2 FENELON FALLS. _p_ > Special to the Warm-max. The Liberal-Conservative Association for east Victoria held their convention here on Wednesday, the 2nd April; The riding was well represented and the gathering most enthusiastic over the pros- pects of the next election. Messrs. Fell, H. McDougall, S. Swanton, T. McQuade, APERS or... and Mantle Making. Mrs. May has again 0 ened t h Dress and rMantle making bciiiines? . . Daily . 3:11;: Peel Street opposite the Dominion Church Note. Canadlan and Dr. Williams will preach next Sunday 7 ' o . . i an Markets. ï¬gï¬gï¬sfï¬gxï¬mï¬ 1? Cambridge 33'8th and J. H Delamere were nominated as Christ descendi to hell??? “bled: Did ï¬t and proper persons to be represented n e ' for the local legislature. Upon a vote being taken Mr. John Fell the present member received the majority, and was declared nominee of the convention to carry the banner at the next election. A unanimous vote was passed expressing conï¬dence in Mr. Meredith, and his pol- icy against Separate schools and the power of the Roman hierarchy in their interference with political parties, and ' ' The Water Works. _ At a meeting of the Council on Monday nigdhty, ailetter was read from Messrs. Cox 4 : an a e, on behalf of S lvest N l } , S. ' . y or ee on, DecoratiOn of .St. Catharines, disapproving of any action of the Lindsay water Works Co. and Informing the council that he would “"' not enter into an contr t ‘th th t - - See my 56. Per R0†Paper y ac WI e 0W“ also for his ,noble stand against Bishop .. 60 u “ Cleary. “ 7 c u u . Dutch Setts One day last week, at the raising of a. “ 8c: “ .. Ali nglnbotham’s Drug store. 13-4. log stable by Mr. Wm. Suggitt of the .. 9 .. n ___.__. township of Somerville, Mr. Thos. Rob- -- “ 10cc “ .. Conference of the Midland District son.receiveda_bad knock from one of the .. y. M. C. A. logs of the building that went very near calling him to his long home. Mr. Bob. e way to 50¢ per Roll. Largest Stock of Wall ught into Lindsay. son was one of the corner men, and when PETERBORO, April 5.â€"-â€"The spring con- the last round was being put up he felt fg'oiice of the Midland district of the 1. VI._ 0. A. opened here yesterday after- his head commencing to ache and re- noon in the rooms of the local association. marked that he did not know whether he Among the delegates present were: could corner the log or not. He had M03933 Walter Wedey, Henry SkltCh only just ï¬nished speaking when he lost and William Craig. 113 0f Port Hope; his balance and fell to the ground the log Messrs. F. C. Stephenson. John Hender- going with him, giving him a tremendous son and W. H. Hopper of Cobourg. knock on his head, cutting him and blind- Messrs. F. _ B. Utley, and Charles Mat- ing his two eyes. Mr. Robson was taken thews of Lindsay. Mr. J. W. Ridpath to the house insensible, and with some of Lakeï¬eld. Mr. F. M Pratt of Hamil- care was shortly able to be removed to ton. Mr. Robert K11 our of Toronto. his own place where he is recovering Mr. J. W. Bennet of eterboro, chair- under Dr. Graham’s care. It was at ï¬rst man of thedlstrict. presided at the after- expected that he would have lost the sight noon meeting yesterday. Reports were of one of his eyes or perhaps both, but on presented from the associations at last accounts it is considered, that with Cobourg, Port Hope, Lindsay and Peter- proper treatment, his sight will not be boro, which were all of a most encourag- injured. ing nature. A paper was read by Mr. S. The C. P, Railway advertising car of H. Ci-iï¬in of Peterboro on “The Bible; Manitoba and North West products was Its Study and Use in the Work.†This here on last Tuesday after the arrival of was of a very interesting and instructive the train going north and remained all day character, and was proï¬tably discussed. Wednesday. The car was in charge of Mr. Charles Matthews of Lindsay read a Mr. Augusta Holm, immigration agent of well prepared paper on “ The Y.P.S.C.E. Winnipeg, and Mr. J. B. Haslett, the C. and the Y.M.C-A-. and hOW Mutually P. R. agent, who were most attentive in Beneï¬cial,†which was also discussed by answering questions relating to the prairie those present. At the evening services in province. The samples of grain were St. Paul‘s church there wasa good attend- numerous and of the best qualities. Quite And all th ‘ W l v 1 _ “ ." Hill‘s Lilo i "1%: Ptmcl‘ tiller bro .â€" £74 Remember the place,. 'ust op- g‘ -hc New Post Oï¬ice, who is now (M15130 . . Spell and running in full blast. PLEASE CALL AND SEE MY 58. PAPER. Agent for the celebrated Ux- bridge Organ and Mendelsohn Piano. [,1 five Watchman. going to sell at prices which will enable us driveway, APRIL 10, 1890. \ f.â€" Doings About Town. to reduce this amount to half its present Crowded Out. ,1 our extended report of the are obliged to leave out. several Owing :1 1551;:cs 1" 1: size. On the ï¬rst of April we commence in .‘C‘-.L‘= _ ’â€" ance, Mr. G. J. Early presided as chair- a number visited the car and were de- NOt‘Ce to Farmers. man. Besides a musical programme. Mrs, lighted with the many specimens of agri- 51.‘ .11.»; good judgment by using the Craick of Port Hope read an excellent cultural labours. ; .5 i)“. .L‘v; 9,511 Condition Powder now, 25c. paper on “ How can the Woman’s Messrs. J. J. Nevison and William 5 . f {17.3 .4,...5, 10-4. Auxiliary assist the Y.M.C.A.,†and Mr. Golden have started a livery stable. They B db C 9 1d t d ' t P ‘ i I; '7 7‘7 #â€"â€"-â€"- Robert Kilgour of Toronto gave an in~ have six horses and as many rigs. They ra; urn O s O S an , OppOSl 6 er- 5 iv: 005 Spring Show. teresting address, his subject being can be. seen on the roads nearly every t ‘ , “ \Vhy should Busmess men support the day drivmg the busy commercml men to , V“ i ‘ â€Vi-144' Show "f th? 093 Agricul- Y.M.C.A.†Miss Frith, a returned mis- and fro. Their horses and rigs are good ' ’ d t t â€™ï¬ th d g; ’ 2i 06 116mm thef'lg’rlcm‘isionery from India, also gave a short and no doubt the new ï¬rm will get a r111 S rug S ore, O sacrl ()6 ese goo So El . 311"; 41' 11" *5 P†Di‘Eflrday? May 3rd when address on the work among the young share of the trade. ' 1 I! 7,. ‘2‘ '2 2‘ 1‘1â€â€œy‘i‘v‘lls ““1 be given. men in India. Master Dodd Cunningham has left for er. ; A. H d T' th â€"- British Columbia to join his cousin Mr. 0 . I Cover an D um; Y 9 4 A Veteran’s Reward. Cains :lsurveyéir in Vdictoriz, W30 halsli cipné , «. iz-xn‘» .'l~i ~ cr oe. - . ' - ' : an ~ t‘ u be . sat-.27.: .2. .. - - v - ’ . fairly well contended individual and he is, - h h 'i) ' ,. The New Station. . . . . Wis t e oy success. 7 , albeit he looks into the future With keen Robins and blackbirds are now to be :57 , a1. 12 2:}; on the new Grand Trunk ‘expectancy. It may not be generally seen in sufï¬cient numbers to assure us that . , i1. _ .- .: .ti..ii’u.ill be commenced as soon . known that Mr.Delurey is a. veteran of spring is here Their sweet notes can be ; - ,7 .- .. .r‘11oi- will permit. The brick {the U. 8. civil war, having taker} up arms , hearifas they'ï¬y from tree to tree, mak- hf..-_.___.__-â€"â€"â€"â€" % - W 1 g, _ Yn‘uil'cjttly on thc‘groun’d, and 13 for the north in 186?), when he 30â€,]eddi’h9 ing nature glad that a new birth has been . é; 1. ‘- 1' 1 “9‘5 â€do†erected. SO.“e may ' 19th N' Y' cavalry, m ng‘ Augurs WI". ushered upon this world of ours. The t, iii » .. .. handsome station here lSion. and partmipated. in a number of honest farmer will soon be seen with plow .2 . 7 ï¬g, iSnifiitlzfï¬gflilfiliisldiffliéggsâ€tfntii’eliizdiildil: ‘in hand tï¬rning ovplr tfhe “iii :tind lprer-1 ’ ‘, ,__m 3 i ‘ i " ‘““ , arino t c rroun or a w 11c Tonto Ho :‘<ey Match. '5 f‘eg‘llcrnfpâ€â€œ11“.1’131?1531;121'1‘ï¬21‘f:’{;i1illt:ï¬:1§r : iiourii’lies bothg3 man and beast ; and the u . ’ 1 _ . _-1~.in‘_; 12-..4: ,, hockey I “.1? whim!“ 2:39“ 1:11. llclui‘cv ï¬ns 1; icoman whose hillwcSt is ended this week 9 purâ€" i ; .â€" tho- skwting rink it‘ilklen WEI)?“ whilohon picket duty and i \villrctui‘ii to .113 native land there to . , ' i1 " '†Elm†“St in“ ‘chr till-en io l):iiiiisville and from thence to I await the heat of summer that he fmlay 1 F881} ,3}, C.,.,....c..wd at ï¬ght Hibimond where his was iinmured in the luph with gladncss upon the .fl-llll': o _113 ,. 1» ,8 OLD STAND :‘:-. ‘ :__'_' ‘1, ,._1.1‘- â€"'.-), k . ', J . . ‘ n \ t i ' ..,. :1, , . ‘ "r," If?†1:113:11: months. \\ hell he arrived the accoxnzno- ‘ bird and praise the Creator of all things, SOOTHERAN CO 2 1 - "L “1}“ a "l“ I datioii was somewhat cramped, there hemp; for that which He ll'lS give], : ' 1 ‘ i"'â€â€œl ““3 m attendance and 1 between three and four thousand prison- l i ' 5 ° if . ‘ fiance was?“ T11)“: 3:0; E ei's enjoyingtbeinozigrchospitalitiesigoing A Dastardly Act in the Township of 011 h 1d b. Clearin sale under the i. 'i 7 “Virgil†‘" ‘ I.†“U“VD The authorities. lioWuch', “icre doingl all Hungerford. we W1 0 a 1g g 1 m -; in their )OWSI‘ to relieve tie r)l‘e\'2l.l ing . , . . - i hon'restioln by hanging as many :is possible BELLEVHjLEi APml Sirâ€"Particulars were 5 ii: wealth and Happiness. l daily on dud-.583 [,f being spies (,1. other ‘ to-day received of a. villainous act which .; .â€" .‘:.‘.- using tho greatest of all 1 objectionable gentry. The daily rations l was perpetrated on Saturday .night at {211-15. Dalitlcl'inn PHot Bitters, i served out “.01.; m.“ ounces of Cornbread, . Downcy s Rapids, in the townshipof Hun- - 2 Eligii-fimtbain’s. 10-4. 1 a oil] of black beans and a limited quan- geriord, ““32†Mmra lake. There 15 3‘ grist _ ‘titov â€f water t“ mch m.m_ ['nder this 111111 at. the place, .of which George Mod Tn: new Fins Pole. ism-lot. regimen Abe lost flesh rapidly, and Intrrcvfs lieslseflslfifl {8 131$; gwnlrlmller. {ash lwi-n erected lately {it the L when liberated with many others, upon i::;l1\\“i‘f$1‘jt:ldl“Sgt:1121;215122" logiea‘bidut w 1 2.- 1, on»; of the ï¬nest flag poles conditilon 'thuttihea‘iyflgf(if {:galililimbgiai; 1 â€.30 (m the night In questi()11,.sllurtlyï¬ftel: . .. ;‘ ,, ' , ' '( .iarnis uring 1e '1 , ‘ ‘1': . « ‘ ‘. _ ‘ ‘ f - i (. it'd? Eopn ill: geiiniiiilh i skeleton. For .110 past couple of Vcars ! Elle filiglllydi‘uj reï¬ned tO-tbL-(Ldtiliesiuihetlei “~ ‘ iii-‘ .‘ ~ i. Q, i n , '1 iMr. Delurey has been pressing his claim start L )y ‘l' "m ’r‘d’f’l a a†I .- l 2 1 7 J†“3'3 hm†m" grount. : ' my, time am, his ,le ‘ the hour.) was shaken in a most \iolcnt ‘7 Some of the occupants were ~. . ‘. . 1.11 » l v t 1,1)‘fnl'2l. pension, and u 51 ' » ..\ .»l1. .1 .o... .iiu pu 1 . ‘ :mmmer i ' i ' ‘ 5 ‘ ' ' l in was fzivorziblv i'c )ortcd u )on and 1 - . ' ‘1"x-I'Iimrmlence 0. Mr. “111. .pllwtlt. " . f i Q.004. s1" 11 .1, thrown from their beds, and the furniture 1‘ V - ‘- ‘l't to every 1 he received a cheque oi .,..1 .. , vac. , . '. . . 0 r i (I b A Lu“ I ' ‘ , 1 ' , .1 pt Q8 . th was tossed about 1]! all directions. ii . , . 4,1 I ~ . c'ifln ï¬nd we 1 pay. and was informer tld. a, 081 111011 -. . ‘ . , I f d M “It “ h 1 it) are i 7 I ‘ l M be his for life This was not quite going ‘30 Investigate†Mr. 1‘ cIntYre oun 7.. i. ii t“ nieu'mn MR L. ’H. IWlluil *‘ "vli' L li‘cl'ircv ox'ncr'tcd howc".-i- ,tbat 11 cartridge of dynamite or some other A. “I “1;: ( Uumy I I")- it 1| 12H -1...“ Cir :, R" m ,w. Whale the 1, 1., explosive had been exploded under one .. 1 .-‘.....'.l,.,. _ :1. 37-“! .18 lit/U 1.? . U_ . . ‘ 111,- m†r... My)†imt ii i1 .i .. \njoh f..i..ci...mm.1..,t hem-Ly end of the house, at which place the ‘1 )l':‘:t,vi . ,....,. . , . . . S“ u L t.) the amount of over building was demolished and the timbers scattered about. Strangely, and most and his now they ‘él and :ii: i"cro:15od nioiitbl ' ion-ion. ' ' H i I ‘ fortunately, not one of the nine inmates .2. 11.‘ ll‘) .. - . l _ k _ “ , ‘ ,.1.lâ€" . v it coll plotir‘l 1n {pit-.1.“ L, bun 1M.) > '.li " .. .â€" : ‘ l .l 1’? i ' i -4 )1 ,< . . . . â€ML- | I â€'t' _ of the dwelling was seriously injured. It :‘ .Tr-‘g‘. nri Flower Seeds, Fresh 1 - is reported that a man was seen to run . 4 fl , | Dutch Set Onions. . . . . . . and Reliable. _ . k 1% 4 away from the Vicmity of the building 1m- -- ‘- s 1..-. “om-rod a comâ€" 2 At HVQHI‘)“H“â€â€ 3 Drug s‘orc. ' " ' . nicdiatoly after the explosion. An investi- , , j ,11‘. 'LllLl “5.11 i . ’ """“ . igation Wlll be held before the local magis- . . 1.11.11. ml min)? i, buck w « , FISl'I for Lake Ontario. tp-ltc 'Lt T“ 60d 11L ‘ ‘ 3:11.15 to suit purchasers, b) ‘ , , . . ‘ ' ' U " 2 "WW? "1' l’ileil-CC- 3'13?th Monday about. one million wliitc .llsll â€" . . ‘ e dumped into the lake at various Come To Us. COS or 1! 9 a! 9 So liors that require large fry wcr . points beyond the isl t 0 - T . Parke’r,of Sandmch, Ontario. The little ctc., cheapest at 1.1 ï¬sh were hatched during the winter at Store. dinâ€"i. \V. M. Ronsox, lVIr. Parker’s hatchery at S mdhurst. They about three-fourths of an inch long, A Parachutist Who Failed to Drop. 0 o ‘ f d . Tc lien: sti'cct, “TeSt- were Thls IS the largeSt sale 0 goo S ever 3’ mm“. and were carriegl11 ta) T'iihontotin WEN: An American named Matthewls ata - or 2 ‘ W1 wa er. ac , . “W offered to the Lindsay public. Come early ’ ~ ’ can Contai ' ‘7 l Person of Peterboro , _ ’ . , , . A“. A. ’ 7". . ’ L ‘ ‘V . I I I O O I l‘hc C ms "Ole C‘nm’d out in one Of came very near losmg his life. The bal- . . - , - l fi‘v. 1.11.5 wool. attending the AS tlie ferry boatS. chartered for the purpose, loon had reached a great height when ' - ' n y) - . . , (f the Minden and dumpedatpoints where }t “'“S'tljimglll; Matthews made his leap, but it was not so ' o r V i ' 114†, "i‘.";â€-,]Lr‘:,’ 1i . . j a the f‘md was 1’1‘3X‘t,‘ful; 'lhelnlllllï¬lVSslou.. high that the great crowd of spectators and secure bargailnSo “1 i" i: â€â€œ5 “ CU " ‘lttuu m: i be full grown 1“ five years, when they WI“ were not able to see that he had become weigh all the way from .seven to twelve entangled in the cording 0f the air-ship Mr. Parker 15 to repeat the and was dangling helplessly underneath HE '11d it to their advantage 1222.11?“ , 1 lELSPL‘CC stock and prices before and by Mr. Wm. ForyourTimothy, Clover, Turnip, Millet, iginbcthani's Drus 10-4 friends of Mr. George Simp' pounds. ‘ "i““""""1 t†he“ that he ls re- process each spring by instructions from his car the balloon meanwhile drifting 5...; inch r. soVoi-c attack of iiiï¬amma- the Fisheries Department at Ottawa, and away, ’while gradually descending. In †under the POHCY inaugurated by the this way Matthews was carried several â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€" Dominion Government some time agoof miles and ï¬nally landed on the peak of-a Sr. Brown’s Magnetic 0“. stocking the llllaf‘d waters 0f the Domiu- roof, from which he was rescued. He was ~ i’\.siti\'ul\' cures worst cases of catarrh, ion With ï¬sh.â€"-â€"]2mptl'e. badly out. SPthhed and bruised, bl“ not C a e S? . .' lid in ill; head or system, sore throat, . Advice Free. seriously injured. . . . . lame back, kidney troubles, neuralgia. . . . F rheumatism, and aches and pains of every We are Willing to demonstrate to our . . armers. . description. Ask for Dr. Brown’s Mag- farmer how he can make money by buying Nowus the time to use the Old English netic Oil. Sold by all dealers, at25 cents his seeds from us.â€"â€"Higinbotham’s Drug Condition Powder, 250 at Higinbotham s :i bottle. |Store. 10-4. Drug Store. 10-4. ‘