'I’y 121C in. putting an clas ants ant {and B! ecialty. iPrac tic .401 a OPS LSA W In and ' ichol'n [21131 ‘ with Eat 3 Ma ahn 912 on, tc and? surca W _ e t era, a the KEE x and ' aider anbje or s} Joe} ’81:?“ be: Iprov a re] mth in ( led Eaba, of M; lornir 'LE 3 AND 8% By I: tum} 0P " tinue? A z; ‘ inner 3ber. LIA 9 lower , will not t close ids m'n ‘81’. {TAM MIG Lug?! dyfo Arvin-:2 M-r;::~:2':.â€"J. Sheriéan ship- ped a. czzlead of ï¬ne etozk for the Easter market on Tuesday merning. Pretty fair prices were received by those deliver- ing the stock. 03' THE SICK Lissaâ€"Iota: Rich has been conï¬ned to his bed for some time new by a. very severe attack of Inflam- atory rheumatism, but is nicely on the mend. SPRING Comaâ€"Saturdey night the rich-11y. Fire car affects left hate for the week, 1 m. up 11‘1â€" mate is a. great rush fer the Northwest again this ysar, but not every mantry s aznm cm boast: of as much bustle and show as ours. During the past weak 3:210:57 ' â€11039 Ie-.ving for the prai. via province were Mr. and Mrs. G. Wang wrand family of Valencia, Mr. and Mrs. J. Strong and Mr- mm} M» FOR THE VVES‘T.â€"Thare is a for the Northwest again this not every country statmn can much bustle and show ac. mn- WAS A Sccwzsss-‘l‘dr. Wiiliam Hobbs' sale last week was fairly well attended. The stock was in fair condition and. the prices realizai were good. Cows sold from $30 :0 $42 each; one calf four days old sold for $9: horses also sold weli, but hogs and implements were not; in good demand. W153 xxx) OTHEme‘aâ€"Miss Annie McNeii of Gavan ia at present amomr our Tots-K THEIR LEAVEâ€"Meeil‘s. James and Joseph Sutton, who scent the past winter with frsends here, left on Tuesday fortheirfomes in Manitoba. We under- stand :heir miision here was to secure a help-mate for their prairie home. As yet n‘o deal has been openly deciared, but GONE WESTâ€"The Messrs. Geare‘e and H. Webster of this place and R. Corbett left on Tuesday for the Northwest, Where they will reside in future. THEIR AxxtAL RETURS.â€"DI€SSI‘S Joe Jordan and J. M. Swain have been in our midst lately. They are no doubt looking after their social mines here. Tpgx Tnugg LEAVEâ€"Heirs. James no deal has been open' there is time enough yet WAS A SUm‘+:ss.â€"Mr. gale last week was fair " Coxvznsnzxoxn.-Such was the title of the entertainment eiven on Friday even- ing last under the auspices of the Sons of Scotland in their hall here, when sixty couples of Scotchmen and their friends gathered to enjoy :iiemselves. The literary par: of the program consisted of music, songs, readings and recitations by local talent, after which the entire com- pany indulged in Scotia‘s favorice pastime. till the "wee sma oors". when all dispers- ed highly pleased with the evenings pro- ceedings. Ten couples were present from Port Perry and took part heartly in the enjoyment of the evening. Sonya. orchestra supplied the music, and as usual gave the best of satisfexcti n. OFF '10 THE Wns'r.-On Wednesday of 133: week Messrs. Fred Williamson, Ches- ter Burthwick and Hector McMillan, three of Sonya‘s young men started for Manitoba to seek their fortune in the goiden west. PERSONALs.-Mr. L. McPhail is recover- ing slowly ...... Mrs. R. Moore has-been engaged as organist. to succeed Mrs. H. MgDougall who has resigned. ....... I ohn Watherup leaves us to reside 3a Hill Head. We wish him and family every success ...... .335. Robinson has moved into Mount Horeb ...... Mr. R Sknce is doing a rushing business in the line of buying and selling horses. Can DEALâ€"Wm. Skuce. er. of Mount Horeb -3 now visiting friends in Vernlam. LEGAL.â€"Mr. T. Ernest Godson, bar- rister, of Beaverton, will be in his Kirk- ï¬eld ofï¬ce (Gustv’s Hotel) the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every 7-1yr. Special :9 the Watchman and Warde: g OUR CORRESPONDENTS E ._ .k- _. ‘fl- -‘Jnnyï¬laafl. nmg low a»!!! mmnww um! THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1899 The Watchmanâ€"Warder J. G. EDWARDS GO. â€"You can get ahnost any p us -â€"1‘i:ea, Rims, Spokes. Enamel. Saddles, Bells. Cem- ents. 5c tube. Cycle Oil, 50 bottle, Double Tube Tires. a few at $4.50 pair â€"Our “Cleveland Bicycle Livery" will have a great many new wheels in it this season. We sell art of any Bicycle from -â€"-Fint, we kee? nearly everything to msxe men -â€"'I'hen there 13 Gloss Paints to brighten up sppeannce -â€"Enamel Top Dressing for the Top â€"â€"Oils and Grease for the Axles â€"â€"Pa.ints and Carriage Hardware. Neckyoku Whiflie'crce Irons, Clevices, etc. â€"-Yarnish Stains and Paintsâ€"to: renewing me mum on furniture â€"Imperisl Gold Enamelâ€"can be washed with soap â€"â€"Bath Ename , Sherman Williams Special Floor Pï¬nts, Alabastine, Knlsomine. Whiting, Brushes 0:311 kinds om Binding, Curtain Poles and â€"â€"Carpet Felt, Oil Cl Immings, Shade, Carpet. and chgufie Hard- ware, Upholstering Hardware, .. in Imitation of Leather. Hoes â€"JAmes Dome Load and Black Diamond Stove Polish. Lama’s Prepared Gas. in mail tinsf Welling- ton Knife Powder. F or the Carriage. Cart or Wagon “ Glevelana †..AND.. “Welland Vale†Bicucles a pleasing to show them in detail, and cu‘ prices will interest you. 31A RI P Hardware Merchants. FOR THE BICYCLE. art 01 warâ€"whobp ail alone the we present Were hospitablv ad by the host and hostess, and ioyuhie evening was realized by number present. Several more ind (:f parties are being looked neighborhood. which is a sure 3d tzmes coming. SWIPES. ET FOR THE HOME MO UNT EOREB LETTERS FROM Strong and Mr. and Mrs. of Little Britain, Mr. and ster and A . Webster of this 78 car loads 0': farming re for the above par ies last VALENTIA KIRKFIELD )S‘A SONYA an 3: Williams Special Floor Kslsomine. Whiting, Bxushes 1 Binding, Curtain Poles and Carpet and Picture Hard- Hardware Enamekd Cloths hing to make them 3 to brighten up the to: renewing the ï¬nish among our P {OSE’ECTS BRerâ€"Building opemt- iene wili go on beaming this year. Mr. A. Mch eeiy our Eocal meson. has not had so much work in 20 years. BUSINESS WILL Boomâ€"Geo. McHugh M P. ti-gezher with the influence of c )m- mission-era Switzzr and McQuade and township reeve Adams, deserve great credit for the push already made in get- ting navig iticn secured on Pigeon river -- a legitimate and long-bit went by our lcicizens and surrounding country. . . . .. J. J. Lamb. the enterprising, tans ery proprietor will secure his {an hart: on thu availabie points on the Trans Willey werers. which aione will be a saving of 8200 yearly, besides tho advantage. of getting cheap Wood and ’aumber. Our village will once more been) this summer. it is hoped, after a eieep of years†‘ A CAPABLE OFFICIAL â€"-Robt. B. John- ston, the exempiary and useful warden of Christ’s church. Omamea, fur the last term. has the best wishes of all and thanks for his laborio 13 task in the man- aging of the church afltil’fl successfully, Nach’olls Kennedy. PROSPECTS BRIGHT ions wilt go on bnnm NEW FIRM.~1‘911'. W. H. Kennedy has accepted a partnership here with Mr. Nicholls manager for Mr. Maunder’s nhingie milk The ï¬rm will be styled Wmlmn- 0. 17-“, THE CHURCHES. The churches were largely artenried on Sunday. Mr. Perk- ins occupied Christ-’5 church acceptably and at the Preabycerian church Rev. J. W. Tanner announced his resigning, for unavoidable reasons. the charge after four years pastoral. Applicants will be heard kin-gr 19b April. UBItL‘ARYw-BII‘S. Wm. Adams died at the advanced age of 77, after a lingering illness. The deceased was a life-long member of the Methodist: church. The service at the funeral on Siturday was conducted by the Rev. E. Roberts, paamr of thin church, in an impressive :nanner. HERE AND Tashaâ€"The storm is tak~ lug people’s attention for the present, but many farmers will compiete all prepar- ations while the good sleighing lasts ..... The health of the village is excellent. at present. 0UP. CE)IETERIEs.â€"A meeting was held in the Presbyterian church last week to consider means by which the cemeteries at Woodville. on the fourth concession of Eldon and in connection with the Eldon Presbyterian church, can be put in repair and kept in decent order. The Rev. Mr. McDonald of the EldOn church occu- pied the chair and explained the object of the meeting and also laid two schemes before it. One scheme was to dispose of the three cemeteries and purchase a new one to be under the control of a central board. The other was to put the bury- log-grounds all in good repair. It was ï¬nely decided to appoint a committee to take charge cf the existing grounds and to raise funds to clear them up. After the work is accomplished a caretaker will be employed. Like most country cem- etersee, the three in question are in a shameful state of neglect. 1V0 01) V I LLE WHERE To BUY Goons.â€"Messrs. Mur- chison Gilchrist are showing bigger values that ever in boots and shoes, their men’s heavy plow boots at a dollar can- not be beaten, and extra heavy with extension soles at $1. 25 and $1. 50 are the best values ever offered. They have the celebrated Whitham shoe for those who like a real good article, likewise a gfull assortment of women’s boots with a special line of satin calf at $1.15 5 CALLS â€"The Presbytery of Lindsay .-held its regular quarterly meeting, at g'Woodvllle on Tuesday. It was largely {attended by ministers and elders from the various parts of the Presbytery. Besides the regular rou ine business two calls were considered. One was extended . to the Rev. Geo. McKay of Sunderland. ‘ The call was accepted by Mr. Mo Kay and sectioned by the Presbytery. The other was extended by the _congregation of { CHANGE or BUSINESSâ€".LMI': W. Keith has disposed of his blacksmithing busi- ness to W. J. Nichols CHURCH NOTES.â€"The Rev. Mr. Dun- can is absent in Toronto writing on the examination for the degree of RB. The pulpit was last Sunday occupied by the Rev. Mr. Fraser of Toronto, editor of the Sunday school publications. Next Sunday the Rev. Prof. Ballantyne of Knox College will occupy the pulpit. FOR THE Waltâ€"Another large party of residents of this neighborhood left here on Tuesday for tha Northwest. Among those who have gone to seek homes in the golden west were Colin McMillan, Peter Brown, Hector McLean, Alex. Gillanders and Archie Currie. Fenelon Falls t6 the Rev. 'W; Martin now stationed at Tweed. can“ ...... Dr. Greeg has ï¬tted up a ï¬ne ofï¬ce in his residence, as well as making other extensive. improvements. His ex- tensive practice demands increased accom- modation for patrons calling on him and speaks highly of his veterinary skill. . . . . . Word has been received here that the car containing Mr. Strong’s goods and chat- tels, which left' here on Wednesday en route to Manitoba, had not reached Orilila, when a valuable horse had been trcdden to death by its mates. earth was once more wrapt in a nice blanket of the “beautiful snow,†to be blown into heaps again by the terriï¬c storm on Monday, but: old King Sol, who is bringing his forces to bear on our northern lands again, will soon smile on the bare ï¬elds. LITTLE BRITAIN with the influence of c )m- itz:r and McQuade and 3 Adams, deserve great push already: made in get 031 E M E]: My annual Easter Millinery Opening will take lace on Thurs- day afternoon and allowing days. The ladies of the town and dis- trict are invitedto be present. We regret that the-crush of matter this week has compelled us to leave over letters from some.0f our most valued cor- ruspondenta. They are thosa at Cancbray. Salem (Emily), Manilla, Fleetswood and Csdmua. , Hermannâ€"On Tuesday. the 13th inst†Mr. Moore of Wekaorth come to the Falls and induced his father, Mr. R. Moore. era. to return home with him. The old gentleman had been residing on his old homestead in Fenelon, but con- sented to return with his eon on condl- tions that when his journey here was ended hle remains would be mterred near his o‘d home. The journey or excite- ment: proved too much for him, however, and on Sunday morning he quietly and peacefully passed to his long rest. On Tuesday, 21m; inst, the remains were brought to the Falls by train. conveyed to the Methodls; church here, and thence to the spot. where he had desired them to lay. They were accompanied by his eon and daughter-in-lnw. who have the sympathy of many friends in their par th- ularly sad bereavement. Swenâ€"The most severe storm of the season visited us on Sunday and Monday. The snow was drifted so that some roads are impaeeible, and drifts higher than the fences are a common sight throughout the village. Our council deserve gren praise for the manner in which the thorough- fares were opened out On Monday morn- inz. But despite the inclement weather the growth in certain quarters is rapidly appearutg. SHAMROCKâ€"MI. Thee. Austin was on last Friday the proud possessor of a shamrock plant. the present of a dear friend, which arrived from Ireland direct, on Friday (St. Patrick’s day.) During the day Mr. Austin wore the plant, but took great care to protect it from the weather, and in the evening planted In good soil the precious emblem of Erin, where it. now flourishes. We trust that by next St. Patrick’s day he. will be able to furnish his many friends with a leaf as remembrance of the old sod. } ST. ANDREW’S Carson. -â€"()n Friday, ‘March 17th, a most successful social was held m the lecture room of this church, to present. Mrs. F. McDougaJI with a purse and address as a very slight ac- knowledgement of her services as organist. The address was read by Mrs. J. R. Graham and a most enjoyable evening spent by a large number of persons. The The presentation was a greatly deserved one, as Mrs. McDougall has ï¬lled the position of organist for some time in a most praiseworthy manner, and the thanks of the whole congregation are due her for the trouble she has taken ...... The pulpit of this church was ï¬lled on Sunday last. by Rev. air. Brown of Toronto. who preached two very ï¬ne discourses, the evening' one in particular being an intellectual treat. On Monday MissDJ. Dixon and F. MoDougatl left as delegates £10m the congregation to attend the presbytery of Kingston, re the call extended to 112'} Rev. Mr. Martin of Tweed from this c. ngregatiun. 7 games, and Mr. Edwards’ team were obliged to put up the oysters. A most enjoyable evening _waa spent: by all. A â€Only played two games. Mr. Guidal’a team was thus raqcceuful by A. E. Guldal; warden, James H. Saun- ton; conductor. Staph. F. Iogle; chap. lain, Wm. McKeown : trustees. Dr. Mason. A. McGee. S. Nevlson ; auditors, A. McGee, A. E Guidal, Dr. Mason. CHECKERS.â€"For some tlme a nun‘oer of our citizens have been taking great interest in checkers, and the result was a game played in Messrs. Townley Co.’s tailoring establishment on Tuesday even- ing, for the oysters. Below we give the result, by which will be seen the teat: that the honor of winning the largest number of games is due to our worthy reeve, Mr. Wm. McArthur : I Alex. Smith vs. 2 Was. Northey, draw 4 Wm. McArthur vs. 0 J. J. Townley I A. E. Guidal vs. 3 R. McDougall I5 prices. , . . . Who were the two lads who made a path on Sturgeon‘st. last Sunday night after church and the storm ...... The hotels are doing a good lively, orderly trade. ..... Mr. Richardson made {another shipment to-day. Billy Lamb is district buyer and has to hustle __..__ FENELON FALLS C.0.0.F. ELECTION or Cementsâ€"The semi-annual election of ofï¬cers of Trent Valley Lodge No. 71 C.U.O.F. took place in the True Blue hall on Monday night, a very large representation being present. The diflerent ofï¬cers for the en- suing term were almost invariably hotly contested. This is one of the largest lodges in the village, having a member- ship of 110. These are the ofï¬cersfor next term 2â€"}? G., W. T. J unkin ; V.G., David Brokenshire; secretary, F. W.: Train ; treasurer, Lewis peyman_; LLM†qu nunâ€"o..-- v NOTES.-â€"â€"J. D. Thornton. real estate agent. reports nearly all the farms in the vicinity bought or rented ...... Joseph T. Beatty has a carload of potatoes about complete, and has been paying good ‘Lâ€" L_- 1-1-. â€kn and will be his own fault if not re-lnsbated to oflice. Alex. Smith vs. 2 Was. Northey, draw Wm. McArthur vs. 0 J. J. Townley A. E. Guidal vs. 3 R. McDougall ‘ Thos. Shane vs. 0 H. Pearce, draw I Wm. Cosgrey vs. I Martin Haskell Alt. Northey vs. I B. H. Maybee James Fell vs. I C. H. Edwards, draw OUR Bumâ€"Our citizens are asking that our village band should be re-organ- ized. They have always proved a great pleasure and proï¬t to the village during the summer open-air concerts. 7 -_‘ -_L-Ln MILLINERY OPENING TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS THE WATCHMAN~WARDER= LINDSAY, ONT. ct to be present. MISS BANNON. Pun-Cosmic by the Editor. which caused a continued roar of laughter but this was changed to rep-wt when if, was known that; the Pam-Cosmic would at present shut oï¬'steam. It; had gone so far beyond the present; age and brought, forth and deals with problems which would not; be understood for many a century that it, decided to take a bait and wait until the world catches up. Mr. Coiling read an essay on "The Poet; Browning" Which was interesting and didactic. The meeting closed in the usual way. Jackson, Flavelle, Nugeaé,‘ 'J'effers and Johnson. and wm a pretty exhibition: Piano dumb by Misses Harding and Flavelle; 8010 by Frank Manninu; The â€"-The usual meetin of the. Literary Society was held. on l'riday afternoon in the Assembly Hall. There was a lame- and lively audience. The presic‘ent occu- pied the chair in his usualgraceful and aplomb manner. The program consisted of the following : Club swinging bv Misses. T.\In‘vtul\‘\ Tmn ..... 1L. r-m_._r. n‘nrl â€"~Mr. Harstone was in Toronto last \Vednesdnv. being the Literary Society reorceentatxve on the deputation to try apd xpfluence Sll‘ Ralph Muridith and Sir Ollver Mowut b0 deliver lectures here next fall. â€"The boys are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the rifles but we hope that the suspense will not last long as they Wish to keep abreast with the schools which have already organized cadet corps. â€"â€"The Athletic association intend to hold an entertainment shortly after Easter in the skating rink. Preparations are already on foot and doubtless this will be one of the best, if not the best enter- tainment that ever was given in Lindsay. Further particulars will be given later on. â€"-Our curators are to be con ratulated on having, at last, influepced t e society to get. new covers for the magazines. We are progressing. â€"Prof. Sawbones is at present engaged in dissecting a young pigeon in the sum- mer kitchen of the science room. On Wednesday and Thursday, March 29th and 30th, . . . .we will have on display. . .. Pattern Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, etc. 'DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. In the death of Mr. Samuel Brethour of Sunderland that village and the adjoining lcountry has lost a useful man. Mr. jBrethour was the agent of the Bell Tele- ‘Dhone Company and conducted a general insurance business as well. Some time ago he contracted the grip,from which he never fully recovered, and after a protracted ill.» nees passed away on the 7th inst.at the age of 65. A widow and daughter survive him. Mr. Brethour was a zealous member of the Methodist church. The funeral took place on Thursday the 9th and a large number followed the remains to the Vallentyne cemetery. JAMES FAIR. One of Brook's oldest settlers passed away on Tuesday the 7th inst, when at the ripe age of 87 Mr. James Fair went to the great majority. Mr. Fair settled on the farm on which he died, about 60 years aczo, when, as a young man, he came to thir country from county Mayo, Ireland. During all those six decades no man was more honored or enjoyed the conï¬dence. of his neighbors more than Mr. Fair. He wasa useful man. a Conservative and a« Methodist and loyal to both after the sturdy fashion of our forefathers. A family of three daughters and one son sur- vive him. The funeral to the \Ve‘t cemetery on Thursday was largely attend- ed. l Friday‘s papers contained news of a shocking nature for Mr. S. Perrin, drug- gist. of this town, in the tidings of his brother’s death under peculiarl distress- ing circumstances. Mr. John errin was a farmer in Bruce county not far from Kincardine. He was sixty years old. On Thursday morning he drove to the woods far back on his farm to et a load of wood. Later in the day the arses came home without him and his family were alarmed and the more so because they found traces of blood on the lines. Going at once to the woods they found Mr. Perrin dead. A pool of blood and a terrible gash in his foot told the story. The wound had evidently so prostrated him that he was unable to reach the wagon and get home. Mr. S. Perrin left on Friday evening to com- passionate the bereft family aud attend his brother's funeral. Rev. Thos. Manning, B.A., Lindsay, will greach educational sermons on Little ritain circuit next Sabbath as follows: Little Britain, 10 3.111.; Valentia 3 p.m.; and Wesley 6.30 p.m. Offerings W111 be taken in the interest of the fund. ‘ '4). MILLINERY OPENING. EDUCATIONAL MEETING ' ' ' will include Our Mllllnery Dlsglrgy exact copies of Paris and New York Patterns. Hats and Bonnets, as well as copies of the newest creations by_your own expert, artists. h b - For Months Back mg; “ghigegiggg’g, STUDYING STYLES, SCRUTINIZING VALUES, KETTERING QUALI'IIES, and pm Thursday next. 23rd of March and'followmg days you will ï¬nd ready for your criticisms the ï¬nest display of Millinery, Mantles and Dress Goods you have yet seen in this store. Miss Clarke SAMUEL IBRETHOITR. MANTLES. DRESS EUUDS SAD ACCIDENT L.C.I. NOTES MILLINEHY, BS Clarke in Charge of our Millinery De- _________ p,artment has shown wonderâ€" ful taste in her selections of all that 1s new and fashionable in Materials, as weil as a. depth of originality, that will be appreciated by the ladies of this vicinity. OBITUARY IUUO ' ‘ MARCH 23rd, 24th and 25th. Open Thursday Evening for Display Only. I have. a cvup‘xc of fine teams, one bucks tfhn other L" 931°. '1 he" m c m do my carting a v! n ammg busiâ€" new. I ~m om hand night or claw. {take orders for wood, suing! a. lumber, etc.. and de ivcr them. My terms fur m‘H’iuu stun are rcasonable. Orders my be Mt at. Dr Shier’s omce. Asking my ohm of your luminous. _ am. yours truly m- plume 77.â€" 10.4. J. Ems mmnocx. TUESDAY, MARCH 2lsrâ€"By Thos. Swain, auctioneer, credit sale of household furniture and butcher shop furn- ishings, the property of Mr. J. C. Rutherford, Little Britain. Sale with- out reserve, as Mr. Rutherford is re- moving to the Northwest. FRIDAY, AIAR. 241'Hâ€"By Thos. Swain, auctioneer, credit sale of a ï¬ne lot of young farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. Wm. Veale, lot 20, con. 9, Cartwright. Sale at one o’clock and without reserve. TUESDAY MARCH 21. -By Elias Bowes, auctioneer. Crdeit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of J as. B. Peel, lot 9, con. 4, Bexley. Sale at one o‘clock and without reserve. FRIDAY,,1\IARCH 24â€"By Elias Bowes, auc- tioneer. credit sale of farm stock and implements. the property of Duncan McPhail, west half Jot 1, con. 10, Garden. Sale at one o'clock and with- out reserve as Mr. McPhail is moving to the Northwest. TUESDAY, APRIL 4â€"By James H. Lennon, auctioneer. sale of frame house and seven acres of land. situated on Bertha. st-., east ward, Lindsay. known as the hencry. Also a frame house on Dur- ham-st. No. 70 and a quarter acre of land. Sale at Benson House at one The above is the title of a. lecture to be delivered in St. Andrew’s church on Tues- day evening. April 4th, by Rev. Dr. R. N. Grant of Orillia. Dr. Grant's eminence as a preacher, lecturer and wnter should insure alarge audience. Walla to our floaters. BLACK AND WHETE o'clock. isplay TE‘WTURDM “THE AVERAGE MAN" SALE REGISTER Mantles and Capes Dress GOOdS Our Dress Goods Display will include all the latest weaves of Whip Cords, Coverts. Broad-Cloths, War. steds, Suitings, Crepons, etc. All the Ncwm Colorings are here. Qualities are many grades better, whlle we have been more careful. than ever that prices should be as low as heretofore. ’ "er (direct from German manufacturers). Silk and Metallic Sateen Skirts, Wrappers, Blouseg and Tailor-Made Suits. will be most interest. ing. invited to come and edjav'ttié OPEN HOUSE. to send, by past, prepai’, M. .' w: Anderson. Linxiscw i'_u._ SHEEP. ' ‘ ‘ j“; and Sand: Ann Hi: ry, cu-g':.:.»" ..‘ *‘ chute u up? said WxLiua. \ ‘ ‘ suz'uanu-s, addresses and M L: i- . iars of their clam“. and 1h: ‘2! ' ‘ .. . .‘ (if any) held by xhczr. '1‘;- 5:11: “\\ "j “,Lg, ‘ nix shal‘, after the add :Wn H" . * ;;;;¢,- v, 15.9, be at liberty to disnzbuzg 3:“. said deceasefl, or any part new». '. g (a? entitkd thereto. inning regaui w. " r be ‘ Pixie: they have then notice3 3W5 F723? w- or! 0838325 or an rt L cre’ W ‘ any 981801: of whoseycgm such executor ‘e’mï¬! trix has not had notice at the “‘1‘ . distribution. of " MeSWEYN ANDERSON cg the '1‘onI aw in the County of Victoria, soiicxtors for and Sinh Ann Ellen. M DatedttLindny, the 11th my 0‘ 899.â€"11-4. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes Chap. 119, Sec. 38. the Creditors 0 late of the Township of Fenelcn, i Victoria. farmer, deceased. who dm‘ 9th do! of September, A.D., 189:. .\1 betore the TERMSâ€"Ten per cent. down azad J month “thou: interest. There will be a reserve bid. For further niculus and cow apply to the un ersizned. A DENNISIOUN. PECK STEVEx: an. Petal-borough. Vendor's. Solicitors Dated 6th March, 1899â€"10-4. PARCEL 3.â€"'1'th put of Lot No, L‘. concession of said 'Downsnio of 802m South and Southâ€"Fm of the Bum: Rm screamckared. There is on the P31 dwelling l; statics high with frame add a log barn and fume shed. The lax miles from Kinmount. PARCEL 2.â€"The North ha?! of Lot 9th concession of the Tovmship of 5 acres more or less. About 20 acre: There is a log dwelling about 18 by :4 1 stable about. 18 by ‘24 Ieet. The Ian tunes from Kinmount. oeaaion of the Township of Snowde mmrmgrg 9r legs. PURSUANT to the powen of as: certain mortgages. which will be pr me of snle, there will be offered for AuctiOn, name Simpson House, in Lindsay. in the Comm of “atone. o Eleventh d y of Apnz ., at one p m. lands. namely .â€" PABCEL 1. â€"Lot.s Noe. 13 end 14'. * CABLE FARM PROPERTY.â€"L’ader virtue ‘of the power of sale contained in mortgage. which will be produced .n the tin: there will be (flered f 31' ea e by Pub 3c Auct Simpson House, in the Town of Lmdea3 on S the Eighth day of April 1899 at :30 ( afternoon, all ma: wluable hum Properrv East Half of Lot Number Four, in Ill? F -3 cession o! the Township of Feeelon. in Ii et Victorit. contuning one hundrrd ma am This propextyis well situated on the m: in ' Cameron to Lindsay. I. pan the pre pert3' 2 be a. good dwelling housep and barn. '1 El“ per cent to be paid down on the (1:3 of sale. Nance uithin .0 day, or the purchaserza err-angemems vith the \ endoz s St.‘\lk'.102‘5 balance to remain on mortgage. For In: the' hrs and conditions at ale appl3 w )hLal 1(ch ARMlD Vendms' 50‘ icitors L. Lindsay this 7th day ofMarch, 1399â€"11 Lindsay, Haliburton am? Matfamz u‘ay Company. Notice is hareby given that emanation zmde to the Parliament of Canada 3.: its next for an Act to extend the times limmed {or m mncement and completion of the Iindsav, H g and lawn: Railway. S. HUGHES, Pm Lindsay, 2nd Februnry. 1899.49. Ityou wantto buy orseua House orLot. or! 2. Bone; or if '01: m: yuurrents cone promptly. can on the unders gn.ed M} terms selling areone per cent. A’sc- R ' . Oï¬u Servants. FnANCIS MARKS, R Estate Ag ï¬rst door north of G.T.B. smtion.-9-4. ‘ to bail! a house in town. have to supply everything. 33:: which is on the ground. He 11: us: . 3 gr od pisno. 1 oeycn year old )2 me or nuns sgood «10:1,: cutter. hunees and to etc. App; v a! WARDER camâ€"10 3. " the North Halt Lot 15, Con. 15‘ Maxim acres. This is a very desirable tum. well imam shout half mile from Gmshiu Station. on M36 3.3.. Sixty acres cleared Posseuion given a: time. A. He'thGART, Woodville 90â€"9-4. 'l' The armies in Toronto who have pure the book bta and subscription ace-outs a Vtctoria. Wuder up to the 31m December. 1-395, placed the same in the hmds ot the underage collection. Prompt payment um save c4325. J KELJ-ZY. Lindsay, Jan. zeth, 1599.4. land. Good stable. Will take {cam of two cowsaspart pay. A 1 1t No. 5 I South Wardâ€"10.4. ppy THE VICTORIA uARDE “A rAâ€"oh... :. m-_._.- TO CONTRACTORS. â€" W to bum a house in town. Comma: FARM FOR S-IX’_LE_onr?j OLA \‘nâ€"‘L YI’-In v ,A ~ N QHCEES hCYFbY HOUSE AND LOT FOR C nâ€"One _u:d_ a half storeâ€. will ha} MPORTANT SALE OF Y 20m DAY or APRIL, M ALE OF FARM LANDS XECUTORS’ NOTICE 1' .TOTICE. SOMEBVILLE 6D SNOWDEN CR Real Estate and Servants' Reg- istry Ofï¬ce. REDII‘ORS â€0.111 8P0 30. id 3761} MARCH 231m Our Display of Mantles and Capes tréedom‘ 5E I W . three W! at {WATCH gn'en 1399. A Dmmrz Cu 53d mm maued 3. 8 nscire cf this nd'honrof d I tumble to ex; gaulymwfli a; Caner Tum am from a 1:3: by In. Rabt. J With my dunks apt 0% :9“? Pm 3", I: McF Pmsï¬a rug†haze til W0 .t. hook!!! fc GOWAII 051 an Wt he: Wary class w Wag forwq BM of Toronfl Wm. é Le“ Post“- 3 7-â€". _ nu, ., to the floor. ya I» nchly .01. the highs khï¬dch tbev HIGHLI Thoma on m. Abou held LAD and mm Polio