Redlands. California, recently by a relativeliutimates that the orange crop is now been harvest- ed in that section of the Golden State. It is a good average one. but if you want to buy a dozen retail. they only cost you forty cents. There is something curious about this orange business, in as much asthe retail price is generally about the same here where they are grown as a thousand orso miles away, for instance Florida oranges’ can be bought just as! cheap in New York City as at Jackson- ville, â€"Don’t neglect a cough when you can get a remedy like White Pine Balsam for 25¢. at H1cm30rnm’s.--12-3. ' -â€"Why cough your valuable life away. whens ï¬ve cent packet. of Swiz Drops will cure. 115 Kent-3L, GEORGE H. Fox. THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY], THURSDAY, MARCH 21,1895. Toronto Live Stock Markets. When the bargains. at hand for every buyer will, adamantine conv1ct10n to every mind in the cour and hew to the line let the chips fall where fhmr m READY-MADE CLOTHING Damaged, umaged, Damaged by Water! Little Local Lines, 'j A dog tight to draw a crowu. :{iand our KING 3 H â€m ADEGRANGERS B “gar, $1. 25 to draw the {arm ’10 ur Shoe Store. 1 his ~ 3’ sold for $2. 00 elsew hen We are opening the gnd best value 1n Spring and Shoes that ever en on; store MEN’S AND BDYS’ FURNISHINGS. HATS AND GAPS. ‘ .â€"-â€"-ï¬'¢" ' . Head which they cannot cure, no. matter how bad, or how long standing At a dinner 1‘ â€"when you have _ eaten heartil , you "fl. . (should take Dr. erce’s †Pleasant Pellets. Your liver needs the gentle stimulatin as well as invigoratin, egect of these tinIy,su gar- coat Pellets. f you 8.afeel drowsy, dull, Ian uid,; inexpressibly tired or debilitate ;if Iyl'ou’ ve no ap etite and frequent adaches or dizziness, a furred or coated tongueâ€"it proves that you’re bilious. that case you should carrym your vest-pocket a small sealed vial of these Pellets. They are anti- bilious granules, which act in a prompt and natural way, withâ€" out griping. So beneï¬cial and last- ing 18 then eï¬ect that the makers can afl’ord to guarantee that the will give you satisfaction, or theyâ€™ï¬ return your money. 1 GII.LIEs.â€"â€"In the townahip of Mariposa, on Friday, March 15th, 1895, John Gillies, aged 103 years. MARKEI..â€"-On the I 51h March, 1895, at Gamebridge, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. F tank Markel, aged 10 months and x 5 days. MCDOUGAI.I..â€"At Gamebridge, on March 6th, 1895, the wife of Mr. A. D. McDougall, of a son. BUR'I‘ON.â€"-At Lmdsay, on Monday, March 18th,1895, the wife of Mr. Frank Burton, (G.T. R.) of a. daughter. HARsqu.â€"At Lindsay, on Sunday, March 17th, the wife of Mr. John Harshaw, of a son. TUESDAY, MARCH 26111, 1895â€"By George McHugh, auctioneer, farm stock and im- plements the property of Mr. R. H. San- son, lot 6, con. 6, Emily. Sale on the premises at zu’clock p.m., and without reserve. d tor every buyer will, electrify the public and carry the very mind in the country, that what we preach, we practice chips fall where they may. Sale Register. DEATHS. BIRTHS. is offered by the manufact- urers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, for a‘ case of C'a-. {mg down goods, getting ready for Watch for the openmg - - Look at our window of Lappch, Lace forzCurtains, W 28c. for I 5c. We purpose for the 30 days giving the public! bargains as we have never before given. Visit us in our 01‘ new premises. It will pay you; N ECKTI ES 5, 10, 15 AND 25 CENTS, ‘ Linday, Mar. 7th, 1895.â€"â€"‘.m. GLOVES 5 AND 10 073 AND UPWARDS. ’1 ‘ JAS, SMITH 0 DON’T BUY YOUR KID GLOVES TILL You SEEa . mums, VALUES. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY HERE. 'm'wmsflfl'sm rm .WE HAVE A WINDOW FULLOF MEN’S AND BOYS F “Alumina WORKERS. â€ATO ‘1' n:- n'l-n ___ Don’ t forget our Rea in two in this department. A large lot of prints in remnants to be cleared out at once at 5 cents that ï¬gure. the most commodious and best equipped Dry Goods preni in Lindsay. We ï¬nd that we have still lots of Bargains every department. In moving many odd ends of D Goods have turned up which we are going to sell at 4, 5 and IO cents per yard. They will be placed on a table you can inspect, to see is to buy. SMOKE, FIRE Ready Made C'othing, the prices are on.- nuants and slightly soiled g‘ cents per yard, worth do the great sale, WATER. ¢ .0 CHAS» KIN The Store on Kent-st. Oppo the Post Ofï¬ce. “I; occupied bv Mr. John Berry “1 W‘with glam Elms front M to suit. any usine» as requ met prtlculars apply to JAMES OOXaNOILY, Em: an} Shoe H9515 m in Walden for wawr oervzces as we mt all!“ this business and keep a general jobbia; all keep int-dam men. Prices (or the above ream will be found to be the low â€'3 ‘ expenses are low. A fun stock of 000". Hose Noules max-guts. Imp, am; pad 1;. ‘ Vâ€"ï¬mnvmw vwâ€"qny -7V MP3. Cylind} sud Inchine 0.!5. E Mm Supplies. Fire Brick, ï¬n “ll Dunn Tile a wholesale prices. Give them â€00a Drainage (1 specialty. All In) Roofs Repaired and Painted. The Sadler, Dundas Fla‘ Having enlarged our premises placed therin the latest impn machinery for the manufactun Standard and Granulated Oatr. Rolled Oats, Rolled Wheat, Barley and Split Peas. we are in apcsition to supply the t with a superior grade of t articles, the prices for which be found to compare favor with other mills. William-st, Lindsay. THE LINDQAY M W of Built-ave and Canal, 1 can, cache}, 1594. ’ g '? a of ï¬rms there must be any actual Mes of the full name, the 12mm and place of residence of each me: them and. further, an accepted bank che the gun at .5(:0 mus: accompany the ‘ neeepfledeheque must be endorsed over 0! Rainy: and Canals, and will be! i! the party tendering deciines entering inzm Immathentesand on the terms intheofler mbmitted. The accepted chequ can in winbe returned to the rapeczive pane are not accepted. m m or my tender not‘neceesarily a: E § â€â€"Iiihecma Enz'meerof the Decal yadeannlsat Ottawa or at the: Engineer's 015$ Penerboro, “tere 8 an obzaine cl on and after Mondzy‘ EEEE Selle! tenders addressed to the under-Sig endorsed “Tender {0: Trent Canal," will be at this oï¬oe until noon on Saturdsy, 23f! 13gJorthe construction of about six am nugget andonche Pewrboro and Lakdh T'BENT CAN manna All! uxemu: or There are some odd still to be cleared our 2 price JOHNSTON SIS} STANDARD OATMEA ROLLED OATS. ROLLED WHEAT. A rich man to draw a cheque A pretty girl to draw attentit A horse to draw a c..rt. A taper to draw a cork. A dog tight to draw a crowd. POT BARLEY. and SPLIT PEAS. one Door East- of Duly H01 NOTICE TO OONTRAC’IO TAKES KENNY, V. S.,Graduabe ol Veterinary Coilege. regi: :- of Ontario Vetennary M< Milling 30. (m r, Mar. 7th, 1895.-â€"‘2m. For a term of 37608. ions 01 the work can be