Lm‘si ;, Bill IAIN MIC: I will ntinue t ND 5H8! rtion. ’8 e V; {A IV rand " bidet.- pubje 3‘02‘ 3% i Wit my b Bola: .lty. .LIA sz trnih ,ting class 912 ; we: t in not 7 close 401;] '01]! (1/4 Hart Ind]. late} 0P. rep 1th B? for ilit .bel ‘8! N 01 ,er 6P3 VER ('LAM A vax SHor.â€"A good sized lynx was shot last. Sunday morning on Mr. Thomas Ball’s farm, lot 34, con. 3. of Verulam. It: was seen crossing a beaver medow and, the dogs being set at: it, ran up a. tree, where it remained while Mr. Bali’s son Ernest; went to the house {or h!8 gun, with which be induced it to descendâ€"Gazette. 13011621 YGEON LUMBER â€"A large quantity of call lumber has been drawn away this winter from the Little Bab yard. and the great avenues of lumber have been appreciably thinned. The price was low and being well cut, it. came in for barns, sheds, fences, etc , and hes given the farmers an opportunuy to make useful improve- meme. CPR CPR CPR THURSDAY, MARCH 16th, 1899 GPR CPR The Watchman-Warm MILK DRAWING -â€"The committee of the Boboaygeuu cheese factory met in sec- retary’s ofï¬ce Saturday March 4 h, to let the routes to the fsctory for the coming 3358011. The rend-rs were iet as follows, per 100 lbs.â€" Bean No. 1, Wm Johnston, ï¬fe; 2 JW . Morrison, 53:: 3, Jon. Anderson, 8; ; 4, Wm. Tmr. 9.: , 5, \‘7. J. Finlay, 61 ; Peretbum mad, H. McLaughlin' 9.: ; Nogey’s Creek, M. McIlmoylo, 10. CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR 5.5. N0. 6 ELDUN SgeciaJ to the W atchman and Warder SCHOOL REI’OKT.â€"I{epur5 of 3.5. No. 6. Eldon, for month of Fabxuuyv Names arranged in order‘ of merit. Fifth classâ€" Neil Logan. Fourth classâ€" Wilbett Fore nan, Ssdle Jamieaon, Archie C, Mchlzan. Andy McK'xy, Ez'a SPHATT KILLEN, 6P}? CPR cm CPR 0P3 CPR cps Argue, Groceries ! Emcker Department ! To Manitoba. and Canadian North- west. will heave Toronto every TUES- DAY during )hrch agd April. _--._"Avv-â€" Pasaenzers traveling WITHOUT LIVE STOCK should take train leav- ing Toronto at. 3.15 um. Passengers travelling W'I‘I'H LIVE STOCK should take train leaving To. ronto at 9 pm ‘ ronto a: 9 p. m Coloni~t Sleepers will be attached to each train. For full particnl'u-s and copy of “ Se tncus’ Guide, †app.y to any Can. DISTRICT NEWS. ’1‘. C. Matchett, Agent CPR CPR CPR CPR GP}? CPR Special value in FINE PRUXES. Special value in TAPLET PURE CLOVER Hc NEY. Cups and Smears. This is a decided boon to buyers in this line. We are expecting a. consignment of these goods every day. Beaides having pure China. Cups and Saucers, the compiete sen: has that clear attractive China. ï¬nish. so seldom found on medium priced goods. See this line. We consider is a pleasure to show goods. FANCY JARngxImzs, Bronze ï¬n- ish, large size30c. FA-xur DECORATED TEA POTS a.; Half Price. Avvwv thereby retaining we have enjoyed. to believe that we have c favorable impression. Our 330 ect knowledge of the markets, com- bined with the fact that we. buy in large quantities for cash, enables onlcontemporaries. future, as m the p offer our customers strictly reliable goods at the lowest living rices, A A .,g__ atâ€. on“ (Mange ast, will be to might interest some they’re not in cq-r line. 25 vears we have been before the ,__1 f‘mnlrnrv SETTLERS ONE-WAY EXCURSiONS Established i Century DINVERM SETTSâ€"With China ‘ 60 Kent-st, Lindsay. Thus. Thomur), Dunes es at $10 Iv UL], â€"â€" V, for the public than raries. Ouraimin the the past, will be to )mers strictly reliable lowest living rices, aim: the con dence FINE FRENCH 'IGS. CPR CPR 0P3 CPR g P)? CPR CPR C P]? CPR C PR Special to the Watchman and Warder N0TES.â€"Everybczdy busy preparing for spring ...... Wood bees are general around 'z‘ere at present. . . . . .Noc much sickness ; grip about all dying out. A HOT 'l'IME.â€"011 F ridsy evening last, a crowd of weleishers for Mr. and Mrs. Herb Webster proceeded in a body to the residence of Mr. William Webster, south of this village, to receive the newly msrried couple on the return from their honeymoon. Thoparty wasa large one in which not only the vicinity was represented. but also Lindsay and other surrounding placesâ€"a sufï¬cient sign of the popularity of the new family. It is needless to say that a most enjoyable evening was spent, although perhaps, one liable to encourage dyspepsia. A PLEASANT Pumpâ€"A sleigh-load of sbous one dczan members of the C.L.S.C. society, drove out to the home of Mr. mentb: Wilfred Hore,‘ Oswald Gilson, Gilbert Hore \Vilfred Endicot‘e Milton Gilson, Albert Greer, Willie Brien. H Jones of Eden to enjoy the evening wi:h Lhe members from Eden and Hart- ley. A very pleasant: and proï¬table eVrnihg was spent. The society is im- provmg wonderfully, having an average a'teudance of about thirtyâ€"ï¬ve members. After thanking Mr. and Mrs. Jones ‘for the pieasane time spent, all returned homehoping to meet again in the near future. GOISG TO BUILD â€"Mr. Herb Rea of Lake Shore farm is rushing things at pres:nt. getting material on hand to build rs ï¬ne barn with stone foundation this coming: summer. ICE â€"A large quantity of ice has been mken from the lake this winter. The quanty is excellent, about twenty-two Inch: 5 uf clear ice. twinâ€, Addlson Gilaon, Wiliie Flynn, Sarah Sampson. Part second juniorâ€" Eva Greer, Albert Greer, Jennie Hore, Zebra Endicott. First seniorâ€"Lizzie Emiicotb, May Sampson, Joey Flynn, Willle Endicott. First juniorâ€"Willie Brie-n, Tommy Flynn. Pupils who attended every school day during the CmrrCnusâ€"Certain Long Point young 19mins seem to enjoy sleigh-riding on a bob-sieigh . . . . . . Who got left: the other night? Never mind she enjoyed the evezdng with some one else. Be on hand next time. AN ALARMâ€"Du Thursday afternoon the) Vina-go was aroused to a state 0': excv‘cmcntmwmg to the burning out of a. chimney in the house of Mr. Woods. Tmsrc was no one in the house at the ’iIu-c, and hid in not been noticed B Special to the Watchman and Warder .n. p..- . A NARROW ESCAPE.â€"-â€"L38t Sunday 1 morning Mr. Henry Eyres of Fenelon lnarrowly escaped being smothered ’under a stack of pea straw that was ibuilt on a. framework of poles and irails, about seven feet high, against the outside of a barn. There was so great a weight of ice and snow upon the stack that it appeared likely to collapse. and Mr. Eyres went under with a post to prop it up; but the mOment he touched the poles that formed the flooring of the stack, they and the straw fell down upon him and buried him literally “out of sight.†For a. time he was partially uncon- scious. but when he recovered he saw m of light at a distance of ten or twelve feet, and by working his way towards it, at last got out. He was badly crushed above the left hip, and suffered so severely from the injury that a messenger was sent to the Falls for Dr. Graham, who gave him medicine that quickly lessened the palmâ€"Gazette. l l a glea J amieson. Foremrm. 37 Thornbnrv. M11131), AUG- Maggie ï¬rst! J amieson. Demo; m... w. _ Foxemcm, Florence McDonald. Willxe Thornbnrv, Neil McNabb, Maggie Mc- Mlllan, Allan McNaltb, Walter Staples, Junior 3nd classâ€"Bert: Maggie Argue. Black, Florence Hepburn. Hugh Mc- Nabb. Jno. Logan, Bessie McMillan, Beatrice Tmney. Malcolm Logan. Seo- n, J no. McCalder, and classâ€"Fred Hapbur Chrissy McMillan. Eldon McPhail, Willie Foreman. J no. J. McMillan. Hector McPhail, Florence 'lSinney. Sen- ior pt. 2nd classâ€"Ellsworth Staples, Colin McMillan (equal). Dan McNebb. Junior P:. 20d classâ€"Sadie Black, Louis Black, Willie Black, Lizzie Fore- man. . PLEA SANT POINT BALSA M LA K E OAK WOOD EENEL 0N qu' Flori-nee Tinney. Sen- Lasâ€"Eilsworth Staples, (equal), Dan McNabb. 1 classâ€"Sadie Black, ma. Black. Lizzie Fore- a scarcity of c152 5â€"3 951193 straw in {he nei one can rely on appearan not: enough straw to bed the i“ has to be imported from east ~ A... “ï¬nk†ghborhood 01 CBS. o 31 A comparison with the average prices received for cheese may not be out of place right here. It is claimed that the quantity of milk necessary to makea pound of butter, will make two pounds of cheese. New eight cents for cheese would not be a high price for the season, and a. comparison will show wherin the the difference lies in the values received for milk in that vicinity. It must not be forgotten that the merchant looks for a small margin of proï¬t out of thirteen cents. Roughly computed. the butter producer looses about three cents in actual milk value on his pound of butter compared with cheese. The Watchman- Warder feels that if the Valentia farmers made a careful study of the question, they would quickly realize the importance of taking joint action to secure a factory in order to obtain a paying outlet for their surplus milk in the summer season. Mr. Suggett is taking an active interest in the proposed scheme, and we venture the opinion that he will be successtul in canying it through. Nearly $250 was secured as stock in case the factory goes W6 think it- wis got PERSONALâ€"Mr. E. Rodgers and wife of Linden Valley were the guests of his sister, 'Mrs. John Moase ...... Miss Beatrice Stokes went to M auicoba with her sister, Mrs. Pogue. She will be greatly missed in the church, where she was always an active worker. We all wish you success in your future home. Bertie. .uv ..--'-__ whole community. Mr. Found at one time contemplated establishingh factory. but explained to the meeung that he thought it would be better to form a. joint stock company than to undertake the projcct himself. The necessity for a factory was made very apparent when the local merchant. Mr. Wm. Suggett oflered to dispose of 811 the butter purchased by him for all the summer months, at thirteen cents her pound. Onrrumnâ€"Mrs. David King died at her home in Burkton, on March the 4th, after a short illnecs. Her remains were intered in the Picasanb Point cemetery. ACCIDENTâ€"Inst Thursday morn- ing whre Mrs. Henry Mouse was out milking. the cow kicked, knocking the pail over, and not being satisfied with that it then kicked her in the side, cutting the skin open and throwing her over. Mrs. Mosse still having presence of mind got up from her dangerous position and entered the alley in front of where the cow stood, where she remained till help came to her. It is miraculous how the wo. man’s life was saved. but it is to be hoped she will recover without any serious i|lness. Special to: the W3 A Success.â€"-' in aid of the successful. T1 Special to: the Watchman and Warder A SUCCESS.-â€"â€"Th6 concern on March 155 in aid of the public library was very successful. The attendance was good, and everyone taking part ‘ selves creditably. There is a general desire to have is repeated. â€"r'vâ€"__ V V CHEESE FACTORY. â€"A fairly well attended public meeting was held in the C. O. F. hall on Tuesday evening. Mr. Wm. Hobbs ofï¬ciated as chairman, and on calling the meeiing to order, explained the business of the meeting. Messrs. Wm. Jordan, H. J. Lytle, Joe. Brown, W. Found and George Lytle addressed the meeting and eet_forth the beneï¬ts of ON THE SICK LISTEâ€"NIF. Alfred King is said to be sick with typhoid fever ...... Mrs. John "M4852 is dimly improving ...... Miss Bessie Colwill is still very low with typhoid fact. 1: is a strange affair that this fever still lingers around, it now beings. cold visitor of Mr. Colwili’s home since lasc September. Special to the Watchman and Warder A SERIOUS RUPTURE.â€"The treaty of peace which heretofore existed bebween an Arab and a Red man, who have lived in Collins’ bush during the past winter, was terminated lest week. The Red man between stutters vows by the blade of his j ackknife and some ï¬sh hooks which he always carries, that the Arab is his open enemy henceforth. It wouid appear from statements made that the bold Arab- ian slighted his friend whiie driving to the river one day, owing to some disarrange- ment of Scalper Bill's feathers ard moccasins. They are two hot numbers, and would draw a large house if they ever come together. -n- 1- ‘ 1"“...‘11 A; IMPROVEMENTS.â€"â€"Mr. uonu UUuucu u; the G. T. R. stall" purposes making some radical changes around his premises this coming spring, which will doï¬'use a racy radiance to: property in Shawtown, and produce an air of elegance in his own surroundings. Subsequent to the depar- ture of frosty weather, he will undertake the. brick veneering of his residence and sundry other improvements. [t is also whispered that honest John will also see that one of the bright stars in the con- stellation which has been illuminating his heart, will grace his ï¬reside and guard him with her love before the return of an- other surly winter. Special to the Watchman and Warden Special to the W atcnmau am... .. .. _-- SCHOOE REPORT .-â€"â€"J r. 4th classâ€"Frank Rty. Wllmot Saggitt. Arthur Haskill. Sr. 3rd classâ€"Ode Hudgins. Ame Mofl'a‘t, Beatrice Hobbs. Jr. 3rd chaseâ€"Lila Sharpe, Wilbert Webster, Victor Sugqigb. Second class-â€"Velma. Webster. Clarence Ray, Beta. Pogue. Part 2ndâ€"Cecil Hedging, Minnie Sharpe, Nelson Sharpe. Part let-Pearl Graham . Special to the Watchman and Warder THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: FINGERBOA RI) \Natchmén and Warder LEPORT .â€"'Jr. 4th classâ€"Frank ot Suggitt. Arthur Haskill. m1“ andains. Ama. Moï¬'a‘t, NWLAIARIPOSA EJRKFIELD VALENTIA Mr. John Connell of 00d Of Eden. if mess. There is the “fowl". and [11 east OAkWOOdu tick†INCREASE 0F STOCKâ€"Mr. Robert Frise has a. cow that bore twin heifer calves. As this is not a. commoï¬ affair it was thought of importance {or the public to note. BEA VERTON INDUCTION.-â€"The induction of D. W. Best into the pastorate of St. Andrew‘s church, Besverton, which took place on Tuesday of last week, was an event of considerable moment to the people oi Thorah, so many of whom are members of the congregation. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Lindsay held in the church in the morning Mr. Best was duly licensed. The induction ceremonies. which were of a very solemn character, took place in the afternoon, Rev. Mr. Reid of Scott, preaching a very able sermon. appropriate to the occasion. Rev. Mr. Mackenzie of Oakwood, ad- dressed the the congregation in an able manner, setting forth their duty to the pisror, and Rev. Mr. Frazer of Uxbridge, addressed the minister in a most eloquent discourse. The Rev. Dr. Watson and Rev. Mr. Mscdonald of Beaverton, also spoke. In the evening 311 “At Home" was given in the basement of the church to welcome the new pastor. which was largely attended. A very pleasant even in: was spent. Rev. Mr. Best isa pleasing speaker and a graduate of Queen’s University, Kingston. We have no doubt he will ï¬nd alnrge ï¬eld for usefulness in this locality. as man named Macbeally. then with con- co‘nsidetable injury about: the head and shoulders, from afalling tree. He was taken to the hospital. and it is thought he will recover. About a month ago a nephew of the injured man was killed as this camp. SUPPOSED MURDEREILâ€"A man who answers the description of one Leroy, who fOrmerly lived in Sudbury or vicinity. and for whose arrest a reward of $2,000 is offered, for a murder he is supposed to have committed some time ago in British Columbia, was in Sudbury last week, and Provincial Constable Gagne met him in the Russell House, and as he was about to arrest him another man. powerful ruflian, supposed to be a. friend of Leroy. struck ngne a. blow which dazed him and both men escaped, leaving his cup behind him which Mr. Johns. the proprietor of the Russell House, took charge of. IIIfXLI'} 1' Special to the VVaichman and Warder w.-.“ Coi'xcu. Pitooeemxos.-â€"Minutes of councu meeting held in the township hall at Victoria Road, on March let, 1890 Members present: George '1‘. McKague, reeve; \Viliiam Peel, Ibbert Ferguson and James Rehill councillors. The min- utes of the last meeting were read. Moved by Mr. Rehili, seconded by Mr. Ferguson, that the minutes be received and adopted with the change suggested by Mr. Peter Finley, that road division No. 31 be done away with and be added to road division Na. 19, and that William \Vaflie be pathm-isier.â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Peel. seconded by Mr. Rehill, that the meeting udi-mrn one hour for dinner.â€"Carried ...... Council resumed proceedings at one p. m. A letter from the deputation appointed by the mayors of the principle cities of the province, urging the municipalities of Ontario to appoint delegates to attend at the session of the Provincial Legislature with a view to bring all possible pressure to beer on the House to amend the asses-ment account was presented to the council. Moved by Mr. Rehlll, seconded by Mr. Ferguson. though agreeing with the views of the letter. that as there are no electric railways or telephone poles and wires in the municipality at present, and not like- ly to be for some time, that we appomt no delegates at present.â€"Cirried. Mov- ed by Mr. Rabiâ€. seconded by Mr. Ferguson, that the f illowing amounts be paid: Rev, A. B Chail‘ee, $13 30 for damage done in his horse on Wilson's cruessiog; R. H. Pearce, $1.40 for re- moving a tree off the road and repairing tWe bid places on base lineâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Peel. Seconded by Mr. ltehiii, that Mr. Ferguson have Hickson’e uross'ing reptired this spring as soon as the snow and frost 10 minâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr Peel. mounted by Mr. Ferguson. that the auditor's report be. re- eeiVed and adopted. and the auditors he imid $7) eachâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. M USKOKA ROADS IMPRovmo.â€"â€"' Muekoka roads must be improving. Mr. D. Sutherland of Huntsville, with his dog-team, went 63 miles the other day on rme of his trips to and from the camps. While Mr. A. Ware took m 30 odd miles in a. few hours on Wednesday afternoon. Accmmnâ€"Another serious accident it reported from the Rathbun camp at Ox-Tongue Lake) n_ear__Dwight, b_y_which Pee'. wounded by Mr. Rahll'. that Mrs R. Wi‘scm be allow“! a. rebne uf $153,012. the full amount. of her tamerâ€"Carded. M wed by M r. Rehill. sec mded by ML Peak that this meeting adjnun‘. to meet .t Cubucnnk on the 27th day of Mgr "-10, and to hold the mute 0f revision.â€" Gumad. ALFRED TAYLOR, clerk . : LINDSAY, ONT. 0 for re- repairing â€"-Oarri9d. ‘ by Dir. Hickson’d It Don’t Pay. J. J. RICH., You can buy anything you need in the ..way of ........ Little Britain DrugStore sWHPOGUEgj ALWAYS 0“ HAND. LITTLE BRITAIN PLANING GI'IIJPPING MILLS A Fix St Class Meat. Shop in connec- tirn ; Fresh Beet, Lamb, Purk, Sausages. Smoked and Dried Ham. Come and get p‘ ices before you purchase elsewhere. Do You W'ant Farm Implements ? EU 0) 13 U) There’s nothing like Leather When it’s well put Together. Wâ€" HARNESS, HARDWARE. -v) â€"Doars, Sash, Houldings. â€"-flaiched Lumber. â€"-â€"Rough Lumber, Bill Stuff. â€"Lath Shingles and Lime. -â€"Best Grades Hargl Coal on hand at Ikecp only the best MASSEY-HARRIS Goods} Bicycles, Cultivators, Drills, Mow ers, Tcdders, Rakes, Reapers, and Bind- crs. Also a full stock of Flows and Scufï¬ers, Bain Wagons and Toronto Windmills. THE LITTLE BRITAIN FOUNDRY AND MAGHIflE SHOP ISAAC MCKEE, 1 l1 â€"-â€"Drugs, Dyes, â€"â€"Patent Medicines â€"â€"And Drug Store Staples at Man-iposa Station. CHOPPING done every day. Stone or Roller work. Come early in the day and avoid the Rush. To wear shabby clothes when a New Up -t;o- date ySuit: can be pur- chased so cheaply from . . A nice stock of Tweeds. Worsteds, etc., to select from, and a perfect ï¬t; is guaranteed in all cases, Drop in and see me if you are thinking of ordering a. New Suit or Pair of Trousers. The price will be right, and your Clothes ready when promised. are Drugs tt .L {opnir all classes of Farm Implements and machinery. Engine and Boiler Repair- ing a. specialty. Has m cry facilitv for 11111119: 11p :11111 putting in 1119111113211 YEREX, Little Britain RICH, tï¬ The Tailor. Little Britain THEâ€"â€" Practical Machinist; . MAUNDER FROM Nflw UNTIL APRIL FIRST WE SELL: The Tailor, Little Britain. 1500 E. PRUUSB UAxwaoï¬ ! The season is here for a general c‘: out in all sorts of “’INTEL’. GOODS and REMN ANTS . . . . " It Never Pays Little Britain Furniture Store. ELEAH come under this head and we are anxious to clean them out even at, a big dxscount. Our usual stock of good FRESH GROCER- IE§ always on hapd: ï¬-"I‘ . n- MDIES ! rHave you tried our SUG AIRS 25 LBS. FOR THE DOLLAR Can be mined by a. poor blacksmith. Bring your shoeingtome. Ichn tell you what is best for your horse:' feet, and I cg; do the wtork. I have Experience. I e painsâ€"t e test 0 pains to do work right. Goofggck and good Work- manship make my . . . The Bast in th Blacksmith and Carriage Builder. Little Britain Tin and Stove more His Harries: has a 200d reputation '1 deserves it. The Stock and \\ orkm 31151“ are both ï¬rst-class and the pric': s riflb‘ Eek knows the Harness Busine .s and >33 isï¬es his customers. Repairing a spcciNU- All sorts of Saddlers‘ Supplies. “’61 dmï¬ï¬ï¬ DENTIST. - LINDSAY Will be at JEkK/N'S HC'TEL A Little Britai- on the FOL'RTH TUBEDAY IN EVERY MONTH. Ker? the date in mind. GLOVES, FLANNELS. OVERGBATS, HDSIERY, ETC , IF YOU WANT A SET OF HARNESS â€"â€"buy it fromâ€" . E. DILLMAN The stove business is my business. I sell the Gurney Stoves and Ranges. I also sell the bes: of TIXWARE. I make a specialty of all work in TIN, GALVANIZED Inns and PLUMBING. My stock of Stove and Household Utensils is com- plete. Patronize me. $16 00 Single Harness for. 14 (l) 1.) (x, ‘ u u 10 on “ “ DR. J. NEELANDS, A GOOD HORSE Wagons and Carriages Horse owners to be “Pelee; . making: purchases of HARX‘ ‘ HORSE GOODS, or even in matter of REQAIRING. In the features whlch 20 to make a desirable place to trade, Wekn that we are at the head. GOOds absolute reliabxht ',. prices that reasonable and axr, and a. in]! stock with Judicious selection goods, render our place a des‘ one on which to bestow your,“ We know we can offer advan and to this end we solicit y favorS. ‘ MARCH I 6TH vv ucu, 3-114 wauu a -\cw plm FURNITURE for the house don go away to Toronto or some 0 place. Buy it; here in your village. I keep the dainti things in Ummw'rzxuiu Goons Table, 3. Fancy Chair, :1 Lounge Sofa. Perhaps it‘s half-ado Chairs or 3 Bedroom Sew. vou “Int. Even if it is a. Parlor Suite buy it: from me. ; When you want a New piem FURNITURE for the hou=e dc John E Ck. REPAIRS on Short Not-.4 NE HUT SAU “7. J. JOHN ECK. Little Britaifl RICH. Yours truly, . RUSLAND Ml $14 Wï¬ ridge W U‘ â€gamer * a, ,8. ofFIGE’ W SOLICI' "PDEV‘LIN, Q. ~ucu‘cn ac, C: “14063le at; \‘We Born. .1888†St: I MI. has. 0i 6. K. nouns. 'â€"â€"â€" v 51MP$O.\ H. HOPKI BAD-31731515, S "ldl‘cnelon rum. 3'.» _We at hm: msz’l‘I olf Italian}; f AN ] soucxro EYT We do not MW)! :9 DOS'A‘ -94