{lathe .1 Ltbe do .LINEI lower 8 till not I l close ls will 1 ntinue t E B§ 'lND 5H8! facilit tting elm B and ’er. -, 3m andL 5A TV Land ‘ bola): I'AIN ING f M: 'ith and " ï¬dere subje or at tion. lty. LIA :e co mt i: wit 13y b .nnty ltd], at fox 401;] Hart Mica 6011! DIOV ge ‘, to ’ rep nth in o latte} 'ether :her 1 0P. Let! .bel ~Jo ‘_) thereof. Dated at Lindsay, this 22nd day of February, 1899. THOMAS STEWART, Solicitor for William Alexander Silverwood, Jane Hammck and George Barron Rennie, the executors of Pursuant to the Revised Statute: of Ontario. Chap. 1:29, sectiOu 38, the creditors of RICHARD HAND- COCK. late of the Township of Muiposa, in the County of Victoria, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the Seventh day 0! February, 1899, are required on or before the 181'" DAY OF MARCH, 1899, to send by post. prepaid, to William A. Silverwood, Sn. Esq , one of the Executors of the last will and testament o! the said Richard Hancock, at Undeng P.0.. their Christian and surnames; addresses an occupations, fuxl particulars of their claims. and the if any, held by them. 1he nature of the 9ecurity, said executors shall, after the said 18th day of March, next, be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased or any part thereof. among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims 01 which they shall then, have notice, and sh Mullulw \u. uni-1:} -V‘ And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to dzstnbuze the assets of the said deceased. among the persons en itled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice ehail have been given, as above required, and the said executor will not be responsible for the assets or any part thereof, so dis- tributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been kceivcd as aforesaid at the time of such distributi »n. MOORE 5; J ACKSON, Solicitors for executor. Dated at Lindsay, the 20th day of February. 1899. â€"S~ 3 us a guvu unvu...,. ___4 , per cent. to be paid down on the day 0 balance within 30 days, or the purcha arrangements with the Vendor’s SOB balance to remain on mortgage. For 11 hrs and condisims of sale apply to l 5'. McDIABMID, Vendors’ Solicitors Lindsay this 7th day of March, 1899.â€"-‘. ‘J SOMERVILLE Q'DSNOWDEN. PURSUANT to the vowefl of sale contained in certain mortgages), wnich will be produced at. the nmc *1 sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, 2? the Simpson House, in the Town of Lindsay. in theC uuty of Victoria. on Tues-day, the Eleventh d y of Apnl, at one p.m., the following lands. namely :â€" PARCEL 1.â€"Lots Nos. 13 and 14 in the _4th con- cession of the Township of Snowden, containing 9.00 acres, more or less. Solicitor for Willial Hancock and George he said estate.â€"8.4. '1 otters for sale Three 01101 BULLS Two are thoroughbred, and all ï¬t for service. These ax Comander the Ops township, S John Miller, Pickering. They an my herd. For price and pa‘rticu LOGIE, Ora, Lindsay P.0.â€" 9-2. Lindsay, Haliburton and Mamn way Company. Notice is hereby given that applicatfl mule to the Parliament of Canada at. its m hr an Act to extend the times limited (or mencement and completion of the Lindsay, 2 ani Mattawa Railway. S. HUGHES, Lindsay. 2nd February, 1399,49, . PARCEL 2.â€"‘ohe North half of Lot No. 2. in the 9th concession ( f the Township of Somerville, 100 acres more or less. Aboul 20 acres are cleared. There is a leg dwelling about 18 by 24 feet. and a 102 stable abouto 18 by 24 teat. The land is about 1:} miles from Kinmount. ARM TO RENT. _â€" Thomas Fee of Lindsay cflers his 200 acre Farm at the sandpit: for rent. Possession given Much 15th. One hundred sud ï¬fteen acreo plowed. balance seeded down. On the farm is a large bearing orchard, ï¬rst. class buildings for handling stock, we! house and a ï¬rstcclass mv'ket at. hand. Apply to TEOM AS FEE, on the premises, or to Box 353 Lindsay P.0.â€"93. ;, . . statement in writing, of their names and addresses, full particulars at their c.a.ims and the nature of all securities (i! any) held by them. ALA- LL- “:4 1A“. ________.__._...â€"â€", IMPORTANT SALE OF VAL- UABLE FARM PROPERTY .â€"Under and by power of sale contained in a certain (I at the time of sale, Auction at the virtue of the mortgage, which will 06 produce there will be cï¬ered for sale By Public Simpson House, in the Town of Lindsay. on Saturday, the Eighth day of April, 1899‘ at two o'clock in the afternoon, all that valuable Farm Property, being the East Half of Lot Number Four, in the Fourth Con- cession of the Township of Fenelon, in the County of Victoria, containing one hundred acres, more or less. This property is well situated on the main road from Cameron to Lindsay. Upon the property is said to be a good dwelling house and ham. l‘ERMS.-â€"Ten per cent. to be paid down on the day of sale, and the balance within 30 days, or the purchaser may make arrangements with the Vendor’s Solicitors for the balance to remain on mortgage. For further particu- lars and condition of sale apply to McLAUGI-ILIN McDIARMID, Vendors’ Solicitors Lindmv this 7th day Of March, 1899â€"114. In the Estafe of George Haggith, deceased Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario. Chap' tar 129, Section 38, notice 15 hereby given that all persons having rlaims 0! demands upon or against the estate of Gem-.6 Haggith, late of the Villge of Camhray, in the County of Victoria, Gentleman, who died on or about the fourth day of February, A.D , 1899, are requested to deliver to, or send by post, Erepaid, and addressed to Edwin CIendennan. Esq., ambray P.0., the executor of the last will and testa- ment of the deceased, on or before the ï¬OTICE To CREDITORS. NOTICE. PARCEL 3,-That part of Lot No. 2, in the 13th concession of sail Township of Somerviue. lying South 11: d Souk-Fast of he Burnt Rwer. About 40 acres are clea ed There is on the Parcel a. fume dwelling 1.} st tits hi- ;h with frame addition and 11130 a. log barn a d frame shed. The land issbout. 1} miles from Kinm iunt. _______.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Real Estate and Servants’ Reg- istry Ofï¬ce. I! you want to buy or sell a. House or L03, 3 Hausa; or if 'ou - tents collected promptly, call on the undersigned. My terms for Polling are one per cent. ' try Otï¬co tor Servants. FKANCIS MARKS, B Fauna Agent, ï¬rst door north of G.T.B. shalomâ€"94. 1- UABLE FARM PROP virtue of the power of sale mortgagg,_which will 06 prod n- ,:‘__.._h‘1 TERMS â€"Teu per cent. down and balance in one month wwhour. innerew There will bu a reserve bid. For further paniculars and. conditions of sale agpiy to the undersimed._ Only Cock in yard was 2nd prize winner M: the Guelph Poultr; Show last Decambev, whsn his sire, imoorted from New York was ï¬zat. orders ï¬lled as received. 'DENNIS {‘OUN, P-ICK STEVENSON, 415 Water- st" Peterbor-vuqh, Vendor’s. Solicitors. Dated 6th March, 1833â€"10-4. 13 for Slit-0. 26 for $1.50, from a limited lot carefully selected hens. -â€"â€"BARRE Dâ€" PLYMOUTH ROCK EG any debts CO" ant mv wï¬tte NOTICE 1 will not time. F ARM tl-e Noï¬ 3:1 XECUTORS’ NOTICE. OR SALEe‘ LE OF FARM LANDS IN 18'â€! DAY OF MARCH, NEXT, Liv..- â€"_ v I will notbe responsible awe: ts contacted by my wife or an) ttsu order. JOHN PEAR! ulsuu ...v for sale Three Choice Bred DURHAM we are thoroughbred, sud one high grade, or service. These animals are sired by ' the Ops township, Society Bull, bred by . Pickering. They are ï¬t. to head nearly Foi- pgioe 811g]; partigulara apply to H. C is hereby_ given JO-iN CAMPaeLL GI given that application will , 7 J- A. 36a nnvf m one of whose claim such execu Lt the time of the distributio - gorge Haggith, deceased of Canada at its next session :times limited [or the com- ion of the Lindsay, Hali aurton S‘ HUGHES, President. 1899.-‘â€"-6â€"9. UAU wow-â€" ., p0 my wife or any one else w‘r JOHN PEARCï¬â€"l .-3. Ehe Undersigggï¬ and Mctttawa Rail- $lltu uâ€" â€"7 mm of horses and No. 5 Division-st... map: in payment- 3, without I. fault three sets 3?“??? , Mitf‘POï¬av 100 well inl9Â¥9ye§ .For Sale . Woodvill Want that for PARCEL 2â€"LOt Numoer qu v- ...- .. '-.~ . Lindsay Street, aforesaid. on a. plan or subâ€"dwmlon of the South half of Block “G" in the S_0uth W'ud, in add Town of Lindsay, also duly reglstered in said ofï¬ce. Upon Parcel 1 there is a fume cottage, 24 x 26 ft... kitchen 13 x 2611;. with stone foundation and a Panel 2 is almost opposite parcel 1, and is vacant land. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on day of sale, end the bnlwce r without interest. The within one month thereafte 1 be sold subject to a reserve bid. property W“ _ . ,ï¬ ,_ _._.4:,.ularu gnnlv t0 PARCEL 2â€"Lot Numoer qu v- .. Lindsay Street, :foresaid. on a. plan or the South half of Block “G" in the also duly re; add Town of Lindsay, ' dation and a kitchen 1‘ Pace! 2 is almost opposite parcel 1 land. TERMS OF SALE.“ Ten per cent. ‘ J-- A. “In | Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1897, Char. 1‘19, Sec. 38, the Creditors of William Ellery, late of the Township of Fenelcn, in the County of Victoria. farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of September, A.D., 1898, are required on or before the to send, by post, prepaid, to Messrs. MoSweyn Anderson, Lindsay P.0., solicitors for John Ellery and Sarah Ann Ellery, executor and executrix of the estate of the said William Ellery, their Christian and surnames, addresses and occupations, full particu- lars of their claim". and the nature of the security (it any) held by them. The said executor and execu- trix shall after the Said 20th day of April, A.D., .r , ' . distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, haxing regard only to the maims of which they have then notice. and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim such executor and execu- trix has not had notice at the time of such distribution. McSWEYN ANDERSON of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, solicitors for John Ellery and Sarah Ann Ellery: _-.I “4â€" -l IlAâ€"n“ A n Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario Chapter 129, Section 38, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims or demands against the estate 0! Samuel Endicott. late of the Township of Fenelon, in the ‘CouAnty of Victoria. yeoman, who died 7, n-\___--_.. 1an urn FUUCIUH’ Ill uuv vvuuâ€"J -â€" . _-., , v _ on or about the fifth day of February, 1899, are requested to deliver to, or send by post, prepaid. to Charles Bore, Eeq., Dunsford P‘0., the executor of the last will and testament of the deceased, on or before the No MAN is loyal to the town in which he lives to any greater extent than he endeavors to secure and maintain the very best conditions for its devel- 0pment and welfare. He who en- courages a vicious principle in munici- pal government, or protects a danger to the public good, or upholds an incompetent ofï¬cial, or condones any condition whereby the well-being of his town is imperilled is a traitor to the extent that he is guilty of these things. If he should do them from sentiment he is no less a menace to the public good than if he commited them from malice. Obligation is laid upon all citizens to advance the general good, and much more upon those to whom the civic affairs are entrusted. They simply must not take risks ; they are under imperative obligation to personal integrity, and the integrity of every beam in a bridge, apparatus in the ï¬re system and ofï¬cial in their employ. In them alone is vested the power to retain or reject these beams, apparata and oï¬cials. If they know- ingly allow either to remain when de- fective, they have committed a foul crime againstthepeople,betrayed public conï¬dence and violated their oath of ofï¬ce. It is to be hoped that our aldermen have high enough sense of honor to apprecia'e of this fact. Leg- islators that trifle with those whom they have sworn to serve are the bane [of representative government. 3-00. Dan-u (nun any. 1 . Dated at Lindsay, the 11th Day of March, 1899.â€"-11-4. muuuca \u. mug, u\ nu And notice is further given that alter the said last mentioned date the said executor Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having rcgurd only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required. and the said executor will not be responsible for the assets oreny gas-t theyeot so distributed to L II -A 1.--.A k‘nn 101 Ian“; oeuvw v- u-uJ râ€"- V_-~V,, any person of WhOse claim notice shall not have been received as aforesaid, at the time of such distribution, Dated at Lindsay, the 24th February. 1899. MOORE J ACKSON, Solicitors for the ex- their Chriszian names. surnames and addresses, together with a. statement in writing of the full particuhrs of their claims. and the nature of all securities (if apy) held by. them. , .L_L -m.-- ALA -nlA 15.0 ecutor.â€"9 3. rl‘IUHI! III- - I u at the Simpson Hou ‘ Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria. 111' of 2 o’clock in the amen-noon, the iollowing lands and premises: PARCEL lâ€"Being compom of all and singular an: certain parcel or tract of land and premises in thefl‘own of Lindsay in situate, lyingr and being the Comty of Victoria, am} being composed of L0: THURSDAY. MARCH 16th, 1899 The Watchman-Warder _â€"â€" Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in acertain mortgage, which mortgage win he prc- duced at. the time of sale. there will be offered (or sale by Public Auction on If any serious question is raised as to the efï¬ciency of any department of the town’s service, that ought to be sufï¬cient to lead those in control to institute a rigid investigation, that public conï¬dence shall be preserved and if need be the danger removed. Without taking any sides concerning the efï¬ciency of our police force, we think' that in view of the serious mis- givings outside of, and even within the council, nothing short of a bona ï¬de investigation will ever put either the police or the council where they ought to be in the conï¬dence of our citizens. It has been suggested; it has been asked for; it has been prom- flu.â€" v The parties in Tomato who nave pun... subscri hion accounts 0 the book deb'w and chtoria. Warder . e that December, 1898, 1 in t 6 hands ot_ the underaign In the Estate of Samuel Endicott, deceased Dated I have a J'OTICE TO CREDITORS. Twenty-Fifth Day of March, l899, 2011-! DAY OF APRIL, A.D., [899, XECUTORS’ NOTICE and teaming busi- I take orders for deliver them. My of the Town of Lindsay, Vendors at Lindsay this 8rd day of March, The Police Matter. lL‘IIOBS. ï¬céiiEYN AND ERSON, 0 who have Pde )bion accounts of the at December. 1898’ have of the undersigned will save costs. 1, 18990-4. Vendors' Solicitors. ! March. 1899-10-2 TO road to peace-i , But after it has been held, what of it? If the police are found innocent they will be restored to public con- ï¬dence and favor, but if not what then? A principle enunciated by Mayor Walters at the last council meeting leads one to ask that question with consider- able anxiety. First he said the charges had not been proved; next he said “When a man is down lift him up.†Why he denied proof and then made the guilt a reason for lenient treat- ment all in the one breath has not been explained, but it is that last plea. of lifting up a man when he is down that contains the danger and throws serious doubts upon his ï¬tness for the mayor’s chair. What is the end of this logic? Why the worse the man the stronger the plea. The further down the police are proved to be the more lifting up they must get, so the sure way for them to stay in the position would be to multiply their offences. In fact it would be idle for them to arrest anybody. for likely he would be down too, and need lifting This town will become the thug’s paradise if our ï¬rst magistrate is committed to that method of administ- ering justice. All this simply means that unless we aSsume that the police will be proven innocent an investi- gation would be of no use, and if we can assume that, it is unnecessary. We are certainly in a dilemma bet- ween our mayor and police force, ised; let it go on' road to peace. CONGRATULATIONS in verse and prose, have poured in upon Rudyard Kipling on his recovery from his re- cent severe illness. Below is the last stanza. of a. set. of verses published in the London Times, a tribute from “Tommy Atkins†as Kipling calls the English soldier: “We ’eard thgt you were fighting 'ard, just: as we know you would, But we ardly’ op ed you’d turn his flank ; they said you ’ardly could. But the news as come this morning, an‘ I’m writing' ow to say There’s no British son more ’appy than your old friend Thomas A. THE EVENING Posr says we still favor secret committee meetings. That is true. It says we claim that their giving the police matter publicity, caused all the trouble. The whole council says that is truealso, It says “the faithful" would have found out the proceedings anyway and the harm been done just the same. That sounds like admitting the evil of pub- licity. It further says that twenty ï¬ve other towns have .public committee meetings. What of it? Likelv they have the evils of publicity. Perhaps they are as slow as the Post to learn the lesson. A LITTLE TALK: ON WHERE YOU CAN BUY A WHEEL â€"The ï¬ne weather of last week brou ht the bicycle fever to town with considers 1e intensity and the relative merits of the various makes of wheels is a standard topic of conversation among all cyclists and those who intend becoming: such. This town is going to‘be a. center for fash- ionable and high grade wheels. â€"-Joe Carrol has a complete line with the Ideal at $35, Rambler at $50 and Singer at $65. Everybody stops to admire the beautiful window. with bloom- ing plants nestling about the handsome mounts that will be at the front of the wheel procession this year, Joe was in the business last season and has a few ideas on whats. bicycle ought to be to wear and look well. We have made a mistake if his Singer is not going to be among the nobbiest things on the road. That globe-shaped crank-hanger, Watson seat-post and roller chain are all new ones. This will be head quarters again for a bicycle livery as well as a choice cigar. \ -No wheel record is complete that. omits the Cleveland. .The enterprising people at: Toronto Juncnon never fail to THE WATCHMAN-WARDER Those Women BICYCLE NOTES Editorial Notes There is no other anv u- vâ€"- with new roller winner. Meser- thls Wyeel as us A .fl‘f a specialist on wheels, nanng new we ï¬rst man to ride a safety in Lindsay and can give buyers who are not experienced a good many useful pointers. â€"The nickle-plated wheel has been seen in front of more fast processions than any other Canadian mount- and as a road wheel is among the best. This year the Gendron people are using; the Waters hub which is an ingenious contrivance allow- ing the axles to be taken out without interfering with the adjustment of the bearings, the front wheel to be removed without Spreading the forks and the rear wheel of t e lady’s model without remov- ing the chain from the front sprocket. l‘he double-roller chain is a etching feature N 0 body can make a mistake in buying a Gendron. See it at Bingham’s, the Jubilee Hardware. â€"Mr. J. A. Williamson has three cracker-jacks in the Stearns, Comet'and E 8: D. These wheels have a reputatirn that counts for more than alot of talk. The yellow flyer is alwaysa favorite and so is the Comet, while the four-point bearings of the E. D. have been a sensa- tion from the start. The Stearns people are distributing a. beautiful souvenir picture of the Toronto school Codets with suitable advertising on it, that will help along the sales. The Comet is the pioneer Canadian wheel and is always standard goods. The Lieutenant will have a busy season if he gets the patronage his Wheels deserve. ‘ -â€"Mr. J allies Wetherup. the well-known ' dealer of Sussex-st, knows a good wheel when he sees .it. LaSt carefully investigating all the leadin makes and this year he has the lace agency for that mount. For easy-running and handsome looking qualities these wheels are hard to beat. The newest things are in the bearings and design and the record of the ï¬rm last year will be a big help in this year’s business. Mr. Wetherup also handles the Tribune, one of the oldest American manufactures. He is a specialist on wheels, having been the ï¬rst man to ride a safety in Lindsay and A- ‘_AA â€"â€"Cullon Bros. have as tidv a showroom as there is in town. It has been put up new at the side of their machine shop. They are handling the Red Bird exclusi- vely but in prices to suit all buyers. They have the largest stock of wheels in town and will run a livery in connection with their sale room. The people who buy from Cullon Bros. will have the advantage of the expert machinists of their staff to look after repairs and keep them in run- ning order. They ï¬t their Wheels with the Dunlop or electric tires and Show as many good points as any Wheel made. See their advt. elsewhere. â€"»Mr. Will Goodwin was true to an artis- tic eye and a sound judgment when be secured the agency for the Recycle. This Wheel has proved that a. novelty may be a success. The crank-hanger of the Recycle :s the completest thing on the market and ;3 selling those wheels by thousands. In workmanship and ï¬nish it is hard to com- pete with the Racycle, Will is showing 12 models ranging in price from 835 to 75. This ï¬rm now has a Canadian branch in Toronto in charge of Ernie Houghton, and Lindsay wheels will be given special atten- ‘tion and promptly shipped. â€"â€"Mr. E. P. Gillogly has on exhibition at the Massey-Harris ware-rooms a number of that company’s high-grade wheels. The demand for the Massey-Harris wheel has been growing rapid] in this locality, and we understand Mr. illogly has a number of orders booked already. Their racing wheel is coming to the front. At a recent meet held during the Christmas holidays in Australia they won more than ï¬fty ï¬rst prizes. The riders won over $1500 in prizes. One point that illustrates the excellence of this wheel is that it has never entered a repair she in town in the three years it has been fore the public. Those who have used them are the best to judge of their merits, and all speak in praise of their many good points. This summer will see the silver-ribboned beauty a favorite mount. on Lindsay streets. Now is the time to have them put in shape for the season. Come early and avoid the rush. All work warranted. \V. Webster, Mechanical Expert, 25 Wiliiam-st. north.â€"lltf. LITTLE BRITAIN Special to the Watchman and Warder IMPROVEMENTS AND CHANGES.â€" ]. F. Maunder has greatly improved the dwelling bought from Mrs. Ben- nett and moved in on Tuesday ...... Wm. Mark having bought the prem- ises formerly occupied by Mr. Mann- der, took possession on Tuesday ...... John Canna is to occupy the house vacated by Mr. Mark, and keep house for Mr. Trick who has rented the farm ...... Mr. John Eck has purch- ased the estate where he lives, and decided to remain in Little Britain ...... David Yerex has purchased the house and lot of Mr. Roach of Brock and will soon be a citizen of no mean city ...... Mr. l‘hgleson has rented Mrs. Whitside’s place, and moved there on Tuesday ...... Mr. Downer has taken possession of the place vacated by Mr. Geo. Webster, having rented it for a term of years. In“ INâ€"In the township of 1‘ melon, on Friday, March 3,rd the wilfe of Mr. Lenard Irwin of a daughter. CARLYiIJâ€"At Rossland, British 001- umbia. Monday, March 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carlyle a. daughter. Mother and child doing weil. MCCAUSLAND-chxsâ€"At the residence of the bride's parents, Brickvillc, on \Vzd- nesday, March 9L1), by Rev. J. W. Muc- millan, Mr. James McCausland to Miss Florence, daughter of Mr. Wm. Hicks. HAYDENâ€"ROBINSON‘AC the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. T. Robinson, Emily, on Tuesday evening. March 7th, by the Rev. E. Roberta of Omemee, Mr. John A. He den of Hallock, Min., to Miss Elizabeth binson. n MGMILLANâ€"SMIlHâ€"Ab the residence 01 the he ide’s uncle, Mr. N. Real Port. Pony. on March 8th by Rev. J. M. Cameron. Mr Geo. A. McMillan of Greenbank to Miss Mary Mica. only daughter of the late Samuel Smith of Woodville. BATES -At Lindsay, on Saturday, March 4th, Cecil Grafton, son of Mr. Geo. Babes, aged 5 years. MCKINNON.â€"At Bethany, on Tuesday, the 14th, Mrs. D. J. McKinnon, aged 54 years. Scc TTâ€"At Valentia. on March 7th, Mrs. Catherine, relict of the late Jas. Scott, aged 73 years. : LINDSAY, ONT; MARRIAGES EIICYCLES BIRTHS DEATHS 800 yards Costume Material, a washing Dress Goods, fancy patterns in shades of blue, heliotrope, green, pink and cream, colors fast, regular no quality, extra special .......... 1c 22 inch Fancy colored Blouse Silks, very handsome patterns in all the new colors, this is the regular 75c quality, we cleared the en- tire lot' and offer them to you at bargain price ............................... 50:: Pure Silk Plisse Ribbon with draw string for sherring one or both edges in every possible color % inch wide, extra special. . . . . . Sc English Art Muslins for Draperiesâ€"Spring patterns and colors. 29 inch widths 5c 3. yard, 30 inch widths 7c a yard. 41 inch widths 10¢ a yard. 44 inch widths 12¢ a yard. 40 inch Silk and Wool Fancy N oveltv Dress Goods, splendid colors and not too heavy for a Spring Dress, regular price 3 5c. bargain price ................................ 250 3 papers of large size Pins for ...... . 5 Hair Pins, assorted lengths, for. . . 4 Hole Pearl Buttons, per doz ....... 60 pc. Grey Cotton, very heavy and clear from specks, and a. ï¬ne round thread, regular price 7c, bargain price ................. 5c 60 inch Table Linen, superior ï¬nish, 35c kind, bargain price .................... 25¢ 36 inch Union Carpets in nice reversible sides, new designs, very special .......... 25c 25 inch Skirt Lining, good quality, all the new c010rs, bargain price ................ 5c 36 inch twilled Flannelctte in pink and blue regular 13c quality, special .............. 10c M. J. CARTER, I â€"Good clean Timothy Seed â€"Pure ground Insecty Powder. â€"Fresh gr.d Oil Cake. â€"Little‘s grSheep Dip. â€"Dick's Blood Puriï¬er. Is the best known Bicycle in Lindsay. It has a gem reputation. For New and useful ideas it is not surpassed Beautiful lines, superb ï¬nish, a wheel to stand wear an: strain. The bearings have a patent device to remov‘ friction. See it. More than a dozen samples in stock il our New Wareroom. LIV ERY AND SALE BARN, NEAR THE BRIDGE. 5 [LEETHU PLATE AND; STERLING S {ooocooo-anoaa-ooo I;M of . HIGINBOTHAM, hammers .’ If you are living within reach of this store pay it a visit and put our claims to the test. If outside the town write us by mail for anything you need. You run no risk in that way, for we guarantee to give you satisfac_ tion or else your money will be refunded . LINDSAY’S LEADlNG T HE RED BIRD Ladies’ 2 large Dome Kid Gloves. gusset ï¬ngers, silk em- broidered backs, colors, fawn, mode, tan, green, new blue, grey, oxblood, brown and black, very special at ....... SI ' "51.00. And many other prices up to $5 75°. 75 Acts†bound edges 3 % x 54. Lace Curtain Bargains : 150 prs.. bound edges 2% long 29c- xoo prs., bound edges, 3 x 35. sec. ‘3 100 prs., bound edges 3% X 43: Our line of Sterling and Plated Ware is the largest and bcsl assorted in the County and contains everything needed for an elegant home. In addition to our extensive line of. Kxnxs, FORKS, Spoons AND CASED Goons we have ..... QRTERJI YOU NEED SOME OF THESE: JEWELERS â€"TEA SETTS, â€"BREAD TRAYS, â€"â€"BERRY SETTS, â€"SAUCE CRUETS, â€"TOAST CRUETS, â€"VASES, ETG, CULLON BROSEmEgg: Ladies’ Print Wrappers in all the New and up-tn-datc styles, they are all good washers, the following four prim are worthy of inspection 75c, SI, $I.25, $1.40. 38 only Men and Youth’s All- Wool Canadian Tweed Suits in smgle breasted s a cq u e style, daxk grey and brown efl'ect, farmer satin lined, yegular $7 50 qual- ity. bargain PM 35. 00. 12 doz. M n’s and Boys’ Colored p1 Shirts, separate collars in all the New Sp: patterns, talents fast, easy to launder, g were made to rctailat 75c, our price...,,.g Men’s Pants. heavy all-wool Tweedg, um: narrow. black and grey stripe, three good serviceable trimmings. regular $1.23 31‘ $1. 50, bargain chance ................... :1 Men’s and Shirts .......... Men’s heavy Cotton Working Shh collar attached ....................... 2 Men’s Silk Ties ....................... | Men’s Elastic Web Suspenders. . . . . . . ...1 Hats. new spring styles. with high anti me ium crown and rolling brim, silk trimming black. brown, Cuba. pearl and drab 50c75 $1.00, $1.25 up to $2.50. It [If â€Ital: b. {not on yo: .3 Vnphond,†“ -â€"Old English Condition Powder< 2c.- %ï¬mg§ 6 for $1.00. â€"Miller’s Tick Destroyer. --Kennedy '5 Hoof Ointment. â€"â€"Sulphur yfor Cattle, 8 lbs. The Bargain Giver, Lindsay MARCH I 6TH, Bovs’ White U and, OPTICIANS £sz NEXT T0 The DALY HUUS Lames‘ they get every sea It’s bad It scribe the: they dese‘ Come and tor yoarse you’ll not disappoint: Prices 50g; $1.00, $1.25 $2. so. Men’s Sti and Fedora E . forzléc. intcd 5°C: 75‘ 4 manic Y0“! fa W". "cc: 9,, Tickets pure“ .595 in Lindsay are a! railway static airision of the G.T. 1-1156 Ofthn towns ï¬jddtess and sch< pm divisions, ts ï¬llsth inst. to avai u'nlmg' and bringi: h3éoaor. m5 low have 1e: drag wrong vi: 05mg them 0th Bunyan: this reqm Inside were the con it to :0†Ads? 333 “tamed MW council 11* t'éitlzstsmsor hhoyssandq “Nd thee? p_ Gillqg‘yï¬ BOX 415. the} theft KC