The Mail sayszâ€"The mighty and re- sistless power of the Falls of Niagara is no longer to go to waste but is to be utilized for the promotion of mar ’. industrial enterprises. In 1886 a com pany was incorporated in the State 0 New York to consummate this end, and it is now stated that enough money has been subscribed to justify the necessary work of construction being commenced in july. The scheme, gigantic in its nature, is to utilize the force of Niagara like: by wustructing a tunnel from the W318! level below the falls, about zoo feet under the high bank of the river and extending it parallel with the shore of the river for nearly three miles. at 9. depth of too feet below the surface or the earthand at a distance of 400 feet from the navigable water of the river, with which it will be connected by means of conduits or lateral tunnels. The conduits are to lend to wells sunk to the tunnel, and in' these wells will be placed turbine wheels which will be Operated by the weight of water in the wells. The estimated ap- acity of the tunnel will give 119,000 bars..- power’ which it issaid, is greater than All the other water of the United States combined. The cost or‘ con- muction is put down at $3,000,000 and enough patronage has been promised to pm a dividendon that amount. Both Cleveland and Buffalo propose to use the power in lighting their streets by electricity. All that is wanted Wis t6? czxryjhe schane into eï¬â€˜ect. The Empire gymâ€"There is every indication that the immigration into Canada this year will be exceptionally lirge. Already the newcomers are flocking in at this early period in larg numbers. And what is still more satis factory they seem to be excellent material for building up our country. One morning last week there were 275 new arrivals at the immigration ground in Toronto; by night not twmty re» mained. all having scattered to various points in Ontario. N one of the lot required a meal or assistance of any kind. being apparently well provided £01 in all respects. Another feature of the immigration movement upon which we may congratulate ourselves is that many Canadians are returning to Canada after ï¬nding by experience that there is no place like home. The death is announced at Cannes of 'Nobel, the inventor of dynamite. The Rewew sayszâ€"The Trent Valley Canal Commissioners will prepare their work at this session and will probably heu- evidencv from forwarders and others regarding the canal. J udg “'eller, Chairman of the commission will of course be present, and’Mr. John Carnegie, Secretary of the Trent Navi- gation Assocation. will attend to watch the interests of the canal. Mr. Carnegi- goes to Montreal to-night. Tho redistribution bill prepared for Manitoba by the Greenway Government provide for 38 members, three more than the number of constituencies at present. “'innipeg is given thre. representatives, as new constituency is formed in the Mennonite district, and four additional members are-given to the \Vest, whilst two seats arereduced in the older portion of the province. The Governor-General acting on the advice of the Minister of J usti ,e, has commuted the death sentence of Mur- derer Newton, who shot and killed a painter named Thomas Inga at W'innl- peg last fall. Newton will spend the remainder of his days in the Stoney Muuntain Penitentiary. The ju y in the case recommended moi-9y. Mr. W. O’BRIx-zx. who was on his way to address a. proclaimed meeting at New Ross, was arrested in Dublin on Sunday morning and lodged in Bal- linaaloe gaol. The death sentence of Thomas New- ton, the Winnipeg murderer, has been commuted to life imprisonment. It. is alleged that a lead mine has been discovered on the mountain about eight miles south of Hamilton. The Queen has invited the King and Queen of Italy to visit Windsor Castle- in J nne and they accepted the invitaton. Plants, trees and shrubs. viz: Apple. peach. pear, plum, cherry. quince and all other fruit trees; gooseberry, raspbeey, bhckberry, mutant and rose bushes grape vines ; shade, lawn and ornamental trees, dumb: and plants. Secds. viz.: Anise. anisester, canary, cmnway, coriander (crude), cardamon (crude). chia. cinnamon (crude), fenugreek (crude) fennel (crude), jute, mustard (brown and white), sugar beet, seeds of fruit trees, sesame, clover seed, thimothy, (troenfmits, \ iz.: Bananas, olives, pine. tpplen, plantaim, tamannds, apples. bhckberries, guoseberriea, raspberries, strawberries, cherries. cranberries. peaches plums, quinces. apricots, lichifruit, man- 3)::3 313d melons. . . The Free List The (hrernmenthas isned a. p» rhimation, changing the order-inâ€"oonn cil of April 7th placing on the free list- certain articles, when imported from the United States. Finding that the order omitted to include the mother vounzry. as well as other places, the words “United States" have beenerased and the article»: in question can come in free from all parts of the world. To the free list have been added clover seed and thimathv seed As the list is extended respecting needs, they will be specially named. It will be seen that as fast a: the American authorities either reduce or take 03' the entire duty on articles the Canadian authorities will do likewise, so that by degrees we will have pretty free entercourse between the two coun ries. The free list as revised reads as THURSDAY. APRIL 19th 1888. the “(watchman MONDAY, April 16.-â€"Mr. Jamieson called up: resolution eimiluto the one he moved last session: “Tint in the opinion of this Home it is expedient to prohibit the maniac- ture. importation and sale of intonati liquor except for sacramentd. scientiï¬c an medicinal p1 men: that the enforce- ment of we prohibition and such manufacture. imPOrtation and sale as m" b° £31123 bid “if 1’? $22,211 °°" eminent, uct t roux ' sp- gginted ofï¬cers.†A spirited debate to owed ween Mr. Mills and Mr. Jamieaon, and at 5.45 Mr. Scriven- moved the ediournment of the debate. end it is freely ' that Mr. {Wang's motion Will not heard of sgain ..c t:.: opening of the Qeneral Synoq of'tha Church of Ireland the Pumas, speakxng f9: the Synod expreseed abhorrence of “the 09:15- izod and wicked conspiracy gains: life. my sad the law. which has .black In named Inked,†3nd thobelwf thatarï¬u of law ad order has now- beam. I: ‘1'! Mr. Abbott mmounc‘vd that an experi- nerhl fax-m wnuld ba “pahlished in Bntish 3311.2'xl-m. Caxudalmsnuw what is “acti- xlly 5 Divorce Court. Ina-toad of rezoning and! can to a select connuittee :Ls hen-tofore, thaï¬mah tn-day appointed this permanent (Irma cï¬mmittm on motion of Sanators :‘l‘bott and quk Smith : Messrs. Dickey, Gown. Macfarlzvne, Kaulbach. Read, Mc~ Lollan, llaythorn, 0- ilvie and Macdouald of British Columbia. nator blacdonald of To- rontohascharge of the Irving divorce bill, which will be presented to the Senate on Mondav. Mr. Justice Henry of the Supreme Court was seized with three epileptic ï¬ts to- day. Parliament will like! be protogued about. May 18, so that the éoveynor-Genenl may leave for England the followmg week. The House. had a dreary session. The Fish- n‘es 'l‘x-mty debate was continued, and the bill will have its second reading on Monday night. The Senate :1: for nearly half an “2. Sinrp‘w {or general inmrovcmcms. in- thin: tho erccrion of elevators and granules r‘thc main line. " 8.1.5:).930 to 1:0 applied to liq: xidatms tho floating dnht n! the company." ")‘lm Gov-u'mnvnl is to allow 3; per cent. in- taut. vhicll Is aubum'allablc to pay the In- wroax on me qul grant bonds. The amount of Perm: on $:' â€003000 ut 3} par cent. is 8525.- M payable sc. . annually. ~11mmmum15 c. ‘ausc ls an bu repealed. "l‘lw swan-30'). or [he p.0cecds of the sale of 1-330 lmni ;: ' if» hands. are to be applied: "J. gamma hr the purchase of rolling stock tad cquipm ' "I‘Bc lands are to be vested in three trustees â€"oncof whom an 1013!: must ho a member of tho Dominion (hm-rumour. The trustees are u; manage the ales and the prices of the lands. "The Government. is L0 zunmntcc the interest. on these bonds at the rate of 3,} per cent. per annum rm- {my years. the principal not to be (aux-unwed. â€Thu nrmxzcds cf the sales :ch to be paid over {rum Nine to him-s to the Government. for be exctusivc purpose 01 forming a sinking fund to 'my the prlnmpAL' The Canadian Paciï¬c Railway are to issue 815.000.00001'hnd grant bonds secured on their remaining Lmds. amounting to upwards of xwooo acres. â€Land 2mm bunds have been issued to the external some $3300.00). which are to be de- ducted from the proceeds of sale of which .‘n- mlmenls are yet to malum amounting lo â€250.0(1). “walk-tun OTTAWA, TUESDAY, April 10.--Fer over ï¬ve a hour: todzy Sir Charles Tupper addressed the I House in esenting for second reading a bill : to give e ect to the Fieheriee TreMy, which, 3 according to the bill, may be called “The I Treaty of “'Mhington of 1888. " He nbl end 1 exhanstively discmmed the subject. and Lrly " expounded the historicnl and technical grounds. ! Much time was devoted to ' the ; variom treaties during the put 1“) years. in i which time, he said, the question of the ï¬sh l cries had nmrly always been one of irritation :He mgnded theehrogntionof tbetreety of 1 18-34 asacummercial mistake. Still, durin i all there years, Canadn had held her own, a would continue to do sounder the terms of the ' new treaty if it is adopted. Sir Charles de- scribed the “'nshin conference. nnd said i that all overtures of t British Commissioners todiscuea the tariff were met by refusals on i the part of the American Commissioners, who laid that Congress alone had the power to deal 9 with the tariff. “Wewere pared," con- tinned Sir Charles, “to 've t e Government , of the United States the ulleet opportunity of ; seeing just how far they would go. The air 1 had been full of Commercial Union i rumors. and we are anxious to see what 1 they meant. I found plenty of men in Wash- , ington who were willing and nnxious to die- I cuss Commercial Union, but all allusions _t_o FRIDAY. April 13 ~Tho Conservatives held n mucus to-day, when Sir J ohn suhmitted the {1: ed aettlcmcut of the Canadian Paciï¬c ' way monwly question. It was unani- mouply deqk‘. that the settlement should be on thié basis â€mud. The‘ roposed salaries of Ontario 113439» 9’9â€.“ 0“, ‘Ewï¬sinu raisssaof 31030 in each case: Chief Justice, $7000: Three justices of a pcal. each 86000; Chief Justice of Queen’s nch. 87000; two associ- ete judges, (2.8.. 86000; the Chancellors, three vice Chancellors, $6000: Chief Justice COmImm Pleas, $7000: two associate judges C.P.. 86000. Sir Charles Tupper has receiv adeepatch from Newfoundland stating that the delegation to discuss confederation will leave therein June. The mot-on which was defeated in the Legislature the other day was merely one to nutlmrize the delegates to leave on April 15. THURSDAY, April laâ€"Tbe bill for the sup- preadon of bucket shops. which was passed by the Senate. received its ï¬rst readin in the Commons today. The Minister 0 Marine presented A bill providing for the issue of per- xnite and reports by inspectors of boilers to persons for certain classes of boats within cer- tain waters that are deï¬ned. There was a thrce‘hours'debste on the second reading of Mr. McCarthy’s bill for the protection of rail- way employes. The Government will likel incur rate it in H011. Mr. Pope's general mi - way i1 . The Act to permit American ves- sels to aid vessels in distress in Canadian waters, similar to a reciprocal one now before Congrese, was discussed, and the debate ad- journed. The Minister of Justice gave notice of motion to increase the salaries of judges all flee.“ 3.4qu an. magne- m- i the league]: Sum-derâ€"hll I’m cl 1 the sun. or ScltklleaIâ€"mlln-elt :- perly levied on hay exported to the United 53:25, but were informed that there was no redraw, because the time had expired and the claimants had not availed themselves of the remedies laid down by the United State: Gov- ernment. In the Senate Hon. John Macdon- ald called attention to Senator Alexander’s recent imputation against Mayor Clarke of 1‘nronto. stating that Mr. Alexander had risen to «plain his remarks, but really had not ton lied upon the point that should be ex. pl .xed, and winding 11 ) With : “The point I wish to make is this: hot the Hon. Senator did make reflections upon the gentleman occu- pying the civic chair in the Cit of Toronto, end that the remarks that I m 0 were in re intuition of his statement. I wish to say nothing more. " and equitable arrangement. Mr. Davies. P.E.I.. followed in opposition to the treaty. The Minister of Justice spoke in its defence. Mr. J once of Halifax will resume the debate to-mnrrow. In the Senate. the re rt of a committee that Mary Matilda ite be nllowerl to sue in forma pause-ï¬e for a. divorce was adopted. and Senator ’Donoghne's mo- ti'm for a return showing the cost of the Gowrnor-General'e oï¬ice wax carried. Hon. G. \V'. Ross. Minister of Education. ins ted the Normal School here today. Mr. town of Hamilton has given notice for the appoint- ment of a special committee to inquire into the operations of the "hayfork" fraternity throughout the country. ‘VEDSESDAY. April ll.-â€"There was a lively tilt in the House of Commons today when Mr. Lauricr brought up the matter of the three French translators who were dismissed by the Speaker earlv in the session at the de- mand of Hon. Mr. Chapleau, who complained that they had grossly insulted him on the stump. Mr. Laurie:- moved that the House was of o inion that Speaker Ouimet had ex- ceeded in authority. Mr. Mills moved in amendment that ï¬ve other translators be dis- missed, and Sir John put forward another amendment expressive of the House's opinion that the Speaker had done ri ht in upholding the dignity of the House. ' ere was a lively gehialtg. am: SiEJ$a amegrgrmerliim carried v to 6 . n y to . vergne. the Minister of J notice said that when he and Sir Charles Tupper- were at Washington they called the L mted States Government’s atten- tion to_th_e deaired refunding _of dutie_s in? Unrestricted Reciprocity were treeted with acorn. Commercial Union would give Canada. to the United States; that was the reason why every one I met in \Vaahington wss wil- ling to discuss it. I found, without a doubt, that the policy of the United Ststes was nbout to near the policy of our own Government as it xxweibljv could be." In concluding, Sir Charles said it was not im robahle that the United States Senate won reject the treaty. If they did it would not leave Canada worse 05 than she mm a year ago, when she was face to face with a non-intercourse bill, while now the United States President and Secretary of State ever thnt Canada has made _n fair, inst summhv OF THE WEEK'S mean- was In THE House. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. ~FEA§SFTJRTHEEMPEBOE fojuggs It :3 sani-oiï¬cially stated at Berlin that there :flll’dfl “flag-whet m m mm . Arm ants hue been made for the evic- tion of tenants of the deolem' eaten in County Clare. Prince Von Hohenlohe has been questioned 9‘: go 501 he wqqld receive an oï¬er to succeed for opposing theï¬asaâ€"Eeéfâ€"E‘e'maoâ€"gg ment Bill. The State Nttional Bank in Omaha. Neb., has sqsppnded. Deposicon sud creditons will The death ls announced at Cannes of Nobel, the invanbor of dynamite. The House’of Commons has adopted Mr. Goechen's budget proposals. . According to 3 Panama. letter, work is pro- greasing satufactorfly on the anal. A St. Petersburg correspondent ssys the strenggh of the Russian army is being in- It is stated than a French syndicate is nego- tiating a great. Russian loan. Nine persons were killed by n. dynamite ex- plosion at Grenoble, France. During the pastweek 2300 emigrants left Queenstown. A new canula has been inserted in Emperor Frederick’s throat. - Standard 0" Cod; New line. Cmcaco. April uâ€"u is stated here that the Standard Oil Company baa completed m it.- nnnxxgcluncxuts for building a pipe "no tron Lima. Ohio. to Chicago tor the cheap and maid transportation of the owed on which is destined to tukc the place of coal in the gran manufacturing establishments in Chicago. Set-loan Railway COMM... Pmmnxmxu. April 15.--thl.o the‘ New York and \\’n3hin¢lon express south-bound “as passing over the elevated road of the )‘cnnsyhania Railroad shortly before“ this morning it. collided with heavy passenger loco-n.1, i\:' at, Ihlrtlothazmct. Sovmlm W :‘C s 0 My injured. To be lmlclnucly Postponed. WASHINGTON, April l4.â€"The Senate Com- mittee on Military Aï¬uim. to which the joint resolution authorizing me Secretary at \Vu' to sell to the Minneapolis. Saulc Ste. Marie and Atlantic Railway Company certain portions 0! the military mervatiou at Saul: Ste. Mame, have rammed to the Senate in favor of un- deï¬nito postponement of the resolution. I’II‘G at. River «in loop. RIVER no Low. April Iiiâ€"Ac 3 o'clock this morning a. homo on Fraser-street. owned by Evarisbe Tulboc, Eiq" was discovered to be on fire. It was impossible to save the building. Eflons were then concentrated on the adjoining housn. owned and occupied bv Dr. Sirois, aheriï¬, but it was entirely con- sumed. Mr. Talboc’a loss is $1500, insured for 81000; Dr. Simiu’ loss on the building is 81800. insured for $1200. lle Went at Once. LOUISVILLE. KL, April 1.1â€"; bend of “White Caps" mode :1. raid Friday night in the county back of New Albany. Ind. They visited the house of o Mrs. Jones. a widow woman. and whipped soundly her three boys because they would not work. but left their mother to support the family. Then they vlaltecl W'm. Wright. whom they warned to leave the state. and o lawyer from Leavenworth. who had been paying attention: to Mrs Jones' daughter. ’l‘hey threatened hlm with tor and feathers unless he left for home within bolt an hour. He went at once. ANOTHER cm IN The Gladstpnixms have made The meeting at New Ross May was can“ and passed 00’ quietly. The soldiers and police were conï¬ned to their barracks. The mcollna expressed indignation at the arrest of Mr. O’Brien. Messrs. Barry. Chance and John and William Redmond. M.P.'s, made speeches. Detectives are wntching Mr. Dillon's Dublin residence. To-dny four bands serenaded Mr. Dillon and several friends visited him. A crowd in front of the house cheered for Home Rule lenders. moaned for Balfour and sung "Hung bloody Balfour on a sour apple tree,’ until the police interfered. new lteeeâ€"mllo- Serena“. DUBLIN, April Iii-Wm. O'Brien. M.P., was arrested on erriving at Kingstown yester- day in consequence of his speech at the meeting at Loughrae last Sunday. He was taken to the Louzhree jail. A crowd gathered at Broadstone station and cheered Mr. O'Brien and gmaned {or Mr. Balfour. Menard. Crilly and Kenuey. M.P.’e. were at the ata- tion and bade farewell to Mr. O'Brien. who was escorted by seven policemen. Mr. O‘Brien reached Loughrea about‘midnight last night. The magistrate remanded his case untll Thursday next and admitted him to ball. Mr. O'Brien received several visits to-day. He was cheerful and admitted that the only charge the Government had against him was that he gave Balfour the lie in his throat last Sunday. Mr. O'Brien will return to Dublin tart-marrow. At Bullinsloo Mr. O'Brien was greeted with em thusiusm. The public was excluded from the railway station. There was slight disorder and some arrests wore made. Tk‘xe ‘American Exchange in Europe ha sus- Bouhnger protests that he has no wish for The intimacy between complainant and de- fendant which bcmm at the Canadian Pncmc Railway Depot in Montreal on Sunday night has evidently grown. as Mr. Marcie: called on the Toronto newspaper man tonight and had quite nlong chat. It is rumored that it Mr. Creighton wilingrco to plead guilty Premier Mercier will be satisï¬ed and all proceedings will he stayed. but this mono: be confirmed. In: William II Cheerfulâ€"Tho fleeulx u Prince Bismarck vlsiced Emperor Frederick this morning. Crown Prince William and the Grand Duke of Baden subsequently paid a rim to the Emperor. The Dowager Empress Augusm and the Grand Duchess of Baden called upon the Emperor at Charlottenburz last evening. Prince Henry. the Emperor's son. arrived from Wilhelmsbutor early this morning. All the family of the Emperor are now at Chur- lottcnberg. The Crown Prince and Prince Bismarck bud a long conference with the Emperor this anor- noon. A council of the Prussian ministers was held at the residence of Prince Bismarck this After- noon. Ths session lasted a long time. Dr.Schwoningcr odviscs Prince Bismarck. who insuffering from overwork and not-vow mass. to leave Berlin. Ho urges him to loiourn at, Friedrichsruhc. Prince Bismarck. accompanied by the Mini:- tcr or J uslicc. had another interview with the Emperor tonight. when His Musical y signed an order appointing the Crown Prince to not n his representative. A Signiï¬cant Wan-alas. menus. April 16.--A warning has been issued to German holders to sell Russian stocks. Axum! Ila-agar Creighton In the llereler Cue-A Sealant-M Probable. QUEBEC. April Iiiâ€"Tho indictment. chnwlng D. Creighton. M.l’.P.. with having published a criminal libel on Premier Mercier In The Em- nlre. was sent to the Grand Jury todaynnd they at once found a true bilL Mr. Creighton has been admitted to bail and the mm will probably occur towards the end of this week. that. is it the case is not settled out of court as is deemed probable. AL midMghc all the members of the Imperial bunny were summoned to the Emperor's bod- sido. The worst In toured. During the evening tho Emperor was very weak. and his fever wns much higher. There was no improvement in his other symptoms. It. was reported that inflammation of tho lung: had set. in. The doctors In nltcndnnce upon Emperor Frederick held a consultation toâ€"dny. and dc cidcd :13“: the bronchitis was limited and that no pneumonia was present. DnMsokonzlo {cm-s pneumonia will an in in consequence of the Emperor's continued high tempt-azure. which the nttacx of bronchitis alone does not explain. omen-doctors have been summoned Lojnin In another consultation tonight. I: I- m that [am a the I...†I. “prunedâ€"Dr. lacks-sh run bemoan-It In mm It. Bad I: lent. Beans. April 16.4mm Moon this bul- 1min. signed by Drs. Mackenzie. Wagnor. Kruusc and llovcll. mu issued: (‘n.\ p.m.-‘rhe Emperor did no: mun good night. bronchitis hum: uupervonod you. urJay. accowpnnlod by high fever sud mums-of brcnlh. O’BRIEN AGAIN ARRESTED. ERICKS' BREAD DISEASE. FOREIGN NEWS. A TRUE BILL KNSER FRED- Lents 1 Mr. Goschen announced in the gonzo that ‘ 73,000,000 in console had been lowing $5,000,000, most of which was in the hands of trustees. Robert Van Brunt. better known as “He py Bob,†or “Solution Bob,†was hon at Warner, N.Y.. for the murder of Wm. Boy in October, 1886. Emperor Frederick is sufl'eri from severe contraction of the air passage, w ' h ‘seéms to indium that the trachea has been attacked by a local complaint. The Father Lloyd says the Lower Home of the Hungarian Diet will shortly be '11 the dim cussipn of a hill regulating the metgod of mm- monmg the reserves. hIt I: fstated that (inï¬gn Prince Williamis t e c 'e opponent o ' sister‘s marriageto Prince Alexender. and that Prime 8W and-.1 m ‘5... LAL-1. The London Mansion House fund for the relief of the suï¬erers by the Germsnfloods has already reached the sum of £3200 ’andz is rap- idly increuing. " ‘ It is reportéd that Princess Victoria. has voluntarily great! to the postmnement of her engagement to Prlnoe Alexander. It. is semitoï¬icially Announced in Berlin tht the Queen will visit Damstujt, whqe ahe will hold a. family conference ‘mth ï¬fe Batten. The committee 9! the Liberal Fodontiqn hns decided on oppamtion to seveml provisions of the Local Gwamment Bill. The Queen has invited the King and Queen of 1::st to visit Windsor Castle In June and they have accepted the invitation. The Hooters engaged at \Vanaw for service in the army in case of war have been notiï¬ed that they will not be needed. ton, stating that Wilson has been ‘since the trial of Detective Fabey and still is living in that cit . and that knowiu that the evidence ivy: nu 'oieut to convict A‘ahcy without his am no he did not come to Monti-ad, having . on threatened with violence. Owin to the strong fgclin amaoi the Progestant population inglVIontx-etl ï¬ning to erect a. statue of the Virgin y 1; Mount Roypl Pay): a joint meeting of the roteatant Ministerial Absocintlon and the Evangeliml . Alliance was held April 16 to 3:- range for united action gain“ the proï¬ect. ‘ A form of petition to the 'ty Council ai been sent by the Alliance to every Protestant plea-gym in Montreal for signature by their congregations. Senator Abbott has been nominated by the Bank qt Montreal direcaors to succeed the late Hon. John Hamilton on the board. and will be ap pointed at the expiration of thjrtv (in Mr. pAbbott a appointment necessitates iis withdrawal from the \Ierchants' Bank, of which he has been a director for some years. forging a burglzu‘ureceiyedv seven fend, 3-5"! R0 rt McDonald, oonvxcted of barn-burning, was sent to the lwnitentiary for ten years. A Montreal paper ublishes a. letter from the notorious Frank \ ilson. dated from Bos- sentences being rammed By Mr: Juxtice VMicV- Man. A Mignigan mango: ï¬ve years fm: Mercier, Premier of Quebec, was lar el at- tended and was a great success. Sir ic 3rd Cartwright was present, but. Mr. Laurier was unable to attend. Mr. Mercier nude 3. Ian and eloquent speech, outliningythe policy 0 the Liberal party of the Province. ' in \Vinuipeg, abscondcd-on 'Aivrfl?‘13, taking with him over $0,000 of the' bank’s funds. He was captured the next day in Pembina, Dak., but. only $433 was found on him. Cameron went to Winnipeg, from London. Out, a few years ago. 2 The trial of the criminal list at the Kent Aasizes wga .concludeq 4pril_ _13, 30mg aegqre At the Kent Assizes at Chatham J nines Macey. hailing from Detroit, was found guilty of having committed the dynamite putt-age at the house of License Inspector Evans of Chat- ham on the night of J an. 23, and sentenced to fourteen years in Kingston Penitentiary. In a slander case of McCuHough v. Fiel tried at the Civil Assizes, Toronto, in whic 810,000 damages were claimed.‘ the jury brought in a nominal verdict in favor of the plaintiff and Judge Street*certjï¬ed to full costs, which will amount to about $2500. A: a conference of the cottonmaxiufacturen held in Montreal on April 11 it was decided not to increase prices, to mxintain their asso- ciation and to make arrangements to meet the opposition of the Gibson mill. which remains outside the "commune.“ Bishop Bond has received a letter from Premier Marcier stating that the Quebec Government has decided to comply with the petition for a new grant. to the Protestant In- sane Asylum, and will ask the concurrence of the House at the next session. Extensive improwments are bein carried out by the Government at Kingston eniten- tiary. The work. which will be done by th. convicts, will cost between 830.000 and $40,- 000, and will take three years to complete. granted for the work, the City Council will be asked to make up the deï¬ciency. A very large and influential deputation from Ciuebec interviewed Sir John Macdonald for t e purpose of obtaining Government, aid for the construction of a. bridge over the St. Law- rence from Quebec to Point Levi. The New Brunswick 811 reme Court de~ cidod that Mr. John T. Awke had been ilty of contempt of Court, and it is suppmed is person will be attache C! until he has “purged himself of the contempt. " The twelfth annual meeting of the Pmby; torian \Vomen’s Foreign MissiOmu-y Society was closed on April 11 at Guelph sfter a suc- cessful two-days’ sittin . The naxt, annual meeting will be held in q‘oronto. Pmtwtants in Momma! are indignant at the proposed erection of a statue of-the Virgin Man in Mount Royal Park, and n movement has_been started to get up a counter petition against. the project. . ‘ The total cost of the nnanent flood dyke and umping stations in . ontroal W111 amount to 09,900._ As_on}y £313,900 13;“ been The Montreal friends of Mr. Taillon. leader of the Quebec Opposition, purpose tendering him a public banquet and presenting bun with a well-ï¬lled purse before the meetmg of the Legislature. The Manitoba Government has decided to establish ofï¬ces in the most important centres of Eastern Canada. to disseminate informatien regardxng the advantageeoï¬ered by the Pro- vmce to xmmlgmte. " ‘ Mr. Dawson, M.P. for Algomg, has given en explicit statement to the eï¬ect that the Government will push the Sault canal to com- pletion as early as possible. ~_ ' . . Bear’s carri e tacto at Deon. South Waterloo, was estroyed“ y ï¬re on March, 9, with a. sawmill and othei adjoining buildings, causing a loss of $20,000. The temperance people of Prince Edwm-d Island presented a tition tt Ottawa'tlxgt the uestion of prohi ition for the Domunon be an mitted to a plebiscite. 'At a Conservative convention in Duncan- \ulleI Mr. C. H. Mackintoah was unanimously nommated to contest Russell County for the House of Commons. Lit. Raphael in also in the ï¬eld as a Conservative. ' The Newfoundlnnd Assembly defeated the reaolution to send delegates to Ottawa to dir cuss the question of entering Confederation. Four hundred donors for Scott Aci ï¬nes has been handed to the F routem County Treué tiger within the past; week by Magistnte Me- In. An illicit still was seized in Stanley Town- ship, Huron Count , 01nd ghe proprietor sen- tenced to one mom '3 1mpnsonrnent and ï¬ned Manitoba. ' 3’ 7:15 Hon. Jmmwhl retire- month-ompolitics. I}: ‘ Amwwbohougï¬tmfummdmmt 3f thehv: ofllibathism‘: Namralgu has been struck 3t mart/own, West Elgin, at a depthof 901m; : At a meeting of the Manitoba Cabinet is was decided to resume w ‘ onithe Red River anlcy Railway immediate .- J , . Traï¬c on the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway be. tween Boissevain - nad- Mugâ€"Mum, hns been suspended by a washout. ’ “Winnipeg grain (inlets utimate the surplus rain for export this season at betWeeu We ve and thirteen million bushels. Chief Justice Armour Wes presented with _a pair of white gloves st Napenee, there bemg no prisoners for trideh the Aesizee there. ’ Under the will of the late Hon. John Hem ilton of Montreal the Montreal General _Hos- giotal gets 3 bequest of $20,000, and Tnnity llege Univeraity, Toronto, 82500. The river is rising repidly at Montreal. and great fears are entertained of s flood in Point St. Charles, public opinion -be'ing'1keptical as to the protection aï¬orded by the flood dyke. “The goat tn the country of the McCarthy Act, which was declared ultn vita by the Privy Council, was $248,752. Montreal grocers are making strenuous ef- forts, so far without success, to induop the framers of the new license law to omit the clause abolishing grocers’ licenses. By the will of the late Samuel Bowman of Toronto, property valued at $25,000 has been bequeathed to Knox College, and r0 rty of an equal value to Erskine Irea ycerian Church. Vt 113. Millman was executed at Charlotte- town, 1’. E.I_., for the murder of Mary Tuplin it Max-gate in June last. The p m for the annualmocbes of the Domimon ifle Association is being waged. The amount of the prizes this year :3 to be 1m creased to $7250. ‘ NA. Camerpn. :ellvrof the Union Bank .Thg bulqueq in- Moptgal in Map: of; Mr. .Seedi58 h» m begunin gm DOMINION NEWS. mwmu I have now of: hand the Iargest stock VIVeQer had and orders are coming in fast. I have To and open Phwtons Top and other Carriages, in which I de com tition. Also a. greap t variet of the lit/est styles of Bulï¬zfies, all manufactured offysecomrgrowth 1 of hickory and we] seasoned and made by sk ul workmen. L. O'CONNOR would respectfully ask all uirin a ï¬rst class '01) of an 1: ‘ his line to call and see for themselves and notrelge hmï¬bugged by o‘hy-tonguid 11:21]:in bags in this Important business. It should not be a question of low prices for inferior goods, but a. fan prlce for su rior and reliable work. 1' huvn nnw rm hand Hm 21-0an arm-Ix ‘l' amn- km»! and AMA-ha .M nnm:-â€"nâ€" :_ c--- v ,, ,.‘ Lindsay, April 12. 1888.-â€"12-tf. Carriage and Wagon Works, Etc. 1888-â€"-LIND SAYâ€"1888. McQuory has been appointed captain of the Syracuse Sun‘s. The Toronto: will play with tho Pittsbum today and tomorrow at the Smoky City. A nufl'ulo rug Knocked 0:“. NEW YORK. April 16.-â€"A prlzo ï¬ght took place last night on board It vowel lylng in Gownn's Bunbetwecn Paddy Smith of Brooklyn and Frank Unrkc olBufl’nlo. in which the latter was knocked out in the seventh round. Both men were badly punished. The Jersey City club promises a. novelty in the shape of an Indian pitcher. Kilrnln Will l-‘lulll Autumn. NEW YORK. April mâ€"Gcorgo \V. Atkinson. of The London Sporting Life. send»: the follow- ing telegram horc lo 'Kilrnin's backer: London. April ilkâ€"Jake Kilmln will ï¬ght, Jnck Ashton ten Weeks from signing articles according to London prize ring rules for £l000 u. sido. the diamond bolt and the clmmpiunahip of the world. the battle to be fought in England or Franco. Kilmin will nllow Ashton £200 tor ox~ ‘ponsos. Cublo if accepwd. Spot; 0: upon. Albany has signed a new player nut-nod Kuhna. THIS SILVER-PLATED WWW A: Washington: Wuhlncton. Nnceton . Bnucrlcl Umpire : nmmorc. H. an ..... Dunne: O'Rourke. b‘é'iroii....' ..... ....12.......'.'.423110926-13 2 6 A! New York: NeWYm'k ....... ....... .......... 066168111«fl Columhin (301!“ng ........ 0 o 1 u 0 o 0 0 l- a B-atterhn W dmnn Home.“ O'Roarko; Margin and Wilde Umptmzï¬om At Broom“: . t. Mny‘aNlne ....... .......... 00 00 0002 â€"8 Fonu‘n Nine ....................... 2 I 00 00 no mu m: Manual Clans; remand Bu among. Um- pit-c: amnion. LACROSSE OVER THE SEA. Haws mom THE TORONTOS OF mam smesmi ENGLAND. The Ion-to loll tee- nnln‘ lam by mum-mount canes rue-my- A Mt Between Int-el- .“ nemâ€" Opeu of Sport. Emu-r. April 3-4“ reached here last nlght from Mmheeterend pulled yesterday. the ï¬rst qnlet day elnee our leading. At. the etulon we were met by Mr. Ben. Scholtlold 0‘ Bradford. Mr. Scholfleld. when all the mem- bers o! the 1833 teen will remember, and who any: that‘ho has forgotten none of them. lacnv- tnin o! the York County comblned team. and It vice-preeident o! the North 0! nuclear! anroasa Aseocletlon. On hle shoulders rest- the greater out or the somewhat heavy burden of aiming theznme lnYork-hlmnnd heleo whole reception commlttee in himself. Tomorrow. under llls charge. we will drlve to the Regimental Steeple- chme nt Wctherhy. about 7 miles from here. On Tuesday we plev at Bredford ngnlnst Cheshire and Ydrkshlre. and on Thursday ln ngnte against Yorkshire and Notting- ham. \‘Ve return to Manchester on Erlï¬aY. To return in my letter for a moment to Man- chestcr. When we got back from our jaunt in Derbyshire on Good Friday evening. we assem- bled in our big pin-lore at the hotel. and in .nw n. v presence or a couple 0! dozen Manchester and Owens College men. presented Mr. E. C. 'Svmllow with an album containing the por- traits of the members of on;- lenm. a small sign of our appreciation of the many kind nets done nu by Mr. Swallow and the gentlemen whom he represents. - . , ,_,.“-~!n_ Alleghanyu ... Torunto ........... Bacterial: Guh’in Umph-o: Valentino. u-V Ivy-"vâ€" Snturday morning was our ï¬rst opportunity toseea little of Manchester on our own ac- count. and most of the boys spent their time and money in buying clothes. And now Seim teen in all his glory was not arrayed like one ot-thesc.~ In the afternoon at W’ithinmon we rp‘nyed our second game. this ,time- against South Manchester. Garvin. jr.’. replaced Mc- lienry. The game resulted in n decisive vic- tory for the Torontos bv seven goals to none. Our be" played as usual, carefully at ï¬rst. at all mints. but when assured of theirsupremncy. with more attention to the prettier features of the game. The home men. to show their dodging and' passing powers. missed n round score of chances. But from what we have seen in the two games played wehnve concluded that the Englishmen are made of prooer lacrosse stuff. and that when the game has been in this country long enough to admit or the rise of n generation of players trained in their use they will fight for theworhl's chom- pionshin on equal terms with Cnnndinns. The Stan-5' First Game. NEWARK. N.J.. April m.-'rho Syracuse club played their ï¬rst game of the season in this city [0-day with the homo team. The name was well played and the attendance good. ' 150w“): Toronto; Salter Anotheir Den-M. menvna. Pm. April m-Tha home team but! rather a picnic with the Torontos 10-day, knocking Cnsoy nil omr the fluid. Galvin was halted frociy. but. his support was cmciicnf. while that of Casey wu docidodly wretched. Kan-aim," To describe the manner in which we have been rccclved is next. to impossible. Lacrosse me" here think a. den! more 0! the game for itself even than we do at home. During our visit they haveindlcnzcduleirleve for the game byllvlng with us, almoslwmdim: at our elbow: to prevent. our payment. at a alngle half-penny (for extras), entlcipatlng our every deslre and showing us as much of Lhelr towns and coun- try sldes as possible in the Lime at their dis- Wmam amwmfï¬m 1' mm“ 132““ wmm' . y. an em m. of the kidneys. spinal disco“. tprpid “yer. gout. leueqrrhcn, can: -‘_-I -_I.-__u-_ _‘__.r__| A_:,,1AÂ¥, sexual exhaustion, seminal ambitions, uthmshean' diséaae. dyspepéin. 065613.}? - ,' t:in.lxntmtaenw eil .dnmb nnddnbeces. Sendstunpg ï¬ï¬u‘é‘m y ufusm bog $122.15 36% Corrgggndaneo mm‘conï¬donthl. a... “nation and am Montana. Agents mud everywhml’u. 0b.“). ml Cum Guaranteed Medicated Etootrlo Belt 60.. UBBQueep 8:. West, Toronto. Man. At Ragga}: City L. O’CONNOR’S (inner Games. , CHAIR" MILE UNDER ITS INFLUEIOE The only eaten-h remedy ever oflered to the public on 1 mm; Myrnwe given with each instrument. W. '1‘.‘ treetWest, Toron § 3 ibis; no.0“. lfoty. '4 ‘37 000.810 13 x o o s-x's‘ (Show. noooo .. 0 002! sud Miller: (7am and 01 THE GREAT EYE AND LUIS RESTORE! mun ouzm 7 Wu No. azâ€"Positively cures all diseases of the E . Cam-get Gm: M Eye-has, Inflamed Eyes, near and In sightï¬iness Tn En: mum wands CLOSED. :uni Immwl munglotioaormmbuusw sam- 11ng email “(11:10:3qu up 'ed at an hours. Maud-spines. Actiualo. zâ€"auickly relieves thoroughly cures .11 That and um: dim was 3.83 t 00 20 {And 00 00 1Q- 00 00 RGTIHR 3.110136; j“.â€" W' x! .3 ¢ am a direct' to "$68, arts. ‘ thou“ convonie: Wiormdismoimuood and n0- ussystem. Ladies' Banana-Moun- Badman it has noequaJ. Mens' Belt 88. comm 1t and Suspensory 05. em‘xiasioifs. Etc. 'The'oal; -l..l__ A Allâ€"AAA A--__-__A _ CURES mgauA‘ “II-will†U110 "A!“ 1y fllnstgnted book and health §nemlbiemmm the New .YorkCIubwillbeeeuJedl-etewduu. Mantel-Mm uncut Guayhaswu ofcheehand “Mambo nu the net!- thehnghmry ï¬ne M Int-edged. He caught. the great Nicol: new!“ twice ox hues. The Association moon at Brooklyn will open I to-momw. ’ On this occasion Pmldent llyrne l of the Brooklyn Club will invite all the mini:- ! tors and prominent men to see the game. MEDICATED ELEc'rRIc â€"BELTâ€" At Dennis’ Pump Works. Agent C. P. R. OFFICE in Petty’s Jewelry Store, Kent Street, Lindsay. MANITOBA, B. COLUMBIA. CALIFORNIA, And all points in the United States. For TICKETS and full information apply to The mercury of the‘ Wellington (51min:- Basobdl Club of Toronto bu neat s challonco Lo Lho London mm man; that they will 7_-.4 ‘l “A-IJ‘AA 'l‘ho 01qu bulletin pranciniod by Presl- dcnt. Young this week announces the release or C. F. Daily by Baotou. and his pmmpl engage. ment by Indidnnpoiin. ‘Goorgo Smith has n-gn- larly signal with Brooklyn. Fwd Kuhno with Albany and John Cremn with Rochester. The ï¬nal game for the American Football Association cup was flayed“ Eat Newark. N.J.. on Saturday. The minimum: team: were the Lima of Newark and the Rovers of Fall River. Mass. The latter came out. easily vie torioua by a score of 5 goals to 1. George Litllowood. the English pedestrian, who is entered for (he slxduy go-na-you-plom race which is to Win in Medina Square Garden. May 6. is in the pink or condition. end i'eeln oonfldrnt of winning. He takes spin: 0! j ;A-L._.- 5L_n I.- Lowest Rates TO ALL POINTS East West. play an! A I'm-mu Against Ilse Ila-0c Policy of (be (“Verna-"II. PARIS. Avril lG.-Gcn. Du chiL who has boon ducted President. or the hupc:inl Com- mittee. appeal: {0 Um ncuplc thmugh the columns of Figurn, mamas the 31mm: plebisci- tary position of the Imperialism. and urges x3131 vows be given to Gen. Buulnngcr to overthrow the Parliament regime and prcpnr: the way for Prince Victor. - Tho'Opggt’lrmisl, journals admit that the Op- portunbl. party suffered u never» detox-I. in yesterday's election in the Department of the Nerd. Tho Republiquc ancniso says: There is madness in the air. “'0 must. not despair. however. but must stubbornly ï¬ght the battle. The Joumnl dos Debuts says: The cfl'orle to concentrate the Republicans have failed. The Modem will no longer vote with the Rudi- The Pom Journal says: It is for Ike Govern- ment to attach the proper meaning to the demonstration in favor of universal suffrage just made. None of the papers regard Gen. Boulnnzer‘s success in any other light than as :1 promo: against the home policy or the Government. M. Ferry in a speech at Eninal lodny denun- cinied Gen. Boulnngcr as a mullnons soldien. He admitted that the Chamber of Deputies had abused its power in order to incite n Ministerial crisis. but. in defending the Senate he said that. the Bonlangcr crisis proved that. direct snflruge min not infallible and showed the danger of a single assent. hly and the necessity for n Sonsle The existing situation was plazarlem ofllle Second of December. Iic perfectly recognized again the hypocritical. equivocal and threaten- ing formnlnlof that. period. He would support the I-‘loquct cnbinct and he called upon it. to as- snmc an nctive militant attitude toward Boulnngerlsm and to concentrac Republicans against the plebiscitary Cmsarinn movement. The return of France to Cwsarism would lead to n foreign war. France would lose thew teem o! the rest of Europe if. a second time in forty years. she should be so foolish as to lake mediocrity for genius. o Camille for s Wuh- GomBoulanger has writtcnnlottcr to the doctors of the Department o! the Nord. in which he says: “April 15 mil henceforth be marked in the annals of the eonnlryulhe marked in the annals of LI date of her lruo deliverance." Icon- wuu-u "v ..- .. .._. mirty miles ovory wind declares um he bu every reason to believe that he will eclipse .1: previous records. PACIFIC RAILWAY, MADE TO ORDER, AND CANE CHAIRS RESEATED, Willow Work The Best Equiped Road on the Continent. » BOULANGER'S VICTORY. “ r-r--* 7†, _ inKlar club in the county 0! Biddle- ALL KINDS OF CANADIAN T. C. MATCHETT. J. H. L. DENNIS. Lindsay Street. Under New Management and with a. very Extensive Assortment of Choice Goods, I amprepared to oï¬â€˜er to my old friends customers and and all others Who may favor me with their iatronage, the best value to )6 obtained. or any other thing you may want to make up your Spring outï¬t. The Silk will be on exhibition for your inspection. I am determined to make the Ladies' Furnishing House Head quarters for Dress Goods as well as for Millinery. You all know I take the lead in that line. You can get everything in Ladies’ Furnishings at my storeâ€"the newest and most fashionable goods to be found in the market So come and in- spect my goods and see for yourself. Remember the 215t of April Girls, don’t miss the Silk Dress. Remember the place, It is not necessary to purchase the whole amount at onetimc but if you wil have the amount bought before that date you will be mic of the thirty to compete for the prize, I take this way to show you that it will pay you to come to the Ladies F umishing House to purchase yo 3 To the one out of thirty who purchases TEX DOLLARS worth of Goods from me - That is the question we hear every day and one which is hard :0 answer if it was put this wayâ€"They say that Hat is becoming but is it? We would simply say that if it is one of W. }. Gailon's It couldn't help being becoming, if you don’t believe it call in and sec for yomself. Try my Hats, examine my Stock, I shall be as picascc‘ as a child with a new toy to show you through. TO BE GIVEN AWAY on the ï¬st of APRIL. In order to adver- tise my stock of DRESS GOODS “hich is the \'<:\\ est and most Cum- plete stock to be found outside the citx', I nan: made up mx mind to give TW EXTY YARDS of BLACK SILK is the name of the most Stylish Shape in Soft Felt. I can give mt any Shade. ' 20 YARDS 0F BEAUTIFUL BLACK SILK are very Stylish in Christies, and I can recommend either shape In an). one wanting a nice hat. in different Shades, in fact Hats for Everbody, may they be short, thin or stout. . :01“: 7-? Next Door to Hamz’ltoé’s C am'age S/ww Rooms Near the East End of Kent Street, and as we are heavy losers by the ï¬re and requlre a large amount of money soon, we have demded to Mark our Goods Away Down, Moï¬rimmon Bros regardless of cost by which means we hope to realize our aim \Ve invite all to call down and see us. FIRE, FIRE, FIRE. Great Slaughtering Ladies’ Furnishing House, Valued $30.00 as a Prize SALE OF DRY GOODS, Remember the Place, Melville's old stand, Doheny Block. We are at present in the OLD FIRE HA. NEW GHRISTIES 0R SILK HATS Anything and everything in the Gents Furnishing Line. Saved from the Fire, now going); on at MRS. H. SILVER’S “ KNOCK ABOUT †vmsss, cunsmues SATGHELS IN GREAT mnm, MID EXCELLENT QUALITY. L. IMAGUIRE. THEY SAY IT :53, But is it ? quore ï¬lm 2152‘ 0/14/5717 next. Spring Dress, Zl/[aizf/e, H at, 7713 Leslie and Me Prime Tea/c MCCRIMMQN BROS THE PALACE William Street, Lindsay. MRS. HUGH SILVER’S Ladies’ F umishing House, \Vm. Street, Lindsay. [DEEMUERS W. J. GALLON.