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Watchman (1888), 23 Mar 1899, p. 5

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Featly r our lscaPe Miss many sing ized now is you itor is wa',;; vgood. -A couple of o t cheap 03 biued busine the business u mental su ing 200115 and gentleme 138$. usually here. 31031 Lindsay as 1 idembly che ““13 tram 1h ,V, â€"â€" v.4 for help in tyi: . {mental not gwe hati; ~. .‘3 200d crowd of spectators attended toe 93mm at the rink on Fridav night. The ‘ce Was m per'ect condition and some of the best perfur m'mces ever done by local FDR? were presented. In vhe ~single con- N between local speeds, W. Benders took ht. P. McDonald second, and John £38m third. 5. Scenes and Geo. Brady Ed not finisn. In the double event the ‘MGeIS‘McDonald combination arrived m" and Messrs. Massaw and Scott 56°93? Wiliiam LePage gave a capital “Won of fancy skating. Some of cor 2?th people could make no mistnke In {‘38 Lham youth in hand. He 13 the fit?“ 0f 3 good one. Hi4 performance a 3mm Wm also creditable. He went {Quad the rink twice on 26 inch mounts. . 3m; fagctators ptzize was won by ticket. 309 inoriifss. LNY Dickson of Mamlla was the m; The pi vâ€"v -An amusing incident occurred in to on St. Patrick’s day. A gentleman - fifty cents in a restaurant for a bunch Shamrocks. which he lard on the counter marry to pinning it on his coat. me his back was turned a halt intoxi. ned man entered and mistaking the ”mocks for water ems, sprinkled it. m pepper and salt and swallowed It. .It is reported that owners of some of he duck preserves are trying to obtain gislation that will curtail .the privileges [the general shooting public. The secre- m- of the Rod and Gun Club2 Tomato, msecretaries of similar organizations to an: him their addresses that united action my be taken to pre cut this partial le '3. [ion and maintain their rights. at misports will no doubt co-operate. ~1’houghte far from religious and lan- ‘ to match were common to church- m on Sunday morning and evening. [burrow-plow people are chiefly to blame. {heir pretense at cleaning the sidewalks n the late storm was too much for the flame of even good folks. Everyone mosewaik was not cleaned should make ' tto the council and proper sub- '01: should be made from the salary the snow-plow pe le just as is done immeLight Co. for ights out. Solomon" that contained some useful _ £10115. especially to young peo le. ‘35 Mabel Armstrong, Miss Gertie ee a Mr. W. Musselmau rendered several _'nmer_1ta1 and vocal selections. The later brigade contributed a chorus. "â€"The worst wnod famine of years struck nerown‘earxj: :his week. On Monday no hardwood could be got in either of the lands and tamamc was $3.50 per cord. The hence of Snow last. week tollowed by the llzzardoys blockade of Saturday, is to mean lame. People who have wood cut} 5615 lopey for i: now if they will bring W “1’ MI you owe a bill that. you have promised may with wood as soon as the snow In}?! now is your chance, fetch it. in; yogr remtor_is waking to see if your word 18 ..b'- “'“t”"" “ W“ ' :35 the Burlexgl; Falls Electric Syndi- be. “a an expel-tin floating companies, '9 £th were ynll be no difficulty in Eurinfl the capital to carry the project with. ,mude Drew. the 16 months old 113”“ of Mr. John Drew of Peterboro, 5 “My pOlSOBEd on Friday morning w by eating "rough on rats.” The pack. ”“5191; on a .shelf., and while playing a mile one got. it. With the above results. Alr- prn. Baldwin, the genial Cam- we.“ ;blacksm1th had his first finger d1! lacerated on Tuesdav. He was car- m5 heavy plank up a stairway when 351mm and tore the flesh of his finger m to the bone. He Will be laid up isli it for several days. â€"A discrict Y..\I.C.A. convention will ,held “Port Hope on Good Frtda . A ”be, of prominent Lindsa Y. 0.13. We Wm be present, and . W. H. ”3.6 will oecupy the chair for at leasc ”(lithe sessions.‘ 1118 musical will gunder she direction of Mr. W. bson. ,5ng and Summer Millinery ' g at Miss Mitchell’s on my, Friday and Saturday, 24th and 25th, and following Grand display Thursday ‘A couple of our merchants took in the Den; cheap v xcursion to the city and momed busin°s~5 with pleasure. Afpart the business wan to make a. tour 0 the W‘mental Stores, making prices, exam- mg 2006.3 um! observing others buyers. #8": gentlemen discovered that some “185, usually Lrifles, are cheaper there “.here. Mow of the goods are as cheap IimdSB-Y as there, and some are sotd “View“? cheapâ€"r here. Coming home '* “13 tram they were afforded consxder- ‘19 diversion by the conversation of laQnes 0 had made purchases and were talking em Over. In one case they were appealed get help in tying up an imposing handle r866 3" to the west; and was 80 success- nbel‘e 8 has jug; completed another I which comprises pome excellent He paid good pnees. on Monday wpile Mr. Alf. Brown of ,boro was chop mg down} a. tgee he was wk on w . _by a felling hmb. The ”A hum msenslble apd inflicted my 3“" m...» ’7 'n sold his draught horse. .5311 Rob. Mm Emma” 0f .‘ Fnday 133‘" and also his two- ’ 73'” V3 9 . 11$th from c‘ence is gradually removing life's Moms Formerly if the water pipes r02en during a. cold snap, a lot of uvenience and profanity wag; the gnly »IA_ -. MARCH 3 , -J ...,., .- “M gnu-r vâ€"â€"â€"â€"° m: purchases, that evidently satisfaction. O 3RD) I 899 ,pen at Lindsay on â€"Thoroughbred fowl and eggs fOr sale, I. J. WETHERUP, Box 415. Lindsayâ€"15. --There are flfcy cases of diohtheriu. in Peterboro. It. Is generally of a mild type. -â€"Miss Bullick, drees and mantle maker Kent-st., opposite Hurley’s grocery store. _v-V Utc, VPPUDIW 1.19116] 5 grocery store. â€"Wa.ntedâ€"A domestic from the count for a family of three. Apply to Mng ARMSTRONG, north ward. â€"Marriage licenses issued by Mr. Tnos Bum.“ his residence, Alberta-st, also at G. W. BEALL’S store, Kent-st.-5~tf. -â€"To relieve the wood famine, Mr. Robt. Bryans brought down fifteen cars of hard- wood from the north country yesterday. T â€"If you want to enjoy a hundred 131: he in as many minutes hear “The Real Wi ow Brown” at the Academy of Music this (Thursday) evening. â€"Mr. Lyman Minthorne has been ap- pointed bailiff of the sixth division court, in the place of W. H. McLaughlin, who has resigned. -Five cars of farm implements were shipped to the Northwest by the Sylvester firm on Wednesday. Heavy orders are in process of completion. â€"A hot game of hockey-Union versus Se te schoolsâ€"will be played in the rim to-night, 23rd. Everybody turn out and encourage the boys. Admission five cents. -â€"Dr. E. A. Totten will shortly move from his present dental rooms to those {ate}; occupieq-bv Ggo._Wripzht, phgto. â€"Messrs. Rider and Kitchener came to town on Monday morning and set about looking up a site for thexr new factory. They expect to be ready to begin manufac- turing bv the end of August. graphez', oier Mofgan’s drug 's'toi'e.‘ Car- penters are now as work overhauling the interior. â€"Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kilborn will lecture in the Cambridge-at. Methodist church on the evening of Tueaday, 28th inst, on their mission work in Chum. Dr. and Mrs. Kilborn were in China during the recent. riots, and will have something of interest. to tell us. Silver collection. --Tenders for town supplies have been called for. to be in by the 30th inst. Seventy-five thousand feet of pine or hem- lock plank, ten thousand feet of cedar scantling, five thousand feet of flamed cedar, and a. quantiby of tamarac plank are needed. -â€"“Arty” Robinson, the genial Kent-st. barber, is soon to movn to a stand opposite the Benson House He is having: elegant quarters fitted up and will have aspeoial parlor in which to do artistic hair-trim- ming for ladies and children. â€"The idea. prevails in some quarters that. the creamery will operate onlv fora short time this season. That. is a mistake. It; will run as long asasupply ofc1eam can be obtained. At, present the demand for the butter is renter than the supply and the industry oqks promising indeed. Send in your milk. the Y.M.C.A. gynaaium and an internal abscess formed. On Tuesday evening Dr. Peters of Toronto performed a very successful operation, but as yet the result. is in doubt. â€"3:Iessrs. Robinson Ewart. our two enterprising young citizens who have opened a boot. and shoe store next. to Hizinbobham’s drug store, seem bu have started right. Their store is A model of convenience and good taste. .In_add‘it.ion -James Nicholle, driver of Dundas Flavelle's big team, drew a lO-ton boiler to its place at Kennedy Sc Davis‘ new mill on Tnesda . It was a great piece of draw- ing and im thinks his team will get the money at the fall fair drawing contest. â€"Mr. L. Donaldson, an emplovee of Dundas Flavelle Bros., who Came her. not long a o from Port Perry, is very ill He strains himself while _exerqising ix; -VV-Ivâ€"vv Vt; an eleganwtâ€"Srgxicilrnew stock they have put in the moat modern appliances includ- ing a button machine and patcher. LMr. T. W. Evans of Yelverton left on Tuesday for Winnipeg, and expects to remain a couple of months in the prairie province. He tqok_w_ith bin) 8. qpuRle of â€"The next Manito‘ba excursion will leave on March 28th. For tickets apply to T- G. IATCHET‘I’, 60 Kent-51., Lind- say. Tickets purchased at the c P.R. office in Lindsay are good to start from any railway station on the Iidland Division of the 8.1’ R â€"- 8-6. kfrat; stallions. which he will 3911 there. His well-known stallion “Prince Edward" has come through the winter in the fan, and is to-day heavier than ever. He will be placed on his old route again Lhiw se.a.so‘n. â€"On Wednesday Mr. Weldon BnoWn of the east ward received a. telegram from Outremont, near Montreal, conveying the sad intelligence that his brother Thoums had been killed on the C.P.R. the day before. The unfortunate man was a brake- man and it is supelosed he fell from the var. He is a. son of l r. Samurl Brown of the east ward. The body wil: be brought. here and buried from the father's residence at 2.30 on Friday. wAfter the regular meetinsz of the West- minster lodge S.O.E. the members went into committee of the whole, President Frampton in the chair. on the discussion of ham sandwiches, coffee and Bro. Boxall‘s report of the recent session of the Grand Lodge at. Ottnwa. A brief but interesting A; - I.-.-_ And. . A.rfio:]c WU HG u-v vvuu u _______ , outline was given and am. later dat» dvtails will be gone intp When at the capital -t _,___|_ Will IIV FVIAV luvv Bro. Roxall attendr’d the opening of parlia- ment. and go: some pointers that, will stand him in good stead when he goes down to take his seat at some future time. "N Dbl '\:u ..- v a _- , , which a platform meeting was held. Mr. Schutt spoke very interestingly of Henry Ward Beecher,and paid an eloquent tribute to the great preacher. Mrs. Eva Rose Yorke of Torontofollfwod in an evangelis' , A.- LL- TIA.A_A_‘I-- Ulnc UL ‘vlv ......... 1 .4 tic address on ‘,b‘ive Stpps to the Heavenly Places." Mrs. Yorke :3 a veg-y pleasing speaker whose directness and smceriby are decidedly impressive. ‘ -J J:_: nnnnn “:11:- 1“ ‘ICUI\IC\|LJ AIIIPJ um”- - - â€"The curlers attended diVine service at St. Paul‘s on Sunday evening. A few minutes before the hour they mustered in about one hundred strong and were given seats in the front of the church. The rector, Rev. C. H. Marsh. delivered the sermon. His text was, “Bodily exercise profitable a. little. but godliness is profit able for the life that now is and for that which is to come.“ In an exposition of these words the rector spoke of the great advantage of taking proper exercise but uttered warnings against its abuse and the dissipation that often attends it. The realitv and satisfaction of the future life were made a strong inducement to all to live with it in view. The simplicity and earnestness of Mr. Marsh‘s address had the effect of apersonal appeal to a better life. It was a wholesome and timely address and much appreciated bv the large audience who heard it. During collect-ion iMise Laura Russell sang a solo of rare l beauty both in words and music. 1d LITTLE LOCAL LINES CHURCH NOTES Wednesday and Thurgday, March A grey cutter robe was lost. between Maunder's hotel, Lindsa . and Mr. Thos. Downey’s. Realmro,. on Vednesday, the SL1) inst, or stolen. from his driving shed about. that date. Finder please leave at, he storehouse, Beaboro, or this office. Anyone found regaining the above robe The ‘oubiic librarv will open toâ€"night (Thursday, March 22nd.) at seven o‘clock. Books will be given to night, only to those who have their tickets. l‘ickets may be secured on application to the librarian and filling out form provided for the purpose. The librarian will be at the librm-.every lueauny cvcunup .- v... .w . -_ -_ , and Tuesday, Thursday and” Saturday from three to five o'clock. No tickets will be issued to-night. Men’s Collars. any shape, in best 4-ply quality, W. G 82; R. makeâ€"the per pair. DUNDAS 8L FLAVELLE BROS â€"When making mention of the bicycle agencies in last week's iseue we managed to omit the pioneer of the bicycle trade in this countyâ€"Mr. Joe. Riggs. Mr. Riggs’ nearl twenty years experience with whce s puts every other dealer in town in the light of a novice when compared with him. When the trade was young. he cherished it and gradually developed an interest in the new locomotion from the old high wheel to the beautiful chainless Crescent in his stock this season. There is one thing in favor; of the Crescent wheels- ___-_‘-L:.\â€". Wide. vnnl' 01": LUIUB I” -w- -â€" thev h ve a good reputation. This year they are far handsomer and completer than ever before. Both chain and chainless wheels are models of correct design and beautiful finish. More Crescents havebecn brought into this town from Toronto when there was no agent here than any other five kinds put together. .The Crescent; is strictly allright. Mr. Riggs handles the Alert and Tornado, wonderful values at $35 and $30. HIS shop is headquarters for sundries and repairs-x. .__Sincp. our _review of the bicvcle trade in last weeks issue Mr. Herb Little has secured :m agency for‘aocou'ple of fine mLA _â€"SincP. our_revxew 01 me mcvuw Lhuu: in last week‘s issue Mr. Herb Little has secured an agency for a couple of fine wheels. They are made in Berlin. The high gradejs ner_ned after that thriving town and its ‘33:) mate is christened the Canadian. It 18 a stunning mount with a single- icce fork, nickle-plated through- out. he handles have a patent adjuster, Watson seat-post and roller chain, narrow tread and D tubing. together with the Boston run, Dunlop tire. beautiful finish and $55 price will make the Berlin 8. fast competitor in wheeldom this summer. There 13 nothing finer in town for the money. Mr. Little has aim-ad made a sale or two and has no fear for t 6 future. He handled a good wheel last vear and knows what he is talking about. it you are going to buya cheap wheel see his Canadian. Men’s Cuffs at 20c , MILLINERY FOR EASTER. Mfllinery Display Spring Announcement of Latest Fabrics and Styles â€"An immense collection of Prints, Ginghams, Organdies.Grenadines, Sateens and other makes. -â€"Fine American Organdies, 32 inches wide, Satin stripes with floral deaisms, with sheer finish and thin as gauge.. . .. ........... 20c, fic per yard ~50 pieces of Fancy Ginghams, Amercan, Canadian, English and Scotch makes, small and lame checks, narrow and wide stripes, all fast colors ...................................... . per yard â€"Real French Organdies in brilliant colorings of purple, nile. cerise, cardinalâ€"satin stripes and chacks interwoven, 32 inches â€"â€"Hundreds of yards of Fine Dress Goods in all the latest Colorings of Blues, Greens, Browns, Fawns and purplesâ€"Black Dress Goods in almost every make. â€"8 Color-inns of Fine Mixed German Covert gloating, with a special finish that cannot, spot with ram. 46 mehes wide.. ............ $1.50 per yard -â€"6 Colorin s of English Suitin s, shades, Blues and Greens, 58 inches wi e, 5 yards makes a ss .................................... 01 0': ‘A- w-..) â€"-Englisb Grenadines, 32 inche§ wide, pink, sky, lemon,- Helio, Nile and other shades. They come in stripes and checks of silk. 40c, 45c. 50c per yard â€"â€"10 Colorings in English Covert Coatings, colors Mixed Fawns, Browns, Blues, Greys, Heliosâ€"you can’t. wear them out, 46 inches wide ........................................... . . COLLARS AND CUFFS. .10 pieces of Figured Black Mohairs in raised effects, bright. finish, fast. thread and will not. crack, 44 IDCheB wide ................. A‘ AA THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LIN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY LOST OR 5 TOLEN BICYCLE NOTES wide. .. ..... Every department is crowded to its utmost capacity. The markets of the Old and New Worlds have joined together to complete this stock. Every line here‘ is of superior quality and we know the values are right. CHEFFON CAPES, â€"â€"BROAD CLOTH CAPES. â€"EMBROIDERED CAPES. NEW JACKETS. â€"PIQUE SKIRTS, â€"â€"CRASH SKIRTS. Button Brass Bands. 25c. and 350. Dress Stuffs That brick house and one acre of land attached, situate on Adelaide-st. and ad- ioining the Collegiate Insximoc grounds. Fine young, bearing orchard and stable on 'he premises. For terms apply to C. Chittick. In a personal letter recently received from Mr. J. D. Hutton, who has been in Edmonton, N.W.T., for several months, reference is made to Mr. Kylie‘s remarks regarding a carriaee industry for this town. In the course of his letter Mr. Hutton says . “The sales of farm wagons here duringr last summer and fall were tremendous. A great many carriages were also sold. Both American and Canadian firms have agents on the spot, and I think the business at this point is about equally divided between them. The American wagon is no better than our makes, but it sells for more money. The reason is largely that mentioned by Mr. Kylie, viz, that the American waizon is uniform in its parts. There are no repair shops and no wood to make parts of, at any rate. The conven- ience of getting: repairs is the secret of the American wagon’s sale. There is a great market here. If Lindsay gets a big manu- facturinp: establishment and makes a uniform article in! wagonsand carriages it Men’s Black, Green. Brown and Grey Fedora Soft Felt Hats, best quality and latest ehapes, at $2. Issued by Bruno»: Bnos., jewellers, Lindsay-437. nun-v- I.) u“ v-'-' -â€" can, an account of its proximity to the raw maternal, command the biggest wholesale trade of any place in Canada. There is a gmwing demand in this vast and quickly settling portion of the Dominion." At a meeting: of the Board of Health on Thursday evening, Dr. McAlpine stated that the Provincial Board had i<sued orders for the vaccination of all children who have not already been treated. Some discussion followed, in which the mayor asked if vaccination was of any great value. "Yea, certainly, one at the; great; Yalufi. 1-5.5, UPI “ll-UL], UHO UL uuu greatest discoveries 1n our profession,” said the doctor, and to a suggestion that it often does more harm than good. said : “No. not at all.“ A committee composed of the Mayor. Dr. McAlpine, Jae. Keith, Jos. Staples and Geo. Mills was appointed to meet the School Board and arrange about the time the vacaination should be done, and also whether it would be better to buy the vaccine or have the doctors rovide it. There are two kinds, one made y Park Davis at $3.75 per hundred quills, and another by Muilford at $6 per hundred. It the doctors supply the vaccine they charge 50 cents. and if not 25 cents. A supply would cost the town $60 ...... The nuisance at the stea mer wharf last an mmer is under consideration, and before another season some private drains. which are blamed for the trouble, will be. looked after. The Board thinks the town sewer is not in fault. 25 dozen Linen Huck Towels, red border, fringe on ends, size 23 x 42 inches, 25c per pair, 10 dozen half bleached Huck Towels. red border and hemmed ends. 30¢. per pair. DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. DUNDAIS a: FLAVELLE BROS. VACCINATION ONCE MORE ~ CHRISTY‘S HATS. WHAT J. D, HUTTON SAYS MARRIAGE LICENSES LINEN TOWELS. 75c, 40c, 450, 500 per yard FOR SALE DUNDAS 81 FLAVELLE BROS. $1.25 per yard $1.60 per yard $1.00 per yard â€"29 Shades in Plain Colored Japanese Silk, 23 inches wide, extra weight and of fine finish........ .......... ... ........... 20 Shades in Plain and Shot; Taffeta. Silks, Blues, Purples, Burnt Orange, Cerise, Pinks, Nile, Sky, Black, etc., 20 inches wfle” 50 Ends of Blouse Silks, French, Italian, Swiss, German, Japanese and English makes-Printed Foulards, Satin stripes and checks, all the latest known to the Silk trade is here ........ 50c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25, 81.50 per yard â€"Whibe Muslin Underskirts with wide rows of tucking and em- broidery frills, proper make, perfect fitting, best material. . . . we, 81) 31.%: 81'501 32! six â€"Shot Tafi‘eta Silk Underskirts, Flounce with corded Frills, double van dyke trill, new cording effects ....... ‘ ...................... $5. $5.50. 36. 87 ~Fancy Colored Blouses, in Prints, Cambrics Muslins and Coutilles.. . 50c, 75c, 85c, 81, $1.25, $1.50 H080" RSV .UFFALO PATENT ALL STEEL DISC NARROW. Black Taffeta Silk, soft finish will not cut, French make, 2 inches wide ............................................. Is the best known Bicycle in Lindsay. It has a good reputation. For New and useful ideas it is not surpassed. Beautiful lines, superb finish, a wheel to stand wear and strain. The bearings have a patent device to remove friction. See it. More than a dozen samples in stock in our New . . . . . .Wareroom ..... . Livery and Salesroom Lindsay 51:, near the River. When you are down that way drop in. .. THE.. RED BIRD y-Made Dress Skirts in Lustre and Serge, colors, Black and Navy. Good Linings and proper making ...................... $2. 00, 83. 50, $4. 00 Women’s Heady-Made Garments. CULLON BROS, W Ingeraoll, Ont, Canada. How muss-val “-4- BRETHOUR 8L CONQUERGOOD Agents, Lindsay Skirt section in Mantle Department. ain and Fancy Si This is the only Disc Harrow madeor sold in Canada, having independent. adjustable sprint pree- aure upon the inner ends of the gong discs, allowing Any amount of pmum to be thrown upon the inner ends 0! the gouge. by the foot of the operator. By this memo. perfectly flexible action is secured and the ground can be worked to a uniform depth. Examine this machine carefully and compare wath others. The Buffalo all Steel Disc Harrow IS A MARVEL 0F SUCCESS. The only cultivstm made that both lines o: teeth will cut an even do in the ground. Examine it and you wtll see w y. The only cultivator with a movable tooth set so that the angle 0! the teeth can be regulated to suit my conditions of the soil. Pressure can be regulsted to act cifierentlv on every section requiring it. The teeth nre carried between the wheels instead of trell- ing behind, as in other machines, thus securing lighter draft. Thismachineis furnishezi with min and grass seed box when required. 1:. bus raver-die diamond steel points {or the teeth; also extra. wide thistle-campy: points can be furnished, Examine it and you Will bliy no other. Over 40, 000 Drill: and Seeders 0! our manufacture are in use in Cantds. The only Drill nude with lever for instant. and perfect regulation 0! depth of hoe in ell kinds 0! soil. while teem is in motion. Saws eboolu correct to scale ; saves need, as every kernel is de ted et a. preper depth grow. Put- cbeee only the bet end you will be at edi We eleo manufacture Binders, Rowers. lowers, Rakes, Cultivators end Pulpers, as good as the best. Send tor mum-eted catalogue. THE “(L l2 UULTIVATOH THE BEST DRILL MADE The Hoosier Needs No Introduction "OX0“ 3308- M'F’G 00., Limited) 5c. 70c, 75c. $1.00. per yard % cents per yard

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