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Watchman (1888), 12 Apr 1888, p. 2

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am; The rush ofimmigrauts into Manitoba still continues' twelve hundred arriving last week. On the 8th four colonist trains, consisting of 55 cars. arrived, filled with settlers and stock. Many are possessed of means and all appear desirable settlers. One hundred and ninety-three cars of stack have arrived to date this year. against 1 50 during the whole of lastyear. Immigration agent ()raham reports that never in the history of Manitoba was therea season when inbor was so much in demand or wages better than during the past year. Amongst the arrivals of immigrants this year are a large number from Europe. l The ironclad "Nile.” which was i launched at the Pembroke dockyard onl the- :37th of lust month, is an immense structure. She is the heaviest shipof war ever launched in Great Britain. Her weight an: she was launched 7 was not less than 6700 tons, she is built of steel, she has not been quite two years on the stocks and she was built at the rate of 6LT tons a week. The cost of construction was about $70an. She, measures 345 feet in length lief/ween the perpendiculars and is 73 feet in beam. Her load draught is 27 feet ‘ forward and 28 feet aft. Her displace- ment is 12,000 tons, ané the engines which propel her have an indicated ! horse power of 12,000 and are expected ' to drive her at the rate of lfighiotsu, Bucket Shops. )1 r. Abboc’s bill for the suppression of Bucket Shops has passed its third reading in the senate, and it is likely that this npecies of gambling will be given its quietus. it is not directed rgnin‘st fair transzwtions in stocks (\‘c., but against the undisguised gznubiing that goes on in bucket shop, which brings ruin on many a young man, “Commercial Union.” We inserted a short article last week under the above caption, and stated that both our members spoke on the subject. }\'e regret having done Mr. Barron an ‘ unintentional injustice. in stating that he spoke in favor of the "Commerciali Union." The questions before lhei House was " unrestricted free trade” with the States. and not “Commercial Union.“ Mr. Barron draws our attention to the error in a letter which we give in another column. Partial Reciprocity. , ' The Government has decided to place on the free list certiiin articles which have for some time been admitted. into the United States free of duty. This action on the part of the authori- ties has given uiuch satisfaction, and we have no doubt that when our neigh- bouts choose to advanceastep towards reciprocal enterchange they will be met fully half way. The articles now placed on the free list are “natural products,” :uid_is in accordance with the following provision of the law, which has been on the statute book for some time : u “Any of all the folluwing things, that. is to say, animals of all kinds, green fruit. hay. straw. bran, seeds of all kinds, vege- tables (including potatoes and other roots plants. trees and shrubs, can] and‘ ceke. salt, hops. wheat, peas and beans, barley, rye. oats, Indian corn. buckwheat and all other grain, flour of wheat and flour of rye, Indian meal and oatmeal. and flour and meal uf any other grain, butter. cheese. fish (sdted or smoked). lard, tal- low, meats (fresh. salted or smoked), and lumber may be inqxn'ted into Canada free of duty ur at a less rate uf duty than is provided by this act, upon prwlaniation of the Governor-in-Cnuncil. which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfac- tiun that similar articles from Canada may be imported into the United States free uf duty, or at a mte of duty not exceeding that lmyable on the same under such pm- clamation when imported into Canada." mg on}! r. joncs amenamcnt m ravor or the scheme. In a house of 191 members the government’s majority was 57. ( )n Mr. Foster's amendment, favoring extended trade relations, and reaffirming the National Policy was carried on the same division. The conservatives “'ch greatly eluted at their success, and "God save the Queen” was sung lustily. treal Star says:â€"â€"'l‘hat is what has been called the reciprocity clause, and when the supporters of the Government have been reproached with being opposed to reciprocity with the United States they . have very properly pointed to this pro- vision of the law to show that the Ameriwns can, whenever they please, have reciprocity with Canada. No treaty is, they truly said, necessary to establish as close commercial relations_ as ever exhisted between the twol countries. All the Americans had to do was to put natural products on the free list or to lower the duties imposed on them, and the (im eznment of Can- a'la, without :1 treaty or even p:1.rlia.â€". 111e11tary action, would ,1'1-ciprocate-i The thruse we have quoted was! spoken of :11. :1 standin“ otter of which' the \mericans Would avail themselves; whenever. and to what- extent they] pleased. The argument was unax1swer- i able. It showed clearly that the (rev-i ermnent was not opposed to a. Very§ large measure of reciprocity with the L nited States That this was not :1: ..1isr r~pres1ntz.tion of the intentions of the (in‘erxnnent man be seen from what Sir Leonzud TilleV said in his}; budget speech of 1879. " In 01dc1 to show that we approach his question in In writing on this subject the Mon- ‘ l The Vote on Unrestricted Reciprocity. The vote on "unrestricted reciprocity-v. was taken at 5 O'clock on Saturday morn- ing on)“. Jones amendment in favor of the scheme. In :1 house of 19: members i the United States tn. ‘2 of t xe ( u xes in part or in whole we are prepared to to meet them with equal concessions.” THI'RSDAY. APRIL 12th 1d.“ Che Wtatcbman. thlnycil 1: Wrong Signal. NEW YORK. Aptii 9.â€"'I‘hi3 afternoon n local passenger train on the Pcnnsrlvnnla Road run into the max- of u (might. Unix: surging on the main track about. a mile from Jprsey City. .mnshiug the naascngcr locumofiyc. caboose and sevuml cars and injuring a dumber of pa‘sscngers severely. The ace-{dent was caused by a lolcgmylh ooemtor displaying a, WP)!!! 3 hour. She is built to bean unsinkable; ship, her hull below the protective deck“ liming. divided int: 120“ .« mete; . ' ' compartments. The ‘f e ” wharltfiigf resist the mostpowerful artil' “ g . and sheistobeso'dnuedas toylzefier: 6 formidablea warvesselaasegnwin i lits preSent “.state «ean produé'e. m5 ; difiiculty with war ships in these days i of scientific and mechanical progress is; l that they are apt to become soon ; gobsolete. The ship which is regarded! I to-day as impregnahle may three yearsl ‘ hence be entirely out of date. Whether l ‘ or not this is to be the case with the :1 E "Nile" time alone can tell. i . The Peterboro Review says:â€"~Amongi » the passengers for Peter-bard on the. 1 Grand Trunk express due here at 8.50 l , p. In.. on Saturday ,was a Mrs. Pickens, I ; a resident of Toronto, but who formerly : firesided here. The brakeman entered; 3 the car near the Protestant Home and l ; called out "Peterborow Mrs. Pickens i l thought the train was near the depot and about to stop. She gathered up her things, walked out on the platform 4 and off on the road while the train was in rapid motion. She was picked up in I la short time zmd it‘svas found that one I l of her knees was dislocated. She was taken up to the hospital and toâ€"(lay‘ she gwas progressing nicely. She will not i be able to leave the institution for some l time. however. Shot by a “0’ Engineer. Cmawo, Apri19.â€"At 7 to-night. a “Q" engine manned by scuba was approaching the West- ern Indiana trncks Iron; Lha’fiomhwcst. At Fort-y-scvam-hâ€"slreci. a crowd threw sLoncs through the cab window. when Charles Som- mers. ono of the crew. drew n revolver and firing it at the crowd struck James Boylnn, n. foundryman. in the knee. AL FortieLh-strcct ihc engine met thesnmc reception from another crowd. Seminars ngnin brought his pistol into use. He shot Mike Welsh, {L “'ubnsh en- gineer. in the groin, wounding him family, An alarm having been given to the police the engine was intercepted and Sommors arrestmi. Sir Charles Tuppcr. it is understood. )5 we}! enough tonight to be able to be In his place ‘0- marrow when he will introducg his bill rcspe fl- ing the Fisheries Treaty. lion. J. H. Pope is slowly recovering. To- day. muflicd in great. rumba took a (1 five around Parliament Hill. Mr. Scar! h bid good-bye to the House to-dny nnd 1ch fur Winnipogto-night. He will not return this Session. The tide ot immigration has set in in Manitoba and Mr. Scnrlh‘s ser- View as manager of the Canadian Northwest Land Company are absolutely required M. home. Slr (‘harlcn In Introduce Ills It!" Respect: Ii”: the Hun-rim ’l‘rrnty 'l‘o-Dny. Ornun. April 9.:~'I‘he Senate sat, for an hour lo-dn)‘ nnd nsscxntcd lonscceml reading of Mr. Abbott‘s bill for the protection of sub- marine cables, Senator Frank Smith of To- runlx). nitcrau ubscupu of several weeks. was in his Mum: 10-day, Mr. (inschcn thanked Mr. Gladstone (or the complimmunry part of his criticism. 11c upheld that budget scheme ns n whole. and said he trusted the House would accept it. l Saturday night. Now, the great (nit-stion [ f is, will our employers grant such a boon to 2 ' their wenried employees during: the dread- ' fetl hot spells of July and August! “'11! 3 they open their hearts Hullicicutly to Enable l us to have one after: oon in the week, my JVednc-sday. in which we may rest from 3 our labors and seek health and renewed i strength away from the toils; and cares of i business without having to take that, in. ; dispennible rest and recuperation on the j Sabbath clay! The onus of the above men- l ' tionezl alternative largely rests on them. i \l'ill they help us to be true to ourselves ‘ and retain our bodily health. without which 1 we cannot work, and still keep the com- . mandmcnt. "Pwmcmbcrthc Subhathdayto ' keep it holy f" Of course, wears- well aware j that a few will look for pleasurable expite- fluent on Sunday whether they have the 1 half holiday ut‘ not, nevertheless it, is also equally true that many morn. of both sexes, l will take advantage of tho half holiday for istmuscnnrnt and rccr-ution and that (lay onlv. The Hume than Went. mm committee on the budgetresolutions. Mr. Ulndsmnc named to know what. (:unzsc 'hc Chanccnnr of the Ex- chcqucr “mum l: 1‘ c In the m out of mo House not adopting «he new taxes, In: commended the budget as :1 whom, but said that the pro- pnscd new luxutluu dumnmlcd clusc scrutiny. o l 2L e emp oyeea 111.101.1epu it w 10 ran - il1 fell into the MW of punhusing all the most indis ~115il1le1'1rtiele5 ot‘t‘ood.elotl1im..r etc., etc.. 1' e 011-11111!r prior to the half holi- (1:11 ormg- 11y .ninzothat do). In addmon to this it 11131 t1“ 11tht'u.11 he said that dur- ing the hotest months, July and ‘11."1151, very little business 15 1‘ one and customers are few: the fa rming con111111nit1',;1.5 :1 body. 31-91111511vengz1gezl on the farm and 3.5 a. conse uenee of this little Dr no trade would be 0.5:. and if any 511011111 be it 11' ould be o11l1' :1 tom )omx 1' 1055,3110. the purthames 1 011111 llllt onhtedivl 1e 111:1de'1 1 another time. Should 1211.5 111111' 21 eoveted concession he grant ted 11efeel~1ti5tiedtl1zy 1 even 1111 1101111- in the town 01 Lindm) would redouble hi5 or her el'lort5 to in- erease the 5:1le5 of the” vet-net live estuh- i li:5hme11t5. and lw .50 d )in '1' 5hc11’.i11 :1 pr; 1c- 1 ticahle way, their heartfelt nppreent 141.11, of the kindness she“ 11 t 1e111 in gran: 111.;1'1 what they consider to be hut :111 not at? simple b115i11é5:4.’1§nk the nintter m ('1‘ merchantmn Li11d.5‘;1.1',11nd you “ill lind' ti: .1! vou \1iil dojust :15 much l1115111e55 111 the 5e:15011 have better 1-. ork clone. and 11"l1at 15 farbetternconsciousnesr. that you have at 191151 acted consideratelv and humanely 11ith the men and women in your employ who now occupy the same positions you were once i1; _\'0ur5elves. §Al.l~)~‘.\1.\.\'. the Potted Stat both countries equality. and [711111-11 Sum-.1 ( the cltlzcns or I either country 1 11:2. The vote 1 gaken first; :11 Amvot. Armstrong. Bail) 1“ cut. ) Barron, licchnrd. Bender, Bordon. Bonrussa. ‘ Bowman. Brien. B11 rdctt. Dnrtw‘t (Sir Ii Casey, Clam-11111. Charlton. Chouinm‘d. D11 1' ies. ' Be St._ George e83" 111:, Doyon. Edgar. Elscnhaucr. 113.115 Audcr. 811111 ( Soul ) this evening 51' Jui.‘..’r~: 2‘ urns my, l‘urlizuzrcn: nry Sn'rcmx-g: r'nr 12m Emu:- ufiieu, siuie’. Hm: n. mew 1mm, .nmmn! ‘v‘: [.0 $10,030.00). had been In Me by Hu- Erypz ian (un’cmmenf. The Hume nullmrizell. L‘s‘l m 109. £GC nay- mont of a salary In Right Thu. E. It. Kingâ€" Ilm-mun, [has Ea:;2.«:zn:u-y Umlm- Svurclur)’ rm- Irelnml. A muziuu by Sir. Juslin McCarthy lo ndjourn debate on We quu‘stinn was defunled by 169 to 101. Mr. '1‘. 1‘. O'Connor declared Iloaulm NJIn-nalisls were resolved to oppose the bill at « cry surge. ‘~ LONDON, Ana-i: this evening Si - nry Secretary x‘ ”ml :1 new Innn been mule by H) qu.-In the last issue of the '\’\'.\'rt:n_\ti\:~' I read your editorial statement that I had made a. vigorous speech in support of “Commercial Union." I am conscious that Tm: \VATCHMAN does not desire to inten- tially or wilfully misrepresent any one, hence I do not hesitate to draw youruttcn- thin to the fact that the question of “Con;- mercial Union" has not been before parlia- ment. alnd therefore I could not have spoken in support of it. The issue embraced in Sir Richard Cartwright's resolution, was whether or not Canada should have un- restricted or free trade with the United States, a, very dilferent trade arrangement, if adopted, to that of Commercial Union. The latter may have its disadvantages, none of which would he sutl‘ercd 'oy oper- ation of the Liberal Policy while, at the same time, all its benefits would be secured by reason of free and uninterrupted intim- course with the marketsto the south of us. Tours, c., Jon): A. BARRON. II Sew I. To the. Editor of'l‘m: WATcHMAx Sm,- â€"7 For manv \‘ears the clerks and book-keepers of thh 101111 male and female, have felt that during the hot summer months they 1-011112 1‘0 at 10 as: one afternoon i11tl1e week for 19:11 and rurcallon apart from the (lust 111111 11111101 11th:; air drawn 111- m tlu- lungs from Monday morning until The svlmmc works well in Toronto and other rifles and towns; in the province, would it not lu: mlvisahla to try it- here? Mung: thought at first it. was imprauticuble but it war; in mlmirablq working order_in To the Editor of THE “’ATCHMAN Ottawa, April 9. 1888. COMMUNICATIONS. BRITAIN'S PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL NOTES. Our Half Holiday. Th6 I I H "PUG?!“ . _ _._-........w. E The French grigis is q! the mvat nature, { and is nan-genus more European gtgention : than the natxrement of President (heavy, ‘ Mr. Joseph Chambeflain believes ghat the ' power of the democracy is 'more direct m ; Great Britain than in the ITde States. A proclamatien has beenisnrreptitiously dis- tribumd in the kmrraéks at Sofia. denouncxng Prince Ferdinand as a German adventurer. A man named Ivanofi Wes recently arrested in from; of Count Tolstql’s residence, armed with a revolver,‘ and waiting to BhOQt'thQ Pant-A, ‘ ' ' The new French Cabinet (figsists member of the Extreme Left, five met the Radical Left apd four Moderates. , _ _-_.-v.- rut...“ myl um common or Emperor Fred encl’ s larynx u unchanged, but but general agrength has increased. The Grand Vizler of Bokhara has beenvmur (lured by a native, who, with his momplices, were at once executed. Th0 daughter of a Russian my officer isg-e. ported to have been detected in a dynamite plus 334%; phe Czar. 1r'I'ho Logdujn LEW“? says the qondition of wvw u~vnuvu N form two new Uhlanrregu'ne'nts at an annual cost of $t00,000. The Congregation 9f gfip Index E; urga- Lorius has .decided not :9 condemn enry George's wnciugs'. ‘ ‘ Queen Victoria will visit the German Em- peror and Empress at Potsdam before return- ing to England, . form t“ 0 new ‘ cost of 3:00 000 ‘ .v‘qv“ w“ my queun N.C., which {ms fifigvéed t6 pass qmtantin'e’a New York. . Claus Spreokels has decided to build a sugar refinery In Philadelphia. with acapacity of 7000 barrels a. day. The Austrian Government have decided to ‘5‘...“ A._A»r 7" ‘ Boyle. ' )1 Brown. 1.‘ Burns. ]' ganmfion. ll: ‘m‘gi . Curling. ll Curpcn l or. I\ Caron (Sir A.) .Y: Dhnnlomz, .l: Chisholm. Jt Chuon. K Coch m u u\. L Cockbum. L Colby. - l. Corby. L Cosiigan. h Couzhliu. 1 ! Coulombo. 31 Cum urn. A: Curran. RE ”My. ! Dunusr. 3 R Darin. M Davis. .‘J I):u\'shn. M Donisun. M l)os:u12ni.~r.:. M Desir 'lihli‘, 1" Dickinmm. I‘d Dupcmr. “ Ferguson (1 .’;"-’.')‘.X l“cr;.:u.<oml:un.\ ‘.l Fel'g'sn (\VlmMM Foster. .\i 41m Umw>4m 02 Cmewfianude QNJ. 05300.? 002mm 4.0 >2 mZU. A Male M lasted Sqfintqfla m . . ' ' “2‘ 2:" Closes by a "on: \Suslnlnlng lhe III-ls- tryâ€"The .Vlajoruy or (he Admin-allo- lzcachcs Fifty-Seven. A l‘ , . Tut‘mun'. April 5.-â€"The galleries of the Home “are crowded to-day, and enjoyed a rare oratorx‘cal treat, for don. Mr. Laurie: spoke in favor of Cinmnercial Union, and Hon. Mr. Chaplcau against ic. Both were in their best form. Mr. Laurinr twitted the Conser- vatives on their assertions of loyaltv, which, he thought, were caused by fear rather than sincerity. Canada is a grand country, but therois something wrong when we see our population moving away. There is 3. “anti- ment of (‘iisL-nnto-nc and irritation which must bc wiped out. The causn is that. we have not a. proper economic condition in labor and nmnufactw'es. The N.P., he declared, had bum introduced by the Conservatives with a vie-w todrifing the United States into reci- procity of nude. That. contention and the present policv of the Government Were incon- sistent. The union of Canada to-day is a. union gm mxmr. . "The only_ remedy; for the _ ._ -.‘..,‘ln ” umun Uu yaw-pvt. an...» '1qu -â€"_v_, condition of affairs now existing in Canada,” said Mr. Laurier, “is to ado t the resolution introduced by Sir Richar Cartwright. It would open wide to us the trade of the 60,000,- 000tothe south, yet the Government refuse to do this. They offer to go a certain extent and no further. They stand on their di ity and will not budge an inch. They had, low- ever, failed in their effort to secure limited reciprocity : the United States failed to be coerced by Canada. The offer made by Can- ada. was regarded as a thrwt and the threat had been unsuccessful.” Mr. Chapleau com- Eliinented Mr. Lauder on his eloqucnt efi'ort, ut thought that his loyalty might better have been boasted of in time of danger. The brandishing of the loyal sword now come with bad grace from one who some months ago pro- claimed that had he been in the Northwest rebellion he, too, would have shouldered the musket. This brought forth a. storm of Op sitiou lnssvs. Mr. Chaplean proceeded to dice: cuss the National Policy and referred to the fact that Congress had declined to entertain proposals for reciprocity. Canadians favor heipnmity, but they Would have Unrestricted Reciprocity, and it was the Goveniment’s oh.ect to govern in accordance with the coun~ tl‘;'l.\ wish. to build up a national s )irit and to dun-lop the country untrainmel . Other Sputkors were Messrs. Flynn, Weldon, Sample and Husson, and Dr._}_Vils‘o'n. 1‘ r.,,r__'| -A Bell. Bergeron Bowel}, ' k'cr‘.’ _ ell. Bowman. Inncx. Robcrl son. Brian. Jones (11:11.) lmwund. Bunlctr. Kirk. Sic. Mario. Cnrtw't {Sir R.’ lmndcrkin. Scrivcr. Casey, lung. Sample. Cusgruin. Lnngl'x‘ (Mop!) Sunwrvillc. Charlton. I." uglier (Qu‘u.) Run hovmud. (Tlmujuzu'd. Luuricr. ’l‘row. ' Davies. Lister. 'l‘m'cor. Dc St. Georges. Livingsf on. \Vuisun. Dcusniux, Lm‘clt. \Vcldon (31'. J.) Doyon. Mm-d'id (Hum) \Vvlsh. Edgar. Muhzlyrc. lesuu (Elg.) Eisuuhaucr. McMil‘n (Hum) â€"67 tutu LI.’ .‘nvu, uuA\- ~.. .. ._ ",7. Mann, ..\pri16.-â€"The House adjourned at 3.30 this morning without coming to a. division on Sir Richard Cartwright’s Unrestricted Re- cipmcit ' motion, although the Governmentat- temptmi several times to force one. The fact that thz-m Were as many Govgrnment gs Opplo- uuwu h|1\ |\r .u..\. . sitiuu members who vaultédfitgsyeak oxfihe motion precluded the possxbihty u thlst My. Laurier :gbrolxgtely Arefuscgl to treat w1th Su' A,LAA John with a. viowdof drawing the debate to a close until everyone who wanted to talk was giwn an opportumty to do so, and so when the House rvnsseluhled at 3.15 this afternoon, :th‘l' a little routine had been transacted, the lonesome talk was resumed and was continued throughout the lung. weary hours of; the night. SATURDAY, April" 1â€"K: last, after, seven- teen days of debate, in which over sixty mem- bers of the House took part, a vote was rcucilcd on Sir Richard Cartwright’s Unre- stricted Recipmcity resolution. Nearly ‘a dozen members occupied the floor during the aftcrnuun and night, rehashing‘ the same old arguments for and against. At 4.10 this morning; tho division took place. Sir Richard'»; motionâ€"- Thu; l'. in highly desirable that the largest possible treatium of commercial intercoursu should obtuu be tween the Dominion of Canada and the United States. and tlm: liis CYlN'liiCHE that all articles m-umfncturcd in, or ”10 natural products of ciLhu‘r of the stud coun- mun should he admitted {1-00 of ducv into the ports of the mlwr. luriiclcs subject to duties of excise or of in- ternal rcwnua alum: excepted). me ['nitod States aimuiil he thruwn'opcn to Teach of both countries ()3) a fuming,- 1)! complete reciprocal equality. and Hunt vessels of all kinds built in the United Smtm or (‘mmdn may he owned and smiled by the citizens ur the other nu I be entitled to registry in citiwi cuumry and to all the bum-um thereto appertain- ins. That It is further expediunt that tho Government at tin: Dominion ‘should {aim maps at an early date to u- ccriainonnhzi: tvrms and conditions arrangement! canim L'fh‘viml with tho United States for the pur- pesv 0i u‘cm In" full. ad unrestricted reciprocity of trade ilxt‘rcni: h Mr. Foster's nmendmentâ€" ' ‘ Tl ..; all the womb: after “that“ be struck out in unicr :0 add iiivtniiowiug: Canada in the future as 1.1 the (ins: '3 do~irous of culmuting and bxioniiing trmlv ioluiions with the United swim in so fur as UN) may no; cuniiict will! the in». i.) or fusn‘r: m: Lit: van-lens industries and in- [cu-.1». "1' the Dominion. which was adopted in 1879 and Inn ainca H‘Cl‘hl‘d in so marked ninnnnci tho sanction and npni'ovnl uf the people. Mr. Jmies’ zuiicndniuntâ€" That in nnyarrniigomcm ium‘cen Canada and the Uni: ud Stun-s providing for me free inipormiion into caciicuuim" (lithe natural and inannfuciiircd pro- iluctions of the other, it. is highly desirable that. it A; case of mm DOMINION PARLIAMENT. annex 1;: wmrted 845 (3014221 .l.|1'sh:l”l. rKlesun. M Ilia (.1. np.’ Munmguu. Nu: Manson. Hesson. H11 key. llmlsxicm. I\ ('5. mm oson. .:ln u an. .Inzu's (Him) Ki. :mlrick Luhz-ussv. Sm Ill l,.':IIlI'y Smilh (OIIL) L In {In iII(SiIH)Hp:~0IIlze. 1mm in. Su-vmxson. 'L‘ (1.31) 1110517.). )luv lnr .I1.u(.uI\IIH ‘I‘mnpio. 4 "Ill”l)’ '1 human. l:c-(‘n:":.. 'l‘ Immpson. Mr 1‘ IIII -‘I|(\'iv. ) ”I iS'IIIlc. AI'1'5' ug M: P lot) '1 upper (Eden) ‘1 E) u ‘ 211((J:;'r)l"\\hilta J Giga uh. ,(tirmuu‘d. (Enrdnn. (i rmulhnis. (:uiklmult. (v u: ' Hot. In 1:g.mi't. lmuricl‘. Lister. Liviugsf on. Lm'cl t. Mm-d'id (Huh) NC} ::I yrc. McMil'n (Hun) McMnllcn. (All I , Uilln llulluu Fisher. (scum-ion Gilhnm‘. God bout. N 7‘. Y8. ;, five memfiemvo‘f' \‘ Pal I -:rson (Fax) I’m Icy (Assim) germ (On) ’01: (:1. him, 1' u rm. 301d. Riomfl. inbillzlhl. L'mmc. Ross. Royal. lfiykcrl’. hearth. Slumly. Sunll. Smilh‘(OnL) Muffin, Nun l plaislr. 0' m H)". Mills (1301);.) Mitchell. Nuluck. Paterson (Bmt) ’crry. ’lult. ’Iwcrnnlninc liiuf: ct. Rube: Ison. liownnd. Ste. Marie. of one L 67 and the Vatican, and When the details are gtglfgd 3118818 will accredxtaMmister to the A French Anarchist named Morelle has been arrested in Geneva. charged with at- tempting to blow up mth dynamite the Church of the Sacred Heart at Montmartre, Pans. The Moorish Government, undismnyed by the one United Stntea shi of war sent to Tangier, refuse t9 yield up t a prisoners who were arrested whlle under consular protection. TI". 1‘... ___J4'I “ rub-UV". It is reported that Mr. Putnam of Maine, one of the United States representatives on the Fishery Commission, will be appointed a Jus- tice of the Umted States Supreme Court. _,, ‘: flâ€"vuum‘ It is séid the Babe is about to issue a. docu- ment inviting priests throughout the world to celebrate on the last Sundyy in September a. ‘_--rq. The trans~Atlantic steamship companies are stopping the booking of Irish emigrants, be- cause the applicants .for passage are more numerous than can. be accommodated. Ta. :.. __.-.1 u It is understood that despatches have been received at the English Foreign omce which are regarded u agalq oumpletely unsettling the conditiqn of Eastern Europe. It is understood received at the El |U LII. lllll‘ ‘ .‘IDI"‘7- - -.-â€"V _:_V____/_ _ bcszgmd the Pa'lucuss Victoria. hayingga certain other concessions and an}. all u- 1 . -..‘.-._‘.. .1... ”yuan-Jul n‘\l‘ D A statue of Gen. Gordon, for the erection of which the Imperial Hayes of Commons passed a. bill, will" be erected in Tmfalger-square at the end of the year. . ' A correspondent of The Pall Mall Gazette had an interview with Gen. Boulanger, but the General would not rebeal his plan for a. re- vision of the French constitution. Bonlnnacr’s Majority. â€". PARIS. April 9.â€"Gcn. Boulanger received 59.500 votes in Dordogno yemerdayv against 35.- 750£cxhisopponan LnLuntcrnosays Boulanger will refuse to accept the sent to; Dordogno. as he desires to git go; phe Department du Nord only. . ‘ H “q" l-luglneers Going lmck to Work. CHICAGO. Apr119.-Fifty ot the old Burling- ton engineers have gone back to work. An assessment of $5 upon each of the 40.000 on- ginccrs and firemen belonging to the Brother- hood is to be made this week go, maintain the idle Balkans. ’ ' Flu: ("ha :u'c-llor IO U I. “In: Hahn a l u may ..--â€"_.._â€"v= -- -M “uomgzud .m: Priucvss V iclorm.‘ having gained coax-1:641 other concessions and flu}. an the ("Wcrczu‘cé bclncc‘n the Emperor and Plincc Bi anarx k :uc um» willed- Not Aware 'or'A‘ny M11fi'8nn‘ua'zkllnz. WASHINGTON, April‘9.â€"In answer to a. reso- lution of the Senate calling for a statement of “hut. precautions have been taken to prevent the unlawful importation of lead and lead ores from Mexico and Canada in- to the United States and what; legis- lation is necessary to prevent the some, the] Secretary of the ’l‘ieasnry says thutns a. precaution against smuggling of {notchundiso from Canada and Mexico office): have been appointed to constantly patrol the frontier and‘ he was not aware that any additionallegis- intion was necessary. Egg-urn Ape“ 0.41 Ls alutud 151-!wath [‘riucé Bismarck Inn’s: nhnxflrnéd his‘bpposil ion to the m ‘nge_uf Fringe Aquandof o! Batten; The Chancellor nml [he l-Zmpremlc BERLIN. April 9.~-A story is circulated here to Ihe eii‘ceL that at the first conference of Prince Bismarck wilh the new Emperor the lCmprcs: was preseul. at which“ Prince Bis- marck-seemed surprised. although he said nulliing uhent thcnmlter. But M. his second conference with the Emperor. at which the Empress was also present~ he hesiuuodnhout cmuxnencing his report. The Emperor asked the (m use of his hesiuilien. whereupon he refilled that. he mus not; accustomed to confer with lhe inminrch in the presence of a third person, and felt that his attention was diverted lhcrc‘iy. 'l‘lu: Empress instantly left lhc room, and it is auid has never since npnenred m. the conferences 0! the Chancellor with the Emperor. nlsnmrck Serluunly III. NEW YORK. Anril 9.â€"'[‘hc Sun's Berlin cor- respondent. snys Bismarck ls‘ seriously 111. When he announced a few days alter his differ- onco will: the Emperor than his health would force him to resign. it was looked upon nsa pretext. Undoubtedly it. was only half [we M the time. but since lhon the Chancellor's illness has grown inio an accomplished tact. Ho was more ufl'ccicd by Lho death of his idol, the late Kaiser. than the public, which bollevcs him 11 man of iron inscnslbility. imagines. Concern- int: the details of his illness the most profound secrecy is enjoined. The Sim-‘5 Cleaning Movement Inaugur- nlcdâ€"Ill.l’.’s “1": Picks. MONTREAL, April 9.â€"'I‘ho men and carts for which The Star advertised on Saturday were Set to work at 9.30 tins forcnoon. and about 300 laborers and 100 carts had before 6 [MIL cleaned the greater part of the business portion of St. .‘iamos~sl.rcci. At 2 p.11). about 100 of the “cullhiest andhnost prominent citizens com- intruded by Licul. -C‘ol. StmubcnziaD. A. G. .and counting among its members such men as lion. Henry Stearnes. ex- h-Iinistcr of Public Works. and at nresont Legislative Councillor; lion. Peter Mitchell. M.P.. J: J. Curran. M.P., LL-Col. Oswald. J. S. Hall. M.l’.P., ex-Mayor Beaumont]. and others equally well known, assembled in The Star office and marched armed with picks to the comer of McGill and St. James-street. where at the call of'the bugle and amid the cheers of the assembled multi- tude they began to break the ice in‘ the street for the purpose of showing their sympathy with the movement inaugurated in the morn- ing. “ A ltrlllsh I’lot." ST. mensmma. Apri19.â€"An inspired article in The Grujdnrino says that the flattenberg mm‘ringe plot. is a British plot. to securo Prince Aloxnndcr's return to Bulgaria. to which Russia Ought to reply m the mountains '0! Afghanis- The Emprcm at Poscu. menus. April 9.â€"0n the nrrivniof the Em- press at. Lnuduberg she was received by the municipal authorities and other officials. She Hmnked them for lhcir devotion and their Work in rescuing those imperilled by the floods. The Empress arrived at; Poscn this afternoon. Sho stopped at other places besides Lnndsborg and was everywhere greeted with enthusiasm. The Polish lenders have issued a manifesto asking the inhabitants of Posen to sink their national disputes and unite in we!- coming the Empress. The United Slnics' Posluon Regal-11mg Scallng In Behring Sea. NEW YORK. April 9.â€"A Washington de- snatch to The Tribune says : The fact; that the question of damages was not considered by the Fisheries Commissioners indicates that. a. new convention will have to be called to settle these claims and those of Great Britain arising out of the seizure of British poachers in Behring Sea. There has been a good deal of blaster lately indulged in by the Canadian press as to the action their Government proposed to take this summer in regard to the killing of fur seals in Behring Sea. British Whalers, it is under- stood, proposo to resist: capture by force of arms. It is hardly to be believed that any ser- ions intention exists of carrying such throats into cfl'ect. mmemfih orders. nor has the British Government taken 11. posi- tion against tlntt taken by our Government on the question. The mosttlmt: the Government has done was to inquire the rensons for our seizing British vessels in these waters and whnt position our Government. intended to take in the future on the subject. Tothese enquiries it is understood the United States has not yet officially resnonded, but the key to the situation is found in the nature of the warnings recently issued by the Treasury against illicit scaling. It is apprehended that, neither the Secretary nor the President will be deterred from (taint: their duty by any blaster of the kind mentioned. The United States Government has token but one nosxtion on the subiect of killing seals in Behring Sen ever since the territory was purchased in 1867. That; position has been the nssertien of the unquestioned right to control entirely the killing of fur seals in these waters. Yenr after year the Treasury Department, which is charged by law with the duty of‘regu- lnting the business. has issued its orders that no one should withoutits sanction venture to kill any fur souls in the waters 0: the Territory of Alnskn. and when that department was asked in 1871 to define what was meant by the term "Waters of the territory." it said that the phrase included all the waters dc- seribcd within the limits mentioned in the treaty of cession. which covers nmctically the whole easterly half of Behring See. the Westerly half being continued under the do- minion of Russia. Secretary Manning sup- nortcd this construction. and recently orders were given by Secretary Fairchild to the some effect and sent to the collectors ofenstoms on the Pacific consl: with special instructionsto give them wide publicity. so thnt all parties concerned might; have full knowledge of what. this Government considered its rights in the premises. and of the action which would be taken to enforce these rights should parties persist in their freebooting enterprises. IA ghtaryué‘dfr'Gen. Gdr'don‘ Neither the British Goyornment nor any MONTREAL’S MUDDY STREETS. L. n.‘A..{Z< SEE/TEN. cellor'» C. :zszlon i“. an ”ar- l-lolwil ‘1 H Inlrnwnn ' A SWEEPING CLAIM. range \‘I' H hdrnWm « that As for my painting (I do not advertisé for old buggies to rte-paint) I have my old reliable painter Mr. John Harding, who has worked orme for ten years and expect he will for anotlwr ten, as I do not keep changi g hands every year. All work hand- made and by the most skilled workmen. All work teed. tollepairs of all kinds promptly attended to at t e lowest price. A call solicited- ‘ A large “OCR 0f BABY CARBIAGES and CHEM” ROAD DARTS, the best In the markets. N o factory work used. CORNER of WILLIAM and RUSSELL STREETS, LINDSAY. ,_ - w H n w. .. uulu luapucuuuy ask all requiring a. first class job of any kind in his line to call and see for themselves and not be hum bugged by ofly-tongned wind- lmgs in this important business. It should not be a quesbxon of low prices or interim- goods, but a fair price for su rior and reliable work. have now on hand the argest stock I ever had and orders are coming in fat. I have Top and open Phwtons, Top and other Ca ' in Which I defy co mfetitlon. Also a great variet of the latest styles 9f Buggies, l manufactured of man- M‘- of hil‘knn' nru‘ uvnl “Ann... -3 , u (Barrage and Wagon ‘ 1888-â€"-â€"LINIDSAY- Malslnllve Obslrncuonllu. WASHINGTON. April 9.â€"In tho Houso today the dilutory tactics against. the Direct. Tax Bill were again put in motion and the House accom- plished no business. Neither the British Government nor any other Government has at any time enteredn protest against the issuance of such orders. nor has the British Goxernmcnt taken a posi- tion against that taken by our Government on the question. The most'Ihnt the Government has done was to inquire the reasons for our seizing British ‘(9E5‘31fl in those waters and what position our Government intended to take in the future on the subject. To these enquiries it is understood the United States has not yet omciaiiy responded. but the key to the situation is found in the natures! the warnings recently issued hy the Treasury against iiiicit sealing, It is apprehended that neither the Secretary' nor the President‘wiil be deterred from 'doint their duty by any blue“!- or the kind mentio ‘ , TO-DAY'S SPORTING NEWS; m>0_20 m<m24m .02 film mszmI Adan Emuâ€"u. The Epsom Spring: Meeting and the m- clown I'm-k Spring: Meetingâ€"The Balc- ball Record-Rain Stops the Toronto- (‘Inclnnnll flameâ€"Spots of Sport. Those who take an interest in racing in Eng- lnnd will have mnple opportunity during the current week to indulge in that inclination. The Epsom Spring Meeting is the fixture {or Io-dny nnd twmorrow. with the Sundown Purl: Spring Meeting to follow on Thursday. Friday and Saturday. The eyent of the week is the City and Suburban to-morrow. 0! n trifle less degree. there is the Great Metropolitan today. the Esher Stnkes and Mminnoth l-Iunters’ Steeplechase on Thursday. the Great Sundown Hurdle Rnee on Friday. the GrundInternntlonnl Steeplechase and Princess 0! \anes Handicap on Saturday. The City and Suburban is at a mile and n quarter. and the interest up to last mail advices-April 7â€"made the race an issue between Merry Hampton. the winner of the Derby last year; Eirxdspord, the winner of the Epsom Grand Erizc. and Rave d'Or, the winner of the Epsom Ouks.nli run over the same course as the City and Suburban with the difference that the Derby and Oaks were at the Pacific coast with special instrucciomw give them wide pubiicity.sq mg; 9,11 psi-Lice concerned might? have ful‘l knowledge 0; what this Government considered its rights in the promises. and of the action which would be taken to enforce these rights should parties persist in their freebqogng enterprises. The United States Government has taken but: one nosxtion on the subicct of Killing seals in Behring Sen ever since the.tcrritory was purchased in 1867. That position has been the assertion of the unquestioned right tooontrol entirely the killing at fur souls in these waters. Year after year the Treasury Department. which is charged by law with the duty of regu. lating the business. has issued its orders that no one should without its sanction venture to kill any i'ur seals in the waters of the Territory of Alaska. and when that department was asked in 1871 to define what was meant by the term “waters of the territory.” it said that the phrase included all the waters de- scribed within the limits mentioned in the treaty of ccssion. which covers practically the whole easterly knit or Behring Sea. the westerly half being continued under the 6,09 minion of Russia; Secretqry Manning sup- ported this construction. and recently orders were given by Secretary Fairehild to the same effect and sent: to tho corlcctors of customs on umilc nndnhull’. The betting in London on Saturday. as received by cable. shows Galore 1!. bctlcrfuvorite len Rove d’Or while Eirids- pox-d had gone back several points. The same despatch also says that "very disquieting rumors urcin circulation about the condition of Merry Hampton, but that. the odds had not been nfl‘cctod." The Great. Metropolit' n is at two miles and a quarter. with Lord It duey‘s Humewood. the winner of the Cesarewitch last October. the top weight at 12% lb. The Great SnrreyHandicap, at five tux-longs. will also be run on Tuesday. for which Mr: .Ahiugton‘s Gallinuil is the top weight at 1291b. The 2-year-old fixtures o! the Epsom meeting are the Westmiuister Stakes, the Helm wood Stakes and the Hyde Park Plate. At San- down. on Thursday, the attendance will no doubt be large. for the Mammoth Hunters Steeplechase is worth £1500 to the winner. £300 to the second and £200 to the third. with the distance at three miles. The starters will ex- cite much interest. as six-year-olds and up- ward that have won a race or £250 will have to carry 187 lbs. The chances are it will be won by something “dark." that has been hunted during the winter and kept for the race. the entries (numbering 102) having been made in 1886. The race is. however. one of those events that The London Truth styles a “whited sepal- chre;" for although it is announced at £2000. the Sandown authorities have already a guar- antee or £1655 in forfeit, with £10 to receive from each of the starters. The linitccl Stnlcs‘ Posluon Regarding Senllng In Belnrlng Sen. N nw YORK, April 9.â€"A Washington de- spntch to The Tribune says : The fact that the question of damages was not considered by the Fisheries Commissioners indicates that a. new convention will have to be called to settle these claims and those of Great Britnin arising out of the seizure of British poachers in Behring Sen. There has been a good deal of blaster lately indulged in by the Canadian press as to the action their Government proposed to take this summer in regard to the killing of fur seals in Behring Sea. British Whalers, it is under- stood, propose to resist capture by force of arms. In is hardly to be believed that any ser- ious intention exists of carrying such threats into effect. A: Philmlelphln Philadelphia ...... Athletics . M I‘ltmhurg: B. n. l. Allvghnuys ...... . ............. 2 l 0 3 0 0 2 3 1â€"12 18 8 Buffalo ........................ 010010000â€"267 , Bulterlcl: Morris and Carroll, Walsh and \‘llllnms. AL Baltimore: 1:. Baltimore. ................. 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 2 0â€" 8 \Vnshlngton... .. ..... ........... 000002000â€"2 St. Louis people insist that the series be. tween the Browns and the Dctroits will decide the world‘s championship and tho Detroiters cry: Nuy!Nay! Baseball Games Yesterday. At New York the League team defeated Newark bv 12 lo 4. At Boston the League team beat Dartmouth College 20 to 0. Spats or Sport. Dorgnn has been released by the Now Yorke. Connor. O‘Rourke. Tiernnn. Richardson and \Vclch signed personal and club contracts with the New York Club on Saturday. An enterprising individual named Redmond has invented a "czltchcr's hand protector.” which enables back-stops to do without a pad- ded glove. Big Mox McQucrx-y. who was running a huckstcr wagon in Covington, Ky.. all winter has reported at Syracuse. where he will play first base this season. mittcc has been nppoiutod‘to look for suitglilfie grounds. The estimated cost. is placed at $75,000. Tip O‘xoil of “’oodstock. the St. Louis Browns‘ crack batsman, led all professionals in hard hitting last. season. having thirteen home runs. twenty-four triples. and forty-six doubles in championship games alone. A movementz‘s on foot to osmbllshma M11- lctlc association in Brnntford. The association will include lacrosse players, baseballlsts, bicyclists. etc. 'l'hercis a prospect of the formation of an athlectic association in Buffalo. It is proposed to buy grounds and build club houses capable of, nocgmmodnting the hallwclub. ‘lgyyn Jennie Lindsay, April 1-2. 1888. L. 0.0031303 would re: A SWEEPING CLAIM. :0_m'tf. ’CONNOR’ spectfully ask all requiring a. first class 1nmonlwn... __j __ _‘ I n . _ "24 t. 02 00 00 00 01 00 01 1‘0 No fees will be charged to Sellers or Purchasers ofany Animal or Article brought upon the grounds {0: sale or exchange. fll’iu'clfind Sale accommodation will be provided {me FENBLON FALLS “3.? mm” "mm“ Th0: AME: Smewud KIRKFIELD. second Wednesday in same months. Hector Campbell, Stewaxd. OAKWOOD, second F W in an: months. Philip S. Mark, Stew \ ’ KINMOUNT. third Tuesday in same months. James Wilson, Steward. BOBCAYGEON, th'rd Wed ' hi. 5. W. Cra x oadaymsnmc mom , Steward. usual my, u: u.â€" V v ThoAMuinlsmminfimm hunch. neighborhood of W. The slavery question will be voted on by the Brazilian Parliament in May. mm Roscoe Conkling i. seriously in st his homin New York City. 'nzo'bnrsting of a Wts’tl’dh cussed an immense unaunt of change. 1 The new: of thy Man of M. Floquet to Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, and Ania! of Azmmltuml mduaion or uimnem, 95 will be hcfii in the m noun" or woman, power bu M8 the Vntian. The United Sm has refused Germany'- mediation in the Morocco disputes. The dorvishu o! Tnfelet, Morocco. luvs pro- ohimed : holy war :gtimt the Sultan. Fqur thousand Irish omignnu sailed from Queenatown yMy for Almeria. King Humbert has demoed 88000 to: the sufiera-a 0y the floods in Gel-puny. ' The present contracts for wrying tho Brit- ish mils are to be extended for I. you. The stunner Rio J macro ha been wreekod near Montevideo, with 120 passengers lost. Dr. Mackenzie ha been requested by the Emperor to postpone his return to Enghnd. inthe 11 The Great Remedy for Cold in the head at HIGIN- BOTHAM 'S. The Chinese Government bu withdrawn its‘ recent order Against trade with Chun Kiting. A. large fire at Mnnddny has bumed500 houses to the ground. rendering may people homeless. Now my first impulse wss toassassinste -__. , .-._.-~ vv u..4,~v..- “â€" _....A Life Insurance Agent, but in looking into the matter I found that there were grounds for the remark, The fact is ever since I turned weather prophet last winter my Liver Pad has got twisted round in try' to keep up with the thermometer make an almanac that would suit the lati- tude. Therefore I hereby give notice that I will not hold myself responsible for anything that I may say until the weather gets milder or the large demand for White Pine Balsam, the greatest Cough and Cold Remedy on earth, has slightly abated. Mr. William O’Brien has begun an action against The Cork Constitution (Conservative) for £5000. - Oskaioosa, Kan" has elected ewomsn .u Mayor and a. City Council composed entirely of women; The S punish budget for 1889 estimates the ljeqoipta at ӣ34,,000 000, and the expenditure :0 in the County of Victoria, grocer. Notice is hereby g:ven that the above-named Robert Killabyrhas made an assi nment of all his estate and effects to the undersigne , John Campbeil. ol' the town of Lindsay, Barrister at law. in pursuance of the Act respecting assignments for the benefit of creditors, 48 Victoria mp. 26, and mending acts thereto. All creditors are requested to send forthwith to the undersigned a. statement of their claims verified by an afiidavit statiug the security (if any) held by them, and notice is hereby given that after the first day of May next the said trustee will proceed redistribute the assets of the said estate among the patties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which notice shall have been given; and will not be liable for the Meets, or any part thereof, distributed to any person or persons of whose claims he shall not have notice. A meeting of the creditors for the appointment of in- spectors. and the ordering of the estate generally, will be held at the office of Messrs. Barron and Campbell. Lindsay, on Friday the sixth day of April next at 2 Try a Few Dandelion Bittersif you don t feel fixsbclass. HIGIN o'clock}. m. the great Spring Tonic by the bottle or pint at; HIGINBOTHAM’S. 10-3. End”: 9,“! Mmh, 1888. BOT HAM . Cdugh rand C6111 Remedy.â€"x-3t BARRON 8; CAMPBELL. Solicitors for {he A‘signcc Dated his 2‘1 day of March, x888. An enterprising Fire and Life Insurance Agent who promised to read my advertise- ments called in yesterday to say if my pills were no better than my grammar he would’n give much for either. $1.00 for Five 301.4% of White Pine Balsam, the Grcn Proprietor of the only Drug Store i Lindsay without a Plate Glass front. PUBLICFAIRS TO I/VN 0F LINDSA Y. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. For thc Sale, Ram and Exchange of ROBERT KILLABY, of the That Inéixrance Man. Balfour's bill to expedite Inuit Land Com-ta has been publial Beef", Iron and Wine, Catarrh Cream. A. HIGINBOTHAM, In the lunar of T. MATCHETT JOHN CAMPBELL, Plovided {me 10-3. ', 15:12, Under New Management and with a ve Extensive Assortment of gimme Goods, I am prepared to offer to my old friends customers and and all others who may favor me with their atronage, the best value to e obtained. That, is the question we hear every day and one which is hard V answer if it was put this way.â€"-â€"They say that Hat is becoming, hurt it ? We would simply say that if it is one of W. J. Gallon's 1“ or any other thing you may want to make up your Spring outfit. The Silk will be on exhibition for your inspection. I am determined to make the Ladies’ Furnishing House Head quarters for Dress Gooc‘s as well as for Millinery. You all know I take the lead in that line. You can get everything in Ladies’ F umishings at my storeâ€"the newest and most fashionable goods to be found in the market. So come and in- spect my goods and see for yourself. Remember the zxst of April girls, don’t miss the Silk Dress. Remember the place, It is not necessary to purchase the whole amount at one time but if you wil have the amount bought before that date you will be one of the thirty to compete for the prize, I take this way to show you that i: will pay you to come to the Ladies Furnishing House to purchase your It couldn’t help being becoming, if you don’t believe it call in and w for yourselfi Try my Hats, examine my Stock, I shall be as Phase; as a child with a new toy to show you through. ‘ is the name of the most Stylish Shape in Soft Felt I can give 3‘0; any Shade. ' To the one out of thirty who purchases TEN DOLLARS worth of Goods from me are very Stylish in Christies, and I can recommend either shape to arr; one wanting a nice hat ' in different Shades, in fact Hats for Evcrbody. may they be long 0. short, thin or stout. 20 YARDS 0F BEAUTIFUL BLACK SILK McGrimmon Bros TO BE GIVEN AWAY on the rust of APRIL. In ordc-r to adver- tise my stock of DRESS GOODS which is the Newest and most com- plete stock to be found outside the city, I have made up my mind to give TWENTY YARDS of BLACK SILK. FIRE,'F|RE, FIRE. Great Slaughtering N42} .009? to Hamilton’s Carnage S/zow Rooms. We are at present in the OLD FIRE HALL, Near the East End of Kent Street, and as we are heavy #osers by the fire and require a large amount of money soon, we have deeded to ‘ Mark our Goods Away Down, regardless of cost by which means we hope to realize our aim. We invite all to call down and see us. MUCRIMMON BROS. Ladies’ Furnishing House, Valued $30.00 as a Prize SALE OF DRY GOODS, Remember the Place, Melville's old stand, Doheny Block. NEW GHRISTIES OR SILK HATS Anything and everything in the Gents Furnishing Line. Saved from the Fire, now going on at “ KNOCK ABOUT ” MRS. H. SILVER’S THEY SAY IT IS, VALISES, GLADSTONE SATGHELS IN GREAT mm, MD EXGELLENT QUALITY. quore Me 2152‘ of A 1m”! mxz‘. T/ze Leslie and Me Prime Teeé Sflrz'izg Dress, Mantle, Hat, THE PALACE William Street, Lindsay: Ladics’ Furnishing House, \Vm. Street, Lindsa} But is it ? DEEMUIETRS L. MAGUIRE. W. J. GALLON. MRS. HUGH SILVER’S for] Ch 1m ch‘ 1n €111 ne lin 114:1 (M \\'

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