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Watchman (1888), 14 Apr 1892, p. 4

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tain, that- Mr. Mowat does know that there is a license system in existence which has been made to yield a hand- some revenue to the provincial t1 easury, Temperance on Wheels. Temperance legislation received some attention in the session of the Ontario Assembly just closed, and a good deal of ligh: was let in upon the “true in- wardness” of the h’lowat Government’s professions of special rsgard for the temperance cause. On being taunted by the leader of the Opposition with insincerity in trifling with the question of prohibition by the passage oi local optiOn measures, etc, instead of by submitting prohibition to the vote or the whole province, Mr. Mowat put- the true position of his party on record by declaring that prohibition is not and has not been a plank in the Reform platform, and that the sentiment of the Province is not in favor of such legis- lation. There is one thing quite cer- Cartwright, Laurier, et 9], remain in public life? It is not at all likely. The present state of Mr. Blake’s health, however, and the claims of his private business prevent any reasonable hope of his return to public life. It is alto- gather likely that the reform party will be compelled to look elsewhere, if they are determined. upon a new leader and a. new policy. a. new policy that would be gladly acceptable to a considerable section of the Canadian people. But would it be pessible to unite the reform party firm- ly and loyal‘iy enough to ensure success upon such a. policy, so long as Messrs. A considerable portion of the reform press has been lately urging the return of the Hon. Edward Blake to public life, as the only salvation for the coun- try as it were, but in reality as the Only hope for the party. This means an acceptance or. the part of a large section of the reform party of “the situ. ation," and the abandonment of the policy of unrestricted reciprocity; for the last public utterance of Mr. Blake was an unqualified condemnation of that policy, as dangerous to the com- mercial and national future of Canada. It is not to be presumed that there is any lingering hope in the breasts of those inviting the return of the old leader, that 13.728 latter can be prevailed upon to retract the \Vest Durham manifesto far enough to be able to “time in” with Sir Richard Cartwright and Mr: Laurier and their discredited policy. It will be remembered that at Nalvern, in 1887, Mr. Blake promised ‘ if returned to power not to disturb the National Policy so as to needlessly destroy vested interests for the sake of a trade theory. In his \Vest Durham manifesto he emphasized the position that in any trade treaty the political and commercial integrity of Canada must be maintained. Unquestionably Mr. Blake could consistently formulate, Wall New, Prices PORTER’S Bookstore. 62 KENT-STREET. Ebe "(Watchman THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1892. which has been so thoroughly Immense Selection A New Leader Wanted. Artistic. Low. James" Hayes, :1. trimmer employed by one of the electric light companies of Boston was found dead Monday morning hanging to an electnc light pole on Dover street. He had received a shock. The Wabash river has overflowed, and many of the low lying sections of Indiana are flooded. Crops are ruined. Much damage has also been done by floods in the Sangamon valley Illinois. Tm; Ontario Legislature has made it optional with the Law Society to ,. permit women to practise as solicitors. This is rather a measly way of doing things. If the principle of admitting women to the practice of the law be right per 55, why leave individual rights to the tender mercies of the “profes- ision,” which is composed, of course, at present, entirely of horrid males. Such wishy-washy legislation looks very much as if in the case of the majority of our legislators, at least, the weaker vessel is the “other fellow.” Thty didn’t say ‘no,’ and they didn’t say cyes.’ Some were horrified at the thought of the possibility in the future of woman sitting upon the bench, while others dreaded most the unequal con- test before a jury between a pair of bcwitching fi‘malc black eyes and the less fascinating optics of the average male practitioner. It never occurred to our sage legislators that the public could stand it very well to have the ordinary m. p. confined by statute to the duties of ollice work, whilst the bewitching bltcl: eyes and the male portion of more than ordinary qualities and attractions could be left to light the rest of the business out in court. Tacked Onto the possible fun of the thing, is the question in which the public are deeply interested, as to whether cheaper law would not be fur- nished as a result of the fierce compe- tition which the change proposed would beyond doubt bring about. If smaller bills of costs would result as a. conseâ€" quence of letting the women of the country loose upon the lawyers. a. ple- bescite would soon settle the question. There is a considerable section also of the leg] fraternity for whom a. gocd “combing” would be a. positive public benefit, and we do not see any reason- able prospects of the work being pro- perly done without entrusting it to the gentler sex, By all means give the girls a; show. i “organized” as to have proved a power. ful factor in sustaining his government in power. But Mr. Mowat “begged the question” when he asserted that the people of Ontario are not in favor of prohibition, as he has taken good care not to test the sentiment of the pro- vince upon the questisn‘ by submitting it to the electors apart from party issues. The action of the Government, however, in attempting to amend the license law for the purpose of licensing the sale of liquor on railway trains, sets at rest any claims Mr. Mowat and his colleagues have hitherto put forward for the support of the temperance vote of the province. The attempt was nothing short of an outrage. Legaliz ing the sale of liquor on railway trains in the interests of the moral well-being, and the llVPS and limbs of the travell~ ing public, is a new phase of the tem- perance movement truly. And vet Mr. Mowat spoke in favor of it, and it required the united vote of the Opposi- tion and several reform members to force the Government to withdraw the amendment. These are “evidences” of the zeal of Mr. Mowat and his collea- ‘gues in the cause of temperance, which the public would do well to bEar in I mind. Editorial Notes. 0N July lst the provincial act goes into operation making it illegal to sell tobacco to youths under 18 years of age. It is not to be expected that the effect of the act will be to entirely pre- vent the use of the weed by minors, but one good effect will certainly be to discourage the habit to :1 considerable extent, a. habit which has betn found unfortunately to be growing amongst our young people. There 18 another law upon the statute book preventing the sale of liquor to minors, and for- bidding youths frequenting hotels or billiard rooms in connection therewith. Would it not be well for the author?- tics in this and other localities to look more closely afterthe enforcement. of this important provision? THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, Eight boys belonging to the Boston Farm boys were drowned Sunday evening by the capsizing of a sail boat. A Chicago paper says Vice- -presidenb Morton 1a to be renominated with Presi- dent Harrison. Moise Dehuc, a messenger in the sheriff's office in Montreal, suicir’m‘fl MM”- day by shootino. ‘An Alarming Portrayal of American Ambition by :1 Famous Writer. BRUSSELS, April 11.--The Indepen- dence Helge publishes the first of two art7clcs on thu United Status, South America and Europe by Senor Maxi- millanio lhancz. thewcll-knmrn Chiiian writer. 111ch reviews the circum- stance ot the Baltimore squabble he- twccn the llnitcd States and Chili, and says the Aziu'rican (Iowrnmcnt was quite wrong and unjustly exacting from first to last. lle discards the idca that Mr. Blainc's policy was merely inspired ed by electiom-cring purposes and pro- ceeds to show that it is part and parcel of a general policy aiming at results which are highiy alarming to the South American status and to European nations, among which Great Britain, France and Germany stand first. He recalls the annexation of California. to the United States, the Cat‘inct's inter- ference in the war between Chili and Peru in 1879, the pressure exercised to induce Peru to surrender its resources and freedom into the hands of the American firm of Grace Donough- more, the meddling of the United States in the present Chilian revolution and lastly, the \Vashington Pan- American Congress, where Mr. Blaine attempted to destroy the independence of the South American states through an arbitration court, which would have made the United States master of the fate of the New VVorld’s Latin republics. All these facts, besides the proposed Nicaragua canal, are set forth as show- ing that the United States are resolved upon achieving. by might or right, their dream of a New World zollverein, which would place both portions of America under their sway. Eight cases of smallpox have been re- ported in New Yurk since Saturday. 4. To appeal» to the Nationalist lend- Crs to (Insist from pressing a proposal which muat inevitabiy produce distur- bance and arrest the progress of the muntxy; and to the English and Scmch electorate to pause before cmnmitting the two islands ‘0 a struggle certain to be disastrous to the best. interests of both. In a. recent issue 0f your valuable paper,I notice a brilliant production from “the pen of our village school- master. The masterly effort of th1s great scholar, and We have great doubts if he could frame such another. as the language contained therein mustohave pretty well exhausted the present autlr-rized dictionary, NOW Surely he should be manly enough to own up that he is engaglng in the mercantile career, as it is a public property, As far as the matrimonial part of the tragedy is concerned, I cannot vouch, but if it is not true, I imagine it- is not his fault. Owing the spring work coming on,I cannot waste any more time on the subject. COR. DOWNEYVILLE April 12. To the Editer of The Watchman nadian cattle. so that such may be carried through the county to unifected markets. If extension of the disease leads to further precautionary measures being taken Ca- nada is sure to receive the most favorable consideration from the authorities. I recommend that only the best cattle, that, is those whose value would not be materiâ€" ally effected by compulsory slaughter bd shipped for the present. Dairy cows hde better not be shipped while the outbreak 1....5... ” lasts Secondâ€"To protect againqt any measure that would either cut them off from, or interfere with, their inheritance in the Impprin'. Legislature. Third~â€"To declare their utter and unchangeahle distrust of, and hostility to, an Irish Legislative Assembly, their determination to take no part in its organization or proceedings, and posi- tively to resist its laws and its taxation as having no binding; force on them. “Owing to foot and mouth disease Che- shi1c is declared an infected county by an order which has been issued. Such order, however, exempt<_ the landing place of Ca- The Minister of Agriculture considers the above stated exemption to be of great importance for Canadian cattle shippers. and he recommends that effect be given tn the‘advice of Sir Charles Tupper. A Programme of Resistance to the Home Rule Movement Mapped Out. BELFAST, Aprii 11.â€"â€"1n accordance with the resolutions of the Ulster Loy~ 31in convention, held on baturday laSL at Be‘sfast, committees 'nrc being formed in every parish or other district of Ulster, the members of which are pledged as follows : Sir Charles Tupper, high commissioner for Canada, has sent by cable message the following to the Minister 0f Agriculture:â€" First~Tounswerving loyalty of the throne. Consideration for Canadian CattIe. COMMUNICATIONS. NEWS ITEMS. Lots 15 and 18 on the North side of Kent street, Queen's Square. Tenders must be on a. printed form which can be obtained at the Clerk’s Oflice, and offers must state proposed terms of payment. Parties tendering must furnish a description and plan of buildings intended to be erected, and state time within which they will be erected. Ofl'ers will be received for any one or more of said lots Further parti- culars and conditions of sale can be had at the Town Clerk's Office. ' The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Lots 9,10 11,12,13 and 14 on the South side of Kent street Queen’ 5 Square Lots 21 and 22 on the North side of Kent street, Queen’s Square. Iach 10!: having a. frontage of 24 feet and a. depth of 168 feet. One of the jurors in the Reinhart case at Berlin has taken action for libel against Sherifl’ Springer and County Attorney Bowlby on account of expressions made use of regarding the verdict. .-\d(lrcssed to the Town Clerk and marked “Tenders fur Town Property” fur the purchase of the following valuable pm- perties, together with the buildings there- 0X1 2 MONDAY, MAY 2nd, 1892. TOWN? PROPRERTY MISS SILVER, Teacher of Instru- mental and Vocal Music, and P-Linting. Residence, 27 William St. North. 43-ly Will be receiVed at the Town Clerk’s - - (Mice up to - - The dining room is first-class, accommo dation unsurpassed. People stopping at this house will be used nicely. Large sheds, ample room. Welcome to all that stop at Geo. Carr's. Waverly House. Kent Street, East. Will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States during the Present Session of the Dominion Parliament on receipt of largest. swiftvst and must powerful stea- mers m the lakes. Lighted by Electricity and modern thmughuut. WAVERLY HOUéSE, 11.05 I'..\I.. except Tuesday at ”.40 Ian... and Sulurday a: 4.15 12M. CONXEC'IS at llncllcstcr with early trains fur all points nu New York Central :md all diverging linL-S. CALLsat Brighton and Colbourne on Monday and Wednesday Mornings for ltucllester. and Wednesday Naming and Saturday Evening from Rochester. T hrouzh Tickets and Baggage Checks from Agents or m] bnard. C. II. NICHOLSON, Gen. Pass. and th. Aqt., C. F. (’JILDERSLEEVE Pun'r HOPE. General anger, The GAZETTE’S Parliamentary Re- ports and Correspondence, admittedly the best published, will give each morning a carefully prepared impartial report of the proceedings of the previous day. Address ’ RICHARD WHITE. Managing Director Gazettee Printing (30., Montreal. THE DAILY GAZETTE nginning Monday April 25th, will leave (‘uhourg at 8 A.)1., and Port Hope at 10.30 .\.M., on arrival uf (}.T.R. Trains frum Nurrh, East and West. RETFRNING- Leaves Charlotte at Lake Ontario Steamboat Go. EMILY - F09 - RGEHESTER NORTH KING. Lindsay, April 9, 1892â€"15-3. TERMSâ€"$1 per day. THE NORTH KING IS one of the SEALED TENDERS MUSIC AND , PAINTING. TERMS OF SALE. HAVE YOU BEEN to see the new landlord at the MONTBE AL. Magnificient New Steamer FOR S PARCEI PARCEI ONE DOLLAR PABCEI GEORGE CRANDELL. Chairman T. P. Com. 1§INGSTON. 1892. tu/ . . V Lindsay. By the aid of the new Hydro-Carbon Gas Furnace he can make indestructible porcelain fillings and re- store broken and decayed teeth to their original shape, contour and colcr. By this process old roots can haVc porcelain crowns attached; consequently THERE IS NO PLATE REQUIRED. Gas, Vitalized Air, administered for nearly 23 years, extracting teeth for thousands of persons \\'ithouta parbideofpam. He uses the latest approved appli. ances tor administering the Gas. He studied under Dr. Colton, of New York, the inventor of gas for ex- tracting teeth, who has given it to over 160,000 per- sons and not a fatal case. 4-- -‘ ... w . n u . ,, “u“ 0... -~ . MR. NEELANDS uses Ball's Local Anatsthetic fol extracting teeth. He is now using a new style or forcep, which he had expressly manufactured while on his last visit to New York, which removes the teeth without danger of injury to the gums or jaw, the gums healing up beautifully in a few days, and no consequent trouble. Artificial teeth inserted on all the pegular bases and by the most approved styles and appliances for their retention and comfort. Numbers of persons are wearing teeth made by Mr. Neelands over 20 years and never required repairs. Prices from $10 to $65 for an upper or under set. we I 1 l.“ upy‘. v- Persons fgéh'xvaraiirstance will slease send a ,‘post card beforgcoming. Ofiicc, Kent Strett, Lindsay early opposuc Congress Hall.â€"4o. We, the publishers of “ North American H n in order to increase the Circulation of our 5,5,2}! throughout the United States and Canada, will Spend this year over one hundred thousand dolla among our new; subscribers in the form of an artistic Crayon Portrait and a handsome frame (as per Cut below), to be made free of charge for every new . subscriber to “.North American Hornets.» Our . , ' 2 family journal 15 a_ monthly publication consisting of g 16 pages, filled With the best literature of the day 5, by some of the best authors, and IS worthy of m; great expense we are doing for it. Eight years ago r the Nero York War-la: had only about 15.000 daily cu. culation; to-day it has over 800,000, This was obtained b udrcrous advertisement and a lavish expenditure of money. What the proprietor of: the N. Y. arla’ has accomplished we feel confi. dent of doing ourselves. We have-a arge digital to draw upon, and the handsome premium we are giving you will certainly give us the gest Circulation or any pager in the world. The money we are spending now among our subscribers W111 soon come bac to us In increasad cir. culation and advertisements. The Crayon Portrait we will haye made for you wrll be executed by the largest association of artists in this cxty. Their work 15 among the finest made, and We guarantee you an artistic Portrait and a perfect likeness to the original. There :5 nothing more useful as well as ornamental than a handsome framed Crayon Eortraxt of yourself or any member of your family; therefore this is a chance in a lifetime to get one already framed and ready to-hang in your parlor absolutely free of charge. REPAIRING ATTENDED TO ON THE 81-: OR‘ - EST NOTICE. - L O’CONNOE which cannot be beaten for easy draft. material or workmanshizy. Al 3 . . ' 1 ‘ ‘ . - .~ - ‘ - tlm’dbovc mil- as acid at the .10“ est hung prlces. Call and cxamm article and prlccs and be convmccd. â€" - â€" Send us $1.50, price for one year subscri tion to “ North American Homes,” and send us also a photograph, tmtype or dafuerrotype o yourself or .any member of your family, living 0, dead, and we will make you rom same an artistic half hfe size Crayon Portrait, and put the Portrait in a good substantial 7 It or bronze frame of 2 inch. moulding absolutely free of charge; will also umish you a genuine French glass, boxing and packing same free of expense. Cut this out and send it w1th your photo- graph at once. also your Subscnrition. which you can remlt bfiDraft, . 0. Money Order, Express oney Order, or Postal N otc, made payable to :.. ~ , . - - in .3, a .. f 1....., w. alr:t~1~."‘.~v:'§wrw,"aza'rzlw’ezvnzs W, ~ -. n“ 3" ‘. v/zrfmzwasga my 1;, ,- a ficafifigfle :fi d " For ," "Ta.“ 9‘} A‘ 0:.» "5‘3114‘133170 {at-$32.3“ a: . v c 1 \ Hm“. “Ln '" .un an, 's‘ to be found in this part of the Province. His work is so well-knov that in is scarcely necessary to say that he uses the best maierial a: workmanship in the construction of all kinds of Vehicles, and cons quently will not keep on hand an article that he cannot guarantee. A Few doors East of the Benson House. FAR??? mam 5W3 Ram m». I am in receipt (gff/zc 9623’ 1222235.; (295251725; w/zz'c/z will 56 fomza’ 2'7; 721:}! ((Zi’cfffl/éi' SU/c’ffc’fl 550517. - - - Carriages, Buggies, Gladgéanes 21nd Phaeion mrerenceaâ€"Aflggmfigraggggggfifiggait: $313353} World Building, ‘8! For Sample of our work see Editor of this paper. L. O’CONNOR has ready for hi MILLINERY @PENING] NEW ammm, WW Millinery E and rimming Eff ’c mum“: er'r‘r' “Th-7m \ Eg~c S / ”3;.:;:;.._.;::;‘- Ebe , FREE anvnN mmmw ram . NEELANDS, READ THE FOLLOWING- GRAND 30 DAYS’ OFFER: indsay, April 5th, 1892.â€"â€"I4-tf. For this Seawn’s Wear“. Ladies call and see my display of nvlv M. R. c. D. S. ONT. BENTI ST, MI 8 S 0333 for his customers a full line of the finest an most substantial - - - To all our Suhscflhers for I882. This GREAT COUGH CURE, thissw fill CONSUMPTION CURE, is without 8 ‘1 and m_ thg h}story gf_medicine. my dining! ire authorized to sell it on a positive gmran a. test that no other cure can successfully If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron as: (130 for it will cure you. yourt 0% e u,orWnooi (301121131591? .5- and relief; is sure. Plggyou Elmad thatlwaq disease CONSUMPTION, don’tfail E‘s” ' W113 cure you or cost nothing.’ ‘ Druggistfor SHILOH’S CURRY?“ m 50,, n-.. T. .nn: DruggISt tor bmwn'o bung, “w octs. and $1.00. If your Lungs an? 52‘: lame. use Shiloh’s Porous P1951651"? Egg F‘ :5 “By fi.‘ 1 own Lunii -<.\ ‘59! I u L": we can 1.0 aim \‘o furnish everything. “'4: start you. 5 your spnn- mnmcms. or all your time so entirely m‘w leudmpd brings }\'_ond(~rfu2 r Begimmre are varniug from $25 to $50 3 ‘ x -- . and umw’h‘r a lmlc experience. We ‘ at: :. pluymvnt and much you FREE. No Spm v w \‘ informaziua ERES. '1‘3 [IE .1; (10.. A; u SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. WP 33 E; Oh, refiume a * ~ M at fnl‘ 3 See him beie enough tn 7 Everythizv; _}Ir.J 7 (\I. ‘1 Marsh, who ex] missionaries n- H River. wi.;«Dfl meeting in St. Wednesiay me x? goes to ert 1 A180 agent for the ht for 30¢ Big assortmen:. cotton, at Higi::i~~._.z Artie cims. 2% Esquim:.: . . u 11 among the Ind' friends of nzissi attend. A c help extend west of this On Friday 1:1 tenance of 222-» and Peterbnz‘xx House and 1\‘> The H-vusk' 1 on Mr. ‘5}:ch an act respegzi in the County Kay explained the maintenrm Counties of V He claimed sh: Peterborough these bridges. boro’) moved another brick: maintenance. altogether at ‘ although Vic Strattnn (“1- against the. Li Peterboro’ h. inching of H- boro’ except ing that the longer to be Peterbnru'. THURSDAY. Mr. Fen g‘ to the argu members. cl: dealt wit 11 m accepted. A tie, Mr. W0 dith. the Hm 0f order ove1 should maiu‘ by the amen decided by both coun Over an ha and the bi! M 5 cans , etc.. I Victc ”I t ) I HAVE '1: nu ISLIh m U the

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