‘7 IU- Q. Q. 0N f. TIS " h zodsay (it. ‘ was: iliizigs .-.re orig ... ,;;;)e’ ‘11:"; J \i;:.::‘ \Izzt. ‘ :ic 5;: I.::‘.\ ‘. »: sf "are; 1 is 3.1 u :\’c> t: 231:"- jau" “12133 . no c, ..,~c.,i an: ‘ it the manila! e bers or persons 5 over :0 years . 3x0 to 56; for - ;¢".<3 .1 post: 2 rest, L;n;say‘, oration ‘ v than ever sraww 10,3300 : . t ‘ â€IAN, "_ t Eafillinery Opening next tireek, every WedneSday and Thursday. ' have Style, Price and Variety farbeyond i from. the best English makers and at prices . , . . . ~q~~flm. .- .AJ “1.“ a....... -3. . immune-u , LiNDsAY, rHURs‘nAï¬f,‘ ,APRIL 3,1390. f - FLEETWOOD. ' ‘to the WATCHMAN. ‘ Believille to remain a. few days previous to his. taking his position in Stanstead _ ’ ., -.- “or ei'Iivalmeetingslthat have been con- 0011389 below Montreal. NH:- 3001‘ was ‘“ dire édby Rev; Mr. Bollin the white brick vgell lilged and 18: greatly Imssed by the " ’ ' " ~ - , diurch closed . «in rain): night. ‘ rim-t- i I aver h.â€- -.V0 Wish 1mm SUCCCSS- gins Qi’el‘ forfy lll‘OfeSSUtl To have f‘mhd Mr. John Woods, step-Son of Mr. John their: Sav1our’s redeeming grace We Pitcalley of this village, met- with rather sincerely hope it may be so. and that: they a bad shaking up on Fridaylast. Mr. may Ibmlhhhe '50 grow h] grace and lead Woods was on the elevator where the ice ~ bettq‘rlives fm' the future. , is drawn up and in the act of shoving a The snow that came on Friday has made block of ice he slipped falling at distance a little sleighiiig to enable people to do of 25 ft. or more upon the-blocks that are \ some hWork, getting wood and other small being stored, he was at once taken home ‘ upon Mr. Ellis’ sleigh and on examination we are glad to say no bones were broken. The young man is recovering. Chum-35 _ ‘ .n» u: ., ,., . . .7 - -u.¢. «no , 'b-Q “Liv/oft Iv bunï¬jrn,‘ a,,- , .- I _ -‘, ‘* \ . _- '-;"§:.3 .â€"â€"â€"_.â€" -...__â€"- BURN I' RIVER. Specialtothe Wmcmmx. There are upwards of 200 men now Mr.:Lack has bought out Mr. A. Rettie’s . engaged in stowing away this cooling 1 beverage, there is no ice like that which , - . a. . _ _. - , is taken out of Cameron Lake, I have , Phi; 541"““i’9 Army â€sued here on heard it said that the longer you leave a Fuesday last 29th ult. Although the l block of it in the sun the harder it gets, Weather Was unfavorable there was a good and we 'iiiuht add that if y( u leave italflll“ turn out. ‘ =‘ ' 3‘ ’MréJ. J. Nichols will have his mill in running ordc r this spring. Parties having logs Will do well to have them at the mill as early as possible. llouseihnd lot. enough it will get. thathard that you can- not remove it. The heavy fall of snow on Friday made our village once more assume its usual , . active a iearance storekee )el'S were bus ' Five members Of “2,0 L' 0' I" went “i and meiilpaced oiir streets ivith as businelss Feiiclon Falls “u the “ht â€f March}? “I? an air as though they were the proprietors received the Royal bcarlct degFPe- ‘ 0t )â€" of Wall St. New York The hot sun how- mg 111‘" advancing. . - . ever is having its effect, and the streets All kinds of garden seeds in large and will soon be once more clear of winter small packages at E. Woods. shroud. ' A SUCh‘l‘ evening was spent 133'“ Friday The gold chain and locket that was pre- zit Ralph Reed’s by a number of our young sented “to Mr. Rook Was bought at Mr. people, and had a very P191341“ time. Petty's jewellery store Lindsay. Mr. It ‘is Mr. Jos. Martin, instead of Jas. Petty’s reputation for the genuine article Master, as mentioned in last issue, that is and the lowest price as advertised in these preparing for building. columns led the purchaser there to buy. M So much for advertising in the WATCH- CAMBRAY. MAN. Special to the \VA'l'CvalAls'. .___.. -r- -._.â€______,,____ \VEDDING Bluntâ€"One ofthose inter- . @lhlf-‘i events "Whhrc‘l here “11 “ “th‘fv‘s‘ Belfast stands third on the list of ports day, 26th February, when Mr. \\ in. in the United Kingdom. (1 . . ‘ ' ‘ . i- , . . lambln â€f Uhs’ ‘md Luiily, youngest Parishes iii Donegal have Contributed I‘ 1 . ~ -. ( wc') . . daughter â€f “mulls 11“â€"l’sm’ . “f £1,017 totlie Irish l‘enants’Defencc fund. inari-iez. at the residence of the brides . v ,. . it". have be 0nd dlsp T. t8 the "I i a OSt father. Rev, Dr. ‘Yilliatns performed thc‘ {ext “ m‘ Pai‘li, Of Belfast; “.111 he the 3“:- h' e y 1‘ H I cci'clnofly. and in addition baptized four “5m MUdcthr m tho IHSh I WShthrh‘h ‘ 0 children belonging to three of the faini- thumb- “ ““1 ' ‘4' St k f D G“ Gdg ever 1mm lies present. The guests numbered fifty; The Second Gordon Highlanders, from O “ it i a be 00 O Ey U .3 there Were none present except members Belfast, are to be sent to the Curragh dur- “" of the UM: families of Tanililin and Tiionip- ing the present year. 80“, Whh the exChl’tl'm "f Miss Dilhh-‘lbW There died at the Gardets, Bangor Cas- who was bridesmaid. The following is a tie, Belfast, on the 6th inst., Mr. Robert partial list of the presents received by the Fisher, aged 78 years. bride:â€"- A comprehensive tinipcranc'e movement n.~.." - '.‘. f.-.‘ 50. Cents per Year in Advance. farewell. Many tears were shed, and it was altogether an affecting scene. LONDoi’, March 31.â€"The T imm’ Berlin correspondent describing the grand ova- tion to Bismarck on the occasion of his departure from-Berlin, says: “This is not the language of exaggeration, but a sober recordof incidents seen by an vimâ€"witness. I have never seen so respectable a crowd in. Berlin. It contained-none of the con- stituents of a mob, but was Comprised of the best circles, cspeciallv fmm the ofï¬- Cial world. I could never have believed that so severe and‘ sombre a class could have betrayed such downright emotion.†â€"â€"â€"__.______;_ A Thief Run Down- llIOSTREAL, March fillâ€"The thousands of people who hurry along Croat St. James street in this :ity at noon hour :iic (renor- ally a lot of busy men and “one; but notwithstanding their pressing dut icskhev all had to stop yesterday and, see a sneak thief of good standing in his profession run to earth. The facts are as follows :7 Mr. Lanoix, of the firm of annis, Lanoix Co., entered the Banque Ville Marie. just west of the St. Lawrence Hall, to make a depoSit, and with this end in view placed his pass book, together with bills to the amount of $320, in the wicket. expecting that the receiving teller would Soon take possession of the same. All at once a stranger presented himself :Ll.(l saluting the merchant in military stvle said : “ Excuse me, sir, is that the Molsons Bank opposite l†Mr. Lanoix turned an instant onlv to give the desired information. but what was his surprise in again looking towards the bills to see the latter rapidlv dis- appearing beneath a second strdnger’s overcoat, the wearer of w hich Was making towards the door. A general alaim being sounded every one made after the thief who took to his heels and bolted directly into the arms of Pete Morph v, the well- kiiowii news agent, whose office is on the outSide of Medical hall. Murphv held on for dear life, notwithstanding serious up- position from the robber. and tinallv a policeman came tip and showed the fin- lv’iiniiii the Way to the (‘L‘ill'l'iil station. When Confronted by the chief the; i'isoiier gave his name as \Villie llroivn. and said he had just arrived from D ti-oir. lie was izniiicdiately recr giiiZed. how ever, as a notorious bank sneak thief by the name of Horace Horan, alias " Little Horace,†aged 39, and one of the most dis'ii guished Mr. and Mrs. Win Taniblin, Sr., large is being organized by the Roman Catholic members of his particular fi‘atciinty on ’ ' illustrated family Bible; Tliosrll. Tlioippâ€" authorities in Ireland. son and Miss Phoebe Daniel, beautiful china tea set; Mr"".ll,erS'1“ï¬L “05:81.1? dead at Cahircoulisli, Limerick, by her Silver c-'uet stand; “1‘" â€m ‘ [5' ' ' ' 'cmployer, who was shootin'.r crows. ' Thon‘pGMirglass fruit dish; Ddegvll‘S. . , . . a -. p ._ “.- . mi Acontrovérsy has. been magnum, 11:1 Rigd‘j‘l'in'hlï¬ll‘irsillliglluï¬cklje “$3.31,: tioii amongst the Irish Cliurcli ministers \‘Vlessileyb'l‘:inblinm lenionadc set- Mr ’ and as to the wearing of the gown 1“ the Phl’ , . . " j ' )lt Mrs. R. Best. “lass fruit dish; _Mr. and l - . 7 ‘ Mrs. T. Tambliii, silver clock, set iii plush; It has been decrded at the 3‘ ar. Ofï¬ce Mr. and Mrs Foster Thompson, parlor that the Scots Greys, now serving in Ire- lamp; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompkins, half land, shall go to Aldershot for the man- oozen rlass goblet King, saglass cheese dish; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Evely, parlor lamp; Mr. and Mrs. J. J .- Oldï¬eld, Cake stand and set of'glass- ware;'Miss. l'hoebe Daniel, silver break- fast cruet; Mr. and Mrs. J .' Weldon, white bed spread; -Miss Clara Thompson, bed- room set; Miss'Eva B. Oldï¬eld, pair of glass bread plates; Mr. and Mrs. D. Cor- neil, glass water pitcher and one dozen goblets; Mr. Thos. H. Thompson, glass butter dish; the Misses Eadie and Winnie Cornell, pepper and salt stands; ' Mrs. s Thos. Thompson, bureau and pair ‘_0f_ oil paintings; Mr; Thomas Thompson, dining- y room set. ' A number of English Members of Par- liament intend to go -to Ireland in the Easter recess for the purpose of being present at the founding of New Tipperary. A shipping clerk named George Arthur on'the 12th inst. murdered his sweetheart, Nora Tattersall, at Cave Hill, Belfast, and afterwards committed suicide. The Lord-Lieutenant ‘ has conferred knighthood upon Dr. John Nugeut, who has just retired from the chief inspector- liip of lunatic asyluins in Ireland after .43 ear’s service John Markham. an Irish land bailiï¬', who had been boycotted for ten years, and was constantly guarded by the police while he lived, died a few days ago, and, the Shed“ ‘0 ‘hc WATCHMAN' , ~ ' guard being relaxed a little, some persons On Tuesday evening last Mr. Richard unknown stole his‘body and made away A, Book was presented in the 011106 9f with it so effectually that it has no: Since the Pulp Mill with a heavy gold chain been found. and locket and also with a well tilled purse At Balbvbay, on the 6th inst, a farmer on his leaving the employment 0f tbs named Edward Redmond committed Napanee Paper CO The adldrless‘was ".3: suicidcby tying his legs and throwing by Mr. A- Q- thï¬gmlffrarlNriileIfifi‘egsfidi: pimsglfi into ad bogI hole, {where he “ï¬ts tion was ma e - - ~ ' oun rowne . e iut us ca in 15 Mr. ROOk after receiving the presents pocket to prevent it fldating on tlie water made an appropriate reply, thanking “(If and thus lead to the findingr of his body. men for their thoughtfulness. The a ' He had left home to meet his wife when dress ran, thing-R I returning from shopping. To Ricmrd . . 00;, . _ DEAR Sir. AND BBOTHER,â€"â€"-It is With . . the deepest regret that we learn that you Bismarck Leaves Berlin. are now about to 59V)“ your connecltion BERLIN, March 30.â€"Prince Bismarck with the Napanee Ial’ell'g‘h £1â€); 131?; left Berlin for Friedriclisrulie,liis country you have SO fillrthfhhlytl fttourimï¬ot let seat, yesterday. On Friday he visited the paSt 1‘) 19%;)“- t? 99? 1“ “Tiesoine small Mausoleum at Charlottenburg. in which on 0 Wit ou en Grim-5 3’0 - ' the remains of Fm )OI‘OI‘ William I. are iccognition â€f our appreciation for your interred, and plabcd a wreath upon the many excellent qualities, we therefore be‘-' cofï¬n of his old master. Prior to his do- your :ICCOPUIDCP “f [his g"h1 Chm“, locket parturc from Berlin he paid farewell visits and purse, not for any iiitriiiSic value they to the Roval Princesses. have, or the amount the lattefrï¬ontgiiir, of persons gathered in the Wilhelmstra but, as a slight remembemnce U '19 I “ y and along the route to the railway stat- Our cuStorners say ofour Suitings they ENELON FALLS. the ordinary. best styles from $10 upwards. "Eure Silks for Dresses imported direct for our particular trade. Black Silks ele- gariy ï¬nished, heavy and soft. Carpets and Oil Cloths imported direct for a season, the affection that has always A servant girl has been acculently shot i s;'.\’Ir. and Mrs. Doble oeuvres in the summer. i Later thousands $58 the Continent. Horaii’s accomplice dis- appeared while the pursuit of his pal was being indulged in, but his arrest may be 100de for at any momeng. -\ficr the pplicerpan had started for ihe station with. ' his prisoner the entirearom Lei money stolen was found on the window ledge near where Murphy bed brought hisunan to a halt, and no doubt the bills had been thrown there by the robber. Those' Mysterious Disappearan ces. In regard to the statements credited ii a Mr. T. B. Alderson, of New York, which have reference to the mysterious disap- pearance of two young Englishmen named Begbie and Rawlings, Mr. _Fred \‘Vhite, comptroller of the N. W. M. P.,to-day gave some information from the. depart- mental records in reference to the former. “ Francis K. Begbie joined at Toronto April†24 1885. His attestation sheet ShOWS V the following: Height, 6 feet i inches ; age, 22 years and 5 months ; chest measurement, 36!; inches ; hair and com- plexion " dark ; eyes blue ; marks, none ; previous occupation, farming and volun- teers ; last residence, Lindsay. Ont. ; former service, 45th Battalion volunteers; religion, church of England ; nearest rela- tive, his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Bcgbie, Stoke Villa. Liniely Stoke, Bath. Eng- land.†He left the 45th to join the N. “7. M. P. and was strongly recommended by Capt. Greyband as a young man of excellent character and a good Soldier, whom he did not doubt the oflicers of the mounted police would speedily promote. His police papers also showed that he had been plucked in his military examinations in England. “Apparently he did not like the police,†said Mr. White, “for he only stayed 125 days. see he had been out west on service, and when he got down to Winnipeg probably did as they so often do, started to paint the town red. go back to his barracks for punishment. in a soldier, but drunkenness in a police- man is inexcusable. H abouts known. . . , , . . . . . ion happy years we ha“: “(“de together, to Witness the ï¬nal scene in the Bisma - ' ' ' . , . , - , ’ . . rck dis oses of the alleged mvsterv in Begbie s trusting that though we are parting now drama. W caring the uniform of the ms: 3) . . a On August 26. 1883, he deserted whilst on escort duty at Winnipeg. You Then he Was ashamed to For drunkenness that is very severe. \Ye hold it might be somewhat excusable .g: r frat; a a. i-Lu ..i..» 4 ‘ . mwegwrfl‘w i, ., .. . _ ‘. 2. .-» at. 'v. .‘A;,: ..,, . .. .. "at“; Probably he went to the States, but, at any rate, as a dcsertcr he Would not want to make his where- This statement rather to meet the humblest pockets. cuirassiers, Prince Bismarck left the p11- ace 0f the chancellor at 5 o’clock D- In" Judge Barrett has denied the motion and entered an o ien ~. ~ . . . . re itcd witl; St( 1'1 carrlege. He was for a new trial in the Flack conspiracv case g ‘5.’ ’ ’ my enthusrasm. The in New York. . entiie route was a sea of waving handker- chiefs. Followmg the Prince’s carriage Letters from St. Petersburg declare came another carriage occupied by Prin- that the original cause of the student out- cess Bismarck. A number of other car- breaks in Russia was indignation over the riages filled with friends and admirers Siberian outrages. 211,222; 1;: tli’IPOCCSSlOn, When the party . Edward Happy, the son of a prominent, siers and be station a sqadron 0f CUFaS- Louisville, Ky., merchant, has been lost a and formed a. guard of honor in the mountains of Wyoming for three All the ministers the d' l ' ' ' ' ' ’ 1p omatic corps and weeks and is believed to have rushed in the court and state ofï¬cials were waiting the storm. pe to bid farewell to the Prin d was a great mass 0f peoplgebiii‘sidethfilg The man who was arrested as McDufl‘, station. Mountains of bouquets for the the supposed murderer of Bolton in Til. Prince and Princess were piled in the bury, was taken to Harrow, where be waiting rooms, which were decorated, liveda. number of years, for identification. existed amongst us may no t be blighted by the hand of time. We can assure you that you go from amongst us taking the good will of all your brother employees. Your generous and amiable manner has. so endeared you to us all, that to part With you is to us a sad event. We Wish you in the future in no matter What sphere of life you may be called, all the health, 37‘, wealth, and happiness which this World ' can give, and should we never see your I face, or clasp your hand again as we do " here to-night, we trust we shall all meet †upon that day, around that throng, where Angels sing their great Redeemer s praise, and where parting is no more. Signed by the employes of the Napanee Paper Co. Mr. Rook leaves on Wednesday f‘ r . Prince Bismarck in a hearty voice bul~ all No â€he weighted him "'5 MCD'J' n . ,, .,. ... . '.‘ a r» . -.... " .‘vg, .‘ ' â€41.11? a . . . x g . r 'i f ‘. ,. 1".1u“ v-vA. :9 ï¬lm? ‘ i. .J« Asa a“. "ix . , n? 31.1,; r ,g.‘ . . g . . u a . . .. . . . rpm aw-g 3.: 'Wu‘ufl "nag/"‘1‘ u Aggy-E, . ..a~u 'JJJBW. .. w - ., t ,....,;‘,..,F 1., ‘r: stains .‘ , W «aW gammy sq... r W... Mil. am. #- .. w u mf‘sr. 2 â€if"? ‘31, f1