I- vi?- M '5}; The Government Prosecuting Larkm Connolly Co, OTTAWA, April 10.-â€"â€"Those critics of the Government who have been ï¬nding fault because more vigorous actlon was not taken in prosecution of the ï¬rm of Larkin, Connolly Co., in connection with the Esquimalt Craving: docx and other con- tracts. and those Grit editors and orators who have been writing and speaking that the prosecutions against Mr. McGreevy, the Connollys and others would be aban- doned, will ï¬nd their prognostications rather deranged by the fact that suit has been entered in the Exchequer Court of Canada against Patrick Lnrkin, Nicholas K. Connolly. Michael Connolly, Owen E. Murphy and Robert McGreevy for the recovery of $570,064.51 for moneys imâ€" properly obtnined in connecticn with con- tracts. There are eight distinct charges. An answer to the suit is required to be‘ ï¬led in the Exchequer court within tro months from date of service. The Montreal Horse Exchange. Point. St. Charles, report trade at their stables as follows :â€"“The horse trade at these stables during the week has been fairly active and 15 horses were sold at prices ranging from $85 to $140. “’6: have on hand for sale 40, complising heavy and medium draft, choice drivers and saddle horses, with one car of Western horses to arrive on Monday. Messrs. Kimball Ashman, of the city Horse Market, College street, write as follows about the horse market :â€"“The demand for horses has been fairly good for the past week a number of American buyers being in this city. The demand 13 for both light drivers and heavy workers. Our sales were twelve head at from $82 to $150. We shipped for Mr. Larkin, per Central Vermont railroad, to Fitchburg Mass, a load of 21 head to- -.day Wge received, fed and reshipped 19 head, for J. Watson, to Glasgow, via Allan line from Boston. We also received for sale 24 headâ€"15 extra heavy ones from Farrell Pascoe, of Woodstock, Ont. We have on hand for sale 44 head of good horses. consistino of drivers and extra heavy draught \\ e have a. car load of stallions to arrixe to- morrow from Glasgow via. Halifax and Canadian Paciï¬c railway.†Eggsâ€"In good supply and unchanged at 11% to 12¢: for fresh in cases, with the movement quiet. Butterâ€"Quiet on \Vednesday morning; really 900:1 rolls sold steadily as before at 17 to 18¢, but all other sorts inactive, and nominally unchanged. Hay â€"Pressed still scarce and wanted : good timothy sold to- day at $12 on track, which would probably have been repeat- Peaseâ€"Quiet and unchanged; held north and west as before at 58 to 59¢, but no movement to-day reported. Barleyâ€"There was some enquiry heard for export, but at prices below the views of holders. nor were the actual bids always to be had, but we understand that for No. 2 on the spot there were buyers to be found at. 48c f. o.c. Oatsâ€"Seemed scarce, quiet, and ï¬rm; mixed on track sold once at an advance to' 320; but we did not hear of any move- ment outside. Wheatâ€"Unsettled and inactive ;in the morning fall wheat lying outside would probably haie brought as much as on Saturday, but this did not appear to be the case later on and it is somewhat dfï¬cult to quote values with conï¬dence as we write; we should think however, that white and red lying west stood about 84 to 850. Manitoban inactive; with No. 1 hard offered to arrive at North Bay for $1.07 and No. 2 now there at 97c, with 86%c bid fcr N3. 3 hard F lootâ€"Unchanged; no movement re- ported no enquiry heard. English quotations were a halfpenny lower on white wheat and a. farthing on corn to-day, but cargoes are quoted at an advance. States markets show a. strong reaction. The local market was decidedly dull. do extra Prime ........ O 00 to 00 00 Shorts per ton ............ 17 00 to 19 00 Lambskins ............... O 50 to 0 6O Sheepskins. pelts. . . . . . . .. 0 50 to O 60 Live Hogs, “ “ “... 0001:0500 Flaxseed per 100 ......... 2 00 to 3 00 Dressed Hogs, per 1001b. 4 50 to 5 00 Rye .............. 00012-0075 Bran per ton ............. 16 00 to 18 00 MixedChop..;. ........ 110t0120 Screenings ................ 90 to 1 00 Alsike Clover ............. 7 00 to 8 00 Red Clover .............. 3 75 to 4 25 l‘imothy Seed ............ 1 50 to 2 00 Corn Chop. , s ............ 1 75 to 1 85 Oat Chop ............... 1 20 to 1 30 Pea Chop ................ 1 20 to 1 30 Potatoes per bushel ....... Buttger per 1b ............ 3.008; do do ........... Flour, new process ........ Flour, mixed, roll ......... Strong bakers. . . . ......... Barley, per bushel ......... LINDSAY MARKETS. Omen or TEE LINDSAY WA 'rcmmm. LINDSAY, 0N1, April 13, 1892. Fall Wheat per bushel, 018.. $0 '77 to 0 00 Fyfe do do ............... 000t0082 S_pring do ................ 0 00 to 0 77 ‘ - nn '_- n an Salt, per barrel ............ Straw, per load ............ Wool .................... Hides .................... Montreal Horse Market. Toronto Markets. Toronto April 13. 5~00Ru59 00 559221.. 043%me mmmmmmmmmmmwwmooo 4momm mwgmmsmmwmmt 0000000030020060 ‘3uuuaoauu LU UR: UI'OUIIGS, IOC- JAS. FARRELL, JAS. KEITH, President. Secretary. Admission to the Grounds 7. In no case will any of the precedin" rules be departed from. 6. The animals must be on the G by 1 o’clock p.m. on day of Show will have to remain on the Ground 4 o’clock. If not on the grounds b; will not be judged. 2. The horses to which prizes will be awarded must stand in Lindsay once a week during the season, and horses shown in General Purpose Class to which prizes will be awarded mus: not weigh more than 1,450 lbs. 0') 0. Horses not entered in the prnper class shall be ruled out, and the Judges will have the right to rule out any animal if they think they are not Worthy of a prize; and horses nut entered will not be allowed on the grounds. 4. The Bulls to which prizes shall be awarded must- be kept for service in the Township during the season. .. ~ “a --- - ..-. â€my before awardmg prlzes. Prlzes w111 not be paid until October. 1. All entries must be received by the Secretary before the day of Show, and may be mailed to him or left at his store, William street, Lindsay. Emries may be mailed till 12 o’clock noon of the day of Show, on payment of $1 extra. 5. Pedigrees of bath Horses and Bulls must be produced to the satisfaction of the Judges and Secretary on Fair Day k..€,\_.\ -___ A ,1- . v- . Percheron, Carriage and General Pur- pose Horses-â€"Patrick Curtin and Henry Logie. Heavy Draught: and Canadian Draught Horsesâ€"A. Cunmngham and John Hartley. Bullsâ€"A Robertson and John Jackson. Committee to look after the groundsâ€"James Farrell and W. J. Moore. RULES and REGULATIONS. Thoroughbred Durham with pedigree, over twv years oldâ€"lst prize, 34; 2nd prize, $2. COMMITTEE to ASSIST the JUDGES Polled Angusâ€"let; prize, 32 ; 2nd prize1 Stock Raiser’s Journal. Thoroughbred Durhams with pedigree, two years old and underâ€"lat: prize, $4; 2116. prize, $2. General purposeâ€"lat prize, $6 ; 2nd prize, $4 ; 3rd prize, 552. Road and Carriage-lst prize, $6 ; 2nd prize, 84 ; 3rd prlze, 52. Percheronâ€"lat prize. $5; 2nd prize, Diltloma. Heavy draughtâ€"13‘: prize, $8; 2nd prize, $6 ; 3rd prize, 34. Canadian draught-Rt prize, 36; 2nd prize, $4; 3rd prize, $2. AGRICULTURAL PARK, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1892, When the following premiums will be awarded : The Spring Show for the OPS AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY will be held in OPS SPRING SHOW. Orders ï¬lled as received. His stock are all prize birds, as follows: HOUDANS. WHITE LEGHURNS, PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Money lent on mortgage, and mort- gages and notes negotiated. Straight bans at 6 per cehf. “nuâ€"N A-â€" HIGH-GLASS POULTRY LIND SA; Parties Wanting THOROUGfl-BRED POULTRY VIII, .mMOOMH Hwhbouï¬iwqb MONEY TO LOAN. HORSES- D- C- THE main on tlie Gronndrutxtil nut on the grounds by 1.30 |,,,, J MOORE JACKSON. AT THE on day of Show, and LLS- had better apply to for Eggs for hatch- ing at once. I. c. TREW, DSAY- hound THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY, THURSDAY! 100 Cords of SOFT WOOD to be deliv- ered at the Steam Boat; Wharf, for which cash will be paid on delivery. GEORGE ORA N DELL. Captain. Thanking our numerous customers for past favors, and hoping, by Strict Atten- tion to Business and Fair Deahng, to merit a. share of public patronage. I am, Yours, c., Joists from 10 to 30 ft. long. Scantling in all sizes. Ccdn and Pine Tunbcr. Shingles at 750. which used to sell at $1. Best Lime in the market for 12 cents per bushel. Estimates on Bills furnished on short notice. and as it is necessary to vacate one of the _10ts now occupied in order to save expense of moving and make room for new stock coining in, I will sell at reduced prices. for cash, during the next; 30 days. I have on hand in Pine, Ash, Spruce, Basswood and Hem- lock, c. Having purchased Mr. Killaby’s interest in the Lindsay Lumber and Wood Yard, it is my intention to carry on the business in the old stand, No. 8 Wellington Street, At. the present time I haVe a large stock of - - - - HARDWBOD LUMBER FOR L’LOOEING A SPECIALTY- Lumber, Wood, Coal, Lime, Etc., Etc., Successor to Killaby Kennedy. JOSEPH VI STAPLES, By his Solicitors Barron LC; McLaughlin. Dated at Lindsay this 28th day of March, 1892. All creditors of the said Estate are hereby required to ï¬le their claims with Messrs. Barron «S: McLaughlin, of the Town of Lindsay, Solicitors for the As signee, as directed by the said Statute, on or before the day of such meeting ; after tle First day of May, 1892, I shall pro- ceed to distribute the said Estate, having regard only to such claims as I shall have m tice of, and I shall not be responsrble for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons whose claim or claims shall not have been so ï¬led. A meeting of the creditors of the said Estate is hereby convened and will be held at the Law Ofï¬ce of Messrs. Barron McLaughlin, Kent street. Lindsay, on Friday, the Eigth day of April, 1892, at Two o’clock in the afternoon, for the ap- pointment of Inspectors, and the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above named Insolvent has made an Assignment [0 me under the I’ruvisions of the Revised Statutes of On- tarlo, 1887, Cap. 124, of all his astute and effects for the beneï¬t of his creditors. In NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! LUMBER, SHINGEES, G., The best methods of preserving the natural teeth by ï¬lling With Gold and other reliable material, has been made a study for nearly THIRTY YEARS by Mr. Gross) and special attention and care is given by In 'his branch of his business. No unnecessary pain in pulling. _ '_ Don' t fail to call on GROSS at hisofï¬ce, over Ken- nedy'sstore Kent Street, and see specimens of his work. v The introductxon from time to time of the latest up: pliances for the admmistration of VITALIZED AIR and Gas, enables Mr. Gross to announce constantly increas- ing success in the use of these anaesshetics. N 0 pain no accxdents, no torn gums. consequently no dissatls faction. R. KENNEDY, lwithout plate), practiced by Mr. Gross wh great 53 sfaction to a large number of persons. nsexted by the most approved methods and principle or securing perfection of ï¬t, comfort, usefulness, dura bility and beauty, on Gold, Silver and Celluloid,also all the harmless dental Rubbers, and at the lowest liv- ing prices. All sets of teeth ï¬nished and ï¬tted r mouth by Mr. Gross. himself, or under his persona. supervision, which Will account for the satisfaction given by his_work. THE POPULAR GOLD and PORCELAIN CROWNING SYSTEM DENTIST DRESSED LUMBER - the Matter of TI Township of Laxtc Victoria, Insolvent. NOTICE WANTED ARTIFICIAL TEETH “900.00 :1 yemI 11a bulng made by John R. Goodwin,’l‘roy.N.Y.,nt work for us. Reader, you mny not mulcc nu much,but we can mach ynu quickly huw to earn from $5 to lg") a «lay at the start, nnd more us you go on. Both new», all ugos. In any part of \mericfl. you can cuimnunco n: home, givâ€" np; all your Iimem‘ kila'rc momenta only to ‘21., wm‘k. A†in nuw. Hrvnt my SURE for every worker. We Murt you. flzrnlahinc everything. EASILY, Sl'l-Ilï¬lflLY learned. PARTICULARS FREE. ,y‘nlxlrcu at once, N‘TINSON 3 00.. l‘Uii'l'lAAi}. MIA)“. DEALER IN T0 GREDITORS. of Thomas Greene, of the Laxton, in the County of R. KENNEDY. ‘. C. D. S.. Ont, - LINDSAY! Direct from the maker, Belfast. Cheaper goods than ever oï¬â€˜ered in Lindsay. Rollering, prices. range chief- ly 5c. 8. and 100. Table Linen, chiefly {range 250, 35c, 400. and "a250, Towels, all Linen, 1230, 15c, 200 and 25c. . We solicit a. large share of your DUNASI FLflVELLE Baas. Cottonades, Shirtings, Sheeting, Pillow Cotton. Prices lower than ever, nothwithstanding recent ad- vance in price. Ready to put on, Light in weight and color. Prices $6.00, $10.00, and $12.00. 20 different varieties. Prices be- gin at $1.00 in Navy Blouse Suits. Our Spring StoCk surpasses in extent, variety and attractiveness anything we have heretofore offered. Our preparation and importations have been larger, and the superiority of our stock is now universally re- cognized. Visiting, personally, the Old World markets and buying direct from the manufacturers, .gives us the cheapest goods, at the same time maintaining our high grade quality. No firm shows the variety of Cloths for Ordered Suits, and our va- riety and quality of Tweed for $12.00 $13.50, and $15 00 suits surpass any they before offered to the trade. STAPLE GOODS. LINEN GOODS. MEN’S OVERCOATS. ', APRIL 14, 1892. BOYS’ SUITS. HlGIN qu IS ITA‘