ï¬ '.. 7., 1" â€9.3954“. .. l . 3 p » Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and 've :hem a chance to eal. You will need some . he to do this, and you ‘ w ï¬nd it in Cherry Pretoria: From the ï¬rst dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in the throat ceases; the spasm weak- ens; the cough disap- pears. Do not wait for f pneumonia and con- sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pec- toral Plaster should be overthe lungs of every per- son troubled with a cough. Write to the Doctor. Unusual opportunities and long ex- perience emmentl nadify us for giving you medica. vice. Writu free y all the articulars in your case. Tell us who. our experience has been with our Cherry Pecan-2.1. You will receive a. prompt. reply, without CO3?- Addresspbk. J. C. AYER. Lowell, Mau- ..._...__.,.._1 sub victoria Warner THURSDAY. MAR. Bed, 1899 The Police Matter. THOSE WHO supposed that a smaller council would not make as bad blun. deis as the old body, have had their belief rudely upset by the recent police ï¬asco. The new council has been very Elbe watchman Last week when speaking again appointment of a second )u county bodv ought to say. sive‘ ofï¬ces :5 too pop governmen ry THE Bulgaria who on our first expectatiiirs. Islands. machinery _ has aixen $10300 to charity of the arrival. lision. the fact that already there has been monev enough spent in exploiting the denominations, to send the whole world to clfzurch.“‘:\\'hat religion needs now is not gso‘tmuch money as common $61156. l’ivi: :tt'xnrzrp women have Signed Cordelia "v'fau. convicted of helping to . .. .. . If women were so '7 i:.::~ of their sisters who have been sentenced to hang It would A COMII‘L'NICA'I‘ION from Sir Oliver Blowat was reCently received by Mayo; g him ,to act as loca :Jr the Gordon Memorial Clllcu'f fund. Our readers will remem- :' thr: after (Jen. Kitchener overthrew the Dervislies at Oindurman be con ceived the idea of buildinga college ' ‘ - - .l.£..r “alters. n>:\ll.‘.: Gen. Gordon, who perished there years ago. .‘lfzer an appeal to the English people the General is asking the colon- ies to help raise the $500,000 required. Amounts as‘.ow as 25 cents are accept- â€ed, and any who wish to have a hand the empire may hand their contribu~ tioas to Mayor Walters .... -174. .â€"â€"» ~ - wane Lxsr wanton unusualâ€"Eight, in British terrritory, was witnessed at Montreal when two hundred China- men penned up in wire crates were put of? at: the station. They were being taken to Mexico as laborers and transported thither by the CPR. in tbs fashion to escape the $50 per head duty. it brought in like ordinary mortals. The Celestials evidently did not like travelling in bond, and their efforts to escape at the station brought withtheir craniums. It is coutrary to British ideas that any such thing could lllikious to keep secret thelr lelng ln Occur. If we have to exc}ude foreigners - committee. but if they are going .2) decide on a thing in these secret com. mittees and then go all to pieces on it before the public, they will not be long in shaking all conï¬dence in both then:- selves and their committeemeetings. Whether or not the police should have been asked to resign, or, upon refusal to do so. dismissed, we do not give any opinion, for the details of the case have not been made known, but for the wob- blfng and indecision that has chararten ized the whole proceeding there is no condemnation too strong. At l\'lo::::iay night’s meeting, the mayor displayed an alarming ignorance of the doings of his council in committee, and if. as Ald. Sootheran said, all the committee except :‘tld. Crandell had agreed to his by law, its rejection in council throws a good deal of light on the trial: (Di-.1 consistent alderman. The whole matter now stands in an unfortunate position. It seems that there has not been sufï¬cient inves:iga- tion to convince counzil that the police should be dismissed. So for, then, the police are not found guilty of acts, _ , is , weapon, until all agreed to the same ï¬nally warranting their dismissal. If possible always that, until the trial closes, tqe prisoner may oe found inno- cent Suppose that is the outcome of further investigation, what has council done? It has left unchallenged the statements that the police “Have done things that would dismiss any man." "We know they have not done their duty,“ and "What came out at the inves- igation was cut out ofthe minutes that i: might not become public.†Two things arise from such a state of aEairs. First, if these statements are true the council has declared itself false to its duty, by not dismissing the police: if let us do so, but not allow them to be brought upon our soil in such a humil iating manner. Events of that. sort are obnoxious to Canadians and provide grounds for Chinese tales of Canada that willoutdo the returned mission- «...st palniiest nrrrative. WITH AS much zeal. as little reason, ing war-vessels of his own. Sheers are ill-founded. If the Czar reaSOn that, attack by failure to keep pace with other nations in the means of defence? Must he be foolbardy because he is good? A well-inclined man among armed foes would certainly be Willing that all shculd disarm, but, for that reason, would hardly throw away his thing. It will not be the Czsr’s fault if the most christian and hopeful sug~ gestion of all history does not herald tne dawning of universal peace. WE ARE pleased to learn of the very favorable impression Mr. Fox is mak- ing a; a. legislator amongst both con- The short speeches he has made in the house- have been listened to with marked attention, while his and kindness to persons having any matters requiring attention is very servetives and reformers. courtesy o , , , ' ., _ tney are not true, the councrl has lie-,markpd, and we hear ~Verywhc.re of come guilty of prevarication, therebyl doing an irreparable injury and inius- rice to the police. In any case, then, it stands condemned and is gufity of either unfaithfulness to the people or injustice to file police. The way out will be looked for with interest Editorial Votes NEW OFFICES are L1.\vays ope-tin; 112,», NOW it will be; a St‘mrz: 'z.‘ lln‘ Myst): r); Sturgeon Point. THAT AFTER twenty mar. :~, .- M, - try should be f reed to u x . ;:E('yl advocated by S l .3 :iald isastrikiztg can . 7 :cat chiel‘tain’s genius -__-_.__â€" MR. W. H. HO‘x'LE, ‘.l P P. for North 3 Ontario, has but. .g if: .i CM 9..» the Sklll and ubili y he is displaying. Mr. Hugh O’Lwary, Q. C, and for the assurance given them in reference to the SylvvsWr loan, the Rider and K chwzicr bonus and Sturgeon Poinr incorporation. and say no old legislutor could have done better. But»: lliwse g-ntlemen have bad considers" e i-rp iris-no». in matters corning befOre- 3? ., .1. - l Hui-n, and are. . inapositiont f n~ T‘w- -v’ecr«.r~ of West Victor . 'lԠ'n h“ ... gratulated upon the el =’~ . .. c ‘2: last. election. A CORSET SPECIAL 5 dozen or :- eciored,. feather’bon cor-sets x. ..rth $1.25l per pair- c a " only. we W113. place i :1". - 3 e. DITNDA 'T- " V l record as a speaker in the legislature. st the dge in his he said some things that some- Multiplying expen- ‘ ular with the se loss is reported page, has, contrary to all arrived safe at the Azore Amer being lost sight of her was repaired. The owner in honor I'." LOOKS As though denomination- alisrn and missions are in hopeless col- From the pulpits of a dozen sects there comes a cry for money to evangelize the heathen. regardless of a petition asking for the pardon of for natives. at Khartoum, in memory of in that far away civilizing enterprise of the policemen’s batons into collision D proposal for international disarmament, I because, in the meantime, he is build- :P- Anderson’s on Friday night was Their largely attended. As there were about suggests an internatiOnal conference at Piescnt. These socials are the most. which the nations may agree to limit popular gatherings yeti attempted in their military equipments, is that any this locality. before the conference and Mrs. Andersml for their kindness meets, he should expose his nation to and hospitality in entertaining 3° , could do for her was done, but it. was G h HOPklllS trP 'Qud ,n oh - , l‘. seen I I ' i ' J ‘4 . 11’ I 1‘ {SE icould . ‘37 9305- 'Mr. and,Miss Argue of Janehvill h e factory Tuizstiey, the 7th of March at (.30, 1{or the ur ose of reorganization. 1:501:31“ and Lytle of Lindsay, Mr. Browu f Reabori, Messrs. . Oakwood “will address the meetmg. interested invited. Ladies especially re- quested to attend. > N ORTH OPS M ammo â€"â€"The annual meeting of the patro . Ops cheese factory will be held in the factory 0n Mondo , March 13th, at; 1 p. m. The milk rates will be let for the season, and other business trans acted at: this meeting. MO UN T H OREB Special to the Watchman and Warder . BAND SOCIALâ€"The band sacral on Friday night was a grand success. Fverythlng was can ted out to the letter, of the law. It was held at the residence of Sargeant Peter Hawkins. By the way let me say that the set-gt. and his good wife used us in A1 ï¬rst class style. Thus. Downey acted as chairman. Pro- ceeds S44. Success boys. The pro- gram was : Selection by the band; reading by Miss Cassie Smith; Instrumental by Mrs. John Hunter and Mr. Allen; reading by Mrs. Hickson: reading by Mr. H. Cornell; comet. solo, selection by the band: recitation by Miss Ella. Herbert. NOTESâ€"Mr. R Skuce is doing a rushing wood business ...... Mr. Jas. Robinson moved [it the Herbert farm now owned by Mr. P. Hicksou._ ..... Mr. John Suggitt will } ut a foundation under his barn ...... Orders for the W'atchmfln- VVui'der,l2he leading paper in the district, tuken at the Elliott house. LITTLE BRITAIN Special to the Watchman and Warder STARTING ‘Busmnss.â€"-Wm. Yerex is starting the meat. business. Rumor says that he and David are going to open out shop together. David Yerex is selling out his personal property and coming to our village to live. lle has rented his farm to Mr. t5edle of Brock. _ PERsONALâ€"Mrs. Alfred Wallis moved to our village on Tuesday. She will oc- cupy Mr. Hancock’s house until she builds ..... Mrs. Tremeor moves into Mrs. Mutherall‘s house this week ...... We are pleased to see Wesley Henderson able to drive out, his foot. being secured in plaster of Paris ..... Mrs. Sturt is at the point. of death. Her friends were summoned home on Monday ..... Rev. S. Tucker, B.A., of Victoria Road, occupied the pulpit. of the Methodist church on Sunday night most acceptably. The pastor, Rev. F. B. Stratton, was absent at Manilla ...... Mrs. Pogue went to Toronto on Tuesday to visit the millinery openings in connection with her daughter, Who is returning from Hamilton and will meet; her there. The millinery departmen u will be Well equipped so that. no one need leave the village to secure head-gear ...... Dr. and Mrs. Hall and Dr. and Mrs. Gregg visited Dr. Ben- derson, their brother-in-law, in Canning- ton, Sunday, week ...... Mr. Beatty of Cunnington spent a. night last. week with his brother-in-law, Mr. Issac McKee. SOCIAL.â€"A jolly load went from here to Pleasant Point last. \V’cdnesday night; to attend a. pie social. They report. 8. bit: time. APPOINTED DELEGATEâ€"WC. are inform- ed that the Rev. 1“. B. Strutton of this lace has been appointed b the executive of the Provincial Sabbath chool Associa- tion as 0110 of Ontario's delegates to the International Sunday School Convention to be held at Atlanta. Georgia, beginning April 21st. GONE WEST.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Wickett left: on Tuesday for their distant. home in Manitoba. carrying with them the good will of a large circle of friends, Mrs \Vickett‘. (nee Miss Ida. Yeo) will be missed in the village, and especially in the church, where she has been an active worker in the missionary. Sabbath School and League departments, as also a member of the choir. \Ve wish them bon voyage. OAKWOOD . . 1. some Journals are sneermg at the Czar '5 Special to the Watchman and Warder BASKET SOCIALâ€"The social at Mr. eighty baskets sold, there must have "cm at. least that number of ladies l {ucb praise is due Mr. large a number of visitors as they had on this occasion. CONCER‘I‘.â€"On Friday and Satur- day evenings of this week, entertain- ments will be given in the town ball by the Lamb Specrslty 00., under the auspices of the Oskwood Public Library. On each evening a very enteresting program will be given. The chief feature of the program will be the “living pictures†shown by the cinematograpb. This company comes here highly recommended. and there- fore tho public have a. treat in store for them. OBITUARY.-â€"-The funeral of the late Annie Gardiner took place on Sunday afternoon, 26th inst. The services were conducted in the Presbyterian church by the Rev. J. A. McKenzie. The remains were followed to the Chris- tian cemetery at Little Britain, by a large number of friends. Miss Gardi- ner had been ailing for about eighteen months, and all that medical skill some months ago that nothing avail to prolong her life. Deceased was a person of mesh esbim. able character. Though only eighteen years of age at: the time of her death, she had acquired a development of character not- attatnod by many at) twice her age. She will be sadly miss- ed in her home. where during her sick- ness she Was such a care. The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. EDENâ€"MA RIPOSA Special to the Watchman and Warder PERSONALS.-â€"Mlss Mable Wicket!) and 32' d Ho ,g of P, ordan on g All I Peter .Brown intend l as of the North provedagreat success in every respeor,- lthe latter part of last week here, the brother W. M. Argue. and Mrs. N. Gillies their friend, Mr. guests of their teacher ...... Mr. spent. Sunday with ' Peter Cameron of Victoria Road, who at. 6 present lies dangerously ill ...... Were leaSEd to e66 the smiling face of Master Hickson Treleuven again inlour midst. Messrs. Garnet Treleaven . and saving for Manitoba The boys will be T .d ext. , . . . on “as “y n eall join to wrsbmtzv greatly missed and w them every success. , CONCERT.â€"-The concert came of? end although the crowd was not: as lat-gees, usual, owing to a _ _ . ments in the neighboring vlctnlties, yet: the school-house Was comfortably ï¬lled and everything worn. off like a top. Rev. - T. Snowdon was present and ï¬lled the chair. Mr. J. Cunmnga. Oakwood, assist- ed in the progruu which was all that: could be desired. well tested and is a handsome instru- ment, and is now free of debt, to which the young people and all. who helped deserve much credit. The proceeds amounted to $27.75. All'returned _to their places of abode B‘Ltlsï¬ed, saying Eden Was the place to hear a good con- cert. and have a. pleasant. Lime. WHITE UN DERWEAR Corset coversâ€"at-ZOC, 25, 300, up @ to $1. Gowns at 65c, 750, 900, $1, up to $2.75. Drawers at 25c, 35c: 40c, 50c up to $1 75. Skirts at 900, $1.00, $125, $1 75, up to $3- DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS PERT PERSONALS. This is understood to be positively Patti’s farewell appearance as a bride.â€" Boston Globe. On the operatic stage plain Adelina. Patti. will still. be greater than the Baron- ess Ccdarstrom.-â€"Philadelphia Lodger. It is said that; Mr. Rockefellcr’s income is $25 a minute, day and night. Time is very valuable to luluâ€"Atlanta. Constitu- tion. When Russell Sage heard that Joseph Chocto had been appointed to the court of St. James, he remarked, “God save the queen.†This story is on Mr. Choato’s authorityâ€"Minneapolis Journal. If Promoter Hooley has to go to jail, there will be a spice of poetical justice in it. The man who has perpetuated such gigantic sells on other people will then have a nice little cell of his ownâ€"Cleve- land Plain Dealer. The hirsute embellishment of J onathan Ross, the new senator from Vermont, so effectually knocks out Pelfer's whiskers that they make a real news item. Mr. Ross is a new man. Perhaps after he has been a senator awhile and has displayed high qualities of statesmanship his whisk- ers will be forgotten.â€"-â€"Cincinnatl En- uirer. q POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Nature is the mother, and habit; is the stepmother. The lack of money is the root of a great many evils. The trouble with the bore is that he never troubles himself. The unbidden guest aflords his host greet; pleasureâ€"when he goes. A man is apt to have decided view: when his wife decides them for him. Men are seldom as good as they pretend to be or as bad as they are said to be. No matter how much a man wants, he is Many a poor man would be glad of the opportunity to make on after dinner speech. When a married man turns out had, his mother says his wife didn’t understand him. â€"â€"â€"â€"9-'â€"â€"‘ BIRTHS Rossâ€"On Feb. (7th, Mrs. L. W. Ross, Bobcaygeon, of a. daughter. GRAllAhLâ€"On Feb. '6tb, at Little Bob. the wife ofjohn Graham of a son. ALDREI) â€"On Feb. 10th, in Somerville. the wife 0,‘ Philip Aldred, of a son. WRu‘.n’1‘.â€"-On Feb. 15th, in Bobcaygeon, the wife of Fred Wright, ota daughter. THOMPSON. -â€" At Cannington. Saturday, 18th Feb , 1899, to Mr. and Mrs.]ohn Thomp- son, a daughter. PARKS.â€"At Cannington, Sunday, 19th Feb , 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Parks, a son. CllAMBERS.â€"â€"On Feb. ztst, the wife of Mr. Henry Chambers, 13th con. Brock, of a son. --â€"-â€"‘.--- MARRIAGES CI.AR1<â€"-T110MAS â€".r\t the residence of the bride’s parents, or.- Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, by Rev. Thos Snowdon, Mr. W. R. Clark of Fenelon and Miss Agnes S. Thomas of Cam- bray. Si\'l’l‘Zl’ERâ€"B.\TES.â€"â€"On TuesdaE. the 29th of Feb, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Lindsay, by Rev. Jas. McFarlane, Della Jane, daughter of Mr. Geo. Bates and Mr. George A. Swnzer, Cameron. PA'l‘TERSONâ€"KELLY.â€"~At the how: of the bride’s mother, on Wednesday, Feb 22nd, by Rev. J. W. Shier, Mr. Allan Patterson of Bobcayeeon and Miss Hattie Kelly of Verulam. .â€".â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-¢'pâ€"â€"â€"4â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- DEATHS Hananâ€"Ia Scugog, on Monday, Feb, 20th, 1899, Sarah Ann, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Henry, aged 58 years, 2 months and That is the reason so many of them buy IO days. STONE.-At Saintï¬eld, on Tuesday, Feb. zlst, t899, James Guy, only child of Mr. Henry I Stone, aged 4 months and 8 days. JONES.â€"At her late residence, township, On Tuesday. Feb. 2Ist, 1899, Eliza- beth Jones, relict of the late Francis Jones, aged 75 years. Putnamâ€"At the residence of her son-in- law, James Mortimer, Esq., of Anson town. ship, on Thursday, Feb. 220d, 1899. Margaret Parker. relict of the late late Joseph Parker, aged 86 years. Roxannaâ€"In the township of Somerville, on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, 1899. Hannah Man's, wife of Mr. Joseph Rumney, sr., aged ‘ 68 years. MCPIIADEN â€"At the family residence, lot 1. con. 6, Matiposa, on Friday evening, Feb. 17th, 1899. Flora, relict of the late Charles McPhaden, in her 84th year. GARDINER.7-In Oakwood, on Friday, Feb. Miss Mary Ferguson are visiting friends 24th 1399 Annie Gardiner aged 18 years 8 a I ‘ ° ’ in Glenarm. Some one looks lonesome. . . . . . .Misa Flora. McPherson and Miss‘ months. MAKrNs. â€"â€" In Lindsay, on Thursday. 8' Mumhiwn paid a flying visit here ' 35†' Feb. 23rd, 1899, Thomas "Makins, aged 68 week.. The new intends leaving for her I mo in the No: harvest in a few- set-kml years, 6 months SQU'rHAMâ€"At Tamaque, Penm, on Friday, e spent Jam 27, John Southam, aged 81 years- Tho new organ was‘ Minden better than Kent. Street. Q : MEN'S ND """" ca -â€"Men’s Strong, good for wear Tweed Suits, COAT AND VEST LINED, regular price was $3.50, special sale price ............. $2 .50 â€"Men’s Strong \Vool Tweed Suits, double or single breast: d, well made, regular price was $5.00. special price ................... â€"â€"Men’s All-Wool Tweed Suits, strong and very serviceable material, grey mixed pattern, reg. price $6 50, special, price.. .. â€"Men’s All-Wool Black Sertze Suits, skirt. coat. a styli~h, nice Suit, regular price $7.50, special price. . â€"Men's Strong Tweed Pants, well made and trimmed, worth $1.00 a pair. our special price ................................ . ..... 75 395 550 650 ........ a. . . - v a . u . . . 'a‘u'lce Told Tales. “A well known Articrican humorist,’ says the Yonkers Statesman, “made it spout-ll at a. dinner l7] London once upon a time. It was as full of jokes as a nut is full of meat. The following: (lay a friend of the humorist. an American, met on this street an English acquaintance who haul attended the dinner. “ ‘So you heard my friend speak last- night?’ said the American. ‘* ‘ That; I did,’ replied the Englishman. “ ‘And did you See any of the jokes he got. off?’ “ ‘lndccd, yes; I saw nearly all of them i 1' P0?- :tll’il‘i’. n Vt-zlr nn‘n iv‘ T)nvv-la OF.. ULAR... PRIGES.. A. HIGINBOTHAAI , The DALY Hots: OUR SPECIAL SALE YS cm . Is attracting economical buyers ; buyers who know what Special Prices on our unusually low prices mean. OBJECT in making this sale is our ambition to quicken sales for February, even though proï¬ts are less. OUR up 4--- â€"> Read the Prices : l â€"Men’s All-Wool hair-line striped Twec'i Pants, worth in regular way $2.03 pr. by a his: spot cash purchase we are able tomarkthem ......... . ......... ..._S: â€"â€"Boys’ Strong Tweed Suits, regular Drir» $1.75 for ................... ' .......... f. â€"Boys'All-\Vool Tweed Suits, regular pziw $2..)Ofor o)" â€"This, is not arpecial Iwade of old shon Worn (3.9-: , mg. It. is all NEW and FRESH fren. ~:- .1 : .1» makers. Buying for cash we get vc: '. gag... l the cost of production. Selling fir (â€st l .. . - l; O.‘ L1 we can aloud to work on a Very .~ inargin, These RI-2thc'rroxs from our n; 'i ow prices means a vervcomidewabjo (- . . . - . ~~ ‘ been" on 3. SPRING SI. IT. â€â€˜ ...! Chases K. and L. Pills. ...... rip/"Vi ifâ€: 6 boxes for $1.00. I . i . d)» A Carter's Little Liver Pills. . .. 0' " Indian Root. Pills .................. :3 :7, Old English Condition Powders“ ' " ~73 7» . 6 for $1.00 W" .. ' \Vhtte Pine Balsam ..... 0' .. Dr. Williems' Pink Pills. ...j """" 5? 7 3box-sfor85c J I Dodd' Klgnbgy Pills. ........... '7: " xes for 85 '7 I ..- Medicamentum ........ C ...... l" ' 6 bottles for 25c V V F EXT T0 M°LENNAN a. co -N‘__A Hardware, Goal and Iron EUREKA SMITHING COAL The best. quality Blacksmith Coal that compelled to put up with the little he gets. money can I my. PBIGES REDUCED hm‘ and ms Wife says his mother spofled “'0 are now able to name a very low price on this celebrated “,EUREKA COAL." Agent for...... SORANTOH‘ HARD COAL MCLEN N AN CO Builders~ Hardware. WHEN our WALKING their footwear at WHITE'S. The material that. is put into WHITE'S boots and shoes is of the very best sort. The workmanship and ï¬nish of these goods are in keeping with the Uflllty, and nobody can do uy from WHITE. SEASONA BLE Gooos‘ Felt Boots, Overshoes and Rubbers in every style and price. Men's fine heavy-soled Walking Boots, in Ten and B 301:, at. 83. See our windows. Buy our goods. WI L' WHITE! Eg‘dl‘ném" THROUGH TICKETS Toallpointsinthe Zest and Northwest .........v Chicago 800 ‘ BOUT . .S _W 11an and North Bay ES preferred Information furnished gladly. GEO. WILDER, Express Ofl‘lc: Box 415, g f E‘ I/ III ANfllHlH Wllllll Every week has brought NEW GOODS and New Customers. Our store l> getting a reputation among the best cooks and those who are particular about the sort of Greccries they use. There are no stale goods on our shelves to push out among the new. We know the grocery l‘iUSill(‘>> and are not experimenting. Our >10L‘k i~ he ï¬nest in assortment and quality in town. We invite people who read these few words to come in and see for them- selves. .00. Since opening our New Grocerv Store we have obtained our share of the trade. Yours cordially. THUS. BRADY. One Door East of Benson House. Lindsav log your rice on big value in pro rtion for *1 50 as we ‘ ' Q. . an . for New Stock of 185’ and Misses‘ FINF Latest Styles, and prices as usual the lowest. $5. 00 . SISSON 00-, -I‘ ;_"3 ,1) i., r 3.! (QC) 1" F l ,,. Whatever y0u t' . . . . , Wan mthe way of Shoes never once: c: " ablhty 1’0 ht bOtthrse arIid foot. It‘s simply a matter of her _ size. t isn‘t possible to give better Shy ‘ Servroe 1: an we give. \‘Ve can suit evervbody. aed we give as , . See 1'25 SHOES. ..11 I \1' "7' rm Gil. . l I .1 if}; Ji‘? ‘ ‘;l!1 l.“ 1"? . 3/1 '1‘ Ir (‘1’ "7]. f - - If° \{IIQI/ i _ I of ‘I 4 il.» la!‘ 310: I. \ ll/‘l'b'l ,1 \ll', [#335631]. .a‘, ‘ I (gain? 1'1 [1†.‘ I", I"! I tin-“â€" £1 Uili . ' fall in E- 6 i (“F m ‘2. c: a .5 in THE NOBBY SHOE DEALERS, RE) . STREET â€"â€"DEALL‘R INâ€" ' la» â€"The Mendelsshon Pianos. All â€"-.u.soâ€"- â€"HcBurney-Boatie Bicycles At Special Prices. a“ â€emetic Souns num'tto sell above gas... a. Let i J. J. Wetherup, Lindsay, Corner Sussex and Peel-s ts, 3rd door north of W. M. Robs ~ -â€"â€" J. J. wrmmur (14.: â€"Genuiue Bell Pianos and Organs. â€"-The Dominion Pianos and Organs â€"The Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. :3; â€"â€"Sewing Machines and Typewriters